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2011-01-29 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3328811

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

NATHAN again -

But I am reminded of the little-known Twenty-Third Commandment: Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's bike path.

Consider me chastened........

2011-01-30 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
My favorite part about the training scene here is I don't have to fight over or share lanes in a pool - that's something that drives me nuts.

My first ride will probably be in a week or so, once mom leaves town and my legs heal from unloading that damn truck  
2011-01-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3329208

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Oh. Yeah. Packing and unpacking. Well, that's all valid cross-training in my books, especially at the strngth end of things. Squats! Pressses! Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

2011-02-11 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Hopefully 50 miles tomorrow plus run.
2011-02-11 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Nice - been running here a bit, still haven't taken that damn ride yet - too much time working.
2011-02-12 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3351418

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Good to see you here! I was thinking about going through foreclosure proceedings with this site, but then decided I would just let it sit -- leave a window unlatched so any of you could drop in and hunker down whenever the spirit moved you. I even left some conceptual armchairs to nestle into and get comfortable; enjoy!

I see you've been stealthily busy, building that mileage up to a 50-miler with no apparent second thoughts (if you have them, you don't mention 'em). Cool beans!

I continue to swim lots and do a fair number of fairly mindless 70-90 minute trainer reides, but of course riding outside is still quite a ways off. Last year was something like March 13 for a first outside ride, and that was exceptional. Lynn is going to Australia from Feb 20 to March 19, and it has occurred to me that if I really wanted to get a jump start on the season I could drive to Virginia and do lots of cycling for a couple of days........but I'll probably keep it on the less expensive side and stay home and rent mindless movies with which to do my mindless trainer rides.

I ran for the first time in 16 days, nursing my right peroneal tendon. The run yesterday was only 24 minutes, but the tendon seemed fine. In general, peroneal problems arre NOT deal-breakers, but as this was my first time with it, I opted for being overly-cautious. With each passing year, I am actually getting wiser about listening to my body and taking time off when it seems prudent to do so. In most other respects I become more of a lunkhead with each passing year, but with regard to injuries I show a falsh of advanced intelligence. Halleloo!

I still have no concrete plan for the season, and when I posted a schedule on my newest group a few days ago, within about 34 hours I had to change it. I haven't done that physically yet, but I know that what I posted is about as useful as predicying world peace by next January 7.

What's first up for you in the full-blown '11 season?

Hope all is well with you!

2011-02-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3351419

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Good on running again, and I'm not at all surprised that you haven't gotten in a ride yet. I mean, moving a family and getting that scene set up, and also getting established with work, probably leaves meagre time for much of anything else. That said, you've probably done great just be running once in a while!

Are you even playing around ith any race ideas yet, or is it likely that if any rwcing happens, it will be later in the season? Just curious!

As I just posted to Neil, winter continues to drag on in its inexorable fashion up here, and I am getting keen on thre thought of riding outside again in 4-5 weeks. That may well just be wild fantasy ---- but hope springs eternal in the human breast!

Keep in touch!

2011-02-13 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
I managed 40 miles w a 4 mile brick run. Today I am thinking another ride and a 10 mile ride.Prepping for 70.3 on april 2.
2011-02-13 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3352713

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Oh! Yeah! Cal70.3!

Pretty good prep, what you've done. You sound very cool and calm about it, sort of business as usual -- which, given what you've done over the past couple of seasons, is probably very close to the truth.

Did you get the ride and 10-miler in today?

2011-02-13 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Well I did get in an 8 miler. It was a bit hot out midday so i was waiting for it to cool down and before i knew it it was dark. I was doing a trail run which was a bit scary last couple miles. Dark out with just enough light polution to make it difficult to see my footing.
2011-02-15 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3353399

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Brave boy -- an 8-miler on a trail in the gathering gloam! Heck, I don't do trail runs even in full daylihght! Wish I felt I could, but I don't --- so I don't.

On the mend from the peroneal tendon inflam, I did about 6.2km yesterday and it felt okay at the time; so, I'm cautiously optimistic. The ache de jour is the hips, which seldom bother me. I did 75' at fast pace last night on the trainer, and just did another identical one, so the hips (esp. the left) one os really biting right now. Grrr!

A swim earlier today went fine, and shortly I will head off to do a leisurely ski with Luna. My hips may not like this, but she sure will.

Easy on those twistable ankles, Neil!!

2011-02-27 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Twelve days! I had to wake us up

How is everyone!?! Neil - getting ready for 70.3? Nathan settled in? Lisa prepping for AAA? And Steve, do you have a season mapped out yet?

Things here are good! I got out for my first outside ride of the season today I don't know how far, because my Garmin is broken, but I went for about 2.5 hours. It was fabulously glorious I rode with the Free-wheelers, and I was able to crush some hills... I can't wait to start riding outside full time. The new apartment has easy access to some GREAT roads. I was actually able to ride to the Free-Wheeler starting spot, which was so different from driving 45 minutes away to meet up with the group.

I am, however, coming to the conclusion that I may be outgrowing Freewheelers. They've been great for me the past two seasons, but I'm starting to get to the point where I want to ride hard sometimes, which isn't really what they do. They're more of a social club. Also, there were some long stretches where I really really wanted to get down into aero, but I didn't because that's not really acceptable on a group ride. So, I think there will be less Free-wheeler rides in my future, particularly when I get the new tri-bike (hopefully in the next few weeks).

Hmmm otherwise training is great Louisville is EXACTLY 6 months from tomorrow - holy cow. It's business time. I managed about 7 hours of trianing last week pretty easily - even though it was a crazy week. Mark got very sick and I had to bring him to the hospital on Wednesday morning. We think it was just food poisoning, but it was pretty terrible. Luckily he's recovered.

Steve - did you see that Bassman Int'l has been switched with the half - so they're doing the Int'l in the fall and the half in the spring? I'm kind of annoyed, because I wanted to do Bassman again. It would be my third year in a row there - and last year I pulled off an 18 minute improvement and second in the AG, so I thought it would be fun to do again to see if I could cut more time off. So, boo on them for mixing it up!

My schedule is as follows:
- Long Branch Half Marathon: May 1
- Devilman Half-Lite 50: May 7
- Eagleman: June 12
- IMLouisville: August 28

Edited by ThatGirl 2011-02-27 2:22 PM
2011-03-02 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3374398

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


WHOA! Your inspire to me inspired me to check here, and I see that yopu appeared a few days ago. Cool beans! That shows you how those blinders have worked --- that I still check my other archived group, but mostly stopped looking down a few notches for you guys. To play further on the theme of a foreclosed mentor site......I guess I've become like an absentee landlord here, eh? I must improve on that, I guess!

I'm off soon for a swim, and will gte back here later today to respond to your fine post. For now, though, just a couple of non-tri thoughts:
--Too bad the Devils were so abyssmal early on, cuz they've had a great past month or more
--How are you doing with the indomitable Mr. Christie? I think you know my politics enough to have an idea what I think of him!

Non-non-tri thought ---- happy six-months-and-counting day, just past. I'm sorry I missed celebrating it........which would've happened had I been more attentive here. You sound psyched, and should be! Did you feel the earth wobble on its axis a few dats ago? I think when I trained for IMLP in '04, there were about 30 times I thought I felt the earth wobble when I contemplated the gravity of my situation. It was actually always a pretty cool sensation; I hope it's that with you.

That's too bad about the Freewheelers, but it says volumes about you and where you have progressed too --- and in fairly short order, too! Is there any group nearby that you could graduate into, or are you now destined to be a solo busybee such as I am? There are advantages to that, given the looooong day that IM involves, and learning how to rely on yourself could well pay dividend on race day. Then again, I suspect you have no problem at all with digging deep into your own mental resources, and that whatever LOO throws at you psychologically, you'll be able to handle it.

I had not seen that about Bassman, but I haven't followed Bassman this year. I have paid passing attention to Devilman, though, and that might happen for me. I get hung up on the long one or the short one, with the arguments for the long being you and a couple I know from VT, John and Dot Martin, who are doing the long. I am ever-so-slowly cobbling together a xschedule, but to date the only thing I have signed up for is Cayuga Lake oly on Aug 6, I think it is. I will probably sign up for Nation's, too, on Sept 11. Later on I will mention the other races I am eyeing.

I have gone through a series of minor lower-body woes that have undermined my running some; that shows up nicely in them there purty graphs! The upshot of this is that I have even more serious questions about how healthily I can "go long", so I'm really wary of half irons. The pity here is that I did the HM in October to test my current run strength at 13.1, nad did it in 1:37 which thrilled me.....and then the woes began. First my long-dormant bunion, then neuroma stuff, and more recently a peroneal tendon (first time for that) and some hip probs. Bah! So it might be another year of building my speed at olys, which in and of itself would be fine. I haven't given up on HIMs yet....but the clock is ticking on decision-time!

My off-season volume is ridiculously high, and with no goals right now beyond olys it doesn't make much sense. I seem to be prepping for two IM in consecutive weeks, and that's just foolish. Most of that is the form of cycling on my trainer, with a fair bit of swimming and lifting thrown it. The running has, a I just implied, been patchy.

Oh! I responded to you inspire, but seeing as how that system baffles me, I may not have vollied it back to you correctly. Let me know if you received it. In it I gave you my email address, which I will give again if I failed with thr return inspire.

Refards to mark, and I'm sorry he was so sick. I had food poisoning once, and at times I thought it would be far better to spend a few eternities in the Seventh Ring of Hell. It only lasted a few days; it just seemed to go on forever at its height!

Now, REALLY, I have to head to the pool!

2011-03-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3351650

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
Hey everyone!

Weather here has been great. I've signed up for a gym membership, which is handy for getting my indoor work on when it gets too hot as well as get some free weight training in.

Still not back on the bike or swim yet, but I might make this the year of the half-marathon or marathon.

Side note: Accidentally left my garage open yesterday when I left, and luckily I came back and nothing was gone.  Could have been disasterous!
2011-03-07 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3378940

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Do Devilman, Steve! I'm already signed up for the "Half Lite" - which I'm fairly excited for. Will be the first tri of the season for me. It's a great hybrid distance if you're still worried about the nagging knees Good long, flat bike for you to hammer... As long as its not as windy as last year!

I had a horrible weekend in Florida - I started feeling sick on Friday morning. When I got him from work around 1pm, I had a 102 fever... I crashed for an hour or so, but then I had to get up and get myself to the airport. Fever was on and off for the weekend - it appeared to have broken Saturday morning, so I was able to sit by the pool for a while, but then flared back up that afternoon, so I ended up going to my cousin's wedding with a 101 fever. Miserable! Made the flight home last night, but stayed home from work today and spent most of the day sleeping. Finally feeling better now.

Not sure how I'm going to transition back into training, since I've been off since last Thursday? We'll feel it out tomorrow...

2011-03-07 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3387321

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I'm so sorry Florida was a disaster! Not much worth putting in your postcards, huh?

Are you aware ot the Jersey Shore International Triathlon? The date is Sept 24, the webiste is It is at the top of my list for that time of year (Sept 17-Oct 3 range), and if I can nab a decent accom rate I will sign up soon. One the other hand, i'm not sure of the hurry, as it says it will cap at 2000 athletes! (Somehow, I don't think they're even a quarter there yet!)

I'm still weighing Devil, along with other things at that time of year. It's tempting, though (isn't the devil ALWAYS tempting? )

As for your training, let all those lost workouts go. Vamoose to them. Don't try to double up, and the only way you might want to switch stuff is if one of the missed ones is a "key" workout, which is probably unlikely at this stage of things. BBut if there was one, fit it in and drop one that seems mostly expendable.

Get completely well soon, Jess!

2011-03-10 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3387469

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

stevebradley - 2011-03-07 10:03 PM JESS - I'm so sorry Florida was a disaster! Not much worth putting in your postcards, huh? Are you aware ot the Jersey Shore International Triathlon? The date is Sept 24, the webiste is It is at the top of my list for that time of year (Sept 17-Oct 3 range), and if I can nab a decent accom rate I will sign up soon. One the other hand, i'm not sure of the hurry, as it says it will cap at 2000 athletes! (Somehow, I don't think they're even a quarter there yet!) I'm still weighing Devil, along with other things at that time of year. It's tempting, though (isn't the devil ALWAYS tempting? ) As for your training, let all those lost workouts go. Vamoose to them. Don't try to double up, and the only way you might want to switch stuff is if one of the missed ones is a "key" workout, which is probably unlikely at this stage of things. BBut if there was one, fit it in and drop one that seems mostly expendable. Get completely well soon, Jess!

Still not completely well - booo. I think I have an ear infection again, so I popped myself on some left-over anti-biotics I had rolling around in my medicine cabinet (whoops, don't tell my doctor or my microbiologist father ). Hopefully I'll be better by the weekend!

Jersey Shore looks fun! I'm not sure if it fits into my fall season - i.e. recovery from IM Lou then NYC Marathon - but perhaps, perhaps Either way, if I don't do it, but you come, I'll volunteer!

As for training, still trying to ease myself back in. Got in a good 50 minutes on trainer yesterday morning, and I'm hoping to make it to the gym this evening for a run. Won't be swimming though, given the ear-ache

I need a little advice - I've been seriously considering hiring a coach this year to get me through Eagleman, the summer, and IM Lou. I need someone who can set workouts that will work with my (admittedly INSANE) schedule, and someone who will keep me accountable. So I'm looking more for the scheduling and accountability side of it, rather than the, omg, we'll make you the best athlete ever part of it (though, if I could beat 6 hours at Eman I'd be pleased as punch). Any recommendations? Are there online services I should look at, or anyone who does that kind of thing? I really wouldn't want to spend much money, but could justify a little investment since I'm not racing that often this season (all my race fees - Long Branch, Devilman, Eman, Lou and NYC Marathon are already paid for the year).

Thoughts? I know I could do it on my own, but I really could use the guidance in the IM build up...

ALSO -- Steve, if you're looking for a fun half marathon, come down for Long Branch in May It'll be a good time!

2011-03-10 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3392486

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I forgot about your date with NYC Marathon! When is that -- late October? That just makes your '11 even better, what with the Eagle AND Louisville AND that small matter of a wee ceremony of some sort. Plesse tell me you're not trying to top it in '12!

As for coaching, look into D3. That's the one that worked so well for me from '03-'07, although my own coach, Erik Cagnina, retired from that gig in '07. The owner, Mike Ricci, is a really competent athlete and coach, and he has assembled a roster of very talented coaches as well. There will be a significant cost to that, though, although I'm so out of that loop that I have no idea what the going rate is for various levels of service.

A realted option is to go with Gold memebership here, and that allows you access to a D3-monitored forum. I think you're allowed unlimited questions, which might be better than many coaches offer; some liken to keep personal correspondance down to just once or twice a week.

I took out Gold this year, and haven't used it a single iota. But I will go to the forum and see how that looks to be operating, and I will also look into the half-iron and iron plans there. One of the women in my latest group is working through a HIM plan there, in prep for Eagle, but she's in one that is incredibly demanding with some bizarre workouts for right now. One is a 4-hour ride this weekend, and I've never seen a ride of that length in a half-iron plan this far out from the goal race. She also has a cycling trainer session that calls for 25 minutes at a cadence of 105, and that's just flat out tough to do -- not to mention not especially useful for Eagleman. And, she just turned 60 and is in only her second season.

So, even though I want to have faith in the Gold plans, the one she's following just seesm out of whack.

Let me know what you find, and if nothing suits you then we can talk about another option, okay? In the menatime, i will search around on your behalf.

Finally, sheesh, i hope you solve the ear infection problem. Thank goodness for leftover meds, though, and may they do the trick for you!

2011-03-12 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3393055

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

stevebradley - 2011-03-10 11:49 PM JESS - I forgot about your date with NYC Marathon! When is that -- late October? That just makes your '11 even better, what with the Eagle AND Louisville AND that small matter of a wee ceremony of some sort. Plesse tell me you're not trying to top it in '12! As for coaching, look into D3. That's the one that worked so well for me from '03-'07, although my own coach, Erik Cagnina, retired from that gig in '07. The owner, Mike Ricci, is a really competent athlete and coach, and he has assembled a roster of very talented coaches as well. There will be a significant cost to that, though, although I'm so out of that loop that I have no idea what the going rate is for various levels of service. A realted option is to go with Gold memebership here, and that allows you access to a D3-monitored forum. I think you're allowed unlimited questions, which might be better than many coaches offer; some liken to keep personal correspondance down to just once or twice a week. I took out Gold this year, and haven't used it a single iota. But I will go to the forum and see how that looks to be operating, and I will also look into the half-iron and iron plans there. One of the women in my latest group is working through a HIM plan there, in prep for Eagle, but she's in one that is incredibly demanding with some bizarre workouts for right now. One is a 4-hour ride this weekend, and I've never seen a ride of that length in a half-iron plan this far out from the goal race. She also has a cycling trainer session that calls for 25 minutes at a cadence of 105, and that's just flat out tough to do -- not to mention not especially useful for Eagleman. And, she just turned 60 and is in only her second season. So, even though I want to have faith in the Gold plans, the one she's following just seesm out of whack. Let me know what you find, and if nothing suits you then we can talk about another option, okay? In the menatime, i will search around on your behalf. Finally, sheesh, i hope you solve the ear infection problem. Thank goodness for leftover meds, though, and may they do the trick for you!


Steve -

Thanks for the D3 suggestion - I will check them out I'm actually really starting to think that hiring someone to give me feedback and help me schedule the next five months may be a great idea for me. I've always (always!) been self-trained, so it will definitely be a new adventure for me. Like I said, I'm not necessarily looking to be molded into the best athlete evvvarrrr, but scheduling help would be nice

In other, fun news - I went bike shopping today! I've been shopping pretty seriously over the past few weeks, and I have it narrowed down to two bikes. One is being built up in my size for me to take on a test-spin next weekend, and then I'll have my final decision to make. The final considerations are the Felt B16 (same bike I really looked at last summer) and the Cannondale Slice Women's.

When it comes to value for the money, I think the Felt is leaps ahead of the Slice. The Felt comes with a full Ultegra build, while the Slice is 105. Both are about the same price... Both would have 650 wheels (yay! bike that fits!). I think I like the looks of the Slice (blue and white) more than I like the looks of the Felt, but the Felt is pretty cool in a hardcore way And when you see it up close, the Felt is more gray than black because of the carbon fibers in the bike.

I was able to test ride a Felt today - but it was the aluminum S22 because they didn't have a B16 in my size. After I go for the test-ride of the Slice next weekend, I'll make a final decision... Right now I'm leaning towards the B16 because of the Ultegra for the same price, but we'll see how next weekends test ride goes.

In other news, I started a new blog that I'm going to try to keep up-to-date through Louisville. It's going to be a busy/crazy year, and I'd like to have a journal to look back on.

Here's a link, and you can read my first two posts:

It's beautiful here this weekend - 50s and sunny. I ran today, and I'm hoping to get out for a nice ride tomorrow. I hope you're having good weather in Canada, Steve!

Edited by ThatGirl 2011-03-12 4:46 PM
2011-03-14 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3395092

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


If and when you write D3, you'll be writing to Mike Ricci and tell him I sent you. i don't know if that will help any, but we have a good relationship. he too is a hardcore Red Sox fan, and each yar I buy him a Red Sox yearbook and send it to him in Colorado. He never asked me to do this (it's just another of those services I provide), but I know he appreciates it and MAYBE, if the client rosters are close to full, he can fit you in. Just a thought!

Getting coached made a world of difference for me (as i think Lisa found last year, too). In a nutshell, it was scheduling and accountability, and the scheduling wasn;t just the big picture, but also the nature of the workouts. I contacted D3 when it was just Mike, but because he was at his own limit he was all set to hire another coach. So I was the first client of Erik Cagnina (who has since retired from coaching) and it was the best move I ever made. May it be the same for you!

As oyu search, though, remember to ask the all-important question: "DO YOU INDIVIDUALIZE?!?" I previously had a different coach, and it took several months to realize that even when I told her I was hurt or sick, nothing changed. And of course you know what that meant -- I and others of her clients with broadly similar backgrounds received the same "canned" plan. With Erik, though, if I received one of the three-week workout blocks and then had some problem two days later.......he would respond with a reconfigured block. Wow!!

FWIW, my LBS loves Felt -- maybe even more than Cervelo. I am due to go by there soon, and if I can do itvREAL soon I will ask what thye think of the B16 vs Slice.. Felt vs Slice -- sounds like a couple of WWE superstars!

I will get to your blog soon! It sounds like a wonderful idea, and maybe another way to add accountability to your training. I'll try hard to keep up with it......but I'm terrible at following anythimng other than what is right here at BT. I am a demonstably negligent Facebooker, and with Nathan in your group and Mandy in last year's group, oith of whom kept their own blogs, I could seldom remember they were rhere -- even with the "prompt" at the bottom of each of their posts! (I guess I'm poor with stuff that's not in the middle of a page, which explains how I happened to miss the fact that the time change was yesterday. i suppose that info was securely placed in a corner of the front page of newsapapers, but my eyes don't wander in that direction!)

Any word from Lisa? I guess I should email her or something, eh?

Lemme know how D3 works out, or whatever coaching option you pursue. And the bike! I gotta know about the bike, too!

2011-03-18 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
hey guys!

how've ya been?!

Sorry i've been MIA.  things have been hectic.

Jess, are you finally back to feeling better?  it sounds like you and Mark both had  rough go of it for a little while. 
I saw your post about coaching.  i sent an email to my coach about it to see if he does internet based stuff.  not sure....but, he's teamed with other people now and they have a website  it is a separate entity than the team.  i'll let you know what i hear back from him, but i'm sure someone in his group could provide what you're looking for.  a benefit would be that my coach alone has 3 of his own clients going to eagleman, so he's familiar with the course and what it takes.  he also, obviously, coached me to both of those races last year. 

steve, it sounds like you're still having issues with little stuff here and there.  sounds like sticking to the plan of domination olys is a fun one.  what's on the schedule?

what's the first race for everyone this year?

i have a small 10 miler in reston on sunday, but that's really just a training run.  my first real race is the national marathon on 3/26.  it will be my first open marathon since 2009 when my hip first starting going.  it will be interesting to do one healthy now.  my plan isn't to race it all out because i don't want to blow up my training for the next 4 weeks for the races i care more about, but i've got an A goal and a B goal in my head.  I'll tell you them after the race  

first tri is the rumpass in bumpass oly on 4/16 (and then the sprint on 4/17).  i'm cautiously excited. 

training has been going well, but i keep having this internal struggle in my head about expectations.  2010 was such a dream year and i don't want to get disappointed if 2011 doesn't live up to all the hype.  i'm not going to see the same level of improvement.  i keep reminding myself that all i can do is my best.  even if i don't have a single PR this year, all i can ask for is my best.  that being said, i fully expect to PR this year

jess, in the time i took to write this i heard back from my coach and he is full.  there are two other coaches in his group, though, that still have room.  tom and rob.  you can see their info on the website i gave you.  i like them both personally, but have never worked in that capacity with them.  i do know that tom's own coach is virtual, so he would probably have a good idea of how to do this successfully with you.

i'll be better about getting over here! 

2011-03-20 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
new PR at the 10 mile distance today!  it was supposed to be more of a training run, but i got a little excited at the end.  1:12.  good enough for 1st AG, 4 OA woman.  hopefully i haven't blown myself up for national.  need to do lots of foam rolling, stretching and hydrating.....right after my PR victory beer
2011-03-20 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Wow, that's impressive Lisa. Congrats!

I always found it hard to have a training run during a race

2011-03-21 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3405762

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Unfortunately, I have to be disconnected for the next few hours, so I'll return later.

Great 10-miler, Lisa!!!!

2011-03-21 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3405757

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hooslisa - 2011-03-20 6:12 PM new PR at the 10 mile distance today!  it was supposed to be more of a training run, but i got a little excited at the end.  1:12.  good enough for 1st AG, 4 OA woman.  hopefully i haven't blown myself up for national.  need to do lots of foam rolling, stretching and hydrating.....right after my PR victory beer

Lisa - this is insanity Remember the first time we "met" was at Cherry Blossom? I ran like 1:25, I think you and Ryan ran about 1:20 - and we were all so proud of/impressed by our times?

You're nuts in a super good way. Cannot WAIT to see how National turns out!!! Take it easy this week!

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