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2011-03-21 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

So - update on my coaching status.

I ended up signing up with D3 - Mike Ricci matched me up with Julia Purrington.

Here's a link to her info:

I am so freakin' excited. She seems so nice - it's only been a week, but she's been very helpful. She got me set up with Training Peaks. I'm going to track down a HR strap to go with Garmin, and we're going to figure out some HR zones for me to train by. She said that with my busy schedule, it's going to be really important to make sure that I'm really and truly working in time for rest - that recovery isn't just a day off, it's about letting your body repair. Sounds good to me.

She comes from a background where she was an elite age-grouper, a mom to two kids, AND ran her own engineering firm. So, she said she's used to being busy - and totally gets where I'm coming from

On the upside, I haven't missed a workout that she sent me yet, haha. Really helped me get to the pool this evening knowing that someone would be checking my log! So, things are going great so far and I'm very excited about how this season is going to go

2011-03-21 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3352713

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

sax - 2011-02-13 12:04 PM I managed 40 miles w a 4 mile brick run. Today I am thinking another ride and a 10 mile ride.Prepping for 70.3 on april 2.


Neil - you ready? Taper-time? Can't wait to see how it goes!

2011-03-22 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

i had to share this.  a woman on the fexy forum recently asked if anyone had experience dealing with neuromas.  someone responded that they had heard that those injinji socks helped alleviate symptoms.  the initial poster responed back saying that she had tried them and they were making a difference for her.
on a related note, i had bought a pair a few weeks ago because i was still experiencing severe blister issues.  they appear to have helped with that as well.  might be worth a try if you haven't already.

someone else also just linked this:
2011-03-22 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


If you could just have the Bruins roll over and let the Devils win, just for tonight, it would be much appreciated in the Palmer-Bednar household

It's your duty as a full-service mentor?? Innocent

2011-03-22 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3409365

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Heartfelt apologies, m'dear, heartfelt apologies.........

2011-03-22 10:26 PM
in reply to: #3409737

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Wouldn't ya know it? Life returns to the group here.........and Lynn comes back from 26 days in Australia and commandeers the computer for 3 days in order yto get all caught up. Well, she is back to work tomorrow, and the machine reverts to me --- as it should be, I say!

See you in the morning (Wednesday, that is).

2011-03-23 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
26 days in australia!?  that seems like something you should keep in your back pocket for ammo for any tri expenses you might have for a while.

...or maybe all your tri expenses up til now kept in her back pocket gave her ammo to go to  australia in the first place? Surprised
2011-03-23 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3409939

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


You've got it right the second time, I think. There IS some residual guilt on her part, but when all is said and done it's her money and has been since I "retired" four years ago. I guess I'm living on her whims and largesse -- her sense of noblesse oblige, or something like that?

Jane was over there with her work, conducting training in "value" funds as opposed to "growth" funds; please don't press me for details. The compnay paid for everything, including an apartmnt for the 3+ months, so it was a pretty sweet deal. Lynn and an old friend went over there and played tghroughout the southeast with ten days also on Tasmania, and Jane joined them for weekends. It turned out that the day Lynn and Cheryl flw back wwa the day jane returned to NYC, so the books on Australia are now closed for our clan, just like that.

The week before Lynn went, Jane's long-standing BF went over and porposed to her. We knew this was coming because he had flown up here the previous week to talk with me about it (I didn't know that happened anymore!), but it was a surprise for Jane. Adding to the timeline here, BF phoned me a month before he came in order to schedule this meeting, so between then and the meeting, and for the following week until he got to Sydney, we had to be very careful not to let anything slip to Jane - even that we'd talked to Peter for any reason at all!. There were a couple of close calls, to be sure, so i was very relieved when he finally got there and the deal was sealed!

ANYHOW.........I have no real leverage at all with our preferred expenditures. I generally feel I spend vastly more than I deserve to, and spend no mean amount of time feeling sopmewhat bad about this. mind you, that doesn't really affect outcomes too much --- but then that too enters into the guilt process. I guess I'd better start selling my blood*; sadly, i haven't what it takes to be a lucartive gigolo.................

* I could then use as a "signature" at BT something like "Sponsored by my highly oxygenated O+ blood"

2011-03-23 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3409068

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

LISA again -

Thank you for the clue-in on those socks; I will look into them!

I had thought my neuroma symptoms were behind me, and then along came Novemeber and the neuroma issues were part of the fall-out from my otherwise scintillating half-marathon. The neuroma stuff seems to be under control, and has been for a few months, but the worry is still there.

I've been thinking of you more than usual recently, as I have sprouted some hip problems; as you may know, this is new for me. I am seeing both A.R.T. and chiro about this, and it's getting better. Actually, one of the hips is not so new, but up until recently the problem has been more in the groin with referrals of discomfort stretching out the the left hip at times. All of this has left with fairly inconsistent run training over the past four months, andi need to get some consistency in if I hope to enjoy the run-strong season I experienced last year. At least (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!) I haven't been on the shelf entirely for two or three or four months!

2011-03-23 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3403542

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

LISA once more -

I think I know oh-so-well what you're feeling about expectations, and I could probably go on at some length about that -- but I will spare you that less-than-exquisite torture!

It is a problem, though, and the best way I have of making it through it is to come back to my belief that training and racing are not at all linear, that constant growth just doesn't happen. Setbacks occur, and poor days and races are inevitable if one does this stuff often enough. In a way, that is a drawback to doing the same race MANY years in arow, because eventually there will come the time when one result was weaker than those from previous years. That may sound like a cop-out.....but who needs that aggravation?!? I get aggravated enough when, say, my 8km run one week is slower than the exact same run the previous week!

All thta said, I doubt your perfomances are going to decline at all! Although you haven't been keeping us up to date on your training and all, you are still in great hands with Scott and still surrounded by exceptional people, and the comment about your hips still being good suggests that everything is in place for another superior season. I can hardly wait to see how it unfolds, with the marathon being the first duck in the row!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-03-23 7:45 AM
2011-03-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3410024

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

LISA, for the fourth -

My plans? HA!

Actually, they're shaping up better for the later part of the season. I have committed to Cayuga Lake (oly) on Aug 7 and West Point (spr) on Aug 14 and Nation's on Sept 11 (are you going to be around the neighborhood then?). I wil probably do Jersey Shore (oly) on Sept 25; Make-A-Wish isn't happening, it seems? Into October will be something or other, with options being B2B HIM or Triple-T NC.

Before August, though, most balls seem to be in play. Maybe Harryman on May 22, seeing as how I blew Columbia. I also blew Mussleman sprint, which two weeks ago had 400 spots left and is now full. WTF???? Mooseman or Keuka Lake (both olys) on June 5? Tuopper Lake (hybrid) on June 25? Mass State Tri (oly?) on July 17. Shoreline (spr) on July 24, preceded the day before by a ride on the tough Cayuga Lake course? Decisions, decisions! And I'm still toying around with early May, like Kinetic or Devilman -- moe decisions-decisions!

The whole point of doing that gard-apced half-marathon in October was to see what I could pull off in a stand-alone h-m. I was thrilled with the 1:37......adn then the foot problems began. So, I am really leery of a half-iron and wrecking my lower extremities. Bah. Bah, bah, bah!!!

I might drop you an email soon. Stay tuned?

2011-03-23 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3407884

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


CONGRATULATIONS on getting connected with D3! My old D3 coach, Erik, mentioned her name most glowingly, probably when he was leaving the coaching gig and wondering if I wanted to continue being coached (I didn't).

In the last couple of months of my D3 days, they switched over to Training peaks. Being a big baby about technology, I initially disliked it and was intimidated by it; nad then I began to see all its benefits. Those benefits become even better for someone like yourself who is savvy with technology, and I'm sure your Garmin usage will make it all even better.

I read her profile and the "ready, set, balance" seems perfect for you. Granted, there aren't kids on your scene yet, but you are pushing so many envelopes in your life as it is that having help with the balance will be a huge benefit for you. I just finished a run of 82 straight days of some workout or other (and on most of thsoe days it was more than one-a-day), and while I've never done that before, or even that close to it, I just find it that much harder to rein myself in when I don't have someone to yank on the reins to help me. I took Erik's advice practically to the letter for 3+ years, so when he had "day off" on my program, by god I took it!

And in your last line you hit the flipside of it -- that when the workout is THERE, it's mighty tough to avoid it! Erik was mighty good about forgiving me my slippages when they were unavoidable....but then again I kept them to the barest minimum.

I think I told you too that he was outstanding at re-arranging my program on the fly. That is, if something came up on day five of the first week in a three-week block, he would adjust the schedule right then and there to accommodate whatever was happening. I never learned whetehr this was D3 policy or just Erik being Erik; I hope for your sake that it is D3 policy and that Julia wil do the same!

Does she have 1000m swim time trails for you yet --- the dreaded "1000TT"?? Lord, I hated those, especially when the pool was more crowded than usual. But maybe that was just an Erik favorite and not a required aspect of D3 training!

Great work on making this happen for you, Jess, and just getting to this point in believing in yourself and caring so much about what you are doing. Keep the D3 details coming!! (Part of balance -- keeping Mr. Bradley vicariously involved!)

2011-03-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3410090

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I workoed out in one way or another from Dec 28 until two days ago; Monday was my first pure off in 83 days.

So, washing dishes yesterday (Tues) morning I twanged my back, and it was sore all day yesterday and still is this morning. So, which is the correct conclusion:
A.) Being a perpetual motion machine is good for my health
B.) Simple household chores are bad for my health
C.) Both of the above

Edited by stevebradley 2011-03-23 8:18 AM
2011-03-23 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hahaha Steve...I've always believed chores were bad for health

Then again, getting behind on them is just as bad, so it's a toss up!

I'm trying to find a way to fit in some biking and running in between taking my boy to martial arts, going to the gym, going boating, and hanging out. Making some headway, and plan to get the bike all ready to go this afternoon. 

Might I finally make some magic happen?

2011-03-23 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3410610

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


My money is one the magic happening! Once you get that five-point position establishred again, there'll be no turning back for you!

Have a great ride!!!!

2011-03-24 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

So - how much things change in a few days... I am seriously considering backing out of IMLou.

Here's the story: both my dad and Mark have lost their jobs. My dad was last week - he had been with his company for almost 20 years. He was a very high ranking executive, something went wrong with an FDA inspection (not his fault) and they needed a fall-guy. His own boss (that he had reported to for 19 years) had been fired last year, so the writing was kind of on the wall. He got a very generous severance package and is already moving on - he's rounding up consulting offers, and my parents are going to be fine. But they will probably be moving this summer (downsizing), and it's a period of immense change for my family. I mean, my dad didn't even have a personal email or cell phone - he had worked for them for so long! Email didn't really exist when he started there!

Mark... unfortunately never really settled into the job he got in November. I don't know what else to say other than I don't think it was the right fit. Sometimes that happens. I feel so bad for him - he is absolutely devastated. Anyway, he was on a four month 'trial period' and it looks like (though its not certain) that they won't be keeping him on any further. It's not the end of the world - I make more than enough to support both of us. And it's a great big opportunity to explore other careers that he's been talking about for a while. It's just going to take a lot from both of us - him, figure it out, and me, supporting every step of the way.

So, going into this journey I had been thinking about time-balance: how can I work out a life/work time balance that is sustainable through IMLou? Turns out, I could probably do that time-balance in my sleep What I can't do - however - is emotional balance. I'm needed elsewhere this summer. Which I'm totally cool with IM will wait.

I haven't told Julia yet, haha. I feel like a moron for going so gung-ho and then taking a 180 in the span of a week. I'll obviously keep her through at least Eagleman, because I'd still like to break 6 hours, and I think she can help me do that.

Lots to think about, but things will be ok.

Anyway, that's where I am!

Steve - congrats to Jane and Peter! Am I confused, or is your son's name Peter too? If so, that's funny My Belgian cousins had the same happen - his name was Ruben, her name was Hanne. Ruben also married a girl named Hanne! He used to say he couldn't get enough Hanne in his life...

2011-03-24 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3412756

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I don't quite know where to begin. Those are a couple of very big whammies to deal with, and I fully understand the notion of needing emotional balance over the next bunch of months. I'm certainly glad that your parents will end up fine, and as for Mark --- I'm sure he will as well. I doubt he has much belief in that right now, and it might take a while depending on how long the shock factor lasts with him.

As for Julia, well, here's a good test for her! When I started with Erik, we communicated for a couple of weeks, and he sent the first block of workouts, and literally the day before the first of his workouts I realized I had a hairline fracture at the previous site of a stress fracture. I cannot tell you how awful i felt about this on a few levels, but as far as my relationship with him was concerned, I viewed myself as severely damaged goods. I emailed him that evening and told him what had happened, and also thta I understood that I wasn't worth coaching and I was sorry for wasting his time up to that point. Well, he emailed right back and siad there was no way he was dumping me, that we'd just adapt plans and my training for the 2-3 months until I could run again. Andaihe rest, as they say, is history!

So, I fully expect that Julia will understand your situation and be fully willing to make the adjustments according to your own needs. I mean, this sort of thing must happen frequently in the world of on-line coaching, right?................Or are we the only two to whom this sort of snafu has happened? (What an amazingly small world! )

With LOO, I guess you are still within the meagre-refund window, yes? What does that give you back -- $175? Better than nothing, I guess! As for IM waiting -- you betcha! There will ALWAYS be IM, although if you wait too long you might find that the entry fees will be up around a grand. Yikes!!

Well, O Balanced One, hang in there. Give Mark a big old hug from me!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-03-24 4:04 PM
2011-03-25 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hey jess,
that all sounds crazy.  what is awesome though is that you already have all the makings of an amazing wife.  We know Mark is fantastically supportive and the best sherpa ever, but he is really lucky to have you as well.

is that all the refund is?  $175?  honestly, if it were me, i probably wouldn't "drop out" of loo.  these things that have happened are fresh.  you are still going to be training for Eman regardless.  the middle of june is still a long way off.  a lot could happen.  mark might find himself in a really good spot and then suddenly you'll be kicking yourself that you have all this fitness and have already dropped loo.  at least if you stay registered your options are open.  if things are still crazy, so what?  you don't do loo.  big deal.  that's my $.02 there. 

either way, that sucks what they are both going through.  ryan's dad was laid off in the 90s after decades at a place as well.  it really really devastated him.  he still talks about "the plant" like he just left.  it's almost like he's mentally still there sometimes.  i can't imagine giving a place my blood, sweat and tears for 20 years and then be let go.  i'm sure your identity takes a hit there.  it sounds like he is already  moving on well, though.  i'm glad.

as for mark.    poor mark.  that is a bummer.  i'm sure he's upset about it.  that is totally natural.  sometimes those things are blessings in disguise i think.  instead of beating his head against the wall at something that isn't a good fit for him, it's over quick.  i know that doesn't help him now, though. 

either way, i'm keep you all in my thoughts.  you're a special lady, jess.  that is for sure.

2011-03-26 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3414530

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
hooslisa - 2011-03-25 3:41 PM

hey jess,
that all sounds crazy.  what is awesome though is that you already have all the makings of an amazing wife.  We know Mark is fantastically supportive and the best sherpa ever, but he is really lucky to have you as well.

is that all the refund is?  $175?  honestly, if it were me, i probably wouldn't "drop out" of loo.  these things that have happened are fresh.  you are still going to be training for Eman regardless.  the middle of june is still a long way off.  a lot could happen.  mark might find himself in a really good spot and then suddenly you'll be kicking yourself that you have all this fitness and have already dropped loo.  at least if you stay registered your options are open.  if things are still crazy, so what?  you don't do loo.  big deal.  that's my $.02 there. 

either way, that sucks what they are both going through.  ryan's dad was laid off in the 90s after decades at a place as well.  it really really devastated him.  he still talks about "the plant" like he just left.  it's almost like he's mentally still there sometimes.  i can't imagine giving a place my blood, sweat and tears for 20 years and then be let go.  i'm sure your identity takes a hit there.  it sounds like he is already  moving on well, though.  i'm glad.

as for mark.    poor mark.  that is a bummer.  i'm sure he's upset about it.  that is totally natural.  sometimes those things are blessings in disguise i think.  instead of beating his head against the wall at something that isn't a good fit for him, it's over quick.  i know that doesn't help him now, though. 

either way, i'm keep you all in my thoughts.  you're a special lady, jess.  that is for sure.


Thanks, Lisa, this post was a real pick me up. Things are starting to look better, both Mark and my dad are in better spirits. More thoughts on it later


I came this morning to send cosmic mojo to Lisa!! It's 10:27, and the race started at 7am, so there is a very real possibility in my mind that you're already done Either way - gooooo Lisa!!!

Annoying they don't have tracking capabilities! I'm sure Lisa will post on Facebook before 3pm.

While we do not offer tracking capabilities during the race, preliminary results will be posted on the front page by 3pm Saturday.

2011-03-26 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3415297

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


2011-03-26 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3415569

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Arrgghhh!, as in I thought it was tomorrow, but just learned differently in reading Jess' post. The bad news is that I "missed" the start; the good news is that I managed to get to the website before the results were posted; but the bad news to THAT is that it's 3:55 and they aren't there yet even though it says by 3p.m. Does thta entitle me to a Grrrr!, to go with the arrgghhh! Probably not.

I am most interested to hear what your A and B times were for it going in --- what you would've settled for, and what you would've been thrilled with. Don't take too long getting back to us, okay?

2011-03-26 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
3:19:52, folks!

i am excited beyond belief.  i still haven't stopped smiling.  it's also actually the best i've ever felt after a marathon.  walking and going up and down steps fine.  so far.  more later,  now to the BEER!
2011-03-26 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
...and as for what my goal was.....i had actually decided to post it before hand afterall.  this was a cut and paste from what i posted in my log yesterday....

so, a few of you have asked me what my goal for tomorrow is and for some reason i haven't wanted to say.  i'm not really sure why.  maybe cause it seems so ridiculous it's hard to say out loud.  it's also hard cause it's not super specific.  i have sort of a goal range rather than a set time.  i will be honest and say that i will be a tad disappointed with anything slower than a 3:30.  

i'd like to lay it on the line and see what i'm capable of, but i know that that doesn't make sense from a training standpoint.  national is not my main goal this year.  i don't want to destroy myself trying to get the fastest time i'm capable of and then pay for it with weeks of poor training for TTT in IMLP.  so, i'm going to try to keep this at a 85-90% effort.  The plan is to do 7:45s and see where that takes me up til mile 20.  If i am able to keep this up, that will leave me with a 3:23.  In a perfect world, my A goal is to take off a few minutes from that and do a 3:19:59.  i would LOVE to say i made it into the 3-teens.  that would be awesome.  it's strange.  i just don't really know what i'm capable of.  it's totally possible i blow up doing 7:45s.  my gut tells me i won't though.  my gut says it's possible.  so, there you have it.  the goal is between 3:19:59-3:30.  that's my window.  i'm feeling good about it.  fingers crossed.

2011-03-26 5:13 PM
in reply to: #3415672

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


I GUESS that's fabulous! I started looking for you at 3:15, and seeing as how you were so coy the other day I had no idea how realistic that was, given my non-knowledge of how all your training has gone. Well, I think it's safe to say that the training has gone great for you, as that really is a tremendous time for one who is NOT a one-trick pony. Again, I say that not knowing about the balance of your training, but I'm pretty certain that you have done a bit more swimming and cycling than most of the other people doing National today!

And 6th in that killer age-group of female whippets? Mercy!

I also have not looked at the course, but I figure it wan't exactly flat, was it? So, how do any of its ups and downs figure into the bigger picture of TTT and LP? That's probably unfair of me to ask that now, as all you really want to do is kepp smiling and locate the beer -- which you have obviously so richly deserved!

Many thanks for checking back here so promptly; it is appreciated more than you might suspect!

As for that email I said I would send you shortly........well..........

2011-03-26 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3415678

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

LISALISALISALISA!!!!!!!! again -

Ha! I just looked at your second post above and see the hope for a 3:19:59 --- nicely done on making those dreams come true!!

Are you going to post your mile splits at some point? And don't go cagey on us -- I know you clicked on them religiously!

How would you gauge your effort -- at about the planned-for 85-90%, or did it waver some?

Okay, I'm done now; you can retire to your recovery drinks of choice!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-03-26 5:18 PM
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