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2010-11-28 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3225221

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-11-24 2:34 PM Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone does spinning classes for their bike training during the winter? A new spinning studio opened up about a half hour from my house and I'm considering checking it out. There are no membership fees or joining fees, you just pay per class (or you can buy bundles and get a better deal). I actually have never done a spinning class so I'm not even sure how it would compare to real riding or training on a roller. The alternative to spinning classes would be the roller, but I just can't imagine riding in my basement and staring at the wall for an hour... My husband offered to hook up the TV and DVD player in the basement if I get the roller so I could use the Spinerval DVDs, so we'll see... Just wondering what everyone else does for the winter...? Thanks!

Hey Tracey,

Before I had a trainer I used to do spin classes, 2-3 times per week and there is no question they helped my biking.    I would go for it.

2010-11-28 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3225544

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-24 7:19 PM LISA - Ahhh, I'm sorry you've hit the emotional wall with the long(er) runs. When you refer to "sweating it out", is that literally, as in hot runs, or mentally, as in fussing about achieving a faster pace? Or both. It would be ideal if you had a good experience in Memphis that could catapult you into the training for Houston in January. I know you are worried about some of the recent runs and the lack of consistency with them, but sometimes good results can come out of patchy efforts. I've had any number of good races that have been preceded by injury-cautious training, and it just works out that come race day, it all comes together. I think that for St.Jude's you have to keep the better runs at the forefront of your consciousness, and jettison the disasters post-haste. You HAVE had some good runs leading up to St.Jude's, so the basic foundation is there. Not you just need some confidence.....anfd a bit of cooperation from the weather gods! And if you do do the 5-miler tomorrow, keep in mind how handily your shattered your goal last year! Also keep in mind that you've effectively done all of this over-training for it en route to the half-marathon; five miles should be a breeze for you! Finally, don't fret about foregoing cycling and swimming in lieu of running; that's what happens when we get a specific one-sport goal going for a while. After Houston, you will have lots of time to swim and bike! I really think the broad goal you set around the two half-marathons was a good one, and I hope that when Houston is in the books, you will see it that way, too. How's the stuffing and bean casserole coming? And if you run the five-miler tomorrow, I'll send mojo there to spirit you along the way!


Sorry to hear you aren't thrilled with your running pace.   But at least you are running and doing some nice long distances and staying healthy.   Last year I had a really successful running season in terms of staying healthy and ran did my first Olympic triathlon.   My longest run was 15 km and I focussed on these longer runs and being consistent but my speed suffered; I'm guessing because I did no interval work, sprints, etc.    The other seasons where I was running 5km or less I did a fair bit of short speedwork sessions.    Maybe the Steves can shed some light on this.  

Thanks for letting me know about your daughter being in Kitchener in January.   I am going to check it out.    I was telling Ken recently that we should plan a night out for a good show.  
2010-11-28 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

We had a guest speaker at church today - Mike Pluimer - he grew up in Pine River but now lives in southern Minnesota.  He's done 10 Ironmans.  This year he did Lake Placid as a guide for Charlie Plaskon, a 66 year old BLIND triathlete.  Wow! Fascinating!  Finished in 15:09.
2010-11-28 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
So, I sucked it up and did my 5 mile run on Thanksgiving ... starting temp 78 degrees.  Finished in 59:02 where as last year I finished in 57:24.  I'm guessing the 34 degree temperature difference (it was 44 degrees last year), along with my attitude Undecided, had something to do with it, so I'm okay with it.  Yesterday, there was ice on the ground and had I had a nice 6.25 mile run (by myself).  Will probably do a short 2 mile run tomorrow, 5 miles on Wednesday, and then lay off until my half on Saturday.  I honestly don't know what to expect out of myself in Memphis this year.

DENISE, sorry to hear about your accident, but glad everyone is okay.  And great race, for 9 degrees in the slush!  And glad you were able to spend some time with your daughter.  I did train by myself in '08, and started with a running group in '09 where I started running with the two women that I normally do my long runs with.  It is much easier getting up to do a long run at 5:30 am on Saturday morning knowing someone is waiting for you.  And we run together on trails in an area that I wouldn't be comfortable running myself.

ANNE, I do think I'd be better off adding some interval training.  Started out doing that earlier this year but it was too hard getting out 4 days a week to run, so that was the easiest to drop. 

P.S.  My "salt of choice" (if it's not on a margarita!) is a eucalyptus spearmint salt put out by Bath and Body Works. 

2010-11-28 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE A, I though about you today when I walked through the grocery store and couldn't resist picking up a Hershey's chocolate bar (after all, the big bars where 10/$10!) ... extra special dark chocolate.  Just a couple of squares and I was totally satisfied!
2010-11-29 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3228022

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hey! That chocolates's for me I think! I'm not sure other-Steve was yabbering about the therapeutic benefits of chocolate, but I was!

As for you 5-miler, for sure, that temperature difference from last year to now would make a huge difference. In fact, I'm sure my time differential would be greater than yours was, so I think it's just time to move on -- which it sounds like you've already done -- and get set and psyched for Memphis.

The week you have planned is good; don't swerve from it! The two today and five on Wednesday will set you up fine for Saturday. When are you heading there, and who is going with you? I can't remember if you have companions on this one, but if I had to guess I'd say maybe just your running partner, and that the larger crowd will be your running group at the Houston half; wasn't that how you got that spot, via the group-at-large?

Nice win for the Texans yesterday! That, combined with losses from the rest of the division, puts them back in the hunt....maybe?

2010-11-29 6:28 AM
in reply to: #3227828

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That must've been a nice bit of Sunday-morning inspiration!

I would love to do something like that, but could never get over my fear that I would come up injured and have to bail on the race, and thus destroy someone else's dreams and training. He (Mike P) must have tremendous confidence in his body to undertake such an enterprise!

And 15:09, for two people tamdeming their effort, is quite remarkable. What's next on his agenda, I wonder?!

2010-11-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3227012

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-11-26 10:11 PM

stevebradley - 2010-11-25 1:26 PM DENISE -- Whoa! It just dawned on me -- didn't your dear daughter goad you into a wee 10km today? Are you doing it? DID you do it? Did you show her what good ol' mom still has left? Hope it went well!

Oh Steve, I am in pain - my legs are so sore.  I was ok yesterday after the race but today I can hardly walk. The race route was a lot more up and down than I'm used to and it was hard running on icy pavement and slushy snow.  I thought I'd be able to run a 9:45 pace but I was happy with the 10:17 I ended up with - it was good enough for 2nd in age group and I won a gift certificate.  My daughter was a couple minutes faster.  About 750 people raced which surprised me because it was 9F (-14C) and there was a wind too.  It was soooo cold waiting for the race to start - once we were running the temp wasn't bad.

Also, the night before, when we got to Minneapolis from Madison, I skidded on the ice, jumped a curb and ran into a pole - $4500 damage estimate.  But that pole kept us from ending up in a creek bed so I'm happy.

Anyway, we both had a blast at the race.  Now I have to catch up on posts.


Glad you made it through both events with only relatively minor discomfort.

Edited by TriD64 2010-11-29 12:23 PM
2010-11-29 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3228963

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, but did she make it through the THIRD event -- Hawkeyes beating Gophers -- with only minor discomfort? That was very fine and generous and empathetic of you to not mention that game!

2010-11-29 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3229409

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-11-29 4:52 PM MARK - Yes, but did she make it through the THIRD event -- Hawkeyes beating Gophers -- with only minor discomfort? That was very fine and generous and empathetic of you to not mention that game!

Steve! Steve! The Gophers won! They have Floyd of Rosedale (the pig trophy)! ?????????  Are yu having a senior moment?

And the Vikings won!
And Wisconsin is going to the Rose Bowl - my daughter is making travel plans
And we're getting 6-12 inches tonight
2010-11-30 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3229469

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I guess so! You know, I thought for a moment that I ought to check that before I posted it, but thought some more and was sure it was an Iowa win. Oops!

The thing I didn't post, but now will because of your daughter going there, is from Pete Thamel in yesterday's New York Times: "The Rose is lucky to have the Badgers; half the state will make the trek to Pasadena."

Is there any thought of you going, too? Tell her that if she has the wherewithal to invite you to do a 10km race, the least she can do is invite you out to Pasadena with her. You can even tell her that you'll need no other xmas present form her; the all-expenses-Rose-Bowl-trip will do just fine!

2010-11-30 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3229877

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Or, if not a pure Senior Moment, then one which was aided and abetted by all of the floor-refinishing fumes wafting through the house. I told Anne that they were further depleting my brain cells, so I'm gloinf tro blanr ot om rhat.

2010-11-30 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE B, sounds like the reno continues with abandon ... you need to watch out for all those fumes! 

My husband and son will be flying with me to Memphis on Friday morning, but won't be doing the race.  On the same flight, will be my 30 year old niece, her husband, and their 7 year old daughter.  My niece and I ran St. Jude's together in '08 ... it was the first half marathon for both of us.  Then we ran Little Rock together in '09, while her husband came in a bit behind us (for his first HM).  In '09, my niece and I started together but ended up splitting up at mile 2 when she told me to go on ahead (I think she finished about 15 minutes behind me).  She is less prepared even this year.  My sister-in-law (her mother) walked St. Jude's in '08 and '09.  She'll be there again this year to walk with my brother-in-law (his first) but they are already talking about bailing at mile 3.  Why mile 3 do you ask?  Because that's where the route goes by our hotel!  So, looks like I'll be on my own, with my niece and her husband behind me, and my SIS and BIL behind them. 

In '08, I finished in 2:59:53; in '09, 2:40:57.  I guess my #1 goal this year would be to finish better than last year; #2 goal will be to come in under a 12' pace which would put me around 2:37; and #3 goal would be 2:35 (just because I like more rounded numbers Wink).  Rain was in the forecast for race morning, but that's been changed to partly cloudy with temps around upper 30s at the start. 


Edited by lufferly 2010-11-30 9:15 AM
2010-11-30 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3229469

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-11-29 5:50 PM

stevebradley - 2010-11-29 4:52 PM MARK - Yes, but did she make it through the THIRD event -- Hawkeyes beating Gophers -- with only minor discomfort? That was very fine and generous and empathetic of you to not mention that game!

Steve! Steve! The Gophers won! They have Floyd of Rosedale (the pig trophy)! ?????????  Are yu having a senior moment?

And the Vikings won!
And Wisconsin is going to the Rose Bowl - my daughter is making travel plans
And we're getting 6-12 inches tonight

In a season of pain - that was the most painful because MN didn't just win, they outplayed us - showed more heart.

I will take a little solice in the fact that I am also a Wisconsin alum, so if Iowa is out of the race I root for Bucky.

2010-11-30 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3230512

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ahh, I'm glad there is a silver lining to your cloud.......nice job transitioning from Hawky to Bucky!

And if anybody (i.e., wife or kids) asks, I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to travel out to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl. Enjoy!

2010-11-30 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3230066

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Fhat wumes?

2010-11-30 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3230066

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA again -

That sounds like ahoot-and-ahalf you have planned for the wekend. I didn't know it was going to be a family reunion of near-biblical proportions! Are you supplying scorecards so that the average spectator can keep all of your straight? Mercy!

I also didn't know you were flying there. For some reason (my own persoanl experience, I guess; all those fsr-flung races, and driven to every last one!)) I just figured you were driving there, wending your way up along the mighty Mississippi. I'll be hornswoggled!

Good goals, all reasonable and seemingly doable! And that forecast ought to help dramatically, as those are some clement weather figures for running. My half-marathon last month was about 34 at the start, and while that was good enough, i sure wouldn't've minded a degree or three warmer -- just like what is predicted for you! Cool beans!

Moving on......
I accept fighting in hockey and indoor lacrosse, but don't lile to see it in the baseball, basketball, or football. That said, I fully support Andre Johnson going after that punk Finnegan. My only regret is that he didn't fully connect with any of those punches. I guess most players hate Finnegan because he actually tries to live up to his stated goal -- to be the dirtiest player in the NFL. It would've been nice to see him hit with the heavier fine, but I guess it can't be ignored that he never got around to throwing any punches himself.
As for the Texan who rushed in to move Finnegan away ---- hats off to him for not doing anything to make the sxcene any worse. Maybe he should receive some of the fine money for keeping a level head!

Moving back....
How did yesterday's run go? And are you still planning on the obne for tomorrow?

2010-11-30 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3231177

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'd forgottent hat you mentioned you were a Gold here, until I signed up myself and went to the forum and saw your info there. Does that mean we're both "golden oldies"?

It's already bad news for me, though, as I think I signed up for the full one-year fee rrather than get the discount. I had understood that a spot would appear for thre discount code, but I musta missed soemthing. I have already written a panicked letter to "them" pleading for mercy in the form of the 30% reduction, but along with probably having to pay the full $170, I may even have signed away the rights to my third-born. Damn!

The other bad news is that in order to fill out the profile, I have to go to the settings and THEN do something about pasting something somewhere. Believe it of not, I have never cyber-pasted anything anywhere, and don't know how. I know that Lynn knows......but I don't think she's know that I don't know.....and I don't want to blow my cover of being marginally computer-literate by asking her for help. Lordy, lordy........

2010-12-02 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE B, our group this year is actually the smallest one yet, as several of the "regulars" had prior committments.  It's alway a fun time though.

2+ mile run on Monday and 4+ mile run last night.  I was so tired at work yesterday, that I thought about not running, given that I'd been Christmas shopping the evening before (surely that's exercise enough).  But, glad I got out and ran because it felt good and gave me a bit more confidence for Saturday.  Calling now for mid 40s, which I actually wish was a tad cooler yet.  I've done all my halfs in temps in the 20s and 30s, so am not quite sure what to wear for mid 40s.  Normally on shorter runs, I'd wear shorts and a long sleeve top but thinking about my tights and a short sleeve top for Saturday, just to keep the leg muscles warmed up.  I can only take so many combinations of clothing in my carry on!

Andre Johnson is a hero of sorts around here right now.  Everyone is anxiously awaiting the next matchup between the Texans and Titans now.  The Titans are just dirty players in general.  Time to get to work, so I can get out of here early today!

2010-12-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3233338

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, mid-40s is a grey area for me, too. But I usually opt to down-dress, compared to the average bear, so for me it would be tri shorts and a fairly tight-fitting long-sleeve tech shirt. The bigger question I would have at mid-40 would be gloves and a touque versus a running hat. Those considerations become game-day decisions, likely dependent on how well my blood seems to be circuklating when I wake up.

This is the smallest group??? It must be nice to have such a large cricle of family and friends! Well, I just don't have enough mojo to spread around to all of your coterie, so what I have is all heading straight to you. And if you can't post to us before Sarurday, have a great time there. Again, I think your list of "cascading" goals is very reasonable, and I hope it all comes to pass that you meet the primo goal of the three!

And may Sir Andre score a couple of TDs tonight!

2010-12-03 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Going for a ride!

Got the bike fitted last night.  Always an interesting process.  The guy (who claims he set up Macca's bikes for his 2007 and 2008 seasons) made quite a few adjustments.  Seat got raised about an inch, moved the cleats around, swapped out the neck, and made the seat angle more aggressive.  Very nice guy, seemed to know what he was doing, and was F.I.S.T certified (I think that's all the letters)

So, tomorrow I'm trying out my new training ride for next year.  Scoped it out online and figured it'd be the right profile for Vineman and Arizona.  Bumped in to a guy at the movie theater that just did Arizona and he said it was his primary training ride.  Lots of flat. 

So, off tomorrow to check it out, try out the new position and see if I'm faster!!!  After 3 weeks of kind of sitting around doing nothing, I don't suspect I will be.  LOL!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2010-12-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3236014

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hey! Great minds think alike, except you actually walk the walk, while so far I have just talked the talk -- that is, vis-a-vis, bike-fittings. I was all set to do one LAST (as in '09) October, but chickened out because I was afraid of the sublest of tweakings wreaking havoc on my S-I joint, or somewhere/ANYwhere. So, i did this past season in the same-old position, which while working well for me cannot possibly be the absolute optimal nonpereil position. (Or can it.)

About ten days ago I hopped back on the trainer for the first time this off-season, and every ride since has been accompanied by the thought --- "Maybe I ought to phone Ian and have him adjust my position." Now, reading of your rather dramatic changes, I think I will finally suck it up and have him raise the seat a millimeter or two, or, if I'm feeling REALLY expansive, allow him to remove one of the spacers. Gulp! Well, he knows my concerns, so I'm sure he'll be gentle with me. Right?

Let me know how it all feels! That's alot of changes, but when I was last fitted comprehensively, back in '03 I guess it was, the fitter (a different Ian) did some pretty radical stuff and that worked out really well. At the very least it solved my S-I woes, and overall it put me in a position where, ultimately, I learned to generate some decent power and stamina. I generally have the feeling that I could stand to be a tad higher (or maybe it's a tad more forward; who knows??) (hopefully Ian does!!), so I guess that's what I will aim for.

So, maybe by mid-week we can share war stories -- but in the meantime, give some quick first impressions on how your tomorrow-ride goes. Have fun, and --- ZOOMZOOM!

2010-12-03 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3236155

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!






------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY the 4th

------------------------------------------------------St. Jude Half-Marathon

------------------------------------------------------Memphis, TN

------------------------------------------------------8 a.m. start (roughly, as it's wave starts)

Sooooooooooooooooo............put your hands together for some rousing rooting for Lisa!

2010-12-03 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3236158

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-03 8:35 PM HEY!!!!!!!!!!! ALL YOU QUIET GROOVETIMERS!!!!!! IT'S NO TIME FOR HIBERNATION, BECAUSE............... ---------------------LISALISALISALISALISALISALISALISALISALISA----------------------------------- IS RACING TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY the 4th ------------------------------------------------------St. Jude Half-Marathon ------------------------------------------------------Memphis, TN ------------------------------------------------------8 a.m. start (roughly, as it's wave starts) Sooooooooooooooooo............put your hands together for some rousing rooting for Lisa!

GO LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    GO LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!  GO LISA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2010-12-04 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3236231

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

WHERE ARE THOSE ST. JUDE RESULTS?? Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

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