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2011-03-26 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
i can't wait to answer all your questions, however, i just got home (from drinking and dancing a lot)  and i am bushed!!!!  AND i have an 8 am total immersion swim clinic tomorrow.  ugh. ugh. ugh.  that's gonna feel great! :/

2011-03-27 10:42 PM
in reply to: #3416061

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hooslisa - 2011-03-26 10:59 PM i can't wait to answer all your questions, however, i just got home (from drinking and dancing a lot)  and i am bushed!!!!  AND i have an 8 am total immersion swim clinic tomorrow.  ugh. ugh. ugh.  that's gonna feel great! :/


Lisa! Can't wait to hear all the glorious race details Sounds like a fun fun fun weekend!

Things around here are really looking up. Both Mark and I have basically come to terms with everything (as much as we can so quickly?) and we're starting to look at this as an amazing opportunity. He'd been considering going back to school and starting to look in a different direction (career-wise) last fall, but happened to get the job in graphics so wanted to stick with it. Now, with me making enough money to support us both, he can really embrace that opportunity. We're still figuring it out where he might want to go - but he's considering classes to be an EMT or nurse or something along those lines. He says he wants to be out helping people. All great things It's an evolution, but we'll figure it out. We both have this idea that he'll be able to spend the summer taking classes, doing freelance graphics work (he's been working with a few clients for almost a year now, and won't lose those), and maybe odd-jobs. How fun and amazing does that sound? Yeah, I'm jealous Tongue out So we'll see.

IMLoo plans are still kind of on hold, but I'm not dropping out right away. Like Lisa said, it's already full, and I'd have until July to get the refund back anyway. So I'm adopting a wait-and-see strategy.

In related good news (good news? around here? It's been an utterly crappy month! In addition to Mark/my dad's job woes, a close friend just went through a horrible break up, and another friend had intensive sinus - almost brain? - surgery early this week! and things are downright awful around here, haha) I bought my new BIKE this weekend!!!

So, basically, I made my decision based on the shop with the best customer service. The shop with the Cannondale was pretty darn bad customer-service-wise, they treated me awful. The shop with the Felt was really great - patient, paid attention to my questions, was willing to really work with me fit-wise, everything. They're even including a good fit in the purchase. So I decided to go with them On Saturday, I went in and put down a deposit. Bike is shipping tomorrow, and will hopefully be in-shop by Friday. If it's in by next weekend, we'll set up a fitting appointment on Saturday! How awesome!

In a rare stroke of good luck, my size (50) is the ONLY size with ready availability of Felt B16's right now, haha. The guy pulled up the spreadsheet and showed me, which was pretty funny. I am very excited, cannot wait

The 50 has 650 wheels, which should be great for me. Also, it'll fit better all-around The only complaint I have is that it appears to come with white tires (white tires?!) so I'll probably replace those with black ones. That'll be my first "upgrade" haha

So, between the new bike and the free wetsuit I won last August (remember, Steve?!), I'm starting out the season with some cool new gear

Alright, time for bed. Congrats Lisa Hope you had a great weekend Steve!

Edited by ThatGirl 2011-03-27 10:44 PM
2011-03-28 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
so glad to hear that mark is doing better, jess.  things like that usually ARE hidden opportunities.  i'm really glad he's starting to see it that way....and, you're right, that does sound great.  i'm jealous too!

congrats on the bike!  that is so freaking cool.  I would, however, drop a quick line to cannondale telling them that.  i saw a bit on FB about the service there.  i'd just share the story with them.

as for me, i'm still recovering.  yesterday was actually the least sore i have EVER been after a marathon.  i had a huge base of running volume heading in and i guess my body was just ready for it.  i never cramped anywhere, which i think is probably the biggest cause for next day soreness.  don't get me wrong, i'm sore, but not debilitatingly so, as i've been after my other ones.

i'll work on my RR probably this evening.
2011-03-28 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3417194

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


That is sounding much better for Mark. Yay for the resiliancy of the young! And having some time to freelance and also scope out options sounds ideal -- especially if the options include cooking well for your athletic needs. That card IS in play, isn't it?

Jane is going back to school in August, giving up her lucrative career so far to do business school (Stern) at NYU, along with a secondary concentration in international affairs or something. She assures us that a masters is the way to go at her stage in her field, and seeing as how she always seems to do the right thing, i guess we go alone with it. Plus, it seems she's paying for it herself, so even if we had strong opinions......what would they matter?

Greta choice on the bike!! Customer service counts for so much with bikes, and even if not all else it equal, it can probably be a tipping point in favor of a less-better bike. BUT, my feeling is that Felt is nowadays more reptable than C-dale, so I think you hit the jackpot of both counts -- great bike, great customer service. Ta-da!

Apropos of not much of anything, our home fix-it guy is here now, and he is a big Devils fan -- Devils hat all the time, Devils licence place border on his truck. He is feeling the pain these days.

New tires? Probably a good upgrade regardless of color. It'll be your race bike, and so you'll want ones that are a nice combination of light and relatively puncture-proof. I have always liked Vittoria Open Corsa EVO-CX, but there are lots of similar options nowadays.

I need the fix-it guy to finish so i can get on my bike and watch the rest of a mostly-disappointing "Shutter Island". Maybe the second half will be better than the first. At the least, though, it was quite good to ride with!

2011-03-29 1:21 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
2011-03-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
ugh.  that is obnoxious, neil.  you know, it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to get there as early as everyone else does.  i guess the only positive note is that you can spend all day picking people off!

ya ready?!!

2011-03-29 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3415754

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
stevebradley - 2011-03-26 6:13 PM LISALISALISALISA!!!!!!!! I GUESS that's fabulous! I started looking for you at 3:15, and seeing as how you were so coy the other day I had no idea how realistic that was, given my non-knowledge of how all your training has gone. Well, I think it's safe to say that the training has gone great for you, as that really is a tremendous time for one who is NOT a one-trick pony. Again, I say that not knowing about the balance of your training, but I'm pretty certain that you have done a bit more swimming and cycling than most of the other people doing National today! And 6th in that killer age-group of female whippets? Mercy! I also have not looked at the course, but I figure it wan't exactly flat, was it? So, how do any of its ups and downs figure into the bigger picture of TTT and LP? That's probably unfair of me to ask that now, as all you really want to do is kepp smiling and locate the beer -- which you have obviously so richly deserved! Many thanks for checking back here so promptly; it is appreciated more than you might suspect! As for that email I said I would send you shortly........well..........

hey steve,

it's a busy week, but here are a few quick morsels.....
as a general rule, i've been running about 4 days a week, biking and swiming 3 each.  the bike has been light in two weeks leading up to national, though.  i had a 2.5 hour ride on my schedule the week before the marathon, but i was all easy.  i have been doing long rides on the trainer since january and they got up to 3 hours before scaling back for national marathon tapering.  most weeks have had some bike intervals as well, but, again, those stopped about two weeks ago.  i have one solid week of close to nothing before i start tip toeing back in next week. 

i took a bike test in the beginning of march and it was higher than the test i took in the beginning of april 2010 by 5%, so i know my biking is in a decent spot right now.  that will be the focus of the next several months now, though.  i believe he will have me continue working on middle distance running speed, but scale back the long runs for a bit.  the biking, though, i've been told to hunker down and prepare.  i know i have another series of back to back century rides every few weeks here for the next several months.

so, on the swimming front.  i really liked the TI clinic that i took.  it wasn't a form clinic, but, instead was a stroke count clinic.  he had us using one of those tempo trainers that beeps to keep your stroke pace.  basically he had us start out at a relaxed stroke count and then made us slow it down until you were struggling to not sink.  it was definitely interesting.  the slower you have to go, the more your body is learning balance.  after just a few sets of ridiculously slow stroke count work, we went back to the original setting and the strokes per length were less because in that short period of time, we'd trained our brains to be more efficient.  it was pretty cool.  now, we "need" to buy a tempo trainer.  the damn things are $35!  it never ends.

ok, i'll write more later...until one day, maybe, i'll have caught up
2011-03-29 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3419210

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

hooslisa - 2011-03-29 7:47 AM ugh.  that is obnoxious, neil.  you know, it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to get there as early as everyone else does.  i guess the only positive note is that you can spend all day picking people off!

ya ready?!!


This is the only good part of it - my wave at Eman was absolute last as well. I gave myself a personal victory point for every male that I passed You can do the same, Neil! (with women, that is Tongue out)

2011-03-30 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3419135

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Yay! You're here!!

That's lousy about the last wave and the only advice I have is to lie about your age so you are included in one of the old-guys groups that seems to go early in the 70.3 events.

Jess' advice is good, too, as you will have lots of folks of both genders to motor past.

How has your training gone, anyhow? Are you feeling ready for Sunday? Any bib # yet for your fan base here? I guess I can try to track that down on my own --- some of the thrill is in the hunt, so I'm told!

It ought to be a very electric atmosphere there, as all those westcoasters who don't/can't/won't travel to a place like Clearwater for the championships now have a chance to qualify for it in nearby Nevada. I envy you the day!!

Keep us posted, PLEASE!!!

2011-03-30 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3419279

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Well, THAT'S a new approach to the Tempo Trainer! I have always done it the other way -- start comfortable, build to fast, and hope the muscle-memory carries over to all future sessions (Warning: It doesn't).

When I swim again tomorrow, i will certainly try what you were taught. But....

The worry i have for me is ahta I spent years and years and years and years swimming with a low stroke count. I convinced myself that I was indeed being efficient, and many people said I sure looked pretty (swimming, that is), but as we both know, the speed isn't/wasn't there.

In my million-plus hours of thinking about this, I have concluded that of my 23 swimming faults, a major one is "dead spots", which in turn comes from an even majorer fault -- having a crappy kick. So, this off-season has been heavily devoted to increasing my cadence by a couple or three strokes per 25m.......and I think I really am swimming faster!

As for balance, for me it's okay I think, but not the best. As a long-term right-side-breather, my balance comes a bit unraveled when I rotate and try to breathe to the left, but I have also spent a considerable amount of time this off-season working on that as well.

It's been a productive swim off-season for me -------- at least in terms of perceived improvements. All of my hopes and dreams could evaporate with my first lousy race swim, but for now I'm cautiously optimistic!

For people who are good swimmers (that would be you and Ryan) and have a strong, efficient cadence, I would think the $35 for a T.T. would be a great investment. And think of it as doubling as a good torture device, kind of an aural Chinese water torture. Strap a few of them to a persons head, set at different speeds, and watch for insanity to soon follow.

Hunker down for heavier-duty cycling, eh? Well, he took no prisoners with last year's approach, so at least you have some idea what to expect!

Cycling for me has been lots of junk miles on the trainer. No rollers this winter. No Spinervals. No CT. Nothing but a series of action movies and hockey games, and whatever motivation I can summon to push myself harder than soft. It's been a cold March, and I have been outside but once -- 13 days ago. This is not necessarily a disaster, but definitely not desirable. I hope to get out both Saturday and Sunday, and then from there it should be mostly good; it's April by then, for god's sake!

Did I mention Yoga to you the other day? That's been a real eye-opener for me. I'm terrible at it, inflexible as a girder! Well. I'm quite good at inversions, and twists are sometimes better-than-average, but anything that requires bending or pivoting forward from the waist......hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

2011-04-02 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

So! Neil's on the run after a solid swim and a great bike!! I looked up his 2009 results on the same course and his bike was 10 minutes faster - not too shabby.

Anyway, go Neil!

2011-04-02 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

As for me, Coach Julia is keeping me busy this weekend I did a 2 hour ride today, followed by a 45  minute tempo run. 10 miles on the calendar for tomorrow... I'll clock in at around 10 hours total this week - I had been scheduled for 11, but missed Monday's swim due to work commitments...

I think 10 hours was pretty much the most I've EVER done in training for Eman last year or HVJ... and I have to say - the 10 hours I did this week just FELT different than the 10 hours I've done in the past. It was so much easier - mostly because there is NO THOUGHT. I don't have to negotiate with myself or work out when I'm going to do which workouts. I just DO. I can handle that

I was hoping to pickup the new bike this weekend, but it won't be in until Monday. So it'll have to wait at the shop until next weekend, because they're only open until 6pm, and I don't get out of work until at least 7. Oh well! Something to look forward to this week

2011-04-02 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3426692

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Repeat blunder for me --- I missed Lisa's amarthon by a day, and I was sure Neil was doing Oceanside tomorrow! Ack!

I will now go and check where he's at, two hours after your post. That is good news indeed about his bike leg, however!

2011-04-02 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3426721

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

JESS again -

Hey! Congrats on navigating the first week with Julia!

I wasn't sure of your status with her and D3, and not only am I pleased for you that it's happening, but that the first week went so well. Everything you say in the second paragraph expresses perfectly how it all worked for me as well. I especially like the concepts of no thought, and not having negotiate with yourself. Well stated, m'am!

Have a good 10-miler tomorrow!

2011-04-02 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
nice race today, neil!  ...and a happy birthday to you as well!!!  i hope you are enjoying a happy and celebratory evening!
2011-04-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3426842

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


How're ya doin'?? Are you pleased with how the race went? I don't know what your expectations were, but the results look good to my eyes! And as Jess said -- nice improvenment on the bike leg!

Soooooo -- hoping to hear your thoughts and reflections soon!

2011-04-04 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Yes the race went fine for me.  I had little expectations, as I just wanted this to be a good kick off to the season.  The last few months were paticularly tough business wise.  I went from hero to almost being fired in what seemed like a nonasecond.  My company seemed to forget the 3 years back to back of stellar performance.  One year below quota (me and 90% of reps) almost got me fired, or at least the pressure felt that way.  But Quarter 1 ended last friday just before the race and I am back in the green baby!


For now anyway...reality is I am looking to possibly quit when the time is most opportune for me...more on that soap opera later.


Back to the race.  Friday morning I aoke with an incredible pain in my upper back.  After traveling down to the race site I was not a happy camper when the reality of no A R T folks at the site.  No massage at all!  I had to fein intrest in a tins unit to get some type of therapy on my back.  Getting late, the pain was no better after hot tub, ice, etc.  no massage in the hotel...ah what to do?  Well I had to make a quick trip to the mall to purchase a new timex (left my garmin at home) and guess who was in the mall?  The chineese chair massage guy!  Had a 20min session and felt about 50% better.


Woke up race morning and pain was still there, had lots of trouble with neck mobility and was worried about the swim (1. will I be able to rotate neck 2. can I generate power).  Fast forward to the last wave of the day...we were getting lonely in transition with about 2000ish bikes already out on course.  The Eminem song plays, we get in the water, and the pain...well, I'm not sure what happen but I must have forgotten about the pain.


Swim was uneventful, I went easy, a little too easy perhaps...but I had less than 5 swim days since IMAZ so shame on me.  Even more shocking is that I did within 2 minutes or so of a trained me.

T1 was long, I was in no hurry.

Bike was great.  This is where I had treained, and really this is what mattered to me.  I was hoping to go sub 3 but then I remembered there was knarly hills.  Fun hills though.  As in, I was passing many many walking-there-bikes types.  The last 1/3rd of the bike we had a considerable headwind.  I kept in good spirits becasue I just knew a tailwond would appear just like in training when I hit wind.  But just didn't happen.  No tailwind to be found.  Was on what I guess was a false flat as I was about 15mph with no one passing for 5 miles or so.  Actually only got passed by 5 or so people (if that) during the entire bike.  Would love to see how many I actually passed.


t2...see t1 above.


Run.  Here I had one the entire first lap then reconsider.  It worked great until that last word.  Next time I will just change it to say "run the entire 2 laps...then massage" to trim another 15min.


post...great!  After a few hours, I was back in LA, blindfolded and taken to a secret location for my birthday...which was...Miedeval Times!  it was a blast.


2011-04-05 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3429741

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Well, THAT was a fun read! (Truth told, the first paragraph wasn't much fun at all. I am very sorry you have been feeling huge pressure with work, but I guess it is good that you are back in the greeen. Congrats on that, of course, and I hope it continues that way for you!

That's a hoot about the Chinese chair massage guy. Tell him to contact N.A.S., as they have done some daffy things in the past about choosing their vendors, and who knows? maybe they're lloking for a reason to part ways with A.R.T., and he might pique their fancy!

All messin' aside, it's good that you were able to find some therapy that served the purpose. In hindsight, do you think you might've been able to tough your way through the swim (not to mention the other two parts) had you found no relief anywhere?

Only FIVE swims since AZ?? Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk! Actually, that is an intersting object lesson in how much off-season swimming actually helps people like the two of us, who are decent but unimpressive swimmers. Over the years I have spent a couple zillion hours swimming in the off-season, with no hugely encouraging results. Would I be that much fuirther behind if I saved my pool-pass money and didn't swim from October until along about now? Hmmmm.

I guess you've known for a while now that the bike is your trump card, and it certainly played that way on Saturday! If a triathlete is to have any trump card, the bike is the best one -- not only is it the biggest part of a triathlon, but riding efficiently does wonders for running effectively off the bike. It's been clear for two years now that you love riding, and your emphasis on it is yielding sweet results. Cool beans!

As for the post-race massage, did it happen?

And as for the blindfolding -- DID IT HAPPEN??? If so, Milagros certainly has a knack for throwing a nice dose of drama into party execution!

Finally, what's next in your plans and schemes?

Thanks for the fine update, Neil; it is much appreciated!

2011-04-06 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

i concur that i really enjoyed reading the report, minus the back issue.  am i remembering correctly?  i seem to recall a similar issue the week before another race?  is this a reoccuring theme?  what do you think the issue is? seems to me stress could certainly be a factor.  while i'm in sales, technically, it's different because i'm self employed.  there isn't anyone hovering over me asking WHYDFML.  i could NOT handle that.  i'm sure it's stressful.  i think it's remarkable that you've been able to train at all while dealing with that. 

isn't that funny about the swim time trained vs not trained?  it almost makes you wonder while you waste any time in the pool at all.  i feel the same way a lot of the times.  3-4 days a week to save what?  3-4 minutes total.  sigh.  the only thing keeping me in the pool is that i know i need to take off 10 minutes from my LOO time at LP.  that could make the difference between a K slot or a pat on the back. 

steve, i know i owe you a message back.  you ask a lot of questions   work has my BUSY right now.  in a good way....but i'll work on it.  i promise.

yesterday team fexy had a team night at one of our local running stores, potomac river running.  margie shapiro, a local pro and also the co-owner of the stores, spoke about race nutrition.  it was really informative and a ton of fun.  it made me realize how lucky i am to not have a lot of digestive issues.  i don't really pay attention to fat vs prot vs carbs in races.  at all.  never even looked at labels.  BUT, i've never had a problem with anything i've tried either.  i used and liked hammer.  i use and LOVE first endurance.  my gut really seems to be open to whatever i throw down it.  lucky girl.

more later!  gotta get to work!


2011-04-07 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3431897

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Nope, no replies needed! I know you're very busy with work and prepping for the season, and answers can wait until, like, whenever.

I would like to feel that my swim training could lead to a few minutes (you mention 3-4!) of time-improvement, but over the years the reality has been that it doesn't pay to think about anything more than a mere minute -- and even that modest hope/plan/scheme/dream doesn't get met. I am allowing blind faith to mess with my head these past few months and set a hope-goal of 28' for an oly, and if that could happen two or three times.....I'd die a happy man!

Without thta, however, i will revert to my thinking that my swim performance will not improve doing 3 or 4 times a week from October through April, and that I can't get back in middlin' race-swim form with a few OWS in late May and early June. So it goes?

Yup, you sure are fortunate to have a cast-iron gut when it comes to race nutrition matters. Mine is pretty good, I guess, but I remain forever leery and wary. I have kept my two tubs of EFS next to the computer here, with the goal to make me aware of them, and use them, and hopefully become adapted to them. Stupidly, though, I have not tried either even once on my bike while I'm trainering. That would've been the perfect test site, but I just haven't done it. Dumb!

So, they remain mostly earmarked for you and Ryan. One has a expiry date of 4/12, the other 5/12, so if I can get them to you at LP you should be able to go through them before they "officially" expire. Of course, i know I'm doing Ryan no favors by having a Tart Lemon-Lime as one of the two, but hopefully that would be one that you enjoy (?). (The other is Mild Grape.)

I got an email from Hammer saying they can no longer provide USAT discounts because USAT has chosen another company with which to deal. Do you know which one that is? I guess I could go to the USAT website; the info has to be there, yes?

Speaking of which, where did you end up with the rankings? I think I ended up at 38, about five spots away from straight All-American. Last year I was about five spots away from not being Honorable mention, so '10 marked an improvement. I think there are about 28 other Honorable Mention guys below me, so I can't squawk too much.

I'm stumped -- WHYDFML. Hmmm. Any hints?

2011-04-07 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL
uh oh!  must have just graduated a new class to the archives!


what have you done for me lately!

2011-04-09 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3435386

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


Ah, no wonder why I didn't get it -- my mind was running gutterish. Or, at least, I was thrown off by the F in there, and thrying to equate it to HTFU. My bad!!

Yup, another group archived, and I am going to set up another, i think. The one I started in Dec. '09 seems to be officially dead, or at least on life-support with flat-lining barely averted. They may have passed this group in total posts last October or so.....but if we can just keep it going here, we should catch up to them in due course!

Looking to ride outside in an hour or so, which will be only the third time this spring. The previous two have found my left hip and groin acting up at about 15-20 miles, so I sure hope to avoid that today --- and forevermore, for that matter!

2011-04-09 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Look what I got to ride today!!


2011-04-09 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1896958

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Bethesda, MD/Northern NJ
Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL

Oh man, I'm smitten. In love. Mark doesn't need to worry or anything but wow, this bike. I've had a cold all week and been kind of dragging. Julia only had me on tap for a 2 hour ride today, and I didn't really want to get off

Went in for a good fitting this morning. The shop had already taken some measurements before I picked it up, so the fitter had already trimmed the bar ends and cables to about where he thought they would be. That is service!! After that, it was really just a matter of getting things in the right place

Oh man, it's fast. Like scary fast, like, I'm going to need to get used to it being this scary-fast. In aero on the flats, I was going 21-22 without killing myself. That kind of speed is USUALLY reserved for downhill for me I'm  going to need to get used to climbing in it though - being able to shift on the uphill is totally different since the shifters are on the bar ends. Once I get the shifting down though, I have a feeling I'll just be floating up the hills


How exciting!!!

Edited by ThatGirl 2011-04-09 3:53 PM
2011-04-09 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3437751

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Subject: RE: stevebradley's Mentor Group FULL


A-ha! Just the person I was looking for! Check your PM, okay?

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