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2010-12-15 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3247420

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-13 5:59 PM ANNE - Do you ever hang out at the forum at If so, have you seen the thread pertaining to OAT insurance? If not, you might want to go there. The thread was on the first page of the forum a little while ago, and the author is HR (Richard Pady, if you know him), who was hit by a truck during Welland half-iron in June. How much snow are you getting today? Son Peter in Guelph told us last night it might be about six inches, but by the time it gets here it will be only 2-4cm. Stay warm!

Checked it out today and had to register but haven't gotten the e-mail from them yet that allows me on the site.   I have been having problems the last 2-3 days with internet access.   Hope to get on tomorrow morning and have 20 minutes consecutive where it actually works.   

Don't have a ton of snow.   Seems to be missing us, but it definitely looks like winter!   COLD!!!!!

I'm SORRY about the picture; I am SO bad; haven't mailed them yet.    Talk tomorrow about Christmas schedule.


2010-12-15 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3247255

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-13 4:33 PM MANDY - GREAT news that it is now official! Does that mean that we all now get 11" x 17" autographed glossies of you, decked out in Team Trakkers gear? I'm also glad you decided to "upgrade" to the SL; it really does sound quite similar to my P2C. I am sure you will benefit immensely from the carbon-lightness of it as you climb up twice from Wilmington back into Placid! Did you check to make sure that the 47 is the right size for you? It should be.....but as I said, I'm not any too clear on body sizes and bike sizes. For me to get to west of Cleveland, where Cedar Point is, would be about 8-9 hours. So for you, probably 12 isn't a bad guess. Do the race, and then ride the rides at the amusement park! You seem like the kind of person who was maybe born on a roller-coaster, yes? I hope all gets better with family matters. Hang in there?

Yeah official!! SOON with the glossies, I think the gear is coming sometime in Jan. Christmas in JAN for me!    I talked to a bunch of people and did the online fit guide, and the 47 seems to be the one for me.  What what the fitting place you recommended? Fit Werks?? What was it?

How did you know about  the roller coaster??  ha ha I am still up in the air about CP.  I am definitely in on Quassy.  Not sure on Pirate, although I hear both that and Lobsterman are filling in record #'s.  With IMLP as my focus, it is hard for me to think beyond it.  I might stick to races close to home, who knows?

So what is going on with you Mr. Steve?
2010-12-16 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3250381

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, it was Fit Werx. I want to say they are in Waitsfield, VT, but that doesn't sound right. It is NW of Montpelier, SW of Stowe, and maybe 25 minutes in (west of) 89. But in the past few years they have extended the empire, first by having once- or twice-monthly "remote fittings" in Manchester NH and Peabody MA, and then - I think - setting up a more permanent satellite facility. (I say all those things, but don't know how much is fact and how much is fiction! )

What I do know for a fact is that they are great -- sloved a long-standing S-I joint problem of mine! A fitting from them costs, however, so you might want to do something quick and dirty to begin with and hope that is all fine. My session at FW was about four hours, and cost about $375; soemwhere in that range, anyhow. I think you are very clever with tools and gizmos, so you might be able to fit yourself quite well. Shaun did his own fitting, and when I rode with him in July his position looked really good. Lots of people are very successful at fitting themselves, and on-line there are many guides for how to do it. For me, were i to try it, I'd end up looking like a circus clown on a tricycle, I suspect.

What's going on with me, you ask? Suffering the weather, worrying about my feet (bunion/neuroma stuff), still plowing through Shakespeare. I am now immersed in Richard III, which is stupendous. I have done Midsummer, Tempest, Othello, and Much Ado, and next up will be either Measure For Measure or Antony and Cleopatra......although I am tempted to go back and rre-read each of the first five, doing it "straight" without having 3 or 4 or 5 editions at hand that I use to ponderously cross-check obscure references.

I think a month ago I said to you that I was in it mostly for the language, not plot at all. But that's not true, and I guess that is why I would like to re-read them all sooner than later, just to fully enjoy the flow once I have a handle on the language and all. It's funny, though, that my best time for reading WS is in the wee hours, if I've woken up at 4 or 5 or so. I guess I still have a good attention span then, plus there's not much else to do at that hour!

Beyond that, I'm still trying to train semi-seriously. I seem to be good for 3-4 indoor rides, 3-4 swims, and about the same strength sessions, each week, and when I resume full-time running that will be about 3 times a week. Last week I looged 11:30 in training, which is baout where I am in-season. Yikes! So, I have lazed off a bit this week, and will probably end up with 6-8.......maybe.

Hey! When are we riding the Lake Placid course?? We must think climatically clement thoughts!

How are your weekly swims going?

2010-12-16 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3250348

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That's fine about the HVJ photos! It's just I didn't want you to have sent them, and me not reveive them, and then seem ungrateful by not thanking you for them. So, in advance, whenever you send them.......MANY THANKS!

I just learned about a new oly near Newburgh, NY, with a point-to-point swim in the Hudson AND a single-lop bike AND an out-and-back run...........and then learned it is going to be $175. $175!! That is REALLY high for a first-time tri, but the RD wrote and said he has over 100 entrants already. I would love to be one of them, but that's way high for the average oly. Sheesh.

This is what I worry about with WTC dipping into olympic-distance races -- skyrocketing costs there, too, just like 70.3 has affected many half-irons. Sheesh again.

Did you see that Bracebridge is not going to have a half-iron, but an oly on the second day instead? (Or maybe it's all going to be one day now.) And did I mention this to you a couple weeks ago?

2010-12-16 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3251579

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-16 6:25 PM ANNE - That's fine about the HVJ photos! It's just I didn't want you to have sent them, and me not reveive them, and then seem ungrateful by not thanking you for them. So, in advance, whenever you send them.......MANY THANKS! I just learned about a new oly near Newburgh, NY, with a point-to-point swim in the Hudson AND a single-lop bike AND an out-and-back run...........and then learned it is going to be $175. $175!! That is REALLY high for a first-time tri, but the RD wrote and said he has over 100 entrants already. I would love to be one of them, but that's way high for the average oly. Sheesh. This is what I worry about with WTC dipping into olympic-distance races -- skyrocketing costs there, too, just like 70.3 has affected many half-irons. Sheesh again. Did you see that Bracebridge is not going to have a half-iron, but an oly on the second day instead? (Or maybe it's all going to be one day now.) And did I mention this to you a couple weeks ago?

Me and mail seem to have a problem.   I've been walking around with medical receipts for 2 weeks that need to be mailed.   I will let you know when I actually send the photos, so you can expect them.    Would loved to have seen you at Christmas but I don't think we will be coming back until the 26th later evening.    One of my brothers is back in the hospital; pretty sure he will be home in a couple of days but waiting for results of tests which may or may not be good news.   So sad. 

I hate asking you to jump over to my log to see what I've been up to but my internet access is ridiculous right now.   Cuts out at any time for a minute, back on line, back off for 5; not sure what the problem is but have to get it fixed.   Had another good week of CT and ran (briefly yesterday) with some success.   The strain on the knee from the squatting seems to have mended itself.    2 hours of pretty much straight squatting was pretty extreme, and really put the knee to the test, so sort of happy to see that the effect was minimal really.   

Still didn't get an e-mail from Slowtwich.   Will check my spam and see if it ended up there.  

I didn't know that they no longer had the HIM distance at Bracebridge.   Had actually thought we might try it sometime.    I haven't been on either tri site in quite a while.   

Going to send this now and hope to heck it goes.   
2010-12-16 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3251626

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


With Slowtwitch, you should be able to view the forums, but not respond -- at least until you are registered. Even when I am not looged in, I can at least see everything that has been written.

Maybe try it again? Just click on Forums, and then when a box with five different categories comes up, click on the triathlon one. I haven't been there today, so I don't know where that thread is; probably 2nd or 3rd page.

And I will look at your log later. For now -- onto the bike!!

(Northern winters - what a dopey concept....... )

2010-12-16 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3250583

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - Hey! When are we riding the Lake Placid course?? We must think climatically clement thoughts! How are your weekly swims going?

Yeah yeah yeah!! Are we going?? You want to?  Be my lucky charm again?? Maybe Juneish??  We can talk but either that or May I guess! 

Been getting there every week to swim!!

Sounds like some solid training there.  This week I am 10ish hours....working on the build.  Had an awesome run today.  Saw Canada Lynx tracks which was really cool.

See, there are a lot of people who would say that WS puts them to sleep! I am not one of them though! 
2010-12-18 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3246403

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-13 9:00 AM ANNE - Hey! Congrats on being alive! I was just heading out and decided to do ONE last check HERE.........which is never the brightest move to make before heading out "quickly". So, let's see..... You and Mark and those squats and your respective knees! Squatting is the devil's posture, i think, and whenever we humanoids try to do it, bad things happen. I have said that I never do lower-body in ther gym anymore, and even though squats were not a regular part of my lower-body regimen back when I was doing lower-body stuff (pre-meniscus tear days), they always strike me as way too hazardous. As for squatting when doing domestic things, such as what happened to you and Mark, i can have problems there ---- so I try to avoid those particular tasks. (I could say that better for Lynn to hurt her knees rather than me hurt mine.....but I'll just quietly think it instead!) Moving on to water running, I have a video on it which I will send to you if you think you will be doing it kind of regularly. It's called "Water Running for the Serious Athlete", and even though I haven't used it in year, I seem to remember it as being quite good. It definitely reinforces the idea that water running to best effect is not as simple as just getting in the water and moving one's legs in a simulated running motion. I also have a water-run-specific belt-buoy thing, and while it is kind of large it weighs very little, so I could send that, too. Or, i could try to get them to you in a couple of weeks when we are in Guelph. Do you have updated plans? I seem to remember you being in Oshawa until the 26th, and then returning midday ---- which is about when we were considering coming back home. Nothing is carved in stone yet, so let me know your updated plans. As for mailing stuff, were you going to send some photos to me, ones from Half Vemont? I think I gave you my address, and I think it was for that purpose, and I'v ekind of been looking for somehting from you for a while now, so (a) you sent something that didn't arrive, (b) you haven't sent anything yet, or (c) I'm more confused than normal. Anyhow, that's that. On the main BT forum there is a mnetion of a very cool section of the website, and it is on swim types. Go to and have fun with this! I am quite clearly Overglider, with some small bits of Swinger thrown in just to muddy the waters some. I am think about getting the correction guide for Overglider, but....... ......some of the things I reported on a few weeks ago, vis-a-vis my swimming improvements, and likely part of the correction guide. (Another way to say this, amybe, is that in all my reading I KNOW what I should be doing (better), but either neglect it or cannot quite opull it off.) I continue to enjoy some modest success in trying to improve my stroke, and as I said about a month ago now --- I will let you know what I am doing and how/why it seems to be working. Okay, I REALLY gotta split the scene now, so I'm off. Bye for now!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!   and my computer is finally ALIVE again as well!!!!!!!!!!!!   Ken hooked me up with D-link? and my connection is now 4 bars high rather than the previous 1 bar - FAST!  

I got the water running program off of - Pete Pfitzinger - Lab Reports - A  Nine-week water running plan to stayin in shape by injured.   He developed this for some guy called Scott Douglas.  (   I think it must be for serious runners and not triathletes because the 'running' is 6 days a week of mostly hard intervals.  

Thanks for the offer on the video and water belt.   I would be interested in borrowing the video to have a look but I do have a belt specifically for water running; helps keep the proper form I think, although he says to get the HR where you need it to be its pretty much impossible to simulate land running too closely, because your stride rate will get too low and not to worry if your leg isn't brought behind the body to the same degree as in land running.   Supposed to find a happy compromise with decent form and a reasonable rate of ??leg ??turnover.      ??I?f? ?y?o?u? ?l?e?f?t? ?t?h?e? ?v?i?d?e?o? ?w?i?t?h? ?y?o?u?r? ?s?o?n? ?i?n? ??G?u?e?l?p?h?,? ??I? ??c?o?u?l?d? ?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?y? ?p?i?c?k? ?i?t? ?u?p? ???i?n? ??J?a?n?u?a?r?y?.? ? ?
2010-12-18 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

OK, computer started acting weird, so cut the last post short.    I was saying I could possibly pick up the water running video in January.  

Haven't checked out the swimsmooth site yet.   Later today.

Going to go and review some of the other posts for the past few days.  

2010-12-18 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3251766

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-12-16 9:56 PM
stevebradley - Hey! When are we riding the Lake Placid course?? We must think climatically clement thoughts! How are your weekly swims going?

Yeah yeah yeah!! Are we going?? You want to?  Be my lucky charm again?? Maybe Juneish??  We can talk but either that or May I guess! 

Been getting there every week to swim!!

Sounds like some solid training there.  This week I am 10ish hours....working on the build.  Had an awesome run today.  Saw Canada Lynx tracks which was really cool.

See, there are a lot of people who would say that WS puts them to sleep! I am not one of them though! 


I have been dying to say CONGRATULATIONS on being invited to be part of that team!   That is SO awesome and I am SO envious.    How on earth does something like that happen?   That is going to be really motivating I would think.  

10ish hours of training is pretty darned good at this time of year even with an HIM coming up.  Do you have a 'formal' plan that you will start following 20-24 weeks out?    Do you know when you will be arriving at Placid for the race?   Hopefully it is a few days before which will give me more of an opportunity to track you down and hopefully maybe do a ride or swim together.   I don't think I could keep up with your running.   

What do you do at Christmas?   Any skiing trips planned?   We actually have some decent snow here.   Hasn't been like this in years.   Last year I think we skiied twice and had to go a fair bit north to find some snow.   It's definitely good cross training.   Baxter Park is right on the top of our list for when Ken retires in a couple of years!  

Take care,

2010-12-18 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3251677

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-16 8:10 PM ANNE - With Slowtwitch, you should be able to view the forums, but not respond -- at least until you are registered. Even when I am not looged in, I can at least see everything that has been written. Maybe try it again? Just click on Forums, and then when a box with five different categories comes up, click on the triathlon one. I haven't been there today, so I don't know where that thread is; probably 2nd or 3rd page. And I will look at your log later. For now -- onto the bike!! (Northern winters - what a dopey concept....... )

Finally checked my spam mail and there was the confirmation e-mail from Slowtwitch.    Read the posts on the OAT insurance.   Like most I have only signed and never read.     On coverage for our bikes and equipment I can tell you I have no coverage with our home and/or auto plan other than it being stolen and only coverage for $500.00 which is ridiculous.   It was quite expensive to add a rider for more coverage and even with that it didn't cover you if you had an accident in a race.    However, from reading that forum, it sounds like if I get HIT by a car, the other person's insurance would cover replacing my bike? ?     What do you know about all this? 

2010-12-18 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3246511

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-12-13 10:03 AM MANDY, congratulations on making the race team.  Very cool perks to go with that it sounds like!

I've been thinking about DENISE and MARK, what with all that snow.  MARK, sounds like you faired okay but I think I heard them say this was the 5th worse snow storm in Minnesota ever?  I'm thinking DENISE might be buried in snow at this point!  My daughter is flying home today out of Rochester with a layover in Newark.  Hoping she gets out ahead of the snow they are predicting in Rochester.

I'm hoping that these foot/knee injuries are not catching!! Sounds like we all just need to lay off the domestic jobs. I do tend to let my gardening go when I'm in training because I can certainly feel it in my legs after a good day in the yard!

I am beginning to think that our new truck is jinxed.  My husband and I were in an accident yesterday ... with a Sheriff's Deputy ... URGH!!  We both saw him pull over into this v-shaped median and stop.  We assumed he was setting up radar but as soon as we got by the side of him, he u-turned right in front of us!! Talking on his cell phone!!!  My husband laid on the horn, tried to swerve to miss him, and almost avoided him.  The deputy rolled down his window and told us to pull over ... my response, "You bet we'll pull over!".  Thankfully, both vehicles ended up with minor scratches (if there's such a thing as a "minor" scratch on 4 month old vehicle!).  We had to wait around for 1 1/2 hours for the county traffic investigor and the deputy's supervisor.  The deputy totally accepted all fault (oh, really?) and the county will be footing the bill for our truck and a rental car.  Poor guy, all he saw when he turned in front of us was this great big truck coming at him with some crazy woman with her arms up the air yelling "What the h... are you doing, you idiot??!!).  


Sorry to hear about the truck.   Glad it all turned out OK and I'm sure in a few months it will make for a funny story. 

Hope you haven't caught our knee problems.      I don't garden, to my neighbour's dismay, I'm sure.   But once a few years back, I tried it and I can vividly remember the PAIN the following day.   

How's you're week prior to Christmas shaping up?    Hope it's not too crazy.    We're pretty low key - only child is Erich, who isn't a child anymore and I have always had to share him at Christmas.    No grandchildren and my brothers live in Oshawa.  They enjoy Christmas but it's not the same as when my Mom was alive.    My brothers are disabled and not able to come to my home for Christmas which has always made me sad but I enjoy going there and putting together a Christmas meal.    Have never had Christmas with Ken's family who all live in B.C. but we have just decided we are going to spend Christmas there next year.  

Stay warm, or is that cool???
2010-12-18 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I was checking over my log recently and looking at my training volume (includes strength & yoga) for the past few years.   Seems pretty consistent with just a slight increase year over year.   Hope to increase it a bit more substantially for next year, but not too crazy.   I think sticking to the 10-15% rule.

2007 - 367;
2008 - 375;
2009 - 391;
2010 - 450 (most likely. At about 439 now)

Tri alone seems to come in at about 275-300.  

Do you think that is good enough for HIM?
2010-12-18 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3251766

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Juneish would probably work well,a nd even into early July -- although you might want extra time to allow it all to sink in and become of your Iron Essence. I have absolutely positively no clear idea what I'll be doing next season, but it's likely that I'll be tied up that first weekend (Keuka Lake? Mooseman? Quassy?), as will you if you do Quassy. I will probably do a race the last weekend in June, but other than that I'm seemingly free. The weekend after Quassy might fit best, cuz the next weekend the Ottawa Fringe Festival starts, and that's good for me to help keep my life balanced (such as it is......)

Very fine on the swim regularity, Ms. M! I have oredered some replacement parts for my Vasa Trainer, and that should allow me an extra day of swim-related activity. As it stands now, I am 3-5x a week at the pool, but some of that isn't necessary - especially given the drive and all. Hopefully I can FINALLY do justice to the Vasa!

Lynx tracks! That has to bode weell for something or other, yes? Rumors continue to circulate that there are fishers around us, which isn't great news if it's true. Our dog is medium-sized, so maybe off-limits to an other-than-starving fisher.......but pity the poor cats!

The best wildlife story for us is wintering cardinals -- a male and two females regualrly around our house. It wasn't until less than two years ago that we heard them during the summer, and that reflects 19 years in this house. I should probably go to a bird census website and see how their range has exploded over the past couple of decades. And there mighta been a flock of redpolls out back yesterday, which would also be good if they decided to kick around.

I'm almost done with Richard III, which is jaw-dropping stupendous. Mercy!

2010-12-18 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3253418

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


More to come, but Lynn just got home so for now......

Your hours ought to be ample for a half-iron. Where you're at now averages to just about 9 a week, and of course that will be skewed more heavily (i.e., more hours/week) in-season. But even at nine, if they're quality (and I know yours are), that'll work. I will try to get some idea what my volume has been for HIM training, especially for my first few. that'll require a ferreting through my archives of old logs, but I'll get on that and see what I come up with.

Off to the Lynner!

2010-12-18 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3253158

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

I'm quite dense about insurance stuff, which is partially why that thread interested me. The comment about going after the driver for bike costs was from Dev Paul, who is a local ultra-good triathlete who really knows his stuff in all respects. (If you pick up the Slowtwitch habit, you will see lots of posts from him.) Anyhow, if he found that to be a good way to go, thta's gopod enough for me.

When I had my crash in '09, it involved a car only so far as that I went down as I maneuvered around the car, which was backing out. Not that it even crossed my mind to get his insurance info, but even if I had I'm not sure it would count as a collision, or even being hit by him. (Miracle #1 was that I didn't broadside him. Miracle #2 was that as I whipped around his back end, he didn't plow into me and send me into the field across the road!) I figure that most people who are hit by a vehicle are in no shape to go about collecting information, let along engage in a discussion as to whose fault it was. BUT! If it ever happens to me and I can get my head around dealing with technicalities on the spot, then I will try to do what Dev did!

As for my bike in the crash, all it suffered were scrapes and cosmetic blemishes -- Miracle #3, I guess. My body did its job, shielding the bike from further harm. OHIP covers me, but not the bike!

And as for coverage, many years ago I called our insudrance company abnd found pretty much what you found. That was very frustrating, making me/bike feel quite vulnerable. I wonder if it's different for motorcycles and power boats.....but maybe not for bicycles and canoes and kayaks. That doesn't seem right, somehow, you know?

2010-12-18 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3253456

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE once more -

Back to those HIM training hours....

So let's say that in-season you have it to ten hours. That could be 2 swimming, 2-3 running, and the rest on the bike; sounds decent to me!

Two weeks out from HVJ I did 11:07, with 3:08 OWS, 4:16 on the bike, and 3:43 running.
Three weeks out it was 7:32, with 2:25 OWS, 3:06 bike, 1:57 run. (This doesn't include the West Point Tri, so that's another 15/50/22 or so)
The week before that was the one that ended in the Fronhofer Double, so that was screwy - nothing on Friday or Sunday, but the two races on the Saturday.
The week before that was 8:22 -- 1:53 OWS, 4:07 bike, 2:22 run.

FWIW, my HVJ experience led me to think I was slightly undertrained for the task at hand.......and looking at those numbers supports that, I think. I knew that doing the oly&sprint on Aug 7 and a sprint on Aug 15 wasn't the best protocol for a half-iron on the 29th, but.......

FWIW pt.2, my long run in August leading up to HVJ was 1:27, and the longest ride was 3:17. Had I to do it over again, I would've hit a run of 1:40, and maybe one more 3-hour ride. PLUS, there were no long bricks in my build/peak for HVJ -- another "casualty" of Fronhofer and West Point!

Finally, all of the above is my way of saying that with a few ten-nish weeks leading up to whatever half-iron you are aiming for, if you do them more studiously than I did mine you should be in very good shape!

2010-12-19 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3245944

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-12 6:09 PM


Yeah, really -- as I just said to Mark, I hope you all are still alive. ANNEDENISETRACEY especially, so quiet for so all mostly okay??

I'm still here, I'm still here!

It's been quiet lately with not much to report. I tried to get back into swimming and managed to get to the Y once a week for a swim, but that only lasted for 3 weeks before something came up with work enough times for me to not make it there again since... I haven't been riding at all. So I've mostly been running, and twice per week I'll do some sort of cross training activity like kickboxing or a boot camp-style work out. But I was happy to see that even though I hadn't swam in over 2 months, I seemed to have not really lost much of my endurance or skills.

I've actually been sick with some kind of respiratory infection the last week, and so has my son. So the lack of sleep combined with the breathing issues have make work outs difficult the last 6 days or so. But, I'm feeling mostly better today so I'm back on the wagon tomorrow with a 5 mile run planned.

Steve, it's inspiring to read your workout schedule! It reminds me that I really need to get my butt moving if I want to manage an Oly this summer. My last run was just totally blah. It was one of those runs where you just kind of feel like it's never going to end and step after step feels like a huge effort. I've actually managed to lose about 8 pounds in the last month or so (now that I finally got serious about my diet), so you'd think my runs would be getting easier, but the weight loss doesn't seem to have affected them yet. Hopefully the crummy run was just a one-time thing due to the recent sickness and lack of sleep!


2010-12-19 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3254257

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I was thinking about you a while ago, figuring you too were watching Dan Connolly lumber his way down the field on the kickoff return. Man, I'm glad I've lived long enough to see that!

And they just scored again on the interception that included 4 or 5 missed tackles by Green Bay. So, things are looking up!


Glad you are hanging in there, and hopefully the respiratory thing is fading. Christmas is always the worst time for that stuff to hit, especially when it gets the sprouts to whom the holidays matter the most. Is Zack over it himself?

As for the workouts and a summer oly ---- still LOADS of time to get ready for that; don't fret! Remember where you were a year ago, and how hugely you progressed even by the time Escape rolled around. Really, you could weather two or three more respiratory infections and STILL manage to get yourself set for a summertime oly!

The thing you sound most angsty about - the bike - is the thing that will best take care of itself, especially once the good weather comes back. (By the by, have you bought a trainer?) The thing you worried about most last year was the run, just whether or not your neuroma-plagued feet could handle it, and by the sounds of it the run continues to go well for you -- kind of the all-purpose fallback for training, in fact! As for the will just be able to knock off 1500m in a race setting, even were you not to get into the water between now and then.

Kindred thoughts:
(1) For me, too, the swim is the area in which layoffs have the least detrimental effect. That is always a source of some comfort, knowing I can stay away from the pool for an extended period and not pay dearly for it.
(2) If I had a nickle for every run that turned into a slog similar to the one you describe.......I would have enough money for a three-month supply of gels, anyhow. Those runs bug the heck out of me, and the effect is no less now than was 193-of-them ago. (And you even have some very valid explainers for yours, in the form of sickness and poor sleep!)

And congrats on the weight loss! Eight pounds is significant, I think, and I'm sure you're very pleased with that. I'm also sure you will begin to feel it on the run, once you get your health/rest back in balance. (Enjoying your cold-weather running gear, at least?)

Back to the Pats!

2010-12-21 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Well, I just signed up for my first 2 triathlon races for next year. I have found myself needing some motivation to stick with ALL scheduled training sessions lately, and hope this will do it.

I have a 10K on 4/16/11. My first tri is 5/22, the Land Between the Lakes race in Albert Lea, MN. It is a sprint distance race. This will be my 3rd year for this race. Hope I will see Denise at this race again! My second race is 6/12, Trinona - Battle for the Bluff in Winona, MN. It is an International/Olympic distance race, and is my A race for the early part of the year. Last year I waited too long and the race closed before I got signed up. This year I decided to sign up early.

I have been consistent with my running, but my strength training has been spotty the last 2 weeks - mainly because it is 'school programs crunch time'. We've had 13 different school perfomances/activities to attend in the last couple weeks (band, choir, bowling, etc.) and these are always late nights by the time we are home and settled in. No complaints though, it is great to be able to see my girls' growth in skill and confidence over time as we attend these performances/activities.

Hope everyone has wonderful holidays - I will be on only sporadically the next couple weeks.


PS - Go Hawks & Badgers!!
2010-12-21 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Merry Christmas everyone.

I will be back on a regular basis after the 1st of the year.

Hope everyone has a jolly holiday.


2010-12-21 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3253418

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-18 3:00 PM MANDY - Juneish would probably work well,a nd even into early July -- although you might want extra time to allow it all to sink in and become of your Iron Essence. I have absolutely positively no clear idea what I'll be doing next season, but it's likely that I'll be tied up that first weekend (Keuka Lake? Mooseman? Quassy?), as will you if you do Quassy. I will probably do a race the last weekend in June, but other than that I'm seemingly free. The weekend after Quassy might fit best, cuz the next weekend the Ottawa Fringe Festival starts, and that's good for me to help keep my life balanced (such as it is......) Very fine on the swim regularity, Ms. M! I have oredered some replacement parts for my Vasa Trainer, and that should allow me an extra day of swim-related activity. As it stands now, I am 3-5x a week at the pool, but some of that isn't necessary - especially given the drive and all. Hopefully I can FINALLY do justice to the Vasa! Lynx tracks! That has to bode weell for something or other, yes? Rumors continue to circulate that there are fishers around us, which isn't great news if it's true. Our dog is medium-sized, so maybe off-limits to an other-than-starving fisher.......but pity the poor cats! The best wildlife story for us is wintering cardinals -- a male and two females regualrly around our house. It wasn't until less than two years ago that we heard them during the summer, and that reflects 19 years in this house. I should probably go to a bird census website and see how their range has exploded over the past couple of decades. And there mighta been a flock of redpolls out back yesterday, which would also be good if they decided to kick around. I'm almost done with Richard III, which is jaw-dropping stupendous. Mercy!

"Iron Essence"  ha ha ha love it I think that could be a marketable perfume!! Eu du sweat and Gatorade??

We can nail down the time as it gets closer, but I would love to have a meet-up. 

We have some Cardinals too!! OK I have to get back to work now. More later!

2010-12-21 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3256380

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well done on the aggressive, proactive race registrations; Battle for the Bluff might've missed you in '10 but not in '11! I need to take a page from your book and make some commitments myself, perhaps!

Speaking of oh my, your girls' schools keep you hopping at this time of year. Mercy!

Tis is always a kind of bittersweet time for me -- bitter because it was fun watching 10- and 11-year-olds getting psyched for the holidays, but sweet because I no longer have to struggle with putting on a Christmas production. This was my weakest link as a teacher, probably, and each year I hoped and prayed a decision would be made to do away with the Christmas Concert. (Sadly, it never was cancelled in my 19 years at my final school....) But bowling! Bowling I could handle! MUCH better than an elaborate concert, to be sure!

Enjoy us in your absence.....or something like that. Look forward to hearing back from you when you return!

(And okay then -- Go Hawks and Badgers!)

2010-12-21 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3256523

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yo! Denise! No hit-and-run until the New Year, eh? Stick around a bit!

Everything okay -- excepting the Vikings, of course. Boy, it's hard to imagine how a seson could go more wrong for a professional team, and I am sorry for you that it has undfolded this way. As for this point he's more to be pitied than reviled. I cannot think of a single athlete who has orchestrated his retirement worse than he has his. (Syntax, anyone?) many, many atghletes have held on too long and have just sadly played it out with ever-diminishing skills, but for him, he's just getting the living crap kicked out of him each game. At this stage he needs to be locked away for the next two weeks for his own good, if nothing else.

On behalf of Patriots Nation, I extend an invitation to you to hop aboard our high-speed express train to playoff glory. Enjoy the ride!

Glad you checked in, sorry you're disappearing again -- or maybe have even disappeared already!

Seasonal jollies to you, too!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-12-21 4:54 PM
2010-12-21 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3256617

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Iron Essence? Oh, it's so much more than just sweat and gatorade! Perfumes are one way to view it, but wine terminology might also apply. Of course, each person will be very individualized, and I guess that is one of the mysteries of exquisite perfumes - that they achieve refinements on their character with each individual wearer.

But Iron Essence, ideally, should be "balanced", and perhaps "robust" and even "aggressive"; maybe even "gutsy". People who enter into an iron looking for their Essence to be "charming" or "bright" or "delicate" are usually disappointed, and perhaps may even feel betrayed by their body and/or their nutritional plan and/or their (temporary) lack of refined eating habits.

So, onto the Personal Palette of sweat and salt and (perhaps?) pee will be some drink(s), some gel(s), and random other foodstuffs, along with whatever remains of the body of water in which they swam 2.4 miles. Again, though, the goal is "balance" -- one wants the finsih line personnel to recognize you as "unique", a malange of exotic aromas and odours that defies immediate categorization. If you can baffle/dazzle them, all the better!

Oh, whatever......

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