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2008-02-11 11:14 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey, y'all.  Thanks for the comments the last couple weeks.  My knee is still gimpy and I can't even get far enough along to even know if my new shoes are helping or hurting.  Doc will give me a better diagnoses Thurs, but after today's visit, nothing too out of the ordinary.  I hurt it by running too far on too few miles.  Thought I could just tough it out, but don't do what I did.  Train up your miles slowly.  I jumped too quickly to 16 and then 18 without putting in enough base.  Now, I haven't run for weeks, put on a few pounds and am still not able to go more than about 15 minutes.  It's so frustrating.  I'm obviously not running the marathon in 2 weeks and the 1/2 is in jeopardy, too.  I might try the 10k or simply volunteer a bit.  I've got a little TM session tomorrow night, and cortisone coming on Thursday.  Hopefully, I can get through this.

2008-02-12 6:53 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Wow - we're a mess.  Looks like Frank and Jay are the only healthy ones out there - stay healthy and keep up the good work!  For all of us injured and/or sick ones - be patient with yourselves and remember we're in this for the long haul.  Looks like we could write a journal on overtraining injuries... Be well everyone!


2008-02-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Don't jinx me!
I feel your pain on the knee front. Once the problems start, they are hard to get rid of. I've been in that cycle of cutting back, gaining weight, down she goes.
Hang in there. all those overuse injuries eventually go away with a little time with training ramped down for a while. Walking and swimming should still be ok.
2008-02-13 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1208379

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I agree, no jinxing!  No Whammies, No Whammies!!!  I need to keep up this training through the end of April.  Then May I'm going to relax some and then start ramping it up again in June. 

I hope everyone starts to feel better soon.  The good news is that we are early enough into the season that, with some rest now, it may not interfere with the tri season.

2008-02-18 10:12 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Tri season - Hell! Soccer season just started.  Doc told me to stay off it for 3 weeks (normal recommendation), but he was hoping I would stay off at least 2.  Well, the knee gods were looking out for me on Friday.  I was dressed and ready on a cold, nasty, 38F, rainy/drizzly night, but only 5 of my teammates came out.  Forfeit.  I was upset w/my fairweather 'mates, but not that much as I would have had to play an entire 90 minutes, and the knee just wasn't ready for that.  We still drank a couple beers in the parking lot - I just got home earlier than normal.

Test run on Wednesday.  Then it's decision time - to run something at Cowtown or kiss the $$ goodbye and volunteer.  Either way, I'm getting a t-shirt or two.

This has been a good reason to be getting in some pool sessions, though.  They've been pretty good.  Can someone direct (tell) me proper technique on the "pull?"  I'm doing the TI reach, and my timing and switching are good, but I'm not sure I'm maximizing my arm motion from the reach all the way through to the recovery.  Y'all are better swimmers than I am - enlighten me.

Keep up all your good work.  I'm trying to do a couple fewer tris this season, but everytime I get an email notice about another one, I secretly try to find a way to do it.

2008-02-19 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1219538

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hmmm, first I hope I can explain what I, I'll hope that what I do is correct enough to be giving advice.

I'm not quite the TI disciple that some people are but I am incorporating a lot of TI into the stroke that I already had.  The best piece of advice I got on the "pull" is that if I'm feeling it in my shoulders I'm doing it wrong.  Rather, you want to feel as though your lats are doing all of the work.  That did wonders for me b/c I had to get my arms in the correct position in order for the lats to pull my arms through the water.  If that doesn't help, let me know and I'll pay more attention next time I'm in the water so that I can explain exactly what I'm doing.

Once I got that down I had to start working on making sure my arms were not getting lazy at the end of the pull.  By that I mean that I tend to pull my arms out of the water to soon and I don't finish the pull.  A good drill for this is to drag your thumb across the side of your thigh before it comes up out of the water.

Hope this helps.  Have fun with soccer and take it easy on that knee.

2008-02-24 8:37 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hello everyone,
Wow, have I been out of touch. Frank emailed me today and asked me what/where I've been up to. I have been very active with my son's 7th grade basketball team for the past 3 months. It has been great for us, and I've enjoyed (more than I ever thought I would) the excitement of coaching. I have a habit of scrimmaging with the boys during the last 30-45 minutes of every practice, and that is usually a good thing. I get a cardiovascular workout and it helps me to get a better idea of how each boy is playing/practicing. A couple of weeks ago, I twisted my right knee during practice. I didn't think much of it, and went on a business trip. Unfortunately, the knee didn't get any better, and I hobbled around during the 5 days of the business trip. When I got back home, the PA took a look at it, scheduled an xray, gave me a prescription for Motrin and sent me on my way. Now, the swelling is better, but I've got some free-floating cartillage moving around and my knee is still quite sore. I have another appointment this Friday, and I hope to get an MRI. A few friends have told me that they had similar problems and it looks/sounds like a torn meniscus.
I hope to find out soon. In the meantime, I will do some swimming, stretching, and weights. I had started increasing my workout routine, but now I'm doing what I can until the knee gets better.
Encouragement appreciated.
2008-03-29 2:14 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey Jay,

Have a great time in the marathon tomorrow.  Can't wait to hear about it!  Enjoy!


2008-04-01 8:48 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey all -

Sorry I haven't been in touch - work has been crazy, it's been enough to get the workouts in and log them when I can, let alone hitting the boards.  I hope everyone's healing well with tri season starting to ramp up.  I'm doing a 40 mile bike ride for charity in 3 weeks - and the longest I've gone is probably 15 miles.  I'm a goner, but I'm definitely looking forward to it - hopefully all those miles on the trainer will make it a little less painful.

Stay healthy.

2008-04-02 8:15 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
You will feel no pain, your training has been strong and you are ready for a long ride.
2008-04-03 3:10 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi all! I don't come around on the boards as much, but I wanted to check in and say hi!
I hope everyone is healing too. I'm starting to realize just how important rest is myself. Between being sick and incurring injuries this winter, I've had a very slow start to the training season. It's been frustrating, but I feel confident that I will be able to find my training groove soon. I just signed up for the Chicago again, so I really don't have a choice now!
I definitely hear everyone on the knee injuries too. I have a reconstructed knee and the other week, I tripped down the stairs (ever so gracefully) and twisted that knee pretty badly. It's feeling better, but then arthritis kicks in with damp April weather and irritates it. So its an uphill battle, but rest and ice have done wonders. And light strength training focusing on legs is a huge help too. I think it really helped me last year to sustain long runs and rides.
Anyway, take care and stay healthy!

2008-04-18 11:07 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Oh the knees.  Tony, I feel for ya.

My good news is that mine is no longer sore.  I've done an oly and continued to play soccer and everything is checking out all right.   My work has been hellish, too, but it looks like I'm getting back to a more normal schedule.  That'll give me more time to blog and train.

Good luck to everyone this season.

2008-04-19 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1348534

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I've found out the problem with my knees.....I need hip surgery. Interesting, huh? The docs say that over the past 10 years since I've had osteo arthritis in my right hip, I've compensated my normal stride, resulting in my kneecap migrating to the outsides of my knee. I will have hip surgery sometime this summer. In the meantime, I will start SYNVISC injections to the right knee in a week.
I won't be tri-ing this year, maybe never again. BUT I will swim and bike. And as Jack Nicholson says....2 out of 3 ain't bad!

Have a great summer! I'll keep y'all posted.
2008-04-24 9:53 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Glad to catch up with you guys -

COLWIN - so sorry to hear about the hip but it does expain your pain...I bet you'll be out there Tri-ing once you get fixed up.  I'll be thinking about you.  Keep us posted.

JAY - Good job on a last minute 5k.  That is really exiting about Kristen racing.  I checked out Beth's log too - impressive.  That's great to have more than one in the family into this stuff.  GOOD LUCK AT ST. ANTHONY'S NEXT WEEKEND!  I wish I could be there.  I can't wait to read your race report.  It's a HUGE race so I know if I make it, I would never be able to find you guys....oh well.

CHRIS - Nice workouts.  I love the cannonball idea!  Let us know if you do it.

DOUG - Good to see you back to a normal work schedule.  You amaze me how you fit in races and get healed up in spite of what looks like a minimal workout schedule.  I always like to look at Texmom's log too - she inspires me with her early morning workouts.  Looks like Yoblondie has gotten a hold of you too! )

I am slowly, ever so slowly, working up to running.  My log has details.  I'm not putting a race on the calendar cuz that makes me go crazy overtraining and hurting myself.  When I feel I'm ready - you'll see a date on the calendar.  Until then, I'm enjoying the ride (and run and swim)....

2008-04-29 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1359163

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks for the well wishes.  What a great race, I highly recommend it to anyone who might be interested in doing a big race.  What a buzz around the city with 5,000 triathletes and probably 10,000 spectators.  Probably the most fun I've had in a race and a great start to what is going to be a fantastic tri season.
2008-05-07 7:03 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey everybody,

I have a running question...I am obviously just starting to increase my running and do about equal walking and running while I'm logging in my "runs."  Here is my problem - I can't run slow.  I know that sounds stupid because my times are really slow but what I mean is, I wish I could just run really really slow instead of walking, but, whenever I start to run, I think about cadence being at about 90rpm and leaning forward (I read Chi Running) and keeping my arms and legs loose and before I know it, I'm sprinting along and quickly need to stop and walk.  While I'm in the "build" phase and just working on being able to run a 5k without walking, is it okay to run at a slower cadence.  Or, if I run at a 90rpm cadence and just sort of almost run in place I guess I could go slow.  Has anyone ever experienced this???

Thanks for any help you can give me. )

2008-05-07 9:30 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

This is a better question for the main forums, you'll get lots of expert answers.  That said I'll pass along what I just learned last week at a tri club meeting where we discussed exactly this same thing.  What they were telling and demonstrating to us was that cadence should always stay the same, and, like you say, a cadence of 90 is pretty much ideal.  To run faster or slower we should just shorten or lengthen the stride but cadence stays the same.

Can you concentrate on a shorter stride.  That would slow you down and would conserve energy.

My cadence is not at 90 yet, I just started working on some of the things I learned.  I have such bad running form, I'm hoping to correct it over the next several months.

2008-05-08 7:58 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Great suggestions!  As to my cadence, I'm only guestimating it but that's what I want it to be.  Let me know what you find out and meanwhile, I'll check with the other forums - I forget about those....Thanks!
2008-06-10 10:28 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Did I say I'd have more time to blog and workout a few postings ago?  Wrong!  It got hot, here, quickly after a very nice spring and I've been fighting the heat (a losing battle, I know).  Anyway, I've been learning some very cool swimming tips that I'll pass on to y'all after Saturday's clinic.  For those of you still swimming TI, I'm curious to hear if you're still using the ear as an entry point for your hand/arm extension.  My swim coach says not to, it kills momentum.  She advised me to keep the hand/arm out of the water to near full extension before putting it back in.  Keep the long reach, though.  Also, bend the arm at the elbow and even wrist on the pull.  That way you "catch" more water than just moving a straight arm through the water.  You may already know this, but I didn't.  2 more things - pull in a line down the center of your chest and finish with a strong, tricep-based push out of the water.  These simple corrections (and a couple others) have already brought my times down to the 2:20s/100.  Finally, feel as if you're pushing yourself upwards through the water.  My biggest complaint with TI (books and video) was it wasn't clear to me what to do with my arms in the water on the pull.

After Saturday's clinic, I'll post some of the race techniques they taught.

Hope all is well for everyone despite bad hips, "happy feet" and participating partners.


2008-06-11 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1458716

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I never do the entry at the ear. I am usually mid-stroke. The ear entry just doesn't work.
2008-06-13 8:03 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
going "long" with my arm has made a world of difference.  Live and learn, they say.  big swim clinic tomorrow.  I'll provide details.

2008-07-03 9:18 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hi Everyone - Happy 4th of July!  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday...

Remember Tony in your thoughts and prayers (colwins440) - he's going for hip surgery on July 14th (unless things have changed.)

Doug - tell me more about the "long arm" swim stroke... I've been doing the TI thing of entry at the ear and it seems okay but I've never had a swim lesson so have nothing to gauge it by.  I'm interested to hear what your swim clinic said.

Happy training everyone and be safe out there!


2008-07-06 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1507751

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks Tara...the surgery has been postponed until the Friday the 18th to accomodate the doctor's busy schedule. That actually works out better for us. It gives my oldest daughter and son a chance to drive up from Dallas to visit a few days while I'm recuperating.
I've been swimming and water walking to keep my legs, knees and hips healthy. No biking or running. I do get some walking in, but have to keep the distance down. Full recovery should take 3-6 months (enough to bike ride). I'll keep in touch.
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