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2010-03-16 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2724193

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-13 12:53 AM

I'm thrilled because I had a 4mile run at just under a 10-min mile!  This is a first for me.  A couple of months ago it was 13min miles and last month 12min miles for that distance.  If this progression would keep going, I could take gold at the next Olympics Laughing

Yeah, well - just further confirmation I'm bad with details.  This morning's 4mile run I realized that the reason my pace was so good was that I neglected to run part of it...  I only ran 3.5miles for a 11:26min/mile pace.  Still an improvement and today I did 4miles (really!) at 11:04 pace.  Still an improvement, but I may have to postpone my Olympics bid.

2010-03-16 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2728236

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-15 10:39 PM

KSH - 2010-03-14 10:44 PM  Since your longest run to date seems to be 6 miles... then do this... End of week 7- 8 miles End of week 8- 10 miles End of week 9- 8 miles, If you did 10 or 11 here that would be OK. But the recovery might be good. End of week 10 - 12 miles End of week 11 - 8 miles End of week 12- Half Mary Try to run hills for your long runs. If you are not strong on hills... the hills will kill you race day. If you can't get a lot of your long runs in on hills, plan to walk up the hills on race day. Save your energy. Also know that training on hills can aggravate IT band injuries and Achilles injuries. Good luck!

Thanks so much for the advice.  I like the feel of the mileage progression and I'm looking for some more hills.  I like (I can't believe I'm saying this!) the idea of hilly long runs.  The path I used Sunday is hilly, but only 2miles long with a traffic light 1/2mile in.

I did my hilly 6mile run on a 11.9min/mile pace.  That was with four traffic light stops and walking 20" after each mile.  I was pleasantly surprised that I finished feeling like I could have gone a couple more miles.  Minimal achiness but I did feel it a bit in that hip that night, although not today ... 

In my post that you responded to, I said I was finishing week 6 of Hal Higdon's novice half mary plan.  Oops, I apparently can neither count nor read.  I finished Week 5 and am just starting Week 6.  His plan for Wk. 6 is 4/4/5k race.  I'm thinking 4/4/7 -- then go into the plan you gave me.  On the rest weeks, Higdon's plan has me cutting back on the cross training time.  Do you think I should also do that here - if so, which weeks?  The 8mile ones? 

Right now I'm swimming 30-45min Tues/Fri, biking short Wed/ long Sat and have Monday as a rest day.  I plan to back off on the swimming yardage to make time for some heavy technique work.

I'm not sure what I want to do on cycling.  The cross training time on the Higdon plan doesn't give me a long ride on Saturdays, only 60min max - which makes me nervous from a tri point of view.  Cycling's a weak sport for me.  I was thinking that I'd substitute the bike part of Gail Bernhardt's Faster Sprint-Distance Performance instead, syncing up the rest weeks.  Okay, or too much for my legs?  Looking at her plan, it looks she saves the bricks for rest weeks, not sure if that's a good rest for me or not?

I've decided to skip my mid-April sprint to save myself for the May 2nd 1/2 mary.  My first tri will probably be a sprint in late May/early June.  Still shopping...

Hhhuuummmm, I will do my best to answer your questions. Hard for me to really understand without seeing a calendar with it all on there. I'm just a visual person.

4/4/7 is a good idea for week 6.

Personally, I find that cross training does not affect my running. But if I feel sore then I cut out a ride. I think the long Saturday rides will be fine. If you can switch your long run to Saturday and long run to Sunday that might work even better. That way, your run is top priority.

But if you do 2 hours on the bike, instead of 1, it's not going to make that much of a difference. Cycling is different from running with regards to upping the mileage.

I find that I can put in a half mary training plan with my tri training plan, no problem. But again, if you feel tired, over worked, etc... then take an extra rest day. But it is easy to put the tri and half mary training together... when you only run 3 days a week. If you run 4 days a week it get more tricky.

Recovery weeks should be shorter distances... but higher intensity. This is probably why she puts the bricks on recovery weeks. If you want to move your bricks, you can. It won't hurt anything.

Honestly, the longer I am in this sport, the less bricks I do. But I think they should be done. I'm just not the kind of person who trains for a HIM by doing a 56 mile bike and a 10 mile run afterwards. Then again, I do a 6:30 HIM. Ha!

Sounds like you are on the right track with your plan. AND... make sure it is something you are HAPPY doing!

2010-03-16 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2728494

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-16 7:41 AM

lovesreading - 2010-03-13 12:53 AM

I'm thrilled because I had a 4mile run at just under a 10-min mile!  This is a first for me.  A couple of months ago it was 13min miles and last month 12min miles for that distance.  If this progression would keep going, I could take gold at the next Olympics Laughing

Yeah, well - just further confirmation I'm bad with details.  This morning's 4mile run I realized that the reason my pace was so good was that I neglected to run part of it...  I only ran 3.5miles for a 11:26min/mile pace.  Still an improvement and today I did 4miles (really!) at 11:04 pace.  Still an improvement, but I may have to postpone my Olympics bid.

Hey, we all win our own Olympic gold every time we improve.

You did improve... that is all that matters!!!!

2010-03-16 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Thanks again for the advice.  I'll be getting this into my training log / planned during the next week.

I found a great new swim book:  Fitness Swimming, 2nd Edition by Emmett Hines ISBN 978-0-7360-7457-5.  The author holds level 5 Masters certification from American Swim Coaches Association,directoar and head coach of H2Ouston Swim Masters team for more than 25 years, senior coach for Total Immersion, etc.

What I like is that he takes TI-style drills and makes them crystal clear.  He sets up a clear progression of drills and workouts as well as progress evaluations that takes you all the way to masters competitive swimming.  I especially like that for each drill he includes a Feedback section explaining what a properly done drill feels like (as how to detect and fix common mistakes).

I'm going to buy my own copy so I don't ruin the library's and start reinventing my stroke.  I've been frustrated by my plateau.  This seems like it'll give me a good way to unlearn my 80's high school/AAU bad form.  I started off with a T-20 test and some vertical kicking drills tonight.
2010-03-17 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2730480

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-16 10:27 PM Thanks again for the advice.  I'll be getting this into my training log / planned during the next week.

I found a great new swim book:  Fitness Swimming, 2nd Edition by Emmett Hines ISBN 978-0-7360-7457-5.  The author holds level 5 Masters certification from American Swim Coaches Association,directoar and head coach of H2Ouston Swim Masters team for more than 25 years, senior coach for Total Immersion, etc.

What I like is that he takes TI-style drills and makes them crystal clear.  He sets up a clear progression of drills and workouts as well as progress evaluations that takes you all the way to masters competitive swimming.  I especially like that for each drill he includes a Feedback section explaining what a properly done drill feels like (as how to detect and fix common mistakes).

I'm going to buy my own copy so I don't ruin the library's and start reinventing my stroke.  I've been frustrated by my plateau.  This seems like it'll give me a good way to unlearn my 80's high school/AAU bad form.  I started off with a T-20 test and some vertical kicking drills tonight.

Great job on your run improvements! I was exactly in your shoes a little bit ago.

On the swimming, yeah I hear ya. I am in the process of fixing my stroke as well. I had no elbow bend, whipped my arm over on recovery, straight arm underwater pull and very high turnover. Pretty much I was "windmilling". I was still pretty fast for short distances but I want to become a better endurance swimmer so that means changing up my technique. I'm trying to use my glide more, high elbow on recovery and on pull, and to use my kick less. It will take a while to relearn stroke mechanics since you learned how to swim back in HS. I am able to hold my "new stroke" on easy/mod intensities, but I do find myself reverting to my old stroke on hard/sprint efforts. Try not to get frustrated (I know, easier said then done), it will take a while for you body to relearn and get the muscle memory down. Also, you might loose a little speed at first. Good luck!
2010-03-17 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2730901

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2010-03-17 8:38 AM

lovesreading - 2010-03-16 10:27 PM Thanks again for the advice.  I'll be getting this into my training log / planned during the next week.

I found a great new swim book:  Fitness Swimming, 2nd Edition by Emmett Hines ISBN 978-0-7360-7457-5.  The author holds level 5 Masters certification from American Swim Coaches Association,directoar and head coach of H2Ouston Swim Masters team for more than 25 years, senior coach for Total Immersion, etc.

What I like is that he takes TI-style drills and makes them crystal clear.  He sets up a clear progression of drills and workouts as well as progress evaluations that takes you all the way to masters competitive swimming.  I especially like that for each drill he includes a Feedback section explaining what a properly done drill feels like (as how to detect and fix common mistakes).

I'm going to buy my own copy so I don't ruin the library's and start reinventing my stroke.  I've been frustrated by my plateau.  This seems like it'll give me a good way to unlearn my 80's high school/AAU bad form.  I started off with a T-20 test and some vertical kicking drills tonight.

Great job on your run improvements! I was exactly in your shoes a little bit ago.

On the swimming, yeah I hear ya. I am in the process of fixing my stroke as well. I had no elbow bend, whipped my arm over on recovery, straight arm underwater pull and very high turnover. Pretty much I was "windmilling". I was still pretty fast for short distances but I want to become a better endurance swimmer so that means changing up my technique. I'm trying to use my glide more, high elbow on recovery and on pull, and to use my kick less. It will take a while to relearn stroke mechanics since you learned how to swim back in HS. I am able to hold my "new stroke" on easy/mod intensities, but I do find myself reverting to my old stroke on hard/sprint efforts. Try not to get frustrated (I know, easier said then done), it will take a while for you body to relearn and get the muscle memory down. Also, you might loose a little speed at first. Good luck!

BUT despite this overly critical review of her swim stroke she is a great swimmer!!!!

2010-03-18 11:24 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Ok... I uploaded my race report... Will try to post some pictures later on. Have a good one...


Oh by the way... today on the bike I was DEAD!! Is that a post race thing? I have been pretty stressed and not sleeping much... mmm we´ll see how the swim goes tomorrow. Surprised

2010-03-21 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2734941

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-03-18 11:24 PM

Ok... I uploaded my race report... Will try to post some pictures later on. Have a good one...


Oh by the way... today on the bike I was DEAD!! Is that a post race thing? I have been pretty stressed and not sleeping much... mmm we´ll see how the swim goes tomorrow. Surprised

You are probably just tired. Rest does a body good.

2010-03-21 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
How is everyone else doing?

Over here... it's going pretty well.

Had a blah weekend thanks to SNOW. Seriously, on Thursday it was 70 degrees and beautiful. Saturday it was raining and then snowing. Missed a bike rally I really wanted to do. Luckily I had not paid for it ahead of time, so no money lost.

Did get a 8 mile run today... on the treadmill. I cut my time by 2 minutes and 30 seconds from when I did the same run 2 weeks ago. Happy about that!

Busy week with class, homework, and a half marathon next Saturday!

Edited by KSH 2010-03-21 8:11 PM
2010-03-22 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2739124

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

KSH - 2010-03-21 8:01 PM How is everyone else doing? Over here... it's going pretty well. Had a blah weekend thanks to SNOW. Seriously, on Thursday it was 70 degrees and beautiful. Saturday it was raining and then snowing. Missed a bike rally I really wanted to do. Luckily I had not paid for it ahead of time, so no money lost. Did get a 8 mile run today... on the treadmill. I cut my time by 2 minutes and 30 seconds from when I did the same run 2 weeks ago. Happy about that! Busy week with class, homework, and a half marathon next Saturday!

I'm in Arkansas, so we've had the same crazy crazy weather that you had. 

Training has slowed down some.  I finished my first marathon on the 7th, now I'm building my milage for a century in June.  Still haven't gone for a 'run' since the marathon though.

Cutting 2.5 minutes from an 8 mile run is awesome!!! 

2010-03-22 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
My weekend sucked.  My boys crashed their bikes into each other Friday evening while I was out running.  I got a frantic call and sprinted (so to speak) back.  The 4yo had only a tiny scrape and a big scare but I had to take 14yo Nick to the emergency room.  He broke his left wrist and maybe his right elbow and has some decent road rash.  We have one more round of x-rays to go next week when the elbow expert returns from his vacation, but the current doc is cautiously optimistic that the elbow fracture is small and will require little to no intervention.   Nick is thoroughly sick of double casts.

I was zombie mom after dosing him round the clock every 3 hours for a few days.  I don't know how I survived babies.  I managed to make my long run on Sunday, but skipped my Saturday long ride and my swim.  He's at his dad's for the next couple of days, so I can catch up on the weekend's housework...  bleah.

2010-03-23 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2741795

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-22 10:24 PM My weekend sucked.  My boys crashed their bikes into each other Friday evening while I was out running.  I got a frantic call and sprinted (so to speak) back.  The 4yo had only a tiny scrape and a big scare but I had to take 14yo Nick to the emergency room.  He broke his left wrist and maybe his right elbow and has some decent road rash.  We have one more round of x-rays to go next week when the elbow expert returns from his vacation, but the current doc is cautiously optimistic that the elbow fracture is small and will require little to no intervention.   Nick is thoroughly sick of double casts.

I was zombie mom after dosing him round the clock every 3 hours for a few days.  I don't know how I survived babies.  I managed to make my long run on Sunday, but skipped my Saturday long ride and my swim.  He's at his dad's for the next couple of days, so I can catch up on the weekend's housework...  bleah.

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that! I hope your son is ok!
2010-03-23 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Good morning ya'll!

I took last week off after my half marathon, I was such a lazy slug!

This week I will slowly start working out again, and I will be ramping up my training to the Oly distance this year! Woo hoo! I haven't been on my bike in months, hoping for nice weather and thinking about a bike rally to get motivated to ride.
Hope everyone's week is going well, happy training!
2010-03-23 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2741795

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

lovesreading - 2010-03-22 10:24 PM My weekend sucked.  My boys crashed their bikes into each other Friday evening while I was out running.  I got a frantic call and sprinted (so to speak) back.  The 4yo had only a tiny scrape and a big scare but I had to take 14yo Nick to the emergency room.  He broke his left wrist and maybe his right elbow and has some decent road rash.  We have one more round of x-rays to go next week when the elbow expert returns from his vacation, but the current doc is cautiously optimistic that the elbow fracture is small and will require little to no intervention.   Nick is thoroughly sick of double casts.

I was zombie mom after dosing him round the clock every 3 hours for a few days.  I don't know how I survived babies.  I managed to make my long run on Sunday, but skipped my Saturday long ride and my swim.  He's at his dad's for the next couple of days, so I can catch up on the weekend's housework...  bleah.

Oh my, you have had a rough couple of days!  I hope your little guy gets to feeling better soon.  Hopefully you can get some much needed you time in the next few days


2010-03-23 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2742406

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

tnguyen1 - 2010-03-23 9:14 AM Good morning ya'll!

I took last week off after my half marathon, I was such a lazy slug!

This week I will slowly start working out again, and I will be ramping up my training to the Oly distance this year! Woo hoo! I haven't been on my bike in months, hoping for nice weather and thinking about a bike rally to get motivated to ride.
Hope everyone's week is going well, happy training!


Congrats on the half. 

I just got on my bike last week for the first time in months.  I thought I would have lost more bike fitness than I did.   But, it felt great!  I'll send some of our beautiful weather your way

2010-03-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2743157

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
crews - 2010-03-23 1:03 PM

tnguyen1 - 2010-03-23 9:14 AM Good morning ya'll!

I took last week off after my half marathon, I was such a lazy slug!

This week I will slowly start working out again, and I will be ramping up my training to the Oly distance this year! Woo hoo! I haven't been on my bike in months, hoping for nice weather and thinking about a bike rally to get motivated to ride.
Hope everyone's week is going well, happy training!


Congrats on the half. 

I just got on my bike last week for the first time in months.  I thought I would have lost more bike fitness than I did.   But, it felt great!  I'll send some of our beautiful weather your way

I think run fitness translates pretty well to bike fitness.

2010-03-23 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2741795

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-22 10:24 PM

My weekend sucked.  My boys crashed their bikes into each other Friday evening while I was out running.  I got a frantic call and sprinted (so to speak) back.  The 4yo had only a tiny scrape and a big scare but I had to take 14yo Nick to the emergency room.  He broke his left wrist and maybe his right elbow and has some decent road rash.  We have one more round of x-rays to go next week when the elbow expert returns from his vacation, but the current doc is cautiously optimistic that the elbow fracture is small and will require little to no intervention.   Nick is thoroughly sick of double casts.

I was zombie mom after dosing him round the clock every 3 hours for a few days.  I don't know how I survived babies.  I managed to make my long run on Sunday, but skipped my Saturday long ride and my swim.  He's at his dad's for the next couple of days, so I can catch up on the weekend's housework...  bleah.

OH WOW! Sorry to hear it! I hope he heals up quickly!

Hang in there.
2010-03-24 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Nick's doing okay and thanks you all for the get well wishes.  The elbow expert is on vacation.  There's hope that his elbow fracture is minor enough that he'll be freed from one cast next week.  He's back in school and coping okay.  The wrist cast comes off in 3-4 weeks.
2010-03-25 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2746769

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-03-24 9:36 PM

Nick's doing okay and thanks you all for the get well wishes.  The elbow expert is on vacation.  There's hope that his elbow fracture is minor enough that he'll be freed from one cast next week.  He's back in school and coping okay.  The wrist cast comes off in 3-4 weeks.

Glad to hear it! At least he's young... he will heal up quickly I bet.

2010-03-25 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Well I have a half marathon this weekend! My mantra.... 2:07 or better! I want to PR it!

Then I think I'll do another one May 5th. Since it won't be all downhill, I will feel like my PR won't just be a "fluke".

2010-03-26 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2749607

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Good luck with the Half Marathon and PR'ing it. I am on vacation in Colorado, so totally MIA and just got one swim in up to now. I am heading out for a run on an indoor track. I hope I can get at least a nice 6-7K in...


Have a good weekend...


2010-03-26 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2749911

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-03-26 6:44 AM

Good luck with the Half Marathon and PR'ing it. I am on vacation in Colorado, so totally MIA and just got one swim in up to now. I am heading out for a run on an indoor track. I hope I can get at least a nice 6-7K in...


Have a good weekend...


Colorado... and you are running indoors?!

2010-03-27 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Well my half mary is tomorrow. I woke up with a very specific part of my back in pain. It hurts to barely bend over.

I got a massage just now and I am hoping that it help to get the kink out.

On a positive note, I don't bend over when I run, so I WILL be running my half mary tomorrow. Now if the pain is too much I won't PR it though. Guess we will see what works out. All I can do is try!

2010-03-28 5:32 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I hope its one of those things that when you warm up running it gets better. Good luck and have fun with it... 
2010-03-28 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Half Mary done! PR achieved! 2:03:30... placed 18 out of 54 in my AG!

Here is my RR:

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