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2009-08-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2360341

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Just to let you know I am not disappearing off end of earth
We're off on vacation (Salem and Newport) for a week so probably won't be logging

2009-08-23 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Enjoy your vacation Jackie!

I took my oldest back to school yesterday. So, this weekend has been exhausting, with minimal time for working out

Hopefully, I'll ge tto the Y today. The weather is too unpredictable with severe storms rolling through- so I don't feel safe trying to do an outside session.

Every one have a great day!
2009-08-26 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
How's everybody doing?
17 days til my next Tri!
2009-08-28 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi everyone!
Yes, I'm still here
Sorry I have not been online for awhile. I would love to keep in touch, so I vote for keeping our group going so we can keep inspiring each other.
It has been totally nuts around my house for the last 2 weeks.

My hubby and I had an awesome climbing weekend. We did Handies Peak and encountered all kinds of weather including rain, hail, sleet, snow, sun, and wind. We found a breathtaking mountain lake along the trail so we stopped there for lunch on the way down. We actually RAN down the mountain- it was frigid up top with the high winds and gray clouds barreling in on us, but I love climbing those mountains in any kind of weather.

Then... my oldest started 3rd grade so I had all the new school things to get organized. The school's family picnic was tonight. I was the coordinator for the entire event, so I have been going nuts for the last two weeks trying to organize the volunteers and the food. I am SO glad it is over.
We are also Den leaders for our son's Cub Scout den, so that is taking some time.

So onto training.... hmmmm let's see.
My bike has been almost completely ignored - poor baby.
I have jumped into a 5:30 am spin class on Wednesdays because I have to be home by 7 to get breakfast going and get our son out to the bus stop in time.
Swimming- twice a week, but not so long anymore due to time constraints and the fact that I've been exhausted.
Running- my running rocks right now. I signed up for a November marathon, so my long runs have hit double digits. I am doing a 14 mile trail run on Sunday afternoon.

So again..sorry for being a slug around here.
hope all is going well. Maybe this weekend I can surf through all the latest posts.

2009-08-29 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow Dee! You've been super busy.

My oldest is back at college now, so that move took up all of last weekend. Plus, I no longer have her around for babysitting while I work out.

My husband is out of town this weekend for work. It's me and the 2 little ones! We're going shopping for school supplies this AM.
2009-08-29 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee - the hikes sound gorgeous, and you sound like you're training your butt off, as usual.  Great work! 

Hope everyone's kids are enjoying their first weeks of school.  Enjoying being a relative term, of course ; ).  Moms, you guys all get your days back!

Things have been a bit hectic over here - packing and getting ready to move back to MA.  My flight is on tuesday, and then school starts a week later.  Unbelievable! 

In terms of training, I'm still running and strengthening it up.  My biking and swimming will make a comeback in a month, after the next half marathon.  I'm dealing with an... interesting... hip injury right now.  It's on the side of my left hip, somewhere deep down, and generally speaking I don't feel it.... and then when I'm 5 miles into my workout I get this deep, sharp pain, and then it aches for a bit, subsides.... and goes away until the next random time it decides to flash.  I don't know what muscles are in there, and am not sure icing is making any difference.  I've changed all my easy runs to aqua jogs, and I'm hoping it will just kindof... go away.  Laughs - we've all heard that one before! 

It's great to hear how you guys are doing!  Take care, everyone.

2009-08-29 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2377931

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hurrah!  Dee, you're back!  OK, you've been back and simply buried!  Glad your advenure with your hubby was a success, I love stealing time with just my DH, I love my family dearly, but it's good to be able to set aside the "mom" role occasionally.

Dee and Di, I hope your mileage training goes well for your big run races.  heh, I may gear up for a 10K after my last tri, that that will be a BIG run race for me!  I'm such a 5K gal!  I'm thinking about volunteering for the San Jose Rock-n-Roll half too, I know a few running in it and see a few BTr I don't know are too... might be fun to "give back" if I can take the time from family.

Di, I hope moving back to MA and settling into the routine again goes smoothly.

Heidi, I don't envy your single-parent time.  Get your workouts when you can -- a good workout helps parenting! I'll have my own time single-parenting in Sept - DH travels the week DS starts preschool.  Hopefully he will settle in without too much turmoil, it is the same school DD went to last two years so he is familiar with it so I'm hopeful it will be smooth.  DD will be starting Spanish immersion at the other end of town - same hours as DS - so it will be a bit hectic trying to be in two places at once.  I'm thinking I might get the neighbor girl to babysit a few afternoons just to give me a rest, we'll see if it is needed!

Today will be blistering hot.  My folks are coming over to see the kids show off their swimming and biking skills.   Hmm, I should throw in some running and they have a tri!  Hopefully no one melts.

Happy weekend all!
2009-08-29 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hip injury? Have you considering seeing a massage therapist? I think sometimes things just get out of whack and you need to be massaged back into a more normal state.
Are you being diligent about stretching after EVERY run? I am talking 10-15 minutes of stretching while you cool down your body and your heart rate.
I know that for me, once my running mileage starts to go up, I have to be extra careful about stretching and I also will do easy yoga twice a week- no hot bikram, just a nice vinyassa flow type of class. Does it bother you on the elliptical trainer? Give that a try and let us know if it's better.

Well, my oldest and hubby are at Cub Scout camp for the weekend. I am attempting to get my 3 yr old down for a nap (fat chance!) so I can go pretend to do some yoga. At least I"ll lie down on my mat for awhile. That counts, right?
I"m trying to rest up for this monster 14 mile trail run tomorrow afternoon. All trails with some huge hills. The type of hills that you cannot see the top of. But the downhills are screaming fast and fun. I hope the weather holds. It is rumbling like crazy out there right now.

I think I"ll go get that yoga mat out and if I wind up doing yoga while blasting Matchbox cars across the room, so be it!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
I hope you all get some nice workouts in.
2009-08-29 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2378138

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Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi all

Glad to see everyone wants to stay in contact .  I'm back now and logging in briefly before unpacking.
Kids back at school????? Mine don't go back til the 8th Sept.  I do love having them at home though (mostly anyway)

I read a book called "Born to Run" on vacation - about endurance running and was a good read.  Suggested that running injuries have increased since we started cushioning our feet with expensive running shoes!  I know 2 people that having read it are now trying a bit of barefoot running.  May try a few steps myself!

Anyway if I don't log in for the rest of the weekend it's just cos I'm winding down from holiday
2009-08-29 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I just read that book also! I though it was a fun book. I really liked all the "historical" information on the big 100 mile races in the U.S. Since Leadville is almost in my backyard, I found that fascinating.
I think some of what he says about taking a more natural approach to running makes sense. I might try some barefoot jaunts in our grassy park if I can find a stretch without prickly weeds!
2009-08-30 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hey everyone!

Dee - thanks for the thoughts.  Yes, I am pretty good about stretching before and after runs (I HATE the feeling of not cooling down... you can practically feel the lactic acid build in your legs), but it's true, I do skip it sometimes, especially if I'm rushing.  As for the elliptical... it feels OK as long as there's not a big incline.  Stairs make it twinge.  So maybe it's something that's gluts and not hips at all, although it is distinctly on my left side.  I find that a short easy run is no problem.  But when I speed it up or go long I think the muscles around it get tired and that's when I feel it.  I'd like to say it's going away, but I could feel it distinctly in my sleep last night.  I guess I'll go see the trainer when I get back to school (one of the joys of being a college student Smile )

Welcome back Jackie!  Did you have a nice time?

Good to hear from you guys, Cynthia and Heidi.  Good luck with the kids and scheduling and such!

2009-08-30 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Oh!  I forgot.... I haven't read "Born to Run", and would probably be too scared to try running barefoot, but I did read "Why We Run" in the past year, which was also a very inspirational, interesting book.  It's about a man who's pretty much devoted his entire life to the study of organisms, distance and speed.  It's got lots of fun creature trivia, as well as some really interesting training ideas and inspirational life stories.  If anyone's interested, I'd definitely recommend it ; )
2009-08-30 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
So what did you all do this weekend?

I just got done with a super fun and hard trail run. My friend Lori and I ran a twisting combination of mountain trails this afternoon. We logged 14 miles with 2 monster climbs that I remember. The last 3 miles of our run was in the pouring rain with thunder and lightning, so let's just say that we ran that section really fast considering how long we had already been out there.
Came home, drank some chocolate milk and I'm getting ready to crash.

What is everyone doing tomorrow?
Me- a nice relaxing yoga session. I have a meeting with some teachers at school in the morning and then I"m taking a friend out for a birthday lunch. Should be a relaxing day I hope.

2009-08-30 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2379560

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I've just challenged my hubby to  I haven't done the initial test yet (nor has he), but presuming that my shoulder discomfort is not aggravated, I'm gonna try!

Otherwise, one more week before DD starts Spanish school and two weeks to DS starting preschool.  So same ol' for me this week, hopefully I will hit all workouts.  I had to skip one day last week due to lack of sleep.

2009-09-01 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow! Every one's super busy! I don't have a lot to add right now. I'm trying to get some training in this week, before the Tri on the 12th.

We're getting ready for back to school, and trying to enjoy every last minute of summer that we can!
2009-09-02 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
It felt so good this morning to turn off my alarm clock, blow off my spin class, and sleep for an extra 2 hours. My hubby was certainly surprised to wake up and actually find me home sleeping.
I feel great now!

I may or may not try to make up that workout today. I am in the mood for some yoga and I have a 7 mile tempo run tomorrow morning.
Funny, I never miss my run workouts

Today we are off to meet friends at the park to play and picnic, then I have a few little errands to run. One will most likely involve going to Whole Foods , known as "The Cupcake Store" to my 3 yr old since the bakery gives kids a free cupcake if they ask politely.

Any weekend plans? I am bagging my long run (15 miles) early Saturday morning, then we are going to this big video game arcade/ pizza buffet/ kid place for the afternoon. We won a free family pack through the library this summer so they kids are all fired up about the trip. Sunday we might take a drive in the high country and see if any of the leaves are changing colors and maybe find a waterfall hike to do together. It's all family time this weekend which is nice.

Have a great day everyone!

2009-09-03 10:54 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi all -

I made it to Massachusetts and am in the midst of unpacking my things.  Weather is beautiful, and it's nice to have more time for workouts again (not that I've been able to take huge advantage of that yet). 

My hip seems to be OK unless I'm really running a lot.  I think maybe I just strained some muscle in there, and am rethinking the half marathon.  I've been running so much this summer... getting back into a regular, three-sport training schedule sounds very appealing right now. 

I've been eating terribly (scavenging since I haven't had a chance to go shopping yet) and it's making me sick so it's definitely time to dial that in!!!

Great job on your long runs, Dee! 
2009-09-04 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Di, that's the thing I hate about travel, getting out of sorts because of eating poorly.  I hope you're well fed by now!

I took a day off too, Dee, yesterday I had little energy and didn't see the advantage of pushing through a long workout without fresh legs.  So today I have to decide if I'll bike or run.  DH says he'll go to the gym with me tomorrow -- he's getting jealous of my body!  ... just called him, he says he'll bike tomorrow so I'll run today and bike with him tomorrow.  yeah!

My pushups challenge is off to a good start.  I've successfully completed my first two workouts... meanwhile we had to back off DH's starting point as he couldn't complete the proscribed workout.  His day 2 was better than day 1!

we have visitors this weekend, hopefully I won't be too upside-down by Wednesday noon when it's our home again!

2009-09-08 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies!
I hope every one had a great LAbor Day Weekend. Welcome back to the east coast Diana!

How's every one's training going?
2009-09-11 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
My last tri of the year is tomorrow!

I'm pretty bummed because I threw my upper back/neck out last sunday. Even after a trip to the Chiro and the DR, I"m still in quite a bit of discomfort.

My left arm feels numb and tired most of the time, and I'm having a tough time sleeping. I"m a little worried about the swim
2009-09-13 11:51 PM
in reply to: #2400305

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
nice racing Heidi!  get a RR up!

I'm upto 20 pushups (from 9) so something is working.  I've been sooo sluggy this past week or more though.  Off to bed now to try to catch up.

Hope all are having fun!


2009-09-14 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies- RR is up!

Great job on the push up challenge, Cynthia! Is your husband doing it with you?
2009-09-15 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2406184

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
DH is on travel in Europe.  I sent him his pushups workout...  but he didn't report if he had done it.  He'll be back in a week, maybe I'll have caught up to him by then if he slacks!

Good job on your race.  Sorry the swim was a bad start.  I'm hoping my next one still has warm(ish) water.  You had a nice run pace-- especially as you said you walked a couple times, awesome!  Go find a standalone 5K to do and break 30?? 

I haven't focussed on my post-tri season yet.  There's a flatish metric century I could ride, but I think it is 3 weeks (I think) after my tri and my longest ride is ~22 miles thus far.  And I wonder why oh why would I want to be in the saddle for 5 hours?  My brother would likely ride "with" me - same venue but he'd do the real century.  hmmm.  a FLAT ride is a nice intro....

My energy is back today, I think a combination of poor eating and poor sleep wiped me out.  (duh)  Hopefully I'm back on my feet.


2009-09-16 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hello Ladies!
Sorry for the hiatus, but we finally got the computer and internet all set from the big move. It was a hassle but now we're all set. I posted the race report for Chicago- I had a great race. I finished well ahead of my goal time (which was to beat 2 hours) and came in at 1:44:40.
One more race to go for me- the Danskin Women's Triathlon on Sept. 27th. This is my last hard week of training, and I had to take today off because I am having back spasms. I am hoping they are better tomorrow so I can get a swim in at least.
I will have to go back and read all the posts to get caught up...but hope everyone is doing well!
2009-09-17 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Everyone!

Things have been crazy around here (as usual), so I am trying to post when I can
I am doing the swim part of a sprint this weekend and I am really hoping the water temp
does not drop any more. The temp is 68 today and falling fast with the night temps near 40 already. Winter seems to be barrelling into Colorado quick this year.
Runs are going well- my long run this weekend is 17 miles. Wowsers! The 15 I ran 2 weeks ago went really well so the 17 should be fine.

Sounds like some back issues going around our group. Take it easy, stretch, maybe find a restorative yoga class to get things nice and stretched out for your races.

Have a great rest of the week!
I'll try to check back in this weekend.

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