BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training) Rss Feed  
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2009-06-14 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Thanks for all the well wishes.  I finished in under 2 hours so I am thrilled.  I just posted my race report but I need to go to bed.  Thank you very much for you support on this one.  I will try to get on here some and post more tomorrow.  I am TIRED.  Good night!!!!!!

2009-06-15 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2214927

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-06-12 11:53 PM Hey everybody, sorry I have been MIA for the past week but had a family emergency that had to be taken care of last Friday. In fact, I was unable to race on Saturday as I had to travel out of the area and got back Thursday. I spent all day Thursday and today (went in to work at 4 AM) trying to catch up on everything that had piled up while I was gone. I was pretty disappointed about missing the race, but I didn't have a choice. I probably shouldn't go into details as I use my real name on this site, but I found out that my sister's boyfriend thinks it is acceptable to hit a woman. Suffice it to say I took care of the situation. I seriously doubt he will be hitting any women in the future. Sorry for the "real" moment, it just something that angers me to no end. Anyhow, I will try and catch up on the posts over the past week on Sunday, as I am racing tomorrow. I look forward to reading Kathleen's race report.

Oh no, that's terrible. I hope your sister is all right. And hope they get the boyfriend to stay far, far away from her. Just disgusting. Glad you were able to help put a stop to it.

Sorry that you missed your race (So you can ignore my inspire from today :-P).

2009-06-15 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2217116

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-06-14 10:04 PM Thanks for all the well wishes.  I finished in under 2 hours so I am thrilled.  I just posted my race report but I need to go to bed.  Thank you very much for you support on this one.  I will try to get on here some and post more tomorrow.  I am TIRED.  Good night!!!!!!

Yahoo - congrats! I will go read your race report now

Sorry I was MIA over the weekend - I'm usually not on much anyway, and I was gone all day yesterday. Took a friend to a lake to go swimming - we drove there only to find out that it was CLOSED, permanently So...we changed our plans and drove down to a different lake in the Shenendoah, did some swimming, went for a short run - it's actually at a park where they have a triathlon every year, so I've run and swam there before. Then we got tasty burgers and shakes for a late lunch - then straight home so I could make it to church in time.

Wow, June is half over today!! Crazy! Next triathlon up for me is the 3Sports Triathlon (Sprint distance) in Richmond, in about a month. It's a fun, little race, low-key, easy bike course and only a 300 meter pool swim, so I am looking forward to rockin' it. Got the 4-miler next weekend, which should be fun, though hot and hilly.

2009-06-15 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2214927

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
JJackson07 - 2009-06-12 10:53 PM Hey everybody, sorry I have been MIA for the past week but had a family emergency that had to be taken care of last Friday. In fact, I was unable to race on Saturday as I had to travel out of the area and got back Thursday. I spent all day Thursday and today (went in to work at 4 AM) trying to catch up on everything that had piled up while I was gone. I was pretty disappointed about missing the race, but I didn't have a choice. I probably shouldn't go into details as I use my real name on this site, but I found out that my sister's boyfriend thinks it is acceptable to hit a woman. Suffice it to say I took care of the situation. I seriously doubt he will be hitting any women in the future. Sorry for the "real" moment, it just something that angers me to no end. Anyhow, I will try and catch up on the posts over the past week on Sunday, as I am racing tomorrow. I look forward to reading Kathleen's race report.

Sorry you missed your race but glad you came to the aid of your sister.  She is lucky to have you and that you stepped in.  I hope your other race went well.
2009-06-15 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Bike ride this morning was pathetic...first time out trying our super steep hills, not the slightly steep hills right out our driveway...anyway, I was really bad, had to walk halfway up 2 of them...but was able to get back on and finish on the not-so-steepies...I have got to build up the legs...Oh, and did I mention what a pansy I was heading down the super steep hills?? I wouldn't let go of the break, too worried I was going to hit something and crash...
2009-06-15 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2218519

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-15 12:33 PM Bike ride this morning was pathetic...first time out trying our super steep hills, not the slightly steep hills right out our driveway...anyway, I was really bad, had to walk halfway up 2 of them...but was able to get back on and finish on the not-so-steepies...I have got to build up the legs...Oh, and did I mention what a pansy I was heading down the super steep hills?? I wouldn't let go of the break, too worried I was going to hit something and crash...

O hai, this will make me a terrible mentor to admit, but you have not seen a chicken, until you have seen my pathetic butt STOP at the top of a steep hill and walk down it. Hehe, I revisited the site of my first triathlon ever, yesterday afternoon. I drove my car down the first major hill - yeah, not doing that on a bike any time soon! I walked it the first time, and I would do it again! I can climb hills without getting off, though I'm super-duper slow. But going downhill scares me I wish I had some advice for you. Most normal people do all right with just riding downhill more. That didn't work for me, just made me more scared, but you could try it Start off with smaller hills, and just shoot down them until it's a breeze, then find a bigger one, etc.

2009-06-15 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
And just keep trying and building up the legs to get up??  As far as going down, I think if I do the same one a few more times (which is about 3/4 mile from my house) I think I will get less scared as long as I don't hit any bumps...or as long as any animals don't come running out in front of me Surprised
2009-06-16 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2219845

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-15 8:59 PM And just keep trying and building up the legs to get up??  As far as going down, I think if I do the same one a few more times (which is about 3/4 mile from my house) I think I will get less scared as long as I don't hit any bumps...or as long as any animals don't come running out in front of me Surprised

Yeah, as far as climbing goes, find some long, gradual climbs and do repeats - shift into a lower gear and spin, shift as low as you have to. Climbing kinda sucks, but the more you do it, the stronger you'll get. I'm still a lousy climber, but I'm not as bad as I was. I actually think that all my run training has helped a little bit, just to give me the muscles. Biking and running aren't the same, and you can't exactly substitute one for the other, but I think for a lot of us newbies who weren't athletes our entire lives, just building muscle strength in general helps across the board. I know some of the elites in tri talk will disagree with me, but they've all been doing this stuff FOREVER, so yeah, running isn't going to impact their cycling, and vice versa. But they've got years and years of muscular endurance and strength. We don't. So any increase in strength is going to show, ya know? At least, that's what I've found. I'm marginally faster on the bike this year, not because I rode a whole ton, but I developed much stronger legs from marathon training last year. I can't imagine that it didn't help at all.

2009-06-16 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Well, good morning, folks. Holy cow, I am SORE from boot camp yesterday! I tried to roll over this morning and my glutes and hamstrings screamed "F YOU!" at me! Hehe. Sadly, I am not sure that I will make my goal of 75 running miles for the month, because I've decided to rest my ankle for the next 2 weeks. Not total 100% rest, but not going to run until this weekend at the earliest, and just a short, easy one at that. Ugh. If I have to bail on the marathon again, I'll be super-sad

2009-06-16 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2220547

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-16 7:58 AM

Well, good morning, folks. Holy cow, I am SORE from boot camp yesterday! I tried to roll over this morning and my glutes and hamstrings screamed "F YOU!" at me! Hehe. Sadly, I am not sure that I will make my goal of 75 running miles for the month, because I've decided to rest my ankle for the next 2 weeks. Not total 100% rest, but not going to run until this weekend at the earliest, and just a short, easy one at that. Ugh. If I have to bail on the marathon again, I'll be super-sad

Sorry you are so sore.  I hope the rest helps and you dont have to bail on the marathon.  Take care of you! 

Speaking of sore, how long until I am not feeling my first race.  Last night and this AM are the worst.  I feel like a semi hit me
2009-06-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2220803

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-06-16 10:13 AM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-16 7:58 AM

Well, good morning, folks. Holy cow, I am SORE from boot camp yesterday! I tried to roll over this morning and my glutes and hamstrings screamed "F YOU!" at me! Hehe. Sadly, I am not sure that I will make my goal of 75 running miles for the month, because I've decided to rest my ankle for the next 2 weeks. Not total 100% rest, but not going to run until this weekend at the earliest, and just a short, easy one at that. Ugh. If I have to bail on the marathon again, I'll be super-sad

Sorry you are so sore.  I hope the rest helps and you dont have to bail on the marathon.  Take care of you! 

Speaking of sore, how long until I am not feeling my first race.  Last night and this AM are the worst.  I feel like a semi hit me

The soreness from boot camp isn't what's causing my ankle issues, thankfully. My ankle has looked a little puffy for awhile, but it never hurt at all. I'm not concerned about the soreness, since it's not in my ankle. It's just from working my glutes and hamstrings. The ankle thing is something else entirely, and I hope it's nothing too serious (ie, a stress fracture).

Generally, post-race soreness sets in a good 48 hours after the race - so last night and this morning You may very well be a little sore for a few days. I like to do some easy stretching, or go for an easy swim to work out all the kinks.

2009-06-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
I agree with Chrissy, in my experience, it's always the 2nd day after that's the worst!  That was how it always was with riding...esp after falling'd be fine the day after then the 2nd day, you'd feel like you fell apart overnight!!
2009-06-16 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2221227

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-16 12:01 PM I agree with Chrissy, in my experience, it's always the 2nd day after that's the worst!  That was how it always was with riding...esp after falling'd be fine the day after then the 2nd day, you'd feel like you fell apart overnight!!

Yeah, it's actually called DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I can't give you the physiological reasons as to why it happens that way. Though, with bootcamp yesterday, I'm already sore today! But a quick google search says it can happen between 24 to 72 hours afterwards. But usually, I don't feel real soreness until the day AFTER the day after

After my first triathlon, my muscles had been worked so much that my legs actually looked really jacked, until the inflammation went down!

2009-06-16 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
i am back from work overload, and my family not recognizing me. today was to get back on track for some real training. i haven't been very active on the road or pool because of long days at work. for the next three weeks it should be quite, and i should be able to get some serious training in. july 12 is right around the corner, and my swim needs some help.
2009-06-16 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2221551

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-06-16 1:36 PM i am back from work overload, and my family not recognizing me. today was to get back on track for some real training. i haven't been very active on the road or pool because of long days at work. for the next three weeks it should be quite, and i should be able to get some serious training in. july 12 is right around the corner, and my swim needs some help.

Will, I just noticed your siggy - I was just watching the NBC coverage of Kona 2005 on DVR last night on the trainer. Thought that quote looked familiar I have the following year's footage as well, when John Blais was no longer able to race, but was there supporting a guy who'd won a lottery slot his first time out and wanted to race for him. So sad

2009-06-16 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2221585

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-16 10:44 AM

wplummer - 2009-06-16 1:36 PM i am back from work overload, and my family not recognizing me. today was to get back on track for some real training. i haven't been very active on the road or pool because of long days at work. for the next three weeks it should be quite, and i should be able to get some serious training in. july 12 is right around the corner, and my swim needs some help.

Will, I just noticed your siggy - I was just watching the NBC coverage of Kona 2005 on DVR last night on the trainer. Thought that quote looked familiar I have the following year's footage as well, when John Blais was no longer able to race, but was there supporting a guy who'd won a lottery slot his first time out and wanted to race for him. So sad

you are exactly right about the sig. i have always watched the ironman coverage, but there was something extra special that stayed with me that day watching john blais. it was inspiring to watch him will his body to the finish line. it was even more heart wrenching seeing him the next year when als had robbed him physically, but not his spirit. i was actually very saddened when i read that he had passed away. i knew that it was inevitable, but it still saddened me.

2009-06-16 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2222130

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-06-16 4:00 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-16 10:44 AM

wplummer - 2009-06-16 1:36 PM i am back from work overload, and my family not recognizing me. today was to get back on track for some real training. i haven't been very active on the road or pool because of long days at work. for the next three weeks it should be quite, and i should be able to get some serious training in. july 12 is right around the corner, and my swim needs some help.

Will, I just noticed your siggy - I was just watching the NBC coverage of Kona 2005 on DVR last night on the trainer. Thought that quote looked familiar I have the following year's footage as well, when John Blais was no longer able to race, but was there supporting a guy who'd won a lottery slot his first time out and wanted to race for him. So sad

you are exactly right about the sig. i have always watched the ironman coverage, but there was something extra special that stayed with me that day watching john blais. it was inspiring to watch him will his body to the finish line. it was even more heart wrenching seeing him the next year when als had robbed him physically, but not his spirit. i was actually very saddened when i read that he had passed away. i knew that it was inevitable, but it still saddened me.

Yeah, I guess that was the deal with the guy who ran it for him in 2006. He'd never heard of John Blais, had never done an Ironman, was overweight and sitting on the couch, but he saw the coverage of 2005 and was like "holy crap, I NEED to support this guy somehow", so when he got the Kona slot, he called up the Blais family and asked what he could do to help. It touched him THAT much - that's pretty cool.

2009-06-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2222164

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-16 1:10 PM

Yeah, I guess that was the deal with the guy who ran it for him in 2006. He'd never heard of John Blais, had never done an Ironman, was overweight and sitting on the couch, but he saw the coverage of 2005 and was like "holy crap, I NEED to support this guy somehow", so when he got the Kona slot, he called up the Blais family and asked what he could do to help. It touched him THAT much - that's pretty cool.

indeed one of those great human interest stories that sometimes go unnoticed. i am positive that every competitor made huge sacrifices to realize their dreams, and i love those great under dog stories. it brings tears to my eyes every year.
2009-06-17 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning all - I was lazy and skipped swim practice last night. But it was nice to hang out at home, get some vacuuming done, read and relax. Still babying my ankle and will do so until Saturday, but will hop on the bike instead. What's up next race-wise for people? I think we're in a dry spot for a bit - I know some of you are racing in September.

2009-06-17 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2223515

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
I swam for you this AM it was a lot of fun!  I am so glad I joined this program!

I am going to try to do the Swim Across America in Chicago July 18.  I need to raise $300 to enter so I have to get busy on that, too.  It is an OWS in Lake MI. I have a choice of distances.  Practicing my swimming will help me determine which I am going to attempt.  I have to feel pretty confident before I try to go a long distance in those waves!  I am 9200 yards into my goal for June and I haven't been doing much due to the race last week, but I am ready to kick it up a notch now.

I hope your ankle gets rested and feels better by Saturday and that it isn't anything serious.
2009-06-17 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2223694

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-06-17 9:54 AM I swam for you this AM it was a lot of fun!  I am so glad I joined this program!

I am going to try to do the Swim Across America in Chicago July 18.  I need to raise $300 to enter so I have to get busy on that, too.  It is an OWS in Lake MI. I have a choice of distances.  Practicing my swimming will help me determine which I am going to attempt.  I have to feel pretty confident before I try to go a long distance in those waves!  I am 9200 yards into my goal for June and I haven't been doing much due to the race last week, but I am ready to kick it up a notch now.

I hope your ankle gets rested and feels better by Saturday and that it isn't anything serious.

Hehe, thanks My next tri is a 300 meter pool swim - I think I'm all right skipping a workout! Plus, we're doing some OWS on Saturday, which we don't usually do, so that will make up for it. Glad the swimming is working out for you!! The lake swim sounds fun! How far are the distances? I know Lake MI is quite large

2009-06-17 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Finally have caught up on work stuff after working 28 hrs the past two days... I am pretty exhausted, but am glad to be able to get back to normal now.

I did have a good time at my race on Saturday, did better than I had expected. Posted my race report finally.

My next race is in the middle of July, but it looks like I am going to miss that unless I can convince my wife that I don't need to go to her cousin's wedding- highly unlikely

So I guess it will be August 1 for my next race. I know I will get some running and biking in, but I think I will have a hard time not skipping swimming as I am sort of burnt out on it. And if I don't have a race bearing down, I am going to be fighting myself everything I go.
2009-06-17 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2224093

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-06-17 11:35 AM Finally have caught up on work stuff after working 28 hrs the past two days... I am pretty exhausted, but am glad to be able to get back to normal now. I did have a good time at my race on Saturday, did better than I had expected. Posted my race report finally. My next race is in the middle of July, but it looks like I am going to miss that unless I can convince my wife that I don't need to go to her cousin's wedding- highly unlikely So I guess it will be August 1 for my next race. I know I will get some running and biking in, but I think I will have a hard time not skipping swimming as I am sort of burnt out on it. And if I don't have a race bearing down, I am going to be fighting myself everything I go.

Sounds like a plan - you've got til August to work on any limiters and really hone your training. While I do like racing just for the experience of racing, it can sometimes be a little counter-productive, because you don't have time to really build your training since you're always prepping for a race.

2009-06-17 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
So, I have been awful about getting any swimming in.  But with the craziness these last couple of weeks, I think it's more important to be there for my boys...So, I'm not going to be all gung ho and try to do another race in July, I have too many things I need to work on improvement-wise, adn not enough time...Yeah, have you noticed I haven't been swimming since my race?!?  Really bad   Anyway, our pool will be opening up during the days soon, so I am going to talk to them to get some lessons in...and I am looking at our local cycling group to think about going on some rides...this weekend, I am hoping to take the bike near my in-laws' where there are some nicer hills, and a lot more flats so I can get working...
2009-06-18 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning, all. It's STILL raining here Man, I am really fed-up with the weather this spring/summer so far. Just gloomy and miserable.

Kathleen, no worries about not racing in July - you had one planned for later in the summer, right? That's enough - no need to go race-crazy The cycling group sounds fun - as long as you find one that caters to all abilities

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