BT Development Mentor Program Archives » FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-07-02 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2954746

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
You know what, Lovey?  As far are your swim workout is concerned, I'd split the difference.....

500 for 10 breaths
250 for 8 breaths
4 x 100 for 6 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 for 4 breaths between 50s
total: 1500 yards

Then jump to Week 5.  I'm curious what Anne thinks, but that's what I'd try to do.

I feel so LAZY - I have done nothing since the tri, but I'm ready to get started again.  I'm wanting to do another one in August, but $ is a factor.   I'm curious how some other people on budgets with families deal with the expenses of participating.  The cost of gear and entry fees.... and it'll be a LONG time before (if EVER) I win any awards... 

I guess it's just the cost of a healthy lifestyle vs. the cost of an unhealthy one.

The weather has been tremendous here, but I know we are in for a heat spell. 

Hey - Good news:  My 8yo daughter and 10 yo son want to do a youth tri !  I feel so happy to see them wanting to do this too!

Bye for now.


2010-07-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2959069

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Joyce, that is a good idea.

Wednesday I did 30 seconds 30 seconds
Total---1000 yards, 50 minutes

Today I only had 30 mins to swim so I did
1x100 for 30 secs
1x400 for 10 breaths
1x100 swim
Total---600 yards, 26 minutes

Alternating each length between breaststroke and freestyle.

This week I got a full workout so far and it feels to be going full steam but also exhausting. I took this morning off because I felt tired.

So far my workouts this week have been:
Mon - AM: Spinning / PM: rest with pedicure
Tue - AM: yoga / PM: bike
Wed - AM: bodysculpt / PM: swim
Thur- AM: bike / PM: run
Fri - AM: rest / PM: swim

Sat - AM: run / PM: maybe a family ride
Sun- AM: bike and maybe short run / PM: cookout with friends


Edited by Lovey 2010-07-02 8:46 PM
2010-07-02 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2959069

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
There is the SheROX Philadelphia Triathlon on Sunday August 1st. Its an all-women's sprint triathlon in Philly. I am considering doing it but have to look at total cost of trip first.

As for balancing the $$. I don't buy anything else for myself. I am at the point where I need shoes because I haven't bought any, other than my running shoes, in a very long time. A couple of my races are free from random drawing prizes. I try to keep cost at a minimum so if I average my fees over a year, it shouldn't be more than $50 per month on average. I also wear my hair in styles that don't need maintenance by a salon and very little products for maintenance.

I shop online a lot for good deals. has a sale the first Tuesday of each month. I get dresses and blouses for $10 or less. I have bought peacoats for $5. Shipping is usually a flat $5 fee per shipment regardless of the amount in it.

I cut cost wherever I can.


2010-07-03 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
On cost...

husband- 10 years
me- 3 years

medical bills for me prior to triathlons- insane.

For me, the training is a necessary cost. HOWEVER- this is a sport that you can do on the cheap, meaning you buy gear in the off season. Rent when you can until you know what you need. For example, I do not race in the months when I would need a wetsuit. That's a big investment that I am not ready to make, even 3 years into it. Plus I watched a newbie rip a huge hole in his new wetsuit at his first Open Water Swim this year. Yikes.

We faithfully replace our running shoes every 300-350 miles. We have a YMCA membership so our whole family can use the facilities and we do not belong to a country club or swim club, we use the Y pool even in the summer. We plan our races in December and budget for it, and we do as many close to home as possible so we do not have to pay for travel.

Also, get on email lists for any local race production companies. They send out early registration discounts- I'm doing one race for a dollar, no lie. I get a USAT membership so I do not have to pay the $10 one day race liscence fee each time I race. My first season I raced in my swimsuit, bike shorts, sports bra, and my husband's old bike from high school. My current bike is used, bought on ebay, for half the price I would pay in a store.

You can do it cheaply- promise.
2010-07-03 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2960164

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I agree with Ann. You can keep costs down.

Next year my races will be even cheaper as I found a local nonprofit that charges $25 for its half marathon and $5 for the triathlon that you can choose which part to do.

I buy gear in off season too as well as online or at Target. I know what running shoes ?I wear so aFTER BUYING THE FIRST pair at the running store, I have bought each addl pair at 50 to 70% off online. Today I just bought the updated version of my shoes even though I didn't need it yet but they were having a one day sale plus a coupon that brought it down almost 50%. can be high in price but when they have a super sale you can get $60 tritops and bottoms and running skorts for $10.

Unfortunately sometimes you end up paying the full price. I am full full chested and its hard to find a tri top that fits and there is no way I am wearing a bathing suit in my filthy lake. Skirtsports was the only top I found that fit and I had to pay full price because I needed then and couldn't wait til off season.

2010-07-05 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Today, I ran the 5K course I am doing on Sunday. Even at 6 in the morning it was really hot.
The race starts at 8 on a day that will be around 95 degreees.

Yesterday, I rode 19.5 miles on my bike, the longest I have ridden so far. It was a nice trail and plan to do it again but make it longer.

I have been going full steam since last week Sunday. So tomorrow will be my first full rest day in alomst 10 days and I am looking forward to it.


Edited by Lovey 2010-07-05 5:57 PM

2010-07-06 2:30 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Building Bike Endurance and Speed:

I aim to bike 2-3x a week. I want to build endurance, speed and master my triathlon route. I ride around 10mph (yes, slow).

My triathlon course is a hilly 17.5 mile course. I try to do the course once a week and barely avg 10mph on that course, more like 9.5 or 9.75mph. I go faster on the downhills of course and slightly faster on the flatter portions but lose it all on the hills.

I also ride local trails that are not difficult and has no hills like the ones on my tri course. The trails cover over 40 miles.

Sunday I did almost 20 miles hoping that riding longer distances will help my endurance.

How do I go about build speed and endurance?
Do I need to ride my actual tri course more often?
Will going longer distance on the trails help me?


Edited by Lovey 2010-07-06 2:40 AM
2010-07-06 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
to build speed on the bike- just like on the run- you have to do intervals, meaning you ride a certain amount of time slow, then ride fast for several minutes, then back down to slow.

to build your endurance, longer distance on the bike (meaning longer rides, preferably outdoors). two different workouts. So pick one day per week for your interval work (for me this is on the trainer in the basement on days when I have no sitter), and one day should be your longest ride (weekends for me).

It is also a time thing. You will not be able to increase your endurance or speed quickly. It is something you should work on for a long period, so if your training plan is 14 weeks you should have speed days and endurance days each week.

also, what type of bike are you on? If you are riding a mountain bike you will be fighting a losing battle, same with a crossover bike. Some tris have a mountain bike group you can enter because they are much slower bikes and you are at a huge disadvantage on them. My bike time sped up quite a bit when I switched to a lighter road bike (bought used, off ebay, by husband, who knew what size, etc to get me).
2010-07-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2963319

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I have a Cannondale Quick 6. The company and bike shop refer to this one as a flat bar road bike instead of a hybrid because it has no front suspensions (traditional ones do) and so rides more like a road bike. My bike came with smooth tires so switching to smoother tires is not an option. I don’t want to buy another bike. I bought this one last year.

I like the intervals idea on the bike. I am going to try it this week when I ride.
I will pick one day for speed intervals and one for endurance.

2010-07-10 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Ok, I have a 5K tomorrow and my last run and workout was on Monday. Due to work schedule, weather and work hours I haven't had a chance to do anything. Too tired at night to even get on my treadmill.

I wanted a PR (best 5K was 36:16) but with lack of training I don't think I will make it.

I do plan to have fun as my whole womens running group is doing it.

2010-07-11 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
all that time off probably rested your legs very well. I'm sure you had a great time today- always fun to run with friends!!!!

Huge workouts for me this weekend, and am now enjoying some ice water, quiet time, and waiting for the world cup finals to come on. The big workouts yesterday and today (30plus miles on the bike yesterday, 7.8 mile run today) have me feeling very confident heading into my A race (an Olympic distance on August 8th).

Hope everyone is doing well!

Lovey, how soon is Irongirl?

2010-07-11 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
My 5K today- 36:16

I ate my usual PB toast and water as I thought about how hot the race will be. Did a one-third mile warm-up and was panting. I hadn’t ran in a week or done any type of work out. I was going to do my best and try not to go over 40 minuts. I put in pace alerts in my Garmin and it kept beeping to speed up or slow down the whole time. It was driving me crazy. I ran mile 1 at a 10.4 min pace and I was shocked. I figured I needed to slow down a little because I can’t maintain that. My fastest 5K in was back in May and I did the same time today. Maybe if I didn’t take a week off I would have PR’d but I was still happy with my time. At least I didn’t regress in my training. Aftewrwards, I walked, stretched, grab some food, got a massage and sat down for the random prizes I never win.


Iron Girl in on August 22nd. My swim training starts again this week.


Edited by Lovey 2010-07-11 5:00 PM
2010-07-14 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Now that my hubby’s schedule is on a very short break, I can get back to a somewhat normal workout schedule.
Yesterday morning at 6am I started back swimming with my group 2x a week and I will add 1 or 2 more swim session on my own to focus on endurance.

Yesterday evening at 6:30pm I also started a half marathon training program with my running club. We had to do a 2 mile time trial. I was feeling exhausted all day from swimming that am and it was really hot and humid too. I couldn’t get my HR down. I got side stitches that I normally run and breathe thru but I couldn’t last night. I had to take a 30 second walk break at mile one to breath and stretch it out. Normally I lose my momentum and can’t get my pace back but I had two people in the back of the pack with me and with them I was able to keep my original pace. I clocked the 2 mile TT at 24:45 (12:23 pace). Followed up the TT with a one mile cool down at a 14 min pace. My fastest race pace has been 11:42 min/mile but the coaches didn’t want you to go all out but they didn’t want you to slow jog either. Going too fast will place you in a group that you may not be able to keep up with and going too slow might place you in a group that is so slow you won’t get any benefit.

No races this month. While I have to keep up my running for my run-heavy fall schedule (half and metric marathons), I am focusing on swimming. My biking will have to be managed at 2x a week and I may do short rides in the week with my kids.

My next big event is the Iron Girl practice swim on July 30th in the lake. The race swim course is 1100 yards and I need to be able to go the distance comfortable and at a reasonable pace at the practice. I am super slow so right now in the pool to takes me 45 minutes to do 1000 yards. I hope I can get better swimming 3-4 a week for the next 3 weeks. I don’t expect miracles but some improvement will be better than none.

Sorry, long post.

2010-07-16 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Here's hoping your irongirl swim practice goes well!

Race weekend for me- a sprint, Trek Women's Series. Should be a good race!
2010-07-19 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Good job on the race Anne.   I'll have to remember the counting of bouy's.  Good pictures on Facebook.

My Trek Women's Only is this coming Sunday.  I am woefully undertrained and my friends who were supposed to do it with me have backed out.  It's going to be tough convincing myself to go early Sunday morning.  We'll see
2010-07-20 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2990568

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
GO Ginny! It is a great race. You will be fine!!!! And it was really fun.

2010-07-25 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

It looks like everyone is doing well and I am so proud of all of you and your accomplishments.  Ginny, how did your tri go? 

I have sort of a dilemma.  I had emailed elite endeavors when I was changing my tri schedule.  I wasn't sure what our plans for going to New Mexico to see the new grandbaby would be.  EE said they would refund my money back in April.  I have never received a refund.  I've emailed again in late June/early July with no response.  I am now getting emails about the bike course change.  I think I am still registered.  I am so not trained for a tri and am a little confused by the original response of refunding my money and now no response. 

I hate to show up on a result list as a DNS.  DNS>DNF>DFL.  I still believe that.  Any suggestions?  I am registered for the Women's Tri on Aug 1 and the oly duathlon on Aug 8.  I haven't been on my bike since April. 

Edited by jogo 2010-07-25 10:21 PM
2010-07-26 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3003905

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jim and joyce donaldson- owners of Elite Endeavors- are lovely people. Send them an email RIGHT NOW and let them know that you asked to be out of the races via email back in whatever month, and could they please help you out as you are no longer participating in triathlons and are not trained? I'm sure they will correct it as they want as many spots open as possible.

Of course, you could also do the races. I'm sure I'll be walking the olympic course! It'll be my first Oly tri and there is a good chance I will be the last to finish that day.
2010-07-26 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

You were right Anne, the Trek Tri was so worth it.  I am so glad I went.  Had a great time.  My time reflected the fact that I haven't trained much, but I was still very happy with my results and really enjoyed all of the women etc.

Jo, you were in my head when I was biking...remember at the Sylvania woman's only and your reflector came off on  your wheel and the noise it was making.  I focused in on that and kept that in my head almost like a metronome, "tick, tick, tick, tick".  Was trying to keep my speed up with the noise you were making.  So in this tri, during the bike, that noise came to my head and I just kept reciting that tick, tick tick over and over again to keep my cadence at a consistent pace.  So thanks for being there "with me" Cool

You girls are the best...thanks for keeping me motivated and pushing forward these last couple of years.

I may have 2 of my girls convinced to do a relay with me at Portage Lakes, Girls Tri Too in September.  I have been trying to convince them to do a tri with me, but one says she doesn't bike and the other says she doesn't run.  When I mentioned we could do a relay they were all for it.  Now just to make sure they can fit it in their schedule.  

2010-07-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Great job, Ginny! And I'm glad you had fun, too. Those Trek ladies are a hoot and a half, to borrow a phrase from my grandma.

Hey Jo, Elite Endeavors has a phone number on their site- call instead of email.
2010-07-26 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Congrats to all of you.

Transition Clinic on Sunday:
A great tri-club member held a transition clinic for us. She went over the rules and a tri checklist. Then we got to practice at the actual race site.
We set up our bike and gear in the actual transition area. We walked to the swim exit and simulated a race exit. We ran about a quarter mile to our bike, changed, exited the bike out and rode about half a mile, returned and dismounted, ran in transition, racked our bikes and changed into our running gear. T1 was less than 3 mins and T2 was about 2 minutes maybe slightly less.

I am hoping to save time in transition because I took so long in T1 at the DC Tri.

It was hot and the way we were sweating, you would think we swam, biked and rode the entire course.

2010-07-26 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
That transition clinic sounds like something I could use, Lovey. Glad you got to participate in it. 
2010-07-28 6:02 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I emailed and called Elite Endeavors and still have heard nothing.     What should I do about these tri's?  Just blow them off and cut my losses? 

2010-07-28 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3009031

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
jogo - 2010-07-28 7:02 AM

I emailed and called Elite Endeavors and still have heard nothing.     What should I do about these tri's?  Just blow them off and cut my losses? 

I say go to the Woman's one this weekend and have a blast!  (Not sure which other ones you signed up for)

I'll be thinking of you girls.  I would be there myself but I am walking in the State Fair 5K with a friend of mine.  She has been battling cancer for several years and this will probably be the last one she is able to do. 
2010-07-28 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Your focus is running, not tris. You have done everything in your power to cancel those races, so consider them cancelled. What if you did them, especially the Oly Du, and got hurt? That would really mess with your Chicago plan and I would not risk it.
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