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2011-02-07 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Itzia -- You're named after water and trying to convince us you're slow in it?  Come clean, you're actually a world class swimmer!!!!

2011-02-07 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3342500

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike_D - 2011-02-07 6:40 AM Curt - thanks for the review. Sounds like a great plan for those on a time budget, and lays out a good plan. And great for you for hitting it so hard for the past 3 weeks. When is your first scheduled race?

Itzia -- I read this AM it snowed in a couple places in Mexico this weekend. Glad to see its just not us!

Had a short, but strong swim this AM. Did 1200 yards in under 20 minutes. It wasn't continuous, but the pace worked out to 1:38/100 yards, which for me is as fast as I've ever swam. I did feel like my balance was good, but I really need to work on my left arm stroke. Did my last 50 yards flat out, and came in at :42 seconds or so. No way I keep that pace for more than 100 yards or so .

Mike, it did snow in the North of Mexico.  There was a region that was -16 degrees C.  Just amazing!!  Not down here though... 30 C max today  16 C min.  Cheer up!  It will be over before you know it!  Besides, you'll be going to the Caribean.  Smile

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-07 10:27 PM
2011-02-07 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3343997

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-02-07 6:45 PM Itzia -- You're named after water and trying to convince us you're slow in it?  Come clean, you're actually a world class swimmer!!!!

LOL  I wish!!!  LOL   Hold on.... I have to be positive.  I will!!!  How's that?  Laughing
2011-02-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
As I read on BT once, "Of course swimming is hard -- you're an upright walking land based mammal!!"  Thought this was very funny perspective on the struggles in the pool we all have!

Did a treadmill 10k (6.2 mi) run this AM. Pace of 8:40 or so. One thing I do like about the treadmill is the ability to set a certain pace, and run to it. I tend to run @ a slower pace on the road, probably because I can. Thank goodness the gym treadmills have TVs on them, otherwise it would be torture. I'd much rather be outside on the road, however, the snow has taken over most of the available running space on the roads around here.
2011-02-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3256072

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nice pace Mike.  What half mary are you training for?
2011-02-08 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3345445

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
DP120107 - 2011-02-08 2:00 PM Nice pace Mike.  What half mary are you training for?


The race is the "Half of Quincy" half marathon in Quincy, MA on 3/20/11. Cooincidentally, the date is the exact 1 year anniversary of my getting off the couch and starting to get fit. If you'd told me a year ago I'd be running a 1/2 marathon in exactly a year, I'd think you were insane.

2011-02-08 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Did my longest swim workout ever today.  1600 yards / was in the pool for 55 minutes.  Did 8 x 50s focusing on distance per stroke.  These were coming in at 1:05!!!  Then had to do the core set of 3 x 300.  These came in at 8:43, 9:28, and 8:58.  On the last one, started out slow and 100 yards in thought HTFU and could feel the speed come back.  I was feeling tired afterwards, but really excited.  On the cool down was still able to swim AND realized that sinking was not even on my mind.  That's huge as I've never experienced that before / am actually getting comfortable in the water.

Have to head down stairs for an hour on the cycleops in just a bit.  Should be relaxing as I'm becoming good friends with my bike and trainer.
2011-02-08 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3346043

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-02-08 7:55 PM  Did 8 x 50s focusing on distance per stroke.  These were coming in at 1:05!!!  Then had to do the core set of 3 x 300.  These came in at 8:43, 9:28, and 8:58.  On the last one, started out slow and 100 yards in thought HTFU and could feel the speed come back. 


I don't understand this!!!  Frown

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-08 11:03 PM
2011-02-08 11:33 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

I declared my ankle healed as from last night, and did elliptical for 2 miles.  It felt just fine.  I thought of increasing things gradually, but it seems that the head coach has different plans for me.  :-S  After an interview, he was with me during my swimming training tonight.  First time he sees me swim.  He said I was better than he had expected and asked me to swim doing long strokes trying to keep the number as low as pos.  I did a minimum of 22 and maximum of 25 but most times it was 23 strokes in a 25m long pool.  I only managed 100m non stop and he let me have breathers every 50m.  I did 1000m in total.  If I thought the swimming coach was strict… well, the head coach is a tyrant!!  But he is nice as well.

200 warm up
200 kick
100 free style
200 long strokes breathing every 4 strokes
200 loong strokes breathing every 3 strokes
100 to loosen up (is that how you say it in English?)

My bike is not here yet but the coach is lending me one so that I can join the team on the road tomorrow.  I’m sooooo scared!!!!  LOL  I don’t have experience, I’m not fit enough and it will be an uphill route. Besides, 90% of the team are men (I haven't seen a single woman yet) and there are no newbies around, just me!  OMG!  I’m panicking already.

Have a great Wednesday!  Laughing

(Now that I think of it… I don’t own a helmet yet… LOL)

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-09 6:10 AM
2011-02-09 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Great job everyone! Seems like progress is being made all over. Fantastic!

I'm off to the bike shop today to get the seat adjusted on my bike. A tiny thing, but I don't have the right tools to do it myself. Once this is corrected, I'll be on the thing min 3 hours a week, at least thats the goal. I'm just dying to get this on the road.

Today was a swim day, and did a 1700 yard workout. Tried something slightly differnt with the core portion. Did 10x100 w/ 15 second breaks between. The last 2 or 3 were tiring, but it really makes you work on keeping form and balance. Overall, I'm happy with it.
2011-02-09 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3256072

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nice work in the water guys.  You're making me want to find a pool (hopefully joining the local YMCA next month).

Itzia - Let us know how your ride goes.  We'll be thinking about you.  And please find a helmet...

2011-02-09 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi guys been sick most of last week, but was feeling good & the weather was good to ride a 43 mile bike ride (one loop of the st. george ironman bike course).  I have done this ride 10x now, the last one being last year in november.  It not a easy course, but I have got faster doing this ride.  I tried to have a full breakfast & hydrate well before the ride, so I have  good energy climbing the hills.  So saturday I wake up & had my same breakfast & drink some water & gatorade.  I felt good, so I start the ride and after 5 miles of rollers.  I'm just felt dead tired have no legs. I got to 10 mile & I just wanted to  turn around & called it a day and I haven't even reach the tough hills yet.  So I guts it out finish the loop and run 4 miles (it was a brick workout for me).
The last 10 mile felt good (though most of it was flats & downhill, but I was cranking it hard).  I just cant believe mine level of fitness/ energy has that bad after being sick for couple of days.  I'm thinking it was what I had before my bike ride.  I usually have a gel about 15-20 minutes before my rides.  But saturday I didn't have any, so I had a large cup of orange juice instead.  I was told that orange juice are bad before a race or ride as it give you a quick energy, but your energy drop as well (like a sugar rush)?  Anyone know if that has any merit? 
2011-02-09 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3347546

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
A ride outside sounds awesome given the temp here is about 2 deg F!!!!!
2011-02-09 10:06 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi everybody!

The bike ride was wonderful!!  The head coach has been terrific.  He had already ridden this morning, but he joined the 4:30pm group because it was my first day. Actually, not only my first day riding with the team, but the first time I rode a road bike in my not so short life.   There were 12 of us, this is the smallest group of the week.  We put the bikes on a trailer and rode on a van to the highway to Mexico City. Once there, we rode uphill.  I wasn’t wearing the appropriate equipment and the bike they lent me was too big, but I managed 8 Km of a total of 20.  They said newbies usually do 5K max on that road.  I’m glad they didn’t tell me that before the ride.  

We started in the outskirts of warm Cuernavaca which I believe is 1,600m above sea level and finished at 2,600m above sea level in a cool area surrounded by woods.  It took me 40 mins to do the 8 K with the head coach by the side all the time.  He gave me instructions and set the rithm I should ride.   When I couldn't go on, I requested to be picked up by the van.  At the end they all cheered me and gave me a dry fit top to celebrate my welcome to the team.  There were 2 other women there.  It’s a nice bunch of people… a little crazy I think.  But I guess you have to be a bit crazy to do tris.  LOL  Now I know the biking part will be hard, but I feel much more at ease about it.

I came back home, checked homework, got children organized and rushed back for an 800m swim. I’m tired but very happy.  I don’t think I will easily forget today.

I hope you all have a good night! Laughing 

PS  Thank you for your concern Dan, they lent me a helmet.  Wink

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-09 10:20 PM
2011-02-10 12:03 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Itzia- Your cycling group/coach sounds great. It is still so important for me to cycle with more experienced riders who are willing to teach me what to do. I honestly would not have made a fraction of the progress I have if I was doing this on my own. Great job on your 1st ride on a road bike! You will be amazed at how much you improve with consistant riding and a coach.

Mike- Great pace on the 10K

Croix- Great job on the swim

Utah- Good job on pushing yourself on that bike course. It is very tough and hilly (I am familiar with the terrain of St Gearge). I know the feeling of being out on a course when your body is not cooperating with you. You want to go harder, but you just can'y physically. It is frustrating. I'm guessing your body was probably not fully recovered from being sick.

Josh- Sorry. My new bike is a Trek Madone 5.2 WSD here is a pic off the internet. Got mine for less $ then this website posts
Also got new shoes (I was riding with Mt bike shoes). I should be picking it up Saturday.
2011-02-10 5:39 AM
in reply to: #3348095

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
itziaol - 2011-02-09 10:06 PM

Hi everybody!

The bike ride was wonderful!!  The head coach has been terrific.  He had already ridden this morning, but he joined the 4:30pm group because it was my first day. Actually, not only my first day riding with the team, but the first time I rode a road bike in my not so short life.   There were 12 of us, this is the smallest group of the week.  We put the bikes on a trailer and rode on a van to the highway to Mexico City. Once there, we rode uphill.  I wasn’t wearing the appropriate equipment and the bike they lent me was too big, but I managed 8 Km of a total of 20.  They said newbies usually do 5K max on that road.  I’m glad they didn’t tell me that before the ride.  

We started in the outskirts of warm Cuernavaca which I believe is 1,600m above sea level and finished at 2,600m above sea level in a cool area surrounded by woods.  It took me 40 mins to do the 8 K with the head coach by the side all the time.  He gave me instructions and set the rithm I should ride.   When I couldn't go on, I requested to be picked up by the van.  At the end they all cheered me and gave me a dry fit top to celebrate my welcome to the team.  There were 2 other women there.  It’s a nice bunch of people… a little crazy I think.  But I guess you have to be a bit crazy to do tris.  LOL  Now I know the biking part will be hard, but I feel much more at ease about it.

I came back home, checked homework, got children organized and rushed back for an 800m swim. I’m tired but very happy.  I don’t think I will easily forget today.

I hope you all have a good night! Laughing 

PS  Thank you for your concern Dan, they lent me a helmet.  Wink

That is GREAT!! What a fun day and congratulations for not only the ride, but then hitting the pool -- you're tough!.  Sounds like you've found a supportive team to join!

2011-02-10 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Itzia -- Congrats.  You're one up on me now as I've never been on a group ride.  Sounds like it went really well.  Wait until your new bike arrives.  Then you'll be really hooked / folks get attached to their bikes very quickly and want to take them out for "their" exercise.
2011-02-10 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

So, here's a topic for today -- Food. We all like it, we all need it, and we all probably worry about it from time to time. How do you (assuming you do) manage what & how you eat while training or as just part of your tri/fitness life? Any particular things you like pre/post workouts  for energy or recovery? Other thoughts? I'll go first!

Since I started getting fit (last March) I've very consciously changed not only what I eat, but when & how much. People always ask me how long I've been on a diet, and I tell them I'm not on one. I don't think of it that way. I see it as more of a lifestyle change, and a healthier approach to eating. Even if I wasn’t into the tri thing, it would still be something I’d do as my old eating habits were crap-tastic.

Overall, I’m far more conscious about eating a balanced menu, ensuring I get veggies, protein, and fruit every day.  Also snack in a smarter way, putting aside the cookies/packaged food in favor of a fresh apple or nuts, etc. Do I not eat anything ‘bad’? Heck no – I can’t resist a good hot fudge sundae or a double cheeseburger at Five Guys, but I also know it can’t be a regular thing either. I’ve worked too hard to lose a bunch of weight and get in shape to give it up for something like that.

2011-02-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3348963

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike_D - 2011-02-10 1:43 PM

So, here's a topic for today -- Food. We all like it, we all need it, and we all probably worry about it from time to time. How do you (assuming you do) manage what & how you eat while training or as just part of your tri/fitness life? Any particular things you like pre/post workouts  for energy or recovery? Other thoughts? I'll go first!

Since I started getting fit (last March) I've very consciously changed not only what I eat, but when & how much. People always ask me how long I've been on a diet, and I tell them I'm not on one. I don't think of it that way. I see it as more of a lifestyle change, and a healthier approach to eating. Even if I wasn’t into the tri thing, it would still be something I’d do as my old eating habits were crap-tastic.

Overall, I’m far more conscious about eating a balanced menu, ensuring I get veggies, protein, and fruit every day.  Also snack in a smarter way, putting aside the cookies/packaged food in favor of a fresh apple or nuts, etc. Do I not eat anything ‘bad’? Heck no – I can’t resist a good hot fudge sundae or a double cheeseburger at Five Guys, but I also know it can’t be a regular thing either. I’ve worked too hard to lose a bunch of weight and get in shape to give it up for something like that.

Mike, this is a great topic!
I have for quite sometime tried to eat better, with not much success in losing the weight that I would like to. Recently I started using the nutrition logging function of the site, it has really helped me make some better decisions. when you log everything that you eat it gives you a much better perspective on the percentages of Carbs, fats and Protein. I have reecently found out that I will never eat another Dunkin Donuts muffin again!! But like you I will have to indulge in a Sunday now and then.
I have always been partial to a couple of pieces of toast and peanut butter as my pre work out snack, I dont know if it is the best, but I always seem to do well on just that, even on long bikle rides or runs.
2011-02-10 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thank you guys!  I consider myself very lucky to have found BT, to belong to this group and the Aspid triathlon team.  Laughing

 Jackie – Great wheels!! 

Curt  - I’m really looking forward to getting my bike and taking it for it’s exercise.  Wink

Food… nice topic Mike!

I’ve always had more or less the same eating habits.  Ever since I was a child there were two options of food.  My mother favoured Mediterranean kind of food and my father Mexican, so one could chose.  I always chose my mother’s way.  It’s pretty much the same at home now.  

I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and I avoid bread, pasta and rice.  I like lean grilled or boiled protein and dislike the flavour of fat and strong spices in general, which can be a problem if you live in Mexico.  My fat intake comes in the shape of nuts, olive oil, avocado, peanut butter and mayonnaise (light).  The problem is that I have a sweet tooth, and absolutely love chocolate, ice cream, biscuits (cookies) and cakes with a large glass of milk… mmmmmhh.  Tongue out  That is the area I’ve had to learn to control these days.  Sealed

I have 5 meals a day, balancing protein, carbohydrates and fat in each one of them.  I posted something about this a couple of weeks ago when I explained about “the zone”.  15 mins before training I have 1 block (7g of protein, 9 g of carbs and 2 g of fat)  and 3 blocks after I train.

I was trying to decide whether to use the elliptical at home or go out for a run, which I haven’t done since my injury.  I’ll go out… thinking of you, who are snowed under.  Paradoxically, I’ve been waiting for the sun to come down so that it’s not so hot.  Cool 

Enjoy your evening!  Smile

Edited by itziaol 2011-02-10 5:46 PM
2011-02-10 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
On the food front have really started watching what I eat for the last month or so.  I've been tracking everything I eat on an app on my ipod touch.  Thing I've noticed is that I'm a carb-a-holic / trying to get some more protein in to the diet.  Other good thing about tracking is you become much more conscious of the portioin size and the snacking/eating for eatings sake.  I'm not really too hung up on food for the work out.  Simply not to the point where I feel that it makes a huge difference.

2011-02-11 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Regarding food tracking, does anyone else find the utility on BT to be hard to use? I'm probably doing it wrong, but it seems every meal needs to be broken down to individual components/ingredients, etc. Takes me forever to get a simple breakfast logged, and I usually give up after a few days.

One thing I refuse to give up is my morning whole wheat or multi grain toast w/ real butter on it. Normally its just 1 or 2 pieces, and I love it.  At least its not processed white bread, right?

Today's workout was a 5 mile run in 44:04. Last night was a 35 minute trainer ride to try out the new saddle. Success on that front. Felt great, but I find trainer riding just boring. I need a TV. Right now I'm just using my iPod, and staring at a basement wall.

2011-02-11 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3349855

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike_D - 2011-02-11 6:56 AM Regarding food tracking, does anyone else find the utility on BT to be hard to use? I'm probably doing it wrong, but it seems every meal needs to be broken down to individual components/ingredients, etc. Takes me forever to get a simple breakfast logged, and I usually give up after a few days.

One thing I refuse to give up is my morning whole wheat or multi grain toast w/ real butter on it. Normally its just 1 or 2 pieces, and I love it.  At least its not processed white bread, right?

Today's workout was a 5 mile run in 44:04. Last night was a 35 minute trainer ride to try out the new saddle. Success on that front. Felt great, but I find trainer riding just boring. I need a TV. Right now I'm just using my iPod, and staring at a basement wall.


Mike, it can be tedious to log the meals and you're right, you do need to choose every ingredient. You can save meals that you eat regularly or create a recipe that may save you some time in the future. There are probably better apps out there, I just started using this one so I can keep everything in one place. One of the biggest problems with the BT app is there are many duplicate entries for the same food and not all are correct. I think whatever we use it will help us in reaching our goals!

2011-02-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3349967

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mountaindan - 2011-02-11 8:00 AM
Mike_D - 2011-02-11 6:56 AM Regarding food tracking, does anyone else find the utility on BT to be hard to use? I'm probably doing it wrong, but it seems every meal needs to be broken down to individual components/ingredients, etc. Takes me forever to get a simple breakfast logged, and I usually give up after a few days.

One thing I refuse to give up is my morning whole wheat or multi grain toast w/ real butter on it. Normally its just 1 or 2 pieces, and I love it.  At least its not processed white bread, right?

Today's workout was a 5 mile run in 44:04. Last night was a 35 minute trainer ride to try out the new saddle. Success on that front. Felt great, but I find trainer riding just boring. I need a TV. Right now I'm just using my iPod, and staring at a basement wall.


Mike, it can be tedious to log the meals and you're right, you do need to choose every ingredient. You can save meals that you eat regularly or create a recipe that may save you some time in the future. There are probably better apps out there, I just started using this one so I can keep everything in one place. One of the biggest problems with the BT app is there are many duplicate entries for the same food and not all are correct. I think whatever we use it will help us in reaching our goals!

Couldn't agree more Dan.  I logged my food for a short while.  It helped me to become aware of what I was eating, and once I was in the right frame of mind I just followed the eathing in blocks thing. 

It's true, though.  Logging each ingredient is very time consuming.

Your toast sounds OK Mike... do you think you'd like to add protein to that?
2011-02-11 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

There seem to be two lines of thought regarding what to eat before exercise.  One recommends an increase in carbohydrate intake, and the other a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat.  What do you think about them?  Which one do you prefer? Has any of you done both?  Have you thought of trying them and compare?

It’s nice to have everything in one place, but regarding food logging, I also recommend this site.

It’s a bit more user friendly


Edited by itziaol 2011-02-11 9:44 AM
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