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2011-06-30 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Wow....Great swimming! I aspire to swim that well some day......It's what really holds me back. Got a little 2.5 mile run in last night....have to work tonight, so a treadmill run is all the workout I get today....which is ok because I want to try to run a little more often.

2011-06-30 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3574943

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
SFD156 - 2011-06-30 11:37 AM

Wow....Great swimming! I aspire to swim that well some day......It's what really holds me back. Got a little 2.5 mile run in last night....have to work tonight, so a treadmill run is all the workout I get today....which is ok because I want to try to run a little more often.


I didn't say I did it well

2011-07-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Better week this week than last week, got a ride, and a run in also worked with my trainer to start developing a plan to increase my running speed since that is my big weakness right now.

Anybody racing this weekend?

Working the holiday so remember to be safe and spend the money on a cab...  Although I did get tomorrow off for my 1 year anniversary is it bad that I scheduled a bike/run brick for the morning?

2011-07-03 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3578107

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I had a 5K yesterday.  It seemed so simple.  Just go an run.  Hot and hilly. Triathlons have really helped my 5k time. (actually  3.2miles)  26:56 pace 8:35 One of these years I want to focus on seeing how fast I can do a 5K, but this year I seem to be focusing on increasing my distance.

Busy unpacking boxes after my move.  Hope you all are enjoying your summer training.

2011-07-03 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hi guys,

I've been MIA for a while taking time off for Boy Scout camp, another camp this week and then I'm done for the summer with camps...  My training has pretty much stunk because of all of the camping but I'm still focused on my goal.  But from here this is really a cautionary tale for everyone.

We went out to my sister's lake house for some early July 4 celebrations, and man it was just beastly hot.  110 heat index from roaring sun, incredible humidity, and no breeze whatsoever.  But I think I've got it all figured out, I need to workout but it's freaking hot, but I'm at a lake so how hard can this be?  Besides it's been forever since I did an OWS so I'm pumped to give it a try.  It's about a mile roundtrip from her house to the swim platform at the other end of the lake and back so that's my goal.  I'm not worried, my brother in law offered to pace me in a small boat so if I crapped out I could just get in the boat.

So I get in and the water is WARM, very warm.  Some spots actually felt hot when I swam through them, almost no cold spots.  It was weird to swim in a lake that was so warm, at least on the surface.  A few feet down it was better but this not being SCUBA I was swimming at the surface obviously.  So I made it to the swim platform in 21 minutes, not bad for me I thought.  So I sat for a few minutes to play it safe, in the sun, and then started back.  Didn't have much trouble with the swim (23 minute return) but really felt hot as I was getting out.  And then the sun hit me and man I just about went down.  It's a bit of a walk up a hill to get back to the house and I almost passed out.  I stopped half way to sit down and went white, that's when my brother in law grabbed a hunk of ice from the cooler and held it on the back of my neck while pouring cold water over my head.  I got tunnel vision a few times but never actually went out.  This was the closest I have ever come to heat exhaustion, and it came from a swim!!

I never dreamed a swim could do this, I thought I was good to go hit it hard since I would be in water and couldn't overheat the way I could running or biking on such a hot day.  Big mistake.  If I had been alone I would have passed out on the shore, in the sun, and maybe been in real trouble.  Take it from me, don't assume that you can't get heat stroke because you're in the water.  Lesson learned for me.  Happy 4th everyone!

2011-07-04 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I have been horrible about getting my workouts in this past month so I am going to start setting weekly goals again in hopes of being able to do the small steps to the larger picture and I also hope to race at the end of the month I need to whip myself back into training mode, although it is not an "A" race but I want to do better than my last race...

This weeks goal is to do all 7 of my workouts in my training plan and 1 strength workout

Happy 4th all!

2011-07-04 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

WOW Dan that is CRAZY! I wouldn't have thought of that either. Good to know!

Finished my long brick. I guess I'm as ready as I'm going to be. Scared witless and during my whole run today I just kept thinking to myself, what was I *thinking* when I signed up for this!

At this point, I pray that I'll be able to finish inside the course limit

Tripopo good luck keeping on your training schedule!

2011-07-05 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Got a 6 mile run in lasty night, my trainer had suggested doing it this way

1 mile warmup, jogged with dog about 12 minutes

2 miles with a 9:25 pace, ended up alot faster at 17:40 for the 2 miles

1 miles recovery, ended up around 12 walked a bit while drinking out of water bottle

2 miles with a 9:10 pace, ended up trying a different trail which ended up being 2.2 miles but I hit the time almost dead on at 18:22

My question is though how do you figure out how to pace yourself?  My first mile was 8:22 and I had to considerable force myself to slow it down is it just a matter of practice?  Any insight would be helpful.  Bike and Swim today

2011-07-05 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3579473

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I have noticed getting overheated while swimming at times. If the water is warm, your body cannot dissipate the heat from your work. When I get in the pool or lake and it feels uncomfortably cold at first, I know it will feel fine when I am swimming hard. If it feels warm/comfortable when you first get in, it's going to be too hot when you're working. The only thing I have found to do that helps a little bit is to keep some cold water at the end of my lane and drink during recovery periods. If anyone else has any ideas on this I am interested to know.

Edited by alath 2011-07-05 8:54 AM
2011-07-05 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

hi all....hope everyone's training and summer are going great. been super busy lately so training has been reduced to some short runs and rides. Havent been in the water in almost 2 weeks...Yikes! Not good for the poor swimmer! Having the IT band issues I suffered earlier only in the OTHER leg now. Have had to limit my runs to 2 miles or less. Hoping with the same treatment as the other leg I will be past this soon. Happy training to all.


2011-07-06 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Fell off the wagon for almost a week! Augh.

Wife was on call at the hospital for the whole weekend which meant that I was on Daddy duty the entire time.  It sucked.  No way to work-out Friday, Sat, Sun, or Monday.  I was hoping to get something in yesterday but, yet again life got in the way.

Finally got in a run this morning.  Was actually a bit nervous about how I'd do since it had been nearly a week since my last work-out.  I actually did pretty good. 4 miles this morning at a 9:07pace and didn't kill myself doing it.  I guess I'm slowly improving.  Maybe my body and legs just needed some rest.  Swim at lunch.  Gotta get back up to speed.

2011-07-06 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Home Stretch, taper week and family in from out of state, aaaaahhhhhhh.

Finished my race length brick on Monday. Soooooo sore! Quads and glutes are screaming when I squat or trot up the stairs.

Full day at the water park tomorrow with the fam. Nervous wreck about my race on Sunday. Especially as it now looks very much like I'll be driving up and back alone.

Light and easy workouts this week and prayers that the temps come down a bit.

2011-07-06 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Good luck Bates!!  I know you will do fine what is your target time?


I learned a lesson about planning runs/rides out of heat of the day today...  My trainer who gave me that run plan I did monday wanted me to do it after a swim or bike workout to see how my times are when already tired so I decided to try it today except I was a little slow on starting today and didn't get to the pool until after 11:30, since it was my 1st swim since my tri as well, and the water was nice and toastyUndecided  so get home change and grab a quick bite before the run and 1:00 pm I head out for a planned hour run...  within 5 minutes I was dripping sweat and at just over 2 miles I had to walk it out finished the 1st half of the workout and called it a day.



2011-07-06 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3583231

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Tripopo - 2011-07-06 12:42 PM

Good luck Bates!!  I know you will do fine what is your target time?


I learned a lesson about planning runs/rides out of heat of the day today...  My trainer who gave me that run plan I did monday wanted me to do it after a swim or bike workout to see how my times are when already tired so I decided to try it today except I was a little slow on starting today and didn't get to the pool until after 11:30, since it was my 1st swim since my tri as well, and the water was nice and toastyUndecided  so get home change and grab a quick bite before the run and 1:00 pm I head out for a planned hour run...  within 5 minutes I was dripping sweat and at just over 2 miles I had to walk it out finished the 1st half of the workout and called it a day.




Thanks! Right now, my target is to finish inside the course limit which is 4:40 from the first swim wave, 4:15 from the last swim wave. I won't know which swim wave I'm in until Saturday. Originally, I was dreaming that I'd be in the 3.5 - 4 range with a 50m swim, 1.5h ride and 55m run, but based on my training times, I'll be longer than all of those, not including the transitions.

Yeah, those heat of the day runs can be brutal!

2011-07-06 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3276373

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Shannon - good luck on your race! I know you will do great! Make sure you have fun... now. Don't worry too much, I think you'll find it better than your worries make you feel right now...



2011-07-06 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Goodluck on your race Shannon! Remember to take it easy this week. Lots of fluids and most importantly, have fun!

2011-07-07 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3579473

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
dnoble - 2011-07-03 9:17 PM

Hi guys,

I got tunnel vision a few times but never actually went out.  This was the closest I have ever come to heat exhaustion, and it came from a swim!!

I never dreamed a swim could do this

Dan - oh my lord what a story.... I'm so sorry it hit you that hard, but jeez, thanks for sharing it. I never thought you could get heat exhaustion from swimming either.

I hope you are recovering now and doing ok? Has the heat broken out there? It's been mostly sweltering here in Mpls.


2011-07-07 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3276373

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I have a question for those of you with multiple races... I started out as a TOTAL newbie and with enthusiastic excitement finished my very first "baby" tri a couple weeks ago. And now (even though I have another race in August) it's been so hard to get motivated to continue training. I feel all down on how slow I am or how hard my workouts seem and I wondered if anyone had this experience and how they got out of it?



2011-07-07 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Had the same issue ended up not doing anything for almost a month, could have but made excuses. Now though I'm back to being enthusiastic about training I guess I just needed a few weeks off to reset the mental fatigue as well. Not sure what it'll mean for my tri at the end of July but it is a "B" race as I'm trying to prep for my Oly in September but I still want to hit my sub 1:20 goal in a sprint... You might need to take a week and do nothing just to get back into the swing of it all
2011-07-07 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

For me, while my race was a goal, it was only step on my longer range goals.  Me primarily to lose weight and to be able to train with my wife (who has done an Olympic Tri and is an accomplished runner) in the future.  It helped that my race was super short, shorter than some of my training sessions!  It was helpful for me to review my race and see where I could use some improvement.  For me, I dogged the run pretty bad.  But that only gave me a place to focus on my training.  So I've been running much more.  It's also been gratifying and motivating to see the continous improvement in performance as well as additional poundage lost!

2011-07-07 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

First off.....Shannon, Good luck this weekend!

Mary.....I know exactly how you feel. Since my race I've been kinda without direction. I've been doing some little runs and biking a bit but not really "training". I don't know exactly what my race schedule will be for the rest of the season so I think thats part of it. My poor showing in the swim kinda plays with my head as well. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do to improve my swimming. I guess if I settle on a race and register perhaps that will motivate me to get back to serious training. I know I enjoyed racing, even with my mediocre performance. I'm certain I will race again and improve my performance....Its just getting started again.

2011-07-08 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks for the well wishes! I need all the good vibes I can get out there! Stinkin' weather man still saying 90 for Sunday :P No joy on getting hubby's trip rescheduled.

Mary, I definitely know what you're talking about. I have had that with post race as well as post P90X doubles. Just burnt out and felt sick and tired of beating myself up I definitely think, for me, having the races to work toward really helps me. Doesn't keep me 100% on plan, but definitely helps in the motivation department. I've got the Chicago Marathon in October, so I'm transitioning right from tri training to marathon training. I REALLY want to drop some serious weight this summer and make a decent showing at Chicago so I can check that marathon thing off my list Setting a bigger goal with smaller goals inside I think helps the most. Good luck muddling through the motivation humdrums

Edited by yardleybates 2011-07-08 11:51 AM
2011-07-09 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Packet picked up. Course scouted out.

Getting my stuff packed and headed to bed early. Nerves are in full force - think I may write the have fun on my hands as a reminder for real

2011-07-09 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Go get 'em Shannon!
2011-07-10 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

So I might not make all of the workouts I had hoped too, for got my running shorts when I went to visit friends so didn't run yesterday like I had wanted and then last night I broke a toe, I think, by kicking a chair leg accidently so might take the night off since it is bothering me but will have to see...


Shannon how'd the race go?

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