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2011-06-07 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3534106

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
CTYoung - 2011-06-06 12:11 AM

Well, in prep for the Golden Gate Tri, I had my first open water swim in the SF Bay.  It went much better than I expected.  I was nervous (I don't know why - I've been swimming since 3) so I got in the slow group.  Not long into it, I settled into a good rhythm.  The mile went by fast.  I even got a chance to drive the bike ride (It's near where I swam)  It's not as hard as some of the hills I've been riding but still quite challenging.  At least now I know which hills to focus on to prepare.  

Only down side was that in a fit of stupidity, I didn't use Body Glide around my neck... the back of my neck is tore up!  I promptly bought some for next week's open water swim and the race.


Well, thanks for sharing this. It inspires me to do the same. I'll see if I can get one of my friends to come with me and tri an open water swim before the race on the 26th.

I've been more and more nervous about the open water swim. I guess after the bad start I had on my first tri (in a pool), I'm now more conscious about how slow I swim. I learned to swim at 36 and never stopped since, but always very slow.


2011-06-07 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



I'm slow.  Everytime I worry about being slow or try to go to fast I get in trouble - like not sighting and going off course.  Now I just start in the back and concentrate on slow and steady.  Sometimes now in a sprint, when I'm feeling totally comfortable, I will pick it up a bit and I've had better times.  But only after I've started slow and steady.


2011-06-07 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


The T1 story - actually I completely forgot about what happened and didn't even put it in my race report.  When I came out of the water, I initially had to go up this grassy hill - at least, it was grassy at the start of the race.  By the time I came out, it was slick mud.  I fell - at least not on my face - but my legs and hands were covered with mud.  Then I had to run up the hill some more and then through the sprint transition area (which was large) to get to my area which was at the far side of the Olympic transition area.  Then I had to clean up the mud as best I could - used a towel but didn't want to use my drinking water.

So that's what happened and why my T1 time was so high - it's always high but worse this time.


2011-06-07 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Denise & Mandy, awesome job on your races.  You results and report are quite inspiring and motivating. 

I had my MS150 this weekend. I was at the 75.5 mile mark of the 100 on Saturday when I wiped out going downhill when I hit some gravel.  Not sure if I hit the guardrail or went under it but I was pretty dazed but didn't black out.  In the end, the MS team did a great job of getting me medical attention and then to a hospital.  I have a broken thumb on my left hand, a broken right clavicle and a broken right pelvic bone.  I spent 16 hours at two hospitals but eventually the diagnosis was I didn't need surgery since the bones didn't shift when they broke.  I will verify that diagnosis tomorrow when I visit a hand surgeon and ortho specialist.  My walker allows me to be fairly mobile and with each passing day, I find more mobility and more flexibility.  The IMKY is suspect but I will wait and see how my recovery goes before I dismiss it completely.  I think a lot will depend on the healing of the pelvic bone.  Time will tell.  My patience is certainly challenged but I am trying to be a good patient.  I will keep you all tuned in and will use your successes as motivation.Cool

2011-06-07 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3537679

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Belted - 2011-06-07 5:26 PM

  I will keep you all tuned in and will use your successes as motivation.Cool


Belted!! Oh no!! I am so sorry to hear about all of this.  Holy crap. That must have been so scary.  Good luck with the surgeon tomorrow.  Heal quickly. 


2011-06-07 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3536770

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Nice website Mandy.

manfarr1974 - 2011-06-07 10:58 AM

Hey Guys,

For anyone interested, here is my Race Report:

I think that link should work. I also did a report here on BT for that race.  But the link one has some pictures and video.  Weee.


2011-06-07 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3537679

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Yikes Belted.  Good luck with your recovery.


Belted - 2011-06-07 5:26 PM

Denise & Mandy, awesome job on your races.  You results and report are quite inspiring and motivating. 

I had my MS150 this weekend. I was at the 75.5 mile mark of the 100 on Saturday when I wiped out going downhill when I hit some gravel.  Not sure if I hit the guardrail or went under it but I was pretty dazed but didn't black out.  In the end, the MS team did a great job of getting me medical attention and then to a hospital.  I have a broken thumb on my left hand, a broken right clavicle and a broken right pelvic bone.  I spent 16 hours at two hospitals but eventually the diagnosis was I didn't need surgery since the bones didn't shift when they broke.  I will verify that diagnosis tomorrow when I visit a hand surgeon and ortho specialist.  My walker allows me to be fairly mobile and with each passing day, I find more mobility and more flexibility.  The IMKY is suspect but I will wait and see how my recovery goes before I dismiss it completely.  I think a lot will depend on the healing of the pelvic bone.  Time will tell.  My patience is certainly challenged but I am trying to be a good patient.  I will keep you all tuned in and will use your successes as motivation.Cool

2011-06-07 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


How terrible!  I wish you the best.  Glad it wasn't worse.


2011-06-07 11:02 PM
in reply to: #3537679

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


So sorry to hear about your crash...but relieved that it wasn't worse, of course. That litany of damages suggests that it could've been much worse, so although you've got some recovery time ahead of you, it'll be far less than what it might've been!

I'm glad you recognize yourself as a good patient....a patient patient! That is the absolute key to the best recovery time, to be patient and not rush things at all. I have had a few somewhat lengthy setbacks over the years, and at least I can say that most of them would've been much longer had I been less patient.

I agree with you that the pelvis will tell the tale about IMLOO. Once that's okay you can get back to cycling and running, while for swimming you have to wait for the collarbone to heal. Hmmmm. I have heard, though, that broken collarbones are the best of the shoulder problems to have, better than both dislocations (the worst) separations. I ahd a fasirly severe separation in '08, and I was back doing full swimming within five weeks, so hopefully your recovery will be even quicker. You might be good to go with a pull buoy and some simple one-arm sculling or even one-armed swimming, within a couple of weeks.

Have you checked on the refund policies for IMLOO? I would figure it's close to the "drop-dead_ date, although maybe with a doctor's note they will be more lenient. Even within the time limit, however, it is only something like $159 or $125 back. Buggers!

Please keep us posted on the diagnosis...and each small step of your recovery. Illegitumum non carborundum!

2011-06-07 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3538190

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


It's the Ottawa River Triathlon. It's run by people with hearts of gold, but their races are far from perfect:
(1) Too many events on one morning, at one site -- this "event" has ELEVEN races! (Go to to see what's happenin'!)
(2) They only provide three splits, usually combining both transitions with the bike. So, they bike speed is never accurate,a nd you can't see how you really fared in terms of any of the three- T1, bike, T2. Sometimes, though, it is swim+T1, and T2+run. Same problem, really. I always do their races with a mind to where the "missing" timoing mat wopuld be, and click my watch at those times. That at least lets me know what my more "pure" times are!
(3) No true award ceremony. There's a story behind how they do it....buit it's not worth relaying here!

On the other hand, their events are affordable, and especially so is that 60+ gets 10% off the race fee. They are also incredibly democratic, and their slogan -- "EVents for everyone!" -- is very true. And, most of the area's serious athletes still attend their races, so the competition is quite high.

I can't say I'm real excited about it, and it dosn't help USAT rankings at all....but there are a couple of things I want to test, so the race will suit that quite well. It is what it is?

2011-06-08 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3536262

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


"....HRM just helps me put a threshold on my efforts....." is a very good way to put it. That was the way it worked for me for 2-3 years, until I developed more faith in my own perception and less in the HRM as an accurate indicator. It never ceases to worry me, though, knowing how many people rely on HR and yet I don't. Makes me think I might just be missing a key component somewhere!

2011-06-08 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3538299

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

In the U.K. -- I kid you not -- there is a company that produces a Tomato gel. Serioulsy. Really and truly. And each time I see their ad in one of the British tri mags, it is the only flavor they picture. Honest! I will track down the company and its website to refer you to, just for the sake of morbid curiosity.

I guess it could go into the category of "Be careful what you wish for!", as I'm one of many who tires quite quickly of sweetsweetsweet during longer races. That's why I liked the Kona Mocha flavor from Lava Gel several years ago.....but Tomato was never on my radar. I mean, what's next? Cauliflower? Beef Stroganoff? Mushroom and Bacon?

2011-06-08 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3537586

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


That works as an excuse. With all the talk lately of Poopman from IMFL, I guess you were sensitive to the idea of NOT being mistaken for one of his ilk!

And good decision about towel vs. water. I guess that's one of those "horns of a dilemma" situation, but I think you chose well. Chalk that one up to Acquired Wisdom!

2011-06-08 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3537243

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Just a couple of soul-warmers about open water swims in a race:
-- There are always lots of people around you, including kayaks.
-- You really are in control of your comfort zone, able to position yourself where you feel safest.

The first one just means that if anything goes wrong, you have ample support mere meters away from you.

The second one means that if you don't want to swim in a largish churning pack, you can just start 10-15 feet further back, or add to that by starting off to the sides. If you start to the back, even 20 quickly does it take you to swim 20 feet? Not much time lost at all starting at the back, just 10-15 seconds at most.

Hey! Make a quick trip to Ottawa between now and then! I have a couple of great OWS spots I can take you to!

2011-06-08 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3536770

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Fabulous race and - per usual for you - outstanding race report. I haven't gone through the videos yet, as our dial-up connection just makes that a miserable experience, but maybe tonight I will get them downloaded or whatever and ready to viw in the morning. Tea & bagel & Mandy-at-work/play --- what a way to start the day!

So much of your race sounds so positive, and that's not even considering the time aspect. It is so useful to be innovative in gearing -- not only to go faster, but to keep the legs fresher. I'm glad you've refined that skill for yourself! Maybe that's the coolest thing in the report, but then there are others:

-- You had a well-constructed nutrition plan, and worked hard to stick to it.
-- You were rewarded for being eco-conscious and holding onto the gels packs, from which you exhumed enough to probably mostly make up for the phantom one on the bike.
-- YOU PEED ON THE BIKE!! That puts you one up on me, ads I have only become adept at peeing while swimming. You're now a certified double threat!
-- Nutrition again, and that's doing one every 45 during the run. And don't forget to thank your apparently cast-iron constitution for being ready, willing, and able to accept that sort of gellish regimen!
-- Your overall grasp of the reality of the course was excellent, and you allowed it to neither control you or destroy you. That's really hard to do on a tough course!
-- Nice running form in the still photo of you leaving transition; can't wiat to see the whole thing! But what I see there is nice forward lean, and exemplary toe-off. Have you been working on those specifically?

And your mom, your mom, your mom --- what a great Support Crew, as always! She must've been a Proud Mary!

Oh! NICE bike, too. I hadn't seen a photo of it, but it's a beauty. Hubba-hubba!

As "Amanda", I still have to work at that. I know your mom referrred to you that way last year, but I have yet to make the full transition in that direction. Amanda. Stephen. Hmmmm.

Body still feeling fine, head still in the clouds?

(I have never had block-print body-marking like you all had. Never, in all my races. Guess I've got to do the olympics, or World Cup, or ITU....or Rev3!)

2011-06-08 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3538352

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-06-08 7:59 AM MANDY - Fabulous race and - per usual for you - outstanding race report.

Thanks Steve!!

So much of your race sounds so positive, and that's not even considering the time aspect. It is so useful to be innovative in gearing -- not only to go faster, but to keep the legs fresher. I'm glad you've refined that skill for yourself!

ha ha - I kept telling myself, "Don't be a bonehead. Spin. Use your gears."

You were rewarded for being eco-conscious and holding onto the gels packs, from which you exhumed enough to probably mostly make up for the phantom one on the bike.

Those little hammers on the hammer gels grab each other!  I felt bad about leaving that on the course, but it was very close to a refill stop. 


Yup, I did!  But I cannot pedal and pee.  It takes more concentration than you would think.

Nutrition again, and that's doing one every 45 during the run. And don't forget to thank your apparently cast-iron constitution for being ready, willing, and able to accept that sort of gellish regimen!

I have been "training" my gut as well as my body! So I am getting used to it.  I think you have to train your stomach to take that sort of thing, don't you?  So I have been training like I plan to race - in fueling too.  If I did the same at Timberman, I wouldn't have been happy. 

Nice running form in the still photo of you leaving transition; can't wiat to see the whole thing! But what I see there is nice forward lean, and exemplary toe-off. Have you been working on those specifically?

I have been working on getting a faster, lighter cadence, not shuffling, forward lean....all of that.  You know, I want to run like YOU!  If you do get to take a look I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and where you see room for improvement!

And your mom, your mom, your mom --- what a great Support Crew, as always! She must've been a Proud Mary!

Yup, she was.  Always my biggest supporter now that Bailey is gone!

Oh! NICE bike, too. I hadn't seen a photo of it, but it's a beauty. Hubba-hubba!

I know. Love it. His name is Rip.  For Ripogenous Gorge on the Penobscot where I used to guide rafts - near Baxter Park - you may have heard of it?

As "Amanda", I still have to work at that.

Me too! I always forget to register as Mandy because they need credit card info, which is under Amanda. But I am MANDY for sure.  Like you are Steve, not Steven, right?

Body still feeling fine, head still in the clouds? (I have never had block-print body-marking like you all had. Never, in all my races. Guess I've got to do the olympics, or World Cup, or ITU....or Rev3!)

Rev3!! It is really a nice race. I feel good, a tad bit sore in the left hip flexor, which I am diligently foam rolling out.  My back is a little tight as well. That was my first time with the tattoo body marking.  I didn't think I would like it, but really, I did.

Thanks for your comments!  As always, much appreciated.  I will say one thing on fueling, I am not sure I can take 7 hrs of I need to figure out another plan.  Going to LP in 2wks and will test my PBJ roll-ups on the first loop, gels on the second.  I need about 225 cal/hr I think.


2011-06-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3538299

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Given your success in the sport I don't think much has slipped by you. 

When I was starting out I was confused and all worked up about some issue concerning training (can't remember exactly what it was).  Anyhow, I researched the subject on the Internet and found out that there were lots of conflicting opinions (which happened to make me even more confused).  I'm was a total newbie, who do I follow, what is right?  So I wrote Gordo about it and he gave me a great piece of advise.  His message to me was that "At the end of the day, keep the plan simple and stick with what you enjoy doing daily. That is a lot more important than the specific protocol."  So that has been my approach to the sport as it pertains to technology, training protocols, etc...  I try and listen to what the smart successful people (you included) in the sport do (recommend) and try it out.  If it works for me all the better, if not then I was taught something.

stevebradley - 2011-06-08 6:53 AM JEFF - "....HRM just helps me put a threshold on my efforts....." is a very good way to put it. That was the way it worked for me for 2-3 years, until I developed more faith in my own perception and less in the HRM as an accurate indicator. It never ceases to worry me, though, knowing how many people rely on HR and yet I don't. Makes me think I might just be missing a key component somewhere!

2011-06-08 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I loved your race report - you even have videos - goodness.

That custom bike rack sticker was awesome!  Did it peel off so you could keep it?


2011-06-08 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Off to Iowa City tomorrow for a long weekend - my husband's 50th high school reunion.  I know some of his classmates and their wives so I'll have fun too.

We're staying at the campus union hotel and we get passes to the new rec center - 3 floors and 20,000 ft and just built last year.  And best of all - a 50 meter lap pool.  I've never swum in one.

I'll check back in next week.


2011-06-09 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3538391

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I comment I forgot yesterday pertains to those long rides you've done, leaving you in the seet spot where 56 miles isn't all that daunting anymore. Now just add a few 175-milers, and the 112 of LP will seem like a stroll!

As for the calories and overdoing the gels -- FEAR NOT! Remember the special needs bag, and put in ANYTHING you think will satisfy you. In mine at LP'04 I had two peanut butter and grape jam sandwiches, and they were heavenly. I think I also had a convenience-size container of Pringles, and there was a hit of saltiness -- SO needed! Salt's what I really miss on long rides, and it's one of the reasons I have become a huge fan of Clif Mojo bars. If you haven't treid them, add them asap to your training regimen. Most EMS stores carry them. All three flavors area cgood balance of salt and sweet, and had they been in exitence in my iron days of '04 and '05, they would've been key elements of my fueling.

Are you using any protein drink -- Perpetuem or Susatined Energy or Accelerade? If so, if you plan to have a bottle in your special needs bag it is critical that you have the bottle ONLY with the powder in it, and then a second bottle with water that you can add to it at the time. Otherwise, it has a good chance to start fermenting on a hot day, and that is awful, awful, awful! I have had a couple of rudes in jy past where I carried one of the above and it had started to turn, and it was .....AWFUL! So at LP and my other iron I did what I advise above, and it worked fine.

Don't scrimp at all with special needs, either the bike or the run. The moments you might lose are peanuts in a long day like that, and the chance you have to refuel are priceless. So for that bottle thing, it's really the time it takes to grab the two bottles, unscrew both lids, and pour the water from one into the powdered other. What's that -- 15 seconds at most? Peanuts!

BRUINS stomp the stupid Canucks! RED SOX annihilate the Skankees again! Yes! Yes! YES!!

2011-06-09 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3539582

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-06-08 4:51 PM


I loved your race report - you even have videos - goodness.

That custom bike rack sticker was awesome!  Did it peel off so you could keep it?



OH MAN!! I didn't even THINK of that!! MAN!! Next time I am totally stealing it!

2011-06-09 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3538669

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Keeping it simple really does work for me. I am very far from a techno-geek, and am heavily challenged by most gadgetry. In the day I could work my Timex HRM, and one from another company (Sports Instruments?) that is now defunct, but for neither love nor money could I operate the higher-end Polar units, which at the time (say, '03-'06) were the gold standard in HRM.

The Timex unit worked well, but ultimately gave me too much information. I never once used it in a race, where the last thing I want to do is engage in mathematical acrobatics; hence my default to Rate of Perceived Exertion. But knowing how well Garmins seems to work for many people, as I said in my last note to you, I wonder if I'm cheating myself by being such a Luddite.

I will think some about my HIM last August, where I had a great ride that was followed by a struggling run, and try to gauge how much I was betrayed by percieved exertion. I certainly pushed too hard for too long on the bike, and I recognized that, but mostly didn't estimate the other factors that got me on the run -- heat, hills, sketchy overall nutrition. In truth, perception is not necessarily reliable, affected as it can be by competitiveness and fatigue. You have toi have faith in your perceptions.....while still being aware of how capricious they can be. Not really a fool-proof system, is it?

2011-06-09 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3539588

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Have fun in Iowa City. (Is that an oxymoron, asks the boorish east coast elitist? ) And given that your facility has a 50m pool, I am sure it has a room full of computers for the edification and amusement of the guests, so I expect you to check in here regularly -- like swim for 45', then write to us for 45', repeat, repeat, repeat!),

Well, see you when we see you!

2011-06-09 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3540262

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Mojo is on the shopping list to try for my Sat ride.  Easy/recovery week this week, but have a 2 hr ride on Sat that I will give it a go on.  

I am thinking about special needs, I am not sure how that works.  I don't have a protein drink but was thinking of putting some Ultragen in my Special Needs bag (recovery drink with 320 cals/20g protein) - how important is it that I get that in (protein?)  I didn't even think of that to be honest.  

Hmm.  I like the pringles idea, and also chocolate pretzels but I am worried that they will be a melted mess.  

Right now my special needs bag (in my little head) for the bike have: spare tubes/CO2 (not that I will need them ), Dark Chocolate Snickers, some gels, Ultragen (2 bottles like you said to keep from spoiling), pringles (because I like that idea).  I hope it doesn't cause me to get tied to the porta potties!! I plan on testing it in 2 weeks when I am there actually.  I am doing 2 loops of the course on Sat.

LOL 175 milers!!! I have ridden 112 1x already, will do again next Sat on IMLP course.

Holy crap. It is so freaking close!


2011-06-09 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


What do you think of IMMT (Mont Tremblant)?  I am going to go to volunteer that one for sure, it is a tad closer to me than Placid and a really gorgeous area. 


Did you happen to catch the fees for the new IMNYC (which, just as an aside, is in NJ, not NYC)? $1000 entry!!!! Money mouth HOLY CRAP!! To swim in the Hudson with the dead bodies? YUCK. They better have someone pedaling beside me to feed me.  


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