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2012-03-14 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4095403

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Veggie Kate - 2012-03-14 3:58 AM

Can a new environment cause cramps?

I always figured it had to do with eating too recently, not enough water, or improper warmup/stretching.  But I've tried to run twice now in my new home town, and I have twice gotten horrible cramps that I can't run through.  The humidity is intense (80% usually?) but I do some extra stretching and drink a lot of water every day...

Is there something else that could be causing it?  I don't even get 10 minutes in to my run before the cramp sets in in my right rib area.  It goes away when I stop, or do a VERY slow walk, but even then it can take 10 minutes to be completely gone.  I am hoping I just need to adapt to the new environment...

It's frustrating and discouraging   I miss running!!  I will try again tomorrow, but any tips would be great!

Kate,  Some people have relieved those side stitches by stopping and doing 10=20 sit up/ crunches.  This sounds like a spasm of the diaphragm.  By doing situps this will engage the core and effectively stopped the cramp.  I have not had stitches like that, but have seen it written about on the boards extensively.  This is the most common remedy I have seen.  Good luck. 

2012-03-15 6:28 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps!

8 miles with 4 at Lactate Threshold this morning ... 2 mile warm up then 4 at 6:46, 6:45, 7:32, and 6:41 ... 2 mile cool down. That third LT mile is a long grind of an uphill for 9/10 of a mile. My heart rate stayed where it was supposed to be, but I lost some pace. I was able to find the 6:40s again after the hill, so I'm calling it a successful run.

My biking took a hit this week. Hopefully I'll get one ride in tomorrow morning.


2012-03-15 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

    Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today but I feel a little out of place in here. It seems like you guys are doing these crazy workouts and have big goals for this season and I'm just kind of moving along in a slightly better place than last year. I have been wanting to do a Tri since my 1st 1/2 marathon in 2008 and since the only one I entered last year had the swim cancelled, I have yet to do one. I'm even planning to do the same 2 half marathons I did last year (one in April, one in September) and due to some financial issues I may not have anything in the budget to signup for a Tri at all this summer.

    My run last night kind of sucked and I really don't put in a lot of miles every week. I work 10 hour shifts and I run sooooooooooo slow that I feel like anything longer that a couple of miles after work will be too much. Especially since if I work out too close to bed I can't sleep. Since I already get up at 4:30am I don't really want to get up any earlier for workouts. I really want to work on my speed but in all honesty I need it in all disciplines just to get up to par with the other BOPers and I'm not sure how to balance it all with my life. I'm also not sure I want to spend all of my days off doing nothing but training at the expense of the relationships in my life. Especially considering my SO's unpredictable schedule that I can't possibly schedule workouts around.

    I do know I could do more in the pool and now that the weather's nice I should use my off day and my yoga day for biking and I probably will soon. I'm not trying to make excuses. These are choices I've made right now I just feel like I don't have much to post here about. I have found it useful to post planned workouts when I'm afraid I might talk myself out of it because telling you guys I will do it means I'll do it barring a really acceptable excuse. I know no one is checking up on me but it's just how I'm wired.

   I'm not sure what the point of this rant is but I'm going to post it anyway.

2012-03-15 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Your feelings right now are very NORMAL!  We've all gone through spells like this.  It will pass. 

I had some terrible weeks of training (or lack there of) in the past month.  Too much work, too much travel, kids carpool.....  Sometime I had reasons for not training, sometime I just couldn't get myself off the couch to do it.  It passed.  So will yours.

I heard a great quote last week.  "They start every baseball game with PLAY BALL not WORK BALL" 

Focus on what makes this whole thing fun and do a little more of that until your funk passes.

Remeber, two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward! 

We love having you as part of the group!


2012-03-15 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole ...

Don't be thinking about ditching us. The benefit of joining a training group is that we all hold one another accountable for getting in a workout ... whatever the workout happens to be for each individual. We celebrate one another's successes, and we "get it" so you can vent here when your friends and family are sick of hearing about your training, your goals, your frustrations, and all your training victories.

So go get some victories.

What works for one person's schedule can't possibly be compared to another person's schedule. I can't imagine working those kinds of hours and doing ANY training. So you do what you can and you pat yourself on the back for making time for fitness on top of an already crazy combination of work hours and important relationships.

ANY amount of training you do now pays off in added fitness. Just think how craptastic you'd be feeling if you decided not to train at all just because you don't have the time to do what you're defining as this arbitrary "more" amount.

This is YOUR fitness. Go get it. Then come in and boast about it. We'll get it. 

2012-03-16 5:40 AM
in reply to: #4095665

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-03-14 9:19 AM

Kate,  Some people have relieved those side stitches by stopping and doing 10=20 sit up/ crunches.  This sounds like a spasm of the diaphragm.  By doing situps this will engage the core and effectively stopped the cramp.  I have not had stitches like that, but have seen it written about on the boards extensively.  This is the most common remedy I have seen.  Good luck. 

Thanks! I will that if it happens again!  Did a very gentle run today on the beach - building up barefoot muscles and callouses!

2012-03-16 5:55 AM
in reply to: #4097250

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
nicoleg - 2012-03-15 9:24 AM

    Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today but I feel a little out of place in here. It seems like you guys are doing these crazy workouts and have big goals for this season and I'm just kind of moving along in a slightly better place than last year. I have been wanting to do a Tri since my 1st 1/2 marathon in 2008 and since the only one I entered last year had the swim cancelled, I have yet to do one. I'm even planning to do the same 2 half marathons I did last year (one in April, one in September) and due to some financial issues I may not have anything in the budget to signup for a Tri at all this summer.

    My run last night kind of sucked and I really don't put in a lot of miles every week. I work 10 hour shifts and I run sooooooooooo slow that I feel like anything longer that a couple of miles after work will be too much. Especially since if I work out too close to bed I can't sleep. Since I already get up at 4:30am I don't really want to get up any earlier for workouts. I really want to work on my speed but in all honesty I need it in all disciplines just to get up to par with the other BOPers and I'm not sure how to balance it all with my life. I'm also not sure I want to spend all of my days off doing nothing but training at the expense of the relationships in my life. Especially considering my SO's unpredictable schedule that I can't possibly schedule workouts around.

    I do know I could do more in the pool and now that the weather's nice I should use my off day and my yoga day for biking and I probably will soon. I'm not trying to make excuses. These are choices I've made right now I just feel like I don't have much to post here about. I have found it useful to post planned workouts when I'm afraid I might talk myself out of it because telling you guys I will do it means I'll do it barring a really acceptable excuse. I know no one is checking up on me but it's just how I'm wired.

   I'm not sure what the point of this rant is but I'm going to post it anyway.


No worries!!  I'm not doing these intense workouts, either!!  I've dropped back down to running only 1-2 miles.  *shrug*  No biking, no swimming.

I'm not proud of that, but it's where I am right now.  And I Know it'll get better, and I'll get back in shape.  And you'll get there too!

2012-03-16 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
There will be no bike for me this week. Sigh.

I stayed up too late last night prepping for my daughter's birthday party tonight. She wanted pies. In addition, Marianne and I are putting on a college selection clinic for her and seven friends (they're juniors in HS and some of them are walking through the process alone). Then I'm putting on a poker clinic for them. She's an amazingly eclectic kid.

And, of course, I was watching my brackets get blown apart for the NCAA tourney. I went a little to far with the upset predictions this year.

All this to say that I slept in this morning. My running time this week will surpass my run/bike combined time from last week, and my mileage is going to continue to climb. I need to figure out my balance here to keep some bike work going. 
2012-03-16 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4098749

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, tri trainers! I got 3 days of news to make up for so strap in!

Whew- let me me tell you about my last few days. My apologies for being MIA but let me share.

First, Nicole, don't get discouraged. You do what you can do when you can do it. That,s one of the things I love about this training is you can always change it with your schedule and you get out what you put in. There is no commitment to anybody or anytime but yourself. If you don't have time for serious long workouts, make more time for shorter intense ones. When you see the progress on the shorter ones, you'll make time for longer ones because you'll want results. 

Kate, I don't have answer for cramps on exotic islands. Scott is more helpful there. If you need tips on drinking on exotic islands, I'm your man.  

I appreciate all the encouragement on Monday. After my training on Tuesday, I believe 80 minutes is achievable. Monday, I swam and ran my race distances and did a transition practice in just under 35 minutes. I was happy with that. Tuesday, I set out to swim/bike my race distances with a transition all under 50 minutes. That would mean close to a 40 minute bike ride, sub 2 min trans, and a sub 8 min swim. Well, I nailed it!!! I finished in 49.17 (7:20 swim, 1;04 T, sub 41 ride)  Add in my run from the day before of 27 minutes and a transition puts me at a sub 80 race. I know that was spread out over 2 days but I felt like I had plenty more in the tank after both workouts.  I was super pumped after Tuesday. That was one of my best training days this year. My attire for the swim/ride- you guessed it- the onesie. Mentally, I think it adds an edge. It sounds silly but I feel like a machine wearing that thing. The unfamiliarity of the course next week makes me wonder about the time as well. Mix it in with race day excitement and who knows. The onesie mental edge is working in my favor!

Then things got hairy. I felt like a million dollars after my workout at 6:00 pm. I cooked dinner at home for my wife and a cousin. By 10pm, death was at my door. I spent most of the night sleeping by the toilet. I could not move on Wednesday. My wife came home early from work for the first time ever to help. Slept 24 hours and woke up Thursday morning back to normal. My energy level was low but whatever the hell it was was gone. My wife suffered from it Thursday as I recovered. She says it was a GI bug. It was vicious. 

Today, I'm clear as a bell and ready to get my training legs back. Weather looks promising so I will hit a run or bike ride outside. Good to be back. 

9 days to go!

2012-03-16 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Two days to go until my first DUATHLON…Yes you read that right duathlon.   Weather forecast show .5 inches of rain on Saturday and more on Sunday morning.  Race management has determined that any rain over .1 inches and they will cancel the swim due to high bacteria levels in the bay from urban runoff.  They are planning on replacing the swim with a one mile beach run.  Also the wind is predicted to blow between 20 and 30 mph. 

So as of now I have two goals.  1) Have fun 2) Finish.  At this point I could care less about my times or where I place.  I’ll run what I brung and what happens happens. 

Later today or tomorrow I’ll post some of my thoughts about the entire process over the last couple of months and I’ll be sure to post a race report some time on Sunday or Monday.

Have a great Friday and weekend everybody.


2012-03-16 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed



i completed a duathlon just last week with the tri club that i joined.  It wasnt a real race with numbers, but a friendly tune-up for club members.  It was 5k run, 16 mile bike and 5k run.  It was pretty enjoyable except for the cold weather (about 28 F) and a nasty wind on the back stretch.  I did almost equal splits on the run.  I do remember that i was quite thirsty on the second run.  i was drinking on the bike but forgot to top off my my fluids on the last run leg and their was no aid stations on course.  Finished just under two hours which was my goal. 

Good luck tomorrow


Pete R

2012-03-16 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4099462

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-03-16 1:02 PM

Two days to go until my first DUATHLON…Yes you read that right duathlon.   Weather forecast show .5 inches of rain on Saturday and more on Sunday morning.  Race management has determined that any rain over .1 inches and they will cancel the swim due to high bacteria levels in the bay from urban runoff.  They are planning on replacing the swim with a one mile beach run.  Also the wind is predicted to blow between 20 and 30 mph. 

So as of now I have two goals.  1) Have fun 2) Finish.  At this point I could care less about my times or where I place.  I’ll run what I brung and what happens happens. 

Later today or tomorrow I’ll post some of my thoughts about the entire process over the last couple of months and I’ll be sure to post a race report some time on Sunday or Monday.

Have a great Friday and weekend everybody.


Craig,  Good luck in your race.  Let your training carry you to your goals.  Can't wait to hear how it goes.  

2012-03-16 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Sorry I didn't check back in until tonight. Thanks for the replies everyone and I really wasn't thinking of leaving I just feel like I'm not keeping up a little and also a little like I don't have too much useful to say in here.

I really am ok with what I'm doing. It may not be where I hoped to be at this point but I know that it's where I need to be. If I chose any differently, I'm afraid I would regret it. It's just frustrating at times to think that my plan was to have completed and Ironman by now and I still haven't done a Tri, especially when I see the killer workouts that everyone is doing and I know that mentally I'm not ready/in the right place right now to do the same. On the other hand, I have come a long ways in the past few years (partially thanks to Scott's mad accupuncture skills ). I really was just having a bad day yesterday and I'm making an effort to be less of an introvert on the boards(I've been a member here since 2008 and had posted about 5 times before I joined this group) so I posted my rant.

Today I only ran a mile. I was supposed to do 2 but my head hurts and didn't get completely better with Excedrine so I'm thinking I'm working on a migraine and decided to take it easy. All in all though I have mostly stuck to my plan this week.

Craig-Hope your race goes well this weekend! Make sure you have fun while your kicking everyone's !!-That goes for Ashley too next week-in case I forget to say it then

2012-03-16 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4099462

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


I know you're disappointed your swim got canceled. I'll cross my fingers it doesn't rain in San Diego the next few days! I never imagined urban run-off would cancel a swim. They should refund part of your money. What is your plan for tomorrow and Sunday morning? What time does your race start? Kick a$$ in whatever you do! I look forward to hearing the results.

Nicole, keep hanging in there. Set some attainable goals to meet before you set an Ironman completion. There is no reason you can't complete one triathlon this summer. I know you're busy, heck, we all are. What is important to you? As a new father and expecting father, I decided to put my health ahead of other 'crap' in my life. I wanted to set an example to my children on being active and healthy. I wasn't doing that until 90 days ago. My Clemson Tigers will do the same no matter how much I watch. The same news will happen. Drinking/hanging out wasn't making me any better. Give up something that is not as important as you think and use it to train. Give up a 30 minute tv show. Everybody watches some TV show that is worthless. Priorities, Nicole. We're all here to help with support and accountability. Talk to us. 

Hope everyone else had a good training day. We had on/off showers so I decided to get a jog in and get my legs back. I did a 4 miler today and set a PR at 32:00 flat! I was sprinting to the finish marker with 30 seconds to go and dove (little exaggerated) across to make that last second. I was super excited to hit that. It's a 8 minute pace but I haven't achieved that over a 4 mile run.  My last mile was 7:35!! I felt like Troy runnin' a cool down mile! A month ago at my 5k race I was ready to quit at 3 miles and now I have the stamina to kick it up a notch after 3.5 with a 1/2 mile to go that made the difference. 

Side note: I have said several times on here how I can never see myself going vegan. Well, thats still true but spent some time at the grocery store looking around the health food area. I found some veggie protein links that resemble hot dogs. They are made by Lightlife. I also got some smart ground (veggie meat- I call it veat. ) as well. The hot dogs are delicious and only 45 calories! I'm super excited! I am going to make tacos tomorrow with the veat. Who would of thunk it I would be eating veggie substitutes!

8 days to go!

2012-03-17 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4100296

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-17 12:29 AM


Nicole, keep hanging in there. Set some attainable goals to meet before you set an Ironman completion. There is no reason you can't complete one triathlon this summer. I know you're busy, heck, we all are. What is important to you? As a new father and expecting father, I decided to put my health ahead of other 'crap' in my life. I wanted to set an example to my children on being active and healthy. I wasn't doing that until 90 days ago. My Clemson Tigers will do the same no matter how much I watch. The same news will happen. Drinking/hanging out wasn't making me any better. Give up something that is not as important as you think and use it to train. Give up a 30 minute tv show. Everybody watches some TV show that is worthless. Priorities, Nicole. We're all here to help with support and accountability. Talk to us. 

Thanks, Ashley. I appreciate the encouragement. Don't worry-training is still a priority whether I get a chance to do a tri this summer or not. My budget may be the big limiter. I just have to see how things play out with that. Either way I have a 1/2 marathon to train for in September so I won't be loafing. I just can't commit to a lot more training time than I'm already doing right now-a little more, but not a lot more. I do have good reasons. I turned my cable off last week so trust me it's not TV that's interfering.

2012-03-17 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4100519

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole, I'm proud of you for cutting off the cable. I can't bring myself to do it. It is better that I can record everything on the DVR and cut out commmercials. That saves time. It would be nice to cut it out all together. Nickelodeon is sometimes a life saver when I need to get some things done. 

Weather was beautiful this morning so I hit the road for a 20 mile ride. I forgot to stop my watch after as I was done, doh! It was about 75 minutes. I rode without socks to try and get a feel for what I want to do next week. I need to do a run this week with no socks and see how it feels. I also got a cycling jersey and want to practice maybe using my rear pockets. Just trying to keep it fresh for next Sunday! 

Weather forecast for next Sunday-sunny with a low of 40. It doesn't warm up much by 8:30am!

What is everyone doing today??

2012-03-17 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Made it down to San Diego.  It's windy, rainy and cold (well cold for San Diego).

I've checked in at race HQ.  Got my numbers and timing chip.  

I'm staying with friends, had lunch now trying to relax. 

I thought I'd take a minute and make a list of a few things that I've noticed or learned since taking on this adventure.

  • I've made good friends that I've never met.  (that's all of you)
  • I've lost some weight (about 7 pounds)
  • I sleep better
  • I have less back pain
  • I have more energy
  • I've gotten to know the wooded trail area behind my house 
  • I still don't like riding my bike on the street with cars. (good things I have several paved trails to ride)
  • My consumption of alcohol has dropped significantly
  • My face looks skinnier
  • My love handles look even worse in spandex Wink
  • When I see a bike rider on the street I look to see what kind of bike it is

I've done my training.  I wish I'd done more. I figure everyone wishes they could have done a little more, so I'm not worrying about it.  

I thank you all for the support you've given me, as I'm not sure I would have stayed committed to this if not for all of you.

Next post will be sometime Sunday after the race.

Let the fun begin.Cool


2012-03-17 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4100925

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Best of luck tomorrow, my friend! Kick that race in the a$$!!

Are you wearing a belt for your number? What race is it?

Scott, I've seen you mention them. What is the advantage of them? Ease of adding/taking off layers? Should I get one or do they come in a race day goodie bag?

2012-03-17 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
They are super easy to put on in T2.  My first race I had my number pinned and I ripped it off during the race.  Almost didn't get my time recorded because I didn't have my number.  Some races give them away.  I just bought mine at my LBS.  
2012-03-17 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4100962

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-17 4:55 PM

Best of luck tomorrow, my friend! Kick that race in the a$$!!

Are you wearing a belt for your number? What race is it?

Scott, I've seen you mention them. What is the advantage of them? Ease of adding/taking off layers? Should I get one or do they come in a race day goodie bag?

Thanks Ashely,

I am using a race belt that I picked up at my LBS. I just got through putting my numbers on my belt, bike and helmet.  

Just a few minutes ago they did indeed cancel the swim due to a small craft warning and high bacteria levels.  They are replacing it with a one mile beach run.  So it's now run, bike, run.

The race is the SuperSeal triathlon in Coronado.  It raises money for the Navy Seal Foundation.  The race is held at the same beach the Seals train.


2012-03-18 6:51 AM
in reply to: #4101080

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Bummer about the swim. I hope the rest of your race went well!!

2012-03-18 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Well, do to the gale conditions the triathlon was canceled and replaced with a 5K beach race.  I don't have my official time yet but I think it was about 28 minutes.  If so I'm very happy with that time.  The race was on soft beach sand, in the rain and in a 25-35 mph wind.

I'll post my official time when I get it.

Ashley, you're up next!

2012-03-18 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Craig, bummer about your race. A 5k in the sand is a heck of run if the sand is loose. Was it packed following high tide?

I am ready to run through a wall!!! I can't wait for Sunday. It's worse than a kid on christmas morning!
2012-03-18 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4101490

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-03-18 1:00 PM

Well, do to the gale conditions the triathlon was canceled and replaced with a 5K beach race.  I don't have my official time yet but I think it was about 28 minutes.  If so I'm very happy with that time.  The race was on soft beach sand, in the rain and in a 25-35 mph wind.

I'll post my official time when I get it.

Ashley, you're up next!

Solid time Craig!  Do you have another race set up for the season?

2012-03-18 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4101805

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-03-18 3:19 PM
craiger951 - 2012-03-18 1:00 PM

Well, do to the gale conditions the triathlon was canceled and replaced with a 5K beach race.  I don't have my official time yet but I think it was about 28 minutes.  If so I'm very happy with that time.  The race was on soft beach sand, in the rain and in a 25-35 mph wind.

I'll post my official time when I get it.

Ashley, you're up next!

Solid time Craig!  Do you have another race set up for the season?

Thanks a million Scott.

My official time was 28:59. Since the race was a little short of 5K my pace was 10:02. That's faster than I've ever gone. Not bad when you consider the soft sand and the wind and the rain.


Ashley, the sand was very soft and uneven from all the racers. We all tried to get as close to the water as possible but the storm waves were rolling very far up the beach so even the wet sand was soft. After making the turn at the half way point we headed into a 25 mph head wind and shortly after that the heavy rain came. It will be a race I will always remember.


The race management made the right call in canceling the swim and the bike. In those conditions there would have been some bike crashes etc.


My next race is the Rage in the Sage Oly near Las Vegas on April 21. Looking at the course elevation map it appears to have some killer hills. If any of you wouldn't mind taking a look at the link below and give me your thoughts on the hills and how to train for them I'd be very appreciative.


I sure appreciate all the support and encouragement.


Back to training tomorrow.




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