BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-06-03 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4124591

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Just got back from longest ride to date.  38 miles!  No flats!  In fact, I just finished week 1 of bike focussed week, got 110 miles logged this week, and spent quite a bit of time on the HIM course I will be riding in August.  A solid week for me.  Next week is pretty much a repeat of this week to make up for all the biking I missed on my plan while training for marathon.

Summer weather has finally arrived, It's great to be alive!

2012-06-03 1:53 PM
in reply to: #4241114

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:21 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

Yes, it was my first time in my wetsuit. It was pretty akward at first. The whole bug stuck on top of the water feeling. My arms felt like they were working way too hard. After my third quarter mile loop I stopped and did some serious wetsuit stretching and re-arranging. I hiked up the ATMs quite a bit. After that I felt a whole lot better in the water. It was a good lesson for how far I really need to get the arms pulled up. I'm going to do a stroke and stride on Thursday and hopefully one more open water swim before my race in two weeks. Do new wetsuits stretch out at all, or will it always be a huge wrestling match to get it on right?
2012-06-03 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4241135

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:40 PMI had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down
Congrats on a good race!
2012-06-03 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4241662

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-03 10:12 AM

Just got back from longest ride to date.  38 miles!  No flats!  In fact, I just finished week 1 of bike focussed week, got 110 miles logged this week, and spent quite a bit of time on the HIM course I will be riding in August.  A solid week for me.  Next week is pretty much a repeat of this week to make up for all the biking I missed on my plan while training for marathon.

Summer weather has finally arrived, It's great to be alive!

Awesome! That's a big week! Good to practice on the course too!
2012-06-03 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
For a stroke and stride do I wear my tri top and shorts under my wetsuit?
2012-06-03 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4236306

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 8:05 PM
yogachic - 2012-05-28 8:46 PM

Ok, well, I sort of got my workouts in this weekend.  

I was planning on 13-15 miles running on Saturday and 45ish miles on Sunday.  I ended up running to the Soldier Field 10-miler and running the course backward while looking for my friend who was doing her longest distance ever.  She was struggling a little, so I when I found her, I ended up running the last few miles with her.  I then went into the stadium and watched her finish crossing the 50-yard line.  I originally was planning on running home after, but her mom (who had come to watch the race) offered to take us out to lunch.  So I ended up doing about 11 miles since I got a ride instead of running home.

Saturday night was the same friend's birthday/going away party, and I ended up having too much to drink and getting home at 3am.... I was supposed to do Bike the Drive at 5am but was still drunk so ended up skipping it.  I did get in a swim later that day, but was for the most part busy recovering from my night out!

I did end up doing a 38-mile bike ride this morning with some friends, so all was not lost!  No sign of plantar fasciitis, so that's good.  


ETA- I'm going on a road trip this week with the friend who had the going away party on Saturday.... Helping her move to Texas.  I'm hoping the hotels we stay at have pools so I can still swim and run.  If I have time between driving, maybe I'll also be able to rent some bikes and do some shorter rides along the way!  In any case, not sure how much internet access I'll have, so I might be MIA until next week!

Hey Missy - Glad to hear you made the most of your weekend!  Sure it didn't work out like you planned - but your still found a way to make it happen while having a good time with friends.  What were you drinking on Saturday night?  I ask because I'm thinking of heading out to Chicago to take my son to a game at wrigley field and want to stop and grab some good beer made out that way...  Any favorites you would care to recommend?

So glad to hear that the plantar is getting better!

Hey!  Sorry, I was road-tripping all week, so I'm just seeing this now!  Am I too late?

Saturday for my friend's going away party, we were at Haymarket Brewery.... I was drinking mostly the Rubber Monkey, which is a collaboration beer between Haymarket and Greenbush.  Greenbush is one of the breweries I visited in Michigan when I road tripped up there last month!  I think it was a Belgian IPA. 

My favorite regular beer at Haymarket is the Mathias, which is an Imperial IPA.  But one of the reasons I like Haymarket so much is that you can get any beer in a 4oz pour, so you can try as many of them as you want before committing.  At the going away party, a couple of friends decided to order all the beers as 4oz so they could try them all and see which one they wanted a bigger glass of!

Closer to Wrigley, Goose Island is just around the corner (3535 N Clark).  I think my favorite of theirs (besides the Bourbon County Stout which is seasonal so unavailable currently) is either the Matilda or Pere Jacques.


FWIW, my favorite beers are Stouts, IPAs, and Belgians so that may be affecting my suggestions!  Both Goose Island and Haymarket have plenty of beers for all palettes! Laughing 

2012-06-03 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4236315

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 8:14 PM

I went for a ride today and was pleased by my pace... I've been getting faster (just shy of 16 mph)... I just need to keep up the progress and the speed will eventually come.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get faster?  Right now I'm doing a bunch of hills and lactate threshold workouts.  What else should I be trying?

I would love to hear people's suggestions on this topic too!  I can ride forever at a consistent pace, just not a very fast one.  I'm guessing I just need to practice riding faster? 

2012-06-03 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4238492

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-05-31 11:34 PM
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 7:08 PM

Thanks! Race went good! First time in a 50m pool, actually liked it better! Kind of got into the rythm of things instead of stop start all the time.  Probably the best organized swim start I have been in as well! ....I left the garmin at home so transition times would be faster rather then fumbling with it's buttons.... instead I just wore a normal watch and timed the whole race....

I really though my run was sucky by perception, just wasn't feeling great in it and then I get my race results and ran one of the fastest 8km's I ever have! that was awesome!! (the course had to of been short

I Managed to do some shopping in Edmonton, got some new bike shoes! Hoping these ones will work! I was getting numb toes in my last 2 pairs, but this pair is nice and wide so hopefully will be much better! Got a 90km ride planned for tomorrow so that will be a good test!

Glad to hear that the race went well... Kind of funny how our view of things in the moment doesn't always jive with the race clock.  The fact you did so well shows that all of that hard work is paying off!  Kudos!

How are the new shoes?


Thanks! Well toes didn't get as numb as was super windy too and i'm not sure if that's causing it too since it was only about 10degrees out? Does anyone else get numb toes when they ride? I find it happening more on my left foot which I know i'm right foot dominant...I think maybe i'm hammering down too much and not enough pull up??

I had a numb toe problem last year....  I found two things helped... First, when I put on my shoes, I scrunch my toes to make sure I don't strap them on too tight.  Second, I think for me, my numb toes were part of my tight hip/plantar fasciitis problem, so stretching/rolling/massaging my hips and calves helped.  I think my hips & legs were just so knotted up that it was cutting off circulation to my feet.  (Stretching my calves during a ride by standing and dropping my heels helped temporarily).  I find the numbness tends to come back when my PF comes back, so they must somehow be related.  Not sure exactly the reasoning behind it though!

2012-06-03 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Ok, I'm caught up in the thread, but don't have the time to reply to everything individually!  Congrats to everyone who races this week! 

I was a complete sloth during my road trip!  My friend who I'd helped move has a tendency to always be running late, so we ended up getting started late every day, which meant driving late at night, getting to the next place late, sleeping in, and repeating.  So I didn't get any workouts in at all (besides physically helping my friend move her stuff into her new apartment in Texas).  BUT!  I did get to visit a brewery in Memphis and tried out some Texas beers while I was in Dallas and Austin.  Fun trip, but totally unproductive in terms of tri training! 

I tried to make up for my slothiness during my trip by going on a long bike ride today.  I was only planning on 50, but it was a nice day and I felt good, so ended up doing 68!  Yikes, we'll see if I'm sore tomorrow!  I kept a pretty consistent pace throughout the ride, and the only thing bothering me at the end was my neck and shoulders (heavy head??)  I guess this is my real test of whether my PF is going to continue to be a nuisance!

2012-06-03 11:03 PM
in reply to: #4242245

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-04 6:35 AM
Qua17 - 2012-05-30 8:05 PM
yogachic - 2012-05-28 8:46 PM

Ok, well, I sort of got my workouts in this weekend.  

I was planning on 13-15 miles running on Saturday and 45ish miles on Sunday.  I ended up running to the Soldier Field 10-miler and running the course backward while looking for my friend who was doing her longest distance ever.  She was struggling a little, so I when I found her, I ended up running the last few miles with her.  I then went into the stadium and watched her finish crossing the 50-yard line.  I originally was planning on running home after, but her mom (who had come to watch the race) offered to take us out to lunch.  So I ended up doing about 11 miles since I got a ride instead of running home.

Saturday night was the same friend's birthday/going away party, and I ended up having too much to drink and getting home at 3am.... I was supposed to do Bike the Drive at 5am but was still drunk so ended up skipping it.  I did get in a swim later that day, but was for the most part busy recovering from my night out!

I did end up doing a 38-mile bike ride this morning with some friends, so all was not lost!  No sign of plantar fasciitis, so that's good.  


ETA- I'm going on a road trip this week with the friend who had the going away party on Saturday.... Helping her move to Texas.  I'm hoping the hotels we stay at have pools so I can still swim and run.  If I have time between driving, maybe I'll also be able to rent some bikes and do some shorter rides along the way!  In any case, not sure how much internet access I'll have, so I might be MIA until next week!

Hey Missy - Glad to hear you made the most of your weekend!  Sure it didn't work out like you planned - but your still found a way to make it happen while having a good time with friends.  What were you drinking on Saturday night?  I ask because I'm thinking of heading out to Chicago to take my son to a game at wrigley field and want to stop and grab some good beer made out that way...  Any favorites you would care to recommend?

So glad to hear that the plantar is getting better!

Hey!  Sorry, I was road-tripping all week, so I'm just seeing this now!  Am I too late?

Saturday for my friend's going away party, we were at Haymarket Brewery.... I was drinking mostly the Rubber Monkey, which is a collaboration beer between Haymarket and Greenbush.  Greenbush is one of the breweries I visited in Michigan when I road tripped up there last month!  I think it was a Belgian IPA. 

My favorite regular beer at Haymarket is the Mathias, which is an Imperial IPA.  But one of the reasons I like Haymarket so much is that you can get any beer in a 4oz pour, so you can try as many of them as you want before committing.  At the going away party, a couple of friends decided to order all the beers as 4oz so they could try them all and see which one they wanted a bigger glass of!

Closer to Wrigley, Goose Island is just around the corner (3535 N Clark).  I think my favorite of theirs (besides the Bourbon County Stout which is seasonal so unavailable currently) is either the Matilda or Pere Jacques.


FWIW, my favorite beers are Stouts, IPAs, and Belgians so that may be affecting my suggestions!  Both Goose Island and Haymarket have plenty of beers for all palettes! Laughing 

Sounds like great tasting beverages.  I've heard of many brewery's and pubs that do the 4oz. samplers, that's a great way to go.

2012-06-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4241786

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Moonrocket - 2012-06-03 12:53 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:21 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

Yes, it was my first time in my wetsuit. It was pretty akward at first. The whole bug stuck on top of the water feeling. My arms felt like they were working way too hard. After my third quarter mile loop I stopped and did some serious wetsuit stretching and re-arranging. I hiked up the ATMs quite a bit. After that I felt a whole lot better in the water. It was a good lesson for how far I really need to get the arms pulled up. I'm going to do a stroke and stride on Thursday and hopefully one more open water swim before my race in two weeks. Do new wetsuits stretch out at all, or will it always be a huge wrestling match to get it on right?

Well I just bought mine last year for 3 races and it has been a struggle everytime for me. I wish the lakes were warmer up here so I could ditch my wetsuit. I think the key is practice, practice, practice your OWS with your wetsuit...something I didn't do enough of last year.

2012-06-04 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4242278

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-03 8:01 PM

Ok, I'm caught up in the thread, but don't have the time to reply to everything individually!  Congrats to everyone who races this week! 

I was a complete sloth during my road trip!  My friend who I'd helped move has a tendency to always be running late, so we ended up getting started late every day, which meant driving late at night, getting to the next place late, sleeping in, and repeating.  So I didn't get any workouts in at all (besides physically helping my friend move her stuff into her new apartment in Texas).  BUT!  I did get to visit a brewery in Memphis and tried out some Texas beers while I was in Dallas and Austin.  Fun trip, but totally unproductive in terms of tri training! 

I tried to make up for my slothiness during my trip by going on a long bike ride today.  I was only planning on 50, but it was a nice day and I felt good, so ended up doing 68!  Yikes, we'll see if I'm sore tomorrow!  I kept a pretty consistent pace throughout the ride, and the only thing bothering me at the end was my neck and shoulders (heavy head??)  I guess this is my real test of whether my PF is going to continue to be a nuisance!

Sometimes a week off is good for the body and mind! Now get back training!Smile

2012-06-04 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4241135

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 6:40 PM I had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down

Bam!  Breaking a PR by four and 1/2 minutes...  Bam!!!  That is awesome - congrats on the accomplishment.  Qualifing for Boston now that would be an accomplishment.  If you make it - we will have to figure out a way to share a beer together as the start line is about 5 miles from my house.  I've been thinking about running it as a bandit next year to raise money for a hospital in the area (apologies in advance if the idea of a bandit upsets you... I don't blame you for being mad after putting in all the effort to qualify.).

The Founders IPA is in my top 5... was it the Centennial?

2012-06-04 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Hi guys! Finally finished GIM last week!!! Yayyyyy! (still waiting on grades to make sure I passed...) started peds this morning and got in a double workout day! Haven't done that in MONTHS! In pediatric clinics all month. Only have 4 call shifts total over the next 8 weeks...and they are night float shifts! Woooo woooo! Looks like there was some good racing this weekend! Nice to see!
2012-06-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4241662

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-03 11:12 AM

Just got back from longest ride to date.  38 miles!  No flats!  In fact, I just finished week 1 of bike focussed week, got 110 miles logged this week, and spent quite a bit of time on the HIM course I will be riding in August.  A solid week for me.  Next week is pretty much a repeat of this week to make up for all the biking I missed on my plan while training for marathon.

Summer weather has finally arrived, It's great to be alive!

Nice riding! Glad you got the flat problem taken care of

2012-06-04 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4241786

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Moonrocket - 2012-06-03 1:53 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:21 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

Yes, it was my first time in my wetsuit. It was pretty akward at first. The whole bug stuck on top of the water feeling. My arms felt like they were working way too hard. After my third quarter mile loop I stopped and did some serious wetsuit stretching and re-arranging. I hiked up the ATMs quite a bit. After that I felt a whole lot better in the water. It was a good lesson for how far I really need to get the arms pulled up. I'm going to do a stroke and stride on Thursday and hopefully one more open water swim before my race in two weeks. Do new wetsuits stretch out at all, or will it always be a huge wrestling match to get it on right?

Yeah, wetsuits are always a bit of a pain to get into.  You just got to keep working the material up and it really helps to have another person to help you.

One thing I like to do is rinse the wetsuit with water about a week before I plan to use it.  I was told that a dry wetsuit will shrink a little bit (kind of like a dry sponge).  Not sure if this is true but I figure it can't hurt after storing it for awhile.

2012-06-04 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4242278

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-03 9:01 PM

Ok, I'm caught up in the thread, but don't have the time to reply to everything individually!  Congrats to everyone who races this week! 

I was a complete sloth during my road trip!  My friend who I'd helped move has a tendency to always be running late, so we ended up getting started late every day, which meant driving late at night, getting to the next place late, sleeping in, and repeating.  So I didn't get any workouts in at all (besides physically helping my friend move her stuff into her new apartment in Texas).  BUT!  I did get to visit a brewery in Memphis and tried out some Texas beers while I was in Dallas and Austin.  Fun trip, but totally unproductive in terms of tri training! 

I tried to make up for my slothiness during my trip by going on a long bike ride today.  I was only planning on 50, but it was a nice day and I felt good, so ended up doing 68!  Yikes, we'll see if I'm sore tomorrow!  I kept a pretty consistent pace throughout the ride, and the only thing bothering me at the end was my neck and shoulders (heavy head??)  I guess this is my real test of whether my PF is going to continue to be a nuisance!

Road trips like that are always tough to squeeze workouts in when you are spending so much time in a car.  Nice job trying to rectify the lack of training with a nice long ride after getting home

2012-06-04 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4244626

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-04 7:56 PM

disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 6:40 PM I had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down

Bam!  Breaking a PR by four and 1/2 minutes...  Bam!!!  That is awesome - congrats on the accomplishment.  Qualifing for Boston now that would be an accomplishment.  If you make it - we will have to figure out a way to share a beer together as the start line is about 5 miles from my house.  I've been thinking about running it as a bandit next year to raise money for a hospital in the area (apologies in advance if the idea of a bandit upsets you... I don't blame you for being mad after putting in all the effort to qualify.).

The Founders IPA is in my top 5... was it the Centennial?

I'll definitely have to take you up on the beer offer if I make it. The idea of running bandit doesn't really upset me.  I know what I have to do to get there.  What someone else does really doesn't have an impact on that.

And yes, it was the Centennial.  The local grocery store just recently started carrying Founder's so I've been slowly trying out all of the varieties 

2012-06-04 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4244780

User image

Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2012-06-04 8:28 PM
Moonrocket - 2012-06-03 1:53 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:21 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

Yes, it was my first time in my wetsuit. It was pretty akward at first. The whole bug stuck on top of the water feeling. My arms felt like they were working way too hard. After my third quarter mile loop I stopped and did some serious wetsuit stretching and re-arranging. I hiked up the ATMs quite a bit. After that I felt a whole lot better in the water. It was a good lesson for how far I really need to get the arms pulled up. I'm going to do a stroke and stride on Thursday and hopefully one more open water swim before my race in two weeks. Do new wetsuits stretch out at all, or will it always be a huge wrestling match to get it on right?

Yeah, wetsuits are always a bit of a pain to get into.  You just got to keep working the material up and it really helps to have another person to help you.

One thing I like to do is rinse the wetsuit with water about a week before I plan to use it.  I was told that a dry wetsuit will shrink a little bit (kind of like a dry sponge).  Not sure if this is true but I figure it can't hurt after storing it for awhile.

I learned some interesting tricks last summer at a day camp I went to for getting into wet suits. They suggested getting some garden gloves with the little grippies to help pull the wetsuit on without tearing and to use plastic bags to help get your feet and lower leg in. I'm fairly used to getting tight suits on from racing in swimming but if someone around is able to help I normally ask. The main thing I like to ask random strangers to help me with is to help lift the shoulders of the suit up to help relax the material. I used to find that I would start swimming and feel like the wetsuit was pulling my shoulders down and hindering my ROM. If you get someone to help I find it helps prevent that "too tight" feeling where you feel constricted. Also make sure you get the bottom as high as it will go to give your upper body more material to work with!
2012-06-04 11:38 PM
in reply to: #4244631

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

mndymond - 2012-06-04 6:59 PM Hi guys! Finally finished GIM last week!!! Yayyyyy! (still waiting on grades to make sure I passed...) started peds this morning and got in a double workout day! Haven't done that in MONTHS! In pediatric clinics all month. Only have 4 call shifts total over the next 8 weeks...and they are night float shifts! Woooo woooo! Looks like there was some good racing this weekend! Nice to see!


Thats awesome! What a huge weight off your shoulders I bet!! Sounds like all your hard work has paid off and just in time for summer! Enjoy it!!

2012-06-04 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4241135

User image

Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:40 PM I had another race today.  It was a 20k in Des Moines which is touted as America's largest 20k probably because it is such and odd distance.  Anyway, I had a great race and for the first time this year felt like things really came together.  I ran a 1:24:36 which was good enough for 177th out of about 7000 people.  It was a 4.5 minute PR over when I ran it last four years ago and a great confidence booster in terms of feeling I may actually be able to qualify for Boston later this year.  I celebrated with ginormous steak for dinner and a a few founder's IPAs to wash it down

Congrats!!! That's an amazing time!! YOu rocked it!! Glad you celebrated it well!

2012-06-05 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Hi dudes! Peds is awesome!!! Wooooo wooooo. I might get Thursday off! Free day off! Woooo wooooo! Haha.
2012-06-05 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4244872

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-04 9:31 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-04 8:28 PM
Moonrocket - 2012-06-03 1:53 PM
disturbed275 - 2012-06-02 5:21 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-06-02 1:24 PM Yay!  Got in my first open water swim today.  It started a little slow- but felt much better pretty quickly.  That and an hour 45 on the bike and I'm feeling pretty good.

First time in the wetsuit? How did it go?

Yes, it was my first time in my wetsuit. It was pretty akward at first. The whole bug stuck on top of the water feeling. My arms felt like they were working way too hard. After my third quarter mile loop I stopped and did some serious wetsuit stretching and re-arranging. I hiked up the ATMs quite a bit. After that I felt a whole lot better in the water. It was a good lesson for how far I really need to get the arms pulled up. I'm going to do a stroke and stride on Thursday and hopefully one more open water swim before my race in two weeks. Do new wetsuits stretch out at all, or will it always be a huge wrestling match to get it on right?

Yeah, wetsuits are always a bit of a pain to get into.  You just got to keep working the material up and it really helps to have another person to help you.

One thing I like to do is rinse the wetsuit with water about a week before I plan to use it.  I was told that a dry wetsuit will shrink a little bit (kind of like a dry sponge).  Not sure if this is true but I figure it can't hurt after storing it for awhile.

I learned some interesting tricks last summer at a day camp I went to for getting into wet suits. They suggested getting some garden gloves with the little grippies to help pull the wetsuit on without tearing and to use plastic bags to help get your feet and lower leg in. I'm fairly used to getting tight suits on from racing in swimming but if someone around is able to help I normally ask. The main thing I like to ask random strangers to help me with is to help lift the shoulders of the suit up to help relax the material. I used to find that I would start swimming and feel like the wetsuit was pulling my shoulders down and hindering my ROM. If you get someone to help I find it helps prevent that "too tight" feeling where you feel constricted. Also make sure you get the bottom as high as it will go to give your upper body more material to work with!
I am totally trying these! I just finished another open water swim. My husband helped me pull up the wetsuit, but I still felt much better after re-arranging after the first lap. I guess that just tells me I need to get in a good warm up and re-arrange before the race.
2012-06-05 8:42 PM
in reply to: #4246193

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-05 1:20 PMHi dudes! Peds is awesome!!! Wooooo wooooo. I might get Thursday off! Free day off! Woooo wooooo! Haha.
Awesome! I took today off with my husband and it was so much fun to have a random week day off. We went and rode the bike course for my tri next weekend. Then we went mountain biking. And we got in an OWS!
2012-06-05 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4246836

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Moonrocket - 2012-06-05 8:42 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-05 1:20 PMHi dudes! Peds is awesome!!! Wooooo wooooo. I might get Thursday off! Free day off! Woooo wooooo! Haha.
Awesome! I took today off with my husband and it was so much fun to have a random week day off. We went and rode the bike course for my tri next weekend. Then we went mountain biking. And we got in an OWS!

Does it get anymore romantic than getting in a workout with your hubby!  All kidding aside - I'd love to be able to work out with my wife... 

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