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2013-04-15 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4689733

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

ransick - 2013-04-06 10:57 PM
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-06 8:14 PM 6 workouts in on my spring break vaca in Gulf Shores! I feel great about that. 3 runs and 3 bikes. Felt so good to be biking on the actual road!!
Nice! Where do you stay in the Gulf? We head down that way just about every year for our beach vacation. We use to stay in Gulf Shores but moved to Navarre after the spill and my wife's friend moving there.

We stayed right on the beach in Gulf Shores.  Walking distance to everything.  Our first time there.  Tons of fun!  Loved riding right on the beach road, with the ocean just yards away.  Some day I need to live near the ocean!

2013-04-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4689827

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-04-07 5:41 AM
cadnams - 2013-04-07 4:38 AMWell, my last race of the season is done and dusted, pity it was terrible. My planning was good, my effort was good, but the outcome was not. My aim was to try and go a little harder for the whole race because I thought I could, and I felt really really confident in my plan. I had held back in my last rwo races, in the swim in particular. But this time I ended up not able to run more than 1km, feeling really sick right from the start of the run. I stopped to a walk after 1km (which for me is failure) and then couldn't run more than 300-400m in a stretch before stopping to walk again. Not sure why this happenedMy swim and bike times were both the slowest of the year despite going harder in both. I just can't work out what went wrong. The only thing I can it it down to is that my regular morning nausea. It is particularly bad when I am pushing hard. But I ate breakfast two hours before the race and this should have been enough to cure it, and I had no nausea until the start of the run.I am trying to find the positives out of the race, and to learn something from it. But I'll be honest, I am struggling. I am seriously disappointed, and given my nutrition in the days prior was the same for this race as the others I now have doubts about my preparation that weren't there yesterday. Not a great experience, and my next opportunity for a race is my Oly...! I wonder how my confidence will be for that one??? Right now I just feel like I have wasted three months of training. Yesterday I was starting to seriously consider attempting an HIM this time next year, but now my Oly in November looks further away than ever.Anyway, when the kids go to bed tonight I will write down the things that went well and badly, and try to prepare better next time. Apart from that I guess it's just more hard work for me on the training track. To finish on a positive note, today was my first ever ride with my tri bars. I've not even had a training ride with them yet. They felt good and I had no problem riding on the bars 90% of the time, and I felt stable on them. I also found changing gears to be no problem despite having to get off the bars to do it. Very happy with that.Now, bring on November 4 as soon as possible....
Oh I'm sorry you had a bad've trained well...sometimes a bad race is just a bad race/day. It's totally frustrating I know. I am sure you can do the oly, I'm going to try one in sept. and I'm always BOP, we can train together

Right now you're feeling down from the race not going the way you hoped, but keep on going, you've come too far now and I know you can do it!

That is awesome about the aero bars, I can't even fathom attempting that. Get back in the saddle and keep TRI-ing!

x2 Chrispy!  Sometimes bad races happen and they suck and we deal.  But just move on and keep at it.  My hubby's BT group is called Relentless Forward Progress.  RFP baby!

2013-04-15 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4689909

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-04-07 9:19 AM

Great week of training for me even if I am slow as a turtle (at all three)- I am also improving in all three sports.

Interesting bike yesterday- but chased by THREE bulldogs (while the owner just stood there!!). Thank goodness I found some reserves and out road them.I found a different route home and smiled all the way there

On a sad note a member  of my youngest son's football team was killed on the way to school Thursday in a car accident. We are a small town and he goes to a very small school were everyone knows everyone pretty well. This guy was an outstanding athlete (one of those that gave 150% every time) and all around great guy. Just about to graduate. Its just been devastating  

No words.  Just sad and sorry.  With the Boston tragedy happening...reading this right now.  It's tough.  Prayers for the family and for all that boy's freinds, including your son.  Peaceful, joyful memories to them.

2013-04-15 8:15 PM
in reply to: #4690039

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

jmholzman - 2013-04-07 11:46 AM
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-06 6:14 PM 6 workouts in on my spring break vaca in Gulf Shores! I feel great about that. 3 runs and 3 bikes. Felt so good to be biking on the actual road!!
I echo the comment above, my workouts always break down on vacation, so kudos to you.  That having been said, you were in Gulf Shores and didn't swim?! was cold!!  Ocean was cold and the resort pool was FREEZING and tiny! 

2013-04-15 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4690897

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Ybeal - 2013-04-08 7:57 AM

Love this!  It seriously gets me out of bed some mornings!

2013-04-15 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4696379

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Sarah73 - 2013-04-11 12:40 PM

Congratulations to March's winner Mighty Joe!!!

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Joe              15250       129.42          62.73         23:27:07   Nice comeback!!

Jax               8150         154.29          61.56         23:06:56   Soooo close! Nice job Jax!

TJ                 5031         192.54          29.83        16:59:10   TJ, Yvonne, and Dave...close race! 

Yvonne          2225          59.72          55.20        16:55:00

Dave               0            196.00         30.00        16:41:05

Mike                0               0               66.80       12:23:21   

Melody            0             37.20           32.19        09:47:43

Sarah              0             32.00          19.17         04:58:43   

Chrispy         1640            0                9.63          02:26:00 

Charlie            0             14.67            6.20         02:06:11  

Tom                0               8.16             0            00:30:00 


Well done, Joe!  You do a good job of keeping me motivated!  I was going to take it easy this week, but I'm not now!!!! 

2013-04-15 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4698042

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

jmholzman - 2013-04-12 1:46 PM Sorry haven't responded to anything here the last couple days, been busy with work and life trying to get ready for the weekend but it's all coming together now.  Car all packed, taper done with, ready to drive to the grandparents' to drop off the kids and enjoy the weekend. Cool

I know this is silly...but I'm catching up and reading all the posts I missed.  I know your weekend has already happened...but...I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!  I can't wait to keep reading and find out how it was!!

2013-04-15 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4699093

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-13 5:40 PM

Howdy Everybody:  This new job has been a real crimp in my training for over 6 weeks.  I think I finally got back in the saddle, water, and sneakers this week. Well, I'll bike tomorrow Undecided  I did 1.7 mile on the treadmill Thursday after work.  Getting up at 5:30 just to get ready for work is tough enough.  So I've been trying to get my head into working out after work.  Yesterday was 450 yds in the pool.  Today, 5K (3.2 miles) in 45 minutes.  Not great, but after 6 weeks of nothing, I'm happy with it.  I'm going back to Portland, OR on Monday for 1 more week of training.  This time, I'm running after work.  Because... I have my first race (I missed my HM last weekend because of business trip - darn New Orleans Cool) on April 21 - an 8K.  Then I have my first tri on the 28th - a repeat of my very first tri from last year.  I wont do as well as I hoped due to my lack of training, but I sure don't wont to be last again this year.


Yvonne & Chrispy & Jax, nice job.



Sarah, really???? LOL


So, I'm back .... again.

May the Legs Be With You!


Glad you're back!

2013-04-15 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4701741

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-15 7:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been MIA for a week or so.  Crazy at work and crazy at home! may remember I had the Carmel Sprint Tri yesterday........well..........


I'm so, so happy with my race!!  No anxiety issues on the swim and I finished it in 12:36, which is a good time for me for 400 meters.  I am officially past the panic issues.  From this point forward, I focus on improving my speed.  I worked HARD on the bike. For the first time I really feel like I RACED on the bike and the improvement in my time since last year shows that! I loved every minute I was on the bike. And..the run...well, I crushed it with an 8:20 average pace!  I couldn't be happier!!!!!  When's the next race?!?!

Link is here to my race report.

Now I'm going to go back over the last few pages of posts and catch up.  Look for a flood of replies from me!  Can't wait to read about your race, Joe!!


Congrats on rocking your race!
2013-04-15 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4701672

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

jmholzman - 2013-04-15 7:50 PM Thanks for the positive thoughts, everyone!  I've posted a race report: ??

Wow...GREAT race!  I.  Am.  Not.  Worthy.

Really impressive!  Congrats!!  And I hope the getaway with DW was AWESOME!

2013-04-15 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4701672

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-04-15 7:50 PMThanks for the positive thoughts, everyone!  I've posted a race report: ??
Great race report! I think you have your total time wrong because it doesn't look like it took you over 7hours sounds like a great effort, sorry about the hills! Props on the flying bike mount....that amazes and terrifies me!

Edited by Ybeal 2013-04-15 9:47 PM

2013-04-15 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4701741

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-15 8:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been MIA for a week or so.  Crazy at work and crazy at home! may remember I had the Carmel Sprint Tri yesterday........well..........


I'm so, so happy with my race!!  No anxiety issues on the swim and I finished it in 12:36, which is a good time for me for 400 meters.  I am officially past the panic issues.  From this point forward, I focus on improving my speed.  I worked HARD on the bike. For the first time I really feel like I RACED on the bike and the improvement in my time since last year shows that! I loved every minute I was on the bike. And..the run...well, I crushed it with an 8:20 average pace!  I couldn't be happier!!!!!  When's the next race?!?!

Link is here to my race report.

Now I'm going to go back over the last few pages of posts and catch up.  Look for a flood of replies from me!  Can't wait to read about your race, Joe!!


Way to go! What a great race! Love that you were 'showy' on the run, smoke him and his comments! You rocked!
2013-04-16 12:30 AM
in reply to: #4701829

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-15 6:45 PM

jmholzman - 2013-04-15 7:50 PM Thanks for the positive thoughts, everyone!  I've posted a race report: ??

Wow...GREAT race!  I.  Am.  Not.  Worthy.

Really impressive!  Congrats!!  And I hope the getaway with DW was AWESOME!

Thanks!  And your race was awesome too, congrats!  Really glad to read your swimming went so well, that's a huge accomplishment!

And yeah, the weekend with the wife was outstanding.  The whole weekend was pretty much perfect.  Absolutely lived up to expectations.  We had already been considering moving to San Francisco, and now we are *seriously* considering it.

2013-04-16 12:31 AM
in reply to: #4701914

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-04-15 7:46 PM
jmholzman - 2013-04-15 7:50 PMThanks for the positive thoughts, everyone!  I've posted a race report: ??
Great race report! I think you have your total time wrong because it doesn't look like it took you over 7hours sounds like a great effort, sorry about the hills! Props on the flying bike mount....that amazes and terrifies me!
Thanks!  And thanks for pointing out the mistake on the time, I fixed it.
2013-04-16 6:27 AM
in reply to: #4701741

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-16 12:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been MIA for a week or so.  Crazy at work and crazy at home! may remember I had the Carmel Sprint Tri yesterday........well..........


I'm so, so happy with my race!!  No anxiety issues on the swim and I finished it in 12:36, which is a good time for me for 400 meters.  I am officially past the panic issues.  From this point forward, I focus on improving my speed.  I worked HARD on the bike. For the first time I really feel like I RACED on the bike and the improvement in my time since last year shows that! I loved every minute I was on the bike. And..the run...well, I crushed it with an 8:20 average pace!  I couldn't be happier!!!!!  When's the next race?!?!

Link is here to my race report.

Now I'm going to go back over the last few pages of posts and catch up.  Look for a flood of replies from me!  Can't wait to read about your race, Joe!!


I am stoked for you Jax. It really sounds like you had an awesome race, which is terrific. The work does pay off !!! Now you just have to wait for the next one.

2013-04-16 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4701672

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

jmholzman - 2013-04-15 6:50 PM Thanks for the positive thoughts, everyone!  I've posted a race report: ??

You did great! Your times were awesome!

I wanted to sign up for my first sprint in Northern Alabama @ Oak Mountain State park would have been beautiful but opted out after reading about the hills- maybe next year!! 

Glad you had a good weekend with your wife. My boss went to San Francisco last year with his wife and they loved it too.

2013-04-16 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4701741

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-15 7:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been MIA for a week or so.  Crazy at work and crazy at home! may remember I had the Carmel Sprint Tri yesterday........well..........


I'm so, so happy with my race!!  No anxiety issues on the swim and I finished it in 12:36, which is a good time for me for 400 meters.  I am officially past the panic issues.  From this point forward, I focus on improving my speed.  I worked HARD on the bike. For the first time I really feel like I RACED on the bike and the improvement in my time since last year shows that! I loved every minute I was on the bike. And..the run...well, I crushed it with an 8:20 average pace!  I couldn't be happier!!!!!  When's the next race?!?!

Link is here to my race report.

Now I'm going to go back over the last few pages of posts and catch up.  Look for a flood of replies from me!  Can't wait to read about your race, Joe!!


Jax, your race was GREAT!! I thought all of your times were outstanding! 8:21 a mile for the run is awesome- I so wish i could pick up my pace!! Also your comments on the swim are giving me hope I will not fall apart.

I am in shock because looking at your profile picture and reading several comments about school- I assumed you were young college aged. I was surprised when you posted something about a husband earlier today- but on your race report seeing you raced in the 45-49 AG that right???   

2013-04-16 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4701741

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-15 7:46 PM

Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been MIA for a week or so.  Crazy at work and crazy at home! may remember I had the Carmel Sprint Tri yesterday........well..........


I'm so, so happy with my race!!  No anxiety issues on the swim and I finished it in 12:36, which is a good time for me for 400 meters.  I am officially past the panic issues.  From this point forward, I focus on improving my speed.  I worked HARD on the bike. For the first time I really feel like I RACED on the bike and the improvement in my time since last year shows that! I loved every minute I was on the bike. And..the run...well, I crushed it with an 8:20 average pace!  I couldn't be happier!!!!!  When's the next race?!?!

Link is here to my race report.

Now I'm going to go back over the last few pages of posts and catch up.  Look for a flood of replies from me!  Can't wait to read about your race, Joe!!


I am soooo excited to read this and see your excitement. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome on the swim. I know what an accomplishment this is for you.

Sorry I've not been involved guys. I really do miss all of you- just have been majorly stressed with work and life for the last several months. I haven't been able to do much training and was beginning to really believe my tri days were over. I'm still not certain as to my tri future but I miss all of you guys and just have to check in. Hope that's ok.

And I was just so excited to see this that I had to comment.


2013-04-16 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Congrats to Joe & Jax. 

I got in another 3 mile run today.  I'll try for 5 tomorrow, then 3 on Thursday.  Then the 8K on Sunday.  Boy my thighs hurt from all that NON training for 6 weeks.  But I'm determined to do my 8K and my sprint tri the next Sunday.

Shelliiiieeee, I miss you.  Hope you are well.  I know the feeling of work stress, my new job has really made me reorganize my training.

May the Legs Be With You,


2013-04-17 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4703416

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

fitmomma2010 - 2013-04-16 10:03 PM  I haven't been able to do much training and was beginning to really believe my tri days were over. I'm still not certain as to my tri future but I miss all of you guys and just have to check in. Hope that's ok. And I was just so excited to see this that I had to comment. Awesome!, Shelly


Shelly!! We've missed you!! Come join us whenever you can!

2013-04-17 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4695047

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

April Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0           168.00          33.00          15:41:48   You're training for something!

Yvonne         6300          65.95           16.32          11:08:52    You are killing it!!

Jax               3987          57.58           33.47          10:51:01

Mike                0               0              60.50          10:07:18  

Sarah           2750          56.67           31.24          09:41:30     I'm sneaking back in...

Joe               6140          73.61           18.71          09:14:58

Melody         2700           43.74          10.89          07:30:14

Chrispy        6944          32.31           11.90          07:01:23

TJ                5279           64.29            7.58          06:31:32  

Chris           3171             6.30           15.55         04:58:38   Welcome back!

Tom             450                 0              7.92         02:22:27   Good work getting back in there!

Shelly             0              15.01           4.23          01:57:29   I'm glad you're still at it!!



Upcoming races:

4/20 - Muddy Buddy - Yvonne

4/20 - Grizzly sprint - TJ

4/21 - 8K run Rutges - Tom

2013-04-17 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Thanks so much guys. I really have missed being more active in the group. You guys are so inspiring.
I am really going to try and stay more in touch. I'm a much better person when I train- lol.

I am really hoping some of the work stress is on the down slide. We went to computer charting and I am one of the trainers so I've had to work extra days, later hours and give phone support on my rare days off. Thankfully though, people are finally starting to get it, and need me slightly less. I am hoping that will only get better.

Thanks again for welcoming me back. I can always count on you guys.

2013-04-17 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4704785

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Shellleeee! Welcome back! :-)Actually you were never away! Always part of the group!
2013-04-17 10:42 PM
in reply to: #4704123

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-04-17 11:39 AM

April Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0           168.00          33.00          15:41:48   You're training for something!

Yvonne         6300          65.95           16.32          11:08:52    You are killing it!!

Jax               3987          57.58           33.47          10:51:01

Mike                0               0              60.50          10:07:18  

Sarah           2750          56.67           31.24          09:41:30     I'm sneaking back in...

Joe               6140          73.61           18.71          09:14:58

Melody         2700           43.74          10.89          07:30:14

Chrispy        6944          32.31           11.90          07:01:23

TJ                5279           64.29            7.58          06:31:32  

Chris           3171             6.30           15.55         04:58:38   Welcome back!

Tom             450                 0              7.92         02:22:27   Good work getting back in there!

Shelly             0              15.01           4.23          01:57:29   I'm glad you're still at it!!



Upcoming races:

4/20 - Muddy Buddy - Yvonne

4/20 - Grizzly sprint - TJ

4/21 - 8K run Rutges - Tom

Im getting into a training mindset. Trying to get closer to give me an option to do something. I ruled out IM-KY. Thinking Racine 70.3. I can literally sleep in my own bed, drive to the course. Race and come home for Dinner. But i think i have been in the pool only a couple of times since the Chicago Tri. So ya not sure. As much as i have been riding, i am not in condition to race at pace i would like. So lots of unknowns. Plus i have gained too much weight. Have work to do before i can seriously commit, So thats what i am doing is putting more effort in. And seeing if i can flip the switch......or not. Regardless i am committed to ramping the run. Up. Now i have a new goal. Qualify for Boston Marathon!!!
2013-04-18 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4704957

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

oriolepwr - 2013-04-17 10:42 PM  Now i have a new goal. Qualify for Boston Marathon!!!

Awesome goal!! I've been thinking about it too!

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