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2007-07-23 10:53 AM
in reply to: #896855

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-23 10:16 AM Totally jealous that you guys get to train together! But glad for you, too! Been wanting to see Chuck and Larry. Not sure if it's a kid appropriate movie? I can be on a team with 3 other gals from LaCrosse. The one lady just emailed me and though at first she said they were 16-18 mph gals, she said they went on a 46 mile ride and slowed down with time (like me) and were more like 15-17 mph. I think we'll be compatible. Especially if we all agree to just try to have fun. I think I can sit and spin the pedals all day at 14-15 and now I see the 20's quite frequently. But I don't know how the course will be, how hot it will be, etc. I figure I should try for a total of 150 miles this week. Does that sound reasonable? And then next week I'm resting up. Or at least that's the plan. Might take the kids to the lake on Thursday and water jog with them for a couple hours. I'll look funny, but I really don't care
You definately will have alot of time for breaks.  At least in Dallas there was aid station about every 10 miles that had plenty of food and very helpful volunteers.  They would actually hold your bike while you walked around if you did not want to lay it on the ground or would fill up you water bottle for you.   The first aid station was generally the busiest for some reason.  You wouldn't think you would need a break after 10 miles. 

Just go out there to have fun and remember, you can always skip a few sections by taking a sag vehicle to the next rest stop. 

2007-07-23 12:36 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay, I emailed the lady in LaCrosse and put it out there that I'm interested in going on a 60 mile ride with them. As long as I can plan ahead of time, I can find a sitter. I also emailed a dude from match last night and he lives 3 hours away, but is into biking and so perhaps that will work, too. He has 3 kids as well and they live with him full time so he might be enlightened enough to be compatible with me or at least may understand how hard it is to find a life for yourself with kids. He's not even in his 20's--he's 42! Fortunately he looks rather fit and not decrepit and fragile so that's good But then, men are funny creatures, so after a few emails he may disappear--it happens--you just can't count your chickens with this online dating schtuff!

So, I'm FREAKING about this hamstring deal. I'm really really really hoping to complete a marathon this fall, and I'm afraid with this whole month off and maybe even a few more weeks, that I won't be able to finish one by October 28. Would running in the water or on the minitrampoline for a few weeks help at all, or should I just totally concentrate on bike and add more swim in there for conditioning? I've been told to NOT stretch the hamstring at all, and to ice it and just take it easy with the run. The mile yesterday sort of goofed it up a bit. Pitiful.

Also, how do I know if I will be ready for IM next year? I was thinking if I can swim 2100y in the lake and hop on the bike for 50-60 and then run a half all in one day without dying by September of this year, that I might be okay to sign up for next year?????
2007-07-23 1:38 PM
in reply to: #897208

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-23 12:36 PM Okay, I emailed the lady in LaCrosse and put it out there that I'm interested in going on a 60 mile ride with them. As long as I can plan ahead of time, I can find a sitter. I also emailed a dude from match last night and he lives 3 hours away, but is into biking and so perhaps that will work, too. He has 3 kids as well and they live with him full time so he might be enlightened enough to be compatible with me or at least may understand how hard it is to find a life for yourself with kids. He's not even in his 20's--he's 42! Fortunately he looks rather fit and not decrepit and fragile so that's good:) But then, men are funny creatures, so after a few emails he may disappear--it happens--you just can't count your chickens with this online dating schtuff!

That'd be great if you could get in 60 miles outside this weekend. It'll probably be tougher than on the trainer, but I'm sure you'll enjoy the change of scenery.


So, I'm FREAKING about this hamstring deal. I'm really really really hoping to complete a marathon this fall, and I'm afraid with this whole month off and maybe even a few more weeks, that I won't be able to finish one by October 28. Would running in the water or on the minitrampoline for a few weeks help at all, or should I just totally concentrate on bike and add more swim in there for conditioning? I've been told to NOT stretch the hamstring at all, and to ice it and just take it easy with the run. The mile yesterday sort of goofed it up a bit. Pitiful.

I'm not a doctor, nor have I had much experience with injuries of my own, but the advice you've received seems valid. Take it very easy on the run and ice it as often as you can if you think it's inflamed at all.


Also, how do I know if I will be ready for IM next year? I was thinking if I can swim 2100y in the lake and hop on the bike for 50-60 and then run a half all in one day without dying by September of this year, that I might be okay to sign up for next year?????

Here we go again, Pene being aggressive and somewhat impatient. :) The "Big Day" training you describe is probably too big even in your peak IM fitness. Running a half marathon after any significant ride is just too much even in your peak. You'd be putting yourself at risk of injury for very little, if any, aerobic benefit. Long bricks do have their place, but most coaches will recommend a maximum run of 1 hr after a long ride.

I know you're anxious to know if you should sign up for IMWI '08, but instead of worrying about your current level of fitness, I'd think more about if you're going to sufficiently prioritize training in order to make time for 10-15 hr weeks of training next spring and summer. In other words, do you think you'll be able to find a reliable babysitting situation for Sat. mornings while your get in a 5-6 hr ride? You won't have to go this long necessarily every weekend, but the more long rides you can do the better. Also, the weekday's can get tough when you work up to training for close to 2 hrs or more a day during the week (say 1 hr in AM, and another in PM).

I'm obviously not trying to discourage you. I truly believe that if you want it bad enough that you can do it. In short, your ability to maintain a reasonable weekly volume and at least bi-weekly long sessions next spring and summer is more important to your IM success than your current fitness level.

On a related note, I'm still considering IMWI '08 myself as I just decided not to do IMLP. My mom has a sister in Madison, and another about 2 hrs away. My parents are retired and just bought a really nice RV, so they'd love to drive up there and give me a place to stay while being able to see her family also!

Edited by dgillen 2007-07-23 1:44 PM
2007-07-23 1:44 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
There is no reason to set yourself those neccessary distances to complete in one day to determine if you're ready. You're ready as soon as you tell yourself "I want to be an Ironman." In my opinion if you're determined and have the passion, you can "couch to ironman" in a year, maybe less. You have more than a year and are way beyond "couch," so now all you need is to find that "I want to be an Ironman" and keep working your butt off through wind and highwater.

I'd avoid the minitramp, its not nearly as beneficial nor is it as safe as aquajogging. Make sure you learn how to aquajog using an aquajog belt.

Does this mean no Bix? As in no fun? No music? And no 30,000 people cheering?

Edit: I'm obviously not only slow in races, but on forums too.

Edited by Miler 2007-07-23 1:49 PM
2007-07-23 2:08 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hmmm.....sounds like I have a lot of soul searching to do! It's so hard right now to make decisions because I'm in between. You are right, Matt, I'm realizing I'm beyond "couch". And I'm having trouble deciding if it's really worth it. Yes, I want the IM dream. And I think if I put it off too far, I'll just decide to skip it. There's enough passion now that if I sign up, I'll find a way to pull it off. But if I weenie out this year, I wonder if I'll ever find that newbie passion again. It seems the folks that have been doing sprints for a few years or more just get content to keep on with those distances and the same amount of training each week. I also know that I have the gift of BT now, but at some point, the mentoring will end for me, and then what? I suppose a coach would be the way to go, but it's so nice to have many opinions instead of just one. I guess I still have some time yet. Perhaps I will try to be zen and focus on today.

And unfortunately, I think the bix is out. When I first did this thing to my leg, it bled internally for a couple weeks. I'm at week 4 now and it still twinges with even walking. Biking is okay somehow. But it isn't just the hamstring, it's the calf too. I just pulled the crap out of it apparently. I feel really sad to let it go, but it makes absolutely no sense to me to go tear it up further just when it is starting to knit back together. And believe me, if I were to show up with all the hoopla, music, cheering crowd, etc, I'd tear it up!
2007-07-23 2:19 PM
in reply to: #897431

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-23 2:08 PM Hmmm.....sounds like I have a lot of soul searching to do! It's so hard right now to make decisions because I'm in between. You are right, Matt, I'm realizing I'm beyond "couch". And I'm having trouble deciding if it's really worth it. Yes, I want the IM dream. And I think if I put it off too far, I'll just decide to skip it. There's enough passion now that if I sign up, I'll find a way to pull it off. But if I weenie out this year, I wonder if I'll ever find that newbie passion again. It seems the folks that have been doing sprints for a few years or more just get content to keep on with those distances and the same amount of training each week. I also know that I have the gift of BT now, but at some point, the mentoring will end for me, and then what? I suppose a coach would be the way to go, but it's so nice to have many opinions instead of just one. I guess I still have some time yet. Perhaps I will try to be zen and focus on today. And unfortunately, I think the bix is out. When I first did this thing to my leg, it bled internally for a couple weeks. I'm at week 4 now and it still twinges with even walking. Biking is okay somehow. But it isn't just the hamstring, it's the calf too. I just pulled the crap out of it apparently. I feel really sad to let it go, but it makes absolutely no sense to me to go tear it up further just when it is starting to knit back together. And believe me, if I were to show up with all the hoopla, music, cheering crowd, etc, I'd tear it up!
Trust me I am right there with you with wanting to do an IM but I really don't see it happening and I am okay with that (at least for now).  I know I don't have time, $ or family permission to do it now, I am having a hard enought time doing the HIM training.  I agree that it is all new right now and the longer I wait I will get into a sprint/olympic rut.  The other thing is I don't want to do my first IM when I am 60 or 70 just for the sake of doing one (although I will if I have to), I want to "race" one not just finish one.  When I say race I don't mean to win, but I want a fairly decent time, not "a decent time for my age".  Remember this sport is not all about IM,  sometimes life requires you to go shorter.

2007-07-23 3:16 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Some of us just do it for an excuse to tattoo ourselves.
2007-07-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #897620

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Miler - 2007-07-23 3:16 PM Some of us just do it for an excuse to tattoo ourselves.
Yep, if I ever do one that will probably be the only tat I ever get.  I am considering getting a HIM one if I complete my half in September even though it is not a official HIM race but still the same distance.  I figure I will get the M-dot with a 70.3 in the middle and then if I do the full just fill it in and cover the 70.3.  That way I will have something to work for.
2007-07-23 3:25 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I know what you mean about the tattoo. I hate tatoos normally, but when I see the folks with one in a tri or at an event, I instantly think "whoa, I'm in the presence of Royalty!". I DO treat them differently! I WANT that respect! Especially when I'm an old old old lady in the nursing home--I want the nurses to treat me with respect when they wash my decrepit old body and see the tat! I bet they would be a little bit nicer because they would know that in my day, I could whip their you-know-whats!!
2007-07-23 3:40 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Just got an email from marathonfoto--they will be taking pics at the Bix. Just burns my seat to have to miss that. Always wanted a professional photo of me doing something athletic. Hrmph! You think group prayer would help heal me in a miraculous way??? Brother Dave? Or is it Saint David? You all could light some candles at work for me......maybe bless some water and throw it at the computer screen? Or road trip all the way to Wisconsin to give me a massage!
2007-07-23 3:45 PM
in reply to: #897705

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-23 3:40 PM Just got an email from marathonfoto--they will be taking pics at the Bix. Just burns my seat to have to miss that. Always wanted a professional photo of me doing something athletic. Hrmph! You think group prayer would help heal me in a miraculous way??? Brother Dave? Or is it Saint David? You all could light some candles at work for me......maybe bless some water and throw it at the computer screen? Or road trip all the way to Wisconsin to give me a massage!

Don't worry, Pene.  A lot of races have professional photographers these days.  I bet MS150 will have them!   

2007-07-23 3:51 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Just to help ease the pain, the pictures the professional's usually take aren't very good. Especially being surrounded by hundreds of other people. One race is nowheresville, IL I paid a kid 5 dollars to hold my digital camera (maybe 12-13 yrs old) and take a picture of every guy wearing a blue outfit. He got two of me on the run, one on the bike, and one in transition while the professional got one of me from the knee's up coming out of the water and he cut off 2 inches of my head. Honestly, just give the camera to a kid.
2007-07-23 4:12 PM
in reply to: #897705

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-23 3:40 PM Just got an email from marathonfoto--they will be taking pics at the Bix. Just burns my seat to have to miss that. Always wanted a professional photo of me doing something athletic. Hrmph! You think group prayer would help heal me in a miraculous way??? Brother Dave? Or is it Saint David? You all could light some candles at work for me......maybe bless some water and throw it at the computer screen? Or road trip all the way to Wisconsin to give me a massage!
They should take them at the MS150, here are mine

Or you also have this link to show the reason why you don't want your picture taken

2007-07-24 1:41 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Pene - Try not to push the injury issue.  Take the time to heal and you'll be able to race better in the future.  I have the same issues with doing an IM and I really want to do one, but I just don't have the time to fit it into my life right now.  I start PA school in December of this year and that will take up the next two years of my life, very little training and no races at all. 

Right now I'm really trying not to let my HIM goal slip away but it seems like just trying to do this is really difficult for me.  Baby boy due in middle September, 2 yr old daughter, German Shepherd that is pissed off becasue he's been neglected lately (not a good thing), trying not to neglect the wife so she won't get pissed off, and trying to get ready to move back to the states in November.  Sometimes all you can do is vent to your BT group and do the best you can with what life deals you.

2007-07-24 1:44 AM
in reply to: #897630

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kproudfoot - 2007-07-24 10:19 AM
Miler - 2007-07-23 3:16 PM Some of us just do it for an excuse to tattoo ourselves.
Yep, if I ever do one that will probably be the only tat I ever get. I am considering getting a HIM one if I complete my half in September even though it is not a official HIM race but still the same distance. I figure I will get the M-dot with a 70.3 in the middle and then if I do the full just fill it in and cover the 70.3. That way I will have something to work for.

I really like this idea!

2007-07-24 7:48 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Seriously funny finish line pics on that thread! Thanks for pointing it out, K. Nice new avie--cute kid!!

See, I don't have the significant other right now, but plan to that's part of the internal push to do IM soon before I start devoting every weekend and all nights to some dude! My kids are old enough that they don't need my undivided attention (or at least they aren't nursing anymore and don't wear diapers!), and the office needs more attention than I devote to it, but I don't have a boss who can fire me if I show up tired or whatever. This is the time in my life when I get to be selfish for a change. And I also think it will do wonders for my self esteem and self worth issues. I think you attract prosperity to you based on your inner "deservability meter". If you think you deserve it, the Universe will give you what you want. It has to be a deep feeling that you deserve it though. Just affirming it daily isn't enough--you have to fight the inner demons that tell you you aren't good enough and that is TOUGH! I have this god complex that says I should be PERFECT. And so I always feel like a failure and that cripples me at times. People used to walk all over me because I let them. I attracted that energy to me. Not anymore. I still have that happen occasionally, but in general, not as often. I think that is progress, and a lot of it is directly related to triathlon! I'm starting to feel a little more like tackling some of my mess--there's a big financial mess that I'm left with after the marriage/divorce and I really haven't a clue how to fix it other than one little month at a time. But I think that the answer will come to me when I'm ready and feel that I deserve to have the answer. Like, perhaps the perfect book topic will pop into my head and I'll write the next Harry Potter series or something....hey, it could happen!

If nothing else, triathlon teaches you to try and try again. To get out there and work on it even when you don't feel like it. And to not compare yourself to others but look at your own progress and measure it and keep going! And to stop and try to enjoy the process, even though your body HURTS, you are bone tired, and your running shoes are all squishy with water

On a lighter note, the possible biking partner dude called last night--he's really nice and is raising three teenagers himself as his ex actually died! He lives 3 hours away, but that isn't so bad--the last real boyfriend I had lived 6 hours away! If nothing else, maybe I'll just have a nice ride with him some time!

2007-07-24 8:03 AM
in reply to: #898535

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
If it makes you feel better, I have no desire to do an IM. It's too much training and it kills your free time for a whole year(or more). I barely get to see my gf these days and she's only training for a half-IM, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when she kicks it into gear for the full IM. I support her because I want her to achieve her goals and I want her to be happy, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't times when it caused issues(at least on my end). I love her to death and she makes me happier than anyone else ever has, but I'd like to have the party girl back once in awhile. One weekend without hearing about a 60 mile bike ride or brick workout would be nice.

Anyway, I don't have a desire to do anything beyond an olympic tri....and even that my desire is fading on. I'd rather work on having a balls-to-the-wall sprint effort that lands me a medal than finishing near or at the back of the pack in an oly. To each their own, you know? Do what your heart tells you, this training is for YOU. You don't HAVE to do an IM.

Edited by JBrashear 2007-07-24 8:07 AM
2007-07-24 8:17 AM
in reply to: #898551

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-07-25 3:03 AM If it makes you feel better, I have no desire to do an IM. It's too much training and it kills your free time for a whole year(or more). I barely get to see my gf these days and she's only training for a half-IM, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when she kicks it into gear for the full IM. I support her because I want her to achieve her goals and I want her to be happy, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't times when it caused issues(at least on my end). I love her to death and she makes me happier than anyone else ever has, but I'd like to have the party girl back once in awhile. One weekend without hearing about a 60 mile bike ride or brick workout would be nice. Anyway, I don't have a desire to do anything beyond an olympic tri....and even that my desire is fading on. I'd rather work on having a balls-to-the-wall sprint effort that lands me a medal than finishing near or at the back of the pack in an oly. To each their own, you know? Do what your heart tells you, this training is for YOU. You don't HAVE to do an IM.

I can relate to sticking with the Oly and Sprints.  I wanted to try to fit in as much as I could this season (my first) and I'm regretting it.  I did my first Sprint and now I want to go back and do it again to try to beat my time and actually get better, but theres no time.  Also, the time commitment is just way too much, I think when I get back into things I will be shooting for the Oly route for a long while (enough to stay in shape but not too much that you can't have a life).

2007-07-24 10:03 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

This is a good discussion we're having about IM so let me chime in with my 2 cents, kinda my own internal point/counter point:

  1. IM is just another distance - IM training does take a lot of time, and many athletes with busy jobs and demanding families will struggle to find the necessary time to train. However, I don't think any less of them. In fact, I commend the ability to balance work, life, and family with our wonderful sport. I have the utmost respect for sprint/OLY triathletes who focus on improving their times at those distances instead of moving up to long course. This often affords them the opportunity to spend more time outside the sport while still improving their fitness and overall performance. This could be considered the best of both worlds.
  2. IM is the pinacle of the sport. Much as the marathon is the hope and dream of many runners, so to is IM to triathletes. It has a powerful, gut-level draw. The ultimate endurance test. It changes you in ways shorter distance can't. It alters your perception as to what is possible. It expands your boundaries. And believe it or not, you don't have to be single and un-employed to train for one. I averaged 11 hrs a week to train for mine. Granted I have a some-what flexible 40 hr/wk job, and no kids yet, but I do own a house that needs maintenance and 2 dogs that require lots of attention and a daily walk. My wife is very supportive and understanding, but I also made sure to have a special date night once a week during IM training that we both could look forward to and I'd try not to talk about training! In short, IM is more achievable that you might think. You don't have to train 20 hrs a week or workout 6 hrs every Sat. All you have to do is want it bad enough to prioritize it and work it into your life!



Edited by dgillen 2007-07-24 10:05 AM
2007-07-24 12:46 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
What do you think of this strategy: I work up to being able to do the swim in the required 2:20, do the bike in 6-7 hours and then WALK the darn marathon! I'll have about 8 hours to do so!! Piece-O-cake!!
2007-07-24 1:10 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I mean, let's be realistic, the pinnacle could be to go even further...


(I discard the Badlands Ultra, that's just cheating death.)

2007-07-24 1:26 PM
in reply to: #899237

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-07-24 1:10 PM I mean, let's be realistic, the pinnacle could be to go even further... Triathlete's's discard the Badlands Ultra, that's just cheating death.)
There is definately longer stuff than an Ironman


 I think the problem with Triathlon is 3 sports as opposed to 1 with run only events.

2007-07-24 1:56 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Double Deca Ironman Triathlon!  NICE!  I had heard of the Deca-Ironman and the Self-Transcendence but not the Double Deca. 

I'll probably start training for that after Timberman!  

2007-07-24 2:02 PM
in reply to: #899174

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-24 12:46 PM What do you think of this strategy: I work up to being able to do the swim in the required 2:20, do the bike in 6-7 hours and then WALK the darn marathon! I'll have about 8 hours to do so!! Piece-O-cake!!

One of my good friends, Brad (Ken you met him at the party) does exactly this.  He went 14:14 at CDA last year with a 5:51 "run" split.  He sped walked the whole thing, and had a faster run split than many people who did the famous IM shuffle.  He also doing Florida this year, and LP next year!  

He has a bad knee that doesn't allow him to run, but he's really fit and can ride at a decent pace and walk fast.  

2007-07-24 2:38 PM
in reply to: #899371

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-24 1:56 PM

Double Deca Ironman Triathlon! NICE! I had heard of the Deca-Ironman and the Self-Transcendence but not the Double Deca.

I'll probably start training for that after Timberman!

How the hell do they even plan something like that, much less execute it?
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