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2010-12-21 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3256811

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

It's all about the "undertones"!

2010-12-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Did my 2nd CT test this morning and pretty happy with the results.    Rather alot of detail (as usual) in my log if you get a chance to pop over.   Bottom lin is I moved from Category 3 to Category 4 and increased my average w/kg from 2.32 to 2.60 and my average power from 120 to 139 (I think). 

2010-12-23 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Looking forward to renewing our chats in the New Year.  

Stay safe,


2010-12-23 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3259250

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!! I hope you all get all the goodies you wish for!

Talk to you after the weekend, I am mostly offline until Mondayish..

2010-12-23 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3259295

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


We're off to Toronto/Guelph tomorrow, early-early, so this'll be the last you hear from me until Sunday or Mondy. We're planning to rteurn Sunday, but exactly when isn't certain.

Anyhow, have good holidays and enjoy the family festivities to the best of your abilities!

2010-12-26 6:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hope that everyone is having a great holiday!  Crazy here and ready for things to get back to a bit more normalcy. 


2010-12-27 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3262169

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Fairly great so far, but we are now home with only Jane here, and it is all low-key. She uis flying back to NYC tomorrow, by which time the blizzarded city should be ready to accept her. It's very fortuitous that she wasn't scheduled to fly back today!

Another tough day for the Texans, losing to the hapless Broncos. I know there was no playoff hopes left, but you don't want to finish the year with some clunkers. Ouch. Ouch, ouch. Ouchouchouch.

I'm happy again with The Pats, but wish the Jets hadn't clinched (although Rex Ryan was extremely abused by the media over the foot thing, and maybe deserved a break. maybe.). The Browns continue to be a cruel mistress to my affections, but it's nice to see the Lions on a winning STREAK. Sorry to see the Jags now on the outside looking in, with some hope but not a whole lot. Chiefs! YES!! The NFC West.......sigh. It continues to be a travesty of a mockery of a sham, but the Sam Bradford story is a good one.

Miserable here, with windchill today being -25C. No run for this old goat, and now need to cram a couple in before the Resolution Run 10km on Friday evening. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.........

2010-12-27 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE B, crazy weather up in the northeast.  Alison flew out this afternoon and was able to make it into Providence RI via Cleveland OH but she said the last leg was a bit rough.  I was surprised her flight out of Cleveland was only delayed by about an hour, waiting on the incoming plane from Vermont.  Cold and icy this morning for my 8+ mile run, but no complaints from me! My running partner is ever so slowly mending, so making the long runs with her extra easy.

Need to start making some training plans for the new year, but may hold off in really getting starting after my next half the end of January.  Enjoy your last evening with Jane, and hope her travels go well tomorrow.

We've quit even talking about football in my house ... maybe next yearUndecided

2010-12-28 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

I am battling the current cold/flu/other sickness of the week, so my training is once again on hold. I was feeling pretty good last week after getting back on track, having been sick the entire week prior with a respiratory infection. Then the day after Christmas I came down with your classic flu: fever, headache, chills, etc. I'm actually feeling much better today and hopefully will be feeling well enough tomorrow to be able to get back into the swing of things.

Hope everyone is doing well.


2010-12-28 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3264008

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-12-28 9:03 AM Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I am battling the current cold/flu/other sickness of the week, so my training is once again on hold. I was feeling pretty good last week after getting back on track, having been sick the entire week prior with a respiratory infection. Then the day after Christmas I came down with your classic flu: fever, headache, chills, etc. I'm actually feeling much better today and hopefully will be feeling well enough tomorrow to be able to get back into the swing of things. Hope everyone is doing well. Tracey

Sorry to hear you got hit - double, no less.    Do ease back into things.   I've been told the rule of thumb is that as long as whatever we have is from the neck up - carry on with activities; otherwise we need to back off and rest; and NEVER train when we have a fever.  But I'm sure you know all this, .   

Hope you're back to normal soon.  

2010-12-28 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The volunteer sign up is open for Lake Placid.   I don't know what we should do - sign up for a general volunteer, or click on one or more of the several 'job positions' they have listed.    What did you do Mandy?    I hope they haven't filled all the positions yet.  


2010-12-28 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3264223

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey there! I hope everyone had awesome holidays!!

At Lake Placid, I volunteered for one of the water stops on the run ~ 1 mile out of town.    I think I had a 2-6 shift or something like that.  I liked doing that because I got to see a lot of the race.  I am sure they are not filled up - I didn't sign up to volunteer until like a month out.  If you want something specific, sign up early though!
2010-12-28 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3264238

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-12-28 10:49 AM Hey there! I hope everyone had awesome holidays!!

At Lake Placid, I volunteered for one of the water stops on the run ~ 1 mile out of town.    I think I had a 2-6 shift or something like that.  I liked doing that because I got to see a lot of the race.  I am sure they are not filled up - I didn't sign up to volunteer until like a month out.  If you want something specific, sign up early though!

Thanks Mandy.   Is that like an 'aid station'?  

Different Christmas this year - son away (but we were on CHAT every night for a bit.  Smile) and a brother just hanging on in hospital.   Picking Erich up at airport tonight and taking an easy week getting ready to go full blast again January 2!  

How about you?

2010-12-29 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3264255

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I've been very busy the past few days (more later), but I'll return fully tonight.

Lisa, Anne, Mandy, and Tracey --- I know I owe you all!!

2010-12-29 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
2010-12-29 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3263760

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Um, nope! jane's travels did not go well. She receieved an email from Continental yesterday morning saying her flight was cancelled....and that they re-booked her for Friday morning. This led to a great deal of scrambling, with the best immediate plan being Amtrak from Albany.......meaning I had to droive her TO Albany! We left at 11, had perfect weather, and got there at about 4:10, in plenty of time for her train which ending up arriving plenty late. I just dropped her at the door and heafded home, getting here about 10:45. Long day, especially as I woke up figuring on getting her to the plane in Ottawa and then proceeding with my day. WRONG!!!

I'm glad it went well/bettr for Alison....but how is her street in NYC? Is it one of the ones that is still unplowed and unpassable? Jane's is okay, but on Monday er boyfriend walked all the way to the subway right down the middle of 14th. Fortunately, that sort of thing doesn't happen every day!

And, how is your own training going for Houston 1/2? Are you feeling mostly good about it? I have a 10km on Friday evening, but whether or not I do it is a game-day decision. The forecast is for snow or freezing rain; the former I can handle, the latter makes me worried about slippin' and slidin'....... and why bother with that silliness? So, we shall see what we shall see!

2010-12-29 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3264008

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hang in there, kid! And think Pats! I hear that thinking about them is good for whatever ails you!

2010-12-29 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3267215

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Finish Line Catcher is supposed to be a plum assignment. Some people love the zaniness of Wetsuit Stripping. Another popular one is working the change tents, where you get to see all the emotions up close and personal. A thought is to nab an early time, which if your spot is in the village means that parking later in the day would not be an issue.

The year I volunteered was '05, the year after doing IMLP. I had the first few hours of the first day of packet pick-up, and that was fun. It involved explaining to each individual what all was in the packet, with a particular emphasis on the Special Needs bags and how they worked. Some people were wily veterans and just passed on hearing the spiel, but others were all ears --- and already quite nervous. I felt rather useful, and then when my shift was done I just wandered down to the expo and shopped for a while, then drove home. Easy-peasy! Not much traffic from 9-1 on Thursday!

How goes it with you and the stuff you do??

2010-12-29 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3267225

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

GANG! (or whichever parts are currently assembled....)

My absence yesterday was explained to Lisa, a few posts above this one. Otherwise, my relative scarceness recently is because I am feverishly working to get my new mentor group off the ground. I think I went "live" on Monday, and then while I was gone yesterday too many new people signed on while I was mostly defenseless. Eventually Jane was able to PM Ron on her Blackberry and have him close the group.

So, there is a start-up number of 28, which is a bit daunting but not that much worse than this group, which I think was 24. But you know how it goes -- a few are one-and-out, and others fall by the wayside. Nevertheless, there are 28 now, and so I must attend to all 28. The tough part is behind me, i think; WHEW!!

Anyhow, by the weekend I will be here more regularly. Heck, it'll be 2011 by then, and time to REALLY gear up for the coming season. Hot diggity!!!

2010-12-29 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3264255

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again-

Very sorry to hear that your brother is not improving. Is there some hope for things getting better?

And Erich -- ?

2010-12-29 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3267238

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-29 9:58 PM ANNE again- Very sorry to hear that your brother is not improving. Is there some hope for things getting better? And Erich -- ?

No change with Kirk.      Erich is doing great.    Picked him up last night at the airport and he talked our ears off during the ride home.   He had a fantastic time, exploring every inch of San Diego and thinks it's just the greatest place on earth.  SO glad, being his first 'real' vacation, first plane ride and on his own.    He had nothing negative to say; only scary thing was when he landed in San Diego they put him in some isolation room for 15 minutes and interrogated him.   Probably because he looked nervous, , and he does not make eye contact with people unless he knows them REALLY well.   Something that came about in his late teens.  

Easy week training - some yoga, and a bit of running on tap.   Ken signed up for the CT sessions as well.   I'm glad of that.  Based on my 2nd test, I know he will benefit from it. 

I know you'll have a great time setting up your new group.   I am amazed at how you manage to manage all of us!!! 

Talk soon,

2010-12-30 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3267252

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


San Diego IS very wonderful, one of those died-and-gone-to-heaven places. Now, granted, i haven't been there since maybe 1978 and it's sure to have changed......but it still has to be about 37 amenities up on most places in the galaxy.

Yeah for Ken signing up for CT!! Has he been feeling your skills pulling away from his, session by session?

I still haven't told you anything substantive about my swimming, but I still feel I'm on to soemthing and I still feel it might actually be real and sustainable. I would love to have a race in, say, february at which to test myself in a competitive setting, but unless I go over to Austarlia to vistit Jane AND tote along all my gear, that ain't gonna happen!

I'm leaning towards doing the 10km tomorrow evening, but it'll be a late-game-day decision. I definitely am not in any sort of prime running shape to produce a great time, and I'm working hard at sucking that up and just enjoying the camaraderie. Plus, the swag was a teriific cold-weather running jacket, normally $90 but included in the $50 fee, so i have that and might feel guilty using it if I don't do the race. That might be a cruddy reason to do a race, but.......

I haven't been on the bike in 11 days, but will hit it big-time this weekend. Lynn'll be gone on a cross-country ski trip with members of her canoe club from tomorrwo morning until Monday evening, so I have lots and lots and lots of time to just vegetate around here. I'll run once or twice, do the bike a few times, maybe play with Pliates.....and wait for the pools and gyms to open again on Sunday. But I might eschew the pool that day, as it likely will be jam-packed. the gym, though, will be fine, especiallly if I get there early-early.

Reading your reference toi your second CT test jolted me, as I have yet to look at it. Oh, my! That must've been at least three weeks ago, and I'd like to say that what threw me off were the holidays. I am sorry about glossing past that, Anne, and I will get to it after dinner!

2010-12-31 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3268874

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

GROOVETIMERS ONE AND ALL ----- Happy New Year! See you all in '11!

2011-01-01 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3270571

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-12-31 10:46 PM GROOVETIMERS ONE AND ALL ----- Happy New Year! See you all in '11!


Hope you're enjoying having the place all to yourself.  Wink  Guess that means lots of computer time.  

Well, we're in!    Got our assignments of Bike Course Marshalls at the Post Office between 8:30 and 1:00 p.m.   That will give us time to take a break and rest/whatever so we can go back later at night to watch the finish line.    Also got our campsite booked at Meadowbrook - from the 20th through 26th.    Didn't get the spot we wanted but this one's not bad.   Far enough from the road to muffle the car noise.   

Guess the next step is to actually book the Musselman race.   Scared!   Not totally confident that the run can happen but will probably take the risk and register.   I could always switch to swim/bike, worse case scenario.  

Have you decided which way you're going to go next year - Oly or HIM?  

Hope you don't forget to check my CT results.  Can you tell I'm excited about it?   

Going to start the New Year out like a true triathlete - we are going to out for a run in the rain!!!   
2011-01-01 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3270911

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Nice assignment, right in the center of the action. And as you say, it's easy to go away and find relief, or food, or whatever. Ya done good -- better than being at some remote aid station on the bike!

Yup, it's quiet here --- although I'm geberating some excitement for myself by trying to figure out why the drain on the washing machine is backing up and spewing water behind the machine. I got it yanked out, causing a few additional problems in the process. Help, Lynn, help! I have dried the floor and the unit is just sitting there, waiting for me to try to re-attach a couple of hoses....and try to figure out why it is now wobbly.....and also attempt to solve the original problem. Ah, my kingdom for a #40 galvinized tub and a washboard! (NO! I don't mean that at all! Bite my tongue!)

I did the 10km Resolution Run last night, clocking at 47:50. that's a bit of a comedown from the 44:02 on Oct 17 AND my last two oly runs.....but I guess that's what happens when the run off-season has been in progress and the running volume is way down. Can't expect to craft a silk purse from a sow's ear with that regimen!

I'm worried to hear that you are worried about the run! Is thre any substance behind that, or is it just you bieing worreid that a past condition might never quite go away? Well, I know that feeling oh-so-well! In fact, this recent bubnion thing has me worried about next year, and I'm very quick to blame it on the half-marathon, with the following assumption being that I can't safely that dustance hard anymore. The other side of my brain tries to remind me that I have overcome lots of injuries to return to running long, but the squirrel brain just keeps chattering louder.

Oh, my, speaking of brain.....what was it going to say next? Hmmmm.

Okay! Back two minutes later, remembering that it was Musselman! I'm sure there is still tons of space left, so unless you're hellbound and determined to commit that to your schedule, just wait a while longer and give your leg more time to do what it's going to do. I sure hope it has only good things in mind for you, but just in case it doesn't.........

rain there -- STILL? It's been raining here all day, and even though Lynn is at elevation where the group is staying, I fear that it has rained there, too, and killed the shi aprt of the ski weekend. It might turn out to be cross-country trekking, instead of cross-country skiing. Bah? Humbug?

I think here was more to say, but I've now taking five minutes to think what it might be....and no lightbulbs have gone on. Well, maybe later they will, and at that point I shall return!

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