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2011-01-02 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3271711

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-01 8:49 PM ANNE - Nice assignment, right in the center of the action. And as you say, it's easy to go away and find relief, or food, or whatever. Ya done good -- better than being at some remote aid station on the bike! Yup, it's quiet here --- although I'm geberating some excitement for myself by trying to figure out why the drain on the washing machine is backing up and spewing water behind the machine. I got it yanked out, causing a few additional problems in the process. Help, Lynn, help! I have dried the floor and the unit is just sitting there, waiting for me to try to re-attach a couple of hoses....and try to figure out why it is now wobbly.....and also attempt to solve the original problem. Ah, my kingdom for a #40 galvinized tub and a washboard! (NO! I don't mean that at all! Bite my tongue!) I did the 10km Resolution Run last night, clocking at 47:50. that's a bit of a comedown from the 44:02 on Oct 17 AND my last two oly runs.....but I guess that's what happens when the run off-season has been in progress and the running volume is way down. Can't expect to craft a silk purse from a sow's ear with that regimen! I'm worried to hear that you are worried about the run! Is thre any substance behind that, or is it just you bieing worreid that a past condition might never quite go away? Well, I know that feeling oh-so-well! In fact, this recent bubnion thing has me worried about next year, and I'm very quick to blame it on the half-marathon, with the following assumption being that I can't safely that dustance hard anymore. The other side of my brain tries to remind me that I have overcome lots of injuries to return to running long, but the squirrel brain just keeps chattering louder. Oh, my, speaking of brain.....what was it going to say next? Hmmmm. Okay! Back two minutes later, remembering that it was Musselman! I'm sure there is still tons of space left, so unless you're hellbound and determined to commit that to your schedule, just wait a while longer and give your leg more time to do what it's going to do. I sure hope it has only good things in mind for you, but just in case it doesn't......... rain there -- STILL? It's been raining here all day, and even though Lynn is at elevation where the group is staying, I fear that it has rained there, too, and killed the shi aprt of the ski weekend. It might turn out to be cross-country trekking, instead of cross-country skiing. Bah? Humbug? I think here was more to say, but I've now taking five minutes to think what it might be....and no lightbulbs have gone on. Well, maybe later they will, and at that point I shall return!

BOY, do I FEEL for you!   Ken and I BOTH are inept at any household repair kind of stuff.   We bought new faucets for the ensuite bathroom 3 weeks ago and they are still sitting waiting to be opened.    Ken's solution to any problems that crop up is 'let's move'.     

We are really excited about the bike assignment and the whole trip.  

Nice run, anyway.   Pretty impressive pace for most people.     You have hardly been running at all, and from what I've read you are right about losing speed.  Apparently it's not something you keep unless you continue with  the speed/interval work.   Seems some coaches think you should continue a bit of that throughout the winter season but most seem to say back off and do slow stuff in the off season to let the body heal which then requires triathletes to regain the speed EVERY year.   Marc Evans is a proponent of speed work all year long based on a % of your overal weekly training (it increases as your volume increases) and maybe that's why my speed, when I haven't been off due to injury,  actually continues to improve.   Just guessing.   

I'm scared about the run, just because my short run history has been so sketchy, but I have been learning alot about my body in the process and that knowlege actually makes me more confident.   Now know that the body heals if we give it time.  

Think we will go ahead and book Musselman because we are going to Placid for sure and it will be incentive to keep the training consistent.  

SO, it was actually 2 things - what are you doing this year  - long or shorter - and don't forget to check out my CT test results.    I'll go and try to copy and paste the CT stuff so you don't have to navigate so much.   I might have to do it in 2 posts because the info is in 2 spots.  

Just trying to snow here now.  

2011-01-02 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Here's my CT Test summary.  

Did a 10 minute w/u before the Actual w/u for test, followed by 10 min spinning after the test. Same test as last time; 20 minute fairly hard warm up; followed by 20 minutes with constant 2% grade increase and progressively harder.

Large ring in front and largest in back. Know I shouldn't have been in that ring because it strains the chain, but I did. Started the test in middle ring in back and was easily pushing 180 watts for the first three minutes, and avg. w/kg at like 2.8 ish but knew that wouldn't last for 20 minutes because the cadence was dropping from 92 to 80 so switched back gear and then cadence went to 92 which I sustained for the entire ride with no more switching gears and no standing. Pretty much kept the power at 140-144 for the rest of the ride. Pushed harder than first test but wasn't totally spent at end of ride; maybe could have managed 3-4 more minutes.

MY average HR was 151, max 156 (my max is 159).  Felt fine the next day - no muscle soreness.

Average Power 126; 
Average Watts/kg 2.32

Dec 23rd TESTING:
Average Power 139   (I was aiming for 140)
Average Watts/kg 2.60

MOVED FROM CATEGORY 3 (FAIR) TO BOTTOM THIRD OF CATEGORY 4 (MODERATE) RIDER. My first couple of rides on the CT were in the 'UNTRAINED' category.

My goal for the next test is to increase average power to 149 and average watts to 2.75.    Not sure if this is realistic but will find out.    

Off to TO to buy a bathing suit and pick up friends at airport    Have a great day.

2011-01-03 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Happy New Year everyone.

I'm ready to get serious about training.  I've been doing a little treadmill and trainer but the pool's been closed.  I'm ready to put in more effort.  One problem is that I've gained a TON of weight and it slows me down - but I'll get rid of it - but it will take longer to get rid of than put on.

Steve - good for you for doing the 10k.  My daughter and I wanted to do a local 5k on Jan 1, but they didn't have one this year.

Anne - looks like you're being really motivated.

I've spent the last couple of days registering for this season's tris.

Steve - I really, really want to do 2 sprints that are back-to-back, one is on a Saturday about 45 minutes away and the other is the day after about 3 hours away.  This is on a weekend 3 weeks after my half.  Give me your blessing, please.

2011-01-03 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3274213

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-01-03 12:00 PM Happy New Year everyone.

I'm ready to get serious about training. 

Steve - I really, really want to do 2 sprints that are back-to-back, one is on a Saturday about 45 minutes away and the other is the day after about 3 hours away.  This is on a weekend 3 weeks after my half.  Give me your blessing, please.


WOW!  Looks like you're the one motivate, to me!     

2011-01-03 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good thing I registered for this at 7:55 this am.  (This was my 1st tri 2 summers ago and my most-improved tri last summer)

2011-01-03 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3275249

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-01-03 7:09 PM Good thing I registered for this at 7:55 this am.  (This was my 1st tri 2 summers ago and my most-improved tri last summer)


That's pretty cool.   Glad you got in.   What is it that makes it so appealing to everyone?    Maybe Ken and I should add it to our list of tri's for when he retires.   

2011-01-03 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3272200

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ha! I was just getting on to wriet to you about the second round of CT testing....and there you have it posted for me! In my ineptness, it took me z long while to figure out how to access it, as it seemd like I could only go backwards into November. )Of course, had I hopped it on it right at the time, it would've been right there. DOH!)

I can sure see why you are thrilled by those results! They show some very impressive leaps, and reflect only about eight weeks of work, right? I really don't know where to begin, but while the test numbers themselves are impressive, and so too the category jump, what impresses me is how hard you worked based on your maxHR, and yet you were not sore the following day! I woulda bet dolars to donuts that you'd be pretty well horixontal the next day, but the fact you weren't tells me that you are well beyond the mere mid-winter Base stage that most people are in. I guess thta's what happens when you opt for the road least trvelled, which would be CT classes and subsequent testing. I mean, if that doesn't jump-start one's off-season training, nothing will!

As for your goals next test, my money says you will exceed them -- especially avg watts. I suspect you are still in the acclimation stage, and that at some point soon you will show a significant bump in your performance/abilities. Will the next one be in about six more weeks?

Great job keeping the high cadence! Do you think you're on to so ething there? I did a 65' trainer ride last night at 90-100, with about five minutes at 103-106, and it dawned on me how often I push that in the shorter races; it really is a great skill to have at hand. Like a lot of things, it just takes confidence that you can hold that sort of cadence without exploding, and I'm sure you are getting close to that point yourself.

Final happy-facts are the 140-144 at the end AND that you felt you could've gone quite a bit longer. It wasn't at all like that at the end of, and after, the first test, was it? And, of course, that dovetails nicley with the previous paragraph -- another way you begin to realize that you CAN indeed "go deeper" in your efforts. All Power To Empowerment!!

See next post!

2011-01-03 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3275619

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

While floundering around trying to find the CT results, what did pleasantly reveal itself was "YEAR IN REVIEW". For now I will just say WOW! That's wow, as in: what a huge amount of effort you put into the season, and as well --- who else keeps such meticulous details??

I printed it out last night.....but haven't studied it yet. (Before my birthday, though -- I promise!)

What I did have time to go over was the anecdotal parts. No surprise to me, but you are very honest as to how the year went, and, well, your honest is almost inspirational. Your "remedies" in a couple of the areas (notably swim, strength, and run) sure seem sound to me, and you've come to them by just being honest with yourself. There are no "excuses" there, you just see it and say it the way it was, and that's a very sure and quick route to setting plans and reaching goals.

For me -- 10 more days to study all those numbers. Holy-moly!

2011-01-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3274213

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hey! Welcome back!

You must really be relieved to be out from under the purple-and-gold paper bag that's been over your head the past few weeks. See the sunshine! Smell the snow! Football season is over, and the Big Donkey says he's going to retire! Halleloo!

That's really good to hear that your feeling highly motivated, and also that you're busily signing up for races. If that doesn't further aid and abet your motivation, I'll be a monkey's uncle! (My favorite usage in that configuration is "three-peckered billy-goat", but I won't say that becasue I don't want to appear rude....)

As for the sprint double -- sure! Definitely! Not only are those sorts of things a lot of fun, but it moight go a long way towards preventing a possible post-HIM letdown. The big bugaboo for a lot of people is a post-IM letdown, but letdowns after a HIM - especially a first-time HIM - are also common. I guess you can guess how it works, that after all that work the HIM is done....and then what?!?

Well, having a fun, sprint-filled weekend three weeks after is what! It really does sound ideal -- do the HIM, take a few days off, take a couple more to ease back into things, and then knock off a series of crisp workouts that are fast and fun.....and over before you hardly know it! Win-win-win! Yiu can continue the training right up until the Wednesday, as no need for any big taper -- you will have done that just before the HIM!

Have you decided which one? (It was Racine, wasn't it?)

Are either of the two sprints high-priority for you? That might change how you approach the training for them, but not the fact that you can/SHOULD do them!

Cool beans, anyhow. Give me the details when you have them, okay?

2011-01-03 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3272177

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE once more -

  • ...and then there is the one at the top of this page. Later for that, okay? Like tomorrow? Merci!

  • 2011-01-04 4:09 PM
    in reply to: #3275257

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    latestarter - 2011-01-03 6:15 PM
    LadyNorth - 2011-01-03 7:09 PM Good thing I registered for this at 7:55 this am.  (This was my 1st tri 2 summers ago and my most-improved tri last summer)


    That's pretty cool.   Glad you got in.   What is it that makes it so appealing to everyone?    Maybe Ken and I should add it to our list of tri's for when he retires.   

    I don't know why it fills so fast.  It's a nice little tri in a nice little town but there's not really anything super-special about it.  When I 1st did it, it filled in 2 1/2 weeks, then last year it was 2 1/2 days and now 7 hours.  As it fills earlier and earlier, people get worried and it feeds on itself.  I think the 1/4 mile swim attracts a lot of locals also.

    2011-01-04 4:19 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    The 1st tri on a Saturday is one that I've done twice and the 2nd time I vastly improved and now I don't feel I have to really prove anything with that one so I'm just doing it for fun  Also, last year I beat the 2nd placer in my age group by 20 minutes.

    The one on Sunday is a women only that I haven't done.  I was initially really excited abut this one because there were SIXTEEN in the F60-64 last year.  But then I realized this was a USAT which means that I'll be in the F65-69 even tho I don't turn 65 'til next Dec.  There were only 3 in the F65-69.  So I'm not as excited - but I still care more about this one than the one on Saturday.

    So - you've got a new group.  I bet that's keeping you crazy busy until some people start dropping out.

    Oh Brett, Brett, Brett - just heard new allegations which are probably half true.  Glad they're giving the coaching job to Frazier 

    Also, my daughter didn't go to the Rose Bowl but watched it hear with friends- was sad Wis lost.

    2011-01-05 7:25 AM
    in reply to: #3277728

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    DENISE -

    You're a competent stats-stalker -- any idea of a few others from 60-64 will age up to 65? Maybe there were 3 last year, but this year there might be six. That would be worth getting excited about, eh?

    I am usually content with four, myself included. Six makes me happy. More than that seems like manna from heaven!

    new allegations about Brett? I had missed those, whatever they have to do with. I heard he was fined for the inapproapriateness with the Jets woman, but beyond that I have no idea. He's always been a competitive guy --maybe he hates to see Tiger Woods getting ahead of him.

    Onwards to next year for the Vikes; it simply cannot be any more disheartening than this year ( you hope!!!!!).

    2011-01-05 7:47 AM
    in reply to: #3278795

    New user
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    Hey Everyone,

    Happy New Year!

    I hope everyone's holidays were good and everyone got what they wanted (sounds like Anne got a Computrainer...I'm a little jealous down here!!).  Nothing triathlon related for me under the tree. Everything was tools, smoker (meat kind) or new job related for the most part. The smoker was a gift to myself late last year. Always been interested in being able to make good authentic BBQ using low heat and smoke. Now I can!

    My hernia surgery is supposed to be tomorrow morning. I will find out an exact time later today. I will be under anesthetic for a little under 2 hours. Both sides are going to get repaired at the same time. The doctor is NOT doing laproscopic. So I will have 2 4 inch incisions. He feels with my age and how active I try (or should I say tri) to be that this is the best solution that will hopefully not require me to have to see him again.

    I'm not nervous about the procedure, but am nervous about the healing. Should be a couple days of not getting around very well and then in 2 weeks I should be good. Biggest issue for me is not being able to lift more than a gallon of milk or 10 pounds.

    So I'll be watching a lot of movies, reading and surfing the internet. I do plan on trying to catch up around here and get some inspiration for this coming year. I have the Kona highlights on DVR to watch a few times as well.

    In regards to training (what training since July???), I've been told by a person or two that after surgery I may not be able to swim for 6 months. That seriously hampers my intentions of any tri's for this coming year. So I hope that is not the case.

    Also, i will probably be posting semi-regularly how I'm doing if you guys don't mind.

    2011-01-05 9:48 PM
    in reply to: #3278852

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    SHAUN -

    Surgery tomorrow! Hey, major mojo coming your way for that little procedure!

    I hear you that you're worried about the recovery, but from where i sit the immediate recovery doesn't bode badly at all. Two days of enforced quietude is not too much, and if you're fortified with movies and books and edibles, you'll be in hog heaven!

    Even if the non-swim part of the overall recovery is six months, that'll get you ready to do a sprint or few by late July. I think you'll find that the swim chops you developed last year wkll NOT disappear, and that you will hardly be back at square one. Now, six months without running would require an almost-square one return to action, but swimming is very forgiving that way.

    In the meantime, think duathlons! Evry one of the Multisport Canada and Trisport Canada races has a du attached to it, i think, so come over the border frequently and do the du thing! Anne willvouch for this with her experience this past season, which was like mine in '06 -- doing only aquabikes. I amy not have found them ideal, but they sure were grat at keeping my head in the competitive game. Just when you think you're beginning to no longer feel like a whole person because you can't compete fully.....along comes an alternative (aqbk, or du) that les you know your ARE a whole person, and a competitive one at that!

    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, Shaun, although the operation sounds very straightforward and that, combined with you being strong and healthy and young, should allow it to all proceed swimmingly -- as it were!

    Let us know how you're feeling, when you're feeling up to it. And as for us minding if you post here regularly?? Ha! You're welcome anytime at all. This place will be open for business until I leave this mortal coil, so hoopefully you still have lots of years to come and go as you please!

    2011-01-06 7:52 AM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Good luck today!  You're young and fit - you'll heal fast.


    2011-01-06 6:55 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Nice to hear from you.   Hope your surgery went well today.  It will be nice to have that behind you.   I agree with both Denise and Steve - am sure you will heal up quickly, and be back racing before your know it! 

    Take care,


    2011-01-07 8:26 PM
    in reply to: #3283316

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    2011-01-08 8:09 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Just ordered a swim metronome - I'm supposed to be doing some "golf" drills and there's no way I can concentrate on keeping a consistent stroke pace AND count my strokes per lap - hope it helps.

    2011-01-08 9:51 PM
    in reply to: #3287328

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    DENISE -

    Those are very cool tools! Did you get a Finis Tempo Trainer, or something else? What you will really find it useful for is when you want to increase your stroke cadence, but don't htink you can do it without help and keep it consistent. But with the thing set and inside your swim cap, tocking incessantly at you, you can't go wrong.

    Let me know when you get yours, okay?

    2011-01-09 2:29 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    Have been a bit out of touch, trying to get back into the swing of the New Year.  Hope everyone had a great holiday!  It's drizzly and cold her today, so the perfect time to try to get caught up with things.

    SHAUN, hope that your surgery went well and recovery goes quickly.

    ANNE, sounds like things continue to go well with your CT sessions and looks like you are making great progress!

    DENISE, glad you were able to get signed up so quickly for that tri ... that filled up really quickly.  I'm sure you wouldn't have any problems doing back to back tris! 

    STEVE B, sorry to hear that you had to make a trip to the Amtrak station for your daughter to get home.  Crazy travels that week.  Alison is not in NYC, as she's still on tour ... flew into Providence for New Years week, in Milwaukee this week, and then on to New Have CT next week.

    We were planning on taking a little road trip (to San Antonio, about 250 miles away) next weekend for the long weekend (Martin Luther King day) but I called my husband up last Monday and asked what he thought about going to Disney World instead, so we are going to Disney World!.  (He told me he long ago decided not to even attempt to try to figure out how my mind works.)  So we are heading out on Thursday night and coming back on Monday afternoon ... myself, my husband and my 12 year old son who has off that Friday and Monday.  It's been 12 years since we've been so I'm getting really excited!


    2011-01-09 2:46 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    So, I guess at some point I need to think about what my training/racing plans are for this year.  Did a really slow 10.5 mile run yesterday.  My running partner was really having issues with her PF and we ended up walking the last 2 1/2 miles, so it was a bit frustrating for both of us.  We'll have one more long run together (in two weeks hoping to do 12 miles) than a 6 mile run the following week and then our half marathon.  So, with the trip to Disney World next weekend and my half in 3 weeks, I'm just going to kind of lay low in my cross training and just stick to the running until the end of the month. 

    I think my first race will likely be CB&I Sprint which is up in the Woodlands where I run on the weekends, scheduled for May 1st, which would give me 12 weeks to get ready after my half.  Other than that, my plans are up in the air at this point.  Need to do a bit more research and see what else might fit in well.

    I can tell you that I am sick of running at this point and will not start training for my fall/winter halfs as early as I did last year (running through the entire hot summer).  I guess I was hoping that it would 1) help my speed and 2) help me to lose a little weight.  I didn't see the gains I hoped for, cutting my average pace between 2009 and 2010 by only 21 seconds/mile, and keeping a steady weight (which I guess is better than gaining!).  But it's helped me figure out my training season a bit.  I'd like to keep my longer runs once a week to 10K through the season, add my biking and swimming, do a couple of races before summer, than back off on training during the summer (maybe pick up on my swimming a bit), so I don't end up getting burned out again.  Maybe get a fall tri in and then start training for my fall/winter halfs in October.  At least that's my thoughts for today!


    Edited by lufferly 2011-01-09 2:56 PM
    2011-01-09 2:50 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Extreme Veteran
    Spring TX
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    DENISE, let me know how you like your "swim metronome".  I was actually looking around yesterday for a Tempo Trainer as I'm contemplating buying one. 

    2011-01-09 3:08 PM
    in reply to: #3288308

    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    lufferly - 2011-01-09 3:50 PM DENISE, let me know how you like your "swim metronome".  I was actually looking around yesterday for a Tempo Trainer as I'm contemplating buying one. 



    I think you will both like the Tempo Trainer/Swim metronome.   I have the TT and originally got it for running and have used it for every race.   It really helps to keep the leg turnover going.   Just this past summer I started using it more often for swimming and it really helped there as well.

    2011-01-09 3:22 PM
    in reply to: #2559115

    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Had a good training week; hope you did too.  

    Did a bit of interval work on my running today and with a slight change of trying to run with 'forward' hips, went from 1.15 to 1.07 for 250 meters.   Did this consistently for 4 intervals and able to maintain the pace for the entire 250.    Faster than race pace but not all out, either.   Funny when I run fast I don't have any shin tightness or neuroma/metatarsal issues.  

    Next week will be low volume - company coming Tues-Friday plus I will be out of town on Tues and Friday.    The only thing I AM doing is my CT training!      No way I am missing that.  

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