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2011-01-09 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3288351

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey everyone. Thanks for all the well wishes. The surgery went well. The recovery is going. Still moving a but slow but most are impressed with how well I am getting around. So far may take is the pain of the scar tissue growing into the mesh is almost not worth it. Been a bit painful. Getting around ok. Did stairs today for the first time. Been having computer problems as well so have not been able to get one. Nurse said I should be back to doing everything in 6 weeks including swimming.Take care folks. Off to watch who my Bears will have to play next weekend.

2011-01-09 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3288272

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


How cruel to your son! I'm sure he would've much rather done the Alamo and the Riverwalk and the missions!

2011-01-09 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3288388

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Oh, my, so descriptive -- "scar tissue gfrowing into the mesh". Mercy!

BUT, we both know that today's pain is next month's residual soreness is next year's dim memory is next decades "what exactly happened back in January of '11?"

That six-week prognosis is very positive -- you'll be there before you know it! (Once beyond the first 7-10 days, that is.)

Your Bears better watch themselves next week with the Seahawks. Matt Hasselbeck seems to have found the way to channel his inner Joe Montana!

My Pats play the hated Jets. The upside is that they punished them severely about soix weeks ago. The downside is that if they do happen to lose..........................ARRGGGHHHHH!

Kepp your sunny side up, Shaun!

2011-01-09 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3288987

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA again -

Buy the Tempo Trainer! Buy it! Buy it! Even if it means having to choose between it a a Mouseketeer-eared cap....BUY IT!!!

2011-01-09 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3288351

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Mine was okay. Actually -- IT'S IN MY BT LOG!!!

Yes, it's true --as of the 1-1-11, I am trying to get everything here, albeit in very rudimentary detail. Maybe more detail will follow as I get more facile at it -- IF I get more facile at it -- but at least for now it is there.

GREAT implementation of the forward hips! That is a pretty significant jump from 1.15 to 1.07, and also good is that you were able to replicate it! When is your next similar run?

I'm not surprised that the neuroma/metatarsal problemsa re absent when your spped increases, as probably your cadence is up and each of your footfalls spends less time on the ground. That may seem infinitesimally small, but it is just that much less time for impact to exert negatives.

As for the shin tightness -- or lack thereof!!! -- that might just be a reflection off better running form, period. It is likely that the forward hips are creating an overall forward lean, which is getting you further forward on your footstrike, which is less forceful than landing further back. Heel-strikers and those who land at the back third of their feet are more prone to knee and hip and shin problems than those who land midfoot or forefoot.

I do believe you're onto something wonderful!!

And let me're still loving CT training!

2011-01-10 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3289020

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-09 10:42 PM ANNE - Mine was okay. Actually -- IT'S IN MY BT LOG!!! Yes, it's true --as of the 1-1-11, I am trying to get everything here, albeit in very rudimentary detail. Maybe more detail will follow as I get more facile at it -- IF I get more facile at it -- but at least for now it is there. GREAT implementation of the forward hips! That is a pretty significant jump from 1.15 to 1.07, and also good is that you were able to replicate it! When is your next similar run? I'm not surprised that the neuroma/metatarsal problemsa re absent when your spped increases, as probably your cadence is up and each of your footfalls spends less time on the ground. That may seem infinitesimally small, but it is just that much less time for impact to exert negatives. As for the shin tightness -- or lack thereof!!! -- that might just be a reflection off better running form, period. It is likely that the forward hips are creating an overall forward lean, which is getting you further forward on your footstrike, which is less forceful than landing further back. Heel-strikers and those who land at the back third of their feet are more prone to knee and hip and shin problems than those who land midfoot or forefoot. I do believe you're onto something wonderful!! And let me're still loving CT training!

OMG, I am SO impressed.    Well done.   I know that once you get on to this you will never go back to logging on paper.    Quicker and once you get the hang of charts and graphs you really can use the data to good use.   

I am quite excited about the running, although in the back of my mind I still have this nagging feeling that won't go away - about the knee acting up again.   Once I get a couple of good months under me, I know that will go away.   However, after every run right now, I'm almost looking for twinges or anything that indicates trouble brewing.  

Yes, still LOVING the CT.   I already know that I will be doing it again next winter.   Alot of the triathletes I have been talking to even keep one session per week during the tri season.  

I rode the trainer at home for the first time in several weeks -  easy ride - and did a 'test'.   This was on my race bike.    I rode for about 5 min in three different positions - pretty upright, then on the hoods, then in aero all riding at the same cadence and speed, etc and my HR remained the same in all three positions.   

When I was being measured to have my frame built, the builder (Hugh and True North) said that what happens in alot of instances is that people can keep the same power in aero but their HR starts climbing because they are actually working HARDER because the geometry isn't correct for them.   SO, I was pretty pleased to see that my bike fit seems to be OK.  

Zach at Ironheart says you also have to be careful of fitters who use only their measuring tools to fit people according to what the books say is the best geometry.   A really good fitter will test your range of motion in many different ways, both upper and lower body to get the proper fit.    That's what happened to me the first time at Endurosport in Toronto.   Strictly 'by the book' and it was quite off.  

Back to running, my next interval running won't be until next week, probably the Friday.    Due to the travelling and company this week will be low volume and intensity, but even so I will keep working on the forward hips.   

Good luck on the BT logging.   I'm going to enjoy seeing what you are up to!!!

2011-01-10 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
STEVE B, we were actually planning on going to San Antonio for my son's spring Texas History project which includes visits to three historical places in Texas.  I figured we'd get an early start on the project which isn't due until April.  But my mind started working, and we ended up in Florida instead!

I know how much you love shoes and I kept meaning to let you know that I picked up a new pair at the expo in Memphis ... Saucony Kinvaras.  A minimalist shoe weighing in at less than 6 oz ... very light feeling on my feet.  My longest run in them is about 8 1/2 miles (at this point I have about 20 miles on them).  The only problem that I have had is a bit of pain in the pad of my 4th left toe which may just be from a more forward footstrike.

And congrats on logging your workouts on BT!

For the Tempo Trainer, do you fasten that on to a swim cap (which I don't wear unless I have to) or your goggles?


Edited by lufferly 2011-01-10 8:23 AM
2011-01-10 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3289453

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Let me know how you like those! Even though I am heavily committed to Newtons, I've had success in the past with Saucony and have eyed the Kinvaras at our local running store. And with my foot problems over the past couple of months, I'm wondering if I should ditch the Newtons for a while and try sometning else -- with the Kinvara right at the top of the list. So, ldet me know!

You're asking the wrong person about where to put the Tempo Trainer, as I always stick mine inside my swim cap, just about the left temple. I seem to have some memory of trying to attach it to my goggles, and that not working; did it pivot or dangle too much, maybe? It works great inside the cap, where it is tough to ignore the beeping. In fact, it occurs to me that a few Tempo trianers, strategically placed around a person's head, could be an updated torture technique along the same lines as Chinese water torture! But just one -- it's almost lulling!

HOW ARE HOUSTON 1/2 MAR PLANS??? You've been quiet about that! Any updates we should know about?

2011-01-10 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3288987

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Steve B,Scar tissue growing into the mesh is exactly what I was told will cause the sharp pains. Not by an my means what I call an enjoyable experience but like you said hoping that in a year this is all history and all I have left are some scars and vague memories. Happening less & less often but from others I've known who have had the same surgery they say it will happen every now and then about a year.Heading is definitely progressing. Much more comfortable & able to get around. Hunched over when I walk & not moving very fast but I can get to wehere I need to go.Feeling fairly good overall. Walking around regularly in the house. Can get up and down a flight of stairs but need a break between. Biggest problem I see know is fighting the ensuing boredom for the next 3.5 weeks. Thank goodness for having cable &a digital recorder. Not to mention more reading material than I know what to do with. Not to men tion 100 pages of this group to catch up on...1 week followup with the doctor is thursday so we'll see what he says at that time for returning to exercise & whatnot.
2011-01-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3289843

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2011-01-10 10:32 AM

Steve B,Scar tissue growing into the mesh is exactly what I was told will cause the sharp pains. Not by an my means what I call an enjoyable experience but like you said hoping that in a year this is all history and all I have left are some scars and vague memories. Happening less & less often but from others I've known who have had the same surgery they say it will happen every now and then about a year.Heading is definitely progressing. Much more comfortable & able to get around. Hunched over when I walk & not moving very fast but I can get to wehere I need to go.Feeling fairly good overall. Walking around regularly in the house. Can get up and down a flight of stairs but need a break between. Biggest problem I see know is fighting the ensuing boredom for the next 3.5 weeks. Thank goodness for having cable &a digital recorder. Not to mention more reading material than I know what to do with. Not to men tion 100 pages of this group to catch up on...1 week followup with the doctor is thursday so we'll see what he says at that time for returning to exercise & whatnot.

Hang in there Shaun. Enjoy the down time. We are a constantly on the move society.

2011-01-11 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3288308

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2011-01-09 2:50 PM

DENISE, let me know how you like your "swim metronome".  I was actually looking around yesterday for a Tempo Trainer as I'm contemplating buying one. 


Hi Lisa, I have a Tempo Trainer and like it. STeve is correct though, the incessant beeping is tolerable for a while, but for me after about 20 minutes I have to shut it off.


2011-01-11 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3292615

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


GREAT new photo! Your running form looks really fine!

2011-01-11 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3293197

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


While in the gym today watching a muted TV, I saw on the running commentary of the bottom of the screen that some pro athlete is having sports hernia surgery, ane will be out 6-8 weeks. I thought about yelling out "Don't forget Shaun Marx and HIS sports hernia surgery!!!".......but I restrained myself.

Anyhow, 6-8 for him, 6-8 for you ---- it'll be over before you know it! I predict you'll be fully functional by the Ides of March at the latest!

2011-01-11 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3293203

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

------------------------------------------- ANY WETSUIT SEEKERS OUT THERE? ----------------------------------------------------

Xterra is having a sale of the following:

Vortex 3 Fullsuit --- $189 (from $400)

Vortex 3 Sleeveless --- $149 (from $300)

Vortex ProX2 Sleeveless --- $249 (from $400)

Vortex ProX2 Fullsuit --- $299 (from $500)

Check out details at, and --**IMPORTANT**-- if you want to get those discounts, you have to use the following coupon code:


(This deal is sponsored by Race Vermont.)

There ya go!

2011-01-11 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3293245

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You there?

Are you going to the Multisport Symposium again this year? I have to check out the details.

Have fun with Mega-Storm tonight...........but no 4 a.m. swims in Buzzards Bay, y'hear?

2011-01-11 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3289397

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Nonononono -- I will never give up my logbook log! They are Substantial Evidence of all I have done over the years, and I have no idea how I would rapidly go back through the logs here to see the stages of, say, my neuroma in '05, or what my weight bottomed at in '04, or how my times at Thousand Islands Tri differed each time I have done it -- '00, '02, '05, '06 '07. I can do that in mere minutes by grabbing those logs and fliiping to mid-August in each, and I can EVEN lay them out one nexct to the other, and peruse and compare to my heart's content!

I like the pretty vertical bar graph. Don't quite know what to do with it yet, other than marvel at its prettiness. It's just a......pretty.....way to summarize what I put in my logbook at the end of eack week, which is how much time I spent in each area.

HOwever, I am committed to getting more adept at the BT log each week. This week it is posting my weight and waking HR For next week --- I haven't figured out that yet!

Interesting about your consistent HR at thre three positions; I'll have to think about that some. For me I am sure my HR would be highest on the aerobars, just becasue that is where I am conditioned to work the hardest, but maybe for me too it would be all about the same.

HOWEVER, having said that I have to pay attention to what your builders said, that HR spikes higher at the positions that aren't deemed optimal. My thought-focus is on the work-ability, whereas theirs is on positional benefits. Huh.

Do you think your HR would've differed before you started the CT sessions?

Your mention of Zach's comments makes me wonder if that's what happened to me with my two fittings. I am sure that Ian at Fit-Werx did exhaustive measurements, whereas Kelly at High Peaks Cyclery might have just followed "the book"; at least, I don't remember anything too exhaustive. It was the Fit-Werx one that finally solved ny S-I joint problems, so..................

Last week turned out to be a big ttraining week for me, this week is a bit slower. I too am terrified about any onset of ANYthing, so I'm trying to restrain myslef on my runs -- only 2 or 3 a week. I'm wondering if I could benefit from another short cessation of running, such as about two weeks, maybe three. I can afford that now.....but I'd better move quick if I'm going to take that approach, as within a month I won't be feeling so expansive with run-less training!

Ten days until Interval Run Training for you! Wheeeeeeeeee!

2011-01-11 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3293317

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-11 5:40 PM ANNE - Nonononono -- I will never give up my logbook log! They are Substantial Evidence of all I have done over the years, and I have no idea how I would rapidly go back through the logs here to see the stages of, say, my neuroma in '05, or what my weight bottomed at in '04, or how my times at Thousand Islands Tri differed each time I have done it -- '00, '02, '05, '06 '07. I can do that in mere minutes by grabbing those logs and fliiping to mid-August in each, and I can EVEN lay them out one nexct to the other, and peruse and compare to my heart's content! I like the pretty vertical bar graph. Don't quite know what to do with it yet, other than marvel at its prettiness. It's just a......pretty.....way to summarize what I put in my logbook at the end of eack week, which is how much time I spent in each area. HOwever, I am committed to getting more adept at the BT log each week. This week it is posting my weight and waking HR For next week --- I haven't figured out that yet! Interesting about your consistent HR at thre three positions; I'll have to think about that some. For me I am sure my HR would be highest on the aerobars, just becasue that is where I am conditioned to work the hardest, but maybe for me too it would be all about the same. HOWEVER, having said that I have to pay attention to what your builders said, that HR spikes higher at the positions that aren't deemed optimal. My thought-focus is on the work-ability, whereas theirs is on positional benefits. Huh. Do you think your HR would've differed before you started the CT sessions? Your mention of Zach's comments makes me wonder if that's what happened to me with my two fittings. I am sure that Ian at Fit-Werx did exhaustive measurements, whereas Kelly at High Peaks Cyclery might have just followed "the book"; at least, I don't remember anything too exhaustive. It was the Fit-Werx one that finally solved ny S-I joint problems, so.................. Last week turned out to be a big ttraining week for me, this week is a bit slower. I too am terrified about any onset of ANYthing, so I'm trying to restrain myslef on my runs -- only 2 or 3 a week. I'm wondering if I could benefit from another short cessation of running, such as about two weeks, maybe three. I can afford that now.....but I'd better move quick if I'm going to take that approach, as within a month I won't be feeling so expansive with run-less training! Ten days until Interval Run Training for you! Wheeeeeeeeee!

OH, I would NEVER suggest you give up your past history log books.      I still have my first 2-3 years; I'm just saying it is so much easier to input the data into the computer and actually not have to try and decipher handwriting.   Initially, I put in limited info, but then when I would look back at it, would start asking questions, like 'what was the weather that day' what was my resting HR; so I tend to put more than is necessary, perhaps.   I too, do the same thing with the BT data, i.e. laying stuff out side-by-side, and can pinpoint stuff just as easily as the written logs - I actually print the computer logs every couple of months along with various charts and graphs to give me a quick visual of my volume, periodization, etc.   Mostly, I only look back when I run into some kind of snag - injury, poor results, moving backward, you know.    You will be surprised at what you can do that is more than just having a pretty graph.  

I'm going to have to think about what you said about being conditioned to work the hardest in the aero bars.   I believe  that the ideal is getting maximal power outage in the most comfortable position which hopefully would be aero but not have to work harder to get it.   On my True North, I don't have to.   Right now, on my Jamis I am losing power in the aero position and have to work hard to keep what I can generate in the upright position, so am going to have the fit tweaked.  

Talk to you later,

2011-01-13 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3293445

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Oh, nooooooooooo......

I'm 62 today. Grmph.


2011-01-13 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I know - it's just not any fun when it's not an age group bump.

2011-01-13 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3297580

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-13 2:05 PM Oh, nooooooooooo...... I'm 62 today. Grmph. Grmph.


Hope you're having a great day.   How are you feeling?   Like a 30 year old and fit as a fiddle, I hope.      

Many happy returns..............
2011-01-13 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3297664

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Yes, and not only not the bump, but further entry into the murky neck-deep waters that are of betwixt and between. "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here"??

Oh my!


2011-01-13 8:05 PM
in reply to: #3298493

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I have not forgotten that I think I may possibly conceivably have some swim thoughts for you. Good things still seem to be happening, and I'm slightly more than cautiously optimistic.....but not yet enough to hazard thoughts to you that might prove to be little more than mirages, or just plain old wisful thinking.

Stay tuned?

2011-01-14 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3297580

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-13 1:05 PM

Oh, nooooooooooo......

I'm 62 today. Grmph.


Happy belated birthday Steve.

Beats the alternative, as they say.

2011-01-15 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Got my new Finis Temp Trainer - will try this week.

Oh Lisa, I am so tired of snow and cold - wish I was going to DisneyWorld

Mark - like your new pic - I'm registered for Albert Lea

Steve - I happened upon your profile very nice and attractive family pic and your crazy looking dog pic - haha
2011-01-15 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3297580

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-13 2:05 PM Oh, nooooooooooo...... I'm 62 today. Grmph. Grmph.

Hey I am late on this but...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Steve you rock, sorry I have been a bit absent.  Lots of stuff going on in these parts.  2800 yards swam today.

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