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2011-01-28 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3316304

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-23 12:47 PM ANNE again - If it's any consolation to you about spending more time on your strength than your weaknesses.... (1) Consider the bike to be an "evolving" strength. That is, it is becoming a strength for you because you are spending time on it, and keep in mind that you haven't realized your full potential yet. (2) At half-iron especially, a strong bike is heavily rewarded. Just using myself as an example, for oly I roughly swim 30, ride 75, run 45. For HIM I swim 40, ride 165, run 110. That's just a huge difference in the weighted improtance of the Bike (and run) over the swim. I doubt I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but it's worth stating that to keep it in the forefront of your mind. (3) You are still getting back your running legs, PLUS keeping previous injuries at bay. So, as much as you might want to develop more of a run focus, to do so now is kind of risky. Overall, I think you are exactly where you should be -- a Canadian winter indoors really honing those eveolving skills with th brilliantly-undertaken CT training, and also gradually ramping up the run mileage so that when your are stronger and more confident by the time spring comes, you'll be set to hit the roads and start getting more focused with the running. As for the swim, you know that you can do that distance -- you did it at Peterb, your did it (minus a couple hundred meters!) at HVJ. Sure, with more focused swimming you can probably do it better, but likely not with the time inroads that you're developing on the bike. At most, the swim improvements will be in the single-digits, and probably low single-digits at that. But the bike? I would just love to see you on that HVJ course under the same conditions this coming season! I would fully expect a time improvement of 10-15 minutes, maybe? Maybe even more? Hey! That's time well, well, well spent! As for the plan to switch run and swim times, I say for sure! Them the sawims can be recovery efforts almost, and maybe a good time to focus on some easy stroke improvements. I know I have been teasing you with stuff for over two months now, and I'm really not meaning to be a tease at all. I guess i just don't want to lead you down any garden paths that might be just dead ends for you, so I'm not saying anything until I feel really good about it all. I have been stunned by some of the concepts in a video from Vasa, and I think they send this for free to anyone who can convince them they are even remotely thinking about purchasing a Vasa. It is called "Better Technique + More Power = Faster Swimming", and hads tow segements to it. The first one, with Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen, is where the gold is, with several key points worthy of thought and focus. I should try to summarize those for the group here, but I'm not sure I can do them justice. You might want to check out the video at; it may even be viewable on-line. the back of the box has a price of $29, but I seem to remember it being free. I'll try ot find the invoice. I only got this a week or two ago, but already feel I should be guarding it with my life! Following my off-season injury-induced layoff, I mostly returned follwing 10% -- that is, past a certain starting-point I have tried to observe 10%. So, let's see. Starting on 11 Dec with my first ruin in four weeks... 11/12 -- 30' 18/12 -- 44' 22-12 -- 53' 29-12 -- 45' 31-12 -- 48' (90% race-effort, however, at Resolution Run) 3/1 --- 55' 7/1 --- 47' 9/1 --- 46' 12/1 -- 40' 14/1 -- 51' 16/1 -- 60' 19/1 -- 50' 21/1 -- 60' That's instructive for me (but what exactly do I learn?). There was the quick return to some distance, with three exploratory up-ticks that severely abused thte 10% rule.....but since then I've been a pretty good boy about it! (Real easy to do when the weather is frightfully cold! ) As for your knee and Yoga, how would Pilates be for you as an alternative to Yoga? I don't think thee is much in Pilates that requires any contortions that might affect the knees, but I don't know for sure. As an aside, Lynn just finished using her two-week Groupon pass at a Yoga studio in Ottawa, doing seven sessions and enjoying them all. She has played around with Yoga for a few years, but this was the biggest concentrated effort. It was a range of stuff -- Yin, Hot Flow, Power, Asghtanga Improv, Htaha, Gentle Hatha, and one more. I have my pass, but will likley wait until she goes to Australia. Conversely, the sooner I do it the sooner I can be recovered from any Yoga injuries I am likely to acquire , so.......... Were you on camera at City Line? What was the context? Let me know how the run went!

Thanks for your thoughts on my biking - I don`t feel so bad now spending so much time on it as opposed to the running.   With only 6 months till Musselman, I`ve been concerned whether I have enough to time to be able to do that run distance.   But it sounds like you think I have enough time.  

I am working harder on the CT and with the added running, although still not much, I have some muscles waking up.   I think the new seat height came into play as well with my hamstrings.   Just working a little differently on both legs.  

I had a really good swim this morning - longest in sometime (2560 meters) and it was a fun, effective workout, using fins for almost the entire session.   I have done it 3 times now.    I don`t know WHY I have not been using them more (the FINIS shorty ones - that float).   When you take them off, the body position is so much better and my legs feel SO light and I am able to kick for much longer.   Despite have a strong kick, I tend to stop kicking when I am swimming.    Have been focussing on some of the drills I think you might do - fist, fulcrum, no bubbles, and I am playing with that Vasa notion of having a stronger pull, and not just focussing on the the strong, fast finish.   

Re the Yoga and possible substitutes, I have pretty much tried them all and for me personally, nothing compares to Bikram yoga.    All of the postures are beginner postures and what bothers my knee is actually just the act of sitting on them.    However, I have made the decision that we do  need to cut back on the yoga to be able to get the tri specific training done.   Trying to add 1.5 hours of yoga to the mix is just too stressful.   It is just like when I was working full time and trying to cram everything in and being rushed all the time.   I have done Bikram long enough now that I know how to do it correctly, and I have the 90 min session lead by Bikram on a CD so we can do a shortened version at home which will help.   We also have a mirrored room that we can heat up pretty easily.

And on to CITYLINE!!!!   We could not believe it.   Must have gotten about 20-25 minutes of air time.     Just sitting in the right spot - thankfully nothing too close up.      Kind of a stupid show - but got lots of free stuff.  

How is your achilles feeling.   

2011-01-28 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3321443

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-25 7:32 PM ANNE - 45-minute run this afternoon, and out of the blue and for seemingly no reason, my right Achilles is quite sore. i could feel it for much of the run, but was hoping it wouldn't evolve into anything. WRONG! I've had a few Achilles episodes since my kinda big one in winter '08/'09, and they've resolved themselves within a day or two. Hopefully that will be the case this time! Among the pool tricks I am trying, increased cadence is a biggie. I have tried to increase it by 2-3 for 25m, and 4-7 in the 50m pool. So today, after a warm-up of sorts, i did four timed-50s, varying cadence to see what was most effective: 1.) 45 strokes -- 55s 2.) 50 strokes -- 48s 3.) 47 strokes -- 53s 4.) 49 strokes -- 49s See a pattern there? I do! I will continue to play with this and see whare it gets me. I am still working at a deeper entry, and with fingers slightly down. I am also working on a wider enrty, especially for my right hand. And, there is also attention to eliminating bubbles on the entry, with the right hand again being more of a problem. I can get rid of bubbles by entering thumb first, but I know that is not the best thing for my shoulders. And then there are all the points brought up on that Vasa DVD I mentioned to you. i am still intending to summarize her info and get it out to you all here. My big-volume weeks continue, but to what end I'm not all that sure! Um, seems like a good idea at the time? I am mailed the Mussel thingies to you tomorrow!

THANK YOU!!!!!!   I got my MAIL.      You are so thoughtful.    I`m not really sure what they are but I am thinking wristbands.   I will wear it every day to keep me motivated and remember what I am training for.  

Very interesting about increasing the cadence and I too see the pattern.   I`m surprised you do 50 in a 50 meter pool.   I would have that you would be more like 40.    Ken has a very slow cadence but swims fast (for me) - like a 2.05 pace and he is always telling me to slow down but Brian (my sometime coach) has me increasing it and I do go faster.   When I watch the ITU races, those guys and girls have a pretty fast cadence.   I guess the trick is getting used to holding it for 1500 meters. 

I would like it if you were able to summarize some of the Vasa stuff.   I am going to go back on the site and check it out some more.  

2011-01-28 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3327497

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You mean you got them? Already?? This can't be the Canada Post I have grown to be highly sceptical about!

So ---- MUSSEL UP! I bought a few this past July, just to psych me to do the HIM again. Whenever I feel the tweak of interset of desire, I wear one.

ME? 40s in a 50-meter pool?/ You must be mistaking me for someone who swims well!

Remember, i am the guy who measures oly success by a barely-sub-30 swim. To do that, it would mean 2 minutes for 100. If I could roar away fro 1500 at a pace of 1:40/100, that would get me to the end of the swim in a sleekly desirable 25 minutes. In reality, i think my fastest oly swim time was about 28 --- and I am sure the course was measured short.

40s for 50m --- that would be a staggering 20 minutes for 1500, and that will never-ever-ever-never happen in my lifetime. (I need to come back as a haddock or something in my next life, if I want any chance of that sort of time.....)

For people who don't have a real powewrful kick and/or a real effective pull, the only way they will enjoy godd swim speed is through increased cadence; I just don't see any way around it. I am pleased that my emphasis on increasing my cadence has evolved so quickly that it now second-nature to do 22/23 strokes per 25m, whereas not too long ago it was second-nature to do 19/20. And in a different way, it feels really nice. I guess what is feeling good is the absence of the "dead spots"; I just feel more fluid now.

And yes, it is on my mind to summarize the Key Points of Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen. PLEASE keep reminding me of this!

2011-01-28 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3327476

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Without having that DVD in front of me, one of the things she stresses is focusing on the pressure of the pull coming from the heel of the hand. She has some good reasons for this, but none that I dare try to paraphrase right now. But if you can make it work, it DOES feel different. I guess that's just a "teaser" for you, kind of lobbed your way with nothing much behind it. Keep reminding me!!!!!

Good swim overall; dare I say great swim?!? My plan now is Monday and Friday in the 25m pool and Tues and Thurs in the 50m. No swim Wednesday or the weekend. But if I miss Tuesday, then I'll do Wednesday in the 25m. Or something like that.

Busy six days on the bike - 1:00 Sunday, 1:45 Monday, 1:50 Wednesday, 1:47 today. Why, you ask? I have no idea! It would make some sense if I had a half-iron scheduled in march or April maybe, but seeing as how I don't I guess it's just mindless Base.

I can fully imagine that the hammies might protest a bit if the bike seat was suddenly raised some. Hopefully, this too shall pass, and sooner rather than later!

My achilles is seeming more of a tibila tendon problem. I haven't run since Tuesday, and likely won't tomorrow. Sunday.....maybe?

I'm still procrastinating about starting my two weeks at Santosha. I'm thinking that when Lynn leaves for Austaralia I will do it then to while away half of the month she will be gone, but there's also the argument to be made for srating it asap -- if I hurt myslef at Yoga, that would just give me a bigger window of recovery .... .


2011-01-28 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3326371

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I think a tibial s.f is the lesser of two evils. Often for s.f in the feet, a protective boot is needed for several weeks. With both my tibial fractures (one stress, one hairline), all I needed to wear was a cloak of patience and a crown of optimism -- much better than a clunky-ugly boot!

I ran Columbus Marathon in mid-Nov. '99, and a week or two later the supposed shin splints started. I went to my sports doc, and he determined shin splints because I did not "present" the standard symptoms of a stress fracture. So, the instruction was rest until it didn't hurt, then try a short run. So I went on a diet of 3-4 days off, then a short run until it hurt too much, and id that sequnece about 3 or 4 times. The along came New Year's Day of '00, and I tried a run and had to bail after about 23 paces becasue the pain was too intense. Even going back to the sports doc, I still didn't present the symptoms. the most telling test is to use the tuning-fork device up and doewn the shin. When the twanged tuning fork is put gagint the spot where the s.f. is loctaed, the patient characteristically leaps about three feet into the air. i didn't do that. Eventually I had a bone scan, and that showed very clearly where the s.f. was. But at that point I had hammered it a few too many times with meaningless little runs, and thta's why th recovery was so long. Grrr!

As long as you don't ave any big running races on the horizon, it makes great sense to bring your running volume way, way down; 5-6 for long runs sound ideal! Not only will you have the time for more biking and swimming, but your body will love you unequivocally for giving it a break from running. Win-win!

I'll be crossing my fingers about the weather. I would love to do a 10km in a downpour, but 21.1km would be a bit demanding. I guess a few months ago (well, mid-October, before my own half-marathon on Oct 23) I did 17km in a downpour and that was fine, buit it wasn't in a race so there wasn't any pressure to push things; it was just a matter of soldiering on!

Yup, yup, yup ---- have fun with it!!!!!

2011-01-29 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope your race goes well tomorrow.   Lots of good thoughts coming your way!  

Good Luck

2011-01-29 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good Luck Lisa - good mojo is on it's way.
2011-01-29 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3326371

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

LISA ---- Racing Tomorrow, Sunday, Jan. 30!!!!!


7:10 a.m. start
11,000 registrants!

2011-01-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3328801

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Lisa's race is a "Janus" race, perfectly appropriate for January. That is, is it her last ace of this past season.....or her first race of the coming season? Lisa?

I think you view it as the end of a long just-past-season, but as far as I'm concerned you can "double-dip with it --- consider it part of BOTH seasons!

Have a great day, have fun, and I hope you surprise yourself (that's where my betting money sits!).

Mucho mojo from me, too!

2011-01-29 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Thanks all for the good wishes.  Please do whatever the opposite of a rain dance might be.  At this point the forecast is for 80-90% chance of rain (possibly 1-2"), with likely lightening and possible hail at race start ... oh, and 60 degrees.  Plan to just go and have fun ... pressure is off for a PR.  Just hope we'll be able to start/finish but they are already making plans on where we are to "shelter in place" if we are out on the course and lightening is within 5-10 miles.  Now to go pack a towel, pancho, and extra pair of socks.

2011-01-30 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
 I forgot your last name but thought I remembered you're from Spring but couldn't find your results.  Hope it was fun.

2011-01-30 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3293256

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-11 5:20 PM


You there?

Are you going to the Multisport Symposium again this year? I have to check out the details.

Have fun with Mega-Storm tonight...........but no 4 a.m. swims in Buzzards Bay, y'hear?

I'm here! Sorry to be so absentee these days. :/

Work has been stupid busy. Just crazy. Between that, trying to squeeze in the work outs, and taking care of the little one, very little time is left over for perusing the internet.

I don't have any plans at the moment to go to the Multisport Expo this year. My main purpose for going last year was to attend the TI clinics. They were worth it but I think right now I just need to go back to TI drills to get myself going again.

Running is going okay. Just sort of maintaining at the moment. Biking and swimming is nonexistent right now but I hope to start swimming again soon, and biking in April-ish.

Happy belated birthday, by the way!


2011-01-30 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
My race was brutal ... 68 degrees and rainy, just enough to keep you wet, no lightening or hail.  My time was 15 minutes slower than my half in December.  Accomplished 1 of my 3 goals, which was to finish.   Lots of weaving through people the whole race.  Actually ran 13.51 miles per my Garmin.  Fastest miles were mile 12 and the final .51 miles.  Guess that shows how much I just wanted to get it over with.  For some reason my hips were really bothering me about mile 10 and I was feeling a hot spot on my foot, which turned out to be a huge blister.  My running partner's husband's full marathon time is normally under 4 hours, he came in at 4:31.  She was about 25 minutes behind her best time.  Glad to have it done with ... and yes, STEVE B, I'll double dip on this one.  Last race of my 2010 season and 1st race of 2011!

2011-01-30 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3329688

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-01-30 4:50 PM Lisa,
 I forgot your last name but thought I remembered you're from Spring but couldn't find your results.  Hope it was fun.

DENISE, as I pointed out, I only achieved one of three goals ... which was to finish.  Goal 1 to have fun and goal 3 to better my time just didn't happen today.  Just really glad to have finished ... 262 out of 387 in my age group.


Edited by lufferly 2011-01-30 7:54 PM
2011-01-30 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3329853

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well done on starting and finishing, on what does sound like a really awful day. Those other comparative times you listed attest to it being very far from a PR kind of day.

As for the 1 of 3 goals you met...........think baseball! That is, get a hit every third timeup and you have a serious shot at winning a batting title. And when you get that 1-out-of-3 against pitchers who throw their best "stuff" at you (rain, humidity, crowdedness, sore hips, hot spots, etc), then the accomplishment is even better!

Doc Groove here says to allow your running shoes 10-14-or-more days to dry out and spring back to life..........and while they're doing that, you might as well take the time off, too. II think I mentioned a few days ago that 2/3 days off entirely would be great, and then a few days of really easy swims or bike rides, or even walks. And if the hip continues to be a problem, forget the bike for a week or so as well.

You've been plugging away fro a real long time, Lisa, and just lay back some and bask in the glow of what all you accomplished. I truly think you pushed yourself quite hard (and I do NOT mean that even remotely negatively!), and if nothing else, the take-home lesson is that you have a pretty high tolerance for a consistently long work load. You have every right to feel proud of your 2010 season.....and how your 2011 season has begun!

Sleep well tonight, oh sodden one!

2011-01-31 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Thanks again STEVE B!  Sometimes I forget to sit back and think of what I've accomplished over the last several years.  2 1/2 years ago, if you would have told me that I was going to be doing 6 half marathons, I would have looked at you like you had lost your mind!  I'm still so, so slow but have made progress over the last few years.  I actually think my average pace would have been faster this year, if my long runs weren't so slow to accomodate my running partner.

'08  348 miles  13:13
'09  475 miles  12:53
'10  535 miles  12:32

I'm really looking forward to starting my swim clinics next week and getting back in the pool.  I'm laying low this week, other than trying to get to the gym on Wednesday evening for a swim,  just to make sure I still remember how ... it's been several months since I've been in the pool, yikes!

Thanks again!  LISA

2011-01-31 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Tracey - Hi.

Lisa - I skipped swimming for a couple of months and it seemed to come back fairly easily.  At least the endurance part - I've started working on speed again, playing with Tempo Trainer, and I need to do a Time Trial to see where I'm at.

Anne/SteveB, - After waffling around on the trng program for my half, I decided I just didn't like any of the BT programs.  So I'm going with Fitzgerald Level 5 - I think it will be the right amount of challenge, but doable.  Made some changes, of course - starts on a Fri instaed of Tues because then all the workouts fall on the days I want them to, and Sat is OFF day instead of Monday because we take a lot of weekend trips.  I actually put the whole program in my BT planned log - it took hours and hours.  It starts
Feb 25.  I still have to tweak it - add a little more to the long runs and figure out taper or no taper for my other races.  But I'm happy I finally made a decision and I think it's the right one.  So Anne, we'll be on a very similar schedule.

2011-01-31 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3331342

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-01-31 3:16 PM
Tracey - Hi.

Lisa - I skipped swimming for a couple of months and it seemed to come back fairly easily.  At least the endurance part - I've started working on speed again, playing with Tempo Trainer, and I need to do a Time Trial to see where I'm at.

Anne/SteveB, - After waffling around on the trng program for my half, I decided I just didn't like any of the BT programs.  So I'm going with Fitzgerald Level 5 - I think it will be the right amount of challenge, but doable.  Made some changes, of course - starts on a Fri instaed of Tues because then all the workouts fall on the days I want them to, and Sat is OFF day instead of Monday because we take a lot of weekend trips.  I actually put the whole program in my BT planned log - it took hours and hours.  It starts
Feb 25.  I still have to tweak it - add a little more to the long runs and figure out taper or no taper for my other races.  But I'm happy I finally made a decision and I think it's the right one.  So Anne, we'll be on a very similar schedule.


I'm so excited that we are doing almost the same program and starting within days of each other.  I think it will really be motivating.    I'm sort of doing 3 different levels but going to say I am doing Level 4 - my current biking is pretty much at Ironman Level 4 (up to week 9 where the volume starts to increase from what I am now doing); I am going to follow level 3 for the running and increase to Level 4 if things are going well a few months down the road and Level 4 for the swimming suits me well right now.   In the summer I know I will be swimming and biking alot more than the plan suggests.    I also like Level 4 because those are the exact days that I train now, and have built the rest of my life around those days.   

My plan will start February 28th (Recovery day) but I won't really be following the program till the 3rd week.   I am currently on the 3rd week of a build for me, then recovery week next week.   I will build again for 3 more weeks, taking me to March 6th.   The following week we will be in Grand Cayman so that can be a recovery week and I will jump into Fitzgerald's plan on the 14th.   

I've been debating whether to input the data into planned training.   Not sure if I want to spend hours doing it.    That said, I did spend time yesterday inputting the first week just to see how long it would take.    

2011-01-31 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3331342

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Seen my copy of Fitz anywhere? No, neither have I.

Well, it has to be SOMEwhere, as I have no one to loan any of this stuff to. So, I will kep diggin' and rootin' around, and somewhere, at some time, it will materialize.

For now, though, I'm pleased for you that you have a plan you seem to have faith in; as you have found out, that's not always the easiest thing to get in place.

Your BT "planned log"? Now what might that be?? I guess I will go to your log and see if I can find my way to it. A few weeks ago I began putting my workouts on BT, although the deatails are still scant. I told myself that each week I would try to add something new to my arsenal.........but mostly I have ducked and covered, emerging only to post my log entries and then hunker down again in the long grasses. Sigh.

When you do a swim TT, what distance do you aim for? And isn't it nice when a hiatus from swimming doesn't erode too many of the skills. That might be the oonly way in which swimming is "forgiving"!

Do you have any established Tempo Trainer settings yet? I can't find mine from previous stints with it, and that is kind of maddening as I have demonstrably increased my hoped-for go-to swim cadence. Bah.

2011-02-01 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3328011

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-01-28 10:19 PM ANNE again - Without having that DVD in front of me, one of the things she stresses is focusing on the pressure of the pull coming from the heel of the hand. She has some good reasons for this, but none that I dare try to paraphrase right now. But if you can make it work, it DOES feel different. I guess that's just a "teaser" for you, kind of lobbed your way with nothing much behind it. Keep reminding me!!!!! Good swim overall; dare I say great swim?!? My plan now is Monday and Friday in the 25m pool and Tues and Thurs in the 50m. No swim Wednesday or the weekend. But if I miss Tuesday, then I'll do Wednesday in the 25m. Or something like that. Busy six days on the bike - 1:00 Sunday, 1:45 Monday, 1:50 Wednesday, 1:47 today. Why, you ask? I have no idea! It would make some sense if I had a half-iron scheduled in march or April maybe, but seeing as how I don't I guess it's just mindless Base. I can fully imagine that the hammies might protest a bit if the bike seat was suddenly raised some. Hopefully, this too shall pass, and sooner rather than later! My achilles is seeming more of a tibila tendon problem. I haven't run since Tuesday, and likely won't tomorrow. Sunday.....maybe? I'm still procrastinating about starting my two weeks at Santosha. I'm thinking that when Lynn leaves for Austaralia I will do it then to while away half of the month she will be gone, but there's also the argument to be made for srating it asap -- if I hurt myslef at Yoga, that would just give me a bigger window of recovery .... . MUSSEL UP!

Have you checked out my blog lately?      MUSSEL UP - front and center!!     I've been wearing my bracelet for every w/o.  

I tried that 'heel of the hand' thing swimming on Sunday and it DOES feel different.    Still playing alot with the flippers and having some success with them.   It is not easy using flippers.   They really make you work, and kick properly using the butt instead of the leg/knees.  

Had a tempo/hill interval session on the CT today.  My quads are better and I think the hamstrings are pretty much OK now.   Had a massage yesterday and they felt OK biking.   The tempo sections were HARD - they were kind of long and started at 90% and built to 115% of FTP.    Then the hills had me pushing 160 watts and 3.02 w/kg.   Overall I felt strong and the ride felt fairly easy (except for the 2nd long tempo section which was near the end).    Was able to do a strong yoga class this aft. 

Wow, you're swimming 4 days a week.   I wish I could manage that.   You did end up with alot of training hours for January.  But that's good isn't it, even if you don't have a half-iron in the near future?   

How's the tibila tendon?   Have you been running?    Are you going for any massages?   Even though we really don't like spending the money (we have limited coverage) we are scheduling a massage every 4 weeks through this season and we plan on doing every 2 weeks when we start IM training. 

When's Lynn going to Australia?   I can't believe you aren't going with her.   You could probably get a bit of training in over there.   But maybe she wouldn't like that.   And if you didn't, you'd just come back stronger.  

Any snow coming your way yet?   We've got all the staples in case we can't get out the next couple of days.     

2011-02-01 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3334126

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No snow -- yet. It's supposed to start around midnight and amount to about 2cm by morning, but then the mass of stuff will happen throughout tomorrow. It might be about 15cm, but out here in the flat farmlands it's anybody's guess how exactly it will accumulate; that is, lots of blowing usually affects where and how arduously I will need to shovel!

No, haven't run since last Tuesday, the day the tendon (if that's what it is) sproinged itself. I continue cross-country skiing pretty much daily, however, and I'm not sure that is the best thing. It doesn't hurt when skiing, though, so I guess it can't be doing too much harm? Maybe? Actually, the time when it's worst is when I'm driving; it doesn't like it when the heel is rested upon, I guess.

Part of my big numbers in January were from cross-country skiing, so that's kind of "training lite" for me. I try to make it resemble a quasi-demanding workout, but there's a limit to how far I want to push it. And I haven't done a whole lot of the Vasa, but that's also fairly non-demanding. Lifting counts for something, but then again, I cound my time there from when I start the first set to when I finsih the last set -- I just keep "running time". So, if I'm in for 72 minutes, maybe only 60% of that is actually doing the work. I make no apologies, however, for any rowing I do, as those are always murderous. I never do them for long (like 3 or 4 minutes), but the intensity is very high and sickitation always seem imminent!

ANYHOW, all that is to say that the time devoted to my physicality might be high, but it's not all top-of-the-line work!

I will try to compile those swim notes fro you! Lynn might press-gang me into driving her into work and back home again in the p.m., but if not then I'll just loiter here at home and should (???) have time to attend to that task.

GREAT ride, it sounds like! Again, those always seem to be high-quality workouts -- a pointvto everything, and no wasted time. My rides are now mostly longish (75-90 minutes a shot), i have fallen into the movie-watching habit. It took me until just a bit over a week ago to start watching movies while riding this off-season, but I seem to be hooked. Mostly, though, quality gets sacrificed in favor of quantity, with the only consistent concession being to maintain a high cadence. That is pretty much my bread-and-butter in races (so i keep telling myself.......), so I can justify my less-than-creative ways from that perspective!

I like my current swimming pattern -- M & F the 25m pool, TU & TH the 50m one. However, l;ast Friday's swim was kind of flat for me, and yesterday's wasn't much better, so i might be due for a 3X week. We'll see!

No massages, no sports doc appt. I've been tempted on both fronts, but keep waiting for resolution. We'll see there, too!

Hmmmm. Seems like there was more, but I can't remember it now. Maybe I'll navel gaze for a while and contemplate my inevitability, and then it will come to me!

2011-02-01 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3334170

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Got it! Australia!

Jane was sent there by her company to conduct some training of the people in the Sydney office, so she's there until March 19 (arrived Jan 4); that's the reason for this.

It bugs me that I'm not going, but (a) we don't have anyone to take care of our sweet, aged dog, who gets homesick when we're gone for more than 4 or 5 days, and (b) I get terribly uncomfortable in airplanes. It was bad enough for me flying to and from Newark/Madris 2+ years ago, and those were just a six- and an eight-hour flight. From anywhere on the west coast to Sydney is 12-14 hours, and my hip/groin continuum would be badly compromised. Planes don't really come in Steve-size portions in economy class, I'm afraid!

So, Lynn'll be going with a dear old friend who lives in Lethbridge, and I'll stay home here with Luna. She'll be away from Feb 21 to March 19, giving me lots of time to contemplate this golden opportunity passing me by. Also, it's bloody expensive, so if I stay here then Lynn will have more financial freedom to play while there. And seeing as how she's the bread-winner, she much more richly deserves this than I do!


Edited by stevebradley 2011-02-01 6:42 PM
2011-02-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Woohoo, finally got back in the pool tonight ... no swimming for me since September, yikes.  Did a easy continuous 600y swim and it felt SO GOOD.  I don't know what kept me away for so long.  Hope to get another swim in on Thursday evening before driving to Fort Worth on Friday morning to meet my daughter. And, of all things, we have a 60% chance of snow on Friday. It was 70 degrees here this morning, the temp dropped to 40 degrees in a matter of 15 minutes, and it is now below freezing with temps tonight into the teens and wind chill of 0. We have the craziest weather around here!

2011-02-02 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SteveB/ and Anne and anybody else,

I've only done sprints so never had aid stations for the bike leg.  How do they work?  Do people hand you bottles of water(I assume not cups)? What's the biker protocol when getting the water?  If it's a crowded race, it seems it would be dangerous..  Please help me with all you know.
Thanks, Denise
2011-02-02 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3335503

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, there WILL be a few bodies at Racine, but I think you'll be fine. The trick is to establish your position early, maybe 50+ yards from the station. Start slowing down, and stay close to the shoulder, just so people will know to go around you if they don't plan on grabbing a bottle themselves.

It is a fairly simple hand-up system, and in about half the cases the volunteer will try to jog a few steps so the hand-up is more fluid (as it were..... ). And it will vary as to what you get -- sometimes it's a bottle of store-bought water in its original container, other times it's an actual cycling-style water bottle.

My technique most times is to drink most of the water from my aerobottle before I hit the aid station, and then empty the new water bottle into there. Part of this is because I'm pretty loyal to my own water bottles, and hate throwing them away so as to make room for the new bottle. As for throwing away bottles, that is allowable within the parameters of the aid station. If this is done on either side of the aid station and close enough to it, it is allowable and doesn't qualify as a penalty under "abandoning equipment". And sometimes there are big garbage buckets there to test your ability to shoot thee-pointers. Swish!

It's not a bad idea, when summer gets going to practice hand-ups some. If you can recruit someone to do this a few times with you, it will help both your confidence and your bottle-snagging skills. The contact can be a bit jarring, and it's just helpful to have a sense of what to expect.

Does that all help? At all?

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