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2011-02-06 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3341866

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Oh. One more thing.

GO PACK.  Or LOSE Rothlesburger you schmuck!

2011-02-07 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3341877

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey all,

So today is my first day back at work...I was enjoying my time off and being a stay at home house boyfriend who really couldn't do a whole lot! The girlfriend is more than ready for me to be able bodied!

So I'm happy the Pack won...Not my Bears but better than the steelers.

Never caught up like I wanted. Still farting around back on page 278 and keeping up with newer posts. I'd like to congratulate everyone on a good season and hope for the same success this year!!

Now, this question is mofr for Steve, Mandy, Anne, SteveA and others who have done a HIM. At this point I am still strongly considering Steelhead on Aug 14 (or Rev 3 Sandusky, Sept 11) and am basically going to need to do a couch to HIM. Is this realistic? Should I can it for this year and re-focus on olympic distances and running a half marathon this year?

I have not been in a pool this year...I have not run...and have not rode a bike....And I've put on a bunch of weight. (I never could reign in the appetite after stopping training last summer). Also, I really started cardio workouts in Oct or Nov or Dec of 2009. So I had a good base going into my training last year. This year I fear it will be like I am starting over.

Let me know what you all think. I am really wondering if I bit off more than I can chew.
2011-02-07 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3343084

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Also...another wrinkle. I start my new job on Monday. Still with Ford but now dealing with launch of vehicles.STEVEB, not sure if I ever acknowledged your request of me or not in regards to Ford. I do recall your desire for a wagon with a manual transmission. The 2012 Focus will come in a 5 door (hatchback/wagon) bodystyle as well as a sedan.Here are the official photos: my next vehicle will be the Focus ST (performance version of the Focus). Not sure if it will be a 3 or 5 door model yet.
2011-02-08 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3340995

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-02-05 8:31 PM ANNE - Oops! I guess it isn't a full-blown habit yet! I have just caught up through yestrerday, and will TRY to remember to add today's when/if I finish (start) a trainer ride in a while. Skiing today got both Achilles gooing. Bloody hell...... So, no skiing tomorrow. I see my sports doc Monday at 12:30 about whatvere has been going on with my right foot, around the ankle. Maybe it's low and diffuse Achilles stuff, but am mostly flummoxed by it. No running for 10 days now, kind of missing it -- especially with it being so warm and sunny today!

Any luck with the sports med doc?  

2011-02-08 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3343084

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good to hear your recovery has progressed, and that you're now heading bcak to work. I suspect you've grown a bit antsy, and even though you are happy with returning to work, I hope it's too much of a shock to your system!

Your questions are good ones, and they grow out of an honest assessment of your tentative goals and where your fitness is at right now. The next question, maybe, would be how long you plan to be committed to triathlon. If it's for a while.....then that makes the solution much easier!

Overall, I am an advocate of people taking their time moving up through the distances; I think you must know that by now. This is not imperative, of course, but I think the ability to do a new distance as well as possible is more satisfying than doing a distance just to have done it -- especially if there are many foreseen years in which to reach the one's goals eventually.

Way back when, when you mentioned Welland or Steelhead or Rev3, I thought that was quite doable. You had a good base, and had enjoyed a successful firts couple of races. But as you explain it in your post, you think you are facing a couch-to-HIM approach, and thta's mostly realistic in light of the time you have lost to training. I say "mostly" because the swimming will likley come back quicker than you might think, as will the cycling (but to a lesser extent). Running is a problem , to be sure -- not insurmountable, but a discipline that will require time and patience.

I know you have eliminated Welland, and that was very wise. Steelhead becomes a bit of a stretch, but Rev3 is more realistic, coming four weeks after Steelhead (I think - Aug.13 vs. Sept 12, maybe?). Hmmmm.

If you can delay things and take the other approach you mention (olys, and a half-marathon), that will help you greatly with a first HIM in 2012. You will not only gain the experience and knowledge about nutrition and transitions and dealing with accumulated fatigue with the olys, but you will also know what it feels like to keep those legs churning for 13.1 miles.

BUT, if you decide to attack the half-iron this year, then it will help you to go for the latest one possible. Other options you might want to consider are Syracuse 70.3 (Sept 18?) and Poconos 70.3 (Oct 2?), although both are further away than Steel or Rev.

One more is Deer Creek Toyota (might have a new name), run by In the past it's been the last weekend in Sept, and takes place about 30 minuites south of Columbus. VERY inexpensive!

Let me know what you think about this and that!

2011-02-08 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3343886

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again --

Great news about Ford coming to their senses and reintstating the manual Focus wagon. Halleloo!!!!

2011-02-08 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3345186

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks for asking!

The day before my appointment I went to a different source and also took a different approach to diagnosing my problem --- and it turns out I got it right! It was/is an inflammation of my peroneal tendon, which in most cases is not all that serious; hopefully I will fit that mold!

It continues to be less of a problem, and I will probably try a run in a day or three. I have not skiied since Saturday, I guess, and the Achilles is also feeling better. I miss that, though, mostly because its' a mindless version of "training lite", and also because it's the best way to give Luna a walk. She hasn't had a decent one since Saturday, so I will ski again tomorrow.

I still haven't dissected that swim DVD, but still plan to do it. Honest! My swimming seems to have hit a slump, even though I have lightened the load a bit. I had had that good run of feeling I was getting somewhere, but now at the very least I have plateaued. No swim tomorrow, and prior to today I tool two days off from it, so hopefully by Thursday I'll recoup some of my energies.

I have now worked-out at leats once on each of the past 42 days, and most of those days have had 2 or 3; so, I think I need a pure day off. Today I did core for 42', then swam for 45', then returned to the gym for 67' of upper body, and that left me feeling quite wiped. I might try that again on Thursday, though, as it's a decent way to maximize my time once I get to my gym-of-choice, which is also where the 50m swim option is on Tu and Th. I usually do upper body after my swim, but this was the fist time I have done a gym workout prior to the swim as well. Whew!

I think I'll mosey over to the Musselman site and see who has signed up lately!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-02-08 5:13 PM
2011-02-09 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3345838

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Here's another general update for everyone (a further response to SteveB at some point).

3rd day back at work and I'm ready to retire!!

However, I start the new job on Monday. So lots of unknowns in regards to that in regards to time at work, how much travel, what time of day I start and finish, etc etc. All I really know is that I will be working on the vehicle assembly launches for Ford at North American facilities. The general premise is I will be at home for a year, then relocate to site (in nice fully furnished apartments) of launch for 9 months (Louisville, Kansas City, Toronto (Oakville), Cleveland, Detroit or 2 cities in Mexico). More than likely some long hours with high visibility. I'm very much looking forward to the challenge. Especially when I am considered a 'powertrain guy' going into vehicle operations when there is not a lot of transfer like that within the engineering ranks at Ford. So *fingers crossed* this could be a very good thing.

Have not gotten to the gym *hanging head*. I feel like I am still moving into the house I am in and as such am having trouble locating some of my stuff which is not a comfortable feeling. I really need to get back on the bike and in the pool. Also gotta break in the Nike Free Runs (still not used).

Went to a podiatrist this morning as I've had some issues with standing too long and lower back/knee pain. The Dr.'s recommendation is I go for custom orthopedics, what a surprise! Nothing wrong with nerves or blood flow. Joints reacting as they should. However I do have high arches, so he suspects I roll to the outside of my foot. Therefore he taped some metatarsal pads to my feet as people with high arches have a tendency to develop neuroma's. He wants to see what I think and get them added to the orthotics. Scary scary scary!!!! Not interested in the neuromas at all. So based on that I plan on going through with the orthotics (will be soft to wear in running shoes) so that I can hopefully NOT get into neuroma issues. Also brought up Newton's to him. He had never heard of them and will look into. Now I'm debating for my next pair of running shoes to be Newton's to try as a little bit of preventative maintenance.
2011-02-09 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3345854

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-02-08 6:12 PM ANNE - Thanks for asking! The day before my appointment I went to a different source and also took a different approach to diagnosing my problem --- and it turns out I got it right! It was/is an inflammation of my peroneal tendon, which in most cases is not all that serious; hopefully I will fit that mold! It continues to be less of a problem, and I will probably try a run in a day or three. I have not skiied since Saturday, I guess, and the Achilles is also feeling better. I miss that, though, mostly because its' a mindless version of "training lite", and also because it's the best way to give Luna a walk. She hasn't had a decent one since Saturday, so I will ski again tomorrow. I still haven't dissected that swim DVD, but still plan to do it. Honest! My swimming seems to have hit a slump, even though I have lightened the load a bit. I had had that good run of feeling I was getting somewhere, but now at the very least I have plateaued. No swim tomorrow, and prior to today I tool two days off from it, so hopefully by Thursday I'll recoup some of my energies. I have now worked-out at leats once on each of the past 42 days, and most of those days have had 2 or 3; so, I think I need a pure day off. Today I did core for 42', then swam for 45', then returned to the gym for 67' of upper body, and that left me feeling quite wiped. I might try that again on Thursday, though, as it's a decent way to maximize my time once I get to my gym-of-choice, which is also where the 50m swim option is on Tu and Th. I usually do upper body after my swim, but this was the fist time I have done a gym workout prior to the swim as well. Whew! I think I'll mosey over to the Musselman site and see who has signed up lately!

Glad to hear you are positive about the leg issue.   Hope it resolves quickly.  

I really think you do need a pure day off.   No matter how elite one is, you do require weekly recovery and saying you are only doing light skiing, recovery riding, whatever - is REALLY  not letting your body recover.   It might have when we were 25-30 yrs old.   Bodies can take alot of abuse, but eventually they rebel and MAKE us take a break.  

Signed on with Runner's World a couple of days ago, and used Smart Coach to come up with a 1/2 marathon run program for K and I with race date of July 17th based on current mileage of 10-18km/week of moderate running (basically a beginner). Has us running only 4km today. Program looks good and has the first 10km run happening on the same day as our first 10km race (Marden) and another 10km on the day of our next race - 10km Mudpuppy. Compared it to our HIM training and up to week 10, they are almost identical in intensity and distance. Haven't checked past week

Also had a lengthy chat today with a co-owner of Dearborn Health- Performance & Wellness Centre; chiro who practices ART and is a multi time Ironman, about the CT sessions and my problems with running. He feels with my history of injuries (mostly due to lack of mileage and running too fast, too soon, etc). and having long lapses in between sessions that I need to start running 5-6 days per week SLOWLY for 30min/day, and basically 'beat my soft tissues into submission'. It will take 4-5 weeks and it won't be painless but it will come. Keep on top of everything with ART, massage, ice, etc. to get through the 5 weeks, He said running 30min of slow running will not hurt me.

SO, we ran yesterday, and for whatever reason, had a great run. No neuroma or shin tightness. Figured it would be good to attempt it this week which is a recovery week with not much volume going on. Given who the advice is coming from, we feel confident giving it a shot. Like my blog says - Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Time to try something new.

Other thing I am doing differently is 10 min/day of 4-way cable machine strengthing adductors/abductors/hams/quads making sure to use medial glutes and gluteus maximus. Seems to be making a difference and scrunching a towel with my toes to strengthen shins (got this from chiro). 

Have been watching some good swim videos on YouTube from GoSwim.   May try out some stuff today.   

Beautiful sunny day here today but still FREEZING.   Oh, I checked Musselman too and doesn't look like too many more have registered since we did.  

Hope you have a great day.

2011-02-09 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I used Smart Coach back when I was just a runner.  Really liked it - worked well for me.
2011-02-09 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My $79 trainer finally broke.  I ordered a Kurt Kinetic which arrived today.  Glad to get off the upright bike at the fitness center.
It came with a Spinervals which I'm afraid to try cuz I heard they're pretty hard - but will give it a try once I put the trainer together.

2011-02-09 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3347543

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm sure you'll love the Kurt Kinetic. Ain't too sure about the Spinervals, though!

What color/model is your K.K.? One of the chartreuse ones? Mine is an older model, kind of gunmetal grey -- tough to pick out in a fog bank.

As for the Spinervals, what is the rating on it? For that matter, what number/title is it? If the rating is 7 or higher, just do what you can and stop when you're bagged. Next time, either go back to the start and repeat, or carry on from where you were. Don't let Coach troy intimidate you! He may have those boyish good looks that suggests butter would melt in his mouth, but he's got a mean streak a mile wide. Plus, he has some real studs and studdettes on stage with him, and none of us are well-served by trying too too hard to keep at their pace!

Have fun, and for god's sake, keep hydrated and don't forget to have the fan set at full roar!

2011-02-10 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


It's the Road Machine (not the Pro or RocknRoll).  And it is that obnoxious green color.

The Spinervals is a 9.5 (27.0 Threshold Test & Suffer Fest) - hahahahaha

2011-02-10 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3348469

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Bless their hearts -- Kurt obviously doesn't subscribe to all of the "self-esteem' initiatives that infest thew world nowadays. 9.5?!? Cry "Mercy!", if you can!

Well, as I said yesterday, do it at your own pace and be neither goaded or intimidated into doing something that is beyond you. Really and truly -- I am a fairly strong cyclist, yet have met my match with many of the Spinervals. I dare say that however long you can stay close to the standards being set by whichever animals he has on site with him, it will be a boon to your cycling.


2011-02-11 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3346591

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I just noticed you posts at the bottom of thet previous page. So sorry!!

2011-02-11 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3346591

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The new job sounds very exciting, and it should be a huge career boost for you. And just think -- we all knew you you when you were just a punk!

The foot thing is intriguing. In general I am leery about foot docs prescribing orthotics (can be a cash cow for them), but the way you describe your guy, he sounds like he has your best interstes at heart. Or, at least, he is not rushing you into it, and is going through some tests that he may well decide don't indicate that orthotics will work for you.

So, ride with this for a while, and don't try anything radical with running shoes just yet. Newtons can be radical, and while they worked for my big problem neuroma a few years ago (and for Tracey's last year), they are not by any means a "gimme" to prevent or cure all neuromas. But you're right to be not interested at all in neuromas!

And take the plunge into a pool this weekend. Just do it! Glub, glub!

2011-02-11 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3346593

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, I know I need a day off ENTIRELY.......but getting around to doing it is difficult. Maybe it's my way of dealing with wintertime cabin fever tendencies?

Yesterday was a biggie -- 46' swim, 61' strength, 28' ski, 90' trainer. That followed fairly heavy preceding days. And today will see me do a swim, plus (hopefully!) my first run in 16 days. I'm aiming for 20-30 minutes; hopefully I'll last at least 2-3!

I've been a bad boy this week about logging at BT, my second slack logging week in a row. I guess I'll bet to that in a while.

As much as I like the pretty graphs, the BT workout week doesn't jive with my workout week (M-Su), so I get one construct in my head about how a week has been weighted.....and then the BT graphs show something different; it's a real disconnect! I'm getting to old for such shananigans!

Finally, my race schedule has been thrown into some chaos recently, and any plans I had from about mid-August on are now subject to much review. Extreme Schedule Makeover!!


2011-02-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3346593

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Great story/account of your visit with the A.R.T. and his running recommendations......and your response to it. I have to admit to catching my breath as I was reading it, but then when you mentioned (a) that the advice is coming from someone you trust and (b) it's time to try a differnet approach, well, it made sense. It is not an overly radical proposal, and in fact is blessedly lacking in anything resembling speedwork, so even if something seems amiss, it PROBABLY won't be real serious. And, of course, you can just back off when soemthing doesn't seem quite right. The specification of 5 or 6 allows some wiggle room right there, too.

So! You have a Plan to follow, and an approach to running that will help you get there. Perfect! And of course I am very happy for you that your run from (yikes!) a few days ago went wel. I guess I'd better hop over to you log and see what you've been up to the past couple of days!!

It is still in my mind to dissect that one swim video I have told you about. I'm just being too much of a lazy-rump!

And speaking of rump, I envy you your seeming ability to isolate body parts when doing strength work -- to wit, the gluteal components. I am fairly awful at that sort of thing, and in its worse form it happens with abs. Well, it also happens with lats, I guess.....and shoulder/upper back work.....and?? I like to think I'm pretty focused when in the gym, but maybe I'm just kidding myself. I guess I have to do more (as it were....) navel-gazing!

I just checked, and my first outside ride last year was March 16; will I be so fortunate this year? You must be looking at a week or so earlier, yes? What do you figure is reasonable for you?

I also came across a note in my log that my rings in front are 50-34. I can never remember that; maybe I can, however, remember tthat the info is on the last-week-of-February pages of my 2010 log!

Keep up the good runs, Anne, and send mojo my way at about noon for my own wee run!

2011-02-11 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
You can change your start day for the week.  Mine currently starts on Sun (Sun-Sat) but in a couple of weeks I will change it to start on Fri (Fri-Thurs) when I start my 1/2 training.  However, when I change it, my previous stuff will also display with the new start day - which is ok with me.
   - Top of page - click on "settings"
   - Click on "Training log settings"
   - Click on "Log defaults"
   - Pick the day you want your week to start
   - Click "Save defaults"
2011-02-11 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3349992

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-02-11 9:09 AM ANNE - Well, I know I need a day off ENTIRELY.......but getting around to doing it is difficult. Maybe it's my way of dealing with wintertime cabin fever tendencies? Yesterday was a biggie -- 46' swim, 61' strength, 28' ski, 90' trainer. That followed fairly heavy preceding days. And today will see me do a swim, plus (hopefully!) my first run in 16 days. I'm aiming for 20-30 minutes; hopefully I'll last at least 2-3! I've been a bad boy this week about logging at BT, my second slack logging week in a row. I guess I'll bet to that in a while. As much as I like the pretty graphs, the BT workout week doesn't jive with my workout week (M-Su), so I get one construct in my head about how a week has been weighted.....and then the BT graphs show something different; it's a real disconnect! I'm getting to old for such shananigans! Finally, my race schedule has been thrown into some chaos recently, and any plans I had from about mid-August on are now subject to much review. Extreme Schedule Makeover!! Onwards!

Denise beat me to it - I was also going to let you know you could change your workout week.  Mine starts on Monday. 

OK, now you're starting to scare me.     That was a CRAZY BIG day you had yesterday.   Hope to see that recovery day soon. 
2011-02-11 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'm registered for:

Apr 30  - Duathlon (2,14,3) - Cannon Falls Duathlon
May 7   - Sprint (600-pool,13,2.8) Chain of Lakes, Alexandria
May 22 - Sprint (.25,20.5,3.5) Land Between the Lakes, Albert Lea
June 5  - Olympic (1.5,40,10) Buffalo Olympic
July 17 - HIM (1.2,56,13.1) Racine 70.3
Aug 13 - Sprint (1/4,15,5k) Northwoods, Nevis
Aug 14 - Sprint (500,15,5k) YWCA Womens, Minneapolis
Aug 28 - Sprint (1/2,17,3.9) Lakes Country, Baxter
Sep 25 - Duathlon (2,22,2) IronGirl, Bloomington

I am now broke.

2011-02-11 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3350248

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thank you for that information, and now all I need is overcoming my fear that I will explode my computer or implode myself. Part of me is terrified at the thought that "all" that might happen is that I dissolve the data that are currently there.......but given that I only started posting my workouts five weeks ago, I guess that wouldn't be such an earth-shattering catastrophe (better than the explosion/implosion scenarios above!).

Any sign of spring in Minn? If it helps at all psychologically, pitchers and catchers will soon be reporting to spring training. I try to milk that for all it's worth, but can never satisfactorily narrow the divide between Ontario and Florida/Arizona. Sigh.

2011-02-11 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3351367

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

DENISE again -

REALLY nifty schedule! Plenty of diversity, fuller than last year, and with the odd wee challenge thrown in; July 17 comes to mind.

That is a very good build you have leading up to Racine -- the du, the pool sprint, the lake sprint, the oly, and then 5 or 6 weeks raceless until Racine. Magnificent!

Post-Racine, that too looks fun -- especially the weekend double of Aug 13/14. I'm sure that by then you'll be ready for a good frolic, and as you know I am a big fan of those two-fer weekends. If you like that concept, then at some point we should consider meeting up in Chicago the last weekend of August for the Triple Challenge of the Chicago Triathlon. I did that in '08, and it was a highlight --- super sprint saturday, then first wave of the sprint Sunday at 6 a.m., and then heading out at about 9 a.m. for the oly. Wheeee! Seriously, I really want to do that agian at some point -- as would any self-respecting addled fool!

As for "I am now broke" ---- um ---- this too shall pass??

2011-02-11 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3351390

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The run today went okay, especially the peroneal. No real discomfort during the run (24', about 4.7km), and none after. I agitated my outer knee a bit, the surface just below the ITB insertion point, but I don't think it will amount to anything. And my feet weren't happy about being brought back into play in such a way, but I think they've begrudgingly come around.

Might run Sunday, maybe wait until Monday. But at least for now, the peroneal seems peachy. There were no traction issues today, no snow on the road on which I was running, and slippin' and slidin' was probably what got it going 16 days ago. The thing is, I have slipped and slid during winter runs forever......but I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?

The timing yesterday made it easier than it appears. The swim was from about 10:30-11:30. Gym was 11:50- 1:00. Ski was 4:15-4:30. Bike was 6:10-7:40. Painless, mostly!

Today was the run, then a swim, then a ski, about 90' total. Unless Lynn hooks up with friends for a ski, I will sji with her tomorrow, but will keep it at just about an hour is all. And that would be it! No full rest day on the near-distant horizon.....but I hear what you're saying and am thinking hard about it! Thank you for being my conscience, my Voice of Reason. (Warning: Lynn has tried that for years, with no measurable success. )

2011-02-11 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Not quite as organized as Denise, but have registered for a few of my races.   Not too much going on after the Musselman, but happy with the schedule.   Was toying with doing one of the Labour Day weekend Somersault races - we are coming out of Algonquin a few days before - but that is still up in the air.   Maybe you could give some feedback if you have raced that weekend.   Have a cousin living in Ottawa where we could leave our bikes while in the backwoods.     Even thought of doing the 4km swim but Ken thinks the swim venue is not that great.  
            2011 Races               
Marden 10km, April 9 - R
10km Kit Mudpuppy, May 1 - R
Vic Du, May 22
Milton Sprint, June 5
Tour de Grand - 72 km bike ride  - June 12  - R
 Guelph Olympic, June 19
 Musselman HIM, NY, July 17 - R
 Cobourg Olympic, Aug 13
 Centurion Ride (180km) Sept 18

SO, I ran 4 days straight this past week and every one was a good one.   If I can nail Sunday's run I will be a happy girl.    
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