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2009-09-18 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dh is doing his pushups in NL, dang.  he did 32 and I'm still at 20 bench pushups.  ah well.

Today was another no workout day - the kids' emotions were running high and I just needed to be with them and be a mom.  so no trip to the gym for a workout.  Hopefully they will feel more set again tomorrow and I can do a workout.  This single parenting is HARD.

Off to bed, my kiddo alarm clock is ticking...


2009-09-18 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow - looks like you guys have had some great races and great training days : )  Good job everyone.

I'm in the middle of my second week of school, diving season has started, and i'm insanely busy.  However, I have been doing a Tues/Thurs cycling class on the spinner bikes - it's so much fun, and a great work out!  It's definitely something I plan to keep up through the winter. 

I'm looking forward to getting in and swimming some laps today.  I'm trying to keep up a balanced 2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs a week, but starting school has been so rough that I haven't really stuck to it.  I think I'll make that the goal for this week.

The big down side to diving being in season:  way less time to tri train
The big upside to diving being in season:  it's only been two weeks, and I have a four pack.  no kidding.  nothing like a coach and daily sets of 500 abs for kicking my butt into gear.... laughs.

2009-09-19 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
A quick note.. I will work on my race report later this weekend.
My relay team member came down with strep throat (yuck), so I did the sprint triathlon solo this morning. I am very happy that I was able to do the entire race. My swim rocked- I set a PR on the swim distance and I actually swam into and through a pack of swimmers and caught the previous wave, which has never happened to me before The bike was awesome and the run felt great.
I am totally psyched for next weekend's huge 24 hour tri relay race. If any of you are in Colorado next weekend, the race is at Cherry Creek State Park in Denver - come cheer everyone on. The event is completely nuts!

Tomorrow I am off to climb Humboldt Peak, an 8-mile round trip Class 2 14er. The fall colors should be beautiful up there, so my goal is to get some awesome pictures on the hike (and of course to summit).

Have a wonderful weekend. I am off to wash the lake water off my body.

Question- I thought one of you was doing some abs/pushup program where you figure out your base and then it gives you a program to get stronger. Could you please post a link on here for me?

2009-09-19 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2415269

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

I started at 9 pushups... I'm up to 23!
2009-09-21 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee-Sounds like a great race! Let us know when the report is up.
2009-09-25 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
My daughter, 4y9m, biked 4 miles today!

And is still giggly happy and energetic!


2009-09-27 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2426809

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
movingsouth - 2009-09-25 5:01 PM My daughter, 4y9m, biked 4 miles today!

And is still giggly happy and energetic!


That's awesome!
2009-09-28 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hello Ladies!
Well, the triathlon season is officially over for me. I did the Danskin Women's Triathlon yesterday. It was a great way to end the year- I did my first open water swim in a race without stopping. I even survived someone swimming over the top of me! It felt great, and I had a great race. I posted up the race report yesterday. I did irritate my Achilles tendon on the run though, so I think I am going to take a couple days off to rest. Then I am going to do some fun things to work out, like mountain biking and some light running (I have a couple run races this fall, an 8k, 5k, and then a 10k).
What does everyone else do in this time after the season? I know I need some time to rest from training, but when do I start up again? I'm going to spend this week setting some goals for the offseason, but I'm not sure how much time to take before I need to start working on stuff again. I am planning on taking triathlon swim classes again at the YMCA to improve my technique, and I am going to do the indoor triathlons again (SO MUCH FUN- if they offer these by you I recommend them- they're a blast!).
Hope everyone else is doing great!!
2009-09-28 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2429264

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow, at least 4 of us raced this weekend!  Waiting to hear Di and Dee's reports!  Congrats on the OWS Jenny!

I had my (likely) final tri of the season on Saturday.  I say likely as I did just order one of those great buy xterra wetsuits so maybe I can hit another??  we'll see.

My tri was.... hard.  well, I did well on the swim and bike but the heat did me in on the run.   It was more or less the same course I've done all summer -- except that it was scheduled to start an hour later so I knew heat might be a factor - we've been in the high 90's recently.  Well, that one hour later start became two hours later after there was a rescue needed during the first wave.  They stopped the race until the emergency vehicles cleared, lifeguards got a rest, etc.  So what was going to running around 9AM became running at 10AM...I had a pretty poor pace.  Ah well.  My swim and bike were right where they should be so I gotta be pleased with that.   No word yet on how the woman who was rescued is, I'm hoping the RD will post an update when they know.

 So I need to look at the race calendar and see if I can do another tri this season, few to choose from! and all likely requiring an overnight stay.  And regardless, like you Jenny, I need to figure out the off season.  I'd like some goals/races on the calendar so I see what I'm working towards.

2009-09-28 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Here is my super-long race report. I'm going to take a nap...


24 hours of triathon race

Liz and I teamed up to compete in the 24 hours of triathlon as a team of 2 this year.
I knew this would be a lot of work in terms of preparation and strategy, but I was looking forward to the challenge of seeing how much we could accomplish. I was also curious to see how that type of distance would feel. This is my 3rd season competing in triathlons and I have quite a few sprint-distance races, 2 olympic-distance races, an 8-hour team of 5 relay, and a 24-hour team of 5 relay all under my belt. I am also 3/4 of the way through a marathon training program so I knew that my runs would be in a good distance range for the race.

Barrett and the boys drove me and the camper to the race site on Saturday morning. We met up with Liz, Chris, and Helen to set up our pit area for the race. Chris and Helen both graciously agreed to crew us for the race. If you don't know that means, they basically took care of all our needs for the 24 hours we were racing. They both made sure we were eating and drinking enough, putting on our sunscreen, and walked us and our gear to and from the transition area all day and all night. They also stayed up into the insane wee hours of the night to make sure we were taken care of. Helen was awake from I think midnight until 5:30 am pacing us on our run laps while riding her mountain bike alongside us. Our crew was awesome and without them we could not have had the kind of success that we did.

Onto the race…

The first leg of the race had to be in swim-bike-run order. Liz swam, I biked, then Liz ran the first set.

Swim- .24 miles per leg
Brrrr…. I had raced at the same venue 1 week earlier and the water temp then was a toasty 68 degrees. We had a bunch of cold weather, including snow, all week long, so I knew the temp would be a bit cooler but I was not expecting it to drop all the way to 61.4 degrees for the race. So Liz's first swim was #1, then we completed an additional 14 swim legs all in one big stretch. We tagged off swimming, completing 2 or 3 legs each, then warming up before heading back out. Swimming out to the first turn buoy was a frigid swim, with my body going numb and turning blue. I could almost feel my toes turning blue. Thankfully I had on an insulated swim cap which kept my head warm. After the first buoy, I started to feel a bit warmer. The 2nd and 3rd laps were much nicer, both because I was used to the water, and because the sun was starting to warm up the surface. I completed 7 swim legs total for 1.68 miles of swimming.

Onto the bike- 11.2 miles per leg
We decided to bag as many bike legs as we could during the warm daylight hours. We started tagging off bike legs, doing a few back to back legs. Liz had a few technical bike issues and wound up using Helen's road bike for most of the race. The bike course was a rolling course with a few nice climbs thrown in just for fun. There were some nice stretches where I could just drop into aerobars and ride for awhile. I completed 6 bike legs total, for 67.2 miles. My last bike leg was in the dark, starting at 7:00 pm. That was actually a fun leg to ride. The sun set and the deer came out, which meant I really had to watch the side of the road along with the road itself. Liz continued to do some bike legs thrown in with the next group of run legs.

Onto the run - 2.62 miles per run leg
All that marathon training and 14er climbing was about to pay off…
I had a short rest period before hitting the run legs. My first was a group of 2 run legs, which felt really good. Then I had some time to rest before heading back out.
I was slotted to run 4 back to back run legs. I am not sure what time my first leg started- sometime around 11:30 pm or midnight. My plan was to run 2 legs solo, then have Helen pace me for the last 2 legs. I was feeling pretty good and had a nice steady pace going on the runs. Helen did a fantastic job pacing me on her mountain bike. She and I kept chatting and she kept saying encouraging things like "your pace looks great, you look good…". Since I was wide awake (adrenaline?), I opted to do 6 back to back run legs. Helen stayed with me for the entire stretch. I would run out to the aid station, eat a Gu, drink 2 cups of recovery drink, run back and through the TA, then head out to do it all again. By the time my 6 legs were done, I was done also. I headed into the camper to crash for about 3 hours and Liz went out to run, with Helen pacing her. I think I slept for about 2 hours on and off. I crawled out of the camper around 6:30 am and saw Liz out on her last and final bike leg. My last leg- after Liz's bike leg, I had well over 1:30 to complete the 15th run leg. My legs were pretty beat up and my brain was not functioning so well, so I put on a jacket and walked the final leg. I did a total of 9 run legs for 23.58 miles.

Almost forgot to mention the ghost. Sometime around 11 pm, I saw a guy down by the lake hanging something up in a tree that looked like a white shirt. On my next run leg, I realized it was a ghost with a spooky face. He later added sound effects to the ghost. I'll tell you what… when your brain a bit frazzled, that ghost is pretty funny to run by.

Overall- the race was a ton of fun. Liz is a great teammate to race with. We kept cranking out lap after lap, we stayed motivated, and we did a great job taking care of ourselves and each other during the race. Our crew was awesome!!!! I cannot say enough how nice it is have a fantastic crew who can put up with all the weirdness that happens during a race of this length. Thank you again to both Chris and Helen! We completed a total of 15 triathlons a team. We were very happy with that number!!

Recovery- I am writing this the day after the race. I came home Sunday early afternoon, crashed for about 3 hours, got up to eat dinner and attempted to be social with my family, then finally gave up and crashed again around 8:15 pm.
Today I feel pretty good physically. My body is sore (of course), but I do not feel overly beat up from the race. I think the overall sleep deprivation will take a few days to work out, and my brain still feels a bit whacked out, but I am up and about and feeling good.
Now that it is the triathlon off-season, I am going to take this week to chill out. Then I still have a marathon in November to be ready for. What will next season bring?
2009-09-29 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2429264

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jennifers - 2009-09-28 9:12 AM Hello Ladies! Well, the triathlon season is officially over for me. I did the Danskin Women's Triathlon yesterday. It was a great way to end the year- I did my first open water swim in a race without stopping. I even survived someone swimming over the top of me! It felt great, and I had a great race. I posted up the race report yesterday. I did irritate my Achilles tendon on the run though, so I think I am going to take a couple days off to rest. Then I am going to do some fun things to work out, like mountain biking and some light running (I have a couple run races this fall, an 8k, 5k, and then a 10k). What does everyone else do in this time after the season? I know I need some time to rest from training, but when do I start up again? I'm going to spend this week setting some goals for the offseason, but I'm not sure how much time to take before I need to start working on stuff again. I am planning on taking triathlon swim classes again at the YMCA to improve my technique, and I am going to do the indoor triathlons again (SO MUCH FUN- if they offer these by you I recommend them- they're a blast!). Hope everyone else is doing great!! Jenny

Great Job, Jenny! Especially on the swim.
It sounds like you've got some good goals. Last year during the off season, I focused on my biking. I picked up a trainer from CL, and used it atleast 3 tiems a week.
I havent set my goals for this winter yet.

2009-09-29 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2429971

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
movingsouth - 2009-09-28 1:48 PM Wow, at least 4 of us raced this weekend!  Waiting to hear Di and Dee's reports!  Congrats on the OWS Jenny!

I had my (likely) final tri of the season on Saturday.  I say likely as I did just order one of those great buy xterra wetsuits so maybe I can hit another??  we'll see.

My tri was.... hard.  well, I did well on the swim and bike but the heat did me in on the run.   It was more or less the same course I've done all summer -- except that it was scheduled to start an hour later so I knew heat might be a factor - we've been in the high 90's recently.  Well, that one hour later start became two hours later after there was a rescue needed during the first wave.  They stopped the race until the emergency vehicles cleared, lifeguards got a rest, etc.  So what was going to running around 9AM became running at 10AM...I had a pretty poor pace.  Ah well.  My swim and bike were right where they should be so I gotta be pleased with that.   No word yet on how the woman who was rescued is, I'm hoping the RD will post an update when they know.

 So I need to look at the race calendar and see if I can do another tri this season, few to choose from! and all likely requiring an overnight stay.  And regardless, like you Jenny, I need to figure out the off season.  I'd like some goals/races on the calendar so I see what I'm working towards.


Cynthia- Sorry this race didnt go as well as the others. I think that knowing there was a rescue during the swim, makes it hard to focus on some level.
2009-09-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2430459

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee Cooper - 2009-09-28 5:01 PM Here is my super-long race report. I'm going to take a nap... Dee 24 hours of triathon race Liz and I teamed up to compete in the 24 hours of triathlon as a team of 2 this year. I knew this would be a lot of work in terms of preparation and strategy, but I was looking forward to the challenge of seeing how much we could accomplish. I was also curious to see how that type of distance would feel. This is my 3rd season competing in triathlons and I have quite a few sprint-distance races, 2 olympic-distance races, an 8-hour team of 5 relay, and a 24-hour team of 5 relay all under my belt. I am also 3/4 of the way through a marathon training program so I knew that my runs would be in a good distance range for the race. Barrett and the boys drove me and the camper to the race site on Saturday morning. We met up with Liz, Chris, and Helen to set up our pit area for the race. Chris and Helen both graciously agreed to crew us for the race. If you don't know that means, they basically took care of all our needs for the 24 hours we were racing. They both made sure we were eating and drinking enough, putting on our sunscreen, and walked us and our gear to and from the transition area all day and all night. They also stayed up into the insane wee hours of the night to make sure we were taken care of. Helen was awake from I think midnight until 5:30 am pacing us on our run laps while riding her mountain bike alongside us. Our crew was awesome and without them we could not have had the kind of success that we did. Onto the race… The first leg of the race had to be in swim-bike-run order. Liz swam, I biked, then Liz ran the first set. Swim- .24 miles per leg Brrrr…. I had raced at the same venue 1 week earlier and the water temp then was a toasty 68 degrees. We had a bunch of cold weather, including snow, all week long, so I knew the temp would be a bit cooler but I was not expecting it to drop all the way to 61.4 degrees for the race. So Liz's first swim was #1, then we completed an additional 14 swim legs all in one big stretch. We tagged off swimming, completing 2 or 3 legs each, then warming up before heading back out. Swimming out to the first turn buoy was a frigid swim, with my body going numb and turning blue. I could almost feel my toes turning blue. Thankfully I had on an insulated swim cap which kept my head warm. After the first buoy, I started to feel a bit warmer. The 2nd and 3rd laps were much nicer, both because I was used to the water, and because the sun was starting to warm up the surface. I completed 7 swim legs total for 1.68 miles of swimming. Onto the bike- 11.2 miles per leg We decided to bag as many bike legs as we could during the warm daylight hours. We started tagging off bike legs, doing a few back to back legs. Liz had a few technical bike issues and wound up using Helen's road bike for most of the race. The bike course was a rolling course with a few nice climbs thrown in just for fun. There were some nice stretches where I could just drop into aerobars and ride for awhile. I completed 6 bike legs total, for 67.2 miles. My last bike leg was in the dark, starting at 7:00 pm. That was actually a fun leg to ride. The sun set and the deer came out, which meant I really had to watch the side of the road along with the road itself. Liz continued to do some bike legs thrown in with the next group of run legs. Onto the run - 2.62 miles per run leg All that marathon training and 14er climbing was about to pay off… I had a short rest period before hitting the run legs. My first was a group of 2 run legs, which felt really good. Then I had some time to rest before heading back out. I was slotted to run 4 back to back run legs. I am not sure what time my first leg started- sometime around 11:30 pm or midnight. My plan was to run 2 legs solo, then have Helen pace me for the last 2 legs. I was feeling pretty good and had a nice steady pace going on the runs. Helen did a fantastic job pacing me on her mountain bike. She and I kept chatting and she kept saying encouraging things like "your pace looks great, you look good…". Since I was wide awake (adrenaline?), I opted to do 6 back to back run legs. Helen stayed with me for the entire stretch. I would run out to the aid station, eat a Gu, drink 2 cups of recovery drink, run back and through the TA, then head out to do it all again. By the time my 6 legs were done, I was done also. I headed into the camper to crash for about 3 hours and Liz went out to run, with Helen pacing her. I think I slept for about 2 hours on and off. I crawled out of the camper around 6:30 am and saw Liz out on her last and final bike leg. My last leg- after Liz's bike leg, I had well over 1:30 to complete the 15th run leg. My legs were pretty beat up and my brain was not functioning so well, so I put on a jacket and walked the final leg. I did a total of 9 run legs for 23.58 miles. Almost forgot to mention the ghost. Sometime around 11 pm, I saw a guy down by the lake hanging something up in a tree that looked like a white shirt. On my next run leg, I realized it was a ghost with a spooky face. He later added sound effects to the ghost. I'll tell you what… when your brain a bit frazzled, that ghost is pretty funny to run by. Overall- the race was a ton of fun. Liz is a great teammate to race with. We kept cranking out lap after lap, we stayed motivated, and we did a great job taking care of ourselves and each other during the race. Our crew was awesome!!!! I cannot say enough how nice it is have a fantastic crew who can put up with all the weirdness that happens during a race of this length. Thank you again to both Chris and Helen! We completed a total of 15 triathlons a team. We were very happy with that number!! Recovery- I am writing this the day after the race. I came home Sunday early afternoon, crashed for about 3 hours, got up to eat dinner and attempted to be social with my family, then finally gave up and crashed again around 8:15 pm. Today I feel pretty good physically. My body is sore (of course), but I do not feel overly beat up from the race. I think the overall sleep deprivation will take a few days to work out, and my brain still feels a bit whacked out, but I am up and about and feeling good. Now that it is the triathlon off-season, I am going to take this week to chill out. Then I still have a marathon in November to be ready for. What will next season bring?

Wow, Dee! That sounds intense!
My question: Do you take turns doing the legs, or can you both be on the course at the same time?
2009-09-29 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Alright Ladies!

Here is one last race of the season, if any one is interested:

Feel free to pass the link on to any one you know who might be interested.
2009-09-29 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2433159

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
That sounds amazing! Is that just a local thing, or do they have a series of races?
I went for a mountain bike ride today- that was fun, I haven't been on that bike since camping. I also was a good girl and did my abs today.
Tomorrow is a nice and easy run. And some more ab work.

2009-09-29 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
up to 33 pushups...

2009-10-09 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I am doing the pushups and situps program also. This is my first week. My abs rock, but my pushups are very sad. Hopefully by the end of the program I will have more upper body strength.

I am amazed that some of you are still looking at another tri this season. I have one inch of snow on the ground at my house this morning!!!

Off season goals anyone?
I am not quite in "off-season" yet. I have a marathon in 5 weeks, then I am planning to spend the winter doing lots of yoga and maintaining my long runs in the 10-15 mile range.

2010 goals?
I am actually looking ahead to 2010 and am not planning any triathlons next year. I have really been loving my long runs and my goal is to get back into ultrarunning. I am doing a 50k relay with my sister in February and hopefully the Pikes Peak Marathon in August of next year assuming I can run a fast enough marathon in 5 weeks to get my qualifying time.

I hope everyone is doing well!
2009-10-13 12:28 AM
in reply to: #2451761

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I just finished week 5, day 2 of the pushup program.  8 sets concluding with 40 pushups - though as my DH points out, the last ones were getting pretty shallow   I've been thinking about doing the situps and squats, but DH seemed interested in doing too so I wanted his "OK" that he's ready to do them too... we'll see. 

I'm doing well building towards a 10K race in november... but there are none offered on my targeted weekends!  So I either need to accelerate my training a smidge and do one sooner, or wait to December.   Neither seems ideal!

Hope all others are doing well; Dee, sounds like you've got your running legs working well for you!

2009-10-28 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Wow - looks like everyone is doing well! 

Just checking in and saying hi.  Busier than I've ever been with school and diving - I'm just trying to maintain cardio during the season. 

Congrats to you all on your races and training!  : )

2009-10-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies!

It's been super busy for me.
My 3 year old fractured his leg in 2 places and was in a cast from toe to hip for 2 weeks. It's amazing how much that affected our lives.

I did do the vitual Home Tri- and improved my times from last years race!

Is any one doing a Thanksgiving race?
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