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2013-04-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

To qualify for Boston I only need to shave about 2 hours off my time. Or speed up about 3:15 per mile. Holy cow!   R.E.S.P.E.C.T for all who crank out sub 3 hour marathons. Whoa.

I may never run Boston, but I will run FOR Boston.  

2013-04-18 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4705391

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Lesandtj - 2013-04-18 10:04 AM

 R.E.S.P.E.C.T for all who crank out sub 3 hour marathons. Whoa.  

Ain't no way I'm running a sub 3 hour marathon. Luckily for me (sort of) I'm aging up this year, so my Boston goal is 3:45 for the next 5 years.

2013-04-18 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Thanks for the props everyone.  I had such a good race and I'm still super excited! glad you popped in.  And if it helps...when my work life and home life are whacked and stressed, well that's when my running is most important to my health...mental and physical.  I get not training seriously when life is out of control...but keeping up with some kind of work out could really help you get through the BS.  Just a thought...applies to you too, Tom!  Glad you're back too!


Melody...I <3 aged?!  hahahahahahahaha!!!  My profile pic is too far away to see the crow's feet around my eyes and the 3-kids-later belly pooch.  Thanks for making my day.

RE-all the Boston qualifying comments...I've thought about it too.  Thought about giving up the Tri thing to really focus on a Boston time.  BUT...this Tri thing is unfinished for me.  I've still got a lot I want to accomplish with it.  Plus, a full in fall 12 and fall 11 was a lot.  I want a break from that distance.  I'm keeping that in my mind as a possibility...but not for a loooong time.

I love you guys and this group!  You keep me on my toes and motivated and I love sharing with you all!


2013-04-19 5:52 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Definitely best wishes to those hoping to one day qualify for Boston.  I look forward to cheering you on!

Ok so I have not worked out since Sunday, and I've just been eating whatever I want.  It's been pretty bad.  But I need to stock up on calories so I have stores to burn for my increase in training for the 70.3, right? (funny because nobody has ever accused me of not having enough stores to burn - I say as I pinch the spare tire above my waist, at which point if my wife were present she would hit me and tell me to stop acting like a  pre-teen girl with an eating disorder [no disrespect to those who have/do suffer with actual eating disorders, I know it's serious stuff])

Anyways.  So I'm hoping to swim tonight and go for an easy run on Saturday and then my serious training starts Monday.  As previously discussed, my swim plan remains unchanged, going to try to double down at Masters and try to make it out there more consistently.  Also going to try to focus on breathing out of both sides to get comfortable with that, hopefully that will help with my swimming straight issue.

My bike plan is going to be fluid, just going to try to get out there more when I can.  Can't schedule the bike as rigidly as I can the swim and run.  This may mean waking up early to get out there.  We'll see.

My run plan is to increase my mileage over the course of the next 10 weeks or so.  Right now I'm running 3 days a week, with one long day, for a total of about 15 miles.  I'm going to immediately add a day to make it easier to increase the mileage, so that I'll be doing Tuesday medium, Wednesday short/easy, Thursday medium, Saturday long, and build up my mileage till I'm going about 32 miles per week, with maybe two weeks of 35 interspersed before go-time.  I've written out how I want to do it to get me to the 32 miles, which if I don't get interrupted by work/life/etc I'll get to on the week ending 6/23.  This gives me 7 weeks to play with speed work and recovery, with one week of taper.  Plenty of time (I say knowing that it will not go according to plan, but that's fine).

So yeah.  Not asking any questions, but if I put it down in writing then I feel more accountable, and I'll be less tempted to fall behind.

Edited by jmholzman 2013-04-21 1:31 PM
2013-04-20 6:49 AM
in reply to: #4707644

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-04-19 6:52 PM

Definitely best wishes to those hoping to one day qualify for Boston.  I look forward to cheering you on!

Ok so I have not worked out since Sunday, and I've just been eating whatever I want.  It's been pretty bad.  But I need to stock up on calories so I have stores to burn for my increase in training for the 70.3, right? (funny because nobody has ever accused me of not having enough stores to burn - I say as I pinch the spare tire above my waist, at which point if my wife were present she would hit me and tell me to stop acting like a  pre-teen girl with an eating disorder [no disrespect to those who have/do suffer with actual eating disorders, I know it's serious stuff])

Anyways.  So I'm hoping to swim tonight and go for an easy run on Saturday and then my serious training starts Monday.  As previously discussed, my swim plan remains unchanged, going to try to double down at Masters and try to make it out there more consistently.  Also going to try to focus on breathing out of both sides to get comfortable with that, hopefully that will help with my swimming straight issue.

My bike plan is going to be fluid, just going to try to get out there more when I can.  Can't schedule the bike as rigidly as I can the swim and run.  This may mean waking up early to get out there.  We'll see.

My run plan is to increase my mileage over the course of the next 10 weeks or so.  Right now I'm running 3 days a week, with one long day, for a total of about 15 miles.  I'm going to immediately add a day to make it easier to increase the mileage, so that I'll be doing Tuesday medium, Wednesday short/easy, Thursday medium, Friday long, and build up my mileage till I'm going about 32 miles per week, with maybe two weeks of 35 interspersed before go-time.  I've written out how I want to do it to get me to the 32 miles, which if I don't get interrupted by work/life/etc I'll get to on the week ending 6/23.  This gives me 7 weeks to play with speed work and recovery, with one week of taper.  Plenty of time (I say knowing that it will not go according to plan, but that's fine).

So yeah.  Not asking any questions, but if I put it down in writing then I feel more accountable, and I'll be less tempted to fall behind.

I also took it easy this week and ate a bunch of crap and drank far too much wine.  But I needed a break!  Tricky figuring it out since I have a HM a week from today.  It needs to be a bit of a light week for me, but I alreay had a light week.  Oh well...I'm not looking for a PR with this HM.  I just wanted to sneak a HM distance run in this spring.  Anot.her thing that makes us crazy...I'm "sneaking in" a HM.'re plan to get you to your next race sounds solid.  It's big, though.  More than likely you WILL get interupted by work/life, etc., so you should expect that and give yourself permission to miss a workout here and there.  If you go into it ahead of time with that mindset, you'll beat yourself up less about it when it happens.  Life don't torture yourself when it does.

Off to run this morning.  Going to drag my girls with me for part of it and have them ride their bikes with me.  Fun!

2013-04-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4708056

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-04-20 4:49 AM're plan to get you to your next race sounds solid.  It's big, though.  More than likely you WILL get interupted by work/life, etc., so you should expect that and give yourself permission to miss a workout here and there.  If you go into it ahead of time with that mindset, you'll beat yourself up less about it when it happens.  Life don't torture yourself when it does.

Yeah, my plan has enough time to allow for that.  I'll be happy as long as 1.5 months of life doesn't get in the way like it did before this tri.

Speaking of which, one more picture out of last Sunday:

HITS Napa Valley Olympic

2013-04-20 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed


Just wanted to drop in and say congrats to Jax.  I haven't kept up on every post since I'm in a different group now, but have popped in from time to time to see how everyone from the old Mystery Tour is doing.  Keep up the good work!


2013-04-21 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

I went and watched my first triathlon yesterday and had a BLAST!! It was the Mullet Man at the Flora-Bama near Gulf Shores.

I defiantly learned a few things. I am ADHD so watching the race there was a lot going on for me to focus on details like what individual racers were doing in the transitions (thank God I love to read and study and can pick up a lot there).  

I think what made the most impression on me was there were some who seemed totally unprepared. It defiantly made me want to step up my training a notch.

Some racers just looked SO miserable. However, to be fair it was a FREEZING morning when the local whether has been in the high 80's for several weeks, it was 44 at 6am  & about 1/2 swam without a wet-suit....

All and all I had a great time cheering for the racers. My 15 YO was totally humiliated by my cheering for total strangers for some reason. He said mom you are not suppose to do that, "this is NOT a sporting event". Wow. That's all I have to say about that.  It was hard for him to take in that there is a wide range of abilities and just because the first 10 finished when others were still not 1/2 way done with the bike did not mean the race was over after the first 10. 

The other thing was it did not seem super organized. I am not detail oriented or organized by nature- so if I do something like spend months preparing for a triathlon, I want to make sure those putting it on are organized. One of the race reports (here on BT) said the swim was 1/2 mile when it was suppose to be 1/4 mile. When 1/3 of the swimmers were still out in the water they started to pull the first buoy in (there were 2 , they swam 3 sides of a rectangle) One swimmer followed the buoy diagonally (and completely off course) in.  Anyway. I am not sure if this is a race I would personally choose. 

I did not see a many women in this race. Some may have dropped out due to the change in weather? BUT there was one girl- looked to  be 15-16 who came in from the swim within the top 4 (of all swimmers- with the fastest guys) and about the same on the bike. I was super impressed! I hope they post the results, I am curious how she placed, I missed her coming in from the run. Either way I am a fan of hers!!

I am so much more excited about my race now!! 

2013-04-21 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


2013-04-21 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4708715

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-04-21 7:26 AM

I went and watched my first triathlon yesterday and had a BLAST!! It was the Mullet Man at the Flora-Bama near Gulf Shores.

I defiantly learned a few things. I am ADHD so watching the race there was a lot going on for me to focus on details like what individual racers were doing in the transitions (thank God I love to read and study and can pick up a lot there).  

I think what made the most impression on me was there were some who seemed totally unprepared. It defiantly made me want to step up my training a notch.

Some racers just looked SO miserable. However, to be fair it was a FREEZING morning when the local whether has been in the high 80's for several weeks, it was 44 at 6am  & about 1/2 swam without a wet-suit....

All and all I had a great time cheering for the racers. My 15 YO was totally humiliated by my cheering for total strangers for some reason. He said mom you are not suppose to do that, "this is NOT a sporting event". Wow. That's all I have to say about that.  It was hard for him to take in that there is a wide range of abilities and just because the first 10 finished when others were still not 1/2 way done with the bike did not mean the race was over after the first 10. 

The other thing was it did not seem super organized. I am not detail oriented or organized by nature- so if I do something like spend months preparing for a triathlon, I want to make sure those putting it on are organized. One of the race reports (here on BT) said the swim was 1/2 mile when it was suppose to be 1/4 mile. When 1/3 of the swimmers were still out in the water they started to pull the first buoy in (there were 2 , they swam 3 sides of a rectangle) One swimmer followed the buoy diagonally (and completely off course) in.  Anyway. I am not sure if this is a race I would personally choose. 

I did not see a many women in this race. Some may have dropped out due to the change in weather? BUT there was one girl- looked to  be 15-16 who came in from the swim within the top 4 (of all swimmers- with the fastest guys) and about the same on the bike. I was super impressed! I hope they post the results, I am curious how she placed, I missed her coming in from the run. Either way I am a fan of hers!!

I am so much more excited about my race now!! 

Awesome! Typical comment for a teenage boy. He knows everything :-). Just getting him there is a victory though.

On a side note, we've stayed at the Phoenix X right next to Florabama several times and love it there.
2013-04-21 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4709069

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-21 4:27 PM

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


Congrats on beating your goal!

2013-04-22 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4709069

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-21 4:27 PM

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


Great race- Way to PR!!! Good luck on your tri next week!

2013-04-22 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4709069

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-21 5:27 PM

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


GREAT JOB!!  Way to stick with it, even though you were undertrained.  Can't wait to hear about the race next weekend.  And remember your own won't come in last b/c you'll have beaten all those people that never even started!  Keep at it, Tom!!!

2013-04-22 4:37 PM
in reply to: #4709069

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-22 9:27 AM

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


That's terrific Tom. Finishing is one thing, but beating your goal time is even better!

Bring on your tri...!

2013-04-22 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Thanks everyone for the great inspiration, now all I have to do is give some more perspiration this Sunday.

In the words of one of my favorite Disney characters, Casey Jr. (Dumbo) - I think I can, I think I can....



2013-04-22 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4705391

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Lesandtj - 2013-04-18 10:04 AM

To qualify for Boston I only need to shave about 2 hours off my time. Or speed up about 3:15 per mile. Holy cow!   R.E.S.P.E.C.T for all who crank out sub 3 hour marathons. Whoa.

I may never run Boston, but I will run FOR Boston.  

Yep, I'd have to shave about 3 hours off my time-lol. I think it would be awesome to do but it's not in the cards for me. I'll have to run FOR Boston as well.

Actually gonna try and do a local run for Boston Wednesday. Hoping to get off work in time.


2013-04-22 10:58 PM
in reply to: #4708308

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
trei - 2013-04-20 12:40 PM


Just wanted to drop in and say congrats to Jax.  I haven't kept up on every post since I'm in a different group now, but have popped in from time to time to see how everyone from the old Mystery Tour is doing.  Keep up the good work!


Todd- good to *see* you. I'm glad I'm not the only popper inner- hehe.

2013-04-22 11:04 PM
in reply to: #4703452

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-16 10:54 PM

Congrats to Joe & Jax. 

I got in another 3 mile run today.  I'll try for 5 tomorrow, then 3 on Thursday.  Then the 8K on Sunday.  Boy my thighs hurt from all that NON training for 6 weeks.  But I'm determined to do my 8K and my sprint tri the next Sunday.

Shelliiiieeee, I miss you.  Hope you are well.  I know the feeling of work stress, my new job has really made me reorganize my training.

May the Legs Be With You,


Tom- I too have missed you. I am really, really working on reorganizing, restructuring and setting boundaries so that I can continue with my tri training. You guys definitely keep me motivated.

Good luck this weekend and Awesome job on the 8k.

May the legs be with you my friend,

2013-04-22 11:06 PM
in reply to: #4704952

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
oriolepwr - 2013-04-17 10:34 PM

Shellleeee! Welcome back! :-)Actually you were never away! Always part of the group!


I am still on the hunt for the holy grail of cucumber gatorade. One day I'll find it. I even asked the Gatorade rep at a race expo recently. He thought I lost my mind- hehe. He doesn't like it- crazy man.

2013-04-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4710970

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

fitmomma2010 - 2013-04-22 11:06 PM
oriolepwr - 2013-04-17 10:34 PM Shellleeee! Welcome back! :-)Actually you were never away! Always part of the group!
DAAAAVVVEEE, I am still on the hunt for the holy grail of cucumber gatorade. One day I'll find it. I even asked the Gatorade rep at a race expo recently. He thought I lost my mind- hehe. He doesn't like it- crazy man. Shelly


Shells,  It's like everywhere in these parts now.   My stockpile I have been using on my longer runs lately.  You will find it....  And when you DO  it will be most AWESOME!

2013-04-23 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed


Congrats again on your events!!    It's much fun to see all the excitement from y'all.    I miss racing  so it's been fun living vicariously through yours.     

I'm especially happy that the group continues on.   And Todd  much like Shelly  once a tour tripper or Hash and Masheee  always a Mys-tri Hasher Tripper Masher!  or something. 

My next event is Soldier field 10 miler   I've raced this three times previously.    I'm not really in race shape, am much slower on the run.   The best part of it, is that I've been training/coaching a friend that is also running it with me,  I enjoy seeing people reach their goals.    

2013-04-23 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Hey ya'll. Race report is up from this weekend. Had a blast. There were over 400 racers! The heats started every half hour from 8am till 3pm! Crazy! A full day of triathlon. As a side note I caught bikes in T2 for a few hours. There were some SWEET bikes. I had no idea how light a full carbon bike really was.


Tom congrats on the 8K. Very excited for your tri. Go get em!

2013-04-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4711592

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Lesandtj - 2013-04-23 12:13 PM

Hey ya'll. Race report is up from this weekend. Had a blast. There were over 400 racers! The heats started every half hour from 8am till 3pm! Crazy! A full day of triathlon. As a side note I caught bikes in T2 for a few hours. There were some SWEET bikes. I had no idea how light a full carbon bike really was.


Tom congrats on the 8K. Very excited for your tri. Go get em!


Way to go! Great race report, especially in Cold conditions.  Sounds like you had fun and that's what it's all about!

2013-04-23 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4709069

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
TomsTri-ing - 2013-04-21 5:27 PM

Hi All,

My first 8K is done and race report is up.  My goal was to finish in 1 hour 20 minutes.  I did 1:17:14, so I am happy.  Legs hurt like hell, but since I only got in 3 runs in the last 7 weeks, I'm HAPPY.  Next weekend is my first Tri, repeating my first ever Tri.  Just looking to beat my time, AND NOT COME IN LAST AGAIN! Yell

May the Legs Be With You.


Way to go tom! Great Job! You beat your goal and you're still keeping at it even when life gets in the way....that's a win in my book!


2013-04-23 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Muddy Buddy race on Saturday was surprisingly good! I really wasn't wanting to do it because my shin/calf was hurting and tight to start with, then two days before I managed to slam the car door on it, well, I should say a strong gust of wind slammed the car door.  So I was all around not looking forward to it.  But I couldn't let my buddy (DH) down so I sucked it up and did it.  I think we ran over a mile straight before the first obstacle, so that was good for me, no walk breaks.  The obstacles weren't too hard and it was kind of fun to have to rely on your buddy for some of them.  I slipped at one point and knocked my knee pretty good, nice purple bruise from that, but now it matches my other leg where the car door got me!

In the end I skipped two obstacles, one where you had to climb a rope straight up and ring a bell, I couldn't put a lot of weight on my lower leg and just gave up.  The second, you had to walk up a wall at about a 45 degree angle, using a rope to pull up. Now normally I could do this, but since they were spraying soapy water on the wall to make it harder, and my shin wasn't feeling great, I thought it was a recipe for disaster so I didn't even attempt it

Crawling through the mud was fun, cold but fun.  Mud in Virginia is not the same as mud in NC (which is really sticky from all the red clay) so cleanup was easier than I thought it would be! 

The kids also did a mini muddy buddy race and they had a blast, even though it was a super short course!

Good clean, er dirty, family fun!



muddybuddy.JPG (81KB - 16 downloads)
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