BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training) Rss Feed  
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2009-06-18 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
They say they have a few different groups that break off, so before I go, I'm going to check in to make sure that it would be a good fit for me...BUT I just found out that one of my good friends just got a bike for her birthday (her husband is a HUGE cyclist) and she hasn't been biking much, so I might just start going out with her...that might be more my speed anyway, I can be a little anti-social!!! Especially when I'm working on something...

2009-06-18 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2226607

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-18 11:33 AM They say they have a few different groups that break off, so before I go, I'm going to check in to make sure that it would be a good fit for me...BUT I just found out that one of my good friends just got a bike for her birthday (her husband is a HUGE cyclist) and she hasn't been biking much, so I might just start going out with her...that might be more my speed anyway, I can be a little anti-social!!! Especially when I'm working on something...

Biking with your friend sounds like a good idea, too. Yeah, it's hard to know with cycling groups - sometimes "no drop" doesn't really mean that, and sometimes the "lowest" level is still faster than what some of us could handle consistently throughout the ride.

2009-06-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
So, new question...I don't have any races until possibly August, if I can find one that, in a maintenance phase, or working on one specific part, is it good to try to get 2 workouts of each sport, or 3 if trying to work on one of them?  I'm just asking because I'm working on biking right now, and will be getting the swimming back in soon; anyway, I'm just asking because I want to keep things moving forward, but I also don't want to burn myself out...(I'm really sore right now, and with my rheumatoid stuff, sometimes if I get ina  thing where I've done too much, then I can quickly go downhill)...Thanks for advice...
2009-06-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2228487

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-19 8:59 AM So, new question...I don't have any races until possibly August, if I can find one that, in a maintenance phase, or working on one specific part, is it good to try to get 2 workouts of each sport, or 3 if trying to work on one of them?  I'm just asking because I'm working on biking right now, and will be getting the swimming back in soon; anyway, I'm just asking because I want to keep things moving forward, but I also don't want to burn myself out...(I'm really sore right now, and with my rheumatoid stuff, sometimes if I get ina  thing where I've done too much, then I can quickly go downhill)...Thanks for advice...

It depends - for you, if you're really sore, it wouldn't hurt to back off the overall volume a bit, and try to focus on solidfying your limiters a little bit. If you want to focus on the bike, I'd still aim for 3, but you could back down to 2 swim workouts, as long as they are productive - different drills, etc. I only say this because I know your swim needs some work, so it's important to continue working on those basics. But don't worry about pushing intensity - just as long as you can swim smoothly and evenly, even at a slow pace - consistency is more important at this stage. And since you don't run, walking 2x a week would be fine, since you normally do a lot of walking already, right?

2009-06-19 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Thanks, I am glad to get your input...I am not following any plan now, and I just want to make sure what I'm doing is alright...and you're right, the swimming needs work too!!!  My main things are building up leg muscles and endurance on bike, and improve everything about swimming!!!  But, school closes soon which means our pool will be open so I am going to start lessons!!!


Thanks again!!

2009-06-22 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Hello my lovely mentees - I haven't forgotten about you, but I was at the dentist and now I have a project at work, so I will try to hop in later and say hello and check up on you all!

2009-06-22 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
happy monday to everyone. i am sorry that i have been absent lately. work has just been dominating my life for the past two weeks. now work will be more even and normal for me.
so i was feeling tired this morning. it is monday, but i did the circuit training for 45 min to get the blood flowing. that was followed by 1200 yards in the pool. so not too bad for a monday morning.
2009-06-22 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Bah, it looks like I'm gonna be stuck here til God knows when - no evening run for me - to test the ankle Thank God I got Boot Camp in this morning, at least.

2009-06-23 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Hi guys, sorry I wasn't on much at all yesterday - I was here til 9:30 last night Stupid stupids. So no running last night Bike and swim on tap for today - today is extra-long swim night for the Ironman people, but we're all allowed to stay for the whole thing. I probably will, since I could use the extra calorie-burn

Got my 4-miler on Saturday evening - will try to get in a run tomorrow and Friday, since I haven't run in over a week due to trying to rest the ankle.

Be around with inspires soon!

2009-06-23 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Was super sore all weekend, I think it was the bad weather giving me problems...finally got back into it today, which was good, finally got me out of the funk (hopefully!)  After 4 days off, I didn't push it too hard, but felt good, with a medium bike & short walk...i HAVE to get to the pool tomorrow!!!  i'm hoping I can sneak a walk in before work as well...
2009-06-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2236866

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-23 11:40 AM Was super sore all weekend, I think it was the bad weather giving me problems...finally got back into it today, which was good, finally got me out of the funk (hopefully!)  After 4 days off, I didn't push it too hard, but felt good, with a medium bike & short walk...i HAVE to get to the pool tomorrow!!!  i'm hoping I can sneak a walk in before work as well...

Aw, sorry to hear it Glad you are getting back into the swing of things though. Weird how weather makes things hurt...a girl friend of mine tore her ACL in college, and after that, she said it always ached when it was going to rain. I know in college when the weather got REALLY cold, my knees would bother me.

2009-06-23 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
one time I was talking with my rheumatologist & i told him that i had had a really bad spell in the fall for a couple of weeks, and that I was worried that I'd have to move to warmer weather, and he said it wouldn't matter, that there would still be times that would really be a problem because it's all due to the pressure changes...he went on to say that he had a patient, whose father gave up a big promotion in Conn where they lived to make a lateral transfer to CA because they thought that would help their daughter, and the girl would fly to NYC to see the Dr...anyway, he asked how she was doing with the move, and she said that she had been feeling awful, worse than ever, and she didn't want to tell her parents because she didn't want them to feel bad...

Anyway, i just thought it was interesting...yes, so when it's going to rain, snow, gets windy, etc, you can feel it!
2009-06-24 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning all! I'm finally going to run today, and see what happens. I think it might not be looking good for Marine Corps Marathon again this year If I do have to postpone it, I'll just defer again, if I can, and then see about finding a late winter/early spring marathon. The ankle isn't THAT bad yet, I don't think, so we'll see. Arg...

How is everyone else doing? Who's racing next? I've got a 4-miler on Saturday, and then my next tri in about 3 weeks. I actually had a WEIRD dream about it last night. The swim was a huge mass start in a pool, so we were basically swimming on top of each other. Then I got to T1 and was just chatting with some girl, my bike shoes had laces on them as well as straps - then I realized I'd put them on the wrong feet, so I had to redo them. I think I spent like 10 minutes in T1! Then I went to get my bike, which was somehow not in the same area - there were two different T1s! Couldn't find the bike - someone had vandalized all the other bikes. Found my bike and started riding. But then I woke up - I want to know what happened in the rest of my crazy triathlon!

2009-06-24 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Funny how it all infiltrates our dreams!!!  I had a weird dream about swimming the other night...probably my guilty conscience!!
2009-06-24 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2239198

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-24 10:03 AM Funny how it all infiltrates our dreams!!!  I had a weird dream about swimming the other night...probably my guilty conscience!!

Hehe, I know - all of my triathlon dreams so far have involved some sort of mishap with my bike - perhaps my subconscious is telling me something...

2009-06-24 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
today has been a great morning-a nice long 2 hr hilly bike ride through the clouds. when i got to the summit it was all sunshine and an awesome view. it was all downhill from there and i went to the pool for a great swim. nice and fluid this morning. i wasnt over thinking the swim just letting it flow. then a shower a quick cup of coffee with my wife, and i still managed it to work at 9:15am.

2009-06-24 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2239223

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-24 10:11 AM

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-24 10:03 AM Funny how it all infiltrates our dreams!!!  I had a weird dream about swimming the other night...probably my guilty conscience!!

Hehe, I know - all of my triathlon dreams so far have involved some sort of mishap with my bike - perhaps my subconscious is telling me something...

I may have said this before, but the night before my race, whenever I could drift off to sleep, i was just going over the bike course in my dream...
2009-06-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2239957

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-06-24 1:30 PM today has been a great morning-a nice long 2 hr hilly bike ride through the clouds. when i got to the summit it was all sunshine and an awesome view. it was all downhill from there and i went to the pool for a great swim. nice and fluid this morning. i wasnt over thinking the swim just letting it flow. then a shower a quick cup of coffee with my wife, and i still managed it to work at 9:15am.

Nice work getting out there - I wish I enjoyed biking as much as that!

2009-06-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2240186

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-24 2:19 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-06-24 10:11 AM

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-24 10:03 AM Funny how it all infiltrates our dreams!!!  I had a weird dream about swimming the other night...probably my guilty conscience!!

Hehe, I know - all of my triathlon dreams so far have involved some sort of mishap with my bike - perhaps my subconscious is telling me something...

I may have said this before, but the night before my race, whenever I could drift off to sleep, i was just going over the bike course in my dream...

Hehe, awww I am already visualizing the bike course and run course for the race I'm doing in a few weeks. Trying to plan out my strategy...

2009-06-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Morning folks! June is almost done - crazy!!! I'm sad that I was unable to keep up with my goal of 75 miles of running for the month. But, I went on a very short, easy run last night and my ankle felt good. I think the orthotics are going to help a lot.

2009-06-25 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Yeah, and how about my swimming goal!?!  That was completely non-existent!!

Oh well, working on getting lessons set up!! Then I'll have no excuse!!

2009-06-25 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2242202

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-06-25 10:45 AM Yeah, and how about my swimming goal!?!  That was completely non-existent!!

Oh well, working on getting lessons set up!! Then I'll have no excuse!!

That's all right - it's partly my fault for not setting up a June challenge BEFORE June actually started. And a few people didn't post anything. So no worries

2009-06-25 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Oh my, so my tri coach has put me on 3 relay teams for upcoming races - 2 on one weekend. Which is fine, except that I am swimming AND running on all 3 of them I don't actually mind, but when I told him "I can swim and run for either distance", I figured it was clear that I meant that I was just capable of both and would happy doing either race, on either of those legs! Ah well, the one weekend is an Oly and Sprint, so I may run the Oly as a "warm up" and then try to kick the Sprint.

2009-06-26 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Well, Happy Friday everyone! Sorry the thread has been kinda boring and slow lately. Got my race tomorrow, which should be interesting, since I took a week and a half off from running! Then possibly off to Upstate NY for some family thing on Sunday night, coming back Monday. But I may not go after all - we'll see.

Hope everyone had a good week and has a great weekend - hope you all have lots of warm weather and are able to get some good training in

2009-06-26 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
happy friday to all. today is starting off well. i ran this morning. the course was a five miler. i walked for bout a mile, but the rest was run almost non stop. i had that desire back prior to surgery. my knee is feeling ok and i am feeling motivated.
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