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2011-02-11 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

I do not log my food. But am conscious of what I eat. I try to do things a bit differently than others.  Based loosely on the Circadian Prescription by Sidney MacDonald Baker.  In short form, take in most of your proteins in the AM and lunch, carbs mostly at dinner. I was raised in the country in NH, where we had out milk delivered in glass bottles and mom was a 95% vegetarian with a large garden.  So I try to avoid fake sugars and the like. I make a lot of my own bread or get whole wheat/grain breads and pastas. I never use salt, unless it is in a recipe.  I don’t really drink soda. I love milk, and have just started to try 2% (I am a whole girl) some of the time. However I do hate the taste of water (when not exercising) so I try to take in most of my fluids by drinking water flavored with lemon juice. As part of the tri thing I have tried to eat more nuts for the protein when I want a snack, and try to drink when I am hungry to fill my stomach.  I also have tried to add in more meat/chicken/fish to my diet. I just don’t eat that much animal protein.  However like some of you I could live on bread and sweets for the rest of my life. I refuse to not eat them, just try to eat really good stuff to make the smaller amount worth it. I usually have one day that I flake out though.

My normal food day is yogurt or a cheese omelet in the AM. Trail mix and water for a snack. Lunch of a sandwich (meat) or soup/chowder I have made or dinner like meals I have made to being to work (meat and veggie) then a snack of cheese and crackers when I get home. Dinner is pasta or veggies and a potato or fish (as you can’t really do that at lunch)!

As I have just done sprints I do not eat anything that special before working out/racing. I will take some gels/or blocks for the race or long bike rides.

Mostly I know I need to drink more fluids each day and get in more veggies. But I try to drink fresh juice each day if I can get fruit for not too much $. In the summer when my garden is producing, I eat a lot of fresh veggies, as much as I can get down, then try to make stuff to freeze for the winter. 

2011-02-12 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just got back from the pool.  Today's workout was 1200 yards versus the 1600 earlier in the week, so I figured "Great, an easy day!".  Today I learned that intensity more than makes up for distance!!!  After a 200 yard warm up and 6 x 50 yards of focusing on distance/stroke, moved on to 4 x 100 at all out pace.  Times were 2:07, 2:15, 2:24, and 2:35.  Was absolutely dying on the last one.  But, good news is that I actually almost broke 2 minutes on the first one!!!!  For all you fish, this is likely comical.  However, for us rocks, it's amazing -- last April I couldn't do 25 yards!   Workout got more brutal when I had to follow this up with 4 x 50 kick board sets.  Rocks are rocks because they can't kick / float and their aXX tends to sink / they have no kicking form or stamina.  Cooled down with 100 which felt awful, but came in just over three minutes.  Very happy with that as breaking three minutes for 100 was a big deal a couple of months back.

Training program calls for an hour and a half on the bike this PM.  That'll be 1/2 hour longer than I've ever done before, but think it'll be fine as it's just at a steady pace / can catch up on some hoops while I ride.

Finally, weather looks to be great tomorrow -- pushing 40.  So I may be able to take a nice run outside versus on the treadmill.

Hope everyone else is having a good day training and enjoying the family.

ETA -- Did the 1.5 hour ride.  The 5 x 2 minute intervals were challenging but doable.  However, the time in the saddle was not nice on my backside / a bit uncomfortable this PM.

Edited by croixfan 2011-02-12 7:17 PM
2011-02-12 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3256072

Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Great to see everybody making progress. Congratulations in particular to those of you fish!!!

I've had a few rough days and couldnt exercise much. Havent been to the pool at all, yet I found some time to go out outside to run today. Aimed for a 10K, but ended running almost 12. I'll try to swim tomorrow.

Thank you all for your pointers on training and nutrition. I need to lose a few pounds!

Anyways. Hope y'all have a great weekend. Keep it!

Dan N
2011-02-12 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
12K sounds great to me / longest I've ever gone is about 5 miles.  I have found that having a written plan helps with motivation.  Something about having it in writing makes it more real / pushes me to get off my backside.
2011-02-12 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Curt - + 1,000 on the written plan. I dont' know enought about training to figure it out myself, and the written plan is an invaluable guide to me.

as for you being a rock, join the club. I'm VP of people who swim like rocks. I've figure out enough of how not to drown to actually look like I'm approaching somethign called swimming. Keep at it -- it gets better with time and committment

Dan -- nice run! Alway feels great to get a bit more in than expected!

How is everyone else doing?

Jackie -- when does the new bike arrive?

Dan - you still on track for the HIM?

My first 1/2 mary is only 35 days away, and I'm thinking training is good so far. I'm off for a long run tomorrow (missed last weeks!), and looking forward to it. Vacation week coming up 2/19-26, but there is a gym, track, etc available, so it may not be a total disaster. Will keep the running & biking up. Hopefully an open water swim or two at the beach as well.


2011-02-12 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike, I'm still on track for the HIM, training was not as consistant as I would have liked the last 2 weeks, but still good. did a 1 1/2 hour trainer ride in the basement today, ugh that is hard, even had a movie to watch, but never the same as being on the road.

Dan N. nice run! I am definitely looking forward to getting to that distance, longest to date is almost 9 miles, very slow!

Keep up the hard work everyone!

2011-02-12 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

The bike is here! I'm taking it out tomorrow. I will post some pics of myself and the bike and our ride tomorrow. Can't get over how much lighter it is.

Mike- I'm in the same situation as you. I've lost a bunch of weight (I used Weight Watchers) and am finding it hard to take off the last few pounds. I try not to keep any junk in the house and eat reasonable, but my weight loss is not progressing at the rate I would like. I had no trouble dropping the holiday pounds (got up to 166), but now that I'm at my pre-holiday weight I'm stalled out again. I'm going back and forth between 158-157. I really want to see 145 by summer. I'm just going to have to start logging and measuring food again. Sigh

2011-02-13 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3352379

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-02-12 9:47 PM

The bike is here! I'm taking it out tomorrow. I will post some pics of myself and the bike and our ride tomorrow. Can't get over how much lighter it is.

Mike- I'm in the same situation as you. I've lost a bunch of weight (I used Weight Watchers) and am finding it hard to take off the last few pounds. I try not to keep any junk in the house and eat reasonable, but my weight loss is not progressing at the rate I would like. I had no trouble dropping the holiday pounds (got up to 166), but now that I'm at my pre-holiday weight I'm stalled out again. I'm going back and forth between 158-157. I really want to see 145 by summer. I'm just going to have to start logging and measuring food again. Sigh

Super jelous here in snowbout Boston....

Just finished my longest run ever -- 11.2 miles. Felt good most of the run, and really good during the middle. About mile 6 I just felt 'good' and the run seemed to be in a real groove. Not super fast but I didn't stop. This run made me think for the first time I'm near where I could do the half mary race and finish well. I still have nearly 5 weeks to work on fitness, but I feel like I'm getting there. Today pre-run I actually ate something (whole grain toast w/ jelly & PB) as opposed to my usual empty stomach run. Maybe that was the mid run/mile 6 'boost' I experienced?

Have a fanstatic day, everyone!!
2011-02-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Great job everyone.  Even though I might not chime in everyday I am watching.  Thanks for all the notes.  Yes, my logs look about as snowy as my yard.  Truth be told, I am finding very hard to go workout.  I don't know if it's a combination of post IM depression, or the fact that I spent so much time training last year, I feel I need to be around more this year.  I missing a lot things last year, and I am trying to make up for it now.  IM training is no joke.  Here's a little secret, the training is 10x more difficult than the race.  6 months of 8+ hours a week, most weekends gone, exhaustion, soreness, no free time, etc.  Looking back at it, the race was cake, relatively speaking.  I guess I just need to get back making a schedule and sticking to it.  Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings. 

You guys are doing great and I am thankful to have such a great group.  Keep it up.  

2011-02-13 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

OK folks, need some tips/guidance.  On the swimming front, I'm feeling great and getting more and more comfortable.  Two things are still holding me back.  First, my balance is still not great.  Second, my kick is terrible.  Tips on helping either / both of these.  On the run front, I'm feeling great from a cardio/breath standpoint after any of my runs -- long, short, endurance or even intervals.  However, my legs feel like lead / just don't feel like I've got the strength in them to carry me faster.  Ideas?

On both the swim and the run, could be simply a matter of continuing to train and build; however, thought I'd solicit your thoughts on what might be going on and how I could possibly address.

2011-02-13 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3353072

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-02-13 6:04 PM

OK folks, need some tips/guidance.  On the swimming front, I'm feeling great and getting more and more comfortable.  Two things are still holding me back.  First, my balance is still not great.  Second, my kick is terrible.  Tips on helping either / both of these.  On the run front, I'm feeling great from a cardio/breath standpoint after any of my runs -- long, short, endurance or even intervals.  However, my legs feel like lead / just don't feel like I've got the strength in them to carry me faster.  Ideas?

On both the swim and the run, could be simply a matter of continuing to train and build; however, thought I'd solicit your thoughts on what might be going on and how I could possibly address.


I can't really help in either aspects, except to say that I have a horrible kick and yet swim pretty well? I have heard from several people that for long distance swimming, that the kick is not that important. I know that when I do kick drills I go pretty much nowhere? I have tried different techniques and have not found one that works for me. Someone in my Tri club posted this video on FB, guy is just a ridiculously smooth, effortless swimmer and he doesn't really kick except to maybe keep his balance. I figure that since my kick is bad, but my stroke is pretty good, I will just keep working on getting smoother and better endurance, that and losing some body mass and I should be a swimmer?


Well after dinner and a movie with the family, now it is time for a run!

2011-02-14 5:52 AM
in reply to: #3353356

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mountaindan - 2011-02-13 8:49 PM
croixfan - 2011-02-13 6:04 PM

OK folks, need some tips/guidance.  On the swimming front, I'm feeling great and getting more and more comfortable.  Two things are still holding me back.  First, my balance is still not great.  Second, my kick is terrible.  Tips on helping either / both of these.  On the run front, I'm feeling great from a cardio/breath standpoint after any of my runs -- long, short, endurance or even intervals.  However, my legs feel like lead / just don't feel like I've got the strength in them to carry me faster.  Ideas?

On both the swim and the run, could be simply a matter of continuing to train and build; however, thought I'd solicit your thoughts on what might be going on and how I could possibly address.


I can't really help in either aspects, except to say that I have a horrible kick and yet swim pretty well? I have heard from several people that for long distance swimming, that the kick is not that important. I know that when I do kick drills I go pretty much nowhere? I have tried different techniques and have not found one that works for me. Someone in my Tri club posted this video on FB, guy is just a ridiculously smooth, effortless swimmer and he doesn't really kick except to maybe keep his balance. I figure that since my kick is bad, but my stroke is pretty good, I will just keep working on getting smoother and better endurance, that and losing some body mass and I should be a swimmer?


Well after dinner and a movie with the family, now it is time for a run!

That video is ridiculous, and in a good way. How incredibly effortless can that guy make it look? 12 strokes/25 yards? Really? I was happy with 18 this AM. Its like watching someone with a great golf swing -- looks effortless,and the results are amazing. 

Curt -- watch what the guy in the video is doing, and try to copy it.  Aside from a handful of lessons, watching good swimmers and attempting to replicate what they do is what has helped me, though YMMV.

Felt *VERY* tired in the pool this AM, and almost didn't get out of bed to get there. Yesterday's run seems to have taken quite a bit out of me. While I'm sure I can do the 1/2 mary distance, my fitness for the distance really needs some work.  Will do a 12 mile & 13/full race distance run prior to the race, so I'm not concerned about finishing, just how long it will take. I do have a time goal in mind, but my first goal is to finish w/o stopping.

2011-02-14 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Quite an interesting video.  When you look at him above the water he seems to be in constant motion.  However, when you look at the below the water shot, you can see how still and peaceful he is.  There's actually a distinct glide with each stroke.  BUT, you know he is moving above the water!!!  I'll take this idea with me to the pool next time and see what I can do.  Interestingly, the "distance per stroke" drill I've been doing has me feeling this glide a bit -- maybe I'm closer than I think.

Still looking for ideas on the running / leg strength as well.

Like I said, very happy with the cardio results / just trying to figure out how to get the other muscles to catch up.
2011-02-14 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ahhh the TI vs. Trad swimming. There are TONS of post here on BT lamenting both. I am just trying to get my head not to rotate as much to get my breath. I think I need to get stamina before I step into that battle. But I adv 20/22 strokes per length, so I am right there with you boys. Did a 2x brick this weekend. bike 13 min, run 10, bike 15 min, run 4 east, 3 hard, 4 easy. total workout was not that long, but tired at the end. Did a 20 min run this AM then tonight is a long swim. 
1300WU: 200 warm up (wu). 8 x  25 on 15 sec rest. MS: 4x200 yd with 1:00 rest.  CD: 100. Yeah swimming! 

Hope all you married people out there (all in this group but me I think) have a good v-day, whatever that means for you. And i have to say I am impressed with your guys long workouts. Go you!
2011-02-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Curt -- as for running, based on everything I've read here, and experienced, the solution is to run more. Yeah, yeah, I know -- crap advice, but its likely the best thing to do. I asked someone the other day a question about biking and the response was "bike more!". So, maybe the most obvious thing, but others that know more than me (just about anyone on the site) may be able to shed more light on it.
2011-02-14 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3353072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

croixfan - 2011-02-13 6:04 PM

OK folks, need some tips/guidance.  On the swimming front, I'm feeling great and getting more and more comfortable.  Two things are still holding me back.  First, my balance is still not great.  Second, my kick is terrible.  Tips on helping either / both of these.  On the run front, I'm feeling great from a cardio/breath standpoint after any of my runs -- long, short, endurance or even intervals.  However, my legs feel like lead / just don't feel like I've got the strength in them to carry me faster.  Ideas?

On both the swim and the run, could be simply a matter of continuing to train and build; however, thought I'd solicit your thoughts on what might be going on and how I could possibly address.

What are you taking (eating/drinking) before and after your runs?  Most people are so concerned with S, B, R, they forget they need to be fueled to do these things.  I was/am guilty of this.  Finding the right intake, both before and after training, is a lot of trial and error.  I can tell you that if you are properly fueled (carbed up) before a workout, it makes a big difference on recovery.  At least it does for me. 

Oh, and Mike's right too.  The more you do, the more your muscles will get used to the workouts. 


2011-02-14 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Josh -- Suspect you're on to something with the food thing.  I don't pay much attention / probably good to formalize a bit.

Don't like you guys answers on "run more" -- looking for some sort of silver bullet!!!  Again, suspect you are right.  While I'm having fun with the move to endurance events, was a lot easier when I played the "fast twitch" sports that I did my whole life / body has been conditioned to these for years.  Given that April will be my one year anniversery for the transition probably need to lower my expectations.

Again, appreciate the guidance and support
2011-02-14 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3354251

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

croixfan - 2011-02-14 12:45 PM Josh -- Suspect you're on to something with the food thing.  I don't pay much attention / probably good to formalize a bit.

Don't like you guys answers on "run more" -- looking for some sort of silver bullet!!!  Again, suspect you are right.  While I'm having fun with the move to endurance events, was a lot easier when I played the "fast twitch" sports that I did my whole life / body has been conditioned to these for years.  Given that April will be my one year anniversery for the transition probably need to lower my expectations.

Again, appreciate the guidance and support

I got some bad news for you.  You probably won't see as big as gains as you did in the 1st six months of starting this.  ALMOST each milestone you reach, requires almost exponential amount of effort and training.  The silver lining, not the silver bullet, is that there will be times when you make significant improvements in short periods of time, but those are not the norm.  Think of climbing a mountain, you can make huge gains in a short amount of time at the base of the mountain.  Then you hit the climb and it take longer, more effort, more discipline, more focus, to just get 1000 feet higher. 

My advice is to focus on the small gains.  Set realistic goals.  I can promise you that as long as you are moving, you will get better.  It's how you measure "better" that's up to you. 

2011-02-15 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ails - Thanks for the good wishes.

Jackie - I hope you had a nice first ride on your bike.

Dan - Thank you for the video.

Curt - Thank you for your focus and dedication, I wish I was like you.

Mike and Josh - Thanks for the pointers.  I guess there’s nothing else to do but to keep at it. 

Dan N – El que quiere puede.  No te rindas.

I have to confess that I’ve been very bad.  It was a nice weekend of birthday celebrations.  Late nights, no exercise except for quite a bit of dancing and I didn’t diet.  My very favourite fruit tart with ice cream crossed my path on Friday, and I succumbed to it. I was very lenient after that up until this morning.  I hope to get back on track today.

I wish you all a great week!  Smile

2011-02-15 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3355867

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
itziaol - 2011-02-15 9:34 AM

Ails - Thanks for the good wishes.

Jackie - I hope you had a nice first ride on your bike.

Dan - Thank you for the video.

Curt - Thank you for your focus and dedication, I wish I was like you.

Mike and Josh - Thanks for the pointers.  I guess there’s nothing else to do but to keep at it. 

Dan N – El que quiere puede.  No te rindas.

I have to confess that I’ve been very bad.  It was a nice weekend of birthday celebrations.  Late nights, no exercise except for quite a bit of dancing and I didn’t diet.  My very favourite fruit tart with ice cream crossed my path on Friday, and I succumbed to it. I was very lenient after that up until this morning.  I hope to get back on track today.

I wish you all a great week!  Smile

Ah, don't sweat the weekend indulging! It was a birthday party! One or two days won't ruin you - just get back in the training swing, and move on. . Heck, I bailed on my run this AM since I was a wee bit hungover from last night, but I'll be running tomorrow.
2011-02-15 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3354299

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2011-02-14 12:11 PM

croixfan - 2011-02-14 12:45 PM Josh -- Suspect you're on to something with the food thing.  I don't pay much attention / probably good to formalize a bit.

Don't like you guys answers on "run more" -- looking for some sort of silver bullet!!!  Again, suspect you are right.  While I'm having fun with the move to endurance events, was a lot easier when I played the "fast twitch" sports that I did my whole life / body has been conditioned to these for years.  Given that April will be my one year anniversery for the transition probably need to lower my expectations.

Again, appreciate the guidance and support

I got some bad news for you.  You probably won't see as big as gains as you did in the 1st six months of starting this.  ALMOST each milestone you reach, requires almost exponential amount of effort and training.  The silver lining, not the silver bullet, is that there will be times when you make significant improvements in short periods of time, but those are not the norm.  Think of climbing a mountain, you can make huge gains in a short amount of time at the base of the mountain.  Then you hit the climb and it take longer, more effort, more discipline, more focus, to just get 1000 feet higher. 

My advice is to focus on the small gains.  Set realistic goals.  I can promise you that as long as you are moving, you will get better.  It's how you measure "better" that's up to you. 

Understand and certainly want to be realistic with my expectations.  That said, I think I've got another 6 months of "easy gains" before I hit that wall.  Swimming's got lots of room as I haven't even gotten in to lessons or form.  Biking's really new to me and I've only put in a few one hour rides.  And running, I've just not built the base.  Think the two big things that will help me are (i) using a formal program / taking advantage of being really diligent on sticking with a program and (ii) think the training's going to help with shedding a few pounds which should help me as well.

I've learned a ton about realistic expectations via playing golf.  Key there -- and here I think as well -- is to stay within your limits, stick with your plan, and enjoy the experience.  You do these three things and good things happen.

But I still want the gains to come faster!!!!!

2011-02-15 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

I was feeling pretty low, but endorphins kicked in.  Cool  I just did a quick mile on the elliptical and then swam 900m.  According to the swim coach I’ve improved my technique noticeably.   Now I have to work on my fitness.   

You are so ambitious Curt!  LOL  But you’ll get there, that’s for sure.  Wink

I hope you all have a good night and a great Wednesday! Laughing

2011-02-15 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3356152

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mike_D - 2011-02-15 11:21 AM
itziaol - 2011-02-15 9:34 AM

Ails - Thanks for the good wishes.

Jackie - I hope you had a nice first ride on your bike.

Dan - Thank you for the video.

Curt - Thank you for your focus and dedication, I wish I was like you.

Mike and Josh - Thanks for the pointers.  I guess there’s nothing else to do but to keep at it. 

Dan N – El que quiere puede.  No te rindas.

I have to confess that I’ve been very bad.  It was a nice weekend of birthday celebrations.  Late nights, no exercise except for quite a bit of dancing and I didn’t diet.  My very favourite fruit tart with ice cream crossed my path on Friday, and I succumbed to it. I was very lenient after that up until this morning.  I hope to get back on track today.

I wish you all a great week!  Smile

Ah, don't sweat the weekend indulging! It was a birthday party! One or two days won't ruin you - just get back in the training swing, and move on. . Heck, I bailed on my run this AM since I was a wee bit hungover from last night, but I'll be running tomorrow.

Thanks Mike, that made me feel less guilty this morning.  Tongue out  So, when are you off to the Caribean?
2011-02-16 12:45 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sorry I haven't been around. I've had an annoying cold that I haven't been able to shake for the past several days (cough and head congestion) and my kids have been taking turns being sick (I've missed 4 days of work). I thought I felt good enough to ride Sunday and I was very excited to try the new bike, so I went out. The 1st half of the trail was awesome. Parts that I had to make an effort on before seemed effortless. I could tell the difference 100%.

Unfortunately, about 3/4 of the way through the ride, my cold got the better of me and I had to quit the ride (1st time ever having to do this!- it's a trail I ride every weekend). Fortunately, my friend was able to pick me and my bike up. In the end no big deal, but I can't wait until I'm in better health to really try this bike out. Hopefully this cold will go away by this weekend as I have a 5K Sat.

Here are some pics of the bike.

(bike 1.bmp)

(bike 2.bmp)

bike 1.bmp (56KB - 3 downloads)
bike 2.bmp (56KB - 17 downloads)
2011-02-16 1:04 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
ok- sorry these pics are so little. my originals were to big to download. I will be posting theses pics on my blog tonight, so you can click on the link in my sig to see them. Sorry about that.
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