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2012-03-19 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps ...


Wow, Craig ... not sure I would have enjoyed a 5k in the sand. Way to push that pace!! Bummer the race got cancelled ... but ride that training wave and find another one to join.

I had a very full weekend ... instructed a workshop on each of the two weekend days, so I wasn't able to squeeze in my long run. Which meant I was up at 3:30am this morning to get my 15 miler in. I love early morning runs ... and today was gorgeous out there. My first run in shorts and a t-shirt. And my first run without my winter compression tee. And my first run with forgotten nipple protection. So I'm a little raw right now.

I was also taken by the warm weather we're having ... anticipating my return to the outdoors on the bike very soon ... and shaved my legs last night. I had the time and figured I'll be doing it within a few weeks anyway to get the wetsuit on and off as I consider my first open water swims.


Silky smooth. 


2012-03-19 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4102455

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Troy, your commitment to running and the hours you do it are impressive. Shaving the legs, impressive. I put that up there with the vegan diet- it would probably help but I am not ready for it. 

The warm weather has been amazing. It makes it hard to go inside and swim in a pool. I want to ride or run outside everyday. I wish our Y had an outdoor pool. I can't have it all....

Today I plan on running an easy 4 miler. I am not going to try and increase anything this week. I will do few runs, rides, and long swims this week. Saturday could be a light run and ride to keep the legs fresh. I have been debating taking Saturday off. Gonna play it by ear. 

Here is my debate of the week: I have a 2006 Giant OCR3. She has been good to me, replaced some parts but it is a good bike. Has shimano sora components, decent. My buddy has a 1 year Trek road bike with Shimano components. He offered to let me ride it for my race. Is it better to ride a new bike with new stuff or 'dance with the one you came with'. He wants to sell it to me but I don't see it as much of an upgrade over what I have. It's newer but not better. If it was a 1 year old tri bike, I'd be all over it. Thoughts?

2012-03-19 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Ashley ... stay true to your steed.
2012-03-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, my 2 cents, you have a road bike.  You want a tri bike.  Wait until you find the right deal on a tri bike.

BTW: at my race this weekend, road bikes out numbered tri bikes at least 2:1.  So don't think you "need" a tri bike.

Don't try anything new this weekend.  Run what you know.  Or Murphy and his law will be sure to show up.

2012-03-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4102960

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-03-19 12:42 PM

Ashley, my 2 cents, you have a road bike.  You want a tri bike.  Wait until you find the right deal on a tri bike.

BTW: at my race this weekend, road bikes out numbered tri bikes at least 2:1.  So don't think you "need" a tri bike.

Don't try anything new this weekend.  Run what you know.  Or Murphy and his law will be sure to show up.


Agreed!!! - Nothing new on race day. You're better off to stick to what you know.

2012-03-19 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey guys had an epic "honey do" list from the wife today so my training was VERY limited but that is ok since its a taper week and I had a GREAT weekend ... going to reply on a bunch of posts above and then fill you all in ...

Craig - sounds like they made the right call on the tri - my first tri ever (lat year) was cancelled due to the hurricane - hard to fault the organizers there and sounds like you had a very memorable race at a pace you can be proud of ... I will look at that Oly map when I am done with this post.

Ashley - stay with the bike you train on.  Last year I bought my tri bike but in all honesty with 2 weeks before my triathalon I just was not comfortable on it.  I did my first two races last year on a 1982 Univega and surprised myself and the competition by grinding like a beast on the bike I knew and since have only gotten faster.  I doubt I would have had the confidence to go balls out on a bike that I wasn't yet comfortable with.  Now I know I can recover from a dropped chain or flat and get aero ... last year I was a nervous nelly.

Troy - we all know you are a beast with the running.  Your swims also sound frighteningly fast ... and now you SHAVE to get even more aero - holy cow man!  If I was not literally a silverback gorilla and over 220# maybe I would think shaving would help me - but I like the George the Animal Steele look - that and my tattoos seem to make people think I won't be competitive.

Nicole - train as much as you can - when a race comes up - you'll be ready.  Can you look in your are for the month of July?  The two local races I was looking at both closed (filled too fast) so my July is now free.  I am considering the Merrill Down and Dirty 10k in Philly since my sons can do the kids race ... but we could all use a nice break upstate for a weekend if we can find a good race ... (I would love to find an Olympic in July).

Ok so my first half marathon is this Saturday - I think I am ready - I know I can do the distance just not sure about pace.  Though after this weekend I feel pretty good.

Saturday - I worked 10 hours - went home and was preparing to take a nap for some St Patricks fun when my brother called and said "pick me up the pool is empty, let's swim and then bike" ... got him and the pool was set to 25 meter lengths (I usually train on 50's) he put me through some speed drills and other stuff I don't usually do, did 2000 meters and then headed out on our tri bikes - banged out 17.4 miles in 55 minutes (a solid 18.7mph average) ... I grind most of time in top gear and other than three slight climbs was able to keep in one gear the entire loop.  Did not go out - in face crashed hard since we made a date to do it again at 6am.

Sunday - We had to bike/run since the pool does not open until 9 on Sundays and our wives put a 10:45 time for us to both be home.  Pushed the distance a bit and did 34.94 miles in just under 2 hours (1:55:28) for a 18.2 average.  After the bike we set off running - my brother can smoke me on the run so I let him (I had been a better swimmer before he joined a training group but he is starting to gain stamina and its only a matter of time before he is better than I am).  Ran 7.5 miles at a 10.07 pace (1:15), did another half mile in run walk to wind down and try to ensure my legs would not cramp.  Usually I just stop but I am trying to be more conscious of not injuring myself and a slow down seemed important.  

Today I did a short 1 3/4 mile jaunt with my 7 year old.  He has his second 5k on the same day as my half (I will miss it unfortunately) pacing is not his thing - he loves to just go and burn out.  So I forced him to run slow.  We ran for 17:27 so he did a 9:48 pace.  Believe me he wants to blow his dad away - and he can - but he will end up walking the last mile and that just isn't fun.  I promised him tomorrow we would do 2 1/4 so we'll see if I can keep him at around 10 minutes.

I am hoping for a sub 2hr half - I'll be happy to finish but I think I can do this if three things happen.

1 - I don't go out to fast - and I keep a steady pace of 9:30 for the first six miles.

2.  I don't overheat.  I will carry a 10oz bottle in my hand - most likely with eFuel in it.  I prefer to run in cooler temperatures but it looks like it will be 70 and humid so I will most likely need the water stops.  I am debating wearing my belt but as I haven't ran with it in months not sure if it will be prudent.  

3.  I properly maintain nutrition.  I am big - An hour before the race I will have a PR bar - 15 minutes before the start I will take a Gu then I plan to eat a eGel at mile 4 - a caffeinated Gu at mile 10.  In training runs over 10 miles I take one eGel or Gu at around mile 6 ...

Getting anxious!!  

2012-03-19 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Thanks for the kind words.

I think you are a very cool dad for including your kids in your training.  

I know you'll do great in your half marathon this weekend.  Can't wait to hear how you and Ashley do in your respective races.


2012-03-20 6:25 AM
in reply to: #4103847

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BigPaulD - 2012-03-19 8:09 PM

Can you look in your are for the month of July?  The two local races I was looking at both closed (filled too fast) so my July is now free.  I am considering the Merrill Down and Dirty 10k in Philly since my sons can do the kids race ... but we could all use a nice break upstate for a weekend if we can find a good race ... (I would love to find an Olympic in July).

Not an Oly but there's this one:


A sprint in august:


Not until September but it's an Oly:


Hope you enjoy your 1/2 this weekend. Good luck!!


I hope the links work ok-for some reason I can't copy/paste on this forum only from this computer. It works fine at home-not sure what that's about.



Edited by nicoleg 2012-03-20 6:26 AM
2012-03-20 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4103847

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, gang.

Thanks for the bike advice everyone. I probably wouldn't have changed to a bike I am unfamiliar with for a race but I am glad you all nixed that idea. Newer and shinier things sometimes cloud our judgment.

Paul, good luck on your 1/2 marathon this weekend!

I hit the pool yesterday for 12 100 yard (2x50) sets to work on my time. My best set was 1:42. I still stink at breathing on my right side and kick turns in the pool. I don't work on it enough.

Weather is suppose to be super nice today so I'll probably run a 4 miler and try to squeek in under 32 minutes.

What is everyone doing today???



2012-03-20 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

To be clear ... I'm not anticipating getting much more aero with the loss of my leg hair. It's mostly vanity. I manscape my back and shoulders just to look better at the pool. I shave the legs in the summer mostly to look "like a biker". I did notice that when I tried on my wetsuit the first time the adjustments would have been a lot more comfortable to make if I wasn't pinching and pulling my leg hair with every pull of the wetsuit. I just anticipate it'll be easier to keep them shaved. Plus, I kind of like how it feels ... it was especially cool feeling in the pool last night.

Trust me ... I'm not to the point where the extra seconds of drag are going to make any difference.


I took this morning as a rest day from the run ... but should get in about 2500 in the pool after work. Last night was "distance night". My favorite set was 3 x 300, descending in pace with each 100yd. I was doing 1:45, 1:40, 1:37 pretty consistently for the 3 sets with :30 rest. I still haven't done a 1,000yd TT, but I think I'd be able to hold somewhere in the 1:40s. 

2012-03-20 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I'm back on the training train.  Last night I did 2250 in the pool.

wu 750

sets 10x100

cd 500

Anybody have a good website for swim workouts?  I'm getting a little board with the ususal swim which is always similar to the one above.

Troy, I get the shaving for the wet suit thinking.  With the problems I've had getting my suit up over my shoulders enough I'm thinking that shaving my arms might help.  May as well do the legs at the same time.  The wife didn't like the idea.  I think she's affraid my legs may look better than hers. Wink   Not a chance of that!

On the road again this week.  Maybe the hotel pool will actually have water in it this week.

Keep pushing!


2012-03-20 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4104576

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good evening, Kona crazies!!

We had beautiful weather here in the Bluegrass today and I decided to hit the road for a 4 mile run. I told you all I ran friday in 32 minutes flat with one sub 8 minute mile. My goal today was to finish in under 32 minutes and hit 4 sub 8 minute miles. I knew it would be a mental and phyical challenge to keep up that kind of pace. Well, I had splits of 7:52, 7:52, 7:51, and 7:48!!!!! Bam!!!! Total of 31:23!!!

Best run of the year!!!!

2012-03-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hi everybody, I have been absent lately. Sorry about that. I think after the epic post I had last time I didn't have anything left to say. LOL! Still training but unfortunately the dreaded PF has returned. This time it is in my opposite foot. It just came out of nowhere. I had been running very easy and cautious with no real effort to mileage. I came home from work one day and bang there it was. Haven't run in a couple of weeks now. I am still biking and swimming and I have my first bike race on April 14th. I am going to just focus on the race and once it's over with I'll see if I can return to running or not. Such a nusance! 
2012-03-20 11:17 PM
in reply to: #4105570

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, congrats.  It looks like your training is paying off big time.  Well done.

Tim, that sucks about the PF.  Sounds like you have a good plan for dealing with it though.


Me, hit the hotel treadmill for my short run today.  35 minutes most at 10 min/mi. or less.  My calf's are still sore from the beach run on Sunday.

2012-03-21 5:20 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning peeps! Just in from an 8 miler. Loving this warm weather, but just was reminded that our record snowfall for today is 16 inches just 4 years ago. This is just craziness.

Tim ... as a fellow PF recovery club member, that's just crappity news. You know what works ...stretch those calves and don't be afraid of a little aggressive massage on the PF. I just took a look for my favorite videos on treatment, but I'm not finding them. I'll look again later when I'm procrastinating in the office.

Ashley ... Smokin' run, my friend!!

Craiger ... back at it, indeed!


Keep the updates coming, people ... it's how this team thing works.

2012-03-21 5:20 AM
in reply to: #4105570

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Saipan, MP
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-20 7:38 PM

Good evening, Kona crazies!!

We had beautiful weather here in the Bluegrass today and I decided to hit the road for a 4 mile run. I told you all I ran friday in 32 minutes flat with one sub 8 minute mile. My goal today was to finish in under 32 minutes and hit 4 sub 8 minute miles. I knew it would be a mental and phyical challenge to keep up that kind of pace. Well, I had splits of 7:52, 7:52, 7:51, and 7:48!!!!! Bam!!!! Total of 31:23!!!

Best run of the year!!!!

WOOHOO!!!! Congrats!!! That's awesome!!

2012-03-21 5:23 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks for the words of support Craig. 

Had a great pool workout last night. 2550 yards in about 1 hour. I feel like my swimming has made tremendous gains this winter. Now I just need to get to the pool more often! Didn't make out as well on the bike this morning. After a great 3 hr ride outdoors on Sunday I had to drag bike down to my basement to set up on the trainer. Tough to ride this morning inside. Just couldn't find the motivation. Just a few more weeks and there will be enough time for me to ride outside before work again. 

Take care all, 




2012-03-21 5:57 AM
in reply to: #4105967

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
TimX3 - 2012-03-21 6:23 AMTough to ride this morning inside. Just couldn't find the motivation. Just a few more weeks and there will be enough time for me to ride outside before work again. 

Take care all, 



I am absolutely ITCHING to get out there. I've not had my first outdoor ride yet ... I definitely would have last weekend, but I was tied up both days with workshops. I'm hoping for a Saturday ride this weekend, but we'll have to see how the temps hold up. We're definitely getting spoiled currently.

2012-03-21 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Craig,  here is a site that lists different workouts everyday.  There are three levels of distances given each day.  Hope this helps.

Ashley,  sounds like you are primed to rock your race.  Those are some fast run splits.

Tim,  I'm sorry that your PF is flaring again.  What kind of self treatment are you doing?  There are lots of different stretches and techniques that you can do daily to help.  Let us know what you are currently doing and then maybe can come up with something to supplement that.  Also what kind of shoes are you wearing and how many miles do they have on them?


I did a 300 yd TT in the pool yesterday.  Had an average of 1:30/100yd.  I'm feeling great in the water lately.  I have my first race of the season this Saturday.  It's a 5k, and my running got slightly derailed last week with my daughter.  It will be a good test to see where I'm at currently with my running.  Good day all.  

Edited by rsmoylan 2012-03-21 7:19 AM
2012-03-21 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4106057

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning, all.

Tim, sorry to hear about your PF. I hope you recover quickly and figure out what is causing it. I am trying to get a gait analysis done over the next few weeks so I can educate myself on my running style, habits, and injury prevention.

Scott, that is a good time on your 100. Good luck on your race Saturday. What is your goal?

Troy, any outside workout is the best. You gave me motivation over the winter to quit being a $&#% about the weather and man up. I ran in cold temps and snow knowing there is a man in Vermont who laughs at cold weather. I appreciate it.

Kate, how are the cramps?

Craig, how is it getting back on the training train? Any water in the hotel pool? I will take Monday after my race off but plan to get back at it Tuesday. My attempt at my second sprint tri is 4 weeks later (4/21) so no time to rest.

I appreciate everyone's support. I was super excited yesterday after my run. I really wanted to stop on the 4th mile but then it would all be for nothing. I would hate to come on here and tell everyone I got to tired to finish or had an excuse. As you all know, our toughest challenge can be our mind.

I plan on hitting the road for a bike ride today. I could do 12 miles but it is nice so I might stay out for a 20+ miler. I'll have 3 days after today which means one more session of each. They will all be race distance exercises. 4 more days!

Have a great day, everyone!!



2012-03-21 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I'm now friends with Tim and Scott on Facebook ... if any of you are on there, feel free to locate me. Troy Headrick (there are only two of us ... I'm the one not living in Egypt). 

2012-03-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4106160

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-03-21 9:13 AM


Scott, that is a good time on your 100. Good luck on your race Saturday. What is your goal?

Thanks Ashley.  My super secret goal is to break 20 minutes, but I don't believe I have the volume to pull that off this weekend.  So 20:xx would be fine with me.  

2012-03-21 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott, thanks for the swim workouts info.  I'll take a look later today.

Ashley, yes there is water in the lap pool, it's beautiful.  Unfortunatley it doesn't open for two more days.  It's a big resort (Gaylord Opreland)with lots of pools so I'll find one to swim in.  The gym has a spin bike so I'll get on that for an hour or more today.  


PF Question?  Where does the pain from PF show up.  Arch?  heel?

My wife seemed to get some inspiration and started some running a couple weeks ago.  Against my numerous warnings she must have gone out too hard and too fast and now has an extremely painful heel.

Is this likely PF?  She's been icing regularly any additional treatments?



2012-03-21 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

It sounds like everyone is having a great week! Looking forward to hearing about all the races this weekend!

  I spent this morning working up a training plan for summer. With the nice weather I've been itching to get out on my bike but haven't done it yet so starting next week it's on the plan. I still don't know if I'll be doing a Tri this summer but I planned my training around one in August (possibly Shelburne on 8/25) so I'll be ready either way. I did sign up for a half marathon in Septemeber so I made sure my program was run-focused and I'm hoping to speed up a bit so I added a weekly speed workout (4x400's to 10x 400'). It's a combination of a customized BT program and Hal Higdon's intermediate 1/2 marathon program. I exchanged biweekly tempo runs for  more 400's though only because I don't have a garmin and maybe I'm just a but I'm not sure how I'll track my pace. Any suggestions? (Other than buying a Garmin, I mean)

Goals for this spring/summer:

1. Continue to drop weight. So I can...

    2. Run faster.

    3. Bike enough to be ready for a sprint tri wheter I do one or not.

    4. Increase swim distance so that next winter's maintenance plan will include longer swims.


Does this group just continue on or do we have to break apart and reform occassionally? I'm not sure how this mentoring thing works.

2012-03-21 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4106568

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-03-21 11:55 AM

PF Question?  Where does the pain from PF show up.  Arch?  heel?

My wife seemed to get some inspiration and started some running a couple weeks ago.  Against my numerous warnings she must have gone out too hard and too fast and now has an extremely painful heel.

It often (as mine did) shows up as heel pain ... that's most common. Mine felt like a stone bruise. When it didn't go away I finally had to admit that it was PF. It is not advisable to run through it. It is often very sore first thing out of bed.

PF is almost always linked to flexibility issues from the achilles area up the calf. The most significant treatment that finally got me to turn the corner toward recovery was dry needling my calf.

So stretching the calf muscles ... isolating the lower calf if possible. Heel drops worked well too (stand with your toes on a stair ... raise up on your good leg, transfer to the injured leg, and lower down so that your ankle is flexed).

Deep massage ... agressive as you can handle at the spot on the heel and along the PF toward the ball of your foot. Multiple times per day. I do this with my knuckles as I'm watching TV and roll my foot on a lacrosse ball at me desk many times throughout the day.

Do not walk barefoot ... stretch your feet back toward your head as you lie in bed before stepping down. Then, step into shoes. Sleeping in the Strassburg sock (I hated it) or a PF boot (I liked it) is also advisable. 

It's a nasty injury that likes to linger. 

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