BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-03-29 1:06 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anniversary Run
Originally posted by Lovey

Great run at my local running store anniversary run. There was a 3 mile and a 10 mile option. I felt 10 was too long based on my training and 3 was too short. I did 5.25 and it felt so good.
Free run registration with food, cake, coffee, treats and a Brooks tech shirt.

Free race and cake afterwards, you hit the mother load. On a serious note, great run!

2014-03-29 10:12 PM
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Subject: Fun Training Session #2
Hi Turtles

Mixing up the training again. I rode 40 kms on my MTB yesterday along the Bass Coast Rail Trail. It took me 4 hours including time out for some photos and a couple of drink breaks. Generally the track is pretty flat but the last 5 kms took almost an hour with some pretty steep climbs. The quads felt like they were ready to explode by the end of the ride.

(Darcie, this is near Phillip Island)

Edited by AussieTurtle 2014-03-29 10:17 PM


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2014-03-29 11:24 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fun Training Session #2
Originally posted by AussieTurtle

Hi Turtles

Mixing up the training again. I rode 40 kms on my MTB yesterday along the Bass Coast Rail Trail. It took me 4 hours including time out for some photos and a couple of drink breaks. Generally the track is pretty flat but the last 5 kms took almost an hour with some pretty steep climbs. The quads felt like they were ready to explode by the end of the ride.

(Darcie, this is near Phillip Island)

Luck you, what am awesome place to ride!!!
2014-03-30 8:40 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 1 Week Left
Well I now have less then one week left to my 2nd Half Ironman. I finished my last weekend with a 35.5 mile ride Saturday, followed by a 4.4 mile Run today. I will Swim 1.2 on Monday and Wednesday (in wetsuit), Ride probably 20 Tuesday and 10 on Friday, Run 1 or 2 for very short distance and then it is race day. Right now the weather is high of 69, WInd @ 10, and 40% chance of rain.
2014-03-30 10:06 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: 1 Week Left
I did a 50 miler on my bike today. This is the longest I have ever gone. I wanted to do it outside but it was freezing and rained all day long. I did my newest Sufferfest video and then added another one on for longer time. I was excited about my heart rate that it stayed at 134'almost the entire time! The ride had climbs and attacks and was a great workout. About mile 39 I was getting more bored then anything. My legs felt a little tired but I was happy with my performance! My Duathlon is coming up fast April 12th and I am excited! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
2014-03-30 10:08 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Fun Training Session #2
Originally posted by AussieTurtle

Hi Turtles

Mixing up the training again. I rode 40 kms on my MTB yesterday along the Bass Coast Rail Trail. It took me 4 hours including time out for some photos and a couple of drink breaks. Generally the track is pretty flat but the last 5 kms took almost an hour with some pretty steep climbs. The quads felt like they were ready to explode by the end of the ride.

(Darcie, this is near Phillip Island)

I am super jealous!!! Way to go on your ride! I wish that is where I was training right now! Great job!


2014-03-30 10:14 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Apparel
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

While we are on the subject of racing and stuff, I thought that I would share something with yall that I learned over my 3 or 4 years of doing this in reference to race day attire / training apparel. It recently dawned on my while I was preparing for Galveston how far I have come with what I wear. I started out like so many wearing matching items. I'm not referring to matching colors but instead mean brands.

For example my first Olympic last year - 2XU top, shorts, calf sleeves, with Asics shoes.

Racine last year - 2XU Top, Zoot Shorts and Calf Sleeves, Asics shoes.

Galveston this year - 2XU Top, Desoto Shorts, Zoot Calf Sleeves, Pearl Izumi Shoes.

Don't get me wrong I will still match pretty well color wise, but each of these items I find most comfortable / appropriate for me. I'm not sponsored by anyone so I can wear what ever I want and now I do.

I do the same as you! My favorite Tri suits and gear seem to always be 2XU and Izumi and I used to wear Brooks and now wear Newtons. I love Under armour gear and LOVE Headsweats visors! I could really care less about brands..... Just give me something that will not rub/cause friction/blisters and I will wear it!
2014-03-30 10:22 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Apparel
Originally posted by cassowary

Thanks for the run down on apparel! I need to get a birthday wish list together now.

Yesterday I had a very busy schedule, but I set aside 10 minutes at the end of the day to just run as fast as I could. I ran my first mile in 7 minutes flat, and then charge up a very big hill. It was great, my chest felt like it was going to explode and I couldn't talk for about 5 minutes afterwards. Quick and intense.

I can't believe world class marathon runners pace at 5 minutes/mile, when my all-out 1 mile is 7 minutes.

A great place to find Tri gear is EBay. I have bought tons of stuff for me and hubby for a fraction of the price. People will list items they ran out and paid full price for only to decide Triathlon is not for them. I have got to also try out all the different brands this way as well without paying out the nose! Just my two cents :-)

2014-03-31 8:55 AM
in reply to: Pixiedustlady

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Subject: RE: Apparel
Thanks for the advice Darcie, and nice job cruising 50 miles! At this rate, it sounds like you'll be well prepared for your duathlon.
2014-04-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtles
Things have gotten kind of quite in here again.

Well it is starting to get close to race day. Bib number 688 with a swim wave time of 7:30 A. Glad to be in the middle of the swim waves, more people to chase and run with.
2014-04-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Turtles
I'm off to the Y for a 1200 yard swim workout. This will my biggest swim challenge to date... I'll report back soon.

And honestly, I would much rather go for an easy 3-mile jog today. But this group helps to keep me honest. After each workout I'm so thankful I pushed myself.

2014-04-01 11:20 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Turtles
I am excited too for next weekend! They are letting the Duathlon racers start our first segment after the last swim wave hits the water from the racers doing the half iron race. I wish they would let us go during the first swim wave...we are only doing two miles then we have to do the same amount as the half iron 56 bike and 13.1 run....this is setting us up to race pretty much alone because last I checked we only had FOUR people in the Du and 200-300 in the half. I enjoy being around others and going down roads with people cheering. The way they have it now it will be empty and pretty much all cleared out with only my bike and the three others in the transition area. Maybe they will let us go earlier..... I really hope so!

Good luck Todd in your race! I am sure you will do amazing!!

Cassowary- 1200 swim is HUGE! I can't go that far yet but I am working on it! Have a great swim!
2014-04-01 12:21 PM
in reply to: Pixiedustlady

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Subject: RE: Turtles
I was so tired, I did an extra 50 yards by accident! So 1250, is my new swim workout record. It went very well, I used a combination of freestyle and breaststroke, plus a couple of back floats when I choked on water, and got through the whole thing. Definitely tired now. This was the Week-3 workout from the Zero-1650 program.

Darcie, I bet the race will go great. The last swim wave will probably need about 50 minutes on average to complete the 1.2 mile swim, right? So you'll probably be right in there in mix by the time you start your bicycle ride.

Todd, looking forward to hearing more about the lead up to your race. Good luck!

2014-04-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4915342

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Can't wait to hear more details Todd and Darcie!

I just started week 4 last night Cassowary(1500 w a 600 start). I've found myself much more relaxed. Without a doubt there is effort but I'm able to refine as well as keep calm. Previous to last week I think I had topped off at 1000 yards once or twice with a max continuous distance of 300.
2014-04-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtles
Originally posted by cassowary

I was so tired, I did an extra 50 yards by accident! So 1250, is my new swim workout record. It went very well, I used a combination of freestyle and breaststroke, plus a couple of back floats when I choked on water, and got through the whole thing. Definitely tired now. This was the Week-3 workout from the Zero-1650 program.

Darcie, I bet the race will go great. The last swim wave will probably need about 50 minutes on average to complete the 1.2 mile swim, right? So you'll probably be right in there in mix by the time you start your bicycle ride.

Todd, looking forward to hearing more about the lead up to your race. Good luck!

Great Freaking Job and way to push through and knock it out. I know it wasn't your plan to do the other strokes but something like that lets you know that you can always change it up if you have to. Before my half in July, I was more then comfortable swimming the 1.2 miles Freestyle and had no thoughts of knocking it out with little struggle. Race day came and I found myself in large waves and cold water, which my body did not respond well to. At about 3/10 of a mile I was really struggling and even thought I would not make it through. I then got wide, rolled onto my back, and did the backstroke until I had composed myself, got use to the water, and got my breathing under control. I rolled back over and it was business as usually with not problems for the remaining 8/10 or so that was left. I enjoy swimming and by no means fear the water, but I always struggle to some extent at the start (oddly enough more so when I've worn a wetsuit). I don't know if it's nerves, excitement, or what, but I always have to calm myself down at the start and think, just swim.
2014-04-01 3:43 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtles
As far as the lead up, mine is pretty simple for the rest of the week.

Tuesday Evening - BIke 10 - 15

Wed. Morning Swim w/ Wetsuit 1.2 miles
Wed. Evening Run approx. 2 miles (both of these will be done in race shorts to make sure they are good to go because I realized that I have only been biking in them)

Thursday - Nothing other than Stretch
Drive to Galveston and Check in to Hotel

Friday Morning - Bike 5 - 10 (Sign in and Attend Mandatory Meeting)
Friday Evening - Eat lots of Pasta and then go to the dog races with the Family

Sat. Morning - 10 A. do the Iron Kids Fun Run with my Daughter
Sat. Afternoon - Set up T1 and Rack my Bike
Sat. Evening - Diner at a Nice Seafood place with Family

Sunday around 4:45 a.m. get up, eat a little something, use the bathroom twenty times, go to T1 and make sure everything is good, use the bathroom twenty more times, line up and jump in the water right before 7:30 A.m (RACE TIME)

2014-04-01 4:42 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Turtles
Well, just got an email from Ironman and the Swim is still going to take place. Will be colder then I hoped for, but WOOHOO
2014-04-02 5:11 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Turtles

Todd, you must be getting pretty excited/apprehensive/nervous by now! Darcie, your event is creeping closer as well, and it sounds like you won't have major problems.

I've been re-reading the course description for the HIM I'm thinking of, and realised I missed this bit:

"Ride back down Currumbin Creek Road in an easterly direction for 13km then take a left hand turn into Tallebudgera Connection Road, riding up Tallebudgera Connection Road, this is the big climb with an 18% climb for 150mts and the biggest climb in Australian triathlon events, this is a CHALLENGE make no mistake about it but that is why it’s called Challenge Gold Coast and the hill is called the BEAST. – NOTE your gearing will require a 28 if you are not a strong cyclists. "

The rest of the bike course is pretty hilly  (you have to climb "The Beast" on the way back as well) but at least I've worked that out at this stage. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of hill work on the bike between now and then...


2014-04-02 7:00 AM
in reply to: 2gs

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, New Jersey
Subject: Swimming help
So... I am struggling with improving my swimming. I can do the distance for a 1/2 mile swim but I need to do a large portion doing a backstroke. I want to get up to doing the distance all freestyle. I can do 2 to 4 lengths straight but I get completely out of breath (or feel that way). I am looking for suggestions.
2014-04-02 9:05 AM
in reply to: anttam11

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Swimming help
Originally posted by anttam11

So... I am struggling with improving my swimming. I can do the distance for a 1/2 mile swim but I need to do a large portion doing a backstroke. I want to get up to doing the distance all freestyle. I can do 2 to 4 lengths straight but I get completely out of breath (or feel that way). I am looking for suggestions.

I know that this is not the answer you want to hear, but "swim, swim more". Besides working on technique issues and breathing, it is all about just swimming. Endurance is gained through repeated and increased workouts. I've said something similar before, but "why is it that we don't get off the couch and expect to run a marathon with little training, but we get in the water and expect to swim a mile". This is not a slash at you but instead intended to have you look at it a little different. Trust me, if you continue to put in the time and workouts you will see your distance and time improve. Everyone's improvements will naturally be different but you will improve. Do not get frustrated, and take each improvement however small as just that, an improvement. For example when I started after 16+ years of smoking and having grown up swimming I could barely go 100 yards without stopping. Now I swim 2000 + on a regular bases and think very little about it. I did my own thing to get my distance up, which basically consisted of me pushing to go a little farther at least once a week, with two other swims each week of repeats. I know that a lot here are using the 0 to 1650 program and are seeing improvement and like it. I know that they will chime in about their experiences. Again, stick with it and you will see improvement.
2014-04-02 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4974911

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Hey anttam11,
That mile in 6 week program suggests alternatives to straight freestyle such as every 4th lap do an alternate like breast stroke or do an alternate when needed. It seems geared towards mashing your way to endurance. I've found I've been able to improve technique while doing it as I've nothing to think about except where the issues are. Biggest has been relaxing. I couldn't do 200 without doing a 2 stroke breath and breathing(gasping). In 2 weeks of this(now on week 5)of program, my last practice was extremely relaxed. Breath every 3 strokes alternating sides. No gasping. The first 2 sessions were tough, a bit if a struggle and even a little disorienting. I've smoked a pack/day for 20+ years. I'm surprised as heck that it's possible for me to do this. See where your tension is and relax into the swim, let the water support you and see where you're fighting/struggling and make corrections along the way. Please take this with a grain of salt as I'm a novice at best. So far, as Todd said, just putting in the time/distance and being a bit analytical about my approach has made a world of difference and vastly improved my confidence.

2014-04-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4975307

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 2 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10 K) - Closed
Woops, meant week 4
2014-04-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Swimming help
Yes, I agree, swim swim swim seems to be the most honest approach. And like 2gs said, it's OK to mix other strokes in because it gives you a chance to recover and regain confidence while also building more strength and increasing your swim distance. I think the breaststroke is a great alternative to catch your breath, because the pulling motion is similar to the freestyle pull (elbows high and palms down) and the frog kick uses different leg muscles. I imagine the breaststroke will also be very useful in the open water to sight your destination.

I find watching youtube videos on technique very helpful too. Usually, I'll try to improve on at least one technique I saw in a video during each swim.
2014-04-02 10:01 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: Gettijgn
2014-04-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: Cool App
One if my goals this year is proper biomechanics in the each sport. I came a across an iphone/pad app that seems like it will be helpful. It allows slow motion and frame by frame video as well as the option(on my iphone 5) to record at 60 frames per second(if you don't know, that's 2x as many fps as you see on soap opera or news show). You can draw lines on the frames, measure angles and determine proper form. There are some tutorials for different sports as well at the basic level. My first use will be this weekend to help me fit my bike. Oh, and it's free!http://www.ubersense.com

Edited by 2gs 2014-04-03 11:42 AM
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date : March 29, 2013
author : jtriathlete
comments : 0
I'm curious about the 'don't increase your run by more than 10% per week' rule. Is there a minimum mileage under which this doesn't apply?
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : June 5, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
How should I go about training for the marathon while also building base in the other two events? Doing this seems like it's causing me to break the 10% rule in running.
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author : DominiqueL
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Yes, the Dual is a little heavier than Cervèlo’s high end counterparts. But…the price is within reach of the masses and it still incorporates all of the design features that make a Cervèlo special.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.