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2011-03-01 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3376839

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Most important things first, maybe, would be the balance between training and your relationship. There has been tons of stuff written about this issue everywhere, and if there is any consensus is it that a good relationship is not worth ruining for triathlon -- or any hobby/pasttime/pursuit, for that matter. It's good that you're aware of this already, and just try to encourage your girlfrind to be honest with you and not just "suck it up" and suffer quietly, or smolder not so quietly.

It might be, too, that is you keep with a modest schedule of shorter races, you can get by with much lower training volume; maybe 7-9 hours would satisfy all of your '11 racing goals!

Moving on --
Excellent work the past couple of days with the run and the swim! I detect determination leavened with patience, and that is the ideal recipe for you at this stage of the off-season and the stage you're at still emerging from the post-surgery layoff. I'm thinking of your running, but i guess it also applies to swimming, and to that end you did well in leaving the watch elsewhere when you swam.

As for great minds thinking alike -- of that I have no doubt whatsoever! And as for eleven crystal ball says that at some point in your tri career you will indeed hit 11 or more races in a season. (Brace yourself! )

FWIW, IMHO, you want full-length orthotics that are not completely rigid. ANNE can maybe say more about this, as I think she has or has had orthotics. After my neuroma surgery I was fitted for some orthotics, but they were awful -- rigid plastic and only about half-length. They were b.s. for my running slid around, were simply awful. I haven't used them since about March '06, and keep them as a reminder not to do something similarly stupid in the future.

Fianlly, congrats on pulling off flip turns, a skill I've never learned. about three times a year I try it and that just go back to the time-honored cumbersome way of turning. I rationalize it by never having done a pool tri and never really wanting to, either, but underneath it all I'm just too lazy to learn. Also, I always have enough technique stuff to focus on, and adding another trick will just get me more confused than I already am. Sigh.

Okay, it's now time for you to get back to being diligent!

2011-03-01 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3378385

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You two once and future HIMers are quiet today, coming off the virgin cruise of your brand spanking new training plan.

Sooooooo...........How did it go or both of you, and are you both giddy at having finally gotten it all underway? Cool beans!

2011-03-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Still mindfully reading through to catch up on what turned out ot be successful sounding seasons for everybody!

Back on page 311 there STEVEB, asked about the dog of my girlfriend...Oh he is an agreeable type!! Sometimes too much so. He's a mastiff/dane/weimarainer/black lab mix that weighs in at a svelte 90-95 pounds and is 3 years old. He was caught as a street runner and then adopted by the GF. So he's got some not so great habits but overall he is a great dog. He's a gaurd dog of the house and can look vicious when he wants to and feels he needs to protect us. But he is also a giant baby that just wants nothing but attention a lot of the time. We get along great. I knew I liked dogs but this confirms that they will probably be a part of most of my life...if we/I have time. I already want another, a beabull, which is a beagle / english bulldog mix. The good of both, so a real snout and no breathing issues that are traits of my true favourites (the bulldogs) and no howling of the beagles. With Mexico coming a beabull is not on the short list of things to get this year.

I am looking forward to some runs with Hank (the GF's dog) this summer. He loves to be out and going for walks and needs to be exercised so he's a little calmer in the house (much like I need to be exercised but for other reasons...).
2011-03-02 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3378711

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SteveB and Anne,

I see back in early November you two are throwing around the idea of doing Musselman then Steelhead...Curious as to where those plans stand or will I find out in my further catching up reading??

I keep waffling back and forth whether I think a HIM (or Tin Man in SteveA lingo) is attainable this year and if Steelhead is a good idea or try a Rev3 race or what exactly. If both of you (and Ken) are planning on doing Steelhead then there is a lot more incentive of me pulling it off. The way my early training has been going it feels potentially attainable. Sitting on the spin bike last night I had an hour long debate about doing that for 3 hours. My mind is saying its doable. Might be time to break out the trainer as its still in its box...Never even been opened....

Feels like SteveB's indecision for season decisions is creeping into me... Or I'm using him as I can't make a decision to save my life...
2011-03-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3378860

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just quickly for now, with moe later......

Anee will be doing Musselman as her first HIM, and on the same day as Denise is doing Racine as her first. It kind of makes me think of double-dating --- they're sisters through here, and the two half-irons are cousins (one 70.3 series, the other not).

Anne looked into Steelhead as a second HIM, but has scrapped it diue to cost. Denise looked into it as an option to Racine, but went for the latter because it is closer.

I have looked into everything, and have decided nothing. Well, I have pretty much decided to avoid all half irons until late in the season, mostly due to injury fears. I had that sweet halfmarathon in Oct that I knocked off in 1:37......but it seemed to have triggered a series of minor injury woes that have me questioning my durability when I work real hard at the longer distances. So, I just don't want to do a HIM early in the season and lose some or most of the rest of my season.

Because I have a commitment to Lynn to do a small trip that would include The Nation's (DC) on Sept 11, I can't risk hurting myself before then, so Steelhead (or Timberman) is also out.

I shall return!

2011-03-02 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3378389

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-03-01 10:28 PM ANNE and DENISE - You two once and future HIMers are quiet today, coming off the virgin cruise of your brand spanking new training plan. Sooooooo...........How did it go or both of you, and are you both giddy at having finally gotten it all underway? Cool beans!

Ach!!!!!   Why is it that as soon as I load a training plan, something happens that I can't follow it!   I am so tempted to delete it and just follow along from the book.   Things are pretty good actually, but I have had a weakness in my right IT/groin the past couple of weeks.   Partly from pushing on the bike and adding the increased running and 2 weeks ago, I felt my right hip off a bit - not sure of the terms - top of leg not sitting in the socket just right (happened after a long swim segment with tons of kicking) and I continued to run with it.    No biggie really, but I need to give it a rest after some aggressive ART yesterday and an osteo treatement tomorrow.    Also really need to focus on the strength training for hip stability.   I can really see why strength is important - why don't I do it! 

The thing that sucks is that I am not going to do my threshold test tomorrow because there would be a huge risk of actually causing injury.    We've decided to give up the CT sessions for March because we will miss next week while on vacation, and it is too costly to miss sessions.   We plan to sign up for 4 more weeks in April and call it quits until the fall, unless the weather takes a turn for the good and we can ride outside. 

Really don't mind stopping the CT sessions; kind of like the idea of following the Fitz cycling plan from scratch.   Not doing 2 hard cycling sessions a week will help with the run focus.   Have been having some really good swimming - focus on the hip rotation (I call them hip hikes) seems to be working.  

Next week's recovery in the Caymans will do me good.   Have been going pretty strong since November 1st.    It will be good to start fresh again.   

How are you doing?   How was the trip to Burlington? 

2011-03-02 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3380074

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Did I know you were going to the Caymans? I don't think I knew you were going to the Caymans! That ought to be wonderful X17!

My trip to Burlington was a slam-bam --- spent less than three hours there, bought a few books, got homesick, and trundled right back. I think that with Lynn is Australia I',m just feeling the need to "keep the home fires burning". (Pretty pathetic, huh?)

Sorry to har about your hip woes, but you can view me as the company that misery loves as mine have bothered me for about 10 days now. i saw Tina yesterday about it and she gave them both a good workin'-over. It's mostly tightness in my hip flexors and TFL (tensor fascia lattae?). I'm also scheduled to see my chiro (first time in over 30 months) on Friday.

In my injury list, add these two weird ones:
(1) Pinched a nerve right under my left shoulder blade from reaching high in a cupboard this morning.
(2) Last night, getting on my trainer, I put my left leg over the top tube and my right foot slid on the laminate. I went down quit fast, and the bike would've followed me had not the wide base of the trainer kept it upright. I felt a pain behind my right knee, reached back, and came up with bloody fingertips. When I went upstairs to view it witha habd-held mirror, I saw three long gouges in my right calf -- looks like a wolverine clawed me! So, I guess when my right leg whipped under the bike it managed to scrape against the big ring, causing the three claw marks on my calf and the more deep and jagged one behind my knee. That was a first!

On top of those, my feet -- usaually wrecks anyhow -- are cracked it several places. I guess I ought to get some good softening or mositurizing cream for them.

Had a good run today, though -- 8.1km in 40 minutes. This is one of several recently in which I have been right at or just under 5:00/km, without either trying hard or even feeling I am at that point.

I signed up for West Point Tri today. Redemption will be mine, I hope!!!

I think it sounds pretty samrt to bail on the CT sessions and just stick to the plan as it is. You've certainly gotten a huge amount from them already, but continuing might jeopardize other aspects of the plan, as uyou already think yourself.

As for riding outside in April ------ isn't that a definite, mostly? I sure hope so! I'd better go back to my log and see when I was mostly outside last year. I thought it was April, but maybe I'm just optimistically delusional.

Okay! You can be a wuitness to history! I have just dug up my '10 log, and here's my history of April rides (I haven't peeked yet):
outside -- 2, 3, 10, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 29
inside -- 7, 9

See? There's cause for optimism, big-time!

I really like your term: "hip hikes". I have been writing to Louis Tharp recently, and I'll tell him what you call that maneuver. Mostly, though, I'm glad they're working for you, and even better -- that you're pleased with your swims overall! Hot diggity!

2011-03-03 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3378974

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I should have figured with how your plans change. I also see that USAT championships are right around that time and that (as of page 314) this is your AAAA priority. This makes a lot of sense as you'll be right up there competing with the best.

I got looking more at Deer Creek Challenge on Oct 2. The cost $110 makes it very appealing as well as the fact its late enough that I can get in a lot of base training and do a few other sprints and olympics before I get there.

The one thing I like about HFP is they have a series in Ohio. The races would all require over night stays which means that is out. It would be quite intriguing if there were a series like that around Detroit. It seems like we have enough races just no series. Closest thing is the T-Rex series that has 3 races 4 weeks apart on Wednesday nights. I do work closer to that venue so I am thinking that those races are very attainable for me.

I have a spreadsheet started that I am using to help plan my race schedule. Thinking 2-4 sprints, 2-3 olympics and a HIM or two depending on travel needed and schedule and other family related stuff.
2011-03-03 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3380334

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2011-03-03 12:12 AM ANNE - Did I know you were going to the Caymans? I don't think I knew you were going to the Caymans! That ought to be wonderful X17! My trip to Burlington was a slam-bam --- spent less than three hours there, bought a few books, got homesick, and trundled right back. I think that with Lynn is Australia I',m just feeling the need to "keep the home fires burning". (Pretty pathetic, huh?) Sorry to har about your hip woes, but you can view me as the company that misery loves as mine have bothered me for about 10 days now. i saw Tina yesterday about it and she gave them both a good workin'-over. It's mostly tightness in my hip flexors and TFL (tensor fascia lattae?). I'm also scheduled to see my chiro (first time in over 30 months) on Friday. In my injury list, add these two weird ones: (1) Pinched a nerve right under my left shoulder blade from reaching high in a cupboard this morning. (2) Last night, getting on my trainer, I put my left leg over the top tube and my right foot slid on the laminate. I went down quit fast, and the bike would've followed me had not the wide base of the trainer kept it upright. I felt a pain behind my right knee, reached back, and came up with bloody fingertips. When I went upstairs to view it witha habd-held mirror, I saw three long gouges in my right calf -- looks like a wolverine clawed me! So, I guess when my right leg whipped under the bike it managed to scrape against the big ring, causing the three claw marks on my calf and the more deep and jagged one behind my knee. That was a first! On top of those, my feet -- usaually wrecks anyhow -- are cracked it several places. I guess I ought to get some good softening or mositurizing cream for them. Had a good run today, though -- 8.1km in 40 minutes. This is one of several recently in which I have been right at or just under 5:00/km, without either trying hard or even feeling I am at that point. I signed up for West Point Tri today. Redemption will be mine, I hope!!! I think it sounds pretty samrt to bail on the CT sessions and just stick to the plan as it is. You've certainly gotten a huge amount from them already, but continuing might jeopardize other aspects of the plan, as uyou already think yourself. As for riding outside in April ------ isn't that a definite, mostly? I sure hope so! I'd better go back to my log and see when I was mostly outside last year. I thought it was April, but maybe I'm just optimistically delusional. Okay! You can be a wuitness to history! I have just dug up my '10 log, and here's my history of April rides (I haven't peeked yet): outside -- 2, 3, 10, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 29 inside -- 7, 9 See? There's cause for optimism, big-time! I really like your term: "hip hikes". I have been writing to Louis Tharp recently, and I'll tell him what you call that maneuver. Mostly, though, I'm glad they're working for you, and even better -- that you're pleased with your swims overall! Hot diggity!

Thanks for checking your April '10 log - good to see how much you cycled outside.   That is when we were in Florida, so the only dates I have for us cycling here is the 3rd and the 27th.    Also glad that you think leaving the CT sessions behind could be smart.   It is still hurting a bit this morning, as Ken is doing his threshold test as we speak.   But I think this way, by following the Fitz plan from day 1, in the end, I will have better idea of just how well the plan worked for me and not be wondering, was it the plan or the March/April CT sessions. 

I have a beautifully framed print in my kitchen, that hung in my office for years, and thought is timely to remember what it says.  

Those who are victorious plan effectively and change decisively.  They are like a great river that maintains its course but adjusts its flow....they have form but are formless.  They are skilled in both planning and adapting and need not fear the result...for they win in advance...        Sun Tzu, Chinese Warrior, Philosopher, 100 BC       

YIKES!  You do seem to be going through a spell right now.   But the positive thing about all the past injuries/incidents, is that you know the body will heal, and then you will have months or years feeling great again before the next rash of aches and pains.

Sounds like we had the same ART treatment!   I loved it because the results were immediate.  That's exciting about West Point.   I have checked it out and some day would like to do it.

I have mentioned Cayman, I think.   All expense company paid because Ken qualified for the 'President's Club'.    We are leaving Wed morning and back Sunday night.   Lots of R&R and plan to come back fresh and ready to go at it again for another 4-5 months.     

Since I'm not cycling this morning, better get moving on some household chores.         

2011-03-03 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Anne - I remembered your Cayman vacation - in fact I even googled your hotel - looks so nice - I am so envious.  I'm glad your swimming is going well - but I'm envious of that too.

Shaun - I love Antonia (too bad she's Mikey's cousin - haha)

Steve - Are you now officially signed up for 2 races (I can't remember exactly).  And about biking outside - last year we had a really early spring - I don't think that's going to happen this year.

I'm losing weight too fast - going to have to increase my daily calories.  I'll be at race weight in a few weeks, really early this year.  Just finished my 1st week of official training.  I am sore and tired - over 9 hrs which is quite an increase for me.


2011-03-03 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3380678

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!






2011-03-03 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3381718

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-03-03 6:42 PM


Anne - I remembered your Cayman vacation - in fact I even googled your hotel - looks so nice - I am so envious.  I'm glad your swimming is going well - but I'm envious of that too.

Shaun - I love Antonia (too bad she's Mikey's cousin - haha)

Steve - Are you now officially signed up for 2 races (I can't remember exactly).  And about biking outside - last year we had a really early spring - I don't think that's going to happen this year.

I'm losing weight too fast - going to have to increase my daily calories.  I'll be at race weight in a few weeks, really early this year.  Just finished my 1st week of official training.  I am sore and tired - over 9 hrs which is quite an increase for me.


CONGRATULATIONS, DENISE!!!  Week #1 successfully under your belt.     I can't believe how fast you lose weight.   Was it alot?   My weight just stays the same pretty much.   I do lose a few pounds by the end of the season but for the most part it comes back in the off season.   I seem to have a consistent net loss of 1.5 pounds every year for the last 6 years. 

Back later,


2011-03-03 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3380584

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Page 314??? My rule of thumb with posts and races is that if I haven't signed up within about three pages, all bets are off. It's like an offer has been exrended and is on the table --- but will be removed within 36 hours if not agreed to by then. I'm are really hard bargainer with myself!!

As for the Nationals, though, I'm thinking no. I wrestle with this about nine times a day and won't make a decision for quite a while yet. I'm qualified for it in several different ways, but the drawbacks are:
(1) I won't go to Worlds in New Zealand. If I can't get on a plane with Lynn to visit Jane in Ausatralia for a few weeks, I'm sure not going to shlep my bike and stuff there for a race (as tempting as it might be......).
(2) I have no faith in the RD, who announced 10 days out from the oly there last year that he wasn't going to get USAT sanctioning for it (that's the race last year, not the Nationals this year).
(3) Closely related to the above is that there are still no maps or even course descriptions on the website (at least as of last Friday). Every other race in the universe has one or both of those, and why neither the RD nor USAT has posted these, i do not know.
(4) Until about a month ago, the way it was working was how it has worked at previous locations -- Nationals on one day of a weekend, USAT Sprint Championships on the other day. And then it was changed, so both are on Saturday. All in all, I worry about the planning and how professional it will be.

Having said all that, I still might come around to it, either Nats or Sprints. Or I might do a new oly near Newburgh, NY, where the maps are in place AND the Athlete's Guide is already published (with fine-tuning changes to be added up until race week)! That seems a paragon of good, solid planning, something I can happily register for (even though the cost is fairly steep -- $175). But the course is beautiful, and I just respect the RD for being well ahead of the planning/organization curve.

There are other options that same weekend, including not doing anything at all. After all, I'm racing the previous two weekends, and I'm sure the wekend prior to Nats will be an "A" race for me -- West Point, where I flatted and badly muffled the change.

AS for you, though, I can tell you are feeling great about your training -- just look at that list of proposed distances!!! That is really good to see, Shaun, and you're kind of like Phoenix risen from the ashes (of your surgery and the recovery, that is). I think I've told you that I've heard good things about Deer Creek, although for a few years he was plagued by bad weather, especially big chop on the swim a couple of years. But I hear he puts on grat races, and every one of them is a remarkably reasonable price. Unlike many RDs, he (Shannon Kurek) has NOT taken advantage of price-gouging elsewhere to bop off the prices for his races. Sure gotta respect and love that!!!!

Anyhow, keep me posted about the evolution of your race schedule. It's great to see you so keen about it all!

2011-03-03 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3380678

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


What a wonderful quote that is! I will have to try to figure out how to feature it in my own life some how -- beyond the fridge, or my plastic baggy of a "wallet", or in apile somewher or other. It really is beautiful.

My body continues interesting. The pinched nerve seems to be right on the verge of exiting my body near the right neck/shoulder intersetion. My wolverine clawing is looking less lurid, and while I still can't readilt see the one behind me knee, it lets me know it is still percolating back there. As for my feet, a couple of the cracks seem to be growing into fissures, and now the trick is to keep them from becoming crevices/crevasses. To this end I am using a product called Crack Creme, slathering that on them a few times a day.

The more serious stuff seems to be okay. I had another good run yesterday to ni ill effects, which makes two in a row with the same M.O. I'm hoping that the chiro tomorrow, and maybe another session with Tina next week, will get my hips and groin all aligned and copacetic.

Keep looking at the positive side of trading CT for Fitz. I really do think it will work out for the better, especially when you have it all figured out how to incorporate what you learned from the CT sessions into your outside rides. Even for people who just have a plain old CT and no other support system or structure, that's the ultimate goal; for you, you had that input and structure from the sessions themselves, and that should put you in an even better position!

I still enjoy thinking of you and Denise as sisters going on a double-date with those two half-iron cousins. I don't know why, it just amuses me somehow!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-03-04 6:21 AM
2011-03-03 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3381718

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yup, two races - Cayuga Lake (oly) on Aug 7, West Point (spr) on Aug 14. Next up will likely be The Nations (Sept 11), or maybe Keuka Lake if I decide to do that instead of Mooseman. K.L. has a fee jump after the 12th (odd date), so I have to be mindful of that. I just missed a price jump on March 1 for Harryman (May 22?), and thsat was abd goof because it's now gone from $110 to $130. Dumb, eh?

I'm not losing weight fast, just not really gaining. I'm at 172/173 mostly these days, which isn't far from my best race weight, around 170. In the past nine years my weight on March 3 has been (going from '10 back to '02) 175, 181, 175, 178, 179, 175, 169, 178, 179.

The low one from '04 was when I was training for Boston on April 19, and I was able to get in all that winter running without sriously hurting myself or freezing to death on the brutally cold days when, had it not been for Boston, I would;ve displayed the good snse god gave gravel and just stayed inside.

That was also the year I set my HIM PR of 5:09 (well, 5:13 with the UNINTENTIONAL drafting penalty that cost me a whopping FOUR MINUTES!!!!!!!), and for that race I was at 170. In those years when I am at high 170s at this time of year, I usually don't get down to a better race weight until July. So, if I can just stay more or less stable, I'll enter the race season in fightin' form.

When is Top Chef on, anyhow, and where (networkly-speaking)?

2011-03-05 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Top Chef is on Bravo Wednesday night.

However the new Top Chef Canada will be on Food Network Canada in April

2011-03-05 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Was at the TO bike show today and had lots of fun!   Got some new bike shorts and some new '3 in 1' sun glasses for racing.   Broke mine last year and was riding around with 'fashion' glasses.  

Looking at some new shoes and liked the looks of the Shimano WT52 tri shoe.   They have a men's version as well.   Have you heard anything about them - positive or negative?    They're not the top of the line, heat molded shoe but I think they might be good.    Did some search on the internet but have only found 2 reviews - both good.




2011-03-05 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3384289

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thank you! I'm not sure we get Bravo, but the Food Network is part of one of out packages, so if I can just hold off for another month I should be fine. And I will check our Bravo status later.

The guy at my local video store clued me into "Sons af Anarchy", and I'm hooked. I'm not sure which specialty netwprk carries it, but the thrid season is just about done and I'll have to wait, what - about 6-8 months. Argh! I'll be done with the 2nd season in about a then it will be a serious exercise in Delayed Gratification! It is not for the faint-of-heart, however, dealing with a biker gang in California. But the acting is superb, and the script is quite fine.


I just treated myself to the new "True Grit". Holy jumpin' catfish, what a great film that is! The acting is sensational, and the script is out of this world. That might challenge for my favorite film of all time, which is "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". (Others that are close are "American Graffiti", "The Last Detail", "Breakfast Club", and, un, can't think of others right now.

On the tri front, I lifted for thr first time in 11 days today; we'll see how the old bod responds to THAT! I lowered the weights and/or reps on everything I did, and I was in the gym for just 42 minutes instead of the standard 60-75, so we'll see if those thoughtful compensations saved me from a palace revolt staged by my upper body!

2011-03-05 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3384289

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad you had fun at the bike show! Had I known it was happening I might've trundled down myself, although the incredibly crappy weather would've kept me to my senses and staying close to home.

As for the cycling shoes, the ones I'm interested in getting are Shimano, but I don't know the model. I'm after the one-strap model, and not many companies make them; in fact, I know only of Shimano. I've been in my same cleats since' 01, and not only are they quite uncomfortable, but also kind of skanky. Or at least they should be, heaven knows. I will look them up and see if they're the ones I'm after.

I ordered some DeSoto stuff yesterday, although admittedly nothing I REALLY need. I was very pleased to see that Road Runner is now carrying Newtons, and even though I bought a new pair in Lake Placid last week, I will probably order a pair from RRS just to encourage them to keep them in stock. Plus, I think I have VIP status with RRS, which I think means that I get 20% off. I took up VIP a few years ago, and I think it's one of those things where if you don't cancel it, it just gets charged again for the next year. Guess I should look into that. I haven't ordered form RRS in about three years. Doh??

2011-03-07 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3384308

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-05 7:12 PM ANNE - Glad you had fun at the bike show! Had I known it was happening I might've trundled down myself, although the incredibly crappy weather would've kept me to my senses and staying close to home. As for the cycling shoes, the ones I'm interested in getting are Shimano, but I don't know the model. I'm after the one-strap model, and not many companies make them; in fact, I know only of Shimano. I've been in my same cleats since' 01, and not only are they quite uncomfortable, but also kind of skanky. Or at least they should be, heaven knows. I will look them up and see if they're the ones I'm after. I ordered some DeSoto stuff yesterday, although admittedly nothing I REALLY need. I was very pleased to see that Road Runner is now carrying Newtons, and even though I bought a new pair in Lake Placid last week, I will probably order a pair from RRS just to encourage them to keep them in stock. Plus, I think I have VIP status with RRS, which I think means that I get 20% off. I took up VIP a few years ago, and I think it's one of those things where if you don't cancel it, it just gets charged again for the next year. Guess I should look into that. I haven't ordered form RRS in about three years. Doh??

I always enjoy going to the bike show but think the $13.00 entry fee is a bit high.   You REALLY have to know your stuff and know what you want or it is so easy to get ripped off there.   Some of the retailers are less than scrupulous and it astounds me because they should realize most of the customers are not one time buyers.   I'm in the market for a new seat as well and had I been smart, should have tried some out locally over the last month, because all sales are final at the show.

The shoe I am looking at also has just the one strap and it does up opposite of the Specialized Tri-Vent.   I love my current shoe except for that.   When I have my shoes clipped in and ride with feet on top for the first few minutes, the velcro closes the opening so tightly I cannot wiggle my foot back into the shoe.   We have tried many fixes, but nothing works. 

I was on a couple of those sites you mention, I think, just this past couple of days.   You can get some good deals on-line, it seems, but I am nervous about doing that.   I was pricing the shoes and on-line pricing was much better than the bike show.   We know the owner of a local shop who is a Shimano distributor and should be able to get a decent price from him.  Ken is concerned with only one strap - thinking that I will lose energy/power because the shoe won't be as snug over the midfoot-toe area.   I don't think that will make a difference with carbon fibre soles.

Enjoying plus NEEDING the gradual reduction in hours over the past 3 weeks in prep for starting HIM plan.   Started in Nov with low volume and built to what will be the max volume of HIM plan.  Should be more than doable considering  I have been doing 2 hard bike sessions per week and continued to build the intensity along with building the volume and also increased the run volume.    Plan has only 1 hard bike session per week and as the intensity begins to ramp, the volume begins to decrease.      

Really enjoyed the off season this winter - all three disciplines were highlights.  

Having some real fun (and progress) with the swimming.   Bought something called PT Paddes (anti-paddles) from Finis.   They deflect water away from the hand, forcing you to find other methods of generating propulsion.  Fist drill is similar but this is even better.   Develops muscle strength and awareness around the core, elbow and forearm.   Used them yesterday.   My 'new' stroke still seems to be working - was doing 1500 meters of descending intervals yesterday and doing several 50's in 1.01-1.02ish which is new for me.       I am so glad you discussed the hip rotation.  

How was your weekend?   I didn't realize you were in Placid.   Just for the day?


2011-03-07 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3384176

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm still annoyed that Dale was cut...then this past week they decide to take all 5 to the Bahammas..Ok the discussion on all plates was amazing. You would think that the past performances plays a role in who goes. Apparently not. I'm becoming more and more disgruntled by the show the more I watch it. There is very little love to Tiff out there and yet she has made some of the worse dishes and still doesn't go home.

I'm almost betting at this point that she wins. She is not the same caliber chefs as the rest on 9 out of 10 days. That one day she pulls a rabbit out of the hat but IMO she has not been deserving to be on this season this long.

I'm amazed they sent Dale home. When he doesn't do his best, yeah he is in the bottom 3. When he does ok to good he wins. Sort of weird but you would figure that so many wins gets you a bye or something. Or Buitoni doesn't want an Asian to win...Heck maybe it will be Antonia vs Mikey in the final so Buitoni can say oviously Italians make the best food...

Oh reality tv you aren't so reality after all are you?

The last show though, everything looked and sounded awesome. Mikey and Anotnia (who my girlfriend calls my girlfriend, so now I am definitely pulling for her) definitely seemed to be getting along better. Antonia seemed so much more relaxed on that episode. Mikey is still the bullheaded Italian he will always be but they were getting along better especially after finding out they were long lost cousins.

2011-03-07 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3385863

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, maybe $13 is a bit steep for a shopping trip, but in the gang scheme of things it si chump change for the exhilaration of all that gear. You (and everybody else) must've been like kids in a candy shop!

With those things, and expos as well, the concept of widespread deals has been lost. It used to be that such events for chances to get good stuff fairly inexpensively, but years agao they morphed from buyers' marlets to sellers' markets. Fie on them all!

A palce like RRS is good isf you have a tried-andtrue shoe and are confident of the sizing. I have been in Newton Distance, size 12, for several tears now, so it was a no-brainer ordering from them earlier today.

For cycling cleats, though, i woule never ever orede on-line. There are a few reasons for this, but the biggest is that ultimately I am going to want someone to set them up Just So, so I'd rather just order from my LBS and trust them every step of the way.

Speaking of LBS, do you get "Triathlon Canada". The new issue ahs a big profile on Ian Fraser, the owner of my LBS! Everything the article says about him is true -- a wonderful humanoid indeed!

the photo of him has a story behind it. His goal for this past season was to set the course record at IMLP for M45-49, and to this end he seemed to have it all together. he used Tupper Lake half-iron as a tune-up and absiolutely rocked it, and his training for the next few weeks was bang-on. But come race day he bonked on the bike, and that carried obver to a terrible marathon. So, that photo of him on the bike has him looking pretty intense, whereas in reality he was feeling pretty crappy at the time.

His story is simple -- too big of an effort, poor nutrition. It almost makes me feel good when a true stud with scads of expereince can screw up. I just wish that Ian hadn't been that stud in that situation.

I never thought of Ken's perspective on one-strap cycling shoes........but seeing as how I don't want to believe it, I'm backing yoru theory 110% . Seriously, though, I think I really do agree with, not to mention the fact that my own ancient cleats (since '01) still seem to hold me quite tight, or at least tight enough.

My reason for wnating one-strap is that it is one less strap to secure while I'm moving on the bike, given that cleats-already-attached is how I operate. BUT, if ken is right then that is penny-rich, pound-foolish. that is, I save a second or two in strap-securing time......but lose much more than that if I lose energy and power by not be as in-tight as I should be. Hmmmm.

Another good run today --- 10.4km in 50:15. I'm not sure where these decent early-season runs are coming from, given my periodic down-times from running since Oct. 23. I always figure I lose running fitness fairly quickly, but that deosn;'t seem to be happening right now. I'm not at race-season speed, but I'm not far off, either. So, there's hope after all!

I'm really pleased for you that your'e so happy with your swimming, and that the hip hike is working for you. I can't say it is working all that well for me, although I'm not really emphasizing it these days. i will give it a good shot tomorrow, though!

I'll have to look into those paddles, as that's a new one for me. If Tri-Zone has them in stock, there's the cornerstone for my next order!

Placid was just down and back, almost literally. Ten minutes at Placid Planet Cycles, then about 20 minutes getting Newtons at The Fallen Arch, and then back home. There was a stop for a run so the shoes would appear worn if I got inspected at the border, but that didn't happen. Silly trip, maybe, but not the first time I'm done something so daft!

And I'm still searching, searching, searching for that first pure day off since Dec 28!

2011-03-07 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3387505

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


My Tupper Lake results got reshuffled to my disadvantage, and I am now at 38....with Ben at 36. Grrr?

2011-03-08 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3387505

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-07 10:28 PM ANNE - Well, maybe $13 is a bit steep for a shopping trip, but in the gang scheme of things it si chump change for the exhilaration of all that gear. You (and everybody else) must've been like kids in a candy shop! With those things, and expos as well, the concept of widespread deals has been lost. It used to be that such events for chances to get good stuff fairly inexpensively, but years agao they morphed from buyers' marlets to sellers' markets. Fie on them all! A palce like RRS is good isf you have a tried-andtrue shoe and are confident of the sizing. I have been in Newton Distance, size 12, for several tears now, so it was a no-brainer ordering from them earlier today. For cycling cleats, though, i woule never ever orede on-line. There are a few reasons for this, but the biggest is that ultimately I am going to want someone to set them up Just So, so I'd rather just order from my LBS and trust them every step of the way. Speaking of LBS, do you get "Triathlon Canada". The new issue ahs a big profile on Ian Fraser, the owner of my LBS! Everything the article says about him is true -- a wonderful humanoid indeed! the photo of him has a story behind it. His goal for this past season was to set the course record at IMLP for M45-49, and to this end he seemed to have it all together. he used Tupper Lake half-iron as a tune-up and absiolutely rocked it, and his training for the next few weeks was bang-on. But come race day he bonked on the bike, and that carried obver to a terrible marathon. So, that photo of him on the bike has him looking pretty intense, whereas in reality he was feeling pretty crappy at the time. His story is simple -- too big of an effort, poor nutrition. It almost makes me feel good when a true stud with scads of expereince can screw up. I just wish that Ian hadn't been that stud in that situation. I never thought of Ken's perspective on one-strap cycling shoes........but seeing as how I don't want to believe it, I'm backing yoru theory 110% . Seriously, though, I think I really do agree with, not to mention the fact that my own ancient cleats (since '01) still seem to hold me quite tight, or at least tight enough. My reason for wnating one-strap is that it is one less strap to secure while I'm moving on the bike, given that cleats-already-attached is how I operate. BUT, if ken is right then that is penny-rich, pound-foolish. that is, I save a second or two in strap-securing time......but lose much more than that if I lose energy and power by not be as in-tight as I should be. Hmmmm. Another good run today --- 10.4km in 50:15. I'm not sure where these decent early-season runs are coming from, given my periodic down-times from running since Oct. 23. I always figure I lose running fitness fairly quickly, but that deosn;'t seem to be happening right now. I'm not at race-season speed, but I'm not far off, either. So, there's hope after all! I'm really pleased for you that your'e so happy with your swimming, and that the hip hike is working for you. I can't say it is working all that well for me, although I'm not really emphasizing it these days. i will give it a good shot tomorrow, though! I'll have to look into those paddles, as that's a new one for me. If Tri-Zone has them in stock, there's the cornerstone for my next order! Placid was just down and back, almost literally. Ten minutes at Placid Planet Cycles, then about 20 minutes getting Newtons at The Fallen Arch, and then back home. There was a stop for a run so the shoes would appear worn if I got inspected at the border, but that didn't happen. Silly trip, maybe, but not the first time I'm done something so daft! And I'm still searching, searching, searching for that first pure day off since Dec 28!

Ken must not think TOO strongly about the one strap situation because we both have purchased a pair of the Shimano T-52's.  I really loved them, and the ease of getting them on after standing on them while pretending I was riding, was amazing.   The top of the line, heat molded Shimano was running +$450.00;  too expensive for me and my abilities. 

The reason you aren't seeing the dramatic results with the hip hikes, I think, is because you are a better swimmer to begin with and were probably already doing it anyway.   I was actually rotating side to side, hence the big improvement.   The PT paddles ARE really cool.   Sometimes people refer to them as turtle paddles because of the shape.   

Going to do a short outdoor run and then a longer, easy swim today, rather than cycling.   Feel more comfortable taking the full week off cycling rather than swimming.   I always seem to come back strong after a couple of weeks off the bike.   The break you had from running is probably why you are feeling strong on your runs.   The key in taking a break, and coming back stronger, I think, is that you continue some form of other training.   In the summer, we are canoeing and hiking while in the winter, you are x-country skiing.    I plan to put a bit of focus on the run this week while away.

I don't get the Triathlon Canada magazine, but will try and hunt it down.   You are lucky to have him as a LBS. 

Must get moving, but MUST say one last thing.      IMO, it is getting really important that you FORCE yourself to take not one pure day off but at least three!  I'm still sticking with addiction over habit.   There is no doubt that you have other passions in life.   Pick a couple of them and spend the entire time doing them or even something you don't normally do.   Nothing that's going to risk your tri career, of course!     


2011-03-08 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hey hey,

So found out a swimming clinic coming up soon here that I am going to register for:

It is run by Sheila Taormina who is a 3 time olympian in 3 different sports and a world champion in triathlon (2004).

My coworker went last year and recommends it. He is going as well and bringing me her book tomorrow to check out. I've got a good swim time as it is but if this can help me get more efficient, than that is great!!

More to come later. Caught up to about page 333 so almost there...

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