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2011-03-15 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3398170

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

DENISE again -

Training going okay? Maybe better than okay, even? I was a bit worried as to why you gone for a while, and hoped it wasn't because the training was floundering. I preferred to picture you in Madison, one of the inhabitants of the Capitol building, getting in some training via stair-climbing or something!

2011-03-15 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3398125

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, you're correct -- no bike tours under this cat's fur! So, I'm hoping that Anne sees this and responds, just to give you some idea of intensity of bike tours. But, I have a non-tour perspective that I've thought about a bit and will throw out to you. It relates to how I sometimes justify doing a race the week before a race, wherein I would be doing hard workouts the weekend before, so why not do them in a race setting?

For Bavarian Breakaway, then, that might work nicely as a lead-up to Deer Creek the following weekend. Looking at Fitz' Level 3 and Level 4 half-iron plans, he has a long ride on the Saturday in the weekend before the HIM (assuming a Sunday race) that be 2h 45m for Level 3, and 3h for Level 4 -- about 45-50 miles or so, done conservatively. So, depending on how you're feeling as Deer Creek gets clsoe, you could probably safely do teh 50-mile option, and could definitely do the 30-mile option. For the 75-miler, though, only if it is a gentle route.

The other two tours are more dicey......but I guess this is where the concept of proiritizing races enetrs the picture. If M.S.C. is an "A" race for you, don't do anything the day before other than the loosest of the loosest workout. If it's a "B" race, a 12-mile loop won't hurt, and if early in the morning, the 24-mile loop might be okay, too --- but be realistic about the possibility that race-day performance might be affected. If it's a "C" race, and if Fall Breakaway is more important to you than M.S.C., and you're just doing M.S.C. for the experience and vibe, then do whichever appeals to you of the Fall Brwy options.

Paradoxically, perhaps, I'm hedging most of the first scenerio, with the paradox being that it's "only" a sprint on the Wednesday. that is, if Pterodactyl is a slam-bam quickie event, then maybe whatever you do the weekend before won't matter. I guess that's true, but if the race matters to you and your training has been geared towards sprint-type speed, then doing Mid-Michigan might just mess up a couple of key workouts that would otherwise happen on that weekend. Look at whatever training paln you are considering leading up to Ptero, and see if the workouts of the 16 and 17 seem important; if so, scrap the tour.

I have made lots of mistakes over the years in racing too much or too closely. I could regale you with some details, but will spare you those and just say for now that it's really a roll of the dice. It becomes easier if you can CLEARLY differentiate the relative importance between two events, and also if you can rein yourself in suitably for the event that matters less.

Keep me posted on your thoughts of the various scenerios; I'm intrigued!!

2011-03-15 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3398174

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-15 7:15 AM DENISE again - Training going okay? Maybe better than okay, even? I was a bit worried as to why you gone for a while, and hoped it wasn't because the training was floundering. I preferred to picture you in Madison, one of the inhabitants of the Capitol building, getting in some training via stair-climbing or something!

Training is going pretty good.  I'm in my 3rd week.  The 1st week was pretty tough - sore, tired body - I was afraid I might have to cut back.  But 2nd week was much better, and 3rd also.  I increased my daily calories which helped.  Just did my 1st 2 hours on trainer yesterday - took a "salts bath" after.  I'll break 10 hours this week, which is a lot for me.  I'm sleeping 9 hours a night and if I don't get 9, I have to take a nap - good thing I'm retired.

Good thing next week is recovery.  We've got a bunch of other stuff going on.  Going with a group bus to Minneapolis to eat, see play.  Going to Madison for a couple of days to see our daughter.  She went with some friends to Chicago for spring break instead of coming home - kinda sad - I can tell this is the beginning of her coming home less and less - but that's as it should be.  We're going to watch her broomball team - I'm sure she never played broomball before - just like when she played soccer for the 1st time last year.

I need to catch up on posts,


2011-03-15 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


If Tiff makes final 3, I will be very upset.  Actually Richard is the only one left who I originally thought would be there.  But I do love Antonia.


2011-03-15 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


We're moving next year and Madison is a possiblity.  It is an attractive place to live - culture, restaurants, and a little warmer.  Although lately we've been thinking seriously about Stillwater,MN or Hudson,WI - both river towns with cafes/restaurant decks next to the river and both only about 15 minutes from Mpls/St Paul.


2011-03-15 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!



Looks like you're back working hard.  You've got even more hours scheduled than I do - and I thought I had a lot.  I think you're in better shape than me though, except maybe for the run.  I still am so jealous of your Cayman trip.


2011-03-16 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3399319

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I agree that Richard is the only one I would have really expected to be there. Antonia I saw at the higher end of the middle group, sort of on the border of being on the top. I really hope Tiffani does not make it any further but she has somehow escaped elimination time and time again. Apparently though past performance has nothing to do with how far you go as both big winnners, Karla & Dale, have gone home.

I've never been to Madison or Minneapolis however after our trip to Milwaukee last summer both Clare and I want to go back to Wisconsin and Minnesota. The people were great and we really enjoyed the city. On one hand, makes me wish I was a bit more mobile in what I do but at the same time need to give Ford a few more years to see what can come of my time here.

I think we met people from Madison and they very highly recommended Minneapolis. The problem for us is that ends up being a 12ish hour drive to get there. I would not fly because I would need the car space to bring back some good Wisconsin beer and cheese!

2011-03-16 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3394593

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks for the positive talk of the schedule.

I might be backing out of Hawk Island even though I liked it so I can get another week or so of base in before starting a plan as well as Clare was sick for over a week so she didn't get any training in and on a lesser note, its not a USAT race so spending money to join USAT then not taking advantage of the savings doesn't make a lot of sense. There is another race close to home that is cheaper than most but also not USAT sanctioned and seems to have no desire to become so. Also, I think 8-10 races overall with a few of them being pure running is enough for one year. I think I'd enjoy throwing in a time trial bike race as well but I don't think any really fit my schedule.

Now thay my schedule is sort of setup I need to prioritize them and sit down with a calendar to see where a HIM plan would start for Deer Creek and then where does that put me for a sprint plan for Triceratops. Which, this coming Sunday is 12 weeks out from Triceratops! Oh my that is coming soon!! Also...gulp...20 weeks out from Deer Creek puts me starting a HIM plan on May 15th. That's only 2 months away and I feel like I have a lot of base to build to get there...

Even though this season will technically have 2 new distances added to it I feel that Welland last year was a decent bridge distance to the Olympic.

2011-03-16 6:56 AM
in reply to: #3398200

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SteveB again,

This time in regards to the bike tour.

Again, you and I are on virtually the same wavelength. I was hedging towards Bavarian Breakaway (and its in Frankenmouth, MI known as little Germany with some good restaurants and one of the largest outlet malls around) just not so sure of distance.

Last year I was able to knock off 40 miles in about 2 hours over terrain with rolling hills. So I'm leaning towards the 50 mile. So for a 3 hour ride that works out to averaging 16.7 mph. There are also 2 break stops and a lunch stop so it doesn't have to be a straight 3 hours in the saddle not that that is a bad thing.

May as well add this to my list as well.

2011-03-16 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3394563

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thanks for the advice on the women only tri's. I've mentioned it to Clare and she is receptive of the idea. She/we need to figure out if she really wants to try one or not as I think there are only 2 or 3 within an hours drive for us. The only hard part I see for her is that I will not be able to be in transition with her where as if we were both racing, she could be in there to see my transition and I could help with hers. I guess this just means we have to practice that before hand. Which I should probably do anyways!

2011-03-16 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Read Steve's response to your post on bike tours and agree with what he said.   There are all levels of athletes at these tours and many people do 'race' them but the majority of people are just there for a good, comfortable ride.   Usually they send the competitive groups out first.   When Ken and I did our first 100km we placed ourselves LAST!     But it was only about 4 minutes before my competitive spirit kicked in and Ken didn't find me till the first rest stop.

The Fitz plan has me doing a 3 1/2 hr ride the Saturday before an Oly tune up race, which is great because we have signed up for a local bike tour that weekend.  We did it last year as well and then did the Guelph Oly aqua/bike the following weekend.   Worked well.  

I can't believe how fast you went from maybe doing no races this year to now maybe 8-10.   I can feel the excitement in your posts.    

FYI, I started out doing women's only triathlons and it was a good confidence builder.  


2011-03-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3399340

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2011-03-15 7:04 PM



Looks like you're back working hard.  You've got even more hours scheduled than I do - and I thought I had a lot.  I think you're in better shape than me though, except maybe for the run.  I still am so jealous of your Cayman trip.


I'm AM back at it, but not hard, really.   I did go a bit nuts, especially on the bike, over the winter, and then with the added running, especially when I started running 5 days/wk, almost pushed myself over the edge.   My IT's, hamstrings, groin were way overworked and it has taken me almost 2 full weeks to get things to settle down.   Not quite totally there so am glad to be starting over again with base training and will be taking it a bit easy for a couple of weeks at least.  

Big test this afternoon, when I go out for my first run in several days.   It's warm, but wet here so going to venture outside.   Getting pretty tired of those track runs.  

I have to get 9 hours of sleep most nights to train 10+hours a week and feel good.  

Your training is looking really good too.   You are so consistent.   I wish I could run like you.  

Cayman was great and I would recommend it to anyone.  Not overrun with tourists like alot of the hot spots and very safe.  No issues being out at night and walking pretty much anywhere during the day.   None of the locals constantly pestering you to buy stuff or take you on a tour.    And the salt water wasn't really salty.  

Didn't realize you were thinking of moving.   Any particular reason?  

2011-03-16 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


How's the yoga going?      I would like to try YIN as well, but not the meditative aspect.   I'm  not really good with that either, which is why I like Bikram - I think they call it awake or moving meditation or something.   You have to be SO focused on what you are doing that everything else is blocked out of your mind.   I have to start incorporating some Bikram into my schedule at home.   I did one short sequence yesterday after the bike, for opening the hips and abdomen, when I was hot and sweaty and it seemed to help.

So I see you found your Fitz book.   Do you think I will be OK with level 3 for the run and level 4 for the swim/bike?  More than likely I will be doing higher volume for both of those just because I can, but thought if I at least can achieve what he has laid out, I should be able to finish the race.

Any thoughts of riding outdoors yet?    



2011-03-17 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3400329

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm going to start with you, even though you are third in line after Denise and Shaun, just because I'm vexed that I'm SURE I wrote you a day or two ago, but there is nothing there. I'm SURE I wrote you since that first yoga on Sunday, as I have since done three more, and I'm REALLY SURE it was Tuesday evening after a wonderful Gentle Hatha session. I'm guessing that i wrote, and then forgot to hit "Submit", and went on to something else and what I wrote just plain evaporated. Whoosh!

Yes! Yoga is going swell! I did the Yin and Meditation one on Monday and enjoyed both aspects. The Yin part is at least teasingly within my level of nascent talent, and the meditation is good for me just as a way of (a) focusing on breathing and (b) lovingly sinking into myself. I'm not kidding myself for even a heartbeat that I have any clue as to how turn those experiences into something approximating meditating (unless "meditating" is a euphemism for "day-dreaming" ), but at whatever level I can do it, it's rewardingly pleasant.

But I'm really quite bad at the controlled breathing. This reminds me of when I began lifting in '05, and the guy with whom I had abourt 8-10 intro sessions kept reminding me when to breathe --- or not so much when, as to just do it! I have since learned to breathe while lifting, but the Yogic breathing is another trek down the same path as with lifting breathing six years ago.

Tuesday was Gentle Yoga, which followed by a couple of hours a 52-min swim and a 60-min upper body lift. This session was lovely, and then some ---- 90 minutes of innovative stretching incorporating and woven into a series of yoga poses. There was nothing at all demanding, and it was simply gorgeous; I never knew there were so many ways to stretch! Nirvana! Valhalla!

Last night was another Yin, this one a bit more intense than Monday's, with intense meaning the poses were held longer -- a couple for about five minutes. It surprises me that I haven't hurt myself yet, although I will tweak the pose several times if I'm getting wary or anxious about maybe being too on-the-edge with it.

If I can get to it, I will do a Hatha All Levels this early evening, which will be my first foray into a sereis of poses; at least that's what I suspect it will offer. I expect to feel deficient at these, although for all my problems with lower-body flexibility, it turns out that my upper-body flexibility is okay -- better than many people demonstrate. The arms do okay, as do the shoulders, as does my ability to twist. I can't say the same for groin flexibility, which is horrific. Any of the poses that require sitting with legs straight out and flat on the mat, and maybe even open quite a bit....and then leaning forward from there....I cannot do them. Not only don't my flattened legs open any further than maybe 30 degrees, but I cannot bend forward an iota. I sit there, upright.....and just sit there....upright. Most everyone else is not only spread at about 130 degrees, but they're bent waaaay forward. And I'm juts sitting there, upright, cast in marble.

Tomoorwo might be a morning Shanti class, although I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what Shanti is. saturday will be another Hatha, perhaps, and then I have another week to play with before the pass expires. I would love to get a membership, but as you know, these things carry a big cost. So, we shall see. At the least, i think I want to continue going to the Gentle Hatha one, which is an ideal conunterbalance for all the other stuff I do.

Uh, thanks for asking about the Yoga!

2011-03-17 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3400329

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -


How was your run yesterday? You referred to it as a big test -- did you pass with flying colors? I've had two ponderous runs in a row, Sunday and yesterday, and I attribute them to be poorly fueled (not fueling pre-run, and generally not eating too well) and still struggling with hip stuff. The chiro work is helping (going again today), and I did A.R.T. two day ago, so things are improving.

I'm hoping to ride today, which is where the concern with getting into Ottawa for Hatha enters the picture. I will swim from 11-11:45, then go to the chiro, then meet a friend for a nibble at a Tim's, and then onto the bike. If I can be on the bike by 2 I can be off by 3:15 or so, and then that allows me two hours to get home to drop off the bike and then into Ottawa for Hatha. Should be doable, but ya never know. I'm hoping the bike happens, though, just so I can feel the glory of the road under my wheels, and the bracing wind (and not fan-derived) in my face.

I will look through Fitz later and check out L3 for the run and L4 for swim and bike. I'm guessing that yes and yes/yes.....but I wonder if L4 for the bike will satisfy you. I guess I also wonder if L4 for the swim will satisfy you as well. I'll be back to you later today or tomorrow morning about that, okay?

And just another Yoga thought. When I did it for about ten sessions in '00, it was all either Bikram or Power. That is what I maybe want to aspire to now, but I'm pretty hooked into the notion that I'm no hot dog at this stuff, and shouldn't delude myself that I am, and that I can get a lot of benefits from the calmer, slower, more patently therapuetic approaches. The studio I'm using doesn't offer Bikram per se (makes THAT decision easier!), but has lots of Power and Hot Flow. But whether i do another of those in my remaining time with the pass......I'm not sure at all!

2011-03-17 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3399311

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, you got things figured out pretty quickly -- more rest, more calories! I just posted to Anne about a couple of recent ponderous runs, attributing them to being poorly fueled. But to that I can also add poorly rested. I always sleep poorly, and in Lynn's absnece it's even worse. Most days I'm at 4.5 to 5.5 hours of sleep, and it's pretty fitfull at that. I've been like that for forever; it's a gene I got from my father, I think.

But if you can regualarly knock off at least 8 hours, and then sometimes 9 hours, and augment those with naps, you're doing incredibly well -- in fact, meeting an ideal that many pro and elite triathletes aim for. As for the increased calories, are you "worrying" about what form they take, i.e., protein or carbohydrate? Or, is it just any old calorie at any old time? I would guess that for your body type you can take in anything you want; yes? Lucky girl!

I dare say you made it over the hump with surviving the first couple of weeks. There will be other tough weeks along the way, but they won't be constant and I suspect you'll find that it's not an entire week that taxes you, but rather individual sessions within those weeks. So maybe you'll find MO and TH and SA tougher than normal and thus contributing to a sense that the week was tough......but also realizing that the other four days weren't that bad at all. That scenario is opposed to what I figure was your feeling for the first two weeks of your training -- that the whole thing was difficult!

Have you found a good protein source to take within an hour of most of your workouts? That is pretty key, especially for us older folks. You can get elaborate with this, meaning that you buy some specially-formulated powder for a drink, or you can go to a convenience store and buy a jug or carton of chocolate milk and some beef jerky! (Pre-packaged choc milk can have surprisingly high levels of protein, much beter than a container of Nestle Quik). So if you can get in protein and carbohydrates within an hour of finishing your workouts, that will help a lot. Another trick is to take in whey before you go to bed, as during sleep is an idal time for weight to stimulate your HGH levels. Or so I'm told.

Madison! Move to Madison! If you live in Madison, what more could you want?!? It's got everything, and without the size-related headaches that come with most cities that also have everything. MADISON! (Of course, you'd have to share space with Scott Walker.........but I don't think he'll be around there too much longer! )

2011-03-17 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3399767

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Hey! Welcome to my world of aggressive schedules and the decisions that come with them!

As I think you know, I'm a real sucker for doing races as part of Build-training. However, i'm never sure that's the wisest thing to do, so I can understand your thinking in passing on Hawk Isalnd instead of doing some serious, more focused training. I think the latter really is the ideal........and the former is just a competitive slacker's way towards immediate gratification!

As for the USAT thing, well, you know that that's a deal-breaker for me. The non-USAT ones work well for many people, and I kind of don't like to "punish" the RDs who, for whatever reason, don't want to go the USAT route. Maybe they just want it low-key, or don't feel they can afford whatever money is needed at whetever point to get a race proper enough to meet USAT standards......but I end up feeling that isn't my concern. Plus, for me, the USAT rankings is of primo importance. Over the years I have "blown" USAT races by doing races in Canada the weeknd before, and that's no smarter than going sout and doing one that is not USAT-sanctioned. So, this past season I didn't do a single race in Canada, and don't plan to this season, either. (This saddens me some....)

Let me know how your calculations unfold. My first thought is that the 12 weeks until Triceratops is enough, and my second thought is that 20 weeks until Deer Creek is quite a bit, and my third thought is that two months is a LOT of time to build a decent base. So, don't worry too much! Loads and loads of time to get all your ducks in a row!

2011-03-17 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3399799

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

And you're right about Welland, which I'm remembering as a 30km bike and a 7.5km run (not sure of the swim, though; 1000m, maybe?). For a few years way back when I had issues with those "hybrid" distances, but then I git less rigid and began to see their benefits -- the "bridge" one being the biggie.

And I forgot that about bike tours, that the option is there for nice rest breaks and even a meal in the case Bavarian. The past two seasons it just turned out that I was doing runs along the Long Sault Parkway when the Toronto-Montreal tour was passing through, and so I've seen how these things can get spread out. Early on there are the gunners and hard-core types......and then up to 90 minutes later come the rest, in dribs and drabs. I guess it's all about each person creating their own reality, each day of the tour!

2011-03-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3401501

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


And how was that run? Inquiring minds want to know!!

From John Salt's world.....
1.) "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series"? I didn't see THAT name coming!
2.) Infinit is not back as a sponsor, with Hammer returning. I want to know the stories behind that reverse switcheroo.

I've now done Yoga seven straight days, with the 8th coming this afternoon. It'll be another Yin, which seems to be my happy place. More later!

(And if I never do another Downward Dog, it will be too soon!)

2011-03-20 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3405435

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-20 12:19 PM ANNE - And how was that run? Inquiring minds want to know!! From John Salt's world..... 1.) "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series"? I didn't see THAT name coming! 2.) Infinit is not back as a sponsor, with Hammer returning. I want to know the stories behind that reverse switcheroo. I've now done Yoga seven straight days, with the 8th coming this afternoon. It'll be another Yin, which seems to be my happy place. More later! (And if I never do another Downward Dog, it will be too soon!)

Was hoping to get an update to you before you came looking for me.      Run didn't happen.   Got myself in a little situation with the groing/hamstring, but hoping it's not going to mess up my season.   

Looked back over log to see if I could pin point when the issue started.   Added the T/Th run on Feb 8 and ran 5 days per week for 2 full weeks and was feeling great. Worked through and resolved the left shin issue. Mid way through 3rd week noted that right IT was really sore and tight and on the 27th noted that there was a 'pulling/tightness' in right groin. Doing alot of HARD cycling on both T/Th. Both ITs were really tight and hadn’t had a full recovery day for 3 weeks.

After the 27th noticed that I was getting a sharp pulling across back of leg at top on 'take-off' and then wouldn't notice it. But if I stopped, it would happen again on start up. From what Rabbi (physio) says, because of my underdeveloped/non existent right medial glute, my hamstring/IT takes the load.  This is not new to me and have exercises to work on this. 

It was also about this time I raised my seat substantially on the bike which really affected my hamstrings. Also added some strength training for the adductor which was quite weak, but apparently my abductor is weaker. Possibly the combo? Although it is my right groin that is affected, I CAN feel tightness to a much lesser degree on the left hamstring, which makes me think the seat height.

Things were great up until the 20th when I had my best run of the year.

This hamstring strain sort of came at a good time, and hopefully won't set me back too, too much. Happened the week before leaving for Cayman so able to rest it while there, w/o being depressed about it; treatment and walking only this week, and next week is the 4th week of plan and a recovery week so big reduction in running hours anyway. Seeing physio mid week and the way I feel, I am hoping he will let me do a minute on a minute off, of running starting week 5 instead of week 6.

Yesterday's long bike seems to have had no ill effects at all on hamstring.   Walked for 35 minutes today but that was it.   Overall, entire body was 'off' today.   Tomorrow is recovery and I will go back to physio on Tuesday for more ultrasound/electromagnetic current?/ and acupuncture.   Noticed a big difference after the first treatment.   

What's this about John Salt?   Must go check out the site.  


2011-03-21 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3405808

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I've read your note a few times, trying to make sense of all of the information; I think I need to draw an anatomical figure (would it then be an anneatomical drawing?) and try to figure out where all the pulls and strains are coming from. But because this is outisde my range of common knowledge, and because you have Rabbi and the other members of your Support Crew working on it, their minds are far more reliable than mine is and so I won't say a thing!

Well, not quite. I would guess the seat-raising would have some effect, but maybe not as wide-ranging as it seems to be? Maybe that's the point I'm struggling with, how a few possible causative factors might actually have affected you.

It sounds like you got on this very quickly, and of course that's a good thing. My take on hamstirngs is that for some people they can become chronic, but most respond to immediate backing-off and the proper therapies. So, don't worry too much about it messing up your season!

As for the timing, it sure was perfect. It's still March, and Mussel isn't for another four months, so that's ample time to get straightened out with the hamstring and groin and ITB concerns.

It's good that your recent long ride produced no ill effects. My one outside ride last Thursday DID bug my right hip and groin! I'm now kind of between appointments, as my chiro (Natalie) is on vacation for the next 11 days and I don't have anything scheduled with Tina (A.R.T.). I haven't done a run since Wednesday, but just because I haven't done a run since Wednesday. I'd planned to today, but right now it;'s snowing hard and may end up with 5-10cm -- and with my recent peroneal concerns, I'm in no hurry to add "unstable" to any of my runs.

Nothing the past two days except Yoga, of which I've done 8 days straight. I have five more on the pass after today, and I will probably skip today's anyhow. I'm not sure I can afford to continue doing Yoga once the pass runs out.

It's no longer "Multisport Canada" or MSC Triathlon" or "HSBC Triathlon" ----- it's "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series". And Infinit is nowhere to be seen on the website, but Hammer is a major sponsor and listed as "on-course" nitrition", or something like that. I just want to know why the deal with Infinit didn't work out, whether people didn't like it, or just if Hammer was able to come up with a much sweeter deal than Infinit. The advantage to having Hammer is that can do both fluids and gels, where the gel option doesn't exist for Infinit. But that's just me, idly speculating and engaging in gossip!

2011-03-21 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3406408

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-21 9:40 AM ANNE - I've read your note a few times, trying to make sense of all of the information; I think I need to draw an anatomical figure (would it then be an anneatomical drawing?) and try to figure out where all the pulls and strains are coming from. But because this is outisde my range of common knowledge, and because you have Rabbi and the other members of your Support Crew working on it, their minds are far more reliable than mine is and so I won't say a thing! Well, not quite. I would guess the seat-raising would have some effect, but maybe not as wide-ranging as it seems to be? Maybe that's the point I'm struggling with, how a few possible causative factors might actually have affected you. It sounds like you got on this very quickly, and of course that's a good thing. My take on hamstirngs is that for some people they can become chronic, but most respond to immediate backing-off and the proper therapies. So, don't worry too much about it messing up your season! As for the timing, it sure was perfect. It's still March, and Mussel isn't for another four months, so that's ample time to get straightened out with the hamstring and groin and ITB concerns. It's good that your recent long ride produced no ill effects. My one outside ride last Thursday DID bug my right hip and groin! I'm now kind of between appointments, as my chiro (Natalie) is on vacation for the next 11 days and I don't have anything scheduled with Tina (A.R.T.). I haven't done a run since Wednesday, but just because I haven't done a run since Wednesday. I'd planned to today, but right now it;'s snowing hard and may end up with 5-10cm -- and with my recent peroneal concerns, I'm in no hurry to add "unstable" to any of my runs. Nothing the past two days except Yoga, of which I've done 8 days straight. I have five more on the pass after today, and I will probably skip today's anyhow. I'm not sure I can afford to continue doing Yoga once the pass runs out. It's no longer "Multisport Canada" or MSC Triathlon" or "HSBC Triathlon" ----- it's "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series". And Infinit is nowhere to be seen on the website, but Hammer is a major sponsor and listed as "on-course" nitrition", or something like that. I just want to know why the deal with Infinit didn't work out, whether people didn't like it, or just if Hammer was able to come up with a much sweeter deal than Infinit. The advantage to having Hammer is that can do both fluids and gels, where the gel option doesn't exist for Infinit. But that's just me, idly speculating and engaging in gossip!

Yeah, I know.   Always way too much information.     The pulling/strain started in the groin, then over the course of maybe 3 runs progressed to more of a 'hurt' when my foot hit the ground and it was felt at the back of the leg at the very top sort of in the middle.   Not sure if that helps.   And yes, I believe it came on quite suddenly.   And do believe it is yet another case of too much, combined with too little strength in my medial glute.   Those CT sessions were HARD, with lots of work at 120-140% of FTP.   Both chiro and physio both are adamant that with hamstring strains (bugs me that they call them tears), even grade 1, you must be extremely cautious.  Apparently, I don't want to even think about a grade 2, and grade 3 pretty much means the end of running.   So they have scared me, which is probably good.  

What I wanted to hear from you was that I would still be ready for Musselman if I can be back to running by the first of April.   So you have made me happy.     That would be 3 weeks of recovery nd physio said I should be OK in 2 weeks.    I am going for another treatment and re-evaluation tomorrow afternoon so will let you know.  

I think that is a really weird name for the series, and I just have a feeling they are going to lose some of the competitive folk that are doing the races now. 

PLEASE, PLEASE keep that snow it Ottawa!   Looks like we are supposed to get it on Tuesday night.      Wasn't as adventurous as you on the bike.   Looks like it will be a couple more weeks at least, for me, before I'm on the open road.   

2011-03-21 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3399319

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well Tiffani is finally off. However, I do have a newfound respect for her in that she is self taught and never worked with a professional chef. Do I hear a sort of Top Chef no training edition?

It is still Richard's to loose in my mind. However you can tell its getting to him that he isn't winning the challenges.

2011-03-21 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3401490

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Thank you for the welcome to the aggressive race scheduling group. Do we have an addicts group setup..say a TA (triathlete's anonymous) yet?

I'm thinking I should for the sake of sanity drop another sprint or two. Not 100% sure I will do that but that will help the wallet and my mental being at a minimum.

Basically all of my races fall within my HIM training plan. So most of my work will be on going the distance (or so I suspect) vs getting fast for the sprints...Which leads me to think that maybe the T-Rex series of races isn't worth it and I should instead just do another sprint or two.

You were close on Welland 800m swim, 30km bike and 7.5km run which was not a struggle at last years fitness. Certainly at this point it is!

I think the cycling is coming back to me. Well, I have yet to be on my bike or my trainer, using the spin bikes at the gym still, but have also been doing a fair amount of leg strengthening which according to Fitzgerald is the one of two ways (other is time on bike) of getting faster on the bike. Main thing here is time in saddle to get comfortable and losing more weight to be more comfortable.

2011-03-21 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

In the last few weeks the book collection took a big step up.

Clare ordered a few books to help her with nutrition and strength training and added Friel's new book that is supposed to sort of complete the Bible.
- Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance - Matt Fitzgerald
- Racing Weight Quick Start Guide - Matt Fitzgerald
- Strength Training for Triathletes - Patrick Hagerman
- Your Best Triathlon - Joe Friel

Then I took a trip into a local Border's that is closing and got:
- Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon: How to be Your Own Best Coach
- Zinn and The Art of the Mountain Bike - Lennard Zinn

I think there were more tri related books but can't remember now...As well as a few other cook books, gifts for others and Blurays. All books were 30% off, periodicals 50% off and BluRays 40% off.

So my tri related bookshelf has expanded quite a bit again. I have more books/magazines I want to read and less time to read them!!

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