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2011-03-22 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3406752

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'LL BE HERE IN THE MORNING! (Wednesday, that is.)

2011-03-23 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3409735

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'm baaaaacccckkkkk!!!

With Lynn in Australia for 26 days, she arrived back to a computerful of commitments, so it's been pretty much her machine for the past few days. She's back at work, though, so for now it's MINE!!

2011-03-23 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3410102

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You two will be pleased to know that on Monday I FINALLY took a pure day off! Halleloo?

It was actually quite nice, and felt pretty much "right". The total ended up being 82 days.....but who's counting? I still maintain that some of those days, especially the ski-only ones, don't really count, but I know, ANNE, that you're not about to give me a "flier" on those, so I've stopped even asking?

Get this, though: Yesterday morning, the day after the day off, I was doing dishes and twanged my back; it still hurts today!! (I managed to do a swack of stuff yesterday anyhow, but it wasn't much fun.)

ANYHOW, what can I assume: that always working out is good for me, or that simple houshold chores are bad for me, or both? I would love to use the second one for leverage with Lynn.......but I think she would say that if I can work out, I can wash dishes and vacuum and scrub toilets. I find her logic spurious..............but sadly unassailable.

2011-03-23 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3406522

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That email form Musselman on March 8? The one that said less than 200 spots in the sprint? I did the math on that and figured those spots would still be there by mid April.....and it turns out that both races are now full. Wahhhhhh!

However, I am VERY glad that you didn't listen to my idea that the half would likely still be open into May. Whew for you!

I agree that John Salt may lose some people with that name. Ultimatley, of course, it's just a name and doesn't affect the qulaity of the races at all.......but in actual fact it does matter to lots of people. When I mentioned it to Lynn, she was amazed at hopw poor it soumnds and that no one could come up with anything better -- and she usually doesn't pay any mind at all to things like names and logos.

Did you have your re-evaluation yesterday? As for the way you described it, it makes perfect sense --- and don't worry yet! Two weeks out from a marathon in late '02 I pulled my hamstring and had to bail on the race. Looking through my log:
-- speedwork on Nov 16 set it off
-- ran 6.3 km on 19th, but the right one was sorest
-- rested until the 23rd, and a 9.2 km run left the left one VERY sore
-- I put "massage" down for the 20th and 25th, but don;'t remember if it was ART
-- the rest of the week found it still sore, and by the Friday (Nov 30), the day before the race, I knew I couldn't do it.

-- I spent the next week stretching and doing a couple (Dec 2 and 6) of ART sessions
-- ran 6.5 km on Dec 7, noting "Pretty good! Hips fine, hamstring/piriformis 85%, constant mild soreness mid-medial glute; fine after."
-- ran 9 km on the 10th - "Quite good, better than Saturday! Still a bit of 'bite' mid-medial left glute, but mostly o.k."
-- ART on the 11th
-- ran 9.7 km on the 12th ' "Quite good, only problem around left groin/psoas. Myabe left hammy toughening near the end?"

And then I seemed mostly good for good. 6.6km on the 15th, 10.2km on 16th, ART on 18th, 9.8km on 21st, 12.4km on 23rd.......
There were notes here and there (after 12.3km on the 27th -- "Pretty good, hips and hams gradually getting better!") about some twinges, but obviously nothing that kept me down.

I can tell you that when it was a problem, it really hurt! So, at least for me, level of discomfort had nothing to do with the degree to which it was compromised. I hope that's how it works for you!

A.R.T. seemed to help, with those four mentioned above.....and maybe it was also A.R.T. on those two "massage" days?

Keep me posted!

2011-03-23 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3406721

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No, no support group that I'm aware of. We're pretty much left to just flap in the wind and watch our disposable income disappear. Occasionally I will get the figurative slap upside the head from Lynn, to the effect that I am spending way more money than I'm bringing in -- that even got my attention back in the days I was still working! . Does that count as a "support group"??

And, I hate to tell you this, but not only have you fallen into Trap #1 (aggressive race scheduling), but you are laos deeply mired, I see, in Trap #2 (too many tri books!!!!!!!). I truly believe that there is an alternative universe out there, maybe at the nether end of some colossal balck hole, and that it is richly appointed through all of the disposable income of triathletes. I have no proof, of course -- just a hunch!

Seriously, though -- good book choices!

2011-03-23 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3410234

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

Did you see my post to Anne, that the race series of which Welland is a aprt has been reanmed the "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series"? Their major sponsor has now become the diary industry of Ontario, I guess, and so they have moooved to that new name. I wish they had stayed with the udder name, Multisport Canada.

Dumb puns aside, I'm glad that your bike chops seem to be returning well. My experiecne is that the bike is the most forgiving in terms of time away from it, so you should be back to speed there before too long.

2011-03-23 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Rest day for you! Whoopee! And Lynn's back.  Your life is in order.

You know, I've been thinking about something again.  You and Anne are frequently suffering from various injuries or strains and all I get is tired and sore.  I'm worried perhaps I'm not pushing myself enough - not that I want an injury but you'd think I'd get a pulled muscle once in awhile if I was really working hard.

We got a bunch of snow and all the schools closed and I'm getting a little concerned because I've got my 1st du in a little over a month and I still haven't been able to bike outside.

We're heading to Madison for a couple of days to bring our daughter her moped and watch her play broomball.


2011-03-23 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Sorry about your hamstring - hope it's better soon.  Hey, how come your training log is private now? - I love reading your logs now and then.


2011-03-23 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3411513

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The other way to look at it is htat some people (would that be you?) are more bionic than others and seldom get injured. They work quite hard, but their biomechanics combined with their overall body characteristics just allows them to train to no real ill effect. I suppose it could be that you're not pushing yourself hard enough, but as long as you're not severely undercutting the integrity of your program, then I wouldn't assume anything negative about your work load and effort.

And all that speculatioin aside, just be thankful that, for whatever reasons, you've kept injuries at bay!

As for that duathlon, do it regardless of whether you get outside or not. At the very least, it should give you an indication of just how well your indoor training is working for you. To wit....

I have now decided not to do West Point Duathlon on April 3, mostly because of cost. That is a very recent decision, and has nothing to do with the fact that I havce only ridden outside once, and might not until race day. But as the cold has continued here, I rationalized it just as I said above -- that I could see just how effectively I have done all of my indoor rifding this winter. I know I have put in big hours.......but have they been good hours? Or fair? Or lousy??

I have never raced this early before, so I have no way of knowing how primed those indoor trainer hours get me. As I thought about that du, I thinking that if I could do the 14 rolling/hilly mils at 20+ mph, I would feel good about my training. If between 19 and 20, I'd shrug and accept that. If under 18, though.......I think I'd better develop a more serious plan for next off-season!

So, even if your outside training is limited between now and your du, do it --- if it's close enough and affordable enough, that is!

Does that make some sense? Any sense at all??

2011-03-24 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


So last evening was my swim clinic with Sheila Taormina. This was a 2nd clinic with her with a specific master's swim group. So for half the people it was their second time with her and the other half it was their first time. So unfortunately it was tuned a bit more to them then the new folks in terms of swim technique. That being said she talked about triathlon a lot.

This blew my mind...All she trained for was Olympic distance. Her weekly training was
- 120 miles biking
- 30-35 miles running
- 15000 yards swimming

Obviously she was an extremely strong swimmer but I was also amazed at how 'little' biking and running she did to be a world champion triathlete. She talked about how she would travel to a race 2-3 days before and between the travel day and race day did at most a light jog or light bike yet some of her competitors would get off the plan and go for a hard run.

She really emphasized the key workouts. For her it was a Wednesday ride with a local bike team/club that was a hammerfest and a run on Thursday and swim team on Saturday. Beyond that she said that if feeling too burned out she would generally take the day off or do a light workout. She was very much against garbage yardage in high doses. It has to be done but its not the most critcal workout to do. Some of her hardest runs were less than 3 miles on hills. Something else she really strongly believed in was weight lifting. Especially with age (she is about 41). She commented how core strength was huge with swimming and with biking. With biking it is seen on rollers. She did lots and lots of sprint work. Which makes sense if you are trying to be fast. Listening to her talk and what not I thought to myself I wonder if she has ever thought of coaching swimming or triathletes. She is a very good speaker.

Sheila's swim technique that she preaches is high elbow which allows the hand and forearm to be a paddle. I did not understand what was really meant by high elbow especially when the only drill for it was finger tip drag. Now it makes sense from listening to her and her book. It's high elbow in the water after the catch through the finish.

She showed a bunch of under water footage of people I've never heard of but it was from the Olympics and footage she took of a girl from the Detroit area who is now going to Univeristy of Georgia which is where she went working with the coach Sheila worked with 20 years ago.

I ended up getting her book ('Call the Suit') which has a lot of pictures in it that helped me understand high elbow before I got to her class as I borrowed my coworkers. She also sells bands/cords for strength training and technique work that we used. I bought a pair so I can at least attempt to some dry land swim training while in Mexico or days I just don't want to get into the pool.

This is her YouTube channel to check see her talk about swim technique:

She also mentioned a book 'Meabolic Plan' which she made sound somewhat interesting. May have to check it out.

Sorry for this probably seeming very disjointed but I'm trying to write at work and as I rememer things. I think this is it...

On a sidenote, it was neat swimming with a group like that, that is a competitve masters swim team. Unfortanately they practice 1 hour from my work and 1 hour from my home so its out of my way but the coach has glowing reviews. It's too late for this season as they are gearing up for state finals and their downtime is going to be my downtime leading into Mexico. Will have to try out the group when I come home.

Edited by smarx 2011-03-24 9:42 AM
2011-03-24 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Remembered something else that may be of use to Steve, Denise, Anne (as you all have talked about kick) and others.

As for the kick. Bent leg down, straight leg up for propulsion. I really need to work at that as I noticed in the pool I have a hard as heck time doing this. I now see a reason for a kickboard. She said that a bent leg up kick is like pulling yourself backwards in the pool and this does happen. Whereas if you kick up with a straight leg this doesn't happen and a bent leg down kick really forces the water and propels you forward.

One drill to try for getting a feel for how to move the water with your forearm (and flat hand, do not angle the hand, keep it straight with forearm) is to stand in the water with your arms in front of you and to push water away from your hand and towards your opposite hand. Start with thumb down (45 degree angle, not pointed straight at bottom of pull) about a foot underwater and push out about a foot and then pull your arms together with your thumb up but still at a 45 degree angle from being vertical. If you do this hard enough at right tempo you will develop a whirlpool.

In an effort to propel ourselves through the water you don't want to slip your arm to the easier to push water. Pull straight back then hinge your arm into your body a bit then push through the finish. I hope this may be in some of the videos on her youtube channel but have not checked. Side to side motion in your pull generates side motion not forward propulsion.

2011-03-24 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Oh and I forgot one book...The Time Crunched Triathlete.

So now where do I start???? Nutrition/weight loss which I need...How to get maximum benefit from  reduced volume of training??? How to make good Thai food??? Too many books and not enough time!!

2011-03-24 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Also, Saturday I will be at:

Supposedly everything is on sale with some bikes at cost. The good problem is I have not been fit for a proper size tri bike so I doubt I'll be bringing one of those home....Newton will be there with demo shoes so I'll try those out and maybe bring a pair home. Main goal is tri bike shoes and maybe mountain bike shoes.

2011-03-24 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3412159

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Wow! Many, many thanks for putting together those notes. There is a wealth of great info that you condensed, and for every item I was able to nod my head in agreement. There is nothing off-the-wall there, just lots of smart, common-sense approaches to training. You are vety fortunate to have gotten yourself there -- for personal inspiration purposes, if nothing else.

I have devoted this off-season's swimming to high elbows, almost to the exclsuion of everything else. (Well, a lot of stuff with various breathing patterns, too.) I have even developed my own innovative sculling routine to this effect, and I'm sure that it would pass muster with any swim coach as a fine way to develop high elbows on the pull. One problem I have always had with it, and I have metioned this to Anne, is that I don't seem to be able to engage my "big-mover" muscles -- lats and traps and pecs -- as much as I should. I spend an inordiante amount of time working on them in the gym, but when it comes to utilizes them in swimming, I'm not sure it's all there.

I will track down those links you provided; much obliged!

So, where's your motivation level at now -- about 92%??

2011-03-24 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3412947

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

I just saw your other posts after the big one. I shall return!

2011-03-24 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3412245

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN once more -

More great stuff in your kick-heavy post. Heck, I'M feeling motivated now!

The best line is the last one, about side-to-side motion during the pull. So true!

Her sculling technique is one I have tried in the past, but get real lazy about doing when I get to the pool. At the pool I prefer to incorporate everything I do into actual swimming and/or moving through the water, so whereas I used to do some of those "static" drills, I don't anymore. BUT......maybe I should revisit them!

With the right collection of ingredients, Thai cooking is pretty easy. It can be time-pressing with chopping, but as far as amounts of easch ingredient, I just find there is a lot of latitude for varuability. And if one ingredient is missing, it usually isn't a big problem --- there ar another six spicy ones to mask what is misiing!

Does the "time-crunched" book have a section on fitting voluminous reading into the plan?

2011-03-25 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My IE (browswer) isn't working so have no internet access and can only get on to Ken's work computer for a few minutes each day.   Hope to have it fixed soon.  Hamstring improving and hope to try running again next week.   My right TFL has been really bad which hasn't helped the matter, but it too seems to finally be settling down.  

Denise - I agree with Steve's comment to you about some people's bodies are just better adapted to handle the stress of training.   However, also feel there is something to your comment about intensity.   I preferred how I felt last year when I kept it nice and easy and had lots of fun.   High intensity for long periods definitely causes problems for me.  

I made my log private because sometimes I want to say stufff that is more of a personal nature and not always comfortable with others viewing my thoughts.   Will probably open it up again for at least you.  

Hope everyone is having a great week.

2011-03-25 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3410250

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-23 10:14 AM SHAUN again - Did you see my post to Anne, that the race series of which Welland is a aprt has been reanmed the "Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series"? Their major sponsor has now become the diary industry of Ontario, I guess, and so they have moooved to that new name. I wish they had stayed with the udder name, Multisport Canada. Dumb puns aside, I'm glad that your bike chops seem to be returning well. My experiecne is that the bike is the most forgiving in terms of time away from it, so you should be back to speed there before too long.


Glad to hear what you say about the bike.   My March has been pretty much useless on all counts! 

2011-03-25 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Picked up my newShimano WT52's today.   I really like them alot.  Any progress on new shoes for yourself?

2011-03-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3414932

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No, absolutely nothing. I am curently negotiating with myself about how to manage my (i.e., Lynn's ) my finances so that I can continue with Yoga, if I feel that doing so is what I really want to do. I feel I have to severely slash some of my discretionary spending, such as books, magazines, pies (Life of Pie goodies)............and tri-related stuff. How to begin? WHERE to begin??

Well, I started by stopping buying the New York times; heck, that's worth a class right there! One less pie per week -- another class! Deciding to not do West Point Duathlon is a decision to not spend $80US on reg. and probably $100 on food and lodging, and another $50 on gas, which would be about 20 classes, right?

Well, not quite. Guilt tells me I should sweeten the pot some, which maybe means that more a 2-for-1 thing -- for every $25 or $30 not frittered away elsewhere, I can justify a class. Or maybe it should be more like 3-for 1? 4-for-1??

Which brings me to cycling shoes, and a cost of whatever -- $200-300? How badly do I want them? How badly do I NEED them?

Anyhow, I have much thinking to do. My two-week $15 Groupon pass to Santosha expired today, but I sure can't quibble, having done eleven classes. Best $15 I ever spent? Maybe!!

I will get some pass tomorrow, hopefully a senior's for 6 more classes. One place on their site says seniors is 65+.....but Lynn, still weeks away from 61, got a pass at the seniors rate, so I'm hopeful. That would be six for $55, as opposed to the regular pass which is five for $75! I guess my best chance would be to show up after a poor night's sleep (that's mostly always), and also after a swim in which my goggle-eyes are especially ringed. I probably shouldn't shave, and subtle drooling might help. The seniors rate also has one-month unlimited for $90, which isn't a bad deal at all. But first, I have to qualify for that. The U.S. is great at acknowledging 60 as a worthy age for a senior, but Canada is cruel about so many situations requiring that one survives to 65.

Blah, blah, blah!!!

2011-03-26 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3415594

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

stevebradley - 2011-03-26 4:21 PM ANNE - No, absolutely nothing. I am curently negotiating with myself about how to manage my (i.e., Lynn's ) my finances so that I can continue with Yoga, if I feel that doing so is what I really want to do. I feel I have to severely slash some of my discretionary spending, such as books, magazines, pies (Life of Pie goodies)............and tri-related stuff. How to begin? WHERE to begin?? Well, I started by stopping buying the New York times; heck, that's worth a class right there! One less pie per week -- another class! Deciding to not do West Point Duathlon is a decision to not spend $80US on reg. and probably $100 on food and lodging, and another $50 on gas, which would be about 20 classes, right? Well, not quite. Guilt tells me I should sweeten the pot some, which maybe means that more a 2-for-1 thing -- for every $25 or $30 not frittered away elsewhere, I can justify a class. Or maybe it should be more like 3-for 1? 4-for-1?? Which brings me to cycling shoes, and a cost of whatever -- $200-300? How badly do I want them? How badly do I NEED them? Anyhow, I have much thinking to do. My two-week $15 Groupon pass to Santosha expired today, but I sure can't quibble, having done eleven classes. Best $15 I ever spent? Maybe!! I will get some pass tomorrow, hopefully a senior's for 6 more classes. One place on their site says seniors is 65+.....but Lynn, still weeks away from 61, got a pass at the seniors rate, so I'm hopeful. That would be six for $55, as opposed to the regular pass which is five for $75! I guess my best chance would be to show up after a poor night's sleep (that's mostly always), and also after a swim in which my goggle-eyes are especially ringed. I probably shouldn't shave, and subtle drooling might help. The seniors rate also has one-month unlimited for $90, which isn't a bad deal at all. But first, I have to qualify for that. The U.S. is great at acknowledging 60 as a worthy age for a senior, but Canada is cruel about so many situations requiring that one survives to 65. Blah, blah, blah!!!

I think your yoga is more expensive than ours.  At the Bikram studio we can get 20 classes for 199.00 at the regular price.   They always have specials being offered so most of the time it has been working out to about $40.00 or less, for 5 classes.   Funny that they offer student pricing but no senior pricing.   Here in Kitchener and Guelph a number of places (not yoga) offer senior rates at 55 which I love.    

I go through the same exercise as you.   What do I have to/want to give up in order to get that.     My most recent was the CT sessions - I promised to sell my china, hockey equipment, golf clubs and roller blades!   However, they are all still sitting in their respective cupboards. 

Will come back in a bit.   Just got on the computer to search for a recipe for some spare ribs.   Have some baked beans cooking in the crock pot now.......  

2011-03-27 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3413830

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2011-03-25 9:33 AM

My IE (browswer) isn't working so have no internet access and can only get on to Ken's work computer for a few minutes each day.   Hope to have it fixed soon.  Hamstring improving and hope to try running again next week.   My right TFL has been really bad which hasn't helped the matter, but it too seems to finally be settling down.  

Denise - I agree with Steve's comment to you about some people's bodies are just better adapted to handle the stress of training.   However, also feel there is something to your comment about intensity.   I preferred how I felt last year when I kept it nice and easy and had lots of fun.   High intensity for long periods definitely causes problems for me.  

I made my log private because sometimes I want to say stufff that is more of a personal nature and not always comfortable with others viewing my thoughts.   Will probably open it up again for at least you.  

Hope everyone is having a great week.


You should for sure keep your log private then.  It's purpose is to help you and I know you like to be really detailed and include everything that affects your workouts and if that includes personal stuff, I totally understand your wanting to have it private.


2011-03-27 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Do you know when your 1st race is?  I get confused cuz your schedule is so "fluid".   haha


2011-03-28 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3410234

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No support group for the race addicts? Hmm...No RA or TA (triahtlon addicts)...What is one to do? Well I guess that only leaves race more! I suppose spouses do function as support groups in that matter of which you speak of being figuratively slapped upside the head.

Yeah I know about trap #2. I figure I fell into that last year and have yet to recover!! Oh well...Most are good info. Didn't buy every book I've seen just the one's that really interest me.

I did see your support about Multisport and their sponsor change. I agree with you on the basis of their name. However, if this in some way means more swag for competitors or better stuff at the events or more events or better events...than maybe it is very worthwhile! Not to mention I'm sure adult triathlete's tend to be some heavier milk drinkers. Maybe not...

2011-03-28 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Good Morning,

Nice and sunny here this morning but still crazy cold.   So glad Easter is later this year so we might have a chance of a decent weekend. 

Going to try and get back on track this week (5) and see if my body can handle it.    Have physio tomorrow and hopefully he says OK to resume the running THIS week as opposed to next.

My baked beans turned out SO good.   Tried 3 new recipes by Mairlyn Smith, from the latest ALIVE magazine.  She is my favorite home economist/food writer by far.   Not only does her stuff taste great, it is all good for you.   I have literally used every recipe from her book Ultimate Foods for Ultimate Health (and don't forget the chocolate) co-authorized by Liz Pearson and NOT ONE has been a disappointment.    Both Ken and my son couldn't get enough of the Shepherd's Pie on Sunday - made with ground turkey and sweet potato.   

Hope training goes well for everyone this week.  

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