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2010-09-11 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
How is everyone doing???  I haven't checked in here for awhile.  I was hoping to do my first half marathon in October however those are plans are going to have to be put on hold for awhile.  I  was routinely riding my bike home from school two weeks ago now, and fell off going 20-25 mph down a hill and fractured my right femur.  Had surgery 24 hours later, and was in the hospital for a few days.  I'm no weight bearing until the end of October, but had a doctors appointment today and new bone is already starting to form to one day close around the rod and screws they secured during surgery.  So a little bit of a hault to my training and race plans for the season, but hopefully I'll be able to jump back into training by February, March of next year.  Just wanted to give everyone an update.  Hope you all are healthy and that your seasons are finishing strong!

2010-09-13 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Oh no so sorry to hear that!   Glad you're ok.  Hope you are able to get back into running in the spring.  Keep us posted.  Healing vibes your way!
2010-09-14 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
How is everyone? Enkidu, I hope you recover well and get back to running in time.

I am training for the Baltimore Half Marathon on Oct 16th. I also have a metric marathon (16.2 miles) on Nove 14th, one month later.

Do I adjust my training plan with the metric marathon as a goal that way I know I will cover the haf marathon distance? OR
Do I continue on track for the HM and afterwards, taper/recover for a week, then pick back up for 2 weeks then taper the week before?

I want to do well in both races. Both are very hilly courses so I don't expect a PR. The metric marathon is to see if I like running longer than 13.1 miles as I consider a marathon next spring. However, it has a 3.5 hour limit so I have to keep my pace going as I am slow. My last half marathon was 3:06.

2010-09-15 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Enkidu- OUCH! Heal well, friend, and racing will be there for you when you return.

Lovey- it's your call. If it was me I would be concerned about the extra distance so I would make sure my long runs for the Half Mary plan are long enough to cover where you should be on a training plan for the Metric (in other words, merge the two plans so you are doing the Half Mary plan but making sure your long runs match up with the long runs of the metric program).

Still hobbling around on broken toes which are NOTHING compared to Enkidu. Hard to run on them, did about 3 miles Monday on them and OUCH. Swam today and it was okay but it was nothing wonderful either.

Watched the Rev3 race Sunday out at Cedar Point. HOLY COW what an experience as a spectator. We were out there all day, saw our friend cross in under 13 hours for the full. Amazing. I stood at the finish line and cried for almost 2 hours waiting for our buddy. Very emotional. Mike is back to running, so we are starting the Ironman training process; he will head to Panama City in November to volunteer at Ironman Florida and sign up for 2011. I'm trying to get into the groove of kids and 2 soccer schedules and still fit in my training, all of which must be done during the day during the week to avoid cutting into mike's training time on weekends. Everything i have read says that Ironman is a team effort- we all have to get on board. Anyway, I hope everyone is well heading into fall! Obviously with broken toes I'm not doing a half mary in Columbus in October. Pushing that off until Spring and will do the Glass City Half Mary- home turf, and hopefully that will make me improve my run.
2010-09-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3100153

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
AKR18 - 2010-09-15 1:01 PM

Enkidu- OUCH! Heal well, friend, and racing will be there for you when you return.

Lovey- it's your call. If it was me I would be concerned about the extra distance so I would make sure my long runs for the Half Mary plan are long enough to cover where you should be on a training plan for the Metric (in other words, merge the two plans so you are doing the Half Mary plan but making sure your long runs match up with the long runs of the metric program).

Still hobbling around on broken toes which are NOTHING compared to Enkidu. Hard to run on them, did about 3 miles Monday on them and OUCH. Swam today and it was okay but it was nothing wonderful either.

Watched the Rev3 race Sunday out at Cedar Point. HOLY COW what an experience as a spectator. We were out there all day, saw our friend cross in under 13 hours for the full. Amazing. I stood at the finish line and cried for almost 2 hours waiting for our buddy. Very emotional. Mike is back to running, so we are starting the Ironman training process; he will head to Panama City in November to volunteer at Ironman Florida and sign up for 2011. I'm trying to get into the groove of kids and 2 soccer schedules and still fit in my training, all of which must be done during the day during the week to avoid cutting into mike's training time on weekends. Everything i have read says that Ironman is a team effort- we all have to get on board. Anyway, I hope everyone is well heading into fall! Obviously with broken toes I'm not doing a half mary in Columbus in October. Pushing that off until Spring and will do the Glass City Half Mary- home turf, and hopefully that will make me improve my run.

Sorry about your toe, does sound painful.

I am following a plan given to me by our coach. My running club has a half marathon training program that meets once a week. They give you a schedule to follow the rest of the week.

The longest run on the schedule is 13-14 miles so far. I have only done a 10 miler and an 11 mile run because of triathlon training and other time constraints. The training schedule is 5x a week runs but I only do 3 with an occasional short 4th run in. I will be adding a 4th run each week for the next 5 weeks. I have to work up to 5x but I rather cross train (swim).


This is the training plan:
M: 2-4 miles (usually rest but will be adding this run)
T: group workout usually 5 miles of speed workouts or hill training
W: 2-4 miles (I usually do weights)
T: 5-7 miles
F: rest or XT
Sa: long run
Su: rest or XT (I usually bike)

Here are my scheduled long runs:
9/18 – 12 to 14 miles
9/25 – 13 to 15 miles
10/02 – 8 to 10 miles
10/09 – 6 to 8 miles
10/16 – race day for Half Marathon

Next 4 weeks on my own:
10/23 – ?? 8 to 10 miles
10/30 - ?? 10K race the following day (10/31)
11/06 –?? 10 to 12 miler
11/14 - race day for Metric Marathon

2010-09-15 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Enkidu-wow. Sounds like an awful injury.  Heal well, my friend.

Lovey-I would make sure that I bump up my long runs once a week leading up to the metric marathon.  Take a look at the novice marathon Hal Higdon plans.  I'd probably throw in the couple of weeks of the marathon plan that have mileage greater than 13 after your half to get you ready for 16.   Use a 2 week taper for the metric marathon (usual taper: 1 week for 13.1 and 3 weeks for 26.2).  Good Luck.

I am doing the USAF half this weekend.  I have a 10k on 10/2, Chicago Marathon 10/10, Detroit Half 10/17, ASTRO 5k 11/1, and the Detroit Turkey Trot 10k 11/25. 

The USAF is the 1st time ever I am running with a time goal in mind.  I am hoping to do 2:30.   Keep fingers crossed that I can leave it all on the course and really push to that.  

Anne, I have 2 friend doing IMFL.  I am not going down because I will be in San Diego until the Thursday before for work.  Its supposed to be a great course.  Many friends did the Cedar Pointe.  My neighbor took 2nd in her AG in the HIM.  If you saw any of the "Ready to Rawk" shirts, that was the Michigan group or those in green and black (Fraser team).  It looked like a fun event.  I was going to spectate but my breathing fell apart on my long run this weekend and I have not been right with my breathing since (very wheezy, lack oxygen when running, disoriented, it was ugly).  I kept tabs on everyone via cyber space. 

Ginny-what are you up to with your running.  I am planning 2011 events. 


2010-09-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sounds like you did a great job at the USAF half this past weekend, way to go. 

I spent Saturday at Akron doing Girls Tri Too w/my 2 youngest daughters.  We did it as a relay and came in 2nd (among the relay groups)  I was so proud of them, they both did awesome. 

My running has really slacked off lately...but I want to try to maintain over the winter and also add in some more strength training.  Planning on doing just one sprint again next year like I did this year, it will either be the Woman's Only up at Sylvania or Trek Women's Only if they offer it here in Columbus again next year.    Other than that I haven't thought that far ahead for next year.  (At least not racing wise, however ask me about skiing or diving vacations and those are planned out already   Can you tell where my priorities are?)

2010-09-25 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Finished a 16 miler this morning. Its my longest run to date. definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I really thought I balanced out water vs gatorade well.

I had toast and pb before starting.
At 5 miles, I had a banana and water.
Gu at miles 9 and 13.
I carried gatorade to sip along the way, so I only drank water at the water stops but refilled my gatorade.

2010-09-29 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

16 miles!  Great job.  You're awesome.  I don't think I'll ever do more than the 1/2 marathon myself. 

2010-09-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3123849

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
scubagrrl - 2010-09-29 11:47 AM

16 miles!  Great job.  You're awesome.  I don't think I'll ever do more than the 1/2 marathon myself. 

I said the same thing because I have no desire to do a full marathon. the metric marathon is one of my running club's races, its local and I will have some of my running buddies with me. For us, its not about racing this distance, its about seeing if we can finish it and finish it strong. There is a 3.5 hour time limit and we anticipate it will take us the entire 3.5 hours.
2010-10-16 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Finished the Baltimore Half Marathon today. I set a 16+ minute PR! My last half was relatively flat with gentle inclines so I figured it would tke me longer on this course of rolling hills. Nope, I surprised myself by coming in under 3.

Time was 2:49:47.

It was a gratly supported very large race and I loved it. What I don't lke about it is that its on Saturday at 9:45am.
Bad time of year for me but I made it.

started running with the couch to 5K program 2/2008
1st HM (4/2009) - 3:27 rolling hills
2nd HM (1/2010)- 3:24 flat but running injured, PR by 3 mins
3rd HM (5/2010) - 3:06 gentle inclines, PR by 18 mins
4th HM (10/2010)- 2:49 rolling hills, PR by 17 mins

I am definitely getting better over the two years I have been running.


2010-10-17 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Great job on the PR, Lovey!

We did the Tombstone Tour yesterday- local metroparks ride, very nice, 38 miles but with us riding to the start and home it was 43 miles total, 10 miles past my old pr distance of 33 miles. Great ride, sunny and 60s, with Mike. Hated being gone from my kiddos for that long but we had a great sitter.

Trying to get myself motivated to train more, looking at winter maintenance plans and dreaming of races next year. Mike has hired his Ironman coach and heads to IM Florida the first week and weekend of November to volunteer at the race and sign up for 2011. And that will be our main focus.
2010-10-17 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3156088

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Lovey - 2010-10-16 10:04 PM Finished the Baltimore Half Marathon today. I set a 16+ minute PR! My last half was relatively flat with gentle inclines so I figured it would tke me longer on this course of rolling hills. Nope, I surprised myself by coming in under 3. Time was 2:49:47. It was a gratly supported very large race and I loved it. What I don't lke about it is that its on Saturday at 9:45am. Bad time of year for me but I made it. started running with the couch to 5K program 2/2008 1st HM (4/2009) - 3:27 rolling hills 2nd HM (1/2010)- 3:24 flat but running injured, PR by 3 mins 3rd HM (5/2010) - 3:06 gentle inclines, PR by 18 mins 4th HM (10/2010)- 2:49 rolling hills, PR by 17 mins I am definitely getting better over the two years I have been running. Lovey


Great Job Lovey!!!!!  Great time!!!  All that hard work is paying off.  

2010-10-17 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3156233

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Anne, good job on the ride.  I just got my Athlete's Palate cookbook yesterday.  Have you tried any recipes from there? 

Neighborlady and many friends are doing IMFL this year.  Its a huge training commitment but also a huge spousal commitment.  I think there should be a medal for the spouses that support their Ironmen, or at least the promise of a week at a spa (kid-free).   Just a thought.

I did the Chicago marathon last week and left the course at mile 17.  I have never felt such pain and its my own fault for trying something new on marathon day.  I am still in pain.  My back is all screwed up.   I was supposed to do Detroit half today with friends (had my tutu and tiara ready) but I couldn't bear the thought of runnng or walking 13.1 miles in pain. I am at a very bad spot feeling like a failure, like 500 miles of running was wasted (and don't tell me it wasn't.  I so wouldn't have put my body through that for 17 miles).  No more events planned right now.  I am signed up for 2 more but don't know if I want to do them (a 5k and a 10k). 

I met with a health coach yesterday and she talked to me about weight loss. I just have no desire to diet or count calories.  I probably need to do something but I feel like the alcoholic that is not ready to stop drinking.  I am not ready to commit to a lifestyle change. 

I am looking for a passion.  I think it still exists in running.  I just don't want to feel like a failure again.  I am not at a point where I can hang around my running group.  They are still talking about all the fun they had in Chicago and I just tear up at my mistake and now injury.  I bought a Wayne Dwyer book called the Power of Intention that I started reading as comfort reading however, I can't get past that he talks about this "power of intention" and I am just hearing "God".  Its a great book for people who don't have faith or belief in God but I am struggling and changing his words to read "God", not some unknown power.  

I'll keep you guys updated on whatever my new endeavors will be.  My husband (account is in his name) is signing me back up to the gym today.  I do want to get in to core training (it'll help my back).  I will be going back to yoga this week.  We will see where the wind blows me from there. 

Edited by jogo 2010-10-17 10:17 AM
2010-10-18 5:47 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
OH JO....

I have been waiting for you to talk about it. What was the equipment change?

And- more importantly-

Jo, I am so sorry. I am so very sorry, and sad, that this happened. You did put in so many miles, and there is nothing I can say that will make it better. When I saw on Facebook that you had to leave the race at mile 17 I teared up.

Take some time to heal and your passion will come back.

As for the health coach, and weight loss- diet is not going to do it. You are right in that you have to make huge lifestyle changes, and maybe that will happen and maybe it won't. I would not eat the stuff I eat if I had not gotten so sick with the migraines. And Mike would not be eating it if he was not motivated by IMFL. The cookbook- right now I am working with a GF SF cookbook and another one called The Athelete's Plate- it had some interesting info on Japanese Soba noodles so we tried those recently. The cookbook you got is good just for different recipes but not a lot I can make everyday with 3 small kiddos who prefer to eat hot dogs and mac and cheese.
2010-10-21 1:16 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jo, sorry to hear about your injury   Heal quick...

I got released yesterday to start swimming and riding on the stationary bike.   Rode for 25 minutes on the stationary bike today, can't believe the muscle and cardio I've lost over the last two months, but I know i can build it all back.  Swimming tomorrow.  Hopefully starting PT next week.  Just wanted to give everyone an update.

2010-10-21 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

So apparantly I have "relatively advanced" spondylosis with arthrosis in my lumbar spine.  I looked up what that meant and spondylosis is something that old (defined as over 40) and overweight people get.  I guess i am old and fat.    Doc explained that I have boney extensions on my vertebrae and when I changed my gait to accomodate for the pain in my legs, it caused my muscles to rub on these bony shoots and start spasming.  Because the muscles are still inflamed, they are still in full spasm.  Whatever.   I asked when I could start running again and she said when it doesn't hurt to drive over the speedbumps in the parking deck at work.  I like that, something I can understand. 

Lesson learned: nothing new on race day, EVER!

2010-11-02 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Race Report:

OCTOBER 31, 2010 (Sunday)

Third times the charm. I carpooled to the train station with my running
group and took the metro to the start line. I ate my bagel and cream
cheese on the ride down to the station. We got to the race site an hour
early. 10 of us were doing the 10K while D was doing the marathon. After
bag check we headed to the long lines for the porta-potties. The 10K
start was around mile 20 of the marathon course & it was packed. We
decided to take it easy because 5 of us were planning to split up and run
part of the marathon course with D.

I ran what felt like my slow training pace (13.2 min/mile) never stopping
except for water at mile 5 for like 10 seconds. To my surprise at the
end, my Garmin said I had an average pace of 12.2 min/mile. I finished in
1:17, with a PR of 2 minutes based on my fastest time at Clyde’s 10K
this year. But from 2009 MCM 10K, it’s a PR of 15 minutes!!

We grabbed our post race snacks and headed to the metro. Two of met D at
mile 17.75 and ran that last 8.5 miles with her picking up our other 3
running buddies at mile 23.
She beat the bridge!! I couldn’t believe that bus was just driving
around with the lead cop car really trying to intimidate people to get

I really enjoyed being there but it is super crowded. Saturday was even
worse when I had to pick up my packet and then get me and my son to the
Pentagon for the kids’ one mile race. He’s not a runner (yet) and he
was so proud he ran the whole way. I would have been proud even if he
didn’t. I was proud he finished.

Time - 1:17:40
2010-11-05 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Lovey, you are AWESOME!!!

What a great race report!  Congrats on the PR!  That is a great time.  You have come so far and are just getting better and better.  Keep up the great work!  Its paying off.

Is there a medal for the 10k?  I've seen the MCM medal and it is sweet.  My running group is doing the MCM as their Fall marathon next year.  I am not committing to any future marathons.  My friend Cathy and I may go out to support them and do the 10k. 

Edited by jogo 2010-11-05 10:23 AM
2010-11-05 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3196815

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
There is a medal for the 10K. It’s not as big and nice as the marathon. I could see the sunlight reflecting off the marathon medals. The 10K is pretty much the last 6.2 miles of the marathon except for about one mile. But that mile runs parallel to the marathon course. The finish line is the same for everyone.

That bridge that every marathoner is trying to beat is the start of the 10K race course. Its not steep just long.

I think you will enjoy it a lot. If you are going to just cheer, go to the mall. You can see them between mile 16 and 18 and then just walk 3 minutes across the mall (grass) to catch them between miles 19 and 20.
2010-11-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
congrats lovey!!! sounds like a great race. And Jo, it sounds like the 10k would be fun for you and your friend if your group does that marathon next year.

Mike signed up yesterday for IM FL after volunteering there on Saturday; then drove all the way home and got here around 2am. He had been gone for a full week- first a funeral in Floriday for a family member, then the race. I told him volunteering should give him good race day karma.

I have set my sights on Glass City as my first half marathon. Not sure I will ever do a full, I am trying to commit to improving my run and my speed this year. I will also do the OLY at Sylvania again this year. Why not? And that will be it for me- I may do a few other small races around here, but no travelling, and it will be a stretch for me to fit in my training with Mike's training schedule for IM FL. He is working with a coach and that makes me happy. My goal is to workout each day when the kiddos are busy elsewhere, with at least 2 nights a week of treadmill work while Abby is in the pool for swim team- yuck. I hate the treadmill.

I will not be leading a mentor group this year. I have a few friends locally who I will be helping with training. As December nears, watch for the mentoring program to start up and shop around for a great group!

2010-11-10 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Anne, thank you so much for leading the mentor group for the past 2 years.  You are AWESOME!!!   Please visit though and keep us as friends. 

I am toying with doing another tri.  I really don't know why.  I think watching IMFL finishers was awe-inspiring.  I was cleaning my closet and organizing my tri stuff, sort of longing to use it.  I would just have to surround myself with supportive people, not competitive.

Glass city should be a good half.  I have friends who have done the half and full and they like it.  The only half I have planned is the USAF in Dayton again.  That is an annual for me. I am doing a 10k this weekend for fun.  It'll be the longest I've run since Chicago. 

I privatized my logs again because they have been depressing since Chicago.  I may just open them up to friends only but have to clean up my friend list to do that.  I don't want my private thoughts or info floating around for all of BT to judge.  I can still be messaged. 

Anne, I will take advantage of your advice until December, k?

Edited by jogo 2010-11-10 6:59 AM
2010-11-16 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
NOVEMBER 14, 2010 (Sunday)
ROAD RACE: 26.2K (or 16.28 MILES)

After registering for the 5K in previous years and having it cancelled due to ice, this year I considered upping the distance since I had 4 half marathons under my belt (& PR’ing 38 minutes between my first and 4th one. I got talked into the metric marathon by one of my running buddies. I woke up race morning pissed off because I had an upset stomach all night due to my pumpkin spice latte the evening before being made with milk instead of soy milk as I ordered. I was too busy at work to even notice the taste difference. Race started at 8:15 and I got there at 8, eating dry bagel on the way to calm my stomach, and had to hustle to find my race partners with less than five minutes before the gun.

This 26.2K race had a 3.5 hour time limit. Our goal was to finish in that time and figured at our pace we will be dragging in with the sag wagon. Started off easy for the first few miles knowing exactly when those hills are going to try and kill us. My running group was out in full force supporting us on the course. One officer was directing us on a wrong turn off Dunloggin. I refused and told him that was the old course and we had to go straight. He eventually believed us but he had already sent people up the hill. It would have been a very hill road that added an extra half mile. He was sincerely apologetic and even drove by later still apologizing. Then came Toll House Road at which point I question why on earth did I listen to Melinda in doing this race. It did sound like a good challenge at the time and I was excited about it. But what the hell was I thinking? If I can get to mile 10 I will be fine because the worst would be over. At mile 11, the sag wagon wasn’t too far behind. He moved ahead of us on trails like he was leading sheep to the slaughter. He reminded me of the swag bus on the MCM course like grim reapers waiting to pick you up.

At mile 14 I thought, is this what it feels like to hit the wall? I wasn’t sore or aching just tired. More of my running group was out there to help me along and cheer. I didn’t want to run anymore but I didn’t have any choice. Especially when I passed the injured “slow Kenyan” at 14.5 miles (sign on his back said so). I gave him thumbs up and said less then 2 miles to go. He responded, “Sure, I have been hearing that for 5 damn miles!” I swore honesty and showed him my Garmin read out. Then I got a big smile.

At mile 15, I didn’t think I had absolutely anything left but my group kept pushing me on and I dug deep and I mean really, really deep to pick up the pace for that last mile. 26.2K is loooooong. I could not imagine wanting to do 26.2 miles. I didn’t hit my goal but I was close. Better yet, other than tired legs, I wasn’t achy or sore after the race. A day later, slightly, I mean slightly sore legs and that’s hit. I feel great. Maybe a marathon is in my future.

Time - 3:41:50

2010-12-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Great Job Lovey!! You are a metric marathoner!!!  

I am going to be training galloway style for the next year.  I just started a run:walk group on runners world beginners forum.  All are welcome. 

Here is the link to the 5k I did this past weekend.  I am the one in the green sparkle skirt and sparkle hat.  I love wearing my sparkle skirt.  It makes me feel good about myself even if my run is ugly.  Its all about the fun and how can you have anything but fun when you are sparkly!




Edited by jogo 2010-12-06 11:25 AM
2010-12-06 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3238281

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Jo.

I don’t use it often but there is something to be said about the Galloway method.
When I did my fall half marathon, I used the Galloway method running 3:1 run/walk ratio. My spring half was a gentle course that I ran the ENTIRE way. My fall half marathon was all hills and I stilled shaved off 16 minutes doing Galloway.

As long as we get to the finish line. One of the running stores here (Fleet Feet) does Galloway training. It’s a franchise and that’s how they run all their training programs. This one only goes up to 2:1 ratio. I liked the 3:1 ratio better.

good luck on your training. Hopefully we all can keep in touch on the this board or the new mentor board starting up soon.

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