BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-02-28 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2697181

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Welcome to the group Dean!  I just got in the pool after a 3 month lay off and I am feel like I am back at the begining only I have been biking on the trainer this winter and running so I have a pretty good base built up!   Tri'ing can be very addicting.  I started last year and had so much fun that this year I am spending some cash to  get myself up to speed with a nutrititionist, joined a tri club, although I am drooling over bikes I can't afford a new one this year.

Anyway, glad you could make it to the group.


2010-02-28 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Dean I see you are thinking about the Crab Sprint Tri RI in July!  Have you already reg for it or just making plans?  I too have been giving it some thought as my son in-law is from that area.  Have been trying to get him involved-plus would have a place to stay if I make the trek.  Might be nice to meet up with others in our group when and if we have signed up for the same races--guess that is yet another good reason to stay up-dated on our training logs--How am I doing Josh?
2010-02-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2692381

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
KidIcarus - 2010-02-25 7:24 AM so i keep finding stray ibuprofens in my pant's pockets.

i think that just about sums up this whole triathlon thing...


I know the feeling. Beginning last year Jan09 i realized that I was using the 800mg motrins (USMC candy) too much and didn't feel like they were even working. So I made a resolution then to stop taking them. 1yr 2months later I have only taken 3 (when  I had a toothache). I have worked out hard the same and still had the same aches and pains but no meds. I will admit I play with a lot of vitamins now and lately a learning a bit of holistic healing stuff but no prescription meds. Point is don't kill yourself so you think you need the pills because probably don't. Disclaimer: I am not in a medical field, personal study.
2010-02-28 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2684882

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2010-02-21 5:54 PM

Good evening.  I hope everyone had an eventful weekend.  I am back running, which I can't believe I am saying this, but I am happy to be running again.  I missed it, but don't tell anyone.  I have been swimming a lot this week and stumbled across this site,  Actually it was suggested in another thread in tri talk by Kathy G.  Best swim website I have ever seen.  The site is full of videos and animation of how to swim correctly and what not to do.  I figured out what I was doing wrong in about 5 minutes.  I highly recommend it.

I had to looked back for this post and would like to say the bubble breathing on the site worked great. I was trying to hold my breath a lot more than I realized and after playing a bit with this technique started to get the hang of it, Thanks Boss.
2010-02-28 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I would like to formally nominate Alana as Motivator of the week. Alana called me out a few days ago for some friendly side competition for the BBMG Challenge. I have been in a slump lately and needed the calling out. It doesn't take much to get a little motivation but it does require you use it when someone give it to you. Thanks Alana!

Edited by scogz1 2010-02-28 8:25 PM
2010-02-28 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2698759

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
scogz1 - 2010-02-28 8:23 PM I would like to formally nominate Alana as Motivator of the week. Alana called me out a few days ago for some friendly side competition for the BBMG Challenge. I have been in a slump lately and needed the calling out. It doesn't take much to get a little motivation but it does require you use it when someone give it to you. Thanks Alana!

Thanks!  I'm grasping at straws trying to get myself motivated.  Maybe someday I can be a good enough motivational speaker to live in a van, down by the river.  Oh to dream a dream!

2010-03-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2698759

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED

scogz1 - 2010-02-28 9:23 PM I would like to formally nominate Alana as Motivator of the week. Alana called me out a few days ago for some friendly side competition for the BBMG Challenge. I have been in a slump lately and needed the calling out. It doesn't take much to get a little motivation but it does require you use it when someone give it to you. Thanks Alana!

Done and done.   Here's to our first ever Motivator of the Week.  Your bonus is in the mail.  Look how much things change in just a week.  Last week you were looking for motivation and now your giving it out.  Nice job.



2010-03-01 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED

So I realized that I probably don't give "inspires" as much as I should. I have a minimalist managerial philosophy that I follow. But luckily we have a resident inspirer, Seren, who is always looking out for you when I forget , don't have time, am not able to.  Thanks Seren.  I will try to inspire more. 

2010-03-01 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED

And a big hearty Congrats to whiskyride for shaving 20 minutes off is PR for his half marathon this weekend.  Job well done sir.  Hopefully you are resting up today.  

2010-03-01 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2700155

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wow!  20 mins!?  that's awesome.  Great job!
2010-03-01 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2700475

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
20 mins is HUGE!!  congrads

2010-03-02 5:53 AM
in reply to: #2556227

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I know it's not a big deal to those who live in warmer climates but I have officially dragged one of my bikes out--rode the mountain bike to work this morning--feels great to be off the trainer and in the fresh air once again.  (it's the little things in life that make one smile early in the morning--yes, I am enjoying myself!!)
2010-03-02 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2701503

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Planning to get my bike out this weekend.  40 degrees!  WooHoo!  Can't wait to get it off the trainer. It's been a long dark winter.
2010-03-02 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2701842

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
gobluedds - 2010-03-02 9:58 AM Planning to get my bike out this weekend.  40 degrees!  WooHoo!  Can't wait to get it off the trainer. It's been a long dark winter.
It really really felt great!!  I don't care if it rains or snows now--I plan on--getting on my bike and ride!!
2010-03-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2701503

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Orange, CT
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Dragonflyer - 2010-03-02 6:53 AM I know it's not a big deal to those who live in warmer climates but I have officially dragged one of my bikes out--rode the mountain bike to work this morning--feels great to be off the trainer and in the fresh air once again.  (it's the little things in life that make one smile early in the morning--yes, I am enjoying myself!!)

2010-03-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2556227

New user

Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks to all for your well wishes, sorry I haven't been around but will upload workout (have to figure out from Garmin) soon.  I also need to purchase plan from BT--looking at silver or bronze-any suggestions?

2010-03-02 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Subject: Warmer weather
So happy for Scott and Jim- finally getting out in the open- it must be a great feeling!
Our summer is slowly winding down- it was a wee bit chilly at the pool last Friday (which was the last time I worked out- how easy it is to fall off the wagon!)- need to start hardening myself up to keep going through winter.
2010-03-02 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sorry I too fell off the wagon tonight--beer  and pizza night with the gang.  Weds morning is going to be tough--plan on running early then off to the Y for a swim--ahhh should be funCool  But on a fun note--sat next to Rachal Ray and her husband at the local establishment--nothing special.  But he could name off the long list of American Presidents--see what beer does for you?  "That what hurts you, only makes you stronger"  Dragonflyer-always wanted to make a personal quote.
2010-03-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2556227

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone,

I am back after my body forced me to fall of the wagon.   I had your classic overtrained syndrome!  Just when I was starting to change things up to.  New plan, new diet, new supplements.   Glad its over.   Had a nice pre-dawn run this AM down at the pond.   Now i feel charged and ready to take on the world.   I'll be heading over to Hopkington State park on Saturday for those that are local and want to join in the fun of ride/run the season opener course.

Happy Wednesday!
2010-03-03 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2704437

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Seren - 2010-03-03 9:33 AM Hi everyone,

  I'll be heading over to Hopkington State park on Saturday for those that are local and want to join in the fun of ride/run the season opener course.

Happy Wednesday!

I'm jealous.  I want to come!

Also, I got my bike outside on Monday.  It was GORGEOUS!  I rode next to the Boise river and there were a ton of geese and ducks.   I had to swerve around a couple.  I'm so excited to be able to ride outside!
2010-03-03 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2704602

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
AlanaF - 2010-03-03 11:18 AM
Seren - 2010-03-03 9:33 AM Hi everyone,

  I'll be heading over to Hopkington State park on Saturday for those that are local and want to join in the fun of ride/run the season opener course.

Happy Wednesday!

I'm jealous.  I want to come!

Also, I got my bike outside on Monday.  It was GORGEOUS!  I rode next to the Boise river and there were a ton of geese and ducks.   I had to swerve around a couple.  I'm so excited to be able to ride outside!
  Sun is out here today also--going for a nice run then back for the bike--grab the nice weather when you can

2010-03-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2556227

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sagacious tip of the day:

do NOT have boxes of Girl Scout cookies around when trying to lose weight.


2010-03-03 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2705284

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
KidIcarus - 2010-03-03 2:40 PM sagacious tip of the day:

do NOT have boxes of Girl Scout cookies around when trying to lose weight.


Dodged that one--for some reason my wife forgot to order the usual case of cookies
2010-03-03 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2556227

New user

Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED

good motivation is to be lucky enough to ride outdoors--snowing in the north east-still unable to ride outside--fluid trainer is wearing on me

2010-03-03 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2705284

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Stamping Ground, KY
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Mentor Group - CLOSED
KidIcarus - 2010-03-03 2:40 PM sagacious tip of the day:

do NOT have boxes of Girl Scout cookies around when trying to lose weight.


I feel your pain.  My work partner bought some and I convinced her to open the thin mints!!! They were soooo good.
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