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2011-06-10 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I am just jeolous....if your ever in NC, come on over and you can even sit in my favorite chairWinkSmile  Now onto exploring this potatoe thing.


2011-06-10 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3543352

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


First, don't worry. Stuff gets in the way of training, and that's just the way things are. Ultimately, each training event is a very small part of a larger picture......unless it's one of those that is identified and subsequently approached as "key". But only about 5% of our workouts are key ones, and for many age-groupers it might not even be that. It just depends on one's competitiveness, and whther they clearly designate one or two of their racres as true "A"-priority events.

Second, carry on as much as you can next week. That is a fairly important week, so don't compromise anything in it by trying to add workouts that have been missed this past week. That usually succeeds only in compromising the integrity of any of the involved workouts.

HOWEVER, if there was indeed a "key" workout that was missed this past week, then try to get that into the schedule, in place of something that is more expendable.

Third, for a sprint there is not a whole lot of a taper. Workouts are often carried out right up until the day before the race, although some people will take that day off entirely just in the spirit of being well-rested. That is kind of my approach to tomorrow, and so I ddin't do anything today (other than a gentle Yoga class).

Your aim for the wek leading up to the 26th is to maintain frequency of workouts, but reduce volume and intensity. If you can give me some idea of what a "normal" week looks like for you, I can give you some advice on how to taperize it.

2011-06-11 1:13 AM
in reply to: #3543430

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks Steve, you should be able to see my training log (let me know if you can't).  It is accurate.  If not, my rides are bout 13+ miles (2x); swims are about 1500 m (2x) and runs are two runs of 3.2 miles. Ok, just looked at my log... accurate, just not so great at hitting those goals... Sunday will be better (have a full day at church tomorrow and it's my scheduled rest day.)



Edited by CTYoung 2011-06-11 1:21 AM
2011-06-11 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3542167

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Funny post about being "relative" to others!

2011-06-11 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3543536

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I will take those numbers and cruch 'em around a bit a see what comes out of the Tapertron machine.

By the way, thsoe are some decent amounts of yardage/meterage/mileage you are cranking out, and it should stand you in decent stead for the race. So, don't worry about missing tomorrow on account of church and any other commitmenst, and just carry on as best you can next week.

And if you need me to write you an excuse note so you can skip work for a few days and just train yourself silly, I can do that! Just ask! (After all, it's one of the services I provide in my role as a Full Service Mentor!)

2011-06-11 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3542135

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'll be to you soon about protein matters.

As for those roads, it's pretty straightforward -- the one that Northwood School is one is Northwood Road (imagine that!). and the one where spec needs '04 was, the one that runs next to Mirror Lake, is, conincidentally, Mirror Lake Road (a.k.a. Lake Placid Club Drive).

A year ago tomorrow will be my anniversary of Pirate, and a year ago tonight pertains the same to meeting you at dinner, along with your mom. See? I keep track!

2011-06-11 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3544032

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

REPORTLESS RACE RESULTS (full report to follow, as I have LOTS to say!!)

Ottawa River Triathlon
500m -- 23.7km -- 5km


1/3 M60-64
23/102 gender
31/183 overall

"Official" results:
SWIM -- 12:22
T1+BIKE+T2 -- 46:46
RUN -- 22:43

My results -- meaning I clicked on my watch to get a time that would separate the bike from both T1 and T2, based on where the extra timing mat would be, were it invested in:
SWIM -- 11:50
T1 -- 3:14
BIKE -- 42:28
T2 -- 1:45
RUN -- 22:43

Bike -- 33.4kmh, or 20.8mph
Run -- 4:33/km, or 7:19/mile

Overall I am pleased, but the swim was marred by badly leaking goggles that I had to stop 4 (5?) times to try and secure the seal. The whole point of this race was to test my new and improved higher cadence over a fairly short distance, and I was aiming for about 9:00-9:30 for the actual swim. The 183 people all in one wave on a narrow course was another aggravating factor. Grrr!! More on all that later, though.

2011-06-12 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3544038

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Nice race.  Hope the new cadence worked out better for ya.  Must be nice to be testing things out and still take home the hardware in AG.

If I did the math correctly it's amazing to me that you can go as fast as you go and still get chicked    There are some talented female athletes out there.


stevebradley - 2011-06-11 6:50 PM REPORTLESS RACE RESULTS (full report to follow, as I have LOTS to say!!) Ottawa River Triathlon 500m -- 23.7km -- 5km 1:21:50 1/3 M60-64 23/102 gender 31/183 overall "Official" results: SWIM -- 12:22 T1+BIKE+T2 -- 46:46 RUN -- 22:43 My results -- meaning I clicked on my watch to get a time that would separate the bike from both T1 and T2, based on where the extra timing mat would be, were it invested in: SWIM -- 11:50 T1 -- 3:14 BIKE -- 42:28 T2 -- 1:45 RUN -- 22:43 Paces: Bike -- 33.4kmh, or 20.8mph Run -- 4:33/km, or 7:19/mile Overall I am pleased, but the swim was marred by badly leaking goggles that I had to stop 4 (5?) times to try and secure the seal. The whole point of this race was to test my new and improved higher cadence over a fairly short distance, and I was aiming for about 9:00-9:30 for the actual swim. The 183 people all in one wave on a narrow course was another aggravating factor. Grrr!! More on all that later, though.

2011-06-12 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3544439

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Not that this a "spoiler" in terms of an upcoming full report, but.....

The swim was a huge disappointment. This WAS to be the day to test the new cadence, but the combo of the goggles and the masses made it a colossally inconclusive enterprise. My warm-up swim felt great, and the goggles were 97% good. normally I accept that, and once I dod the w-u I leave them rright where they are, even if there are many minutes until the start. But yesterday I decided to tweak the seal just a tad to make them perfect ---- and ended up with immediate leakage in my right (seeing-eye) lens within about six strokes. I then made 4 or 5 stops to try to get it right, failing on each.....and also getting myself more agitated, thus affecting my breathing. So when I finally got the seal mostly okay, I struggled with getting my breath under control; that almost never happens, ever, never-ever. To add to all of this, yesterday was a mild "drifting" day, and on a clockwise course, with my portward drifting, that removes me further from the true line --- and that's what happened. it wasn't huge, but probably ~30s in total.

Assuming the course was a true (hahahahahahaha!) 500m, just swimming regularly I would've done it in about 10' even --- and yesterday's out-of-water time was about 11:40. Well, that makes sense to me, with 30" lost to drifting, close to a minute in adjustments, and some more small random to laboring with affected breath. Bah!!

Well, mama said there'd be days like this, so there you have it. And it was a disappointment because I allowed it to mess with my head for the rest of the race (fortunatley it was just a sprint and nothing longer, meaning my demons had less time to prey on my fragile mind!), which meant I pushed myself way too hard throughout, and hurt throughout, and hardly had a half-second of fun.

All this for a "C"-priority race??? Good grief!

2011-06-12 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3544439

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF again -

Of those eight women who finished ahead of me, I know of five of them and they are always very strong. And even though I didn't know of Klus, who finished first of the women, she was in a Canada national team uniform, so I guess she comes by her stellarness naturally!

There were also a bunch of women wearing a different Canada team uniform, but I think they were a younger set. They might've been from the national junior team, whereas Klus was definitely older. I should look at the ages of those eight above me. Now you have me curious.

While I know of several of them by name, Michelle Schuler is the only one I know personally. She is superb, especially in duathlons, and when I saw her there yestefday I figured she was in it for the long du (5km-44.4km-10km). Nope! She had to be in MY race and steal a finsihing spot ahead of ME! Harumph! But seeing as how she's incredibly nice by virtue of giving the time of day to a old bugger such as I, I will gladly concede my spot to her!

2011-06-12 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3544451

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JEFF once more -

Oops! I must be confusing my national team memebers. I just checked the results, and Klus in W16-17!!!!! Is there a future for that young lady, or WHAT?? The next six females were all in their 30s, and the eighth was W18-19. Just so you know.

I like playing a dopey game and seeing how far down the age groups I could've podiumed.....and yesterday was pretty successful in that regard. Were I included in subsequent younger age groups, yesterday would've found me:
1/6 in M55-59
2/7 in M50-54
2/11 in M45-49
3/17 in M40-44
3/19 in M35-39

While that is amusing and somewhat satsifying, what it really tells me is that a lotta lotta lotta good guys from any of those age groups didn't choose to do my race yesterday. But hey, isn't that part of what it's all about -- who shows up on race day??

The guy who owns my bike shop, and who I really like and respect, was the RD and made that decision to go with 183 people starting together on a very narrow course. I would love to bring this up with him....but don't want to bug him about it. I guess I'll just view it as another learning experience -- what it feels like to be with so many in such tight confines. Knowledge is power?

2011-06-12 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3435045


Western Colorado
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hi everyone,

I have a question for those of you who do a lot of cold open water swimming.  I was practicing for my first open water swim yesterday in a chilling Colorado reservoir and a peculiar thing happened. I was swimming along nicely (full wetsuits are fabulous!), but when I stopped I was really surprised to find I was quite dizzy.  I've never had that problem before, however I think the open water swimming I've done before has all been in warmer water.  Do you all generally wear ear plugs when you are swimming in cold water?  If so do you have any recommendations on what type or brand?  I have my first open water race next weekend and now I'm wondering if I should use ear plugs.  The water should be quite a bit warmer as the race is in southern Utah, but I don't want to be staggering to the transition area.  Your input is appreciated!



2011-06-12 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3544457

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

stevebradley - 2011-06-12 7:24 AM

Were I included in subsequent younger age groups, yesterday would've found me: 1/6 in M55-59 2/7 in M50-54 2/11 in M45-49 3/17 in M40-44 3/19 in M35-39 

STEVE, I love this! No problems for you keeping up with the M35-39!! (and up). Congrats on another good race, even if the swim didn't go as you'd hoped

Speaking of swims, today my swim totals for 2011 surpassed my swim totals for all of 2010! (not that it's that big of an accomplishment since my swim totals for 2010 weren't so great!!)


2011-06-12 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3544529

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JESSICA (or is TRICHIC preferred?) -

Really cold water (meaning sub-62 or so?) has rendered me dizzy in the past, and ear plugs might help you. For me, the dizziness/coldwater connection isn't constant, but I know what you're saying about not wanting to stagger around T1 -- or worse, feel dizzy on the bike.

I have tried two types of ear plugs in my time, with the preference going to very simple ones -- made by Tyr, look like little blue tunafish cans*, and can molded into roundness by rubbing between your palms. You then just squonch them into your ears and they hold well. Because there is more of them than there is spce in which to insert them, they are easy to remove. I want to say they are made of soft silcone....but that doesn't sound right. I will check later. They come in a litlle plastic case, with four in each. I have re-used them at times, but that said I haven't used ear plugs AT ALL for several years (4,5,6?)

The other ones I have are Mack, and they work well but seem a bit more intrusive. I guess I don't like the sensation of sticking something vaguely pointy into my ears, although the Macks are a bit more conventional than the Tyr ones I prefer.

Check I think I have bought both from them in the past, and at least they can describe them better than I have here. Tyr will be easier to find at sporting goods stores, whereas the Macks sometimes show up at pharmacies!

Which race is up for you/ Good to have you back! Visit more frequently!

*What is that shape -- a squat cylindrical prism?

2011-06-12 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3544581

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



Yeah, I have fun with that little game. Sometimes I don't even make it into the first group below me, but other times I can go deep. The usual killers are the ultra-stud groups of 35-39 and 40-44, with 45-49 next in line, so it surprised me that I made it through them and got taken out by those young punks in 30-34. (No respect for their elders, obviously!)

But as I said to Jeff, it's just a reflection of who shows up at any given race. Locally, there are about 10 guys in each of the stud categories who can vanquish me with impunity. And one Scott Eavenson has just enetered 60-64, and I don't think I have ever beaten Scott, and fortuantely he wasn't there yesterday. WHEW!!!

Bug congrats to you for the major bump in swim yardage!! Does this mean you are eyeing a few tris, and just haven't shared with us yet? That is really good, though, Lisa, to already have exceeded 2010 and it's not even the middel of June yet. Keep glugging away!!

2011-06-12 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3544447

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


That'll teach ya to tweak those goggles 

Seriously, I hate it when the googles leak.  Never had that happen to me in a race.  I have been kicked so hard in the face that my goggles got knock off.  Now, that will wake you up in a hurry.

On the bright side, 4-5 stops for goggle adjustment with some drifting and still only 90 seconds off.  Pretty darn good.


stevebradley - 2011-06-12 7:55 AM JEFF - Not that this a "spoiler" in terms of an upcoming full report, but..... The swim was a huge disappointment. This WAS to be the day to test the new cadence, but the combo of the goggles and the masses made it a colossally inconclusive enterprise. My warm-up swim felt great, and the goggles were 97% good. normally I accept that, and once I dod the w-u I leave them rright where they are, even if there are many minutes until the start. But yesterday I decided to tweak the seal just a tad to make them perfect ---- and ended up with immediate leakage in my right (seeing-eye) lens within about six strokes. I then made 4 or 5 stops to try to get it right, failing on each.....and also getting myself more agitated, thus affecting my breathing. So when I finally got the seal mostly okay, I struggled with getting my breath under control; that almost never happens, ever, never-ever. To add to all of this, yesterday was a mild "drifting" day, and on a clockwise course, with my portward drifting, that removes me further from the true line --- and that's what happened. it wasn't huge, but probably ~30s in total. Assuming the course was a true (hahahahahahaha!) 500m, just swimming regularly I would've done it in about 10' even --- and yesterday's out-of-water time was about 11:40. Well, that makes sense to me, with 30" lost to drifting, close to a minute in adjustments, and some more small random to laboring with affected breath. Bah!! Well, mama said there'd be days like this, so there you have it. And it was a disappointment because I allowed it to mess with my head for the rest of the race (fortunatley it was just a sprint and nothing longer, meaning my demons had less time to prey on my fragile mind!), which meant I pushed myself way too hard throughout, and hurt throughout, and hardly had a half-second of fun. All this for a "C"-priority race??? Good grief!

2011-06-12 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3544457

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Speaking of Canada, looks like Paula Findlay (sp?) better watch out.  She is an amazing ITU distance athlete.  Love watching that girl run.

stevebradley - 2011-06-12 8:24 AM JEFF once more - Oops! I must be confusing my national team memebers. I just checked the results, and Klus in W16-17!!!!! Is there a future for that young lady, or WHAT?? 

2011-06-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3544457

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Hey, you can't control who shows up on race day.  My guess is those fast dudes found out that you were racing that day so they just didn't bother showing up    Kinda like the pro women when they know that Crissy Wellington is racing (they find other races to enter)!!!

Speaking of looking down the AG's results to see how you faired.  I know what it's called when a lady puts a beating on us guys (i.e... I got chicked!!).  What's it called when an older (umm..... more experienced) person puts it on ya?



stevebradley - 2011-06-12 8:24 AM While that is amusing and somewhat satsifying, what it really tells me is that a lotta lotta lotta good guys from any of those age groups didn't choose to do my race yesterday. But hey, isn't that part of what it's all about -- who shows up on race day??  

2011-06-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3544664

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm the reverse -- never had them knocked off, but have suffered leakage a few times. Yestrday was the worst....although maybe I've just blocked out the baddest memories from other times it has happened. Every ten races or so I suffer foggage....and thinking about that now, I'm maybe due for the next episode of inner-goggle pea soup. Uh-oh.

Findlay has been on a real tear for about a year now, not exactly coming out of nowhere, but still with a steeper-than-expected ascendency (ascension?).

Remoind me to tell you later about a race I did in '07 that involved about 20 high-calibre under-18 triathletes. I'l try to remember that on my own, but........

2011-06-12 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3544593

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Again? After about 11 hours, does "again" pertain?

ANYHOW, those various ear plugs are at Click on swim gear, and then accessories, and up they'll pop. The Tyr ones are indeed silicone, and a box of four costs a mere $2.95. The Mack's ones I mentioned are the flange ones, at $3.95/pair. And they also carry mack's silicopne ones, same price as the Tyr.

I have used Tri-Zone since 2000, and their service is always superb. If you order tomorrow, you should have plugs by Wednesday.

Hope this helps!

2011-06-12 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3545405

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


FYI....and amusement!

The race organization that put on yesterday's race bills its series as "Events For Everyone", and they were true to that mandate yesterday. In the space of a mere 5 hours, they staged the following at the same general site (participant #s after race):

sprint tri -- 183
oly tri -- 116
super-sprint tri -- 53
try-a-tri -- 76
sprint teams -- 5
oly teams -- 3
try-a-tri teams -- 5
long duathlon -- 18
swim-cycle -- 6
canoe tri -- 4
canoe tri teams -- 5
kayak tri -- 8
kayak tri teams -- 1
5km run -- 171
3km run -- 81
1km kids run -- 66

Can you say "organizational challenge"???

Bless their hearts, mostly. I kvetch endlessly about their not having five splits, but they serve the community very well. They also make an effort to have lots of decent vendors at the races, and succeeded hugely yesterday. they also have a top-notch timing company that gets results up on the webiste within just two or three hours, and their chosen photo company shoots plenty and gets those on-line within a day, or two at the most. Mine are already there, and constitute 14 of soemthing like 16,000 photos from that slate of events alone. Pretty impressive!!

2011-06-12 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3545412

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Those photos......

Go to, then click on Ottawa River Tri/Du, then my number was 167.

Bikes ones mostly okay, but i don't remember grinning goofily at the photographer. i vaguely remember looking over at him...but grinning? (Must've been a gas pain....)

The run ones are so-so. The underexposed ones are from the start, first 50 yards or so. The other four show my disgust/unease with running on grass, and when that happens on the finishing stretch (where those photos were snapped) it is especially vexing. I so prefer running on good old blacktop!

As for the report.....tomorrow?

2011-06-13 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3544679

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
junthank - 2011-06-12 12:15 PM

Speaking of looking down the AG's results to see how you faired.  I know what it's called when a lady puts a beating on us guys (i.e... I got chicked!!).  What's it called when an older (umm..... more experienced) person puts it on ya


I'm very, very back-of-the pack, but I sometimes pass young guys.  I passed a young (20ish) guy at my last race and yelled as I was going by "You're not going to let Grandma beat you, are you?" haha - that was mean, wasn't it?


2011-06-13 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Congrats on your race.  I'm sorry you had goggles problems, but it's hard to have much sympathy for you when you do so well even with problems.  And it was just a "C" race for you anyway.


2011-06-13 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Back from my husband's 50th high school reunion in Iowa City.  So many old people - haha.  My husband won prizes for 1) having the youngest child (21) and 2) he was the only one with a great-grandchild.

I got to swim in the 50 meter pool.  And the treadmills each had their own tv screen - that was way cool.  The rest of you have probably seen those but in northern MN we don't have them.

And Steve, Iowa City is not just a hick town in the middle of corn fields.  They've got cool restaurants and oodles of culture.  While we were there, the Iowa Writer's Workshop (which you might have heard of) was holding it's 75th anniversary reunion.


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