BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2012-06-09 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4251890

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
yogachic - 2012-06-08 11:24 AM
Qua17 - 2012-06-07 6:36 AM
yogachic - 2012-06-06 10:46 PM

Hey guys!  

Looks like that road trip was exactly what I needed to get back on track!  After getting back Sat night, I did that long ride on Sunday, swim class on Monday, lots of running on Tuesday, and a quick bike ride tonight.  Planning on a short run tomorrow, swim Friday, and then I have a half marathon on Saturday.  

I'd originally hoped to PR this half, but between my PF coming back 2 weeks ago, then not getting much training done last week, not sure how that will work out.  I'll probably start out at a moderate pace, and depending on how I feel during the race, I'll step it up and see if I can go for the PR.  In the meantime, I'm foam rolling as much as possible to keep my PF away!  

Missy - So glad to hear that you are back on track!  Sounds like you got some great workouts in this week...

While I'm sorry to hear that the PF (I think we should call it the f**king PF) reared its ugly head, it may be a blessing in disguise.  Taking a bit of a break last week should make it easier for you to set that PR.  Love your plan to head out slow, which should mean a more enjoyable run.  I look forward to the race report!

I got my quick run in yesterday.  Scott Jurek did an event at a local running store to promote his new book, Eat and Run, which included a 3-mile fun run followed by a talk and book signing.  So I did my 3-miler with the group, and got to high-5 Scott himself at the turn-around!  It was awesome because he led the group on the way out, but at the turn around, he stood there and high-fived every single runner who showed up to see him.  Then he ran back with the slowest runners.  Pretty cool guy.

Of course, I also bought his book and had him sign it.  Chris McDougal (author of Born to Run) was also there, but I'd totally forgotten to bring my copy of his book.  So he signed Scott's book for me.  So cool.

I'm really excited to read Scott's book.... As a vegetarian endurance athlete, he kind of epitomizes what I'm trying to do.  It actually is making me consider doing an ultra marathon sometime soon.  Maybe after Chicago Marathon, I'll continue my long runs and start doing back-to-backs in the winter, and maybe find a spring ultra to do.  Assuming my PF doesn't bother me!


In any case, I'm thinking of scrapping the idea of PR'ing my half marathon tomorrow.  It's supposed to be 69 degrees at 7am when the race starts, and get to 80 by 9am.  I don't do so great in the heat, so I'll stick to my plan of keeping a moderate effort at the start and evaluate from there.  I'm definitely not expecting to run my fastest race.  I'll write a race report regardless of how I end up doing.

Tonight, I swim!  And if I feel like going out, I'll bike to one of the local street fests.

Very cool that you got to run and high five Scott Jurek. I've got his book to read while I'm on vacation this week. Best of luck at the race tomorrow! Sounds like you've got a solid race strategy laid out

2012-06-09 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4252865

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 6:08 AM

Morning All:  Just hopped on the scale this morning and discovered that I had lost another pound.  That make's 75.6!  3 more to go and I will no longer  have an over weight BMI.

How am I gonna celebrate? I'm off to run a 5 k with my three kids!

Congrats! That will be a sweet milestone to hit. That will be a fun way to celebrate
2012-06-09 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4252977

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-09 9:23 AM

Missed my 2800 yd swim yesterday due to missing my alarm.  That's me, wake up at 3:45 to get my run in one morning, then stay up too late and oversleep the following morning.

Oh well.  I've got a s/b/r practice course laid out for Sunday.  I plan on swimming a mile for my first OWS at a local lake (we'll see how that goes).  Then I'm going out for a 35 mile ride after practicing getting out of wet suit.  Then I run 4.5 miles.   This workout is in my HIM plan and will be my longest workout to date, so I'm looking forward to all the learning about transition, attrition, and nutrition.

Did I mention earlier that I had just slapped a set of T1 aero bars on my road bike.  WOW, It took it from a Chevelle feel to a Cadilac feel while in the saddle.  Looking forward to testing them out on the longer ride tomorrow.

Apparently your body thought you needed a little more sleep. I hate it when that happens. Looks like you'll make up for it with a good weekend of workouts. Enjoy that run with your wife and that simulated tri sounds like a blast. Have fun!
2012-06-09 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Hey Kevin - Let me know how those areo bars work out.  I've resisted getting a pair for my bike because people have told me that they mess with your stability.  I'd be interested in getting your take.

Don't give yourself too much crap for missing yesterday's swim.  Anyone who gets up 2 hours before the sunrise to get a workout in wins a free pass to miss a workout.

Enjoy the run with the wife!  

2012-06-09 1:05 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Hi All:  Today I did my first 5K in a long time.  I took my kids with me because my wife was attending her school's graduation (but I didn't have to push my youngest in the stroller - a friend was kind enough to do that for me).

I was pretty psyched with the results.  A 31:00 5K isn't the fastest - but running at a 10 minute clip is the fastest I've run in 2 years.

Here is my race report

Now I can focus on my A Tri Race - An OLY in Michigan on July 7.  My goal - I want to do all three segments with a faster speed than I did in my last Sprint in May.  Is that a crazy goal?  I think the swimming will be the easiest because it was so cold in May.  The run will also be fairly easy because I ran my 5 k today 2 mph faster than in May.  The bike will be more challenging.  I averaged a 16.4 mph for 10 miles - but can I do it for 25?  I think so...

Edited by Qua17 2012-06-09 1:14 PM
2012-06-09 3:31 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Nice job on the 5k David! I got aero bars for my bike and they impact stability only when I use them which isn't nearly enough. The bike rides the same if I'm not using them. But I think it depends on your fit and if they have to scoutch you forward. I got T2 ones and they cut off the back of them to make them short so I can still get in the drops and they don't rub my knees. I ride with friends a fair deal so it's nice to have all three options. If I get to a fairly straight section I can drop into them. I really should use them more.

2012-06-09 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Well first olympic distance race tomorrow- chances are they will shorten it to 750m since the water is only 13.6 degrees, if it falls below 13 they will cancel the swim. Its really wet/ rainy and cold.... Went for a short ride and came back soaked... Went for a quick swim and froze... Any tips/ advice? Really doubting the race right now!!! Tomorrow isnt supposed to be any better!!! Ahhhhh darn mother nature!!!
2012-06-09 7:42 PM
in reply to: #4253421

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

rydergal - 2012-06-09 7:20 PM Well first olympic distance race tomorrow- chances are they will shorten it to 750m since the water is only 13.6 degrees, if it falls below 13 they will cancel the swim. Its really wet/ rainy and cold.... Went for a short ride and came back soaked... Went for a quick swim and froze... Any tips/ advice? Really doubting the race right now!!! Tomorrow isnt supposed to be any better!!! Ahhhhh darn mother nature!!!

Major bummer about the weather!  The only saving grace is the fact that these are the types of races you talk about years later... "Ahh, this isn't as cold as one race did back in the day.  It was so cold there were chunks of ice floating on top of the water.  People were dropping out like the titanic..."

Good luck tomorrow.  My only suggestion and you probably already know this - ear plugs to keep you from getting disoriented.

2012-06-09 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4253421

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-06-09 6:20 PMWell first olympic distance race tomorrow- chances are they will shorten it to 750m since the water is only 13.6 degrees, if it falls below 13 they will cancel the swim. Its really wet/ rainy and cold.... Went for a short ride and came back soaked... Went for a quick swim and froze... Any tips/ advice? Really doubting the race right now!!! Tomorrow isnt supposed to be any better!!! Ahhhhh darn mother nature!!!
I've had a couple swims that were between 10-13C. Def double cap and try to get in the water early (even though it is cold and slightly painful). I personally find nothing is worse than the brain freeze and hyperventilation/tachycardia that goes along with cold water. If you can get your hands on some neoprene booties and mitts of the race allows them then that would be helpful. Get in and allow the water to reach your neck or you will start the race with nasty brain freeze. Once the swim is done I would suggest a complete change or dry off as well as possible. Bring socks. Bring a long sleeve and maybe long pants for the ride. Bring gloves for the ride. Have a change of socks for the run. Be prepared to be a bit cold and wet, but don't worry the run will warm you up! (sorry! I don't want to lie to you and say "don't worry, it will be all good". You will be fine if you are prepared. Lots of other crazy Canadians will be out there with you! Haha). Also full change of clothes for post race!
2012-06-09 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
I should change the above line to "I personally find nothing worse than starting a race with brain freeze/hyperventilation/tachy". If you get in an acclimatize I find you are actually able to focus and swim. Something else to add. If the swim gets out on rocks/stones and isn't well carpeted then bring a pair of throw away sandals to run to transition with. Frozen feet and stones=Owie. I did that at Banff a few years ago and on the run up the hill to transition I was quite happy with myself! Haha.
2012-06-09 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4253457

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
mndymond - 2012-06-09 6:49 PMI should change the above line to "I personally find nothing worse than starting a race with brain freeze/hyperventilation/tachy". If you get in an acclimatize I find you are actually able to focus and swim. Something else to add. If the swim gets out on rocks/stones and isn't well carpeted then bring a pair of throw away sandals to run to transition with. Frozen feet and stones=Owie. I did that at Banff a few years ago and on the run up the hill to transition I was quite happy with myself! Haha.
Thank goodness they had a trade show at race pick up and i bought neoprene cap/ socks/ gloves. Im hoping to use them but i dont think rules allow it... We will see!! I also got a set of cycling shoe covers which will be a saving grace too! Lets hope for a miracle but with 13 hrs to race start its not getting any warmer and not any drier!

2012-06-09 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4253517

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
rydergal - 2012-06-09 8:09 PM
mndymond - 2012-06-09 6:49 PMI should change the above line to "I personally find nothing worse than starting a race with brain freeze/hyperventilation/tachy". If you get in an acclimatize I find you are actually able to focus and swim. Something else to add. If the swim gets out on rocks/stones and isn't well carpeted then bring a pair of throw away sandals to run to transition with. Frozen feet and stones=Owie. I did that at Banff a few years ago and on the run up the hill to transition I was quite happy with myself! Haha.
Thank goodness they had a trade show at race pick up and i bought neoprene cap/ socks/ gloves. Im hoping to use them but i dont think rules allow it... We will see!! I also got a set of cycling shoe covers which will be a saving grace too! Lets hope for a miracle but with 13 hrs to race start its not getting any warmer and not any drier!
Some races will allow them depending on water temp in the am. I've raced at 11C without the booties but they were allowed by RD. will have to see what the RD says tomorrow! Good luck! Try to stay warm! I've found I suffer more on the bike than the swim though. Swim is shorter aD when the wind and rain start up it can be brrrrrrrr! Good thing you have some covers! Race hard Tera!
2012-06-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4252865

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 6:08 AM

Morning All:  Just hopped on the scale this morning and discovered that I had lost another pound.  That make's 75.6!  3 more to go and I will no longer  have an over weight BMI.

How am I gonna celebrate? I'm off to run a 5 k with my three kids!

Congrats on the loss!  What an amazing accomplishment!!  Great way to celebrate too Smile

2012-06-10 8:50 AM
in reply to: #4252966

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-09 9:14 AM
yogachic - 2012-06-08 9:24 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-07 6:36 AM
yogachic - 2012-06-06 10:46 PM

Hey guys!  

Looks like that road trip was exactly what I needed to get back on track!  After getting back Sat night, I did that long ride on Sunday, swim class on Monday, lots of running on Tuesday, and a quick bike ride tonight.  Planning on a short run tomorrow, swim Friday, and then I have a half marathon on Saturday.  

I'd originally hoped to PR this half, but between my PF coming back 2 weeks ago, then not getting much training done last week, not sure how that will work out.  I'll probably start out at a moderate pace, and depending on how I feel during the race, I'll step it up and see if I can go for the PR.  In the meantime, I'm foam rolling as much as possible to keep my PF away!  

Missy - So glad to hear that you are back on track!  Sounds like you got some great workouts in this week...

While I'm sorry to hear that the PF (I think we should call it the f**king PF) reared its ugly head, it may be a blessing in disguise.  Taking a bit of a break last week should make it easier for you to set that PR.  Love your plan to head out slow, which should mean a more enjoyable run.  I look forward to the race report!

I got my quick run in yesterday.  Scott Jurek did an event at a local running store to promote his new book, Eat and Run, which included a 3-mile fun run followed by a talk and book signing.  So I did my 3-miler with the group, and got to high-5 Scott himself at the turn-around!  It was awesome because he led the group on the way out, but at the turn around, he stood there and high-fived every single runner who showed up to see him.  Then he ran back with the slowest runners.  Pretty cool guy.

Of course, I also bought his book and had him sign it.  Chris McDougal (author of Born to Run) was also there, but I'd totally forgotten to bring my copy of his book.  So he signed Scott's book for me.  So cool.

I'm really excited to read Scott's book.... As a vegetarian endurance athlete, he kind of epitomizes what I'm trying to do.  It actually is making me consider doing an ultra marathon sometime soon.  Maybe after Chicago Marathon, I'll continue my long runs and start doing back-to-backs in the winter, and maybe find a spring ultra to do.  Assuming my PF doesn't bother me!


In any case, I'm thinking of scrapping the idea of PR'ing my half marathon tomorrow.  It's supposed to be 69 degrees at 7am when the race starts, and get to 80 by 9am.  I don't do so great in the heat, so I'll stick to my plan of keeping a moderate effort at the start and evaluate from there.  I'm definitely not expecting to run my fastest race.  I'll write a race report regardless of how I end up doing.

Tonight, I swim!  And if I feel like going out, I'll bike to one of the local street fests.

I wish you well on the Half.  Just go out and run your race and see what happens!  Ultra-marathoning sounds intense.  Trainig, pacing and nutrition must play a huge part in anything over 26.2.

Thanks!!  It was going to be a hot day, so I thought it might just be better to do a HIM simulation race (got the idea from a friend who was planning on doing it).  So instead of going for a PR, I biked to the race and practiced nutrition as I would if I were doing a hot half ironman.  That included nutrition for my bike, and trying to get all my nutrition/water from whatever they provided on the run course.  

I generally don't fill out those race report threads, since my race reports tend to be more free-flowing.  It's in my training log for anyone who wants to read it.

As for ultras, from what I can tell from friends who've done it, you just have to go slow, enjoy the scenery, and eat every 20 minutes.  It's more about the experience than the race!

2012-06-10 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4252977

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-09 9:23 AM

Missed my 2800 yd swim yesterday due to missing my alarm.  That's me, wake up at 3:45 to get my run in one morning, then stay up too late and oversleep the following morning.

Oh well.  I've got a s/b/r practice course laid out for Sunday.  I plan on swimming a mile for my first OWS at a local lake (we'll see how that goes).  Then I'm going out for a 35 mile ride after practicing getting out of wet suit.  Then I run 4.5 miles.   This workout is in my HIM plan and will be my longest workout to date, so I'm looking forward to all the learning about transition, attrition, and nutrition.

Did I mention earlier that I had just slapped a set of T1 aero bars on my road bike.  WOW, It took it from a Chevelle feel to a Cadilac feel while in the saddle.  Looking forward to testing them out on the longer ride tomorrow.

I should probably put my aeros back on my bike!  I took them off after my HIM last year so that I could do group rides with cycling groups w/o getting an evil look & a lecture about how I'm not allow to ride in aeros in the pack.  

They definitely help make your ride go smoother and faster!  My favorite part is the aero bottle, so I don't even have to move to stay hydrated!

2012-06-10 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4253135

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 1:05 PM

Hi All:  Today I did my first 5K in a long time.  I took my kids with me because my wife was attending her school's graduation (but I didn't have to push my youngest in the stroller - a friend was kind enough to do that for me).

I was pretty psyched with the results.  A 31:00 5K isn't the fastest - but running at a 10 minute clip is the fastest I've run in 2 years.

Here is my race report

Now I can focus on my A Tri Race - An OLY in Michigan on July 7.  My goal - I want to do all three segments with a faster speed than I did in my last Sprint in May.  Is that a crazy goal?  I think the swimming will be the easiest because it was so cold in May.  The run will also be fairly easy because I ran my 5 k today 2 mph faster than in May.  The bike will be more challenging.  I averaged a 16.4 mph for 10 miles - but can I do it for 25?  I think so...

Nice work! Sounds like a fun family event!

Regarding your Oly goal, I don't think it's unreasonable as long as you're training to get faster!  In general, I only do 1 race in May (Galena sprint tri, which I missed this year due to a wedding), and it's mostly just to get back in the groove of racing.  I know in the past, I've done faster in my later-season Oly's or HIM's than at Galena, just because I'm better trained later in the season.  So, I don't think that's a crazy goal!

2012-06-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4253421

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

rydergal - 2012-06-09 7:20 PM Well first olympic distance race tomorrow- chances are they will shorten it to 750m since the water is only 13.6 degrees, if it falls below 13 they will cancel the swim. Its really wet/ rainy and cold.... Went for a short ride and came back soaked... Went for a quick swim and froze... Any tips/ advice? Really doubting the race right now!!! Tomorrow isnt supposed to be any better!!! Ahhhhh darn mother nature!!!

As I'm reading this, you're probably in the middle of the race!  Hope it goes well, and can't wait to hear!!

2012-06-10 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4253132

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 11:01 PM

Hey Kevin - Let me know how those areo bars work out.  I've resisted getting a pair for my bike because people have told me that they mess with your stability.  I'd be interested in getting your take.

Don't give yourself too much crap for missing yesterday's swim.  Anyone who gets up 2 hours before the sunrise to get a workout in wins a free pass to miss a workout.

Enjoy the run with the wife!  

David, I love em.  I spent about 70% of my ride on them today.  I bought the profile design T1+ model.  I picked mine up on amazon for about 95$ all said and done.  They took about 30 min to install.  I made 1 minor adjustment after 1 mile ride on them.

Today, I spent about 1:45 on them with intermittent breaks do to hills, shifting weight, etc.  2 minor critiques.  1, my knees hit them on steep hills when I get out of the saddle.  I corrected this by swinging legs wider, or I would stand up straighter.  2, a few times my forerms got a wrestless feeling from forearm muscles to hands.  I would just sit up for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it would go away. 

I like them so much, and this used bike I'm on, I'm going to take it in and have a new rear wheel with more gears installed, clip on pedals, and have the shifters routed up to the tops of aero bars this week.  I figure $500 is less than $1500 for a good entry level road bike any how.

2012-06-10 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4252977

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-09 7:23 PM

Missed my 2800 yd swim yesterday due to missing my alarm.  That's me, wake up at 3:45 to get my run in one morning, then stay up too late and oversleep the following morning.

Oh well.  I've got a s/b/r practice course laid out for Sunday.  I plan on swimming a mile for my first OWS at a local lake (we'll see how that goes).  Then I'm going out for a 35 mile ride after practicing getting out of wet suit.  Then I run 4.5 miles.   This workout is in my HIM plan and will be my longest workout to date, so I'm looking forward to all the learning about transition, attrition, and nutrition.

Did I mention earlier that I had just slapped a set of T1 aero bars on my road bike.  WOW, It took it from a Chevelle feel to a Cadilac feel while in the saddle.  Looking forward to testing them out on the longer ride tomorrow.

This workout went well except for the swim.  at 6:30, it was about 47 degrees out.  I got in water, and my feet actually numbed up nicely, and didn't bother me.  I waded out to my chest, and let wetsuit fill up and aclimated to water and all was good.  Then I tried dunking my head, and face was bitter cold.  I figured I'd back float, and that was good, suit was bouyant, then I rolled over and crawled w/ head out of water for a bit (like a little kid), but each time I put my face in, it froze, and I could only hold it in for 2 seconds.

Water had to been in low to mid 50's.  This lake is about 30 miles long inbetween 2 dam's.  It is fed by the river which is still getting mountain runnoff.  I may have to wait to OWS for a few weeks, or find another lake close by, or suck it up and mind over matter it.

2012-06-10 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Hi All:  How was everyone's weekend.  I know there were a couple of races too - how did everyone do?

It's time for me to start focusing on my OLY next month.  With four weeks to go before the race - it's time to start working on speed.  Here is my plan for next week:

Monday - AM 40 MI bike/PM 30 minute walk
Tuesday - AM 2300 Speed Swim Workout/ PM 30 minute Run
Wedesnday PM Easy Bike Day
Thursday - AM 2500 Swim/PM Track Workout
Friday - AM Stretch / PM Long Run
Saturday - Rest Day
Sunday - AM Light Swim / PM Long Ride

Hold me accountable.  No beer/ice cream for everyday that I don't complete a workout.

Have a good week!

2012-06-10 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4254111

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-10 2:41 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 11:01 PM

Hey Kevin - Let me know how those areo bars work out.  I've resisted getting a pair for my bike because people have told me that they mess with your stability.  I'd be interested in getting your take.

Don't give yourself too much crap for missing yesterday's swim.  Anyone who gets up 2 hours before the sunrise to get a workout in wins a free pass to miss a workout.

Enjoy the run with the wife!  

David, I love em.  I spent about 70% of my ride on them today.  I bought the profile design T1+ model.  I picked mine up on amazon for about 95$ all said and done.  They took about 30 min to install.  I made 1 minor adjustment after 1 mile ride on them.

Today, I spent about 1:45 on them with intermittent breaks do to hills, shifting weight, etc.  2 minor critiques.  1, my knees hit them on steep hills when I get out of the saddle.  I corrected this by swinging legs wider, or I would stand up straighter.  2, a few times my forerms got a wrestless feeling from forearm muscles to hands.  I would just sit up for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it would go away. 

I like them so much, and this used bike I'm on, I'm going to take it in and have a new rear wheel with more gears installed, clip on pedals, and have the shifters routed up to the tops of aero bars this week.  I figure $500 is less than $1500 for a good entry level road bike any how.

I don't know how your bars are mounted front to back, but my LBS hacked off about 1cm off the back of mine and my knees don't hit anymore. Just an idea if you have a little spare length.

2012-06-10 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4254261

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Qua17 - 2012-06-10 5:28 PM

Hi All:  How was everyone's weekend.  I know there were a couple of races too - how did everyone do?

It's time for me to start focusing on my OLY next month.  With four weeks to go before the race - it's time to start working on speed.  Here is my plan for next week:

Monday - AM 40 MI bike/PM 30 minute walk
Tuesday - AM 2300 Speed Swim Workout/ PM 30 minute Run
Wedesnday PM Easy Bike Day
Thursday - AM 2500 Swim/PM Track Workout
Friday - AM Stretch / PM Long Run
Saturday - Rest Day
Sunday - AM Light Swim / PM Long Ride

Hold me accountable.  No beer/ice cream for everyday that I don't complete a workout.

Have a good week!

So Sat no beer/ice cream then? Haha. I do this too. Lately I have been trying to tell myself that just because I work out doesn't mean I get to have ice cream/choc though. School/studying kind of make me feel that if I work out and have to study that I should get to have a little bowl or a few pieces?

Looks like a solid week of training planned! Hope it goes well!

2012-06-10 8:15 PM
in reply to: #4124591

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!

Got my first week of solid training in since before general surgery I would say...I'm almost at my May totals after 7 days....

The little kids got me sick so I did a lot of sleeping this weekend. Feeling better hopefully that is the end of my peds sickness.....

Excited to see everyone's RRs from the weekend! Hope things went well for all those racing! (Hope it wasn't too cold Tera!)

2012-06-10 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4254263

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
Moonrocket - 2012-06-11 4:29 AM
kevinbe - 2012-06-10 2:41 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 11:01 PM

Hey Kevin - Let me know how those areo bars work out.  I've resisted getting a pair for my bike because people have told me that they mess with your stability.  I'd be interested in getting your take.

Don't give yourself too much crap for missing yesterday's swim.  Anyone who gets up 2 hours before the sunrise to get a workout in wins a free pass to miss a workout.

Enjoy the run with the wife!  

David, I love em.  I spent about 70% of my ride on them today.  I bought the profile design T1+ model.  I picked mine up on amazon for about 95$ all said and done.  They took about 30 min to install.  I made 1 minor adjustment after 1 mile ride on them.

Today, I spent about 1:45 on them with intermittent breaks do to hills, shifting weight, etc.  2 minor critiques.  1, my knees hit them on steep hills when I get out of the saddle.  I corrected this by swinging legs wider, or I would stand up straighter.  2, a few times my forerms got a wrestless feeling from forearm muscles to hands.  I would just sit up for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it would go away. 

I like them so much, and this used bike I'm on, I'm going to take it in and have a new rear wheel with more gears installed, clip on pedals, and have the shifters routed up to the tops of aero bars this week.  I figure $500 is less than $1500 for a good entry level road bike any how.

I don't know how your bars are mounted front to back, but my LBS hacked off about 1cm off the back of mine and my knees don't hit anymore. Just an idea if you have a little spare length.

This will work perfect on mine as I have plenty of length on the back end.  My thought was to move the seat forward the last 1" or so left, and move bars forward accordingly, but I like your suggestion better, and I have a hacksaw.

2012-06-10 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4254496

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Group--- Phase 2--CLOSED!
kevinbe - 2012-06-10 7:44 PM
Moonrocket - 2012-06-11 4:29 AM
kevinbe - 2012-06-10 2:41 PM
Qua17 - 2012-06-09 11:01 PM

Hey Kevin - Let me know how those areo bars work out.  I've resisted getting a pair for my bike because people have told me that they mess with your stability.  I'd be interested in getting your take.

Don't give yourself too much crap for missing yesterday's swim.  Anyone who gets up 2 hours before the sunrise to get a workout in wins a free pass to miss a workout.

Enjoy the run with the wife!  

David, I love em.  I spent about 70% of my ride on them today.  I bought the profile design T1+ model.  I picked mine up on amazon for about 95$ all said and done.  They took about 30 min to install.  I made 1 minor adjustment after 1 mile ride on them.

Today, I spent about 1:45 on them with intermittent breaks do to hills, shifting weight, etc.  2 minor critiques.  1, my knees hit them on steep hills when I get out of the saddle.  I corrected this by swinging legs wider, or I would stand up straighter.  2, a few times my forerms got a wrestless feeling from forearm muscles to hands.  I would just sit up for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it would go away. 

I like them so much, and this used bike I'm on, I'm going to take it in and have a new rear wheel with more gears installed, clip on pedals, and have the shifters routed up to the tops of aero bars this week.  I figure $500 is less than $1500 for a good entry level road bike any how.

I don't know how your bars are mounted front to back, but my LBS hacked off about 1cm off the back of mine and my knees don't hit anymore. Just an idea if you have a little spare length.

This will work perfect on mine as I have plenty of length on the back end.  My thought was to move the seat forward the last 1" or so left, and move bars forward accordingly, but I like your suggestion better, and I have a hacksaw.

Glad I could help! From what I've read shifting forward puts more weight over your front wheel and contributes to twitchier steering. I hope it works well for you!
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