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2007-07-29 3:14 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I didn't run too well kids, I don't think I got the proper amount of sleep and calories required to run a fast 7 miles. So, I bonked. I ran a 23:00 out and a 25:00 back. I think had I a little more juice in the bottle my splits would have been the same. Focus/Mental aspect sucked!, but I guess it was all for fun anyway. Good time, Good people.

2007-07-29 4:27 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Bonked my a55! You had to have finished just a little behind the elite! Six minute miles in any longer race is great! I'm sure it was hot out, and there are hills, and navigating all those people can't be easy, either! So tell us the highlights--how many Elvises were there, how many hot babes flirted with you, did you party the night before, etc......come on, like I said, I have to live vicariously! I'm limited to water jogging currently.

I read about cyclocross in the wiki --I guess I've seen footage of that during spinning classes at the Y. I don't know if Noah's bike is really up for that--it's kind of heavy and is supposed to be one he can grow into the next few years because his mom can't really buy him a new Trek every year. My Mtn. bike is pretty darn heavy, too. I suppose we could go watch the first one and then decide.... but I didn't have very good results the other day with the hills on the mountain bike trails. I don't think they were actually for biking--more for skiing--very narrow, lots of bumpy tree roots, some sand, and the hills just came out of nowhere. There wasn't any time to prepare and get speed up cuz they were right there. Of course Steve didn't have any trouble with the hills. But I sucked at them. I imagine the cyclocross would be similar. I ended up walking my stupid bike up those hills and that wasn't easy as it is heavy. Then I had to walk the bike down the really steep hills that are about 6 inches of trail and then drop off sharply into a hill situation. I don't have health insurance. It was hard to walk the bike down those narrow narrow little hill trails because the bike wanted to take off without me--it's that heavy. Hmmm, maybe I CAN do cyclocross after all. Just put a cute guy in front of me and I'll go on trails that I'd NEVER go on by myself!!

I'm starting to feel better physically. I can drive now without fainting. And I don't wake up with throbbing headaches and that "just shoot me now as every muscle in my body hurts" feeling anymore.

Matt--take a week off! That's an order! You'll feel soooo much better when it's done. Trust me!
2007-07-30 9:46 AM
in reply to: #905453

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-07-29 6:06 AM

Anyone thinking about doing the Dallas White Rock marathon this year? I'm thinking about signing up.

When is it? I may sign up for the half.
2007-07-30 10:01 AM
in reply to: #906451

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-07-30 9:46 AM
Timo - 2007-07-29 6:06 AM

Anyone thinking about doing the Dallas White Rock marathon this year? I'm thinking about signing up.

When is it? I may sign up for the half.

Sunday, Dec 9th 2007.  Website here

I've done the half twice and the relay once.  It's pretty much the biggest Dallas running event of the year.  All the local running/triathlon clubs have training programs for this race and will have a presence there.  Having said that, it is expensive and quite crowded.  My wife has done this race a few times too, and she really doesn't like the crowds.  I don't mind them as much, and some people love the big atmosphere.

Personally, it's too early for me to commit to it.  I might try to go for the Sunmart 50K the day before this race.  We'll see.   

2007-07-30 12:20 PM
in reply to: #906477

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-07-31 5:01 AM
JBrashear - 2007-07-30 9:46 AM
Timo - 2007-07-29 6:06 AM

Anyone thinking about doing the Dallas White Rock marathon this year? I'm thinking about signing up.

When is it? I may sign up for the half.

Sunday, Dec 9th 2007.  Website here

I've done the half twice and the relay once.  It's pretty much the biggest Dallas running event of the year.  All the local running/triathlon clubs have training programs for this race and will have a presence there.  Having said that, it is expensive and quite crowded.  My wife has done this race a few times too, and she really doesn't like the crowds.  I don't mind them as much, and some people love the big atmosphere.

Personally, it's too early for me to commit to it.  I might try to go for the Sunmart 50K the day before this race.  We'll see.   

It's funny that you mentioned the Sunmart 50K becasue I just found it online today.  I believe that they also have a 50 mile race as well, right?  I really couldn't find out much about it but it looked interesting from what I could find.  Do you know anything about the trail or have an idea where I can find some detailed info? Both you and Ken have said the Dallas race is expensive, I've never done one in the states and so I figured $100 was normal for a marathon. 

I decided that I will entertain the idea of doing 2 marathons in October.  I originally registered for the Amsterdam marathon on 21 October but then all the local folks here said the race wasn't the greatest and they signed up for Cologne on the 07th of October.  I of course followed suit and so now I am signed up for both.  Obviously, I won't make the final call until after the marathon in Cologne, but if I feel OK, it may be good training for Sunmart. 

Edited by Timo 2007-07-30 12:21 PM
2007-07-30 12:39 PM
in reply to: #906763

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-07-30 12:20 PM

It's funny that you mentioned the Sunmart 50K becasue I just found it online today. I believe that they also have a 50 mile race as well, right? I really couldn't find out much about it but it looked interesting from what I could find. Do you know anything about the trail or have an idea where I can find some detailed info? Both you and Ken have said the Dallas race is expensive, I've never done one in the states and so I figured $100 was normal for a marathon.

I decided that I will entertain the idea of doing 2 marathons in October. I originally registered for the Amsterdam marathon on 21 October but then all the local folks here said the race wasn't the greatest and they signed up for Cologne on the 07th of October. I of course followed suit and so now I am signed up for both. Obviously, I won't make the final call until after the marathon in Cologne, but if I feel OK, it may be good training for Sunmart.

I'm not personally familiar with the the Sunmart course, but I've heard a little bit about it from friends. 12.5 mi loops of varied surfaces with some rough roots to watch out for. Fairly flat, I think. Overall a good course in a really nice state park where they hold a few ultras every year. Sunmart is the biggest and has close to 1000 runners between the 50K and 50mi. This is huge compared to most ultras. (The 50 miler I did in March had 45 people!) Because of this size, I've heard it's crowded for the first loop and you often have to wait for people b/c it's single track. This doesn't sound so good to me...Hmmm... Maybe I'll rethink it. We'll see. I've got to get through tri-season first.

You can read a few race reports from last year here

BTW, ~$100 is actually normal for a marathon, but it's still pricey!

Wow, 2 marathons in October sound like a lot. I've heard that many people say they recover fast from a 50K trail race than a marathon run on pavement. So be careful.




Edited by dgillen 2007-07-30 12:41 PM

2007-07-30 2:31 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


I agree with David that you should be careful doing to mary's in one month.  It is recommend for most people to do no more than 4 a year and possibly 2.  Obviously, this is not an absolute or there would not be the "Marathon Maniacs" website were people run 2  in one weekend or even more in a short period of time.   I will also agree that your recover faster from trails than pavement.  I did a 50K last year and other than the fact that I had hurt my knee the week before and it was sore I felt pretty good after a few days of rest.  I doubt however I could have run a maraton a month later.


2007-07-31 12:50 AM
in reply to: #907049

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-31 9:31 AM


I agree with David that you should be careful doing to mary's in one month. It is recommend for most people to do no more than 4 a year and possibly 2. Obviously, this is not an absolute or there would not be the "Marathon Maniacs" website were people run 2 in one weekend or even more in a short period of time. I will also agree that your recover faster from trails than pavement. I did a 50K last year and other than the fact that I had hurt my knee the week before and it was sore I felt pretty good after a few days of rest. I doubt however I could have run a maraton a month later.



Thanks and I agree with both of you, I know it's a long shot that I will be able to do both and I'll just have to wait and see how I feel after the marathon in Cologne.  For now, it's back to training for the HIM!

2007-07-31 6:41 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Well David, I think I am screwed for hydration during Praireman.  I ran this morning at 5am and lost 3lbs + drank 20oz of water in 44min - That averages out to 91oz per hour if I would have kept going.  This is at 5am not 11am after the swim and bike in the heat.  Oh well, just need to start drinking more.  Also, I did stop and take a potty break after about 30 minutes but probably drank more than 20oz of liquids to make up for the difference. 

I know you said I could try my body to absorb more liquid so I guess I just need to start drinking more while I run.

I need to set my watch up to beep at intervals to remember to drink more often.

2007-07-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #907734

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-31 6:41 AM

Well David, I think I am screwed for hydration during Praireman. I ran this morning at 5am and lost 3lbs + drank 20oz of water in 44min - That averages out to 91oz per hour if I would have kept going. This is at 5am not 11am after the swim and bike in the heat. Oh well, just need to start drinking more. Also, I did stop and take a potty break after about 30 minutes but probably drank more than 20oz of liquids to make up for the difference.

I know you said I could try my body to absorb more liquid so I guess I just need to start drinking more while I run.

I need to set my watch up to beep at intervals to remember to drink more often.

Start drinking lakewater during your swim.
2007-07-31 8:16 AM
in reply to: #907832

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-07-31 8:11 AM
kproudfoot - 2007-07-31 6:41 AM

Well David, I think I am screwed for hydration during Praireman. I ran this morning at 5am and lost 3lbs + drank 20oz of water in 44min - That averages out to 91oz per hour if I would have kept going. This is at 5am not 11am after the swim and bike in the heat. Oh well, just need to start drinking more. Also, I did stop and take a potty break after about 30 minutes but probably drank more than 20oz of liquids to make up for the difference.

I know you said I could try my body to absorb more liquid so I guess I just need to start drinking more while I run.

I need to set my watch up to beep at intervals to remember to drink more often.

Start drinking lakewater during your swim.
OH, I normally do.  I will have to start sucking it down though.  Hopefully the people in front of me don't pee in the water.

2007-07-31 8:26 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I wonder if you can water load like you carb load the night before? I think I read in some triathlon book somewhere that it works to drink tons of water a few days ahead of time. Then the curious side of me wonders about salt intake. If you eat chinese food with tons of sodium in it, for women at least, that equates to a few pounds water gain the day after. Might be worth some research and/or experimentation? Or else maybe you can get a trisuit with inside pockets to hold ice packs Love to see you run with ice under your armpits......

I'm slacking this week. Can't push the hamstring yet, although water jogging went okay. It just wasn't fun and didn't feel aerobic to me. I figure it's okay to rest my legs for this weekend's long bike. Plus, I'm totally getting sucked into the new Harry Potter book. And I get phone calls every night around 10pm from Steve the biker dude who works at the Harley Davidson plant fixing the robotics machines and stuff. He actually calls me from work (third shift) and I 'm a bit worried about this....last night his cell died and he called me back from the company phone just to tell me he didn't hang up on me. I'm not exactly ready for an unemployed dude to show up on my doorstep Even if he is cute and bikes and could get me an employee discount on that purple Harley I've been wanting like forever!!
2007-07-31 10:08 AM
in reply to: #907734

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-31 6:41 AM

Well David, I think I am screwed for hydration during Praireman. I ran this morning at 5am and lost 3lbs + drank 20oz of water in 44min - That averages out to 91oz per hour if I would have kept going. This is at 5am not 11am after the swim and bike in the heat. Oh well, just need to start drinking more. Also, I did stop and take a potty break after about 30 minutes but probably drank more than 20oz of liquids to make up for the difference.

I know you said I could try my body to absorb more liquid so I guess I just need to start drinking more while I run.

I need to set my watch up to beep at intervals to remember to drink more often.

First of all, I'm glad you're taking hydration seriously and doing the sweat rate tests regularly.   It is so important. 

Secondly, you're not "screwed for hydration".  You just need to learn to drink more often and train your system to absorb it.  Here are my recommendations:

  1. Realize that 2-3% (4-6 lbs for you) weight loss after a decent workout is normal and has minimal effect.  Over 3% is where you start to experience performance degradation.
  2. Setting a timer on your watch to remind you to drink is a great idea and that is what I do.
  3. Don't forget bike hydration.  Do your sweat tests for the bike too and strive to minimize your weight loss after each ride.   It is much easier to absorb fluids on the bike as your stomach is not jostling as much as on the run.  And your sweat rate will be higher on the run, and thus is really important that your starting your run with minimal to no dehydration. 
  4. Be sure to get plenty of electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium) as they actually help with absorption.
  5. One good, lesser know tip, is to try to keep your stomach somewhat full, especially on the bike.  A fuller stomach empties quicker!   What I'm going to do (I tried this on Sat and it worked well), is to drink 8-10 oz of water (or Gatorade) in T1 or as soon as I get on the bike.   This will do 2 things: replenish your fluid loss from the swim and get your stomach somewhat full so it will empty quicker!
  6. Stay hydrated throughout the day and be sure to start every training session well hydrated.
  7. Just like with all your training, slowly build up your absorption training.  You can train your system to absorb more and at a faster rate but not overnight!
2007-07-31 11:10 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
David, Thanks for the ideas.  I definately need to increase my absorbsion rate.  Plus as you have mentioned in he past your sweat rate should decrease after a certain time training/racing so hopefully by the run it as leveled out some.   I was just a little concerned this morning when at 5am it was not real hot out compared to what it will be at 11am at the start of a 13 mile run.
2007-07-31 12:05 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Dave, check out this thread I started on the main board:

You know my situation a bit better than most, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
2007-08-01 8:42 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey, Dave, I just saw in the paper this morning, the tragedy in Flower Mound. I know that is a pretty tight nit community. Our prayers are with y'all.

2007-08-01 10:16 AM
in reply to: #909347

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

armydad - 2007-08-01 8:42 AM Hey, Dave, I just saw in the paper this morning, the tragedy in Flower Mound. I know that is a pretty tight nit community. Our prayers are with y'all.

Thanks Dave. We didn't know the family, but are sad nonetheless.   FM is normally quite safe and calm and this murder-suicide has definitely shaken the community. 

2007-08-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey Armydad! Nice to hear from you! How's your training going?

Murder-suicide, eh? We even get stuff like that in dinky Cashton, Wisconsin, town of 1005 people. I guess no place is small enough....

How is your potion making coming along, Dave? I just think that is so cool. My kids would think so too! I really truly do think you could perfect these things and market them. I would buy them!! Have you thought about adding some stuff like Ginseng? That is a wonderful herb for the adrenals. It is an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body adapt to the stresses you put it through. Just a thought....

I just got back from the chiropractor. He adjusted my right hip and really worked on my hamstring. It is all hot and burning right now from this deep tissue stuff he put on it--it has cayenne pepper, menthol and arnica in it, among other things. I bought a bottle to take with on the MS 150. Someone in Rochester MN just died on the MS ride there--hit by a drunk driver with multiple offenses! So everyone put out safe thoughts for me this weekend please. My kids need me.

There was a 24 hour mountain bike ride in Wausau last weekend. I can't even fathom how you would train for something like that or what in the world you would eat and drink to keep going without collapsing. Pretty amazing. Maybe it is good to hear about these races so that the IM dream seems less overwhelmingly insurmountable.

The most exciting thing this week is that I get my hair cut tomorrow! One of my patients told me about a gay hairstylist in LaCrosse! Yeah! I've been wishing to find one like forever! My friend from grade school goes all the way to New York City for her gay hairstylist! (she married a plumber so she can afford to do stuff like that). If it turns out good, I'll post a pic!

(hey you have to admit I have entertainment value if nothing else).
2007-08-01 10:46 AM
in reply to: #909561

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-08-01 10:32 AM  How is your potion making coming along, Dave? I just think that is so cool. My kids would think so too! I really truly do think you could perfect these things and market them. I would buy them!! Have you thought about adding some stuff like Ginseng? That is a wonderful herb for the adrenals. It is an adaptogen, meaning it helps your body adapt to the stresses you put it through. Just a thought....

I'm really just experimenting and trying to find what works best for me.  Although, I have shared my formulas with Ken and he is trying out his first "feed bottle" tonight!   Hope he doesn't die!!  

I just got back from the chiropractor. He adjusted my right hip and really worked on my hamstring. It is all hot and burning right now from this deep tissue stuff he put on it--it has cayenne pepper, menthol and arnica in it, among other things. I bought a bottle to take with on the MS 150. Someone in Rochester MN just died on the MS ride there--hit by a drunk driver with multiple offenses! So everyone put out safe thoughts for me this weekend please. My kids need me.

I'm excited for your MS150 this weekend, Pene.  You're going to have a blast and I bet you'll surprise yourself about how in shape you are.  You'll do great, but please do be careful.  Despite drunk and other careless drivers, I think your biggest concern will be the hundreds or thousands of other, less experienced cyclists.   Keep your fingers near the brakes when riding close to others, and just take it easy and you'll be fine.  I'm really anxious to hear how it goes.  Good luck.


2007-08-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


I actually mixed the dry powder with the water and it is amazing how that stuff disolves.   I actually took a big sip of it since I know I should have extra left and it was not that bad tasting.  I did get a hint of salt but that is it.  Luckily for me my stomach can pretty much handle anything when I train.  I have been know to mix two different flavors of gatorade together or even grab a dr. pepper while running.  The only thing I really can't stand it the fluit or coffee flavored gu, just nasty, however I can get them down if that is all that is available.   My only goal with the feed bottle is getting enough calories at the cheapest possible cost compated to perpetuum/infinite and not collapes during my HIM.  I really don't care what it tastes like.

 I will let everyone know the outcome tomorrow.  Unfortunately from looking outside my window right now I might be on the trainer for a 1.75 hour ride (yuck!!).  Oh well, at least this way I can test my sweat rate.  Is this a fair way to do a sweat test or will the results be scewed?


2007-08-01 3:38 PM
in reply to: #910113

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-08-01 3:27 PM

I will let everyone know the outcome tomorrow. Unfortunately from looking outside my window right now I might be on the trainer for a 1.75 hour ride (yuck!!). Oh well, at least this way I can test my sweat rate. Is this a fair way to do a sweat test or will the results be scewed?

A sweat rate test on a trainer obviously won't be the best and will produce results different from outdoors, but it won't hurt to measure it anyway if your scale is right there! 

2007-08-02 6:39 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
The feed bottle seemed to work out pretty well.  The real test will be when I do a long bike or a long brick.  But the taste was fine and no stomach issues or feeling hungry.
2007-08-02 4:34 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going out of town this weekend and might not be able to access a computer very frequently.  I leave early tomorrow AM for Toledo, Ohio for our yearly family reunion on my Dad's side.  He has 9 brothers and 2 sisters!  And thus, I have countless cousins.  We meet at my uncle's farm where he has a decent sized pond where I hope to get in a couple OWS's! Plus, Sarah (my wife) is coming for the first time so that will be exciting. 

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend, especially Pene at the MS150!  I'll be thinking about you.



2007-08-02 4:55 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Dave--I hope you don't have to take up drinking to survive your family get together!! I personally love my family but can only take about 3 hours of them before wanting to eat tons of chocolate cake or go in the bathroom and scream. I'd drink around them, but I'm basically allergic to alcohol, so that just doesn't work

Okay, here's the haircut pic, as promised

And I took the kids on the trail today--we made a whopping 6 miles! Micah complained the whole way that we were going too fast for her. And Mose didn't want to go all the way through the long dark tunnel so the other two were pissed at him. I think it was relatively successful, though, and gave them icecream after. Noah wants to go with me again some time and I think the other two will just have to go to the sitters that day. But at least I'm trying to help them learn to enjoy biking!! At least Mose didn't scream at me to stop on his little attached bike behind me. And Micah is tooling around without training wheels.....progress, albeit slow!



hair.bmp (74KB - 28 downloads)
tunnel.bmp (74KB - 31 downloads)
2007-08-02 8:50 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'm taking applications for foot rubs. My dogs is barkin'.
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