BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsnowash's training group - FULL!! Rss Feed  
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2010-08-18 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3046521

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-08-16 3:26 PM

Race day on Sunday. I did shorten my long run to 5 miles. I did the final group ride on the course on Sunday. I rode it 10 minutes faster than I did the week before. It was the first training ride I did with a group. I usually ride by myself or with one other person.

Today is a rest day. I really don't know how to really taper as I wasn't following a specific training plan.

My runs were based on my half marathon training plan and I just shortened my 8-10 mile long run the week before race day (that was Saturday).
My bike training is my own plan of 2x a week, once on the course and another shorter weekly ride or spin class whichever my schedule allowed.
My swimming was a swim training class 2x a week and I added a third swim following the Swim Zero to One Mile program. Never got to a mile nonstop though.

My plan this week is
Mon - rest
Tue - AM swim class (per instructor: open water similation in the pool) /
Wed - bike easy 10 miles (easy terrain) / run a slow easy 3 miles
Thu - AM swim class (per instructor: open water similation in the pool)
Fri - run a slow easy 3 miles, (run Thursday instead and rest Fri ??)
Sat - rest

Thoughts on my taper week?



Let us know how it goes!!

2010-08-19 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3046521

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-08-16 3:26 PM

Race day on Sunday. I did shorten my long run to 5 miles. I did the final group ride on the course on Sunday. I rode it 10 minutes faster than I did the week before. It was the first training ride I did with a group. I usually ride by myself or with one other person.

Today is a rest day. I really don't know how to really taper as I wasn't following a specific training plan.

My runs were based on my half marathon training plan and I just shortened my 8-10 mile long run the week before race day (that was Saturday).
My bike training is my own plan of 2x a week, once on the course and another shorter weekly ride or spin class whichever my schedule allowed.
My swimming was a swim training class 2x a week and I added a third swim following the Swim Zero to One Mile program. Never got to a mile nonstop though.

My plan this week is
Mon - rest
Tue - AM swim class (per instructor: open water similation in the pool) /
Wed - bike easy 10 miles (easy terrain) / run a slow easy 3 miles
Thu - AM swim class (per instructor: open water similation in the pool)
Fri - run a slow easy 3 miles, (run Thursday instead and rest Fri ??)
Sat - rest

Thoughts on my taper week?


SO FAR MY TAPER WEEK IS NOT GOING WELL as I hoped. So far it has been:
Mon - rest
Tue - swam about 500-600 yards at the pool while my kids played on the other side.
Wed - at home, noisy kids and MIGRAINE that pain killers seem to be scared of
Thu - babysitter didn't show up, had to go to work with the kids and MIGRAINE is a dull ache
Fri - who knows: does walking packet pick up count?
Sat - instead of rest I plan to do a 15 min swim-15 min bike - 15 min run to help loosen up at 7am

I haven't slept well since Tuesday night and apparently I LOOK tired too.

2010-08-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Have my 3rd sprint tri tomorrow.  Never thought I'd be at 3 tri's this year let alone 4 total (olympic tri  scheduled for labor day).  Should have bought a USAT license.  Oh well.  Tomorrow is basically the exact same course as my very first one in April so it will be interesting to see how my times have improved and where I place.  Looking forward to it. 
2010-08-21 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3052569

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
SO FAR MY TAPER WEEK IS NOT GOING WELL as I hoped. So far it has been: Mon - rest Tue - swam about 500-600 yards at the pool while my kids played on the other side. Wed - at home, noisy kids and MIGRAINE that pain killers seem to be scared of Thu - babysitter didn't show up, had to go to work with the kids and MIGRAINE is a dull ache Fri - who knows: does walking packet pick up count? Sat - instead of rest I plan to do a 15 min swim-15 min bike - 15 min run to help loosen up at 7am Sun - RACE DAY I haven't slept well since Tuesday night and apparently I LOOK tired too. Lovey

Sometimes those rest week/taper weeks when you don't get to do anything end up being better for you than you expected.  Don't let it get you down.  Remember we should only worry about the things we can control and let go of the things we can't.  Stress can affect you more than not tapering.  You know you can do it, just remember that and have fun.  That's why we do this anyway, right? To have fun?  Good luck tomorrow.
2010-08-21 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3051312

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
I have a Garmin 305 but its not waterproof.
I also have a low end HRM watch (no gps) as well. The watch is waterproof but not the strap.

Is it worth the extra time to put the Garmin on before the bike ride or should I just wear the cheap watch thru the whole thing? Based on time, I can gauge my pace on the run. My bike has a computer so I can tell my time, speed, pace and distance.

2010-08-21 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3056310

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
cspreiter - 2010-08-22 6:44 AM Have my 3rd sprint tri tomorrow.  Never thought I'd be at 3 tri's this year let alone 4 total (olympic tri  scheduled for labor day).  Should have bought a USAT license.  Oh well.  Tomorrow is basically the exact same course as my very first one in April so it will be interesting to see how my times have improved and where I place.  Looking forward to it. 

Wha Hoo! Go Caleb! Let's see some goals for times? What do you expect of yourself for this race? Have a great one. I hope you exceed your time goals.

As for me. I have been bad. Eating fat stuff. Gottal say though, the micorbrews are fantastic! Vacation ends tomorrow. Boo. I am soooooo ready to get back to training though.

Edited by StrayDog 2010-08-21 10:42 PM

2010-08-21 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Good luck Caleb and Lovey! Have a great day and remember to smile....and let us know how everything went!
2010-08-23 1:45 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
August 22, 2010 (Sunday)
TRIATHLON: 1100 yards lake swim, 17.5 mile bike (hilly), 3.4 mile run (hilly)
COLUMBIA, MD @ Centennial Park

Race Number – 2435

I was in a panic after last year’s disaster. Summary version, 2009 I went way pass the hour cutoff with about 200 yards still to go and got pulled from the water and the race. After that, I joined a new triathlon swim class at the Y (thanks Sadj for telling me about it) to improve my swim. My MMTC mentor (Annacherie) and my coworker (Andrea) were my swim buddies for the IG practice swim. I did warn them I would be slow and it took me about an hour to finish.

The week before IG, I got in one short swim in and nothing else. I was so stressed that I had migraines for 3 days. The day before IG, I did a 15 min swim and bike with a fellow MMTC member and I felt a lot better then. I couldn’t sleep Saturday night because my heart wouldn’t stop racing but finally got about 4 hours of disturbed sleep.

I woke up in a panic on Sunday morning with my stomach upset and got to transition feeling more panicked. I was panicking about panicking on the swim. After leaving transition, I met up with Annacherie and my friend Debi (running and biking partner). Annacherie stayed with me, standing in the rain, until my wave got in the water. She was my calm in the middle of the storm. As I was entering the swim, I saw some ladies from my STARS running group. Nice to have their support too.

SWIM: With the rain, overcast skies and no sun, I’m glad I brought my non-tinted goggles as a back up. Treading water exhausts me so I went in as far as I could while still being able to stand. I stood there taking deep breaths and hoping to make it in the hour time limit. Then we were off. I did freestyle interspersed with breaststroke (my swim “walk breaks”). I was back of my wave and the last two waves past me but tried not to focus on that and kept going. No problem sighting and was happy to reach the turn around buoy. As I exited the swim, I looked at watch, 47 minutes!!

BIKE: Annacherie and my running ladies were cheering me on from transition to the bike start. It started raining on the bike. I didn’t panic because I did the Princeton Sports IG ride the previous week when it poured most of the way. Took me few miles to get into a rhythm but as slow as I was I passed a few people and I caught up to a few. So many people were cheering me on when I finished the bike, I felt so famous.

RUN: Run: I was tired so I run/walked the course. It was definitely not my best run but I finished

SWIM: 47:50
T1: 4:24
BIKE: 1:47:10
T2: 2:12
RUN: 53:40
TOTAL TIME: 3:35:14
2010-08-23 5:26 AM
in reply to: #3058043

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Marco Island
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey --

Great job!!!  What an inspiration.  Way to overcome your fear of the swim and kick butt!  You must be feeling awesome  -- Deb 
2010-08-23 5:37 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Marco Island
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Hi All --  I'm back in Florida now and boy is it HOT.  I've got the Miami Nice sprint tri on Sunday and I'm freaking out a bit about the heat.  Reading Lovey's race report has helped calm me down.  Looks like we all have our issues (fears) to conquer on race day.  I've been concentrating on the run since that's my weak link.  Getting out there by 6:30 am.  It's still hot and humidity is through the roof, but there isn't a darn thing I can do about that!  Did a mile OWS this weekend with my masters swim team and that was great.  The gulf is 92 degrees, but compared to air temp it actually felt nice.  This morning I have my workout with the masters and then will bike for an hour.  Have a great day!  -- Deb
2010-08-23 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3058043

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-08-23 2:45 AM RACE REPORT - IRON GIRL COLUMBIA SPRINT TRIATHLON August 22, 2010 (Sunday) TRIATHLON: 1100 yards lake swim, 17.5 mile bike (hilly), 3.4 mile run (hilly) COLUMBIA, MD @ Centennial Park Race Number – 2435 I was in a panic after last year’s disaster. Summary version, 2009 I went way pass the hour cutoff with about 200 yards still to go and got pulled from the water and the race. After that, I joined a new triathlon swim class at the Y (thanks Sadj for telling me about it) to improve my swim. My MMTC mentor (Annacherie) and my coworker (Andrea) were my swim buddies for the IG practice swim. I did warn them I would be slow and it took me about an hour to finish. The week before IG, I got in one short swim in and nothing else. I was so stressed that I had migraines for 3 days. The day before IG, I did a 15 min swim and bike with a fellow MMTC member and I felt a lot better then. I couldn’t sleep Saturday night because my heart wouldn’t stop racing but finally got about 4 hours of disturbed sleep. I woke up in a panic on Sunday morning with my stomach upset and got to transition feeling more panicked. I was panicking about panicking on the swim. After leaving transition, I met up with Annacherie and my friend Debi (running and biking partner). Annacherie stayed with me, standing in the rain, until my wave got in the water. She was my calm in the middle of the storm. As I was entering the swim, I saw some ladies from my STARS running group. Nice to have their support too. SWIM: With the rain, overcast skies and no sun, I’m glad I brought my non-tinted goggles as a back up. Treading water exhausts me so I went in as far as I could while still being able to stand. I stood there taking deep breaths and hoping to make it in the hour time limit. Then we were off. I did freestyle interspersed with breaststroke (my swim “walk breaks&rdquo. I was back of my wave and the last two waves past me but tried not to focus on that and kept going. No problem sighting and was happy to reach the turn around buoy. As I exited the swim, I looked at watch, 47 minutes!! BIKE: Annacherie and my running ladies were cheering me on from transition to the bike start. It started raining on the bike. I didn’t panic because I did the Princeton Sports IG ride the previous week when it poured most of the way. Took me few miles to get into a rhythm but as slow as I was I passed a few people and I caught up to a few. So many people were cheering me on when I finished the bike, I felt so famous. RUN: Run: I was tired so I run/walked the course. It was definitely not my best run but I finished SWIM: 47:50 T1: 4:24 BIKE: 1:47:10 T2: 2:12 RUN: 53:40 TOTAL TIME: 3:35:14

Congratulations on a great race. It sounds like you have a fabulous support group, which must be a great feeling! The Iron Girl is a long race, I give you a big (virtual) pat on the back for doing it after your struggles last year. So much of this is a mental thing, I believe. Again, congrats on a great race! 

2010-08-23 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3058043

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - 2010-08-23 11:45 PM RACE REPORT - IRON GIRL COLUMBIA SPRINT TRIATHLON August 22, 2010 (Sunday) TRIATHLON: 1100 yards lake swim, 17.5 mile bike (hilly), 3.4 mile run (hilly) COLUMBIA, MD @ Centennial Park Race Number – 2435 I was in a panic after last year’s disaster. Summary version, 2009 I went way pass the hour cutoff with about 200 yards still to go and got pulled from the water and the race. After that, I joined a new triathlon swim class at the Y (thanks Sadj for telling me about it) to improve my swim. My MMTC mentor (Annacherie) and my coworker (Andrea) were my swim buddies for the IG practice swim. I did warn them I would be slow and it took me about an hour to finish. The week before IG, I got in one short swim in and nothing else. I was so stressed that I had migraines for 3 days. The day before IG, I did a 15 min swim and bike with a fellow MMTC member and I felt a lot better then. I couldn’t sleep Saturday night because my heart wouldn’t stop racing but finally got about 4 hours of disturbed sleep. I woke up in a panic on Sunday morning with my stomach upset and got to transition feeling more panicked. I was panicking about panicking on the swim. After leaving transition, I met up with Annacherie and my friend Debi (running and biking partner). Annacherie stayed with me, standing in the rain, until my wave got in the water. She was my calm in the middle of the storm. As I was entering the swim, I saw some ladies from my STARS running group. Nice to have their support too. SWIM: With the rain, overcast skies and no sun, I’m glad I brought my non-tinted goggles as a back up. Treading water exhausts me so I went in as far as I could while still being able to stand. I stood there taking deep breaths and hoping to make it in the hour time limit. Then we were off. I did freestyle interspersed with breaststroke (my swim “walk breaks&rdquo. I was back of my wave and the last two waves past me but tried not to focus on that and kept going. No problem sighting and was happy to reach the turn around buoy. As I exited the swim, I looked at watch, 47 minutes!! BIKE: Annacherie and my running ladies were cheering me on from transition to the bike start. It started raining on the bike. I didn’t panic because I did the Princeton Sports IG ride the previous week when it poured most of the way. Took me few miles to get into a rhythm but as slow as I was I passed a few people and I caught up to a few. So many people were cheering me on when I finished the bike, I felt so famous. RUN: Run: I was tired so I run/walked the course. It was definitely not my best run but I finished SWIM: 47:50 T1: 4:24 BIKE: 1:47:10 T2: 2:12 RUN: 53:40 TOTAL TIME: 3:35:14

AWESOME JOB LOVEY! Sounds like you met SEVERAL goals from last year.  
2010-08-23 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Congratulations Lovey!
 I'm back in town, sorry for not posting in a while.
My last 2 weeks of training (since the Steelman) have been pretty pathetic. I will correct that as of today. Besides I need to try to get in some sort of running shape for the ING half mary coming up.
2010-08-23 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Had a great tri!  Still waiting on the final results.  The prelim results had me at 31 out of 131 male finishers overall.  My final time was 1:04 which is 13 minutes faster than my time in April.  Pretty pumped about that.  I'll post again when I get the final results. 
2010-08-23 11:13 PM
in reply to: #3059815

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
cspreiter - 2010-08-24 3:37 PM Had a great tri!  Still waiting on the final results.  The prelim results had me at 31 out of 131 male finishers overall.  My final time was 1:04 which is 13 minutes faster than my time in April.  Pretty pumped about that.  I'll post again when I get the final results. 

Whoa! Huge time knock off. Great place too. Kudos Caleb.
2010-08-24 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Here are my final times.  This is the same course I did for my first tri in April so I'm putting those times too.  Really pleased with the improvement.  This is a 400m pool swim, 12 mile bike, 2 mile run.

Spring Fever (April)

Overall   DivPl   SexPl      Swim    T1       Bike      T2    Run      Time
  179     50/74  139/226  9:42   2:02   43:43   1:41  20:46  1:17:53

F3 (Aug)

Overall   DivPL    SexPl    Swim   T1      Bike     T2     Run    Time
  36        7/19    33/152   8:22  :38    38:47   :46   15:55  1:04:26

This was a good confidence boost before my oly on Labor Day. 

2010-08-24 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3061075

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
cspreiter - 2010-08-24 12:16 PM

Here are my final times.  This is the same course I did for my first tri in April so I'm putting those times too.  Really pleased with the improvement.  This is a 400m pool swim, 12 mile bike, 2 mile run.

Spring Fever (April)

Overall   DivPl   SexPl      Swim    T1       Bike      T2    Run      Time
  179     50/74  139/226  9:42   2:02   43:43   1:41  20:46  1:17:53

F3 (Aug)

Overall   DivPL    SexPl    Swim   T1      Bike     T2     Run    Time
  36        7/19    33/152   8:22  :38    38:47   :46   15:55  1:04:26

This was a good confidence boost before my oly on Labor Day. 

Congrats, nice improvement. This team is rocking the stats.

2010-08-24 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3061075

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
cspreiter - 2010-08-25 9:16 AM Here are my final times.  This is the same course I did for my first tri in April so I'm putting those times too.  Really pleased with the improvement.  This is a 400m pool swim, 12 mile bike, 2 mile run.

Spring Fever (April)

Overall   DivPl   SexPl      Swim    T1       Bike      T2    Run      Time
  179     50/74  139/226  9:42   2:02   43:43   1:41  20:46  1:17:53

F3 (Aug)

Overall   DivPL    SexPl    Swim   T1      Bike     T2     Run    Time
  36        7/19    33/152   8:22  :38    38:47   :46   15:55  1:04:26

This was a good confidence boost before my oly on Labor Day. 

Massive improvements in T1 and T2 stratagy. Great Job.
2010-08-25 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3061075

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Caleb--Amazing improvement! You should be really proud of yourself!
2010-08-26 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2773064

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Hi gang! Now this is my kind of weather....hope all of you are taking advantage of it. I'm loving the outdoors run right now!
2010-08-26 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2773064

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Hi everyone!! Sorry I've been MIA for a few weeks, but with vacation, my mother's triathlon and my race I've been a little busy!!

Mum survived her first triathlon (at 66 years of age) and I'm quite proud of her! She did it in around 3 hours and felt great afterward. She's even thinking about trying to get stronger on the bike and run to get faster for next year!!

She had a great swim; her wave was 3rd from last so she was worried she'd be the last one out of the water but there were still plenty of people in the water when she got out and checking her stats later she even beat a couple of women in her age group out of the water!! She told me later she felt weird because people kept asking her if she was ok, if she needed help..then she saw some of the pictures..LMAO...ok, she looked a little worse for wear.

The transition was weird, you get out of the ocean swim and people are there to wrangle you out of your wetsuit, you go to a mini-transition area to towel off and put your shoes on then you walk about 1/4 mile uphill to the regular transition area..and since it wasn't a USAT officiated race some people were handing off their wetsuits and some gear to friends or family so I yelled for her to bring her stuff over to me since I was her "Bag B*tch" not thinking that I now have to carry a soaking wetsuit, water shoes & goggles, cooler, and backpack...good times!! By the time I got up the hill I saw her already leaving the bike transition area so YEAH MUM!!

I'm really happy for her, there were 5 women in her age group and she came in 5th, she was a little disappointed because last year there were only 3 women in her age group...LOL...I told her all the more reason to keep it up!!

I also had a successful Irongirl this past weekend. Shaved 20 minutes off of last year's time for a PR!!! Took about 3 minutes off my swim, it was so crowded it was hard to get around people and there were 2 girls in front of me that no matter which direction I went they were still in front of me! But I took it in stride telling me not to push myself too much and give it all in the swim...LOL Besides if I'm not fast enough to get out and around them quickly then I was fine drafting off of them.

It rained off and on all morning so not the usual hot and sticky weather; which made me gloriously happy! Both T1 and T2 I took 2 minutes off (probably because I didn't have a wine & cheese party in T1 and I didn't knock over someone's bike in T2) and the bike I shaved some time off also, even with the rain! I wasn't able to run because I've been having shin splints for a couple of weeks now. I didn't run the week I was up in Maine so I was hoping I'd be able to run but every time I tried to do an interval of running it would shoot up some pain so I walked a lot, oh well, things happen, right?!?!

It was great to actually have friends in the race with me this year and to know quite a few more people. Awesome experience as usual! Now I'm gearing up for the Warrior Dash in October and am part of the "3 Hares past a Turtle's " relay team for the Baltimore marathon....guess who is the turtle?!?! LOL

Lovey - Glad to hear you had a great race!!! Congrats and hopefully I'll get to meet you at a future MMTC event or race!!

2010-08-26 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3066368

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Hey Kiwi,
Congrats on Iron Girl. I will be doing the Baltimore Half too. I will be at the MMTC monthly meeting in September on Labor Day. I might volunteer at the Half Full Tri at Centennial Park if MMTC has a club tent.

Any races before Baltimore?

2010-08-27 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2773064

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Lovey - Congrats to you too!!

I have the Warrior Dash on October 9th then the Relay on the 16th. I'll be doing a Cold Turkey 10K in November and then the Celtic Solstice run in December. I should be at the MMTC meeting that night and I'm on the schedule to officiate Chesapeake Man Ultra Endurance race in September down in Cambridge then the Half Full but only a few races spread out for the rest of the year.

I'm on the fence about signing up for Eagleman again next year. My friend signed up but then again, she signed up last year and didn't end up doing it. I think the heat is still burned in my memory but I also know what to expect this time around so I can better prepare over the winter. One "pro" is that it's earlier in the season so I could get the HIM distance over with and enjoy the remainder of my summer with more "fun" races OR I could look at something in the fall, maybe in New England for a little bit of a cooler climate...decisions, decisions!
2010-08-27 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3067594

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
KiwiJDRPH - 2010-08-27 12:59 PM

Lovey - Congrats to you too!!

I have the Warrior Dash on October 9th then the Relay on the 16th. I'll be doing a Cold Turkey 10K in November and then the Celtic Solstice run in December. I should be at the MMTC meeting that night and I'm on the schedule to officiate Chesapeake Man Ultra Endurance race in September down in Cambridge then the Half Full but only a few races spread out for the rest of the year.

I'm on the fence about signing up for Eagleman again next year. My friend signed up but then again, she signed up last year and didn't end up doing it. I think the heat is still burned in my memory but I also know what to expect this time around so I can better prepare over the winter. One "pro" is that it's earlier in the season so I could get the HIM distance over with and enjoy the remainder of my summer with more "fun" races OR I could look at something in the fall, maybe in New England for a little bit of a cooler climate...decisions, decisions!

I think the heat is still burned in everybody's memory who did the Eagleman race.
I plan to do the Celtic Solstice too, snow storm or not. I opted not to go last year plus my hubby hid my keys.

Good Luck at Warrior Dash. They posted a video of one on facebook. All I can say is WOW!!

Here is my outrageous running schedule:
09.04 Knights of Columbus 10K (race or volunteer, most likely volunteer so I can rest my legs)
09.19 Philly Half Mary (MAYBE??)
10.16 Baltimore Half
10.31 Marine Corp 10K
11.14 Columbia Metric Marathon (16.2 miles)
12.18 Celtic Solstice 5 miler

2010-08-28 5:20 AM
in reply to: #2773064

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's training group - FULL!!
Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone so long! We just got back (yesterday afternoon) from our final family vacation of the summer. Every summer we spend a week in the Catskills at the end of August. There is a large YMCA camp located within the boundaries of the Catskill state park. After the end of their summer camp season, they have one week of "Family Camp". We've been going to family camp with my husband's brother's family (they have kids close in age to our kids - the kids LOVE spending time with their cousins!) for several years now. It's one of the kids' (and our) favorite vacations! The weather was a little cool and drizzly for most of the week this year, but we had a great time anyway.

Big congrats to Lovey, Carl, and Kiwi on your races last weekend! Lovey - way to go conquering your fears on that swim, and finishing an awesome race! Carl and Kiwi - awesome improvements for both of you! Kiwi - congrats to your mom as well!

I got lots of running in this week, and my marathon prep is right on schedule. After tomorrow's planned long run (18 miles) I'll hit 50 miles for this week. I have what will probably be my last tri of the season next weekend, a small, local sprint. There is a fairly large group of people that I train with locally who do this race, so it's always a lot of fun. My husband will be participating this year too - his first triathlon! He did his first open water swim last week when we were in the Catskills. He did great! He wore a borrowed wetsuit, and I think it helped. It's supposed to be pretty warm again this week, so I'm not sure if the swim in our race next weekend will be wetsuit legal or not... it's pretty short (400 yards), but I hope for his sake he can use the wetsuit - I just think he'll have an easier time if he can...

One more week of summer vacation for the kiddos - then back to school! We have lots of school shopping to do this week!

Keep up the good work, everyone!!!
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