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2011-04-08 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

A little food for thought...

"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."

S0, what do YOU want MOST?

2011-04-09 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3437032

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I want MARSHA to come to INDY!
2011-04-09 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I agree with Hilde!! Awesome quote Marsha!  Thanks for the kick in the pants.
2011-04-09 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3437032

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
PTWykes - 2011-04-08 8:19 PM

A little food for thought...

"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."

S0, what do YOU want MOST?

LOVE the quote! Excellent way to keep the long-term goals in mind!

2011-04-10 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3437553

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hey, everyone, if you are ordering a T-shirt, please get that check in the mail to me!!  I've received three so far (Janet, Kory, Jordan), and I'll need most of them before I can put in the order....  I'm anxious to get them going!!
2011-04-10 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

My check is written and sitting in the mailbox waiting for Mr. Mailman to pick it up in the AM


Can someone please give me a swift kick in the a** so I will get off the couch and out of my PJ's to head out for my 7 mile run this morning before hubby has to go to work...if I don't get it in NOW then it won't happen as he has to work the rest of the day and I'm on kid duty.

2011-04-10 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3438381

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Marsha, get your freakin' in gear, put your running clothes on and get it going!!!  Don't be a LAME !!!

(is that enough... I can add more if needed!)

2011-04-10 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

My check is in the mail, Hilde-- honest! Posted it Friday!

Marsha, get your incredibly toned self out there and RUN, otherwise I'll be passing you at the next tri, and you don't want THAT happening, do you? Laughing Besides, you'll feel TONS better after you've done it... so get out there!

2011-04-10 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Thanks for the kick in the pants!

I managed to pull it off and not whimp out! I had planned for 7 miles and finished 7.35 miles...the weather was perfect (upper 50's and sunny)..I promised myself I would not look at the Garmin until it was over and just run at a steady pace that felt right. My average time per mile was 8:47 and when I looked at my splits they were almost even for miles 2-3-4-5-6 and 7...(slower for 1)...Glad I made it out there!
2011-04-10 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3438590

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Glad to oblige!!  And yea for perfect running weather!!  HOT here... 92 right now!!! 
2011-04-10 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Good job Marsha getting the umph to get out there!  Sometimes that's really hard to do when your comfy and relaxed.

Hilde, the check is in the box too....waiting for tomorrow AM mail...good thing I checked or I would have forgotten...eek.

Sorry I've been kinda AWOL lately - things have been crazy at work and with the kiddos...but besides that I haven't been feeling well for almost 2.5 weeks.  I just kept thinking this cough and junk would go away...but it hasn't and the last 4-5 nights I haven't gotten more that 2 hours solid sleep...been averaging maybe 4 ish interrupted sleep due to a horrible dry cough.  So I've been pretty miserable during the day and not wanting to do anything.  My workouts have suffered the last two weeks too...which sucks because next Sunday is my first Tri.  On my bike ride today I had a huge coughing fit which lasted too long.  I decided after I wrecked my bike a few miles later that I needed to goto the doctor because i didn't feel 100% on the ride.  Went to the docs and they gave me antibiotics and some cough medicine with Codeine so I can sleep...I really hope this works because I've been exhausted - no energy and not wanting to workout.  So hopefully by Sunday I'll be okay...I'm not worrying too much about conditioning...I will survive and do okay.

So, I wrecked my bike today.  Around mile 20 or so of my ride after I had gone pretty hard against the brisk wind with a pack of people that picked me up I must have lost concentration and drifted off the road.  The road I was on I really didn't want to be there because it's really narrow, no berm and lots of traffic.  So I went off the side - dropped down about 6 inches from the pavement and tried to ride it out...knowing I couldn't pop up on the pavement....but somehow I slide into a rut and dumped the I hit the edge of the pavement as I fell...the scary part was there were too cars coming down the road.....I got up pretty quick, grabbed my bike and got out of the lane...would you believe that 2 cars saw me crash and not one slowed down or stopped....pretty F*$*#@$ING nice I'd say.  I was pretty pissed that I lost concentration and screwed up!!!!  I guess being on the bike the first time in 6 mos and going on about 2.5 hours sleep didn't help me any.  So, my hip and elbow are slightly damaged and will heal - my jersey is trashed and my bike has a few scars...NO biggie.  I got back on and road with no bike issues....That's good cuz I was shaking it out after my $150 major overhaul.....So, I've paid my crash dues for the year early - I'd say....

By the way, the bike overhaul was awesome...everything looks brand new and it shifts so so nice.  The guy even waxed the bike too...I looked brand new when I picked it up!

2011-04-10 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wilson- sorry you haven't been feeling well and for the crash. I hope the meds have you back to feeling yourself and that you're right that paying your crash dues early will have you set up to not have to mess with that again!
2011-04-10 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3438917

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks Marsha - much appreciated.  I think I know how I got sick.  I cut way back on my calories - 1000-1200 a day and was burning between 500 and 1000 during each day...this was to lose some more weight...But I think I've just made myself weak and vulnerable to sickness...and probably losing muscle mass too.  But, I did lose another 12 lbs and now weigh in at 218!!!!  But, I'm done with that may have worked when I weighed 300, but as I get closer to my ideal weight it doesn't seem to work...Plus I was sick a lot last year too.  So I'm gunna try to eat 1800-2000 calories and according to my research I outta lose more fat and not muscle mass....So, that's what I'm working on now...I should have learned from last year!!  Live and Learn.  I can see getting the last 30 is gunna be more difficult.
2011-04-10 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3438969

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Oh Wilson, so sad to hear about the bike crash!!  NOT GOOD, my man, NOT GOOD!!  I'm glad you made it out relatively unscathed and that the bike is okay too... 

I'm with you on cutting the calories too much... I finally had to give in and add carbs to my routine, I just couldn't get the workout quality I wanted.  So the weight loss has pretty much stalled, but I'm okay with that.  Once the summer hits and I can consistently hit those double days and even some triples if I brick, hopefully it'll start coming off again.

And also VERY glad you went back to the doc... these things can progress to pneumonia fairly easily and THAT is definitely not good, esp. with a tri next weekend!!  If you are still not 100%, I would just go for the finish, but I know how hard that is... I'd go for the win for sure... so if you do that, just be sure to take some good rest days afterward!!  I think you should rest until about June 13th or so, just sayin'....

2011-04-10 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
thanks Hilde, I think I'll start resting now and then start back up in June...sounds like a good plan!! haha... glad ur looking out for me.  You must be loving the new bike????  It sure does look awesome..I love it.  Are you gunna sell Sally?  Looking at you log today - the "Dominatrix" is going her job!!
2011-04-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Hi all!  I am back from my trip to Mexico, where we had a fantastic time.  The one downer was me realizing how unhappy I am with my current physical state so I am rededicating myself to getting better every day (now if I only I could follow that – I looooved the quote Marsha.  It’s already up on my wall…now I just need to put it in my wallet so I’ll see it when I go to buy some sweets in the staff cafeteria.).

Anyway – I’ve been really MIA due to the new job so I printed off a bunch of the thread and just read through them.  This probably looks like a serial killer’s mad ramblings but I just have acknowledge some things I read…

Tammy – that is so awesome that your husband is joining you.  After being on the same page and losing a ton of weight, my wife and I took turns sabotaging each other for a couple of years.  We’re finally back on the same page and it makes such a HUGE difference!

Marsha – congrats on the competition.  You look amazing!

Hilde – congrats on the bike.  It is absolutely gorgeous and really makes you stand out in the crowd.  You might actually have a chance at beating Wilson in Indy now…if he rides a unicycle! 

Wilson– congrats on the saggy midsection.  Your weight loss is truly inspiring!!!!!!!!!  Be proud that your extra skin is no longer full of flab!!

Turtle – I love the idea of legalizing those foods that induce guilt in me.  I tend to completely binge when I have something “bad” to eat so that I can “get it out of my system.”  It is almost like “in for 100 calories, in for 1500 calories

All – I use this little lap counting do-hicky to count my laps since I was ALWAYS forgetting them.  I swear I have chlorine induce dementia or something…

Alex – I’m so happy to hear about the running comeback!!

Hilde – check is in the mail first thing tomorrow morning.  I even wrote it yesterday but didn’t get a chance to get to a mailbox.  There never seems to be one around when you need it…

Wilson – so sorry to hear about the crash and you being sick.  As much as I admire your weight loss, f-ing eat something dude!!  Especially when you are sick, that is decidedly not a healthy caloric intake level.


Okay, I’m off to set some goals for April’s training.  Got to get on track since the first week in June is right around the corner!  I may not post often but I do enjoy the posts so keep on chatting, training and motivating each other!



2011-04-11 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

So sorry to hear about the crash, Wilson-- hope the meds from the doctor help you get back into training form so you can get out there and kick a$$ whenever you want to! And a rousing AMEN on the not-usefulness of cutting too far back on calories: with the amount we're burning on regular workouts, extreme cutbacks just don't work any more. Hang in there-- you'll be slimming down again once you're back feeling like yourself!

It's fascinating-- there really is a limit to cutting calories beyond which the cost isn't worth the price-- not exactly logical, but who said triathlons (and weight loss) had anything to do with logic? Laughing

2011-04-11 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Hello MMM Family!!

           Have been shamming from the forum a little bit, chilling out with the family, planting some vegies (organic!) and reading. Of course, have been training too but a bit frustrated with my run times trying to get everything to sync (swim breathing/running breathing and pace/ bike time in the saddle). 

Hoping to bribe my husband w/ paying for a visit from my MIL in exchange for me going to Indy...Time is ticking. Of course, the MIL will have to come while I am GONE to Indy, but that works for ME! LOL

       Wilson I have to tell you that the last 10 pounds are often the hardest for most folks... and may mean the last 30 for you. I've been struggling with 10 myself for 2 years!! Oh yeah, and to add to the chorus.....sorry about the CRASH!! Glad you are okay.

     Shawn  I am glad to see you back and although you have had some setbacks your motivation is inspiring!

Everyone else......YOU ARE AWESOME!!

2011-04-11 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Hello gang! So, forgive me if I've already posted this but I can't remember if I shared it and I'm too lazy to page back looking for it. It's from one of my friend's blogs and I just love it!


I worked out hard today even though I didn't really want to. Want to know why?


I want to inspire you this morning to take a look at the level of discipline in your life. Do you make excuses?

These words in your vocabulary have got to go in regards to your will to succeed....

"but" - "try" - "hope"

I want to eat clean but ______________ (insert any excuse here...too expensive, my sister does the cooking, i don't have time to prepare, etc...)

That word "but" negates everything before it.

I am trying to work out 3x a week.

There is no level of commitment there. There is no real intention. Because if you don't reach that goal....well then you didn't really fail because at least you tried.

I hope I can run that 5K in 6 weeks.

Hope is not a strategy. Any real goal needs a plan....and a good sound one at that!


So, after I thought about her post I thought about myself and my life...I wasn't always disciplined. In order for change to occur, your current situation has to become more uncomfortable that what the situation entails for changing that current situation.

When I was overweight and out of shape...I reached a point of emotional pain (tired of seeing a fatso in the mirror). THAT pain was more uncomfortable for me than changing my eating habits and beginning and exercise program.

"There is going to be pain in your life. It is going to be the pain of discipline....or the pain of regret."

Which pain are you going to choose??


Okay...I hope I have helped someone today turn a corner in their thinking. You can't count on anyone to do this for you.

Make this your motto for a while... "If it is to is up to me! ;D


Sooooooooooooooooooo....put that in your head and mull it over a bit. The next time you want to stay in bed and skip a workout remind yourself to CHOOSE DISCIPLINE so you don't have to live the pain of regret later!

Edited by PTWykes 2011-04-11 8:00 PM
2011-04-12 5:01 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Oooh, Marsha... that was a bit close to home!!  Something to TRY and think about, ha ha!  Just kidding, BUT... no really!  All of this is definitely a mind set and I certainly DON'T want the pain of regret!

We've had 2 bike crashes this past weekend.... please, please, please be careful out there my friends!!!  Be extra vigilant getting back out there on the road.  Wilson and Joe are both recovering, but Joe had a pretty bad one, I think his collarbone is broken and he is out of training for awhile...  same thing with getting over those colds and upper respiratory crap.  I know how much we all want to train, and I am the WORST for taking time off when I know I should, BUT.... give your bodies the chance to heal, you'll be stronger for it...

Lots of races coming up!!  Go MMMers!!!  Thanks for getting all those checks in the mail my peeps!!  Will definitely let you know when the order goes in....

2011-04-12 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Oh, no, sorry to hear about the crashes -- take care, guys!!

Now that I have a moment to catch my breath, I want to post an informal race report. I thought about you guys a lot while I was out there, and your support had a lot to do with me getting through the day!

Things took a turn the day before the race when the lake was closed due to heavy rain and the swim was replaced with a 5k run. Now I'd be doing my first duathlon, second longest bike ride, and most miles run in one day all at once! Eek.

I took the first run as a warmup and ran what felt like an easy pace - about 9 min./mile. Weather was perfect - clear and unseasonably cool after the rain. The day started in the 40s and topped out at 70. 

The women were started last, so I got out on the bike already in the BOP. And stayed there. This is a much more elite group of athletes than any other race I've been in, and I was definitely out of my element. I didn't care, though- I was determined to enjoy the day even if I was DFL. I had to take a potty and stretch break about 2 hours into the ride, which helped a lot. I stuck pretty close to my nutrition plan, about 200 calories/hour, from sports drink, Gu, and a quartered PBJ. After a while, solid food didn't sound so good, so 1/2 the PBJ went uneaten. Also, by the last hour of the ride, my stomach was feeling kinda full, so I cut the nutrition by about 1/2.

Those of in the caboose were so spread out by the second lap, there was a while where I couldnt see another rider! Pretty lonely out there. And the course was over a mile too long! I can tell you, there's nothing so disheartening as counting down to mile 56, then realizing you're nowhere near transition! By the time I rolled in, there were only about 10 riders left out on the course.

Getting out onto the second run (after another potty stop) was uneventful. To my surprise, my back and legs felt fine. I took off at an 8:30 pace (close to my 5k race pace!) and had a REALLY hard time slowing down. Coming off the bike, my legs just want to keep moving fast, I think. It took a couple of miles of yelling at myself to get my pace slowed down to 9:40-10:00, which was more what I had planned. For the first lap, I could not believe how good I felt - just like a normal run! I was passing a lot of people - those who left me in their dust on the bike were really suffering now. I had a bottle of Gu Brew and one Gu packet. At the aid stations, I dumped water on my head, because I was a little concerned about overheating now that the temp was nearing 70. At the 1/2 way point, I met my hubby and daughter for quick kisses and handoff of a flat Dr. Pepper. I got down about 1/2 of it during the second hour, but that was all I could stomach.

I didn't start feeling fatigued until mile 7, slowed down a bit but still kept chugging along. Around mile 10 it started to get just a little tough, and I started counting down the miles. It helped that around this point I passed the "beach" -sand volleyball courts where the ASU kids hang out - in time to see a group of about 6 shirtless college boys show up. These guys clearly had put in their time at the gym, and one of them was wearing just a tiny red Speedo! That put a smile on my face!

It wasn't until the last mile that I started feeling bad. Really tired, and a muscle in my lower back started to spasm. I rubbed my back and kept running. Now I was counting down each .1 mile! Fortunately, the run course wasn't long, and I finished strong. SO happy to see that finish line and my friends and family! 

One of the great ironies about racing is that after burning all those calories, I don't have an appetite for a nice big celebration meal! That kicks in the next day or two. Yesterday I had some sliders for dinner in L.A., and today it was a Pink's hot dog for lunch - with onions, mushrooms, and bacon!! And onion rings! I feel totally fine; all the muscles in my lower body were talking to me yesterday, but nothing more than a little soreness. I'm ready for more, and still hope to check that HIM off my list, but there's not another local one until October.

Official times: (different from Garmin times in my blog, which don't include pit stops!)
6:30:18 total 
R1  28:40
T1 3:20 (fiddling with Garmin)
B 3:43:01
T2 2:41
R2 2:12:34

53/71 women. I can't find the overall posting, but there were 252 total racers.
15/18 age group

I'll take it!

2011-04-13 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Tammy -

Great race report.  It sounds like you had a strong race which is a direct result of all of your quality training.  I know you would have loved to have that HIM on your list, but there is always tomorrow for that!  Congratulations on a job well done.  We're all so proud of you!

2011-04-13 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3443731

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Tammy, GREAT race report!  All your training paid off and just wow on the 2nd run!!  Passing people up.... awesome!  That is a long time to be moving, and especially during that stint on the bike when you were truly all alone!  So sorry the swim got cancelled, I bet a lot of folks were upset about that.... are you going to sign up for the one in October?  Plenty of time to do some sprints this summer and train for it..... 

The post race food binges sound WONDERFUL!  I've been craving a good hot dog!

2011-04-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

WOW TAMMY! That sounds like one heck of a race and something you should be VERY proud of! You rocked it, especially for it being different than the race you had planned and prepped for. AMAZING! Way to go

2011-04-13 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3259026

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Tammy - that is just a really inspiring race report to me.  You were so prepared for one event and at the last minute it changed and you rolled with it.  I think that is such a sign of mental toughness!  And it's especially evident in the way you had fun along the way too (ie gazing at beautiful men and smiling).  I struggle with keeping that positive attitude so I can't tell you how great it is to read a report like yours.  Congratulations on such a good race!
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