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2007-08-03 1:38 AM
in reply to: #911900

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-08-03 3:50 PM I'm taking applications for foot rubs. My dogs is barkin'.

 I ain't gonna rub your feet, but I will give you a "good job" for the run yesterday!

2007-08-03 8:47 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Pene--you look like you definitely  have you hands full! It's great to get them started so young.  My 17 year old daughter actually got up before noon today and said she was going to go for a run with our new dog. I didn't tell her that Boz the dog will run her ragged. He upped my pace considerably when I took him for a run the other day. It was good for me to push a little. Work has gotten busy so I don't have that much time to check BT anymore at work and home has gotten pretty busy too....I have been pretty much on pace training wise, swimming has gotten a little tough. The gym we joined so I'd have access to the pool has opened most of the lanes for the community pool crowd. Only two lanes are set up for laps so it has gotten hard to get in a good swim. Actually as I write it might be a good thing: I can practice my OWS swims by swimming over and around the kids in the pool!!! ArmySon is coming home this weekend for a stay of 5 days so not sure what training will get done. He leaves for his first tour in Iraq sometime in September.  There.  I think I am caught up. Good work y'all! You are looking really strong. Good Luck Pene in the ride this weekend. I need to find something like that to ride in. I haven't ridden with a group yet and the sprint is at the end of August. Do they put any large signage on first timers????

2007-08-03 5:49 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks for updating us, Armydad! I wonder where some of our other teammates are hiding??? Of course Life has a sneaky way of getting in the way! I'm frantically trying to clean my house, car, garage and yard so the babysitter doesn't totally freak this weekend! She's from the better side of the tracks so to speak, and I'm sure she will not understand this tri mom who is allergic to cooking and cleaning....

I get up at 2 am tomorrow to drive three hours to the starting place. Most others will have stayed over tonight. I'm not that organized. They have a band that plays jazz music Saturday night and massage therapists are available and we can even go swim. Plus all the food and drink. It should be fun actually. Not really a true representation of a century ride though. There won't be fully stocked rest stops every 15 miles on the IM bike route!

And Armydad, I don't think they put a sign on newbies, but I DARE you to wear a cherry that day and punch a hole through it when you are finished--you get to pop your tri-cherry!! You only get ONE first tri......
2007-08-05 3:07 PM
in reply to: #912149

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
armydad - 2007-08-03 8:47 AM

Work has gotten busy so I don't have that much time to check BT anymore at work and home has gotten pretty busy too....I have been pretty much on pace training wise, swimming has gotten a little tough.

Dave, good to hear form you. Don't worry about not posting here, but we all do appreciate you chiming in whenever you can. I'm glad your training is going well, and that you're still on target for your race this month. Please let us know if we can answer any questions as you get closer.


WARNING: A RARE RANT FROM dgillen: I'm now in my 8th hour here at the Detroit airport trying to fly home standby from our family reunion in Ohio! We had a good time at the reunion. Sarah was such a trooper meeting the 70+ people and making small talk. She is really awesome and never complains about anything and genuinely likes my family often times more than I do. That's the good news...

The bad news is that I was unable to check-in early for my flight this morning due to a complicated issue with my Dad and house keys to my uncle's house. The priority ordering at AA is partially based on check in time, and thus the earlier you check in (up to 4 hrs), the better chance you have at getting on a flight. I knew the flights were pretty full this morning, so I decided to use 2 out of our yearly 4 "D1" passes that place us above all the normal D2 "non-revenue" standby's. These are very valuable passes, and now I'm afraid I may have WASTED them b/c my freaking Dad screwed again b/c wasn't paying attention on the 1 hr drive from Toledo to Detriot and took us on a 45 minute detour. I'm 90% sure they called our name at the gate to give us a seat on our planned 8:30 flight, but since we weren't there, they gave our seats to people BEHIND us on the list! Arghhhhh..

We're still the top of the "non-rev" standby list, but all the revenue standbys are getting the few remaining seats on all the flights. So 4 flts and 8 hrs later, we're still here and still don't have a decent way of getting back to DFW.

I could go on and on complaining about our situation in this old and run down airport, but in short... it REALLY SUCKS TO FLY STANDBY! Flying for free is not all it's cracked up to be. I'm going to have to SERIOUSLY think about buying tickets for Timberman in NH in 2 weeks!

Sorry about the rant, but I'm exhausted, have a major headache, and hungry, but sick of Quizno's the only place to eat in this rat hole of an airport

Edited by dgillen 2007-08-05 3:13 PM
2007-08-05 6:57 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


Sorry about your travelling troubles.  Trust me I have been there.

 Hope you get home okay.


2007-08-05 8:43 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
David, just think of it as ENDURANCE training!! First the endurance of family and trying to make everyone happy (forget it--not possible) and then the endurance of waiting, perhaps uncomfortably. Did you ever see that movie with Tom Hanks in the airport??? Now that dude has some serious Zen training! How he could stay so calm for months in there......................

Okay, here's my little endurance training report:

I learned some things. Namely, don't get up at 2 am to drive the three hours to your starting place when you are going to do 75 miles that day. (fortunately, Steve was sweet and called me at 2 am when he got off work so I woke up. Or I wouldn't have. I was in such a confused daze when he called that I just know my internal alarm clock wouldn't have worked that morning--and it almost never fails me. I don't own an alarm clock. Putting it on the list....)

Second, don't go to bed at 10:30 when you have to get up at 2. But I was still scrubbing my kitchen floor....don't ask....

I loved the sunrise on the way, though, that was worth the early riser deal right there. Truly breathtaking!!

Third, and this is a big one, YOU GET WHAT YOU TRAIN FOR. Period. My biggest outdoor on my tribike distance prior to this was.....believe it or not....the 17 miles at my June sprint tri. The next biggest outdoor distance was 36 on my mountain bike and it took me like 5 hours. The biggest indoor on the trainer distance was 66 miles and of course I cheated and didn't hold on for dear life to the blasted handlebars. I used the aerobars and just rested my palms on the cushy aeropads in training. So.....naturally, my legs did great. My aerobic system did great. My lungs did great. My arms, shoulders and neck.....sucked big time. Major major pain and numbness and discomfort.

I learned from some nice encouraging ladies to use the blue gel stuff at the first aid stations and swallow Ibuprofin. They even had a lady with ice to rub your shoulders at the pumpkin and banana bread rest stop (I almost put some in my bike bag--it was that good!).

At mile 53 my mind had had enough. But there was no sag vehicle in sight. So I went on to the next stop. At mile 67 my mind was telling my body stuff like: you only did 66 miles in practice. This is better than that--good enough. But again, no vehicle in sight, nice encouraging ladies again and chocolate outrage GU!! So I made it. The ladies had never heard of GU before and this was their fifth MS ride. I think they lived in a cave. They acted like I gave them some sort of super present or something and even found me at the finish to thank me again........whatever.......

And it rained the last 22 miles. Not hard, just a fine mist, but it wasn't so fun anymore.

It rained all night--poured actually--with thunder and lightening that woke me up from my 10 hour sleep. (yep, that's right, I got a chiropractic adjustment there and it was GREAT, and ate copious amounts of food while talking to this mousy looking girl who is doing IMMOO THIS year--how cool is that--and crashed!!) morning, they announce at breakfast that the 100 mile route is closed, only the most experienced riders could attempt the 75 mile route, and the rest of us could either do the 62 mile route or take a bus back to Waukesha. Now, my mind was telling me there was no way I could finish even the 62 route in time, as they were closing the course after 6 hours. I poked around so much at the rest stops (and found folks to yak with because I do that) that I got in yesterday after 7.5 hours. My speed was good on the road, I just poked around a lot. And Steve was going to drive to Madison by noon and bike back toward me to help me finish, but with the rain that was supposed to hit, with wind and hail, I chose option B. I bailed and took the bus. Steve met me in this little town closer to home and we had lunch. He had his road bike and was out on it when I finally got there and he said it was too heavy traffic and not enough edge so we went for a long hike in this cool park with pine trees and nifty rock formations instead. But the good thing is that I felt like I could have gone for a ride again and not felt like dying. Just not a 75 mile ride.

Next time I'm training better to convince my mind and body that I can do it, I may consider going with another human because it was a bit lonely out there even though I can make friends with practically anyone, and if they say its gonna rain, I'll do it anyway and not believe them. As it turns out, it just misted a little. So much for hail. Oh well. I'm safe and still like my bike. My butt isn't even sore.

2007-08-06 3:04 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Pene - Congrats on the ride.  It's amazing that your longest outdoor ride on your tribike before this was just 17 miles!  I'm sorry about Day 2 but it sounds like you managed to still enjoy your day.

David - Hopefully you are now home.  We can fly standby in the military as well, but it has the addded bonus of never knowing where your going to end up.  I have a buddy who got an incentive ride in the back of an F-15.  Once in the air the jet received emergency divert orders to Kuwait and ther ewas no time to drop him off.  His planned 1 hour ride turned into a trans-atlantic flight!

2007-08-06 8:17 AM
in reply to: #914291

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-08-06 3:04 AM

Pene -Hopefully you are now home.  We can fly standby in the military as well, but it has the addded bonus of never knowing where your going to end up.  I have a buddy who got an incentive ride in the back of an F-15.  Once in the air the jet received emergency divert orders to Kuwait and ther ewas no time to drop him off.  His planned 1 hour ride turned into a trans-atlantic flight!

Noirmally I wold say that sucks, having to fly across the atlantic but in the back of a f-15 would be cool.  Did you buddy complain at all??


Pene,  congrats on making the 75miles.  When I did the ms150 in may I was seriously not considering riding the 2nd day after crashing.

2007-08-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: #914418

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-08-07 3:17 AM
Timo - 2007-08-06 3:04 AM

Pene -Hopefully you are now home.  We can fly standby in the military as well, but it has the addded bonus of never knowing where your going to end up.  I have a buddy who got an incentive ride in the back of an F-15.  Once in the air the jet received emergency divert orders to Kuwait and ther ewas no time to drop him off.  His planned 1 hour ride turned into a trans-atlantic flight!

Noirmally I wold say that sucks, having to fly across the atlantic but in the back of a f-15 would be cool.  Did you buddy complain at all??

Not a bit, it gives him a cool story to tell and when he landed everyone really helped him out until he could get back.  He actually ended up getting dropped off in Germany and so it only took a few days to get back to the US.

2007-08-06 2:13 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey all, sorry for the absence. Work/family commitments have been nuts. I am lucky to get a workout in these days. Anyway, it was good to read the last few pages and catch up with everyone's stories. I am making some of that gillenade for my long ride tomorrow. I have also started open water swimming and boy is it different from the pool. My question to anyone willing to reply is what brand wetsuits do you recommend? any replies will be appreciated. thanks in advance.
2007-08-06 4:51 PM
in reply to: #915162

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kevdia - 2007-08-06 2:13 PM Hey all, sorry for the absence. Work/family commitments have been nuts. I am lucky to get a workout in these days. Anyway, it was good to read the last few pages and catch up with everyone's stories. I am making some of that gillenade for my long ride tomorrow. I have also started open water swimming and boy is it different from the pool. My question to anyone willing to reply is what brand wetsuits do you recommend? any replies will be appreciated. thanks in advance.
I have an xterra and I believe David has the same model brand.  I personally only bought it because it was on sale (50%) for $200 for a full.  I would say the big concern should be to make sure you get a tri wetsuit and don't go cheap and buy a scuba wetsuit like some people do.  The purpose of the wetsuit it to help lift your legs which will make you faster.  Alot of the scuba wetsuits are "shorties" so the leg stop in the quads and thus don't help with bringing your legs up.  Plus they are not designed to swim so the shoulders are alittle more rigid.   Then from there is is full length or sleeveless.  I like my full but a times wish I had the sleeveless because the fatique on the shoulders.

2007-08-06 6:24 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

BTW, I used David's potion for my first long ride on Saturday and it worked great.  I normally will take uncrustables to eat but only used the feed bottle and water.  I took a sip of water every 3 minutes and a sip from the feed bottle every 15 (probably could have done it more often but my ride was not that long and I tried to stretch it).  I did not feel hungry at all and the tast was fine.  One packet of powerade powder and 1/3 cup sugar and only a hint of salt.  I can't wait to try it during a brick.

 Well tomorrow I have a swim/root canal brick planned.  I can't wait.  I would rather run in 110 deg heat for  hours but finally the numbing pain in my tooth will be gone.

2007-08-07 12:35 AM
in reply to: #915162

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kevdia - 2007-08-07 9:13 AM Hey all, sorry for the absence. Work/family commitments have been nuts. I am lucky to get a workout in these days. Anyway, it was good to read the last few pages and catch up with everyone's stories. I am making some of that gillenade for my long ride tomorrow. I have also started open water swimming and boy is it different from the pool. My question to anyone willing to reply is what brand wetsuits do you recommend? any replies will be appreciated. thanks in advance.

I have an Orca Sonar full wetsuit and I like it; price was about $325.

2007-08-07 6:51 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
thanks for the replies, I have yet to try one on, but do the long sleeves hinder your swimming motion or fatigue your arms?
2007-08-07 6:54 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
sorry to hear about your traveling troubles. Flying is always an adventure. I noticed that you are going to new hampshire in acouple of days. My neighbor, (the one who got me into this) is heading up there for the race. Anyone else in the group going up. I may head up for support! It would be great to meet some of you in person!
2007-08-07 7:02 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
The timberman is in two weeks, not two days as I previously posted........

2007-08-07 7:06 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Kevdia--I have a Zoot full suit which I love and it is very comfortable and not restrictive in the arms at all. I also have an Xterra sleeveless which I hate as it chokes my neck something fierce, even making it bleed internally (I coughed up blood and had a sore throat to swallow for several days).

Guess what?? I just signed up Jockstrap for IMMOO this Sept 9! I'll help at a bike aid station from noon to about 5. That will be exactly one week after my Century ride, which is a tour of F.L. Wright architecture, and will enable me to observe the bikes, riders, equipment, what they are eating and drinking, etc. I'll be able to watch the swim in the morning and the run in the evening and spend the night in Madtown so I can register the next morning for IMMOO 2009! Unless of course, I get weirded out by what I see!! Maybe I'll see the chick I just met at the MS ride who is doing this year's race. How cool would that be???? Then I can visualize the race all year for mental training
2007-08-07 7:19 PM
in reply to: #917279

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kevdia - 2007-08-07 6:51 PM thanks for the replies, I have yet to try one on, but do the long sleeves hinder your swimming motion or fatigue your arms?
I do notice my arms getting tired when I wear mine at first but I have only had it on a few times.  But from what they say you swim faster in the full since it theoretically makes your arms wider and thus more servace area pulling in the water.
2007-08-08 12:19 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'm up in Seattle on work and I've been taking a few pics with my cameraphone, including on the run I've been on so far. I thought you guys might like to check out some of the scenery up here. It was 63 today. I had to run in long sleeves. :p

Pics Link

I'm going to hit another park tomorrow after work, I'll bring my cell with me then too.
2007-08-08 12:20 AM
in reply to: #917279

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kevdia - 2007-08-07 6:51 PM

thanks for the replies, I have yet to try one on, but do the long sleeves hinder your swimming motion or fatigue your arms?

Shorten your stroke up a bit, it will help a lot. Also, make sure you're pulling the sleeves as far up your arms as they'll go. Even a couple inches will make a difference with shoulder fatigue, etc.
2007-08-08 7:24 AM
in reply to: #917524

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

JBrashear - 2007-08-08 7:19 PM I'm up in Seattle on work and I've been taking a few pics with my cameraphone, including on the run I've been on so far. I thought you guys might like to check out some of the scenery up here. It was 63 today. I had to run in long sleeves. :p Pics Link I'm going to hit another park tomorrow after work, I'll bring my cell with me then too.

The pics are pretty cool, I really liked the skyline.  Good job on keeping up the running away from home! 

2007-08-08 7:29 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Oh Where oh where has our little Dave gone..Oh where oh where could he be? With his ears cut short and his tail cut long, oh where oh where could he be.......????
2007-08-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey Matt--How's the IMMOO training going? Do you just want someone to shoot you and put you out of your misery yet? Ready to just be DONE with the darn thing yet? Have you done any of the moo course yet in practice? I'll be at the Verona High School bike aid station from noon to 4:45. Want me to have anything special there for you? Some secret weapon potion or really "special" chocolate brownies laced with um...something to calm your nerves??? (kidding....never made brownies like that...and don't even know where I'd get some of that stuff these days anyway) Well, if nothing else, if you are hurting, I'll ice your shoulders or rub them. That's where I feel it on the bike..... I would have volunteered my chiropractic services, but there wasn't any category like that.
2007-08-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I have not even come close to touching the course yet, and as a matter of fact, I'll never get the chance until race day. The training is going okay, yet I know I should be doing more. I have a huge time issue, seeing as I used to commit to all my planned training, but work is just too much and in the last 2 weeks I've found myself skipping out on training. Next week I get to start cracking down as my job ends. I have my big A sprint race this weekend in Naperville, Illinois. Yet, I'm not nearly prepared for it. This year is going to be dedicated to survival and Ironman, as next year, I'm forgoing summer work, attempting to get sponsored, and going for it all. I don't know where verona hs is, but hopefully I'll be there by 4:30. I would most likely appreciate some company. I've decided I may take a 5-10 minute power break on the bike. That may or may not occur of course, but I like the idea as even when I stop for the restroom I feel regenerated getting back on the bike. It will also give me a chance to eat some really solid nutrition and keep that stuff on track. XC retreat was fun this weekend. I got to see the cute little blond girl I hang aroudn with. Unluckily it rained the last morning we were there so we all woke up soked in tents. We stayed at the Warren Dunes in MI, and it was a blast. Running on the sand was a little exhaustive, but later in the day much more fun running down 100 ft. dunes and playing in Lake MI. At introductions I got a "Aww" as I said my most exciting moment of the summer was meeting the Hoyts and competing nwith my father the very same weekend. I recommend the Dunes for excellent camping and family fun!

This week is super low volume and really quick turnover, I need to prepare myself for a lot of pain this weekend. I don't care if I'm a little undertrained, I'd rather throw up and be sent to the medics than come in over 1:08:00
2007-08-08 9:48 AM
in reply to: #917623

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-08-08 7:29 AM Oh Where oh where has our little Dave gone..Oh where oh where could he be? With his ears cut short and his tail cut long, oh where oh where could he be.......????

Sorry about not writing in a while, but it's nice to know I'm missed!  

After 14 hrs (8am to 10pm) at the Detroit airport on Sunday,  Sarah and I finally caught a flight to Chicago and from there we barely made a connection on the last flight to Austin, not DFW!  We got to Austin about 1:30, paid $60 for cab to my parent's house in Austin, and crashed hard at about 3am after being up for about 23 hours straight.  We slept for about 5-6 hrs and then drove my Mom's car up to Dallas on Monday AM.  I didn't get to work until after noon and I had to work until about 7-8 pm to get in a full day of work! 

It was the worst travel experience I've ever had!  I still don't think I've recovered from my lack of sleep.  Plus, I went 2 full days (Sunday and Monday) without working out at all!  Needless to say, I was/am grumpy!  Getting better though..

I'll try to reply to your comments soon.


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