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2007-01-12 11:43 PM
in reply to: #653198

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-12 11:05 PM

nala - 2007-01-12 2:05 PM Is it okay to have a cheat day (eat junk food) during the training process?

Yes. It's all about moderation. You want this to become a part of your life, and life will eventually have some chips, ice cream and chocolate in it!

Beth, the running group sounds like an awesome way to keep consistent. And TNT also. Accountability helps so, so much.

Well, this week I ran two days and am hoping to run tomorrow (Saturday), swam two days and lifted one. My bike is back on the trainer, but that's about as far as I've gotten with it. I pretty much took Wednesday and Thursday off, except for a lot of walking around where I work. And I haven't lost any weight because I can't resist cheesecake and soup in a bread bowl (Panera for lunch. MmMm). But I'm enjoying training! Yay! And I used a kickboard today while swimming. My legs were begging me to stop making them work. 

Thanks for the response!! When you participated in TNT, how many times a week did you train with your group? Did you still do any extra training away from training with TNT?

2007-01-13 8:55 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Got to the running club meeting this morning. I had a Tri Clinic at 9am so i thought oh i can go to the running club and run at 7:30 a few miles and then head to the tri clinic maybe a bit late. Wrong! I talked to a running coach and he suggested i start next saturday instead, bummer!

oh well. But no exercise in the last two days, i should've went yesterday but took the day off b/c of a painful shinsplint and thought "oh i'll be running 3 miles on saturday, no problem..." but not the case.

Fortunately i bought a trainer last week and maybe i can jump on my bike tomorrow evening after my kids go to bed or maybe my husband won't mind if i swing over to the Y for an hour or so.

Man i'm realizing if my exercise is going to get consistent i need to get up and go to the Y when it opens at 5:30 am, before hubby goes to work and before kidlets are awake and kickin (or should i say the hungry monkey's !

This will of course require the discipline to go to bed earlier! wooo training can be a challenge!
2007-01-13 10:05 PM
in reply to: #653819

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-13 9:55 PM

Got to the running club meeting this morning. I had a Tri Clinic at 9am so i thought oh i can go to the running club and run at 7:30 a few miles and then head to the tri clinic maybe a bit late. Wrong! I talked to a running coach and he suggested i start next saturday instead, bummer!

oh well. But no exercise in the last two days, i should've went yesterday but took the day off b/c of a painful shinsplint and thought "oh i'll be running 3 miles on saturday, no problem..." but not the case.

Fortunately i bought a trainer last week and maybe i can jump on my bike tomorrow evening after my kids go to bed or maybe my husband won't mind if i swing over to the Y for an hour or so.

Man i'm realizing if my exercise is going to get consistent i need to get up and go to the Y when it opens at 5:30 am, before hubby goes to work and before kidlets are awake and kickin (or should i say the hungry monkey's !

This will of course require the discipline to go to bed earlier! wooo training can be a challenge!

I know how you feel as far as being sick and injured. I was suppose to do some bike training around the campus today, but I got a migraine and a stomach ache. As a result, I did not come out of bed until now. So I am hoping that I can start bike training tomorrow morning or afternoon. I combining participating with TNT, I have to do schoolwork, volunteering at the local hospital (premed in college) and become a more active member of the triathlon club at my school (I am the volunteer coordinator). Good luck with the training!!
2007-01-14 9:24 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

nala - 2007-01-13 12:43 AM
watergirl - 2007-01-12 11:05 PM
nala - 2007-01-12 2:05 PM Is it okay to have a cheat day (eat junk food) during the training process?
Yes. It's all about moderation. You want this to become a part of your life, and life will eventually have some chips, ice cream and chocolate in it! Beth, the running group sounds like an awesome way to keep consistent. And TNT also. Accountability helps so, so much. Well, this week I ran two days and am hoping to run tomorrow (Saturday), swam two days and lifted one. My bike is back on the trainer, but that's about as far as I've gotten with it. I pretty much took Wednesday and Thursday off, except for a lot of walking around where I work. And I haven't lost any weight because I can't resist cheesecake and soup in a bread bowl (Panera for lunch. MmMm). But I'm enjoying training! Yay! And I used a kickboard today while swimming. My legs were begging me to stop making them work.
Thanks for the response!! When you participated in TNT, how many times a week did you train with your group? Did you still do any extra training away from training with TNT?

We had a weekly run on Sunday morning, and a Wednesday run that our mentor set up. But, really, I found that I need to run four days a week to feel like I wasn't going to die. But that was for marathon training. If you're tri training, I'd try to make sure to get in at least two days of each sport - well, ease into it right now and then make sure you're being consistent. What's your strongest of the three? Weakest? That'll factor into getting ready too.

Beth, ooo, now I know what I have to look forward to when I have kids. Whew. Getting on a schedule will help, though!

Cara, if you have any tips from the Biggest Loser you'd like to share, that would be awesome! I love learning new nutrition things. And trying new recipes. For the last two weeks, my hubby's been off of meat because he has gout. Now that we can eat it again, I don't crave it as much. Weird, huh?

Y'all have a good Sunday!  

2007-01-16 7:16 AM
in reply to: #652408


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
The way my husband had me look at it was if you were trying to stop smoking and you said, "Well, I am just going to have this one". Same thing while you are trying not to eat junk food. Try to find some stuff you like. I switched to fat free chips and pretzels. My worst time is during my period. I find that sugar free fat free chocolate pudding is good.
2007-01-18 10:32 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Terri, thanks for the tips. I need to stock up on not-so-bad foods. Fat free pudding would be perfect. I get cravings pretty bad around the time of my period, too, but mostly for anything sugar and anything bad salty. I think eating small meals more often would help, but that would take more planning, and I'm not too good at that.

2007-01-18 11:10 AM
in reply to: #659196

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-18 11:32 AM

Terri, thanks for the tips. I need to stock up on not-so-bad foods. Fat free pudding would be perfect. I get cravings pretty bad around the time of my period, too, but mostly for anything sugar and anything bad salty. I think eating small meals more often would help, but that would take more planning, and I'm not too good at that.

I agree with you, Stephanie. It is hard for me to eat meals throughout the day because my days are unpredictable. The thing is that now, I am trying (REALLY trying) to eat healthy, but I have drinking soda for the past couple of days. However, I know that I am going to stop drinking sodas soon.
2007-01-18 1:05 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
how is everyone else's running going? i'm trying to get a gauge of where everyone else is at. I'm still having a hard time with the running thing and i want to get an idea of what others are doing to see if where i fall on the scale.

Edited by montyb49 2007-01-18 1:05 PM
2007-01-18 2:31 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

Beth, last week I did great - 175 minutes. This week I haven't run at all. Hopefully that will change today. I've been having trouble with my left heal, which feels pretty good when I run, but I have trouble walking the next morning for a little while. And I just got new shoes.

How's your plan been going?

Nala, maybe you could throw a nutragrain bar or nature valley granola bar and some fruit or a fruit cup in your backpack. That might help with the nutrition. I don't have the soda problem, but I LOVE coffee. I guess I need to be more consistent with training and eating so I don't have to give that up.  

2007-01-18 4:18 PM
in reply to: #659493


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I really dislike running but I have been getting it in 2x a week. I switch btw the eliptical and the treadmill~ about 25 to 30 a pop. I have reworked my ipod to have a great song come on about 10 minutes in and then again 22 minutes in. Today I was watching Ferris Beullers Day Off while running and was able to get my time in.
I have yet to get in the pool. The suit I purchased 2 weeks ago was not good for me. Anyone know of a store that might cater to a umm, how shall I say this, larger chest? I have heard of a few online places, but don't know what's reliable.
As far as food goes, I agree with the pudding and you can find some frozen treats that are not bad for you. The WW ice cream sandwiches as well as the Skinny Cow ones are good- nice and chocolately.
Have a great weekend everybody!
2007-01-18 8:36 PM
in reply to: #629910


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I've been running 2-3 times per week, but only a couple of miles. I belong to the local YMCA and they have a leak in their pool. I was swimming 2x per week too. I also do a toning/strengthening class on M, W & F on my lunch hour.
As far as eating, you would be surprised at how you can plan your meals on Sunday's and pre-cook some things on Sunday to have ready during the week. I have to pack some breakfast and lunch on the days that I go to the Y early.
I haven't been able to get on the bike at all. We have been having wet and cold weather. I did find that there are a couple of guys that do some cycling on T/TH mornings at the Y....I might get enough never to join them later.

2007-01-18 10:28 PM
in reply to: #660165

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I have been doing strength training and abdominal exercises. I rode my bike once this week because the weather right now is cold and windy. The thing is that I hate the gym and love to exercise outdoors.
2007-01-19 7:54 AM
in reply to: #660231


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
We have had horrible weather, too. I have yet to get outside. We bought a spinner last week and have a few dvd's. I have not hopped on yet. I will this weekend. I usually ride at the Y when the treadmills are full. (which is always now bc it's January and every is trying to get in shape )
2007-01-19 8:41 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
omg i just signed up last week for a spinning class....LUV IT! may seriously want to invest in some padded shorts. My buckus hurt so bad yesterday i felt like i could hardly move my legs while riding the spinner with every rotation i would get nauseous and feel sweat breaking out on my forehead but after i felt little pin like sensations on my forehead, i felt like crying. No exaggeration. Not sure what that was all about but i pushed through it and after about 10 minutes i got numb and kept going.
So what i realized yesterday if i going to take a spinning class for the next 4 months is to invest in some padded shorts this weekend!

I agree weather is crappy here too. No outdoor bike riding for me! I did buy a trainer but i've yet had the energy to jump on it after the kids go to bed.

Edited by montyb49 2007-01-19 8:42 AM
2007-01-19 9:07 PM
in reply to: #660418


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I hear you about no energy after the kids go to bed. The bike looks great in the basement, I'll get on eventually. I will def. follow the advice of getting bike shorts.
2007-01-19 9:45 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

Bike shorts rock! My bum loves them. If you're planning to do a tri this summer, get tri shorts too. The padding in them dries out faster than regular cycling shorts and you don't have to change during transitions.

It's finally cold down here, and I'd rather curl up and read than go outside. 

2007-01-19 9:54 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
okay i'm ambarrased to admit it but i need to b/c I must find out if this is normal or not.

Anyways, i've been avoiding the pool. Partially b/c i only get an hour when i go to the Y b/c my daughter is under 6 months (according to the childcare rules she can't be in there longer than 1 hr.) and when shuffling the kids around and changing/drying off etc. I feel like i don't get enough time.
The real reason though i've been avoiding the pool is b/c everytime i get in there i get discouraged. As soon as i get into the pool and start moving i can't breath. I feel like i can't take deep breaths and then when i start to do laps i have to stop b/c i start feeling like i'm going to hyperventilate. Is this normal? I know the almost hyperventilating is not. I do have a touch of asthma and i've used an inhaler but have seen no improvement. I'm wondering if I just need to keep going to build up my endurance, could it be that? Has anyone had this problem/experience? Or could i be allergic to the chlorine? I saw this online, don't want to assume this is the issue but it seems like my lungs will not allow me to take a deep breath. i know you guys may not know but if someone else has had similar problems and it's turned out to be an endurance issue, great! I hope it's that really that's a bit easier to deal with than allergies/asthma...

i do not have this breathing problem when i run or bike or do any other exercising.
2007-01-19 11:28 PM
in reply to: #653819

New user
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
montyb49 - 2007-01-13 9:55 PM

Got to the running club meeting this morning. I had a Tri Clinic at 9am so i thought oh i can go to the running club and run at 7:30 a few miles and then head to the tri clinic maybe a bit late. Wrong! I talked to a running coach and he suggested i start next saturday instead, bummer!

oh well. But no exercise in the last two days, i should've went yesterday but took the day off b/c of a painful shinsplint and thought "oh i'll be running 3 miles on saturday, no problem..." but not the case.

Fortunately i bought a trainer last week and maybe i can jump on my bike tomorrow evening after my kids go to bed or maybe my husband won't mind if i swing over to the Y for an hour or so.

Man i'm realizing if my exercise is going to get consistent i need to get up and go to the Y when it opens at 5:30 am, before hubby goes to work and before kidlets are awake and kickin (or should i say the hungry monkey's !

This will of course require the discipline to go to bed earlier! wooo training can be a challenge!

Do they have the tri clinics on various days within the week or once a week? Also, can you train without the help of professional coaches and still be ready for a triathlon? I am thinking about not participating in Team In Training because I have school and volunteering commitments. However, I still want to participate in the Jacksonville Sprint Triathlon on June 23rd. I am going to use the training plans from and from the book "Triathlon Training Basics" and train alone. Is this a good idea?

Edited by nala 2007-01-21 2:21 PM
2007-01-21 6:47 PM
in reply to: #661443


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
I know exactly what you mean. When I did my first tri, I felt like I was being suffocated, so I did the whole swim doing the breast stroke with my head above the water. I still get that feeling, but what I do is breathe every other stoke. I also do a few laps of breast stroke and back stroke and side stroke so I can breathe easier. This is probably not what you are looking for, but at least you know you are not alone.
Look up Total Immersion on your search engine....the author is Terry Laughlin???? He has some very good swimming tips.
2007-01-22 8:19 AM
in reply to: #661481

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
nala - 2007-01-20 12:28 AM

montyb49 - 2007-01-13 9:55 PM

Got to the running club meeting this morning. I had a Tri Clinic at 9am so i thought oh i can go to the running club and run at 7:30 a few miles and then head to the tri clinic maybe a bit late. Wrong! I talked to a running coach and he suggested i start next saturday instead, bummer!

oh well. But no exercise in the last two days, i should've went yesterday but took the day off b/c of a painful shinsplint and thought "oh i'll be running 3 miles on saturday, no problem..." but not the case.

Fortunately i bought a trainer last week and maybe i can jump on my bike tomorrow evening after my kids go to bed or maybe my husband won't mind if i swing over to the Y for an hour or so.

Man i'm realizing if my exercise is going to get consistent i need to get up and go to the Y when it opens at 5:30 am, before hubby goes to work and before kidlets are awake and kickin (or should i say the hungry monkey's !

This will of course require the discipline to go to bed earlier! wooo training can be a challenge!

Do they have the tri clinics on various days within the week or once a week? Also, can you train without the help of professional coaches and still be ready for a triathlon? I am thinking about not participating in Team In Training because I have school and volunteering commitments. However, I still want to participate in the Jacksonville Sprint Triathlon on June 23rd. I am going to use the training plans from and from the book "Triathlon Training Basics" and train alone. Is this a good idea?

Nala you can definitely train without the help of coaches!! There are books out there on triathlons, training for them and obviously books that are specifically for running,cycling, and swimming. I found i preferred tnt at the beginning since i've never done this before and they made something that felt a little overwhelming for me a little simpler. Now 3 months later and after reading countless books on each topic i feel a lot more confident to do this on my own. I tell you though the structured training times that tnt provides is awesomen and motivating! I've found as i train that if i'm with others who are training i train bettter and harder. So for me that works.
For the future, i plan to do more Tri's and i won't probably go through tnt again but instead do it on my own. The tri websites btw have awesome training plans imo.

hope this helps! You go and Tri girl you can do it without facilitation, although that stuff is nice.
2007-01-23 9:00 AM
in reply to: #661443

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

montyb49 - 2007-01-19 10:54 PM okay i'm ambarrased to admit it but i need to b/c I must find out if this is normal or not. Anyways, i've been avoiding the pool. Partially b/c i only get an hour when i go to the Y b/c my daughter is under 6 months (according to the childcare rules she can't be in there longer than 1 hr.) and when shuffling the kids around and changing/drying off etc. I feel like i don't get enough time. The real reason though i've been avoiding the pool is b/c everytime i get in there i get discouraged. As soon as i get into the pool and start moving i can't breath. I feel like i can't take deep breaths and then when i start to do laps i have to stop b/c i start feeling like i'm going to hyperventilate. Is this normal? I know the almost hyperventilating is not. I do have a touch of asthma and i've used an inhaler but have seen no improvement. I'm wondering if I just need to keep going to build up my endurance, could it be that? Has anyone had this problem/experience? Or could i be allergic to the chlorine? I saw this online, don't want to assume this is the issue but it seems like my lungs will not allow me to take a deep breath. i know you guys may not know but if someone else has had similar problems and it's turned out to be an endurance issue, great! I hope it's that really that's a bit easier to deal with than allergies/asthma... i do not have this breathing problem when i run or bike or do any other exercising.

I so know what you mean. When I first started swimming again, and trying to do freestyle, I felt like I would drown in the middle of the pool. Do you know breast stroke? It's a good way to get started, and I like it because you can pop your head up for air with every stroke.

Freestyle takes time. You also might be trying to swim too fast. Take it easy and instead of focusing on breathing, try concentrating on what your arms are doing or how your kick is going. The water can be scary. I still get the "I can't get air" feeling sometimes, and then I know I need to 1. breathe more - like every other stroke instead of every third, or 2. slow down.

Hope that helps! 

2007-01-23 9:01 AM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

bryan_t asked me this earlier, so I thought it might be useful for y'all, too. To add friends to your training log, here's the directions:

To put friends on your log page, go to your training log, and right next to your calendar is a set of icons. Click on the top one. On the far right in the next screen, it says "you may choose 30 friends to monitor their blogs." In those blank spots, type the screen names of the people you want to be your "friends."

2007-01-25 3:28 PM
in reply to: #629910

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!

It's almost FRIDAY! How is y'all's week going?

I stopped swimming after 20 minutes yesterday. Some days training can make you want to crawl in bed for a week. But I have been running this week! Yay! 

2007-01-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: #668144

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Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
watergirl - 2007-01-25 4:28 PM

It's almost FRIDAY! How is y'all's week going?

I stopped swimming after 20 minutes yesterday. Some days training can make you want to crawl in bed for a week. But I have been running this week! Yay! 

once again i have a sinus infection or something like that. Pushed through it yesterday and got to my spin class and felt better. But this morning i woke up with an awful sore throat and drippy, nasty sneezing. Tried to push through that and get to the y but the kids felt crappy too and were crying and fussing all morning. It took a lot of energy to get them dressed etc. but i ended up falling on the couch in frustration after i realized my stomach was growling and i NEEDED a cup of coffee to mover anymore. Needless to say i didn't make it! Breafast and coffee had to happen for me to be able to move at all today.
oh well. I'm hoping to pull out the treadmill here at home and force myself to run for a mile. We'll see.
I do have a goal to run for about 30-60 minutes tomorrow with the running club and i have a spinning class on sunday so i may not push it tonight and just do those this week.

Overall i think i'm doing okay. My weight is refusing to budge which is really okay since everything else has improved. I just hope i can stop getting nasty colds/infections yuck!

Take care!

BTW i think i'm swimming too fast to be able to breathe. So i'm going to slow down and focus on what you suggested. Thanks for the tip!
take care!
2007-01-26 1:44 PM
in reply to: #668144


Subject: RE: Watergirl's group - FULL!
Getting in the bike and run part of my workout- no pool yet. Finding the right suit is killing me. Off to the sporting goods store today to look for ski socks so I will look for a suit, too. I felt sick yesterday and this morning. Took a shower and felt better, made it to my muscle cond class, and almost 3 miles on the bike b4 class.
I know I need to get in the pool, so it is really on my list of things for next week- even if I have to wear my regular bathing suit. It's not like I am going for speed and it's going to fly off or anything. I think that is what I have to keep in mind
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