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2010-04-24 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
so the new tri cycling shoes i bought are causing my left foot to go numb.  my LBS told me to try moving the cleats all the way back or try some different inserts.  any other suggestions? 

i paid good money for these shoes and i have to make them work!!

2010-04-24 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2814191

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
dboy25 - 2010-04-24 4:26 PM so the new tri cycling shoes i bought are causing my left foot to go numb.  my LBS told me to try moving the cleats all the way back or try some different inserts.  any other suggestions? 

i paid good money for these shoes and i have to make them work!!

I've heard some people have problems with the rest of the fit when they have this problem.  I would try moving your saddle down a bit.  Did you get professionally fit?  If so take the bike and shoes into the store and they should fix it for you.  If not, try moving the saddle around a bit (like 1cm at a time) to see if that helps. 
2010-04-25 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2814319

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Now i have no school, and i start my naval training in August. My workouts seem to be all over the place. they are very irregular; once in the morning, and the next the following day later at night. So my question is...

When is the best time to workout? (and i hope that consistency is a good thing - as i have time now)
2010-04-26 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2815322

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Whiz Bonker - 2010-04-25 4:32 PM Now i have no school, and i start my naval training in August. My workouts seem to be all over the place. they are very irregular; once in the morning, and the next the following day later at night. So my question is...

When is the best time to workout? (and i hope that consistency is a good thing - as i have time now)

When I was in school I always tried to fit mine in the morning and that stuck with me (I currently wake up at 5am to get my workout in before I have to be at work).  I treat it as part of my routine, I workout, shower, eat breakfast, off to work.  This is the key, you have to have some routine that you follow.  Also, I hold the mindset of, "the day doesn't start until I've gotten my workout in".  This helps as well.

Prioritize the workout, and remember, there are very few excuses good enough to excuse you from a workout, because in the end their just that, excuses.  A lot of my friends think I'm crazy for waking up early and working out as much as I do, but I think their crazy for WASTING 1.5-2 hours of their days on Facebook...

As far as the "best" time to workout...  Its the time that will make sure you get your training in.
2010-04-26 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
i think i might have figured out the problem with my foot going numb.  halfway through my ride today i loosened the strap to the point where it felt like it wasn't even there.  the numbness seemed to go away but now the shoe feels pretty loose on my foot.  i'll continue to play with it for the next couple of rides to see if maybe that solves the problem.
2010-04-27 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2818186

SW Ontario
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Are you riding in socks or barefoot?  When I wear socks in my bike shoes my feet tend to go numb a lot more.  I think it may have to do with the added pressure on my feet cutting off circulation somewhere.

Maybe I should invest in thinner socks.

2010-04-27 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2818846

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sucrizzle - 2010-04-27 7:58 AM Are you riding in socks or barefoot?  When I wear socks in my bike shoes my feet tend to go numb a lot more.  I think it may have to do with the added pressure on my feet cutting off circulation somewhere.

Maybe I should invest in thinner socks.

if i dont wear any socks i get really nasty blisters. but yesh my socks are thin anklets (you know those socks that only go up to your ankles). they are cotton to by the way, dont know if that makes a difference.
2010-04-27 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2818872

SW Ontario
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Whiz Bonker - 2010-04-27 8:14 AM

if i dont wear any socks i get really nasty blisters. but yesh my socks are thin anklets (you know those socks that only go up to your ankles). they are cotton to by the way, dont know if that makes a difference.

With my tri bike shoes on my road bike I don't have any issues going without socks.  No blisters yet but going without socks on a cold day was a BAD idea.  My feet were itchy and sore for hours after the ride...May have gotten mild frostbite.  That'll learn me.

My mountain bike shoes are a different story.  I rode home from work without socks one day (3km) and got the biggest blisters I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
2010-04-27 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2818846

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sucrizzle - 2010-04-27 6:58 AM Are you riding in socks or barefoot?  When I wear socks in my bike shoes my feet tend to go numb a lot more.  I think it may have to do with the added pressure on my feet cutting off circulation somewhere.

Maybe I should invest in thinner socks.

i don't wear socks with the tri shoes and haven't had an issue with blisters.  i really think it was the strap that was too tight.  i'm just amazed how loose i need to have it in order to keep my foot from going numb.  i keep my right shoe as tight as i can because i like to feel secure but my left foot is a different issue.

i guess that's how it goes sometimes.
2010-04-27 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2820255

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
dboy25 - 2010-04-27 2:36 PM i don't wear socks with the tri shoes and haven't had an issue with blisters.  i really think it was the strap that was too tight.  i'm just amazed how loose i need to have it in order to keep my foot from going numb.  i keep my right shoe as tight as i can because i like to feel secure but my left foot is a different issue.

i guess that's how it goes sometimes.

I just use my cycling shoes ",7989,s1-20-135-1428-0,00.html "... those are my shoes i use.. and i have to use sox my feet, get super gnarly after i work out so.. wear sox = blisters

there are tri shoes? do i need to switch or am i alright for now?
2010-04-27 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2820609

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Whiz Bonker - 2010-04-27 3:15 PM
dboy25 - 2010-04-27 2:36 PM i don't wear socks with the tri shoes and haven't had an issue with blisters.  i really think it was the strap that was too tight.  i'm just amazed how loose i need to have it in order to keep my foot from going numb.  i keep my right shoe as tight as i can because i like to feel secure but my left foot is a different issue.

i guess that's how it goes sometimes.

I just use my cycling shoes ",7989,s1-20-135-1428-0,00.html "... those are my shoes i use.. and i have to use sox my feet, get super gnarly after i work out so.. wear sox = blisters

there are tri shoes? do i need to switch or am i alright for now?

Most tri-shoes are designed to be worn without socks, but I can't do that.  I try to avoid cotton socks in my shoes when running and biking because once they get wet, they get heavy and will usually rub.

I wonder if maybe you need that shoe shimmed?  One of your legs could be longer than the other? 

2010-04-27 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Time to start a new topic for discussion!  What is your weakness?  Both event and food wise...

I'm no fish, I actually think I swim worse than a rock....  I'm working on it, but its a slow (and frustrating) process.

For food... Two words... Gummy Bears... I LOVE gummybears... I can never eat just one, I'll sit down and eat just TONS at a time. 
2010-04-27 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2821024

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
WEAKNESS: running... for sure. after being told i would never walk again when i was 13 years old, has now made my running the hardest for me.

FOOD WEAKNESS: hehe, i have a few.

- vanilla ice cream
- chinese food
- a nice cold pint of guinness and chicken wings
2010-04-27 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2821056

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Whiz Bonker - 2010-04-27 6:05 PM WEAKNESS: running... for sure. after being told i would never walk again when i was 13 years old, has now made my running the hardest for me.

FOOD WEAKNESS: hehe, i have a few.

- vanilla ice cream
- chinese food
- a nice cold pint of guinness and chicken wings

You were told you wouldn't walk again!?  May I be so bold as to ask why?  If you'd rather not talk about it thats fine as well. 
2010-04-27 11:52 PM
in reply to: #2820609

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Whiz Bonker - 2010-04-27 3:15 PM
dboy25 - 2010-04-27 2:36 PM i don't wear socks with the tri shoes and haven't had an issue with blisters.  i really think it was the strap that was too tight.  i'm just amazed how loose i need to have it in order to keep my foot from going numb.  i keep my right shoe as tight as i can because i like to feel secure but my left foot is a different issue.

i guess that's how it goes sometimes.

I just use my cycling shoes ",7989,s1-20-135-1428-0,00.html "... those are my shoes i use.. and i have to use sox my feet, get super gnarly after i work out so.. wear sox = blisters

there are tri shoes? do i need to switch or am i alright for now?

using tri cycling shoes all depends on what you want to do.  the only difference is that tri shoes have a reverse strap so that they can be attached to your bike and you don't have to worry about the straps getting caught in the cranks or anything like that while you pedal.  if you check out some videos on youtube you'll know what i mean. 

i want to learn how to do a running jump onto the bike and be as fast as possible.  plus my shoes are silver and make me look like a bad- haha.  
2010-04-27 11:58 PM
in reply to: #2821024

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
menglo - 2010-04-27 5:52 PM Time to start a new topic for discussion!  What is your weakness?  Both event and food wise...

I'm no fish, I actually think I swim worse than a rock....  I'm working on it, but its a slow (and frustrating) process.

For food... Two words... Gummy Bears... I LOVE gummybears... I can never eat just one, I'll sit down and eat just TONS at a time. 

my weakness is definitely swimming.  i just learned how to swim with correct technique this past Dec but i joined a masters group a couple of months ago and it has helped a lot.

as far as food........i tend to get lazy and get fast food a couple of times a week.  i just don't feel like cooking and then having to clean up afterward.  lays potato chips are a problem too. 

2010-04-27 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
My weakness as far as food goes I have a sweet tooth and do love a good pastry or twelve.When speaking of triathlon I used to believe my weakness was the swim but I have come to realize consistent 2 minute hundreds will get me out of the water OK. My weakness is the run.Funny thing I ran a 5k this weekend and placed 3rd in my age group. I wasn't fast I ran a 32:34, I think the weather kept all of the fast people away.On an even cooler note, after th race I won a drawing for a free pair of brooks running shoes
2010-04-28 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2821628

SW Ontario
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
My weakness is definitely the run.  My game plan for my tri in June, based on last years results, I am hoping to be in the top 15 (of 80 or 90) coming out of the water and then watch a handful of people pass me on the bike and then watch a parade of people pass me on the run ending with me finishing MOP.

When it comes to food, my wife has introduced me to the evil world of chocolate covered jubes...Nothing like a big pile of sugar coated with more sugar...
2010-05-01 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Is anyone out there?
2010-05-01 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2830518


Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Yes, I'm out here and kinda wondering the same thing.  Maybe everyone is just too busy training to post...
I've got my first sprint tri coming up in two weeks...I'm ready to get to it!  I've been training steadily for just 5 months but have made big improvements in fitness.  I've recently switched to the Olympic training plan for my first Oly in July...that's my big race for this year.  What's up everyone?  Where you at?  Training, hiding, backsliding?
2010-05-01 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2830565

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Yesh I am alive! I dont know, maybe everyone is really shy to talk?...just a guess. training for me has been kind of slow, the weather is super crappy. I am also getting ready for a camping trip. you know, making a list of all the things i need, dont need, dont have, need to buy.

good luck on your sprint let us know how you do... i got mine in july.

2010-05-02 11:25 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
I will be ramping up the training this week to try to get myself mentally prepared for my sprint on the 16th.  THe last time I got this close I blew out my knee.  Hopefully this time I will get to compete and finally be a true triathlete
2010-05-02 11:26 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Oh Ryan, ever try a guiness float? combination of two of your weaknesses!!
2010-05-03 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2769926

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Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
Sorry, I've been MIA the past couple of days.  New topic for discussion,  What are you focusing on in your training?  Also, what have you found that works and doesn't work to improve that aspect of the sport?
2010-05-03 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2769926

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Menglo's Mentoring Group - Closed
sorry i've been away for a while.  just got back from Warrior Dash Texas.  it was awesome and we all got really muddy/drunk!  if you have a Warrior Dash event in your area i highly recommend it!!!

right now i'm going to continue to focus on swimming but now that the summer is here, i'll be working instead of going to school.  i'm going to have to change up my normal training schedule.  we'll see how it goes.
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