BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Heather's Women Only Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-02-15 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3353891

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hmmm chocolate so good I enjoyed, to much of that and a lovely day of doing nothing yesterday. Happy Valentines day everyone. Today well head out a for a run sometime today its gorgeous winter day out.

2011-02-15 11:35 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Competition sounds good! We may want to have different categories since a lot of us are training for different distance events. Can't wait to see what you come up with Heather.
2011-02-16 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3357219

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
How about we do amount of time thing and give the new new newbies a head start of like a free hour for example. As we want everyone training to remain safe but we all want a fair chance to win.
2011-02-17 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
I like the idea, but why dont we do something like, take the times and distances from jan and feb, average them and then challange our selves to do more. this way everyone is challanged on their own level. who ever has the greatest % more of time and distance from march on, could be the "winner". "winner" could be weekly or monthly. 

a sailing club i crewed with set up their races like this, this way, as with all the sail boats were differant sizes and classes, everybody had a fair shot at the bragging rights of the win.

kind of like, all of us are coming from differant levels, from firtness, age, and raceing level.

2011-02-20 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hi everybody! I'm back from the sick room... it was a long haul out of that flu I had last weekend, but I'm pleased to say that I actually did a 35 minute bike ride on my trainer in the basement. For which I am most grateful!

I ordered some winter tights, so I would be able to run outside and get off the treadmill, but we just got slammed with about 8 inches of snow this afternoon. sigh. Winter has been relentless this year. I just shoveled, so that with my little bike ride, I feel like I might be getting back into the swing of things. How is everyone else doing? Looks like we are getting to be a smaller group now - Nicky, Jackie and Meg - are we the group now?


Edited by bakerswife 2011-02-20 6:06 PM
2011-02-20 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
glad your feeling better.
i'm still here. i have my first indoor tri next weekend. haven't had much time on a bike, i'm hoping that dose not bit me to bad. but i'm doing more running this year to counter it. i'm glad the bike portion is one of the easier sections for me.

hope everyone is doing well.

2011-02-21 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3364401

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
megan_four - 2011-02-20 7:37 PM glad your feeling better.
i'm still here. i have my first indoor tri next weekend. haven't had much time on a bike, i'm hoping that dose not bit me to bad. but i'm doing more running this year to counter it. i'm glad the bike portion is one of the easier sections for me.

hope everyone is doing well.

Meg- I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines here! Do you follow a specific plan for your tri training? I started off with this C25K program for the run, and now I'm just trying to figure out how to structure my training to include all the other parts. Up to now, I just swim or bike when I'm not running/walking, but I don't have a Plan (with a capital P).

2011-02-21 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3364961

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Mary - the tri i'm doing is a set time. 15 min for the swim, bike, run. so for the swim I'm doing a split with the training, one part speed, one part distance, and now that I'm a week out I will do 15 min sets, so i can get use to the time and what my pace needs to be to get the distance I want. my goal this year is 800+ for the 15 min swim, the bike distance depends on how they set it up, and the run is always no stopping and 1.5+ this year I'm trying for closer to 2mi.

though this year I'm staying at my mom's place so I don't get to train on my bike as much as prior years. but i do walk/run now 3-4x a week unlike prior years.

so I would say set a time/distace goal, and play with it. so try adding some time trials and speed drills to your workout. today my bf and i did 10x50 on the 1:10, gave us ample time to rest with out getting lazy. try to set your goals close to your max, but not at your max. this way by your final set your having to work hard to make it. also starting tomarrow I will throw on drag shorts for my 15 min swim sets, just to make it more of a challange, but on race day, to get where I want to be won't take as much effort, and make me a bit faster.

hope this helps. will let you guys know how I do when I get home sat.

Edited by megan_four 2011-02-21 5:06 PM
2011-02-21 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey ladies!  I'm still in it too!!  I am working out 5 days a week on my best weeks and 3-4 days a week when things are crazy hectic.  This is my first olympic triathlon, so I am not going for a PR, I just want to be able to say I am doing it.  The competition is within me.  However, I am competitive, so I do like to see how I am doing compared to others.  I am following a training plan I found on here.  3-4 days a week I do 2 things - swimming/biking, etc.  It seems to be working out so far.  I am loving how I am feeling!  I hope y'all are feeling as fantastic!!  Have an awesome week!!
2011-02-21 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
I am still around! I didn't do too much in the last 2 weeks because I have had a house full of family from out of town and they didn't exactly want to train with me, but I didn't my hardest ride ever today and cannot wait for my first tri in about a month. I know I'll finish I am just curious to see how much better than that I will actually do, plus then I will have a lot to build on. 
2011-02-22 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3366214

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
hey I am glad to see almost everyone is still here. We can do this Im doing this with a teething baby so i dont see any excuses lol. Excited for your race megan let me know how it goes. My traing isnt really scheduled yet.....gotta get some kinda schedule. Lots of time on my brand new bike( love that bike) and some running. Need to get to the pool but i am a fish, need to get a babysitter. Should be allright since my big race is in september 2011 wasaga beach olympic, which is my first olympic omg....what am i thinking lol. well everyone goodluck 

2011-02-22 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Yeah - i'm so glad to have everyone still here! I was afraid that people had drifted away, but I can see everyone has just been BUSY! Finintn - i am totally with you on the benefits of this training thing. I never really thought I'd ever do anything like this, but slowly plugging away at it and I feel so much stronger - even just walking to the bus or climbing stairs. I'm loving it too!

Not sure if any of you are in the midwest - we got slammed with some serious snow this past week. On track for one of the snowiest winters ever. Sigh. I keep imagining how nice it will be to run and bike in the out of doors. Some people do that here - even thru this kind of winter, but I've not got up that much gumption.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week of training!

2011-02-26 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey ladies! I'm still here. Remember if u havean immediate question youneed answered send me a private message! I get those as an email and I'll respond right way. I'm going to look through your suggestions todayand we'll come up with a game planfor a contest!
2011-02-26 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
well first tri of the year is done. not biking did bit me a bit. but this is how i did:
all 15 mins, with 5 min trans (set time)
swim:725 yards  felt good didnt push to much
bike:4.46 miles recumbent bike. level 6 average rpm 100/110 not bad was feeling some burn
run: 1.45 mile on tredmill flat. i need to run more. but didn't feel like i was going to die, so that was good.

didn't place, but didn't drownd, puke, or pass out. so a good day. have my second tri in two weeks. should see some improvement.

hope all of you are having a good weekend.

Edited by megan_four 2011-02-26 5:32 PM
2011-02-26 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3373777

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
yahoo you did it. How do you feel. Thats kind of weird triathlon but sounds really good for newbies. Its kinda hard to tell how you really did since it not like a regular race where you get cool feeling of passing people. Do you get a print out on how you did. Hope you had a great time.
2011-02-27 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
well the results are in for my first tri for the year....I came in 4th for my age group female 30-39.

2011-02-27 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3374200

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
thats awesome congrats
2011-02-27 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3374200

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
megan_four - 2011-02-27 9:54 AMwell the results are in for my first tri for the year....I came in 4th for my age group female 30-39.
WowMegan that is so great!!!You must be feeling pretty good!M
2011-02-28 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Way to go Megan!!! That has to motivate you a ton for your next event!
2011-02-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Motivational Monday!
What does everybody have planned for the week? What are your goals?

I started taking master's swim class back up today. I'm definitely going to check out our new computrainer this week. I'd like to get a few runs in outside. We're still snow covered and teens to 20's for temps so it just depends on what the whether does.

I haven't figured out a way to have a contest that would work for everyone. I think if you set a goal on Monday for something you'd like to accomplish for the week we can hold everyone accountable to it? That might work just as well.
2011-03-01 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
new PB!!! I dropped 15 sec off my 50!(in the last two weeks)

2011-03-01 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3377098

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
I'm going to get my swims in. And i will last for one hour once a week on the trainer. Get more organized with my training.
2011-03-01 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Rolled my ankle today and it is swollen and black and blue, kinda bummed since my first tri is 18 days away. Hopefully that I can at least participate even if I don't run. 
2011-03-02 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3378440

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
ice, ice, ice! ace wrap. anti-inflamitory. tape.

im not going to admitt how many times i've jacked up my ankle (to many).

once it starts feeling better look at taping it. it will give you stability, yet not be as bulky as an ace wrap

this is close to how i wrap my ankle. hope it helps.

Edited by megan_four 2011-03-02 6:27 AM
2011-03-03 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
How's the week going for everybody? I'm tired today! Super tired...swimming is a major energy suck for me!
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