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2007-06-25 6:57 AM
in reply to: #858183

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
luhitech - 2007-06-25 7:49 AM
I need to find a scale to weigh in on today... but with the amout of Barley/Hops/Grain water (aka, beer) I consumed yesterday, I'm hoping I just stay at the 312 mark... have a good week all!

I am with you! Weekends are always so tough! My weight is not my number priority anymore, but my body just lets me know when I had a bit too much. Unfortunately, it now appears that "too much" is a lot less than it used to be!!!

2007-06-25 5:09 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Great job on the weigh-in!  According to the CDC, I need to weigh 190 to be considered "normal" BMI.  6'2" and I need to weigh 190?  Yeah right!  LOL!
2007-06-28 8:13 AM
in reply to: #817702

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Checking in to see how everyone is doing!

Week is going well for me, and I had the chance to run TWICE with my wife, which was very cool. I pushed her a bit last night, and she hated me for it, but was all smiles in the pool afterwards!

Bill, don't get freak over the darn BMI. I also 6'2", and sometimes shaking my head at the 190 lbs mark to get in to "normal". Heck my BF% is at 12%!!!! But then again, I am flirting with the 190 lbs mark, so I guess it will satisfy everyone! All I know is that if I go sub 190, I will have lost more than 90 lbs in a year!!
2007-06-28 9:18 PM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hey Bill, My name is Bill too. I figure its fate for our "hook-up" to begin. I'd like to join your group if an opening still exists. Started training for my first Event 1 1/2 months ago after watching my son complete his first Oly at Lake San Antonio, California. Like you I'm also a big guy, (6'2" 230 lbs) and am facinated by the concept of training for endurance sport after competing in Division 1 football in college. I've always been a good athlete, racquetball, surfing, golf and weight training but never really put running, biking and swiming together. I joined Beginner Triathlete after my son suggested I get some coaching advice. Frankly I've been a little hesitate to join a forum (it makes me too accountable) and have just been training utilizing some of the workouts I downloaded thru the website. My first Sprint distance tri is Aug 11, I have a total of 3 scheduled before the end of September. Hope that is an acceptable initial bio, let me know if a spot in your group is available and then we can chat some more. Have about 13,300 questions! Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Bill (Boneboy)
2007-06-29 12:58 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Nipomo, CA
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hey all,
How do i join your group???? Actually, i am the son of Boneboy. The much better looking of the two I should add. Ha Ha I got into triathlon just after the turn of the new year. Here is my story. I used to play pro football and train all the time. But after my playing days i went into med school and lost the motivation to workout. Never seemed to have a real goal when i entered the gym like i did when I was playing.
One day i got challenged to a spin class and it literally kicked my butt. I was hooked. I began spinning 3 days a week and felt great. Unlike football training when it is all about getting as big and strong and fast as you can i actually felt good.
Then one day a guy in my class told me of a thing called triathlon. I told him I hated to run!! Running was a thing that was done to us as punishment in football. I totally despised it!!
Being a fairly large QB in my day, I was 250 kinda Daunte Culpepper like size, i was totally against all forms of runnning.
However the more and more i read about triathlon the more and more a challenge it seemed to me. I am in chiropractic college right now and also do personal training along with school. So I sat down and devised a plan to do this thing called TRIATHLON.
Un be known to me i entered the WILDFLOWER tri last May. I gave myself 6 months to train for it and followed my plan to a T! Everyone said it was one of the hardest tri's around, but i didn't know the difference, so I guess ignorance is bliss. My fiance, who is very supportive of my training and all the time devoted to this wild sport, went down with me to Lake San Antonio and so did my parents.
I totally freaked out before the race once i saw the long open water swim course. Which is kinda funny because i have played in front of over 100,000 plus in football. Yet in football, there is no water to drown in and no long course to crash a bike on, Not to mention a dusty run after.
Well, i finished..... that was my goal! Now i am totally hooked and spend every minute obsessed with trying to get leaner and in better shape. I went from 256 to 230 for the last tri and now I am going to get below 215.
Hope i can add to your group.
2007-06-29 2:50 PM
in reply to: #817702

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hi there to both of you. I am also new to this group (a few weeks). Bill as a weird schedule and is not always around, so don't worry.

It's nice to hang around here and share tips and advice. Must of us are newbies... and enjoying the heck out of it.

Make sure to put your workouts in your logs. I love to drop by and leave some "inspirations". I will add you to my friends lists for sure!

2007-06-29 9:13 PM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Welcome boneboy and beaupierce, this is shaping up to be a great group. I am excited to have two more to be accountable too. I am training for my first triathalon, September 1 Lake Las Vegas. Some great information and inspiration to be found here. I've been somewhat MIA lately as I am moving and work is busy right now, but no excuses I miss the fellas when I dont at least log on and read what is happening. Speaking of which I need to update my logs.

Bill, the mentor of our group is chalk full of knowledge and by reading your bios I am sure to learn from you two also.

I went bike shopping this week, after I get moved and settled I am going to buy a road bike (I have been riding a mountain bike about 10 miles a day) I cant wait to get a road bike. I have been looking hard at the Trek 1000. Anyone got any input on that bike??? I test rode it and like how "sturdy" it feels under this 230lb body. The local bike store here are frequented by triathaletes, and I got some good feedback there.

Started using Cytomax preformance and recovery drinks, seems to be helping especially in A.M. workouts. Got it online at All Sports Nutrition.

Anyway, welcome new guys, and hello to Kevin, Joshua and The Big Sexy, May you swim like a dolphin, ride like Lance and Run like the wind.


God Bless

2007-06-29 10:23 PM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hey Tom, Brian (and you too ) Beau, what a strange yet interesting group! Maybe I'm not the best looking of you guys but I'm probably the oldest (53), like my son Beau I'm hooked on Triathlon too. If I have a problem it's probably that I overtrain, I swam 1250 today, saw 51 patients (10 hour day) and am already thinking about the "brick" I've got scheduled for tomorrow. I anticipate a ride of about 25 miles and a run of 4 miles. I'm a newbie and although I've trained very aggressively for other types of sports this endurance stuff has got me really fired up. An update on where I'm at: (Swim) I was a lifeguard and WSI (water safety instructor) in high school and college also very active as a swimmer wth the Boy Scouts too (mile swim, swimming and lifesaving merit badges...) but hell guys that was 40 years ago. I got back into the pool about 6 weeks ago, purchased the book Total Immersion and have been doing the drills and swims 3x a week since. It's really helping (see my workout logs) but I still feel like the swim will be the toughest part of my first triathlon in August. (Bike) I love my bike, got really lucky and found a used Trek 5200 all carbon bike about 8 months ago and have been riding with my local "roadies" doing 30--50 milers 1-2x a week. They have taught me a ton when it comes to technique and ettiquete on the road. The only problem is that at 230 it is tough to not get dropped by a bunch of 150 lbers when the hills come. I'm getting much stronger and can hang with most of them now but will probably never really be a pack leader. They are "purists" and think that doing a Tri is crazy, I just laugh and keep hammering with them anyway. I think they accept me because I'm a Sports Injury Orthopedist and Chiropractor and if they ever meet the pavement they may need my services! (Run) I've had a compound tib/fib fx of my right leg, and a triad injury (ACL, Meniscus and medial collateral ligament tears) on the same side (1970 & 1974) since that time the knee has severely degenerated and is severely arthritic. It hurts like hell to run and blows up after even shorts runs. I can run with a support brace and am increasing my distance with training but in reality will probably have to run/walk my sprint event in August. Who cares, my goal is to just finish my first one. I'm impressed with each of your bios, Bryan, have you really lost 90 lbs? How did you do it, I'd like to drop about 15-20 more to be at my peak. Tom it sounds like you are a grinder, and even though you are a big guy I can't help but think that you've taken the first step to realizing your goals by starting Tri training. And Beau, well as usual you are just full of a bunch of Bullshit... just kidding guys. I couldn't be blessed with a better kid, and he's the one responsible for turning me on to this crazy sport. I have a ton of additional questions but will hold off as topics come up in the group. Looking foward to watching each of you progress. In closing the one thing I think that I'm most impressed about with triathlon is that people are unselfish and really care about the success of others in the sport. Unlike the competitive world of professional athletics we are competing with ourselves not each other. I love and appreciate how everyone pulls for each other and want you each to know that my goal is to pull for each of you with encouragement, advice and prayers as you work to achieve your goals.
2007-07-01 7:14 AM
in reply to: #866899

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Kennesaw, GA.
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Welcome aboard Boneboy and Beau. It is good to have you with us. This is a good group of guys that we have here. I hope that everyone's training is going well.
2007-07-01 6:38 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!

Welcome aboard fellas!  How's everyone's week coming along?  I raced last week and have another one coming up on the 8th.

I started taking Hoodia, because I caved in to the 1435th email from Oprah saying it worked.  Dropped 3 pounds this week.  It really does take the hunger away; go figure.

Still dealing with the hectic schedule of a teacher in summer trying to pay bills so I continue to struggle with sticking to a pre-scheduled training plan.  Since I've only got sprints for the rest of the season, I'm trying to hang in with 5-6 hours of training each week. 

Edited by The Mac 2007-07-01 6:42 PM
2007-07-01 6:49 PM
in reply to: #866899

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Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!

Boneboy - 2007-06-29 11:23 PM Hey Tom, Brian (and you too ) Beau, what a strange yet interesting group! Maybe I'm not the best looking of you guys but I'm probably the oldest (53), like my son Beau I'm hooked on Triathlon too. If I have a problem it's probably that I overtrain, I swam 1250 today, saw 51 patients (10 hour day) and am already thinking about the "brick" I've got scheduled for tomorrow. I anticipate a ride of about 25 miles and a run of 4 miles. I'm a newbie and although I've trained very aggressively for other types of sports this endurance stuff has got me really fired up. An update on where I'm at: (Swim) I was a lifeguard and WSI (water safety instructor) in high school and college also very active as a swimmer wth the Boy Scouts too (mile swim, swimming and lifesaving merit badges...) but hell guys that was 40 years ago. I got back into the pool about 6 weeks ago, purchased the book Total Immersion and have been doing the drills and swims 3x a week since. It's really helping (see my workout logs) but I still feel like the swim will be the toughest part of my first triathlon in August. (Bike) I love my bike, got really lucky and found a used Trek 5200 all carbon bike about 8 months ago and have been riding with my local "roadies" doing 30--50 milers 1-2x a week. They have taught me a ton when it comes to technique and ettiquete on the road. The only problem is that at 230 it is tough to not get dropped by a bunch of 150 lbers when the hills come. I'm getting much stronger and can hang with most of them now but will probably never really be a pack leader. They are "purists" and think that doing a Tri is crazy, I just laugh and keep hammering with them anyway. I think they accept me because I'm a Sports Injury Orthopedist and Chiropractor and if they ever meet the pavement they may need my services! (Run) I've had a compound tib/fib fx of my right leg, and a triad injury (ACL, Meniscus and medial collateral ligament tears) on the same side (1970 & 1974) since that time the knee has severely degenerated and is severely arthritic. It hurts like hell to run and blows up after even shorts runs. I can run with a support brace and am increasing my distance with training but in reality will probably have to run/walk my sprint event in August. Who cares, my goal is to just finish my first one. I'm impressed with each of your bios, Bryan, have you really lost 90 lbs? How did you do it, I'd like to drop about 15-20 more to be at my peak. Tom it sounds like you are a grinder, and even though you are a big guy I can't help but think that you've taken the first step to realizing your goals by starting Tri training. And Beau, well as usual you are just full of a bunch of Bullshit... just kidding guys. I couldn't be blessed with a better kid, and he's the one responsible for turning me on to this crazy sport. I have a ton of additional questions but will hold off as topics come up in the group. Looking foward to watching each of you progress. In closing the one thing I think that I'm most impressed about with triathlon is that people are unselfish and really care about the success of others in the sport. Unlike the competitive world of professional athletics we are competing with ourselves not each other. I love and appreciate how everyone pulls for each other and want you each to know that my goal is to pull for each of you with encouragement, advice and prayers as you work to achieve your goals.

I don't know what it is about roadies that I can't stand, but as soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know.    Remind your buddies that Lance was a tri guy before he became a "purist".

It's definitely easy to get overzealous about training due to the excitement of trying something new.  I say listen to your body and know when to say when.  It may help to adhere to a tri training program although you may have to be disciplined to follow it and stop when it says to stop.  I'm in the camp of letting people experiment and try it their own way.  Tri training is not unlike everything else in life; there is no right way or wrong way, only your way which inevitably has to be the right way.  But I wax philosphical...

Just ask questions and have fun!

Edited by The Mac 2007-07-01 6:53 PM

2007-07-02 10:11 AM
in reply to: #868034

Land of Make Believe
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
just checking in from the great white north.... where it is like 60 degrees outside... we start back to home in texas on thursday with a couple stops along the way... training has been spotty at best... but I got out for another run today... going to start working on putting my future training schedule into my log today building up towards my nov. 11 event... I'd call it a race, if I thought I was competing against someone other than my 300+ lb. self great that we filled out the group! and welcome to the new members!

2007-07-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Nipomo, CA
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
I got a couple of questions guys..
First add do you add each other to your logs? Meaning how do i go about and have access to all of your training logs? I would love to see how each of you log your days/workouts. Maybe i could get some more tips from reading your stuff.
Second, who has aerobars on their bikes? I have a fuji finest and am looking to get some on my bike. anyboody got any advice? Where to get them cheapest? types??
2007-07-02 11:42 PM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hey Beau, you can get access to the logs of each of the guys by clicking the icon marked logs underneath their comments box. I'm having my aerobars installed Thursday, we are going to try several styles to see whats fits my riding position and flexibility on the bike. I'm told that as my flexibility improves then bars which allow better aerodynamics can be utilized. I want to be comfortable on the bike even if I have to sacrifice some aerodynamic efficiency. Also I am told that they can close down your ability to breathe well so a good , comfortable fit is essential. I'm currently riding pretty well in the drops with my regular handlebars but think I'll be more comfortable in the long run with aerobars. Also remember that unlike riding with the roadies where we draft, form echelons and pace lines. We cannot draft in Tri competition. I'd be afraid to ride close to other riders with the aerobars because mine will not have gears or brakes on them. I'm still interesed in hearing more from the rest of the group about their individual successes with weight loss and training. I don't want to slow my ability to train hard by decreasing my carlorie and carb consumption too much yet still want to work toward losing about 20 lbs over the next 4-6 months. Have read Mark Verstegen's book on Endurance Performance Training, he advocates balanced nutrition w/ frequent smaller meals. I'm unfortunately a big eater and have difficulty with portion control, regretably that is probably my biggest obstacle with losing more weight. A note on bikes, I was lucky enought to find a used Trek 5200 all carbon bike (the model Armstrong used in his next to last Tour win) and I would encourage each of you (if you are serious about racing) to look for a carbon framed bike. More and more can be found at decreasing prices and I know that mine makes me perform at a level much higher then my ability. Riding 50-60 miles at an 18 mph average is not difficult on that frame. Hope that training is going well for each of you.
2007-07-03 10:27 AM
in reply to: #817702

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Nipomo, CA
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
ya let me tell you a few things about carbon bikes!! First off, I have a aluminum frame and have ridden carbon not too long ago and found it to be way better. Actually I rode my dad's bike over christmas break and was astonished at how fast and smooth a carbon frmae is compared to my alum.
so if you are looking for a bike make sure it is carbon!
2007-07-03 10:30 AM
in reply to: #870414

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
You can also had us as "friends" on your log page. It makes checking things out easy. You can add/remove friends in your "display settings" page. There is a tab called "friends"

2007-07-03 10:33 AM
in reply to: #817702

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Boneboy - saw your note asking about my 90 lbs weight loss. I am bit in crunch mode at work today, but I will write some details tomorrow. I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary anyways, so it will be a nice wrap-up thing to write anyways!
2007-07-03 5:43 PM
in reply to: #817702

Land of Make Believe
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
bryan I look forward to your story... I started back in may and have dropped 26 doing mostly weightwatchers... I am on the tail end of vacation with the inlaws so eating the right things has been a challange... hey, its vacation!... I do look forward to getting back to eating correctly again... I did rifle off 28 miles on the bike today in 2 hours... with a 30 minute pitstop for a couple of cold ones with my father in law
2007-07-03 6:33 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!

Hi, Bryan (I like the posts I've seen you put up on other threads, and am also looking forward to your story on this one), Joshua, Beau, Bill the BeauDad, Bill The Mac, Kevin, and Tom:

I sent Mac the following PM--which he so kindly responded to in the affirmative--and figure it would be good as an introduction, since I am keen on crashing the delightful party you have going on:

"Once in a while I see messages pop up on your group's thread saying there are still two spots open--I've read all the posts and looked at training logs and I hope I'd be a good fit--until recently I would have been a Clydesdale myself (except now I'm an Athena). I certainly could use everyone's help, am willing to give and listen whatever I can, and uh, maybe you guys might want a token chick?"

Thanks for all of your posts and the good stuff I've seen in your logs.



2007-07-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Hey Yan, welcome aboard. It's wonderful to have a "woman's prespective" as part of the group. Venice, Calif... I'm in Santa Maria (about 2 1/2 hrs north), lots of training opportunities along the beach! Have you raced or previously participated in Tri's before. I'm a newbie, first race is August 11th. I can't wait, I have 2 others scheduled thereafter. Still trying to figure out this mult-sport thing. Looking at your logs you seem like a hard worker, and I'd like to read about your fitness and heath story. We are a new group but I sense that each of us cares about how everyone else is doing. Let me know if I can be of any assistance to you (even with my limited experience). One problem though..... I love to play golf!
2007-07-04 9:22 AM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Yan, Opps after the last post I found your race long. Congratulations on finishing the Danskin! I understand that you are a strong swimmer, I'll have many questions for you as I've recently just returned to the water and am trying to "relearn" how to move efficently through that medium. Again weclome, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

2007-07-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
As you can tell my spellchecker hasn't had its cup of coffee this morning...........
2007-07-04 12:59 PM
in reply to: #817702

Aylmer, Qc
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
YES!!! First swim workout is now history. And it went well. More details in my log.
2007-07-04 5:23 PM
in reply to: #817702

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!

Woo-hoo, way to go Bryan!!!  Isn't it great to have that purple bar in your log?  Here's to many more.  Myself, I was drooling over your :50 10K time ... in my dreams.

Thanks for the warm welcomes, Mac and Boneboy.

Here's the story:

86-92 competitive AG / foreign national team swimmer
[94-02 competitive beer/boys/biology major ... EIGHT YEARS of B.S. ]
95-96 nationally ranked badminton player
97-01 several national/world championship titles in sport karate

Started to gain a lot of weight, partly beer, partly to be "light" person in heavyweight divisions, mostly self-destruction and some ill-advised coaching/management. Snowballed.  By the time the below happened, no longer competing, hardly training, had topped out north of 240 lbs. ... and I'm 5' 4".

2001: broke L4-L5 vertebrae in lumbar spine and blew the disk out. Intense PT for a year to avoid surgery. Lost some weight there, lost rest in more self-destruction, 180lbs by 2002.  Weight swings between 170-195 until now.

2004: against all logic signed up and finished a charity marathon.

2005: Repeated above.  Against all logic also signed up and finished a sprint reverse triathlon (learned to ride a bike the week before). Today, still have bike with cruiser bars and still don't know gears.

2006: Repeated above (no tris).

2007 (so far): 1 marathon, 1 sprint tri, training for first Oly in September, another marathon in November.

Although I'm now sober and in good shape, I still really struggle with the weight.  I would love to be around 170 for the Oly and anything under that for the mary.

Thank you all again for your personal stories and inspiration.  Lord knows I need it! 

2007-07-04 10:14 PM
in reply to: #817702


Subject: RE: The Mac's training group - OPEN for 2 more people!
Bryan, good job in the pool. It is intimidating to go to that different environment and try something new, especially when (at least at the pool I swim at) there are swim teams always practicing, man, I swear those kids fly (I think they all have webbed toes!). Anyway congrats on your first effort, 50's w/ 1 minute rest is really good. When I started back I did 25's and the lifeguard had O2 for me between lengths. I'm certainly not the swimmer Yan is but what has helped me was to 1) try to remain as horizontal as possible in the water (head down, good hip rotation) and 2) to relax and not fight the motion of swimming. Believe it or not, it gets easier. I really look forward to my H2O workouts now. They provide a nice change of pace from the tough running and biking routines. How's everyone else doing, have a great 4th and don't forget to pray for the safety of our guys and gals in uniform.
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