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2007-01-17 9:23 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

The high level answer is you train the mind the same way you train the body.  

I have heard it said that claiming to be a realist is a euphemistic way of saying you are a pessimist.  I have read another description that was excellent but I can't find it right now and would not want misrepresent it. 

I think that as a realist, you need to look at what you believe you can accomplish and set the bar there.  Work towards that goal and then build from there.  It would take the accomplishment of many smaller goals to make great strides.  Telling yourself "I'm strong" is accurate - YOU ARE.  Your mind can believe that because it knows that your body is strong.  Your body just has to convince your mind that it can run strong too.  That is an improvement over much of the other self talk.  Basically just get your mind and body to listen to what you tell it and tell the negative to SHUT UP. 

2007-01-18 8:28 AM
in reply to: #629940

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St. Louis metro east , clinton co Il
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Ok I thought I would throw out another question... While I am at work ( btw I work 24 hrs shifts) I have a small number of execises that I do. I am loking for new ones that would help. I'm having a brain block on thinking new ones up. Their is limited equipment and most of the time limited time.. I'm not looking to be sweating like a horse ( cause the older folks notice and will point it out if I stink). Any ideas would be helpful. I just cant think of any besides the stairs and crunches for some reason. Thanks guys

oh and the swimming is starting to come along..feeling more comfortable in the water.. I hope to be in the pool at least 3X next week .. is any other drill I should add on?
2007-01-18 3:43 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Not sure about what to add weight wise since you're already doing lat pull downs, seated row, leg extensions, etc. In the water, are you doing side-kicking drills? I think it's one of the TI drills. That would be your next step from me. Push offs, push off w/kick, side kick on your left side with your left arm extended. Your ear should be in the water, your head should be tight against your left shoulder. Your right arm is lying straight down your right side with your hand resting on your right hip. Your mouth and nose should be out of the water. Roll your entire body more toward the ceiling if you are taking in water. Do this for one length, then switch sides. If you're kick isn't effective enough to go for one length, you can practice widths (if possible at your pool) or try fins. BEWARE: Fins are very addictive. It is easy to become dependent on them!!! Let me know if you're already doing these. My next step after side kick would be some breathing practice on a kickboard. Gotta go cook dinner now but I'll check in later. I am a strong cook like I am a strong runner (Practicing my mental training).

2007-01-18 5:00 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Alright.  What's for dinner Pam?

One thought I had for other things to do at work was pushups, but looks like you can get most of your strength training done.  

Stretching is extremely beneficial.  Anything you can do to improve your flexibility will aid your comfort and your physical well being.  And that is low impact - your co-workers shouldn't "complain"


2007-01-18 7:37 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
We had ham, green beans and squash casserole. DH wanted to re-eat the holidays I guess cuz he requested the casserole when I told him I was going to do ham. Now cooking and eating I like. (Probably waaay too much!)

2007-01-23 9:09 PM
in reply to: #629940


Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Hi All,
I've been quiet as I've had some family emergencies to deal with (my father was seriously ill) but he is recovering now and I am home and hope to get back on track tomorrow with my training. I did buy the book Scott recommended - great tips for beginning triathletes!


2007-01-24 1:31 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
I slept only 4 hours last Sunday and 5 on Monday. I was amazed how low my energy was during the swimming and running the following days! I will try to arrange to sleep at least 7 hours from now on, if the children (3) allow!

2007-01-24 7:27 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Laura, glad you're back and your dad is ok. Helmuth, how was the ocean? My hubby has a fever, body aches, etc. Hoping it's a bad cold and not the flu. Trying to keep the rest of the family unit healthy. Insider trading tip: Buy stock in hand-sanitizer and Lysol. We're probably bumping up their profits.

2007-01-26 9:49 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Swimming in the ocean was an interesting experience. Since the salty water is more dense, you float better, so I could move forward more easily. The only tricky part was to go through the part where the waves are breaking. I switched to breast stroke in this part and went UNDER the braking waves. Otherwise, the waves just move you up and down quite gently.

I started using a nose clip recently, that was a great help. I do not like sea water moving in the back of my throat.

Sometimes I started thinking about Jaws (the movie)!, but when I did not see any triangular shape circling around I smiled and continued swimming.

It was a nice experience actually!

Hope you and the rest of your family stay healthy.
2007-01-30 8:38 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Hope everyone is doing well.  I am excited to get started on 2007 but at the same time struggling against the inertia of the last month.

Check out the challenges in "Challenge Me"

One is going to be a "let's grow gills"  Target how many days you will get in the water each week and see what kind of improvement you can have in stroke count/speed over the course of the month.

Looks like another will be a combination Bike/Run challenge.

They help with accountability and are a fun way to get to know others on the site. 

2007-02-03 9:39 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

January has come and gone.  I hope you had time to take stock of what worked and figure out how to improve, remedy, correct what didn't.  February is a new month, and time to start afresh with the training goals.  Races are coming closer and at least for me, it is time to start building for the season ahead.

Have a great month everyone. 

2007-02-05 6:27 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Hello, everyone. Wow. I can't believe that this is my last race-free month. I'm suffering in the weight room trying to build as much strength as possible in about 4 weeks. Last year, this paid off in the form of faster bike splits. I'm still plugging away at running. Starting to do a tiny bit of speed work in preparation for my upcoming 10K. Still mainly focusing on long slow distance. And I'm enjoying my swims and playing with my new bike. How's everyone else coming along? Keep at it because race season is coming up fast!

2007-02-06 7:23 AM
in reply to: #629940

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St. Louis metro east , clinton co Il
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
well things are getting better for me too. keeping my weight down and eating a lot healthier ( those are the main things). My first duathlon is at the end of march and I cant wait. There might be a run between now and then its if my schedule at work would allow it. My swimming is starting to take shape (very slowly). The guard even stopped watching me all the time. my bike will be my strongest part and with a few new additions is more comfortable and easier to ride. my run will be my next strongest. I need to work on distance and time. At home it is hard to run with the little guy home , I don't want to leave him so it is easier to ride the trainer. Well for me its starting to come together. My first season I can't wait.
2007-02-07 12:38 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
I currently have a pain in my right hip. For this reason I have stopped running and cycling. It is only swimming for a couple of days. I hope I can recover from the hip pain quickly. I think I ran to fast for my age (I am 45) doing some intervals in a winding small road. Any suggestions on how to help my hip?

By the way, is there any food that helps you build stronger bones and articulations?


2007-02-07 11:05 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Great Pam and Brian!!!

As for the hip and food, I did a search and this came back.  Can't vouch for the research behind it but it should all be good for you.

Stronger bones, teeth, tissue and articulations: oats, yams, spinach, papaya, mangos, fatty fish, soy, tofu, and carrots. 


2007-02-08 9:53 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Everything in the list is yummy! So, I guess trying does not hurt.



2007-02-14 11:16 AM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Happy Valentines Day everybody.  Do something special for the loved ones in you life!!
2007-02-18 7:42 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Just a thought, as last week had Valentine's day in it.  As I am starting to build my base for 2007, I realized that I am working my training schedule to minimize the impact to my time with the kids.  What is getting short-changed is my time with my wife.  We realize that this is just a "season" we are going through, but still I must prioritize our time too. 
2007-02-24 3:33 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL I have been slacking off a little in the training. I know there are no excuses, but I had to study for the CPA exam. Now that I have completed the first section I can concentrate on training for the triathlon in May. (I promise not to schedule any more tests until after the first race is complete)

Just to keep everyone updated, I will begin training with a USAT coach on Monday. We will be meeting with a group every Monday (swim) and Saturday (bike/brick) and every other Wednesday (track).

I have been working out twice a week with a personal trainer doing core and endurance workouts. I am looking forward to adding the triathlon coach.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

2007-02-26 4:28 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Good for you on both the CPA and getting a coach. 
2007-02-26 6:42 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Lucky, lucky lady! Wish I had a coach!!!


2007-02-26 9:57 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
The training with the coach is offered through the Parks and Recreation Department near my house. We are fortunate to have Dana Lyons as a local and he trains local athletes, both professional and amateur. The training course is offered as a build up to the local sprint tri in May that I am registered for.

Our first night was AWESOME! We have 12 people enrolled in the training. The course covers the following: Monday - swim, Wednesday - run, Saturday - long bike/short run. Each Monday we also have a 30 min discussion on a topic relating to endurance sports.

Have a great week!

2007-03-01 11:41 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
That sound like a wonderful opportunity and a great way to get ready for that race in May.  Keep up the good work.
2007-03-03 3:22 PM
in reply to: #629940

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St. Louis metro east , clinton co Il
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL
Ok I have my first du coming up at the end of the month ... my training eh is not bad but is their anything that I maybe should be concentrating on for the next couple of weeks.. especially the final week before?
2007-03-04 3:42 PM
in reply to: #629940

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: JCJSC00's Group - FULL

Make sure you are fresh for the race.  Do train/workout the week before but don't set any endurance records that week.  Pay attention to your nutrition throughout the week and especially Friday lunch and supper as well as Saturday breakfast. 

Be aware of what you could need to run/ride in varied weather conditions.  Try and get all your stuff together the day before you are packing to travel.

Also take advantage of what they are offering.  The transition clinic sounds like it could present valuable information that would be a big benefit for the year ahead.  


Any other words of wisdom out there I am not thinking of right now?? 

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