BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever) Rss Feed  
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2021-03-31 6:37 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Well gang I have made up my mind and had help with the decision through day to day life. I will not be doing Texas 70.3 as I have not trained and in a lot of cases not had time to train. I also with my wife’s anger have decided to sell / trade my Tri bike for an XC or light Trail mountain bike. What I’ve decided would be best is to keep running and swimming while utilizing mountain bike trails while we camp or I have time to access them. I will also utilize a good in door training for it. With this I will be ready and able for road or trail events as well as Xterra off road triathlons. I have also found that there are a lot more long distance endurance mountain bike events than I ever imagined. My goal is to have everything in place and ready to roll at the start of April. I’ll keep those still here up to date with the process. I look forward to doing something similar but largely different

Hey Todd,

I'm interested on your thoughts as to the type of bike you'll use for Xterra. What do you look for?

2021-04-02 2:53 PM
in reply to: #5275466

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Overheard a several swimmers at the pool this am talking about the Galveston Tx Ironman event coming up on the 12th....they’ve been hard at it in the pool since late winter;

I just did my normal slow swim!!!
2021-05-01 11:14 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

It's been very quiet here. I hope everybody is okay.

I did my first 10 KM run this morning as part of a local running festival. Pleased to report that I was able to run non stop over a fairly hilly course in 1:11:32. This is the longest distance I've run.

How is everybody else doing? Any training in progress or events on the horizon?

2021-05-04 5:53 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Rod that’s awesome and a really good time. It’s obvious your are making big improvements in your run and overall endurance/ fitness.

I did a 10 K trail run during Easter and have another 10K run this Saturday in the hill country. Just like the last one I did the ranch I’m running at is less than 2 miles from the State Park where we are camping. I did get my XC bike (Santa Cruz Highball) and have loved it but this trip will only be the second weekend I’ve got to ride it on trails for any length of time. My work schedule is just killing me right now and trying to get my daughter through her last few months of High School and off to college isn’t helping either. I am going to try to attach a photo of my XC bike to this post and to answer your previous question they are lighter than a standard mountain bike and like a TT bike they have a geometry that is supposed to minimize fatigue and help with endurance for long rides.

5DB2B48E-730D-4FF2-B717-D084A7332D88.jpeg (203KB - 26 downloads)
2021-05-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hey Turtles!

Are we actually going to do this this year? I have just started up again and I deferred my CDA 70.3 to the new Washington 70.3 this September. Lot's of cob webs to break through.

2021-05-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: RockHead

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Welcome back. It’s very hit and miss in here right now, but I’m starting to have a little more time and able to actually do some things.

So the 10 K trail run this past weekend was difficult but beautiful (see pics) and fun. Learned some more lessons, need true trail shoes, more strength work, I don’t like trail running with a phone, and there is no such thing as a pace in trail running because the terrain dictates everything. I did the 6.83 mile run with almost 1400 feet of climbing in 1:31 for roughly mid way in my age group. I am really enjoying off road after the two races and it is a much different group. It has also been awesome to be able to make them a part of our camping weekends with anyone getting mad or it complicating things.

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2021-05-13 8:55 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
I'm a big fan of the Topo's for trail runners. I have the Ultra's. Check out REI. They have an awesome return policy and a lot of trial runners to choose from. I also love a large toe box for my trail runners (which Topo's have).

Glad to be back. Having a real hard time getting the motivation back to last years levels. I think I need to define a different reason for doing this besides the race, because that may not happen and I want to get through this training plan from start to finish. Just turned 50 this year and I want to get into good shape if nothing else.
2021-05-14 8:07 PM
in reply to: RockHead

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

All this talk & pics regarding trail running has raised my curiosity and I'm checking out some local events. Stay tuned.

Todd, Great looking bike. We don't have too many Santa Cruz here. The ones we do are top end, MTB with lots of shocks etc.

Rockhead, I'm a great believer in following a plan and there are a lot out there. Why not sign up for an event and customize a plan to suit your time availability and what will get you across the finish line.

2021-05-18 9:41 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Thanks Rod, I am signed up for the Washington 70.3 on 9/19. I do have a plan and like it. I just need to find some motivation to stick with it. After that rug pull last year I am having troubles really committing myself.

There is an Olympic triathlon in July close to where I live and I am thinking it would be a good ice breaker. Do you all see any issues with taking this race on as a training event? I have also signed up for some 10k trail runs to use as workouts and keep me interested throughout the summer. The one thing we have in Northwest Montana is trail runs.
2021-05-19 9:39 AM
in reply to: #5275523

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Good to see the 3 of you have been active!!! Pretty much status quo here for me; missed a few days activities due to a short trip and some weather. Hoping to get some outdoor swims in soon but the pool I use is uncertain if they’ll support that. We remain healthy and active-haven’t caught the “bug” to register for an event.

Hope all are well and doing good!!!
2021-05-20 6:24 AM
in reply to: RockHead

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Originally posted by RockHead

Thanks Rod, I am signed up for the Washington 70.3 on 9/19. I do have a plan and like it. I just need to find some motivation to stick with it. After that rug pull last year I am having troubles really committing myself.

There is an Olympic triathlon in July close to where I live and I am thinking it would be a good ice breaker. Do you all see any issues with taking this race on as a training event? I have also signed up for some 10k trail runs to use as workouts and keep me interested throughout the summer. The one thing we have in Northwest Montana is trail runs.

Rock, I believe that Olympic is at the perfect time and almost the same amount of time I did mine before my first 70.3. You have over a month after and it will show where you may need to put in a little more work. This is also long enough to work on your nutrition and hydration towards getting that worked out. I agree with signing up for small races to maintain the desire and motivation but am not sure I would do it with trail runs. We can get hurt at any time but you are way more likely to break a toe, roll or sprain an ankle, or get some weird injury on a trail. (I rolled my ankle twice at the last 10K, which did not do anything but certainly could have) I just really would not want to see you get a severe Sprain 4 weeks out after putting in all the work for your 70.3. That said, if it moves you and you know the extra risk and still want to do it then by all means do what makes you happy!

2021-05-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Thank you for the feedback. Excellent points. I have a 5k planned for this weekend (road race). I have been mainly doing my runs on a treadmill with a hill program (the entire run goes from 0 - 6% grades), so it will be interesting to see how my outdoor legs are feeling. I am going to replace my scheduled training run with the race and do my bike workout about 3 hours in front of the race on Zwift.

I think I am starting to get to the point where I left off last year for fitness and that is helping with the motivation quite a bit. My wife has also started to join me in my workouts so that has helped a lot. I am fortunate that both my sons are grown and want to have little to do with me now, so my family commitments are minimal with my wife going with me on workouts.

Hope everyone is staying active and healthy!
2021-06-06 9:21 AM
in reply to: #5276129

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hopefully a sign if things getting back to in 2 outdoor swims last week-the first since Aug 2019. Pool’s hours are a bit
later and all have to be screened before entering. Local restrictions coming to an end this week so perhaps that’ll end the screening as well.

Plenty of pool time; walk time; lifting time for me; yet no bike time.....mental block on that. Guess it’s good I’m not registered for an event. It does cross my mind occasionally but it's no more than a fleeting thought.....

Take care!
2021-07-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Still alive and kicking. This year will be the first, and hopefully only, two events that I will not start. Without too many details, this has been a rough year, physically speaking. I've started walking again, and managed 8mi on the bike Saturday.... then the wife tossed me the weedeater (ugh). Needless to say, I was wiped out. My 1st event was June 26th, and I opted to not start. My next (and longer) event will be August 29th right after a 3.5 week road trip out west.... chances are that will be a DNS as well.

Hope y'all are doing okay (not timre to read right now)

2021-07-17 8:22 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Sorry things have not been going well and you were unable to start the last race. Instead of canceling the next race and calling it a day, since you have started again and to not lose motivation and a goal see if you can just find a sprint or super sprint.
2021-11-04 10:04 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
The first race was a Super. Sprints are pretty much all I have done.

Quick update...After an epic road trip (17 states, 8000 miles, 3 weeks, and a ton of memories) we got down to business trying to figure things out. This is all moving at a snail's pace, and it's driving me nuts

At this point, we now know I am dealing with an enlarged heart and that's causing my breathing issues. Everyone is in agreement that my heart is strong, and I think that's why things aren't moving faster. Been through a stress test (chemical), CT Heart & an Echo. I'm just waiting to see where to go from here. I also found out that the calcified tumors my last Dr told me about was a complete fabrication, so there's some good news in there.

Hope y'all are doing good, and I hope everyone has a nice Holiday Season.

2021-11-05 5:55 PM
in reply to: #5276477

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Obviously not a lot going on here in terms of posts. Glad to see you are getting more news about your health. Wise to search all avenues as it appears you have done. Wish you the best!!!!

Same old same old for me here with workouts but no courage to register for an event. Biking for me has become non existent….oh well…

Beat to you and your family now and for the holidays!!
2021-12-18 12:14 PM
in reply to: #5278688

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Not sure who all might be coming back to read posts here….but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay safe and healthy!!
2021-12-28 2:25 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too Bill.

I checked in here to sign off for the year. The first half of the year was great and I was training with intensity and volume that produced some great results. After that it went downhill quickly due to lock down restrictions. I think Melbourne was the most restricted city in the world.

I'm planning on a 80K Trail Ride in February and a Half Marathon in May. Triathlons are on hold due to my lack of swimming.

Stay Active !!

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