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2011-01-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3325837

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - OPEN
touchdown - 2011-01-27 7:30 PM Ok, my knee is really bothering me. I don't know why and I don't think I have pushed to hard especially on the running. I am taking the running very slow. I am going to call the doctor and see if I can get in tomorrow or early next week. It just is sore after I work out and kind of "sets up." Its a little tender to the touch on the inside below the knee cap, but not super sensitive. It doesn't really bother me when working out i.e., no throbbing pain, but it does hurt after especially after sitting for a while, then getting up. I am not planning on running till I see the doctor, but am planning on swimming and biking. I really hope it is just a sprain or something, I am going to be very disappointed if it is a torn acl or something . So I swam this morning. The longest workout to date since starting the last 45 days swimming again is 1500 hards. Today, I thought I would take it very slow, focus on technique and see if I could do 1000M without resting. This was not too bad. I really did not over do it and could have actually went farther without a problem. I felt pretty comfortable swimming that far freestyle only. I just took my time. I did not use the clock, but I imagine that I would have been pretty close to 1:50 to 2:00 per 100M....which is why I said I took it slow. I also biked today per the training plan. Wow this is boring in the gym. Thank goodness there is a program on the bike and there is a TV. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great Friday and weekend.
AWESOME news on the swimming... it sounds like you have found a nice balance in the water... between being comfortable and efficient... speed will come so keep it up... 
Not so great news on the knee... if at any time it bothers you... please don't "push through it"... your body is telling you that there is something going on and you either need to rest or have it looked at... I took my own medicine yesterday and did nothing... my body was just tired and sore... and today I had a great run with zero pain or soreness afterwards! Listen to your body when it speaks to you... 
Keep us posted!

2011-01-27 10:31 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

Scott - I would like to join your group if possible.  I planned to post earlier this week but work has been crazy.  Sorry for late post.

NAME: pschaff/Peter

FAMILY STATUS: I am 46, I have been married for 18 years, and we have 3 children: son 16, son 14, and a daughter 10.

STORY: I’ve been semi active off and on for a long time.  I’ve coached youth sports in football, baseball and basketball.  Last year did a week long extreme hiking/camping trip to Grand Canyon.    I’m new to Tri but have joined a local club, got a new bike for Christmas and pretty psyched. I enjoy training and racing.  I’m looking for the next challenge.

CURRENT TRAINING: I’ve been working out for about two years doing P90x, Insanity and many other workout routines including kettlebell and TRX. I’m running, biking with CycleOps and swimming occasionally.  I play hockey, baseball and softball.  I’m ready to set my plan for the tri season.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: I ran 5k and 5m and a 50+ extreme hike of the Grand Canyon. 

2011 RACES:  My goal is to do ToughMan HIM in Croton Westchester, NY.  Not sure if my plan is to aggressive or too many races.  May duo 2m/10m/2m, mini pool 300y/10/2.5m.  June sprint, oly.  July sprint, bike race ct challenge many distances.  August bike 44m, oly.  Sep HIM and sprint is still interested.  It is basically two events per month.

WEIGHTLOSS: Maybe 5 lbs, but that will come with more endurance.

I hope you can let me in the group as looking for guidance and knowledge to get me to the HIM.


2011-01-28 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
So one of the reasons I wanted to join this group is because many of you have a bunch of kids and need to balance family/work/training.  I'm going to have a hard time figuring where to fit workouts what does everyone have as far as tips and tricks for fitting in workouts?  Here are some ideas I have, but I'd like to hear some more (or comments on the ones I have!).  Thanks in advance...

- My twins get up between 5 and 6 and usually watch an hour of tv before breakfast...thinking I'll set up the trainer and get 45-60 minutes on the bike while they watch Dora.
- I live 2 miles from work...thinking I'll run to or from work a few times a week.  There are issues with change of clothes, lack of showers @ work, and sometimes I need to bring my laptop home.  Haven't quite figured this one out yet.
- My twins nap for 2-3 hours every afternoon so I'm thinking do my long ride on Saturday or Sunday while they are napping.
- I'm going to join the gym across the street from work.  It has a pool so all swims will be done at lunch.

All suggestions welcome!
2011-01-29 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3326077

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Pschaff - 2011-01-27 10:31 PM

Scott - I would like to join your group if possible.  I planned to post earlier this week but work has been crazy.  Sorry for late post.

NAME: pschaff/Peter

FAMILY STATUS: I am 46, I have been married for 18 years, and we have 3 children: son 16, son 14, and a daughter 10.

STORY: I’ve been semi active off and on for a long time.  I’ve coached youth sports in football, baseball and basketball.  Last year did a week long extreme hiking/camping trip to Grand Canyon.    I’m new to Tri but have joined a local club, got a new bike for Christmas and pretty psyched. I enjoy training and racing.  I’m looking for the next challenge.

CURRENT TRAINING: I’ve been working out for about two years doing P90x, Insanity and many other workout routines including kettlebell and TRX. I’m running, biking with CycleOps and swimming occasionally.  I play hockey, baseball and softball.  I’m ready to set my plan for the tri season.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: I ran 5k and 5m and a 50+ extreme hike of the Grand Canyon. 

2011 RACES:  My goal is to do ToughMan HIM in Croton Westchester, NY.  Not sure if my plan is to aggressive or too many races.  May duo 2m/10m/2m, mini pool 300y/10/2.5m.  June sprint, oly.  July sprint, bike race ct challenge many distances.  August bike 44m, oly.  Sep HIM and sprint is still interested.  It is basically two events per month.

WEIGHTLOSS: Maybe 5 lbs, but that will come with more endurance.

I hope you can let me in the group as looking for guidance and knowledge to get me to the HIM.


Peter... WELCOME! Sounds like you have a great base established for training... and a great plan ahead of you! The thing that caught my attention is your race plan... couple of thoughts... 
1. Write down your goals and prioritize them
2. List your races out and determine your "A" race (aligned with goals)
3. Pick a training plan to peak for "A" race
4. Determine what other races fit in your plan
I LOVE your aggressive plan but IMHO it appears to be a lot if HIM is your goal... just my thoughts.... look forward to your feedback!
2011-01-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3327229

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
PanicTour - 2011-01-28 1:16 PM So one of the reasons I wanted to join this group is because many of you have a bunch of kids and need to balance family/work/training.  I'm going to have a hard time figuring where to fit workouts what does everyone have as far as tips and tricks for fitting in workouts?  Here are some ideas I have, but I'd like to hear some more (or comments on the ones I have!).  Thanks in advance...

- My twins get up between 5 and 6 and usually watch an hour of tv before breakfast...thinking I'll set up the trainer and get 45-60 minutes on the bike while they watch Dora.
- I live 2 miles from work...thinking I'll run to or from work a few times a week.  There are issues with change of clothes, lack of showers @ work, and sometimes I need to bring my laptop home.  Haven't quite figured this one out yet.
- My twins nap for 2-3 hours every afternoon so I'm thinking do my long ride on Saturday or Sunday while they are napping.
- I'm going to join the gym across the street from work.  It has a pool so all swims will be done at lunch.

All suggestions welcome!
AHA... the single hardest part of balance... but I REALLY like the way you are approaching it... this is where a supportive spouse is worth their weight in gold... our schedule is fairly similar to yours with our kids, albeit older, get up btwn 5-5:30 for school... but my wife knows that Wednesday mornings is my 0530 Masters swim... so she concedes that opportunity to me and I swim guilt free... she knows she has to go it alone on Wednesday mornings and we strike a balance!
Runs... ALWAYS bring your running gear to work and on those days where you don't need to bring your laptop home... run home... if you get a running belt or a running backpack you can put your essentials in there... leave the clothes at work and bring them home the next day or just go back and pick them up... it is only 2 miles... make your plan adjust to your schedule and move workouts around if required! 
I swim at lunch when the pool is open... guilt free and does not take time away from the family... it likely means I will be eating lunch at my desk but worth the sacrifice to maintain that balance!
Gym across the street... do they have treadmills? showers? That may be your all in one solution right there! 
BE FLEXIBLE... that is the key!
2011-01-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
GREAT article this morning.. could not have said it better myself... this is exactly what I experienced from joining the local Masters Swim Program... have a great week...

2011-01-31 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3328273

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Oriondriver02 - 2011-01-29 8:32 AM
PanicTour - 2011-01-28 1:16 PM So one of the reasons I wanted to join this group is because many of you have a bunch of kids and need to balance family/work/training.  I'm going to have a hard time figuring where to fit workouts what does everyone have as far as tips and tricks for fitting in workouts?  Here are some ideas I have, but I'd like to hear some more (or comments on the ones I have!).  Thanks in advance...

- My twins get up between 5 and 6 and usually watch an hour of tv before breakfast...thinking I'll set up the trainer and get 45-60 minutes on the bike while they watch Dora.
- I live 2 miles from work...thinking I'll run to or from work a few times a week.  There are issues with change of clothes, lack of showers @ work, and sometimes I need to bring my laptop home.  Haven't quite figured this one out yet.
- My twins nap for 2-3 hours every afternoon so I'm thinking do my long ride on Saturday or Sunday while they are napping.
- I'm going to join the gym across the street from work.  It has a pool so all swims will be done at lunch.

All suggestions welcome!
AHA... the single hardest part of balance... but I REALLY like the way you are approaching it... this is where a supportive spouse is worth their weight in gold... our schedule is fairly similar to yours with our kids, albeit older, get up btwn 5-5:30 for school... but my wife knows that Wednesday mornings is my 0530 Masters swim... so she concedes that opportunity to me and I swim guilt free... she knows she has to go it alone on Wednesday mornings and we strike a balance!
Runs... ALWAYS bring your running gear to work and on those days where you don't need to bring your laptop home... run home... if you get a running belt or a running backpack you can put your essentials in there... leave the clothes at work and bring them home the next day or just go back and pick them up... it is only 2 miles... make your plan adjust to your schedule and move workouts around if required! 
I swim at lunch when the pool is open... guilt free and does not take time away from the family... it likely means I will be eating lunch at my desk but worth the sacrifice to maintain that balance!
Gym across the street... do they have treadmills? showers? That may be your all in one solution right there! 
BE FLEXIBLE... that is the key!

Scott - Yes, the gym is full service so lunch time workouts will be key for me when I need to get in a run or bike session.  I like the idea of one morning 'off' per week.  My local tri team rides at 5:15 am every Tuesday and Thursday.  I used to be a regular on those rides pre-kids.  Maybe I will pick one of those days each week as my 'guilt-free training morning'.

I definitely have issues with the guilt that training time takes away from the family.  With some of these strategies, I'm hoping to mitigate a bit of it.  At the end of that day I have to remind myself that training is my way to a healthly lifestyle which is better in the end for everyone.
2011-01-31 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
"At the end of that day I have to remind myself that training is my way to a healthly lifestyle which is better in the end for everyone."

AMEN... the underlying part of all of this balance which I failed to mention up front... COMMUNICATION... if I don't surprise my wife with some of my insanity... it seems to make finding that balance smoother... those mornings I mention on my way out the door that "Tonight I am going on a 60 min ride before Masters Swim"... puts me behind the eight ball to start... have a great week!Laughing
2011-01-31 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3268688

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
I'm looking for suggestions on a couple of biking videos I can watch while on my bike trainer.  I usually bike 5-6 a.m. and the morning news just isn't cutting it! Are these available to rent anywhere? If not ideas on where to purchase?

Scott, I agree with your statement about no surprises - I try to rough out my schedule the week before so I can adjust if there is a family commitment I forgot.  Thanks!
2011-01-31 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3327229

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Hi Keith, do you have a bike trailer or stroller jogger?  Might be a nice way to get in a workout and give your wife a bit of a break if you could load up the twins and tackle some hills Wink
2011-01-31 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3331059

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
carolh - 2011-01-31 12:30 PM I'm looking for suggestions on a couple of biking videos I can watch while on my bike trainer.  I usually bike 5-6 a.m. and the morning news just isn't cutting it! Are these available to rent anywhere? If not ideas on where to purchase?

Scott, I agree with your statement about no surprises - I try to rough out my schedule the week before so I can adjust if there is a family commitment I forgot.  Thanks!

2011-02-01 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3331097

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
carolh - 2011-01-31 12:39 PM Hi Keith, do you have a bike trailer or stroller jogger?  Might be a nice way to get in a workout and give your wife a bit of a break if you could load up the twins and tackle some hills Wink

I have a jogging stroller that I have used extensively.  The twins love it and my wife appreciated the quiet time while we are out. 

I'm debating investing in a bike trailer.  I have to drive to get to a dedicated bike path.  The logistics of loading up the car with my bike, trailer, and the girls and driving to the trailhead is a bit overwhelming for me.  I live in the city and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with loading them up at the house and riding the 3 miles on city streets to get to a dedicated bike path.  Is that crazy or do thers worry about that? 
2011-02-05 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3268688

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Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED


  1. Stay fit, healthy, injury-free
  2. Have fun
  3. Complete a triathlon


  1. C         5/14     Scenic View Duo 2m/10m/2m  Goal 1:30
  2. B          5/22     Mini pool 300y/10m/2.5m        Goal: learn.  Swim=7, t1=2, bike=38, t2=2, run=23. total=1:12
  3. C         5/29     memorial day 5k Goal 28:00
  4. B          6/12     Sprint .25m/10m/3.1m Goal 2:00
  5. B          6/26     Oly       1500m/24.9m/6.2m Goal 3:35
  6. C         7/10     Sprint   0.5m/12.5m/3.1m Goal 2:00
  7. B          8/14     Bike 44m
  8. B          8/21     Oly-Park City Mossman           1500m/24.9m/6.2m Goal 3:35
  9. A         9/11     Toughman Tri HIM       1.2m/56m/13.1m Goal 6:00

So looking for a training plan the gets me ready foe the early TRIs and builds up to the HIM in September.  I've been doing a little swim, bike, run lately along with total body stength or cadrio workouts.   Are there particular plans on BT that I should review/use?  Should I do an early plan and then a 16 week plan start May 22nd for HIM?   Or a 20 week?  Thoughts?  anybody??



2011-02-06 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3341161

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Peter... I am no expert but I will offer you what I would do given your schedule... I would follow an Olympic plan for the June tri... realizing that most of those events you have listed leading up to it can simply be substituted for training events given their relatively short distances... the idea being to peak for the Olympic!!! 
Now... following the Olympic I would then start a new HIM plan or possibly one of the bridge (Olympic to HIM) since you will have established a solid base already  and have roughly 10 weeks btwn the events... don't be afraid to start a couple of weeks into the plan if you think you can handle the distances at that point... the only reservation I have in your schedule is the Park City Olympic.... if your goal is to peak for the HIM then you might need to rethink that Olympic given its close proximity to the HIM... I am not saying you couldn't do it and it might be a good test of your fitness for the the upcoming HIM but I would not jeopardize your HIM peak performance! 
Bottom line: it really depends on your goals... if it is to give a couple of "A" races your peak effort then I think you need to build a plan that supports that goal... just my two cents!
Here are a couple of great articles!
2011-02-07 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3341161

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Pschaff - 2011-02-05 10:48 PM

C         5/14     Scenic View Duo 2m/10m/2m  Goal 1:30

  1. B          5/22     Mini pool 300y/10m/2.5m        Goal: learn.  Swim=7, t1=2, bike=38, t2=2, run=23. total=1:12
  2. C         5/29     memorial day 5k Goal 28:00
  3. B          6/12     Sprint .25m/10m/3.1m Goal 2:00
  4. B          6/26     Oly       1500m/24.9m/6.2m Goal 3:35
  5. C         7/10     Sprint   0.5m/12.5m/3.1m Goal 2:00
  6. B          8/14     Bike 44m
  7. B          8/21     Oly-Park City Mossman           1500m/24.9m/6.2m Goal 3:35
  8. A         9/11     Toughman Tri HIM       1.2m/56m/13.1m Goal 6:00

So looking for a training plan the gets me ready foe the early TRIs and builds up to the HIM in September.  I've been doing a little swim, bike, run lately along with total body stength or cadrio workouts.   Are there particular plans on BT that I should review/use?  Should I do an early plan and then a 16 week plan start May 22nd for HIM?   Or a 20 week?  Thoughts?  anybody??



Peter - I have a similar schedule with an Oly on June 5th and a HIM on October 2nd.  I'm interested to hear how you think the transition from Oly to HIM training will go as we get into it.

2011-02-09 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED

2011-02-14 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3346443

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Whooo! This weekend I was notified I have a spot in Spudman Oly Tri  July 30 (spots are allocated by lottery).  This is my "A" race and my first Oly distance so I am pretty pumped. YEA!Cool
2011-02-14 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3354123

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
carolh - 2011-02-14 10:54 AM Whooo! This weekend I was notified I have a spot in Spudman Oly Tri  July 30 (spots are allocated by lottery).  This is my "A" race and my first Oly distance so I am pretty pumped. YEA!Cool

NICE... that is simpy awesome! Laughing
2011-02-17 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Hey all... great article today... I will tell your from personal experience... these are some great tips...

As my Mentor says... "Train with joy or not at all!"

2011-02-17 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3268688


Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Sorry I have been contributing to the forum lately. I have been sticking to my work outs , but things at work have gotten crazy. I am going to have to travel the next couple of weeks so I most likely will not be able to swim but 2-3 times . Swimming has gone pretty well and I am now consistently utlizings bilateral breathing. Before, I would breath only on one side down and the other side back. Now I alternate both sides going down. I tried to go back to breathing on one side and find it difficult to do so as it feels like my head is out of the water all the time. I did 2000 yards last week end for my long swim. On the running side, I took a week off after my knee began to hurt and then started back up the following week....cross my fingers no knee pain since starting back up. Biking.....this is mentally challanging but I am getting through the work outs. There are two parts that I wish were eating habits (I have lost a couple of pounds, but would like to do more....I need to better manage my food intake, but with working out 2X a day, I get hungry). The second item that I wish were better is that I am tired! I want to go to bed at 9:00 every night! Hope everyone is doing well.
2011-02-17 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3360168

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Keep at it... couple of thoughts... have you started a food diary/journal? I found that when I track everything I put in my mouth it makes me more conscious of what I am eating throughout the day... and in the end I make better choices for those in btwn meal snacks.

FYI- I use the WW method and have an app on my Android phone that calculates my point... I am not enrolled in WW program... just use their tracking method to provide some self accountability and I make myself weigh in every Thursday... I hold myself accountable!

Sleep... I do go to bed every night around 9... sleep in critical for your body to recoup and repair... the DVR is my best friend these days as I don't have to miss my favorite TV shows...


2011-02-18 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Hey everyone.  I'm in the midst of the 1st week of the 16-week 2x Oly Plan.  The week got off to a rough start with no workout on Valentine's Day but I've been doing well at fitting my workouts in when I can.  My Wendesday bike ride was at 10:15 PM and I ran 45 minutes at lunch yesterday.  I got some strange looks heading out the door at the office but I don't care.

The weather has finally warmed up in the Northeast so I'm looking forward to getting outside more.  My weight loss has slowed down (actually stopped).  I went from 248 > 236 in 3 weeks but last week I lost nothing.  I'm tracking food and eating well so I'm hoping this is just a short platueau.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
2011-02-18 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3268688

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Scott - Great job on the half-mary PR last weekend!!!!
2011-02-18 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3361505

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Prattville, AL
Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
PanicTour - 2011-02-18 9:44 AM Scott - Great job on the half-mary PR last weekend!!!!

Thank you very much... I am TICKLED with my results... it was really nice to see the training pay off on race day!

Have a great weekend... glad to see the weather getting better for you... this weekend is supposed to be beautiful there this weekend and I am looking forward to getting off the trainer and on the road myself...

2011-02-22 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3268688

Subject: RE: Oriondriver's Balanced Approach to Tri's - CLOSED
Last week was a rough one, I have had bronchitis and getting through my workouts was a struggle. Hopefully this week will be a bit smoother.  I signed up for a sprint tri in April so I have something to work towards. So far I have managed to avoid the late night work outs and been fitting everything in early morning and lunch but with the volume increasing it looks like they will become a reality! How does everyone else fit in everything?
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