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2008-12-19 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1863458

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Okay, so . . . first question! Alright, so since I had my knee surgery (November 10), I have hardly done ANY working out. I have done my PT (not all of it . . . ) and I went swimming once and went lifting once. That is it. The problem is, I LOVE to run (well, I have a love/have thing going with it), but I feel like I am not working out unless I am running. Please convince me otherwise. Hahahaha.

Could you help me come up with some plan to ensure that I do go and workout? I go to the gym right now because it's flippin' freezing here right now. I am allowed to swim and ride the bike right now. I might be able to walk . . . just not for a LONG time. I won't be able to run until Feb.

What would you do in my case? I definitely want to still be working out, I just need to motivation. I figured that I could put my PT as part of my workout . . . that way I am getting the PT in and I am getting my butt to the gym. What do you think about that? Any advice or plans or assistance or encouragement is wanted. Thanks!

PS: I am watching MADE on MTV right now and there is an overweight kid wanting to become a triathlete. I am watching it to try and get pumped up!

2008-12-19 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1863663

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
tri_jean - 2008-12-19 2:09 PM

Okay, so . . . first question! Alright, so since I had my knee surgery (November 10), I have hardly done ANY working out. I have done my PT (not all of it . . . ) and I went swimming once and went lifting once. That is it. The problem is, I LOVE to run (well, I have a love/have thing going with it), but I feel like I am not working out unless I am running. Please convince me otherwise. Hahahaha.

Could you help me come up with some plan to ensure that I do go and workout? I go to the gym right now because it's flippin' freezing here right now. I am allowed to swim and ride the bike right now. I might be able to walk . . . just not for a LONG time. I won't be able to run until Feb.

What would you do in my case? I definitely want to still be working out, I just need to motivation. I figured that I could put my PT as part of my workout . . . that way I am getting the PT in and I am getting my butt to the gym. What do you think about that? Any advice or plans or assistance or encouragement is wanted. Thanks!

PS: I am watching MADE on MTV right now and there is an overweight kid wanting to become a triathlete. I am watching it to try and get pumped up!


Hmmm...a plan to ensure that you work out?   Well, I know what it's like to love running (hence my "RunnerX" name) and not be able to do it (such as right now).  My doc just told me today it's a great time to fatten up and not worry.  Of course, in a few weeks, I start my Ironman training. 

But, I think I'm in the same boat.  What i'm doing right now is following the first month of the Ironman training plan, but when it calls for a run, I just  Or sleep.  Rest and recovery is good.

How about the eliptical trainer?  Can you do that?  Probably not.  So, my suggestion is to get in 3 cycling workouts, and at least 2 swims.  That's 5 aerobic workouts each week.  That's good.  And of course, do your  PT stuff.  And some strength workouts - sounds like you lift - get in a routine - couple times each week.  But in any case - DO CORE WORK!!  Do they have abs classes at your gym?  Join in.  See what it's like.  Get those rock hard abs. 

Does that kinda help?  If you log your workouts, we can all get on your case if we don't see anything showing up!!!!!!!




2008-12-20 5:23 AM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Hey good morning!

I just wanted to get some advice on some of my workouts. For the most part, whenever I go workout cardio: swim, bike, or run I do just that, swim, bike, or run. I don't know how to vary the workout. I think I just need a way to not make the workouts so boring, especially running. This is definately my weak spot. When I run my mind screams the whole way, "Just STOP! There is nobody chasing you." Frown   I really do fight that thought every step of the way, it usually kicks in hard at about the 2 mile mark. Thats usually when I pass back by my house and decide to stop.

Just some random statements:

Starting in January I am going to join the YMCA and take some private lessons for my swimming stroke. I really need to get in the pool if I plan on doing the mini sprint on Feb 1st. Its a reverse tri, btw, I hope I don't drown in the pool.

 I sent my bike to the local bike shop to get a tune-up. I will get it back on Tuesday so I can get back on the trainer.



2008-12-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1864539

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Jayfoe - 2008-12-20 6:23 AM

Hey good morning!

I just wanted to get some advice on some of my workouts. For the most part, whenever I go workout cardio: swim, bike, or run I do just that, swim, bike, or run. I don't know how to vary the workout. I think I just need a way to not make the workouts so boring, especially running. This is definately my weak spot. When I run my mind screams the whole way, "Just STOP! There is nobody chasing you." Frown   I really do fight that thought every step of the way, it usually kicks in hard at about the 2 mile mark. Thats usually when I pass back by my house and decide to stop.

Just some random statements:

Starting in January I am going to join the YMCA and take some private lessons for my swimming stroke. I really need to get in the pool if I plan on doing the mini sprint on Feb 1st. Its a reverse tri, btw, I hope I don't drown in the pool.

 I sent my bike to the local bike shop to get a tune-up. I will get it back on Tuesday so I can get back on the trainer.

Everyone fights boredom and lack of motivation.  First of all, do you have a local running or cycling club.  It can be intimidating at first when all these veterans know what they're doing.  But if you go in just explaining where you are, your pace, etc., there's usually someone willing to assist.  But working out with others is a HUGE motivator.  Even if you get dropped, you know you gotta save some face.

To vary your workouts, I do the following...  Let's take running.  My most important workout of the week is the "long" run.  While training for a marathon, this is a 12-20+ mile run - I always try to run this with others.  For non-marathoners, this will be alot less.  Regardless, I'd try to get this up to an hour.  (Build this up slowly)  This is done at a very slow pace.  Take walk breaks if you want.  No hurry here.  Just be out there for a while.  Guaranteed the other workouts will be so much easier. 

Then workout #2 is something dealing with speed.  i wouldn't go to the track and do intervals - that's too strenuous for now.  This should be a tempo run - where you push your pace to moderately hard - the pace you'd keep if running a 15k.  Ideally, you work up to about 20-30 minutes at this pace, plus 10 mins before and after as a warmup/cooldown.  But, it takes a bit to get there.  So, break it up.  Can you do 5 minutes now?  3 minutes?  Do one, then walk/jog for a couple mins, try it again.  Next week, see how you feel - can you add another minute?  No?  How about adding a third?  Again, this should just be comfortably hard.  And always leave the workout thinking you could do a little more. 

Finally, a 3rd run workout, it's a free-for-all.  No pressure here.  Just go out and run - however fast/slow you feel.  Take in the surroundings.  Find a new street to go down.  Smile at others.  Stop and look at whatever - window shopping, the hot chickies, etc.  If you feel up to it, pick up the pace till another car passes you, or to the next mailbox.  Just appreciate being outside. 

I'd do something similar with cycling.  And instead of "speed", you can always do hills.  Just find a hilly course, and ride/run it.  "Hills are speedwork in disguise."  As for swimming, one workout I really love is the descending ladder.  Warmup, then do a 400/300/200/100, and cooldown.  The yardage can change depending on how much you're doing (so, a 100/75/50/25 is good too).  But mentally, this gets easier, even though you're actually more tired physically. 

If you want specific workouts, I can review your log, and give you some ideas.  There are also the training plans here on BT that you can look at.

BTW, good move on getting your swim stroke analyzed! 

2008-12-20 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
so finished a 6 mi run today for the first time since high school x country....  that feels good
2008-12-20 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1863663

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
tri_jean - 2008-12-19 11:09 AM

Okay, so . . . first question! Alright, so since I had my knee surgery (November 10), I have hardly done ANY working out. I have done my PT (not all of it . . . ) and I went swimming once and went lifting once. That is it. The problem is, I LOVE to run (well, I have a love/have thing going with it), but I feel like I am not working out unless I am running. Please convince me otherwise. Hahahaha.

Could you help me come up with some plan to ensure that I do go and workout? I go to the gym right now because it's flippin' freezing here right now. I am allowed to swim and ride the bike right now. I might be able to walk . . . just not for a LONG time. I won't be able to run until Feb.

What would you do in my case? I definitely want to still be working out, I just need to motivation. I figured that I could put my PT as part of my workout . . . that way I am getting the PT in and I am getting my butt to the gym. What do you think about that? Any advice or plans or assistance or encouragement is wanted. Thanks!

PS: I am watching MADE on MTV right now and there is an overweight kid wanting to become a triathlete. I am watching it to try and get pumped up!

pick a bike or a swim goal to accomplish between now and feburary.  I recommend swim.  It was the first I picked up after my knee surgery and I did tons and tons of pull and it has helped immensely since then.

go to the pool and time yourself for 500meters/yards and 100 meters/yards.  make a goal to  drop those times.  Or see how long you can swim non stop and work on increasing that distance or time.

2008-12-21 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
so i've seen alot about doing transitions while training to get used to the swim to bike and the bike to run, as race gets closer should you do  full race length sessions or at least close to with both transitions?  if so how long should you go for getting ready for a sprint..
2008-12-21 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1865900

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

lforce - 2008-12-21 2:35 PM so i've seen alot about doing transitions while training to get used to the swim to bike and the bike to run, as race gets closer should you do  full race length sessions or at least close to with both transitions?  if so how long should you go for getting ready for a sprint..

The swim-to-bike isn't that big a deal.  I wouldn't worry so much about that.  Maybe once or twice, just try it out to see how it feels. 

But the bike-to-run is important.  Trying to run after biking gives you those 'jelly legs' that I previously mentioned, so the more you can get used to it, the better.  And it does get better.  At least once/week, go for a short run after your ride - only 5-10 mins.  After that, your legs are used to the running, so what you're doing is training to just get you through that initial feeling.  An alternative way to practice these "bricks" is to do a 20-30 minute easy ride immediately prior to your normal run workout.  It's not so much that you have to do the entire distance that you'll be covering, but getting used to transitioning from one discipline to the other. 

A great workout that I've done is brick repeats.  Ride for 15 mins, run 10, ride 15, run 10, etc.  (or do 10 min ride, 5 min run).  Do 3-4 repeats of this.  You quickly get an hour or two of training in.

2008-12-23 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

So, what does everyone's training look like over the holidays?

As my knee doc told me, "now is a good time to get fat and happy."  So, that's what I'm doing.  Was going to swim this morning...didn't feel like it.  So I gave myself permission to sleep in a bit, and eat an enjoyable breakfast.  Literally next week my training plan starts.  3 months of nothing above Zones 1 and 2. 


2008-12-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

happy holidays everyone!

with 15 inches of snow outside I am tying to find the motivation to put a few hours in on the trainer.

2008-12-23 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1869388

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-12-23 11:54 AM

happy holidays everyone!

with 15 inches of snow outside I am tying to find the motivation to put a few hours in on the trainer.

 Yeah, tell me about it.  It's sunny here today and upper 20's, but I'd still rather ride outside than on the trainer.  So, I'm gonna venture out. 


2008-12-23 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1863001

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - OPEN

I had the opportunity to run with Danny Harris, Olympic Silver medalist '88, when I was at Iowa State.  My best workouts back then were just trying to stay close to his shoulder.

Edited by CPT K 2008-12-23 2:05 PM
2008-12-23 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Swam 2000yds today without stopping!!!  Beginning of November I could swim about 25.   Now that I know I can swim 1500 yds, (the OLY distance) I just need to get faster.
2008-12-23 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Monday the 21st was my first day in the pool. I just swam 100 yards at a time with a 2 min rest in between for a total of 600 yds, and today my arms are sore. I really need to get some lessons, that is the plan for the first part of January. Spent the time in the water working on techniques that I read on the internet, but I know I am still not doing it right. I still feel like I am swimming to fast and can't catch my breath. 


2008-12-23 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1869759

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - OPEN
CPT K - 2008-12-23 2:46 PM

I had the opportunity to run with Danny Harris, Olympic Silver medalist '88, when I was at Iowa State.  My best workouts back then were just trying to stay close to his shoulder.

Yeah, I remember him.  That's pretty cool.  Even better if you could keep up. 



2008-12-23 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Great that you guys did some decent swimming there.  And Jay, you're right - swimming is all about form.  If there's any place to get coaching, that's it.  Masters swims are pretty good too, especially if there is a coach in charge who can give some pointers.



2008-12-23 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

My friend who competed nationally in canada and even swam next michael phelps told me swimming is all about catching water.  "You can't believe how much of my life has been spent doing sculling drills." he told me.  They help you get a feel of the water and how to pull through it more efficiently. Once I'm back in the pool I've been ordered to do 300 meters a couple of times a week.

Here's a video 

The first 20 seconds is a front scull, then 20 seconds of a mid scull, and then 20 seconds of a back scull.  you are pushing the water back and forth to help keep you afloat while moderatly kicking.

2008-12-23 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

My friend who competed nationally in canada and even swam next michael phelps told me swimming is all about catching water.  "You can't believe how much of my life has been spent doing sculling drills." he told me.  They help you get a feel of the water and how to pull through it more efficiently. Once I'm back in the pool I've been ordered to do 300 meters a couple of times a week.

Here's a video 

The first 20 seconds is a front scull, then 20 seconds of a mid scull, and then 20 seconds of a back scull.  you are pushing the water back and forth to help keep you afloat while moderatly kicking.

and one that explains the idea a bit better

2008-12-23 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for tthose links Jeni.  I'm always amazed at how the elite swimmers' hands come out of the water ahead of where they put them in, whereas us mortals push back through the water.  Guess that's the whole idea of getting a feel for the water.  I'll try out these sculling drills. 
2008-12-23 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1870513

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New user
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

ended up running out of time today, did you know only 18 shoping hours till christmas and I needed to get some last minute things. 

Despite the time crunch I forced myself on the trainer for 20X1Min w/ 15 sec rest at a cardio effort keeping my HR below 170.  I really hate working out at night but after a week of being bedridden I need my endorphins. 

Tomorrow- ok still need more shopping and then the pool for a distance swim- lucky me I can only swim 100M at clip so tomorrow I go for 125+ 

2008-12-24 4:02 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

the Munchkin has just gone off to bed, he's about to implode with excitement.  The mince pies for Santa (and an apple, at healthy son's insistence) are all laid out and I think we'll be lucky to make it past 4am.  Have a gorgeous Christmas everybody

Daisy xxx

2008-12-24 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

So, I've gone and done it.  I upgraded my membership to Bronze.  I will somehow figure out how to get my training plan into the logs (Its probably really easy - I haven't even looked yet).  I will figure out how to upload my Garmin information. 

And Monday, December 29th, I start training for a marathon that seems incredibly far away - May 3rd.

2008-12-24 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED



It is just past midnight here and I am stuck at work, just wanted to let everyone know, I have not seen Santa Claus yet. That could mean I just have not been a good boy this year. If I see him I will send him your guys way.  Have fun today!!

2008-12-25 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
hope everybody has a good christmas!
2008-12-26 2:56 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I got rollers!!

A questionable idea with my shoulder but I figured I would give them a try and I DIDN'T DIE!!! I tried them out in a narrow hallway so I couldn't really tip over.   I didn't tip over but I couldn't "ride" on them for more than a minute at a time.  I can see why they improve your riding by magnifying all your bad habits. After just 15 minutes I can feel it in my core... crazy.... but kinda fun.

anybody else get anything fun?

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