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2008-12-20 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1864305

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Northern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-19 8:47 PM

I am going to find time soon to talk a little about the way I TRY to get everything done, time management, efficiency....all that jazz

This I'd like to know. Part of why I don't get in the pool is because I havn't figured out where to fit it in. I'd love to do Xterra races.

2008-12-20 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Hi all!  Sorry for the late start with  "My Story".  With the kids home from school on Friday, Holiday dinners, and as some of you have mentioned, getting all shopping done....well, ya'll already know!

STORY:  I will be 40 three weeks from today, married, three kids(13 daughter, 10&9 sons), and two dogs we rescued(Chaney-yellow lab who had someone burn their name into her back, and Chance - who, for being an 84 lbs Rot-mix, is the biggest baby you could ever meet and gets along very well on his 3 legs  He is missing his left front and all we were told was that his previous owners in IL dumped him in the lobby of a vet, said "It was stupid human error" turned around and left him.  Ill try to put up pix of everybody before the end of the year.

Like Eric(tribadger), I too work 2p-10p and do all my training in the AM and weekends(I train using HRM).  In my previous life as a hockey player, my 6'2" 225 lb frame came in handy, however I am sure you all will not be suprised that it is a bit of a burden in my new life as a triathlete.  I am always battling to lose the weight and would be so happy to get below 210 and maybe hit 200lbs(BMI says I should be at 193lbs, HA!). 

I have been doing this tri-thing for about 3 years and started on a dare with a sprint.  I felt like I was going to die, but after the finish line, I want so badly to do it again.  When I started I could only swim 25 yards at a time and needed to rest for 5min to continue.  I was told that I would be shocked at how quickly your swim endurance will climb, and it was so true.  Within 3 weeks of 3x per week I was already at a 1/4 mile.  I was slow, but I made it.  I was also asked then if I was going to do the Ironman.  I responded wtih a resounding NO, but now here I am, IMWI '09.  I won't bore you now with the details of my injury, but like TracyV, I have a new P2C which I flew off of and am still wounded, but working at coming back strong. 

TRAINING:  I can't afford a coach, so I am self taught.  I am a firm believer that you can learn something from everyone, no matter how long they have tried this sport.  I think I will pick an IM Intermediate Plan from BT for this next season, please give me your input on that or anyother suggestions.  I find that if you have a schedule planned out, fitting the training in gets easier the more you train.  Im no expert, but I think once you start feeling that chemical 'rush' with the kind of exercising we do, it becomes addicting and you are happier when you train.


  1. Madison 1/2 Marathon - 1:58
  2. Capital View Tri - Sprint - I swam and biked, and my wife, Julie, ran.  Awesome bonding exp!
  3. Verona Olympic - great hill work, finally beat my buddy who is an awesome cyclist
  4. Pardeeville Sprint - excellent race, fast flat bike
  5. Steelhead 1/2 Iron in Benton Harbor MI - best experience yet.  6h 15min
  6. McFarland Family Festival Sprint - scheduled, but I crashed 3 weeks before.

One thing I need everybody to help me with is Nutrition.  I wanted to break 6 hours at Steelhead, but my nutrition plan failed.  I had a good plane I believe, however, I did not follow it when in the heat of the moment.  Apparently, you need to eat the food in your bento bag and it doesnt just go to your bloodstream by osmosis. 

2009 RACES:

  1. Madison 1/2 Marathon - goal = beat 1:58, or If with Julie, help her finish her longest run ever
  2. Capital View Tri - maybe, as team with Julie again
  3. Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K - the short one because I hear the long one can hurt you if you are not ready(Must be the hills)
  4. Door County 1/2 - I understand this race is awesome, and I want to build confidence going into IMWI
  5. IMWI - Oh, Boy!(knees shaking, teeth chattering), finishing this will be huge for me.
  6. McFarland Sprint - always end the season on this, it was my first and is so laid back


I am the picture of the 'Average Joe".  I will never win, place or be considered a contender in any race.  I am not built for speed.  I just love preparing, training, and participating for triathlons.  The people involved in this sport are the some of the most uplifting, life-loving people I have ever met.  I really do not care how long you have been in this sport, people who are willing to try it and who encourage those that do, have unquestionably won my respect.  I have been around ALOT of atheletes through my years and triathletes take the cake!

I thank all of you inadvance for your support this year.

P.S.  Don't forget to use your GLIDE! - Pat



Edited by pjdgreen 2008-12-20 11:24 PM
2008-12-20 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
It looks like quite a few us are going to be doing the Door County triathlon. We should try to get together for dinner or something, if it is at all possible. I am doing the sprint. There is no way I could ever be ready for a HIM. Just not there yet mentally. I would love to support all of you that are doing the HIM though!Laughing
2008-12-20 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1864939

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Pat- I think the BT plans are great especially for the kind of goals you have.  I know people who have used thema nd have had great sucsess.

Im no expert, but I think once you start feeling that chemical 'rush' with the kind of exercising we do, it becomes addicting and you are happier when you train.
I AGREE 100%!!!

I am aslo excited for the Door County HIM- I have done the Spirit of Racine HIM the past two years and am ready for something deifferent- they are the same day.

You will be fine for IMWI- we wil get you there ready to rock!

2008-12-20 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1864973

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

TracyV - 2008-12-20 3:55 PM It looks like quite a few us are going to be doing the Door County triathlon. We should try to get together for dinner or something, if it is at all possible. I am doing the sprint. There is no way I could ever be ready for a HIM. Just not there yet mentally. I would love to support all of you that are doing the HIM though!Laughing

I think you could do the half

but yes we should definitly get together.  I know  A LOT of peeps racing that this year.

2008-12-20 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1864736

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
mtntrainer - 2008-12-20 11:37 AM
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-19 8:47 PM

I am going to find time soon to talk a little about the way I TRY to get everything done, time management, efficiency....all that jazz

This I'd like to know. Part of why I don't get in the pool is because I havn't figured out where to fit it in. I'd love to do Xterra races.

You know I  keep telling myslef I am going to do an xterra but I dont want to get hurt and screw up my IM   Maybe next year

2008-12-20 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Ok- THIS is how I get things done  Everyone has different schedules so you have to find what works for you.

I NEED to train....serioulsy if I dont I am unhappy and if I am unhappy so is my family.  I mean I can take a day off and there are priorities that come first.  So.... I have learned- mostly thru IM training when you are out riding 5 hours then running when you get back that letting the laundry wait or having cereal for dinner is NOT a big deal.  I try to do something fun with the kids when I can..... anything- they are just happy to hang out with long this will last- I dont know?  ( they are 7).  I can take them to the Y with me when I swim- they do open swim in the kid pool.   If I need to they can bike with me when I run... there are great trails and bike paths we can go on.  They did 10 miles last year...not bad for 7 yo.  I do have to bribe them with Mcdonalds at the halfwaypoint though.  You can pull smaller kids in bike trailer- AWESOME bike training.  YPu can push smaller kids in the stroller- kids LOVE this...and awesome legs for you!  I ahve taken themto the track when they were smaller and they were happy to ride in circles and play in the sand pit.  SO there are ways to train when the kids are home.  YOu just have to want to do it.

My husband used to work 2:00 am til 10:00 am...... so I was very lucky to have him home in the afternoon to watch the kids (when he wasnt golfing.... you have to let the spouse have an hobby too) but now he has a new job but doesnt start til 9:00 so I amable to train in the morning before anyone gets up.... I only have about an hour but I LOVE this.  Totally worth getting up early.  Great time to get in a swim or run. 

I am lucky to be done working by 1 or 2 in the afternoon so I canget another workout in beofre the kids get home form school if I need to.  But I also have to work every Saturday and some Sundays.....which make LONG rides kind of tough.

There is always time before or after the kids are sleeping to train- it may take a while to get used to but it is there.   I mean how hard isit to go out for a 30 minute run?  If it makes you happier I think your families will be OK with it?

My husband has/had his issues with my training but I think he understands (sort of) that this is who I am and this is what I want to do.  I always try to let him do his golfing or hunting or whatever... if we have to get a sitter so we can both do what we want we do.  That doesnt happen often but its an option.

Before I signed up for IM again this year I asked my kids if it was OK and they said YES!!!  they love to watchme race and love to race themselves..... I mean what a great role model to have an IM for a mom  Even hubby said it was OK.

I dont kmow if Imentioned it but I had a documentay done on me (and two ther guys) training for and racing their first IM... there are insights from my husband and kids- which I have not seen yet but am very curious to see what they say.  I will let you guys know when it is finished it should have a TON of great info on training and time management things.  Should actually be pretty amusing.

It does not tak a lot of time to train for sprint.  It should be easy to work into anyones schedule if they WANT to.  You need to pick a race and train for it.  I need something to look forward to- I need a race almost every month.  Gives me somethingto look forward to and think about while I am training.  I suggest all of you plan something every month or two- even if its just a 5K.

Sorry this got really long and Im not sure if I actaully helped anyone at all....

2008-12-20 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Ok- last thing- Pat- what was your nutrition problems in your HIM???
2008-12-20 11:48 PM
in reply to: #1865217

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Based on my limited knowledge of nutrition at the time of Steelhead, I had gels, gatorade endurance, shot blocks, a quarter sliced pb&J amd a few pretzels, and I had at least a few 2-3 hour rides with a combination of all of these at one point in my training.  Did not really have any gi issues while training.

But, I got so into the race, I forgot to eat for the first 45min-1 hour of the bike.  I only ate 1/4 of the pb&j, a few shot blocks, and 2-3 gels on the entire bike.  My problems started with not eating in the beginning, then it went down hill fast when I realized that warm endurance is awful.  I took a regular gatorade orange at the a bike aid station, and put it in my aero bottle.  It was nice and cool, I took 3-4 sips and immediately my stomach seized up to the point where I was doubled over.  I lost at least 3-4mph for the next 20 miles.

I collected myself for the run and it went well for the first 7 miles then I started to walk/run.  The first big hill crushed me because I ran up1/2 of it instead of walking.  This hills was like observatory drive on the IMWI run and I had to do it twice.  I felt better on the run because they had endurance in the cups, sponges and ice.  I eventually ate 1/4 banana about every 2 miles, and alternated with 1/4 power bar on the odd miles.  I remember thinking that I did not need to eat anything yet because I felt OK.  Boy was that wrong, I know now I need to eat to maintain.  I let my bodys stores of fuel to run out so early without eating, I needed to eat like this on the run just to get my legs to move.  The only positive thing, other than finishing the 1/2 Iron was that I learned how far I could push myself.

Not well planned out or executed.  I know I will need salt, but I know absolutely nothing about how to dose it out.  I need to revamp the whole thing.  Suggestions please.   Im thinking about trying infinite this year early in training, however, I would like to stick to what they will have on the course and endurance sits well with me.

I also would like to learn what to have at special needs.  There was an awsome dicussion here in bt just after IMWI 08 about what people put in their bags. I will need to search for it again.

Thank you for your guidance.


2008-12-21 3:48 AM
in reply to: #1862346

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - OPEN


Yes I live in "sunny" Scotland - why I've not been on my bike for weeks - it's been blowing a gale and alternating between torrential rain and frosts - yuck! (and although I have a trainer, I really struggle for motivation in the evenings, which is the only time I'd be able to get to it - need to start just using the bikes in the gym).

I think the Big Ben race will be a bit beyond me - we'll see - I'm more likely to be fit for the half-Ben - but still; it'll do me good to have a horizon target as well as a short-term goal.

I wouldn't say I was a great swimmer by any stretch, but in the tri world, I do seem to have something (presumably because most of you seem to start life as runners!Wink) - I need some kind of head start - the running's such a struggle for me!

Plan? I'm trying to follow the BT 16 week Sprint (run focussed) programme in terms of what to do and how much of each - although you'll notice that the running is exactly to time (when I get there) and the swimming and biking (normally) are done to great excess! You'll be the same with running I guess - the plan says 5 miles, but it's a nice day/ you've got time etc and suddenly you've done far more than intended!

I think Santa might be bringing me Friel's Bible next week, so the training plan may change...

In terms of a run specific plan, no there isn't one - beyond getting up to comfortably run double the distance I need for March 09, so I can really hammer it out on race day! I've been doing the minutes as per the BT plan and recently at the gym just hitting the first cross country programme I come to on the machine....


2008-12-21 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Ok so far my weekend traing isn't going too well. Unless you count Wii Bowling as a traning day I didn't get any workouts on Friday.

Saturday: 5-6 hours of breaking up ice in the driveway, some of it 4 inches thick, and I'm still not done with it. Have about two feet of the thickest section left to go.

Now it's Sunday I can't completely close either of my hands, it -4*F out there the wind is howeling and I still need to finish the driveway. YEAH WINTER!!!

I know it sounds like it but I'm not whining, as soon as someone gets up I'm headed out to finish the driveway, then off to get the last Christmas Present. Somehow I'M GONNA GET AT LEAST 30 MINUNTES ON THE TREADMILL TODAY!


2008-12-21 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1865624

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Buddaha1964 - 2008-12-21 6:52 AM Ok so far my weekend traing isn't going too well. Unless you count Wii Bowling as a traning day I didn't get any workouts on Friday. Saturday: 5-6 hours of breaking up ice in the driveway, some of it 4 inches thick, and I'm still not done with it. Have about two feet of the thickest section left to go. Now it's Sunday I can't completely close either of my hands, it -4*F out there the wind is howeling and I still need to finish the driveway. YEAH WINTER!!! I know it sounds like it but I'm not whining, as soon as someone gets up I'm headed out to finish the driveway, then off to get the last Christmas Present. Somehow I'M GONNA GET AT LEAST 30 MINUNTES ON THE TREADMILL TODAY! George

You know George, if you shovel regularly, the ice won't build up on the drive quite so bad (*duck*)  *t'hee*
2008-12-21 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
OKay, so I got up early this morning... couldn't really sleep well anyhow...
Decided to try and get on the trainer (got it in Oct - only used it once - not including this mornings try)
I don't think I have it adjusted quite right... after only a few minutes on you can TOTALLY see the wear (now I know I will need new tires in the spring after a winter on the trainer, but this seems a little absurb - I'll need my mtn tires to keep going at this rate!!)

I went back through the video that came with it and they say to do TWO complete turns (looks like after you have ever so slight contact)  When I do this there's obvious pressure on the tire (likely similar to when on the road)
Is that correct???
How is it going to be affected when I start shifting?  Should I have it in a certain gear when I mount it?

I really want to get comfy on the trainer b/c there NFWIH I'm getting outside on my bike when it's 10 degrees outside and dark!!! (people in my part of town only get out in cold dark to go to the liquor store or the corner for a deal of sorts )

PLease help 
2008-12-21 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1865666

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

geauxtri - 2008-12-21 8:32 AM OKay, so I got up early this morning... couldn't really sleep well anyhow...
Decided to try and get on the trainer (got it in Oct - only used it once - not including this mornings try)
I don't think I have it adjusted quite right... after only a few minutes on you can TOTALLY see the wear (now I know I will need new tires in the spring after a winter on the trainer, but this seems a little absurb - I'll need my mtn tires to keep going at this rate!!)

I went back through the video that came with it and they say to do TWO complete turns (looks like after you have ever so slight contact)  When I do this there's obvious pressure on the tire (likely similar to when on the road)
Is that correct???
How is it going to be affected when I start shifting?  Should I have it in a certain gear when I mount it?

I really want to get comfy on the trainer b/c there NFWIH I'm getting outside on my bike when it's 10 degrees outside and dark!!! (people in my part of town only get out in cold dark to go to the liquor store or the corner for a deal of sorts )

PLease help 

what kind of trainer do you have??

2008-12-21 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

You might want to get yourself a continental training tire for your trainer. If you decided to get a training tire I would have the bike shop mount it. They are difficult to get on without pinching the tube. We blew up one tube.

 I have a cyclops trainer. Dh set up the trainer for me. I rode on it in early spring on my regular road tires and didn't notice what you are talking about. The wear shouldn't be that evident.


2008-12-21 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Remember, something is always better than nothing!

This time of year is busy for everyone so take what you can get for workouts and don't worry about it.  Everything you do this time of year is icing on the cake.  Hit it hard after the new year.

Does anyone use paddles during swim workouts?  We have every other swim toy (pull buoy, fins, tempo, fulcrums).  I have heard that you should not use paddles unless your form is spot on or you could cause injury to your shoulder.

Anyone use a Garmin for running?  Hubby is trying to convince me that I need one!

Cycleops Fluid 2 and I am a member of the "orange tire" club.

Edited by retiretotri 2008-12-21 11:25 AM

2008-12-21 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
OMG- Id die without my garmin  I use it for runningand biking- LOVE IT
2008-12-21 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1865865

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I used to use paddles for swim training, but don't know where they are now - I am going to look them out though!

They were pretty good at improving shoulder strength and technique too as I recall. The only thing with them is they will not be appreciated in some public swim sessions - if you've ever been smacked in the face with one, you'll know why!

The one thing is to make sure and always practice an S-shape pull with them (u should be doing it anyway!) - they really make it obvious why - once the column of water is moving there's no advantage , so you need to move your hand/paddle slightly side-ways to gain purchase on fresh(stationary) water - your left arm will do an S and your right will do the mirror image!

Anyway, I've found they really helped with power; but don't use them too much---> injury time!Embarassed


PS - which Garmin?!

Edited by keefmac 2008-12-21 1:39 PM
2008-12-21 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I would not say that swimming is my strength. The only thing that saves me is a wetsuit. The buoyancy gives me a better time. By myself, in my trisuit, add 2 minutes to my 1/4 mile time. I am taking a couple private lessons in January. My first on the 13th. I have a follow up on the 27th.

Get this, she is $20 per half an hour which includes an underwater video to look my stroke. She said she will analyze my stroke and then give me the appropriate drills to help where it is weak. 

I love to swim, but just not competitively.

I should probably get the garmin? Tammy do you have the 305?

2008-12-21 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Tammy... I have a Kurt Kinetic "green machine"... thought I was ordering a badger

Tracy... funny, b/c the tires that came with my bike are continental... tri coach at work (not actually my coach, but a co-worker that does coaching) suggested that I just use these as my training tires and get better ones in the spring... and you're correct, they are HARD!!!
2008-12-21 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Hi all,

July seems like a long time off, well I guess it is, but has anyone thought about where they are going to stay for Door County?  I'm thinking I might try to get a reservation in before Jan 1st.  Any ideas?


2008-12-21 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1865794

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

RTT - I use paddles, but for only a max of 300-400 mtrs per workouts starting at 1000mtrs.  They were recomended to me to help improve my form and have really helped.  I have been told that they force you to have good form on (1)entry, so you are forced to not go too deep after entry with the outstretched hand causing you to glide more on each stroke, therefore saving energy.  And(2) the paddles force you to complete the stroke by  causing your hand to reach near full extension to the hip before lifting it out of the water for the next high elbow.  I dont know if others feel that these are good reasons, but I started using them last year and have become a much better swimmer, maybe not so much faster than efficient.

I have had a Garmin 305 for 3 years and love it.  I do not have any of the extras, but really love the HRM and the ease of downloading/viewing the data.  Julie and I have an extra 305 if you would like to try one out for a few weeks before buying.  Let me know.

2008-12-21 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1866271

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Tribadger-  I was just looking into the Hotels around there last week.  Looks like maybe three close by to the race site, and 6-7 more not too far.  I have not idea what they are like, so I will be watching for responses also.   We might want to start a new thread in the WI forum with this same question.
2008-12-21 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Ok I just put in 30 minutes on the treadmill, mostly because I wouldn't be able to post around any of you folks if I didn't at least do one thing this weekend. The wind chill was -30 so the driveway will have to wait for another day (I lasted 10 minutes out there). My two Christmas shopping turned into four hours, spent a couple of hours trying to get my oldest daughters car running. But I forced myself to the treadmill, I feel so much better now. Glad I did it.

2008-12-21 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
My first exercise related question. This hasen't come up for me yet but it will. Does anyone know what to do about a muscle on the outside of the calf. Once I start running again this muscle that runs from the knee to the ankle on the outside will get very tight after I stop. In fact it gets so tight it will stand out from my leg about 1/4" the entire length. I'm not sure what to do about this one. It will stop once I get to were I'm running two plus miles at a time but it makes it very difficult to get back to that level.

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