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2009-01-07 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1892097

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New user

Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

I may be young but definately not a club head, HOWEVER I find that techno music really gets me going.  There is a song called cocaine by DJ power I think it is, and This time by Dj Antoine.  Rage Against the Machine, Girl Talk, Bloc Party, Red Jump Suit APparatus, Strokes, Moby, The white stripes, 50 cent....just top of my head.

2009-01-07 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) What bike are you riding now? What is your dream bike? 

I'm currently riding a 2009 Giant TCR Advanced 1, its a great bike, but I don't really have much to base that on.

My dream tri-bike is a Specialized S-Works Transition, with a Zipp sub-9 rear and a 808 up front.  That would be awsome!!!  

2) What type of running shoes are you running in and how often do you switch them out (miles)? 

I'm currently running in Salomon Trail Runners, there a little heavy but I really like them for training, for racing I use my Nike Lunar Racers.  I switch them when they get worn out  

3) How long is your pool (25m, 25 yards, 50 m)? 


4) Have you ever done an open water swim? 

Yes, it was pretty gnarly 

5) Do you alwasy ride with a helmet? 

Doesn't everyone???

6) Do you run with head phones or run in the nude (my way of describing my music-less runs)? 

 Both, it depends on how I'm feeling.  I'm still looking for earphones that don't fall out after 2 miles


2009-01-08 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1889204

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) What bike are you riding now? What is your dream bike?

Over the holiday break, I "borrowed" a bike from a friend (doesnt use it anymore), custom stowe frame, havent been able to ride it yet, only concern with it so far is that it has spinergy rev x wheels front and back, so Im kind of concerned about the whole catastrophic failure problem (  any thoughts?

2) What type of running shoes are you running in and how often do you switch them out (miles)?

Brooks Defyance, first pair of running shoes that Ive ever bought

3) How long is your pool (25m, 25 yards, 50 m)?


4) Have you ever done an open water swim?


5) Do you alwasy ride with a helmet?


6) Do you run with head phones or run in the nude (my way of describing my music-less runs)?

Always run with headphones, mostly listen to metal (slipknot, lamb of god, older metallica) and some rap (biggie)

2009-01-08 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1861368

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
New Poll:

1) Favorite Athlete
2) Favorite Sport
3) Favorite Comfort Food
4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode
2009-01-08 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1861368

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
My Answers:

1) Favorite Athlete--Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordon
2) Favorite Sport--Soccer
3) Favorite Comfort Food--Pizza
4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode--Do I tell it? I used to have a lot of intestine trouble when running (probably because I was always out of shape and ate like crap--pun intended). That is all you are getting on that one.

I tend to cough until I vomit after racing. I don't know why...I'm not running that fast and I do not cough while racing. Ten minutes after the race the coughing starts and does not stop until I vomit. It can get embarassing if there are a lot of people around but I try to find a place by myself. BOth times I have done the 5430 HIM in Boulder were the worst. My friends thought I was dying and last year one had a camera. Pictures of me vomiting are a great race keepsake.
2009-01-08 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1895032

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) Favorite Athlete--tough one, growing up Roger Clemens was my favorite baseball player, I liked the intensity that he brought playing and training, but things havent gone so well for him recently

2) Favorite Sport--baseball

3) Favorite Comfort Food--beer???  probably pasta

4) Most Embarassing Episode--havent been training long enough to have anything bad happen, although it will probably be some sort of throwing up, Ill keep everyone updated.  I told my sister that she needs to be standing by at the end of any race shes at to be ready to take pictures for some funny memories.

2009-01-08 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) Favorite Athlete - Joe Montana

2) Favorite Sport - College Basketball
3) Favorite Comfort Food - Mac & Cheese
4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode - It's a tie, coming out of the swim into T1 and mixing up my landmarks and being a world away from my bike & Watching an illinois basketball game (regular season) come down to the last second 3 pointer, thrown up in the air... will it go???? BAM! fell of the treadmill.

2009-01-08 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1895032

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) As a kid it was easily Jordan.  I grew up playing hours of b'ball everyday so I definitely idolized him.  But I also love Steve Smith (Panthers recevier).  He always leaves everything he has on the field and very few teams can slow him down even with a double team.  If the game is on the line, chunk his way and more than likely he'll make the play.

2) Basketball- college mostly but I enjoy the NBA around May and June.

3) Pizza

4) I don't think I've been training long enough to have any embarrassing moments yet.

2009-01-08 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1895014

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
Survey Says...

1) Favorite Athlete - I would have to say Steve Prefontaine, I was too young to know him while alive but I have read Without Limits a dozen times, seen both of the movies a half dozen times and I never fail to be in awe of the man. All my modern day favorites end up letting me down, yah you Lance, Tyler and Floyd.

2) Favorite Sport
World Cub Dual Mogul Skiing and Bike Racing are my only spectator sports

3) Favorite Comfort Foods
Where do I start, Thai, Cajun, Italian, Etheopian, BBQ

4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode
You mean besides having to take my shirt off twice a week in front of two other neighborhood ladies who swim at the same pool? And by swim, I mean like swim much much faster than me as well.

The most embarassing during racing was being tapped on a shoulder during my first open water swim Tri and realizing that I had turned over 90 degrees to the course and was actually swimming away from the swim finish.

Or coming out of swim DFL.

Or .........
2009-01-08 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1895610

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
bvfrompc - 2009-01-08 1:38 PM

Survey Says...

1) Favorite Athlete - I would have to say Steve Prefontaine,

Absolutely. Pre was an incredible athlete. Everything about him inspires me. Everyone should netflix "Without Limits" if you ahven't seen it. The other movie is good too.
2009-01-08 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1895014

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
1) Favorite Athlete

Hands down - Lance Armstrong! Also Christie Wellington

2) Favorite Sport

To watch - tennis if Roger Federer is playing
To play - biking

3) Favorite Comfort Food


4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode

Probably would have to be last summer at a sprint tri. I had my bike set up in the first row near the exit, everything was all ready to go. When I ran in from the swim I ran down the completely wrong row, couldn't find my husband harrassed me about that for weeks.

2009-01-08 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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New user

Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) Favorite Athlete--ahh, probably derek lee.  not a huge sports finatic.
2) Favorite Sport--baseball, football
3) Favorite Comfort Food-- quesadillas, with the works
4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode-- Probably my first tri, the chicago sprint.  Of course, running late with my parents, t minus 15 minutes before transition closes(!) and I don't have time to check my bike before setting up my stuff, since we had to take the front wheel off to get it in the suburban.  swim goes well, get on the bike, and then ENITRE 14 mi or w/e it is, the wheel is shaking and sqeeling.  Being the newbee I am with limited bike skills, I don't dare get off my bike and try to fix the problem.  The bike takes me over an hour if memory serves me and I had probably 3 or 4 ppl ride up from behind me and tell me my bike was shaking, lol.  And, on top of it all, I didn't pass up a single person.  Men and women well into their sixties and seventies passing me up.  It was a long day. 

 My favorites would have to be whoever fell of the treadmill, that's awesome.  And I think cameron needs to post this video he speaks of.  any seconds??

2009-01-09 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1861368

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
I'll see if I can get the photos for everyone. The friend that has them (college roommate) holds on to those for blackmail later. I know some stuff that his wife does not know about his life before they met that he doesn't want her to know. What a friend huh! Well I might deserve it as our 24 hour relay team all mooned his cell phone and made it his wallpaer wihtout his knowledge and he is still bitter. He is coming over for dinner tomorrow night and I'll see what I can get out of him.

Has anyone completed in a 24 hour relay? I belong to a group who does one every year in a different part of the country. 200 miles in 24 hours is quite a challenge. Not the running but surviving the smells and sleep deprivation.

2009-01-09 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1897588

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) What bike are you riding now? What is your dream bike? 

I just bought a Women's Fuji Silhouette for $1,000.00 (retail $2,500) while I was on vacation at home in California.  It is being shipped to me soooo..I haven't really rode it yet. :-)

I have not been in this game long enough to have a dream bike.

2) What type of running shoes are you running in and how often do you switch them out (miles)? 

New Balance 1010 with custom orthotics!

3) How long is your pool (25m, 25 yards, 50 m)? 

25 yards

4) Have you ever done an open water swim? 

No. I wish.

5) Do you alwasy ride with a helmet? 

Yes. Before I got into this I used to faithfully ride a mountain bike and yes - always with a helmet.  I have been hit by three cars in my bike lifetime (one where I went over the hood).  God only knows what may have happened without the helmet.  Besides I hail from California where they are really into their helmet laws.

6) Do you run with head phones or run in the nude (my way of describing my music-less runs)? 

Head phones. Unless I am with my team outside - then in the nude. :-) Kewt.

 Nice poll.


2009-01-09 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) Favorite Athlete

My friend, Todd, who, in the NYC Marathon last year, came in only 20 minutes behind Lance Armstrong. 

2) Favorite Sport

Nascar Racing and Swimming

3) Favorite Comfort Food

Chocolate - Organic all natural please.

4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode

Having my pants fall down in the gym because I was losing so much weight.  Good thing.  But man was it embarassing.  Also, same problem with shirt.  The shirt was coming down off my shoulders and exposing my - female-ness.


2009-01-10 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

1) Favorite Athlete 

Malcolm Smith

2) Favorite Sport

Motorcycle Racing - any kind 

3) Favorite Comfort Food 

Thai food 

4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode

none so far, crossing my fingers 

2009-01-10 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
alright so i took the protein bars to work and there wasn't a great response.  I'm going to keep tweaking the recipe... i would like a more dense/more crunchy consistency.  Any bakers know how i could achieve this?  I can cook but clearly can't bake.
2009-01-10 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL

Bike fit question:

I have a question to all of the bike experts.  This christmas i got a great pair of budget clip on aero bars which have so far been nothing short of amazing for the time spent on the trainer and because I ride a road bike i've moved the seat forward on the rails as far as it will go and even tilted it very slightly forward.

The problem i've run into is that now when i'm in the aero position spinning I am sliding forward so that the only part where i'm making contact is on the very front of the saddle in a much more sensitive part of my body.  Is this something I can fix by moving the seat on the rails backwards a little bit?  Or should I take the tilt out of it all together?  A mix of both?  Also when i'm up on the hoods it is slightly bareable ride but if i lean back to take a drink or something and lift up from the handle bars i cannot do it at all.  It feels like it's tilted too far forward and i'm constantly falling forward.  Should i take the tilt out?  I wanted to ask here before i went and played trial an error - i'm not the best bike adjuster out there.  If it'll help I can see if my fiancee can snap some pictures of me on the bike so we can get a better idea of the fit.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

2009-01-12 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1900083

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
jtaddei - 2009-01-10 5:49 PM

alright so i took the protein bars to work and there wasn't a great response.  I'm going to keep tweaking the recipe... i would like a more dense/more crunchy consistency.  Any bakers know how i could achieve this?  I can cook but clearly can't bake.

Would adding oatmeal help?
2009-01-12 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1900337

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
jtaddei - 2009-01-10 9:32 PM

Bike fit question:

I have a question to all of the bike experts.  This christmas i got a great pair of budget clip on aero bars which have so far been nothing short of amazing for the time spent on the trainer and because I ride a road bike i've moved the seat forward on the rails as far as it will go and even tilted it very slightly forward.

The problem i've run into is that now when i'm in the aero position spinning I am sliding forward so that the only part where i'm making contact is on the very front of the saddle in a much more sensitive part of my body.  Is this something I can fix by moving the seat on the rails backwards a little bit?  Or should I take the tilt out of it all together?  A mix of both?  Also when i'm up on the hoods it is slightly bareable ride but if i lean back to take a drink or something and lift up from the handle bars i cannot do it at all.  It feels like it's tilted too far forward and i'm constantly falling forward.  Should i take the tilt out?  I wanted to ask here before i went and played trial an error - i'm not the best bike adjuster out there.  If it'll help I can see if my fiancee can snap some pictures of me on the bike so we can get a better idea of the fit.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

I would take the tilt out of the seat. Although it seems like the saddle would be more comfortable, it is designed to be flat with you tail bones on the widest part of the saddle. I used try the same thing (tilting hte saddle) but I would find myself always pushing backwards. Another potential issure (which a picture could help diagnose) is that the bikes stem (part that holds the handle bar) is too long. This would put the aerobars too far forward causing you to be stretch out and slipping forward. Bike fit is tough. Let me know if you get any pictures.
2009-01-12 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1898655

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
dbw27 - 2009-01-09 4:18 PM

1) Favorite Athlete

My friend, Todd, who, in the NYC Marathon last year, came in only 20 minutes behind Lance Armstrong. 

2) Favorite Sport

Nascar Racing and Swimming

3) Favorite Comfort Food

Chocolate - Organic all natural please.

4) Most Embarassing Race or Training Episode

Having my pants fall down in the gym because I was losing so much weight.  Good thing.  But man was it embarassing.  Also, same problem with shirt.  The shirt was coming down off my shoulders and exposing my - female-ness.


I'd love to have my pants fall down. Right now my wardrobe is getting smaller as I contiunally have to put away my skinny pants. Happened again this morning--I couldn't get a pair of slacks buttoned. My wife says it is the beer I drink. I think she is right so no more beer for me this month and let's see if I lose any weight.

2009-01-12 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1900337

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
jtaddei - 2009-01-10 10:32 PM

Bike fit question:

I have a question to all of the bike experts.  This christmas i got a great pair of budget clip on aero bars which have so far been nothing short of amazing for the time spent on the trainer and because I ride a road bike i've moved the seat forward on the rails as far as it will go and even tilted it very slightly forward.

The problem i've run into is that now when i'm in the aero position spinning I am sliding forward so that the only part where i'm making contact is on the very front of the saddle in a much more sensitive part of my body.  Is this something I can fix by moving the seat on the rails backwards a little bit?  Or should I take the tilt out of it all together?  A mix of both?  Also when i'm up on the hoods it is slightly bareable ride but if i lean back to take a drink or something and lift up from the handle bars i cannot do it at all.  It feels like it's tilted too far forward and i'm constantly falling forward.  Should i take the tilt out?  I wanted to ask here before i went and played trial an error - i'm not the best bike adjuster out there.  If it'll help I can see if my fiancee can snap some pictures of me on the bike so we can get a better idea of the fit.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

What size aero bars are you using? I think a big problem roadies turned triathletes have is using full size clip-ons on a road bike. This stretches you out way too far or makes you put the seat way to far forward for what a road bike sis meant to handle. If this is the case for you, I would spend some time on and read about the 'Slam" position. It talks about how to set up a road bike for Triathlons.

Before I bought my tri-bike, I had 230mm (XS) Vision clip-on bars (with a 110 stem) on my road bike.

On my tri bike I have 290mm (XL) Vision clip-on bars (with a 120 stem).

With the XS bars I didn't need to adjust my road position at all and I was to retain the position and handling of my road position on my road bike.

On the seat, if your not comfortable with your seat being level, you may need to lower it a mm or 2. I have found that having a level seat is important to relieve pressure on my arms and shoulders from the sliding effect. Lowering it also brings it slightly forward (two birds in one).

Pics with you on the bike also help a lot in diagnosing over the web, and they are great fun to critique everything from your position to your house and anything else visible in the pic:-)

Edited by bvfrompc 2009-01-12 11:14 AM
2009-01-12 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1902290

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Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
bvfrompc - 2009-01-12 10:12 AM

jtaddei - 2009-01-10 10:32 PM

Bike fit question:

I have a question to all of the bike experts.  This christmas i got a great pair of budget clip on aero bars which have so far been nothing short of amazing for the time spent on the trainer and because I ride a road bike i've moved the seat forward on the rails as far as it will go and even tilted it very slightly forward.

The problem i've run into is that now when i'm in the aero position spinning I am sliding forward so that the only part where i'm making contact is on the very front of the saddle in a much more sensitive part of my body.  Is this something I can fix by moving the seat on the rails backwards a little bit?  Or should I take the tilt out of it all together?  A mix of both?  Also when i'm up on the hoods it is slightly bareable ride but if i lean back to take a drink or something and lift up from the handle bars i cannot do it at all.  It feels like it's tilted too far forward and i'm constantly falling forward.  Should i take the tilt out?  I wanted to ask here before i went and played trial an error - i'm not the best bike adjuster out there.  If it'll help I can see if my fiancee can snap some pictures of me on the bike so we can get a better idea of the fit.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

What size aero bars are you using? I think a big problem roadies turned triathletes have is using full size clip-ons on a road bike. This stretches you out way too far or makes you put the seat way to far forward for what a road bike sis meant to handle. If this is the case for you, I would spend some time on and read about the 'Slam" position. It talks about how to set up a road bike for Triathlons.

Before I bought my tri-bike, I had 230mm (XS) Vision clip-on bars (with a 110 stem) on my road bike.

On my tri bike I have 290mm (XL) Vision clip-on bars (with a 120 stem).

With the XS bars I didn't need to adjust my road position at all and I was to retain the position and handling of my road position on my road bike.

On the seat, if your not comfortable with your seat being level, you may need to lower it a mm or 2. I have found that having a level seat is important to relieve pressure on my arms and shoulders from the sliding effect. Lowering it also brings it slightly forward (two birds in one).

Pics with you on the bike also help a lot in diagnosing over the web, and they are great fun to critique everything from your position to your house and anything else visible in the pic:-)

Another option since you are in Colorado is for us to get together to see if we can help with the bike fit. Bob lives in Golden and I am in Louisville. I'm in Denver everyday and am also willing to ride anywhere. Is this something you would be interested in?

Send us pictures to just for the critique of your carpet or kitchen cabinets anyway!
2009-01-12 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1902555

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
cayrip - 2009-01-12 12:52 PM
bvfrompc - 2009-01-12 10:12 AM
jtaddei - 2009-01-10 10:32 PM

Bike fit question:

I have a question to all of the bike experts.  This christmas i got a great pair of budget clip on aero bars which have so far been nothing short of amazing for the time spent on the trainer and because I ride a road bike i've moved the seat forward on the rails as far as it will go and even tilted it very slightly forward.

The problem i've run into is that now when i'm in the aero position spinning I am sliding forward so that the only part where i'm making contact is on the very front of the saddle in a much more sensitive part of my body.  Is this something I can fix by moving the seat on the rails backwards a little bit?  Or should I take the tilt out of it all together?  A mix of both?  Also when i'm up on the hoods it is slightly bareable ride but if i lean back to take a drink or something and lift up from the handle bars i cannot do it at all.  It feels like it's tilted too far forward and i'm constantly falling forward.  Should i take the tilt out?  I wanted to ask here before i went and played trial an error - i'm not the best bike adjuster out there.  If it'll help I can see if my fiancee can snap some pictures of me on the bike so we can get a better idea of the fit.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

What size aero bars are you using? I think a big problem roadies turned triathletes have is using full size clip-ons on a road bike. This stretches you out way too far or makes you put the seat way to far forward for what a road bike sis meant to handle. If this is the case for you, I would spend some time on and read about the 'Slam" position. It talks about how to set up a road bike for Triathlons. Before I bought my tri-bike, I had 230mm (XS) Vision clip-on bars (with a 110 stem) on my road bike. On my tri bike I have 290mm (XL) Vision clip-on bars (with a 120 stem). With the XS bars I didn't need to adjust my road position at all and I was to retain the position and handling of my road position on my road bike. On the seat, if your not comfortable with your seat being level, you may need to lower it a mm or 2. I have found that having a level seat is important to relieve pressure on my arms and shoulders from the sliding effect. Lowering it also brings it slightly forward (two birds in one). Pics with you on the bike also help a lot in diagnosing over the web, and they are great fun to critique everything from your position to your house and anything else visible in the pic:-)
Another option since you are in Colorado is for us to get together to see if we can help with the bike fit. Bob lives in Golden and I am in Louisville. I'm in Denver everyday and am also willing to ride anywhere. Is this something you would be interested in? Send us pictures to just for the critique of your carpet or kitchen cabinets anyway!

you know that'd be awesome to have you guys over and have one of those beers that you need to stop drinking... but i don't live in colorado.  I live in Aurora, IL - which if any of you are familiar with wayne's world... is a suburb of Chicago IL.  I'll see if i can get some pics over the next few days, i'm going to go do a run (thank you treadmills so i can run in a blizzard) tonight so I can't tonight, and am going to likely spin tomorrow morning before the lady wakes up.  I'll post the pics to my album and then refer to them here or post on your guys blog to let you know. 

I'll give some of these fit tips a try tonight (wont do any spinning longer than 5 minutes though).  Of to go work out!

2009-01-12 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1861368

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: cayrip's group - FULL
I think we should all meet in Atlanta and drink the beer that no one is supposed to be drinking! I'm just saying...
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