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2009-01-23 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
What does a tune up from the LBS cost you, and about how long does it take?  I have a couple good shops down here I can take my bike to but I'm not really sure what to expect when it come to maintenance.  So far I feel like my bike is riding pretty good so I might not take the bike for a tune up until shortly before my race in March.

2009-01-23 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
At my shop a basic tune up costs about $20, but since I bought the bike there I get free lifetime service. Items like new chain (every 1500-2000miles) and new cables (every 3 years or so) are extra. They do a more detailed drive train clean/ bearing repack for $59.99 and I did that after my 4th season with my bike. My LBS also offers fittings and they helped me dial in my position once I bought my aerobars (again since I bought the aerobars and bike at the store I got a complementary fitting). Fittings can run from $20 to $200 dollars (usally the more expensive ones can be creditted towards the purchase of a bike using that info), but to be honest the basic fit I got was pretty darn good.

Well I actually hit the pool today for my first swim of 2009, thanks everyone for providing the motivation!!
2009-01-24 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1884401


Buffalo, NY
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Happy Weekend All!  This has been a heck of a week,  I didn't even have a chance to update my training log.  Participation on the forum has been nil and as I type my wife is nagging to chores.  Every day this week I have been up at 4:30 AM to workout and have not returned home until 9:00 PM.  To top it all off my 10 year old had hockey practice at 6:00 am this morning.

It has been great having the forum updates sent to my blackberry.  It has kept me motivated to keep working and having gentle reminders to keep moving forward.  I will try to participate more but for now "Thanks!" to you all.


2009-01-24 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1919522

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Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I was debating the road vs. tri, but I think I feel comfortable on the Tri. Thanks for tip on the Cervello. I thought they were out of my range! There are a couple of bike shops in the area, actually the oldest bike shop in the country is in Princeton down the road from me, so maybe we'll make a day of it.
2009-01-24 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Well I'm on a roll now! 2 swims the last 2 days after none all year.
On the weekends I like to do an indoor cycling class at the YMCA first thing in the morning. I enjoy these classes, as I started earlier, because it is a great change of pace from riding alone on the trainer all week. You get to workout with a group of people and it doesn't matter that we all are at different ability levels, we can all enjoy the same routine, music and comraderie together. Plus it is a great interval workout. From there I was able to get in a run and swim around my boys karate class. When they are testing (once a month) it is a 2 hour class, which gives me time time to do both and watch (the indoor track goes around the room for the karate.

Doing an occassional triple (all three disiplines in one day) in the off season is a great confidence booster when you are closing in one your first race, or first race of the season. Plus you work all the major muscule groups. Adjust the time per disipline to your own level and have fun!

2009-01-24 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1926827

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Biancamano - 2009-01-24 12:49 PM  the oldest bike shop in the country is in Princeton down the road from me, so maybe we'll make a day of it.

 Do you mean Kopp's?  I used to work around the corner from there when I was in college.  I'd ride my mountain bike from New Brunswick and had to go there for tubes.  Great shop.

2009-01-25 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

YEs, nice guys. I think Princeton has more bikers and runners per capita than any other town in the US.  Jay's is very good too, down the road on 27.  We went to a couple shops and everytime was impressed at how nice the bike sales people were.  No one tried to push anything and they described the pluses and minuses of bikes, makers, features etc.  I seem to be gravitating towards the Jamis Comet or Trilogy, not only because of price but it seems they have all the features I need without the bells and whistles I don't. Plus the local bike shop features them and should I have any problems, they're the closest.

I looked at a couple of Fuji, Trak, Cannondale and Specialized and still was leaning towards Jamis.    

2009-01-26 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Being so new to this tri stuff everytime I head out for a workout I always learn something new.  Yesterday I went for a ride and wanted it to simulate the bike leg during a race so I wore tri shorts and stayed in aero the whole time.  When the ride was done I noticed that  my hammies seemed to be way more active in the aero position.  They needed a nice stretch after I was done.  I also noticed that I had some chafing to deal with.  Part of it was due to the less-padded tri shorts so I need to use body glide or shammy cream next time.  Ultimately I think it stemmed from sitting more on the nose of the saddle in the aero position which doesn't seem to be as forgiving.  Has me thinking about that Adamo saddle that's missing the front couple inches of saddle.  That looks like the bit that was bothering me.  Lastly, I learned that having Vindaloo curry and dal the night before a long ride is not a good choice if you don't want to belch for the first hour of your ride.  
2009-01-26 10:40 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Come on now Pete, what was wrong with re experiencing your dinner the next morning? Chamosis cream or a product like udder butter works really well to prevent chaffing on those long rides

I've been a bit sick the last couple days. Depending on what you come down with you can continue to workout. A good rule of thumb is of the symptoms are from the neck up, you can usually work out. If the symptoms progress to your chest down then I is normally best to skip your workout that day. For me I have a cold and I always find that one I get going, I have no issues with breathing or my coughing, so it is like a temporary reprieve (but it comes back unfortunately.)

2009-01-26 11:14 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Another thing to remember during cold and flu season, don't forget to hyrdrate. This time of year, it is not as hot or humid so we don't sweat as much, but that doesn't mean you can forget about hydrating. If you get dehydrated you are more suscptible to getting sick, so a great way to boost your immune system and recover quicker is to stay hydrated.

Just so Pete doesn't feel left out, don't forget the sunscreen!
2009-01-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1930818

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
southwestmba - 2009-01-26 9:14 PM

Just so Pete doesn't feel left out, don't forget the sunscreen!

I wish......

2009-01-27 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Ok confession time. Normally I am very good about minding my own business and doing my own workout/ sticking with my plan reguardless of what is going on around me.
But the are a few thing that just light that fuze and this mild mannered guy turns into a vendictive SOB. When ever I am workout out on a treadmill and I notice the person next to me checking out my board and then trying to one up me (go faster). I don't know why but to me that is just throwing down the guantlet and I end up setting a trap and running the other person into the ground. Its really bad when I notice than during my warmup. Today I was going at 6.8 mph to warm up when I noticed the guy next to me look several times then bump up to 6.9. So i tried to ignore it and at 10 min I go to 7.0. The guy bumps to 7.1. Ok now its on!, Every 10 min I go up 0.5mph until I'm at 8.5 mph (7:04 min/mile). I accomplished my goal by 7.5 mph after run quit playing and dropped the spped and bailed out after I made my last increase.
I did follow that up with 40 min on the stationary bike at a good clip.

I do feel bad, but I end up with a very high quality workout.

Keep Charging
2009-01-28 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1932653

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Ok, so now I feel completely deprived for not working out in a public gym!


2009-01-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Andy, do you think using a treadmill helps you establish a pace on the run in races?   Did my first 5 mile + run today since my tendonitis popped up a couple months ago and I was disgusted by my pace.  On the one hand I really wasn't much slower than I was when I was running more regularly, but I felt weak aerobically.  I feel like I have two speeds: slow and slightly less slow.  At slow speed I plod along.  As less slow speed I feel like my HR soars.  I need to get to less than 10:00/mile if I want to have any shot of breaking 3:00 in an oli distance and I wonder if there's any way to pace myself so I can run a split less than 10:00 but not have my HR above 170 for the duration.  It's like I feel comfortable running when I get in that autopilot mode where I don't have to think about my feet.  The problem is my autopilot is set at 10:30/mile.  I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to find a treadmill to teach myself how to run at a pace I want to be able to race at.  I'm not sure how to accomplish that when I'm just out on the road.
2009-01-28 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1932653

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Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

You do realize thats sort of a Monty Python skit waiting to happen!  But I do have the same thing when I run outside.  In my neighborhood there are a few dozen runners (my wife being one but thats a whole 'nother story!). Occasionally I'll start my run and another runner will be 10 yards ahead or behind,  and thats when the competitive fire kicks in.  When the weather breaks my runs are usually under 9:00 per mile, I think thats because there are more runners outside!

Speaking of Treadmills, I have been having a problem with my Pacemaster Silver Select. Seems when I try and go above 6.0 the speed blinks and it never gets up to speed. I first noticed  when my heart rate would not go above 135 when I was running at 6.5 (It should be 148-50 at that speed)  Seems if I hold the rails, and "stabilize it",  it works fine. but at 6'3" and 215 this is pretty tough. Its still under warranty and had it serviced and the only thing he could figure out was it may need a new electrical board which he will put in Friday.    He waxed it and it helps a bit, but it still not perfect. We'll see...anyone ever have a similar problem?

2009-01-28 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I do think one of the things a treadmill is good for is teaching yourself what a pace should feel like, and the effort it takes to maintain a constant pace as you get tired. Also coming back from an injury most treadmills have padding so they injury less pounding than the road does. As far as working up your speed, I like to pick a speed do that a few workouts till it starts to feel easier, then bump up the speed and do the next several workouts at that spped and repeat. Your body will adapt and become more efficient at one speed, and once you start to feel that add some new stress by picking things up. This is sort of a slow process but after several weeks you will notice that you can hold a higher pace with a lower heart rate especially when you take it back outside. Hope that helps

As far as the treadmill troubles go, I would have them troubleshoot and fix it especally if you have a warrenty. Fortunately my treadmill lasted almost 9 years without any major problems, other than having to adjust the belt (if the belt starts slipping adjust to 2 set screws on the back to increase the tension.)

2009-01-28 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Today was just one of those days I really wanted to skip my workout and grab McDonald's. I had to battle frozen rain, slush, idiot drivers just to get to work this morning. Then it was a very lon very busy extra long day, so I just had a negative attitude. But when I got back, I convinced myself just to do a short workout, and once I got going I ended up doing a good full workout and just felt great afterwards. A small victory of willpower over laziness was very rewarding tonight.

2009-01-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

I have an interesting excuse for missing all my swim workouts this week.  Because  I live in Florida all my workouts are out of doors, including my swims which are all in the open ocean.  This week is the annual spinner shark migration.  These sharks (plus a few random hammerheads and bulls) follow bait fish as they make their way south.  A local TV helicopter filmed a school of about a thousand working south the other day just a few miles north of me.  I'm a diver and spearfisherman so I'm very used to sharks, but I figured it might be wiser to stay dry and avoid looking like lunch.  It was dead calm today so I was kinda bummed to miss out on a swim today.  Then I'm wondering if maybe I'm was just being too cautious.  Thos sharks swim pretty fast.  They've got to be way south of me by now, right?  

As it turns out, I think I'm gonna skip the ocean for another week.  I'm on the bike on the way back home this AM riding right by the beach when I see a 5 foot shark leap out of the water, spinning like a top.  This is maybe 40 feet from shore, closer than I usually swim.  I've come up with plenty of excuses to miss workouts, but I didn't expect that "potential shark attack" would be one of them.

2009-01-30 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1937423

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Spleen - 2009-01-30 8:45 AM

I have an interesting excuse for missing all my swim workouts this week.  Because  I live in Florida all my workouts are out of doors, including my swims which are all in the open ocean.  This week is the annual spinner shark migration.  These sharks (plus a few random hammerheads and bulls) follow bait fish as they make their way south.  A local TV helicopter filmed a school of about a thousand working south the other day just a few miles north of me.  I'm a diver and spearfisherman so I'm very used to sharks, but I figured it might be wiser to stay dry and avoid looking like lunch.  It was dead calm today so I was kinda bummed to miss out on a swim today.  Then I'm wondering if maybe I'm was just being too cautious.  Thos sharks swim pretty fast.  They've got to be way south of me by now, right?  

As it turns out, I think I'm gonna skip the ocean for another week.  I'm on the bike on the way back home this AM riding right by the beach when I see a 5 foot shark leap out of the water, spinning like a top.  This is maybe 40 feet from shore, closer than I usually swim.  I've come up with plenty of excuses to miss workouts, but I didn't expect that "potential shark attack" would be one of them.

I am such a wuss about swimming in the ocean, this would freak me out for more than a week or two! Just the thought of it makes me squirm.
2009-01-30 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I think we need a picture before we can grant your excuse. (This coming from someone who has only made it to the pool twice this year.)
We had series of Mountain Lion sitings at the park I used to run in, which made you think a bit, but then I realized I didn't have to outrun the lion, just whomever I was running with (just kidding . I avoided that park for the next 6 months.)
2009-01-30 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1938253

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

southwestmba - 2009-01-30 6:13 PM I think we need a picture before we can grant your excuse.

Here ya go

2009-01-31 5:46 AM
in reply to: #1884401

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Too much excitement for me.

I don't have to worry about either here in Nova Scotia. I guess that is one of the upside benefits of living where I do.

While I can't use wildlife as an excuse for training, I have been out all week with a nasty cold/flu. It's been quite a bummer and hopefully I am getting on the better side of it...

2009-01-31 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Makes outrunning that dog around the corner seem not such a big deal anymore....
2009-01-31 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Wow. Ok I guess you have a free pass to skip your ocean swims for a while.
Great job everyone this month. This time of year can be a challenge to stay motivated, but you guys have done a great job rolling with the punches. Four weeks of snow, wind, wild animals, potential shark attacks, colds, and flu, and we are still doing what we can.

What is everyone's race schedule looking like this year? (ie what have you actually signed up for and paid the entrance fee). Right now it looks like the first race in this group will be Pete at the Miami Internation Triathlon (Olympic distance in March). Right now I am only committed to Ironman UK in August and the Rev 3 Tri (HIM) in Ct in June. I plan on signing up for more but I have to figure out my schedule.

Wanna hear something cool? Triathlon is a pretty unique sport in that even MOPer can get sponsorship opportunities. In 2007 I was selected for Team Javelin (Very limitted sponsorship, basically they send you a jersey to wear at your race but a Sugoi for Shipping and handling is a good deal), last year I was selected for Team Zoot/Gu (again limitted but got a uniform, and great deals on GU nutrional products/ Zoot clothing/Helmets and other stuff). This year I just got selected for Team Trakkers. They are marketing a GPS device which can be used to track and athlete real time when they are racing or training, and you can down load your workout information. They are planning a big roll out at the Rev3 Tri, combining the GPS technology with race timing and scoring and live video feeds through the course. Should be pretty cool. I actually have a contract to sign on this deal. As triathlon isn't the best spectator sport, especially for kids, this product should be a great help to allow your family to know where you are and be ready to cheer you on. Personally, my wife and kids missed me crossing the finish line at IM FL and missed the chance to cross the line with me at Kona. This product can help prevent your biggest supporters and fans from missing out in these once in a lifetime moments. I will be helping them test the pre production units this winter and spring, as well as being a swim/biking/running billboard. I'll let you know more about this as we get to see this product in action.

Only in a sport as cool as triathlon can a MOPer like me land a real sponsorship opportunity and have teammates like Bree Wee (Pro Woman Triathlete and top female amature at Kona in 2007) and Carol Sharpless (Pro triathlete and Ironaman Champion) .

As I have said before, you never know where this sport will take you. Have fun and enjoy the ride!

"The harder I work, the luckier I get"
2009-02-01 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Ok Super Bowl Sunday!!! What did you do today to justify and evening of not so healthy food and drinks? Gotta root for the Steelers tonight. They are the other team in Pennsylvania and I was a Steelers fan growing up in the Bradshaw-Swann- Franco Harris-Steel Curtain Days. That and I can't root for the team that busted out my Eagles!!!!

I went out and did a semi long run this afternoon as the weather gods are giving us a temporary reprieve on winter (today only, snow and wintery mix the next few days) as it snuck up to the low 50s. Ran for 7.61 miles of rolling hills and no traffic. Now its time to make some dinner (actually I am doing good this year's menu Shrimp and Lingunni, cheese bread, and popcorn for the game.)

Have fun and hopefully the game will be as entertaining as the commercials this year.


Edited by southwestmba 2009-02-01 3:42 PM
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